If MJREDS OF FINE OFFERS In Homes, Lots, Real Estate Investments audi Farms Thousands of peoplohavebecomo Mich by Reading Wamt-Adls the One Opportunity may be here for ED TODAY! yen-Look lor It Now. :, PAST FIVE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART FIVE The Omaha Sunday ' Bee WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT The Real Estate and Want -Ad Guide To All of Greater Omaha VOL. XLVl NO. 6. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Want-Ad Rates kCAHII WITH ORDER, per word each Insertion (8t solid no display.) Ada Paragraphed or Sat In Display Style. lo pr Una ona time lo per Una throe consecutive times (Count six words to the line.) CHARGE RATES t lo per Una one time 7o per line three consecutive times (Count six words to the lino.) Special Rates t Farm and Ranch Lands. to per line each Insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFI CATION'S. Je par word one time lUc par word.... s,. three consecutive times NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF SOo OB LESS THAN 10c A DAY CARD XtT THANKS, DEATH AND FU- NERAL NOTICES. lOo par line each Insertion (Minimum charge 59 cents.) Monthly Rate for standing ads (no change of copy) U-80 per Una (Count six words to the line.f (Contraot rates on application.) THE BEE will not be responsible for more than ona Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for mora than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain re&elpU given by The Bea In payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and yoo will re ceive the asms good service as when de livering your ad at the office, PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS - MORNING EDITIONS V...9.0Q P. M. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. ME DIN Andrew, July 20, 1116. aged 19 years. Funeral Sunday at 1:80 p. m. from Swedish Huston church. Twenty-third and Davenport streets. Interment, Forest Lawn. Monuments and Cemeteries. BEAUTIFUL markers, tablets and crosses for unmarked graves, pure white cement, 12. GO to $7.(0. Write for circular. See sam ples 648 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Phone Douglas 8611. Redman Grave Marker Co. Baumelster Monument Works, mausoleums, All kinds markers, 18th and Charles. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY & JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral dlrectora. 71 7 S. 1 6th. Tyler 1676. H. K. BURKET A SON Funeral directors and embalmer, 2904 Leavenworth. Har. 90. HULSE & RIEPEN, undertakers and em balmers, 701 S. ltth St. Douglas 1226. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants, Art comDinauons, snipped every where. Excellent service to our custom ers In past years recommends HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. Doug. 1601. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fresh flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L. HEN DERSON, 161s Farnam St. PAKKER Flower Shop. 411 8. 16th. D. 1101. A. DONAOHUE. IMS Harney Doug. 1001 BATH, florist, 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Laurence and Lotten Ostberg, 2418 South Thtrty-nrst, girl ; Amel and Rose ajlbrlght, hospital, girl; Ralph and Marlon Carrlger, hospital, girl; Fred and Mary Marsonnlt, 2106 South Thirty-third, girl; Homer and Leah Wheeler, 1711 Canton, girl; Charles C. and Oretchen Buchanan, 4811 Cans, boy; Hugh and Winnie Jones, 3206 Lincoln boulevard, boy; William and Bird Raynos. 2602 Patrick avenue, girl; Salvatora and Rosa Mangranello, 1251 South Six teenth, boy; Gulseppe and Marie Cerone, 2107 Pierce, girl; P. M. and Anna II Inks, 6629 South Twentieth, girl ; Frank and Marie Pavllca, 1433 South Fourteenth, boy; Thomas and Sal In Nagle, 428 Center, boy. Deaths Rosarlo Tucartho, 3, hospital; Howard C. Smith, 7, 3706 North Twenty fourth; George L. Hood, 2, 2114 Grand ave nue; Joseph B. West. 88, 3123 Seward; Mary J. Meyers, 81, 4863 Franklin; William Bass, 1, 209 South Twenty-eighth avenue; Kannle Relchenberg, 74, 117 South Thirty--third; Maggie K. Sobeckl, 29, 3936 Valley; Ambrose Kellogg, 79, Eleventh and Dodge; Christian Nelson, 73, 860 South Twenty flnf, Andrew Medln, 67, 614 North Thirty second; Alice M. Hankel, 6630 South Twen tieth; William Kallup, 2, 2017 Dorcas, An a stasia, Kovg, 3 months, 3629 P. BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permits have been Issued: Collins Bros., 3702 North Forty-fourth avenue, frame dwelling, $2,000; V. C. Ben nett, 3733 Fowler avenue, addition, $600. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. Age. Walter J. Consslns, Omaha...; 28 Mandla Bias, Omaha 26 Clyde Earl Tugler, Omaha 22 Ata E. Trunn, Omaha i 19 Jan Petroski, Omaha 37 Anna Dudrlk, Omaha , 18 William Mack, jr., Omaha 26 Ada Whitehall, Omaha 24 Alleson H. Flelcher, Omaha 29 Beatrice Bland, Kansas City 26 Salvatora Scnlnaro, Omaha 36 Hosa Ancene, Omaha 18 Harry B. Wiseman, Grand Island 28 Gertrude Olander, Omaha 30 Frank L. Murray, Omaha 42 Nellie Case, Omaha 28 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF VUU I.. b- anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover It If found by aa honest person. Remarkable re coveries are brought about every day through this column. TH13 LAW People who And lost mifrics are Interested In knowing that (he state law is strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do no, if same can be proven. Involves a sever penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would io well to call up the office of the inatta A Council Bluffs Street Railway umpany to ascertain whether they left H In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In mid the company Is anxious to re more them to the rightful .owners. Call Tyler 800. LOST Between Pender and Omaha, on train, July 19, Pender check book with valuable papers and bills; reward. John H. Heyse, Pender Neb. LOST Black bag. containing money, watch and check, on Cuming or North 24th street car lines. TeL Harney 6 322. LOST Sandalwood fan. valued for aaiocla" tlons, between 36th and Jones and 84th and Leavenworth. Harney 3310. LOST A black silk umbrella with curved gun metal and silver handle. Reward If returned to 3704 South 10th St. LOST Yellow crave da china waist. Finder please return to Monhelt'a Halrdresslng manors, mi Harney. LOST Pair of glasses Tuesday near 24th . and Lake; reward. Call Web. 491. . FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. A BARGAIN HARVEST IN HIGH GRADE FURNITURE You who want to furnish your new home In approved style and at small expense, you don't want to waste any money; we want to assure you that your every penny will get value In r'eturn hero. You do want to save money If you can, and you can here , ' NOW. ! OUR MOTTO Highest quality goods at lowest prices, with better accommoda tions than elsewhere. Study these prices: $41 Massive 3-Inch post Brass Bed.. 117.76 33 2 -In. post guaranteed brass bed. 16.76 22 2-tn. continuous post brass bed, 10.76 14 2-tn. post colonial brass bed... 6.96 44 solid mahogany 4-poat turn beds, specially priced at....... 20.76 86 O. O. or mahog. colonial beds... 19.76 21 3-6 golden oak wood beds 9-75 4.60 copper supported bed spring., : 3.46 6.60 latest sanitary link springs... 3.36 1.10 88-coll open box springs 4.90 18 hand made felt top box springs. 10.26 9.60 4 6-lb. cotton felt mattresses.. 4.96 1 guaranteed all layer felt mat tresses $-46 4 special 66 -lb. hotel mattressss.. 3.20 We deliver to all parts of the city. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS SOLICITED. PHONE DOUGLAS 1317. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor 14th and Dodge Sts. ONE fumed oak bookcase, one writing desk and chair, Ave rugs, kitchen range gas range, kitchen cabinet, a round oak ped estal table, 4 chairs, 1 bed, felt mattress almost new, golden oak dresser, 2 other beds, 2 chiffoniers, dresser, ice box, hard coal burner. 1208 No. 24th St Private party. No dealers. PUBLIC AUCTION Household goods, at OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. svery Saturday duttng July and August Sale at 10 a- m. In rear of 806 a 16th St OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat tresses made over in new ticks at half the price of new ones. Phona us for sam ple of ticking. Mall orders filled. 1907 cuming Bt. uougias hoi. FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well built; will last a lifetime. Phons us for particulars uoug. siss. 66 ICE boxes, 36 ga stoves. 200 rugs of ' all kinds; poultry wire and netting. Open tin 9 p. m, isas n m p.. MUST sell dresser, buffet, china cabinet, leather rockers, sewing machine; cheap. 619 N. 18t,h. LEATHER davenport, full slsa, bed half price, 3810 Davenport Harney 6638. ROUND black oak dining table, $12. Call Douglas 6112. Store and Office Fixtures, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 13th. Doug. 3724 FOR SALE: Brand new Nat. Cash register; also 2 showcases, 1 wallcase; cheap for cash. See these at 1113 Farnam St. H, J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut 656. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, $126; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; essy payments. Cigar store, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLKNDER CO., 407-409 South 10th St. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODEGAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at 16th and Douglas Sts. Typewriter, and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent; $2 per month. See us before you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. 18th, Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, ranted and re paired. Rent an Oliver typewriter, 3 months for $6. Central Typewriter Ex change, 1905 Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. Rem ington Typewriter Company. P. 1284. BARGAINS In used typewriters, ribbons $4 dozen; carbon, $1 a box. Midland Co., 328 Bee Bldg. Boat, Yachts, Etc. FLOATING houseboat for sale cheap; 26 ft long, 6 ft. wide; also Scotch Collie dog. Can be seen at foot of Douglas street. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1662. Lumber and Building Materials. FOR SALE Second-hand lumber , and kindling. Apply 16th and Cuming. j Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND - MACHINISTS. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318-20 8. 12th St., Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines, pipes. Gross Wrecking Co., 1819 Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. t WATERS-BAHNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th St GET our Drices on Job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. U. S. PTG. CO., BEE BLDG. DOUG. 1178. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 2802. 640 Paxton Blk. Miscellaneous. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES rebuilt, guaranteed: Powers No. 6 .J $70 Edison, Ex. model 66 Edison model "D" . . 146 American Standard 100 Powers-6 , 80 Powers-6 A 126 OMAHA FILM EXCHANGE. 108 S. 14TH ST NO OTHER OMAHA newspaper is making 'anywhere near the Increase In Its Want Ad columns as THE BEE. 26,746 MORE PAID WANT-ADS the first six months of 1916 than In the same period of 191b. The Reason: Best Price Best Results. MY high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, $3.26; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. 7162. 122-14 N 16th St. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Oouglas. Bottled In bond whisky, 85c $1.00, $1.26 full quart GKNUINK California wine vinegar, white or red; quart bottles, 24 cants; gallon, 60 cents. Imported olive oil, 76 cents per ADVERTISE: 20 words, 100 monthlies. 8. Ninety weeklies, $2.60. 18 Sunday papers. $6. In all, $6. McCarthy, 201 West 66th. New York. BRAND-NEW $26 baby carriage for sale cheap. Call Walnut 3104. WANTED TO BUY WANTED High class surveyors transit an instrument that Is designed for gen eral land surveying as wU as drama work. Price must be right AddraM If 369, Bee. WANTtb TU BUlf Having rented a build ing on track for our office and warehouse we wilt want to buy soma glass partitions. Pbone Basket Stores Office. Tyler 44s. Highest price paid for 2d-hand clothes, shoes, trunks, suitcases. . $111 or D, $933. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS v Naw desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. CALL Red 4809 '"he big buyers of furni ture; nothing too big nor too small. Wa pay all It's worth. 1609 California St Indisputable evidence of great results to Bee Wsnt Ad users: 36.748 more paid Want Ads first six months of 1916 over same period 1S16. No other Omaha paper can boawt of an ythlng near such figures. WANTED Good small Icebox for house hold use; must be In good condition. Stats price. Box 4362, Bee. HOLMES pays your price for Sd-haod clothes, shoes and hats. Web. 3220. WANTED Second hand cash register. Sel ley Auto Co., Benkleman, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS A FEW VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES . FOR RENT NOW. THE BEE BUILDING. OFFICE ROOM 102. BRODEGAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at 16th and Douglas Sts. DAT and Y. M. C. A. Night SchooL Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Reeder, 1606 N. 18th. W.3397 Accountants. B. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. MtRamge Bldg. Phone Doug. 3189. Advertising Novelties. H. F. Shafer Co.. 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. Artists. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, air brushing; high-class work. 611 Paxton. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchsll Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dres suits, for rent. 209 N. 17th. John Feldman. Baths. HYGIENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. LaBell, 709 South 16th St.; vapor baths, Swedish maesage taught every Fri day for man and women. Lady attendant for ladles. Phone Douglas 7046. DR. BEND A Sulphur, steam, y Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for tsdles with lady attend ants. 1919 Farnam. Phone Doug 6877. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 210-214 Balrd Blk,. 17th and Douglas. Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and cover ed buttons. Van Arnam Dress Pleat ing and Button Co., 3d floor Paxton Blk. Doug. 8109. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOETE" cameras, 2x3 $2.00;' (uni versal focus lens), Green's Pharmacy, 16th and. Howard. See them today. Chiropractic1 CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH SUL PHUR STEAM BATHB. The only chiro practic sanitarium In the state; lady and gene tie man doctors In attendance. 8-9 Ot tawa Bldg., 24th and Farnam. Doug. 7296. DR. KNOLLENBERO A DR. MACNAMARA Carpenters and Contractors. LessaTd A Son. 1906 Capitol Ava. Ty. 1622. C. W. Hokanson. 2606 Leaven'th. Ty. 2192 J. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BURHORN'S modern, sanitary chiro practic adjusting parlors. 414-16 Rosa Bid. D. 6347. Palmer Sch. grad; lady attendant Dr. Frances Dawson, Rose Bldg. Tyler 2366. Dr. J. C. LawranceTl Balrd Bldg. D. S461. Dancing Academies. LE LUXE ACADLMY, 111 S. 19th St Detectives. JAME8 ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Doctors. DR. E. B. M'QUILLEN announces the open ing of- his suite of offices at 628 World Herald Bldg. Practice limited to oral prophylaxis and the treatment of pyor rhea. Phone Tyler 2472. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cov, Buttons, Hemstitching, Neb. Pleating Si Button Co., 481-2 Paxton Blk. R. 4942. FIRST-CLASS work on summer dresses and silk skirts, everything guar. D. 9679. Kelater Dressmaking Col.. 1428 City Nat ). Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th and Farnam. Dentists. D. Bradbury. No pain. 919 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rmi., 808 Rose Bldg. D 2186. Electrolysis. EXPERT operator, at home; reaa, charge. 101 8. 26th Ave. Doug. 7928. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all alces and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936 Express Companies. ' TWTN CITY Express Co., 1623 Cass St. Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures and Wiring. TTTPTf TM Electric washing machine.. JUimill .ltrtrlo Iron and reading lamp., 2I Cuming Bt. Douglas 161,. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOKING, furnace, and general tlnwork. B. Abram., lill N. mh at. Web. H. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlor., 207 Batrr Bldg. Manl curlng, toilet article.. Doug. 6185. Hand Lajndry. CALL DOUOLA8 41126 nd have your laun dry done right and reasonable. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all kind, hat., cleaned and rablocked. 16H-1620 Harney. Lawyers. FRANCIS MmiO.lS. lVi. Poug. 4,6, Justices of the Peace. H. H. c. aik. Rod 7401. N'uta.y I'uulu , dilution ateno. C. W. BKITT. 301 Barker .Block. Patent Attorneys. H. A. aTl'ROKa, 630 B.andel. Th. D. lit. Painting and Papering. OMAHA Pa.t Co.. ill 8. 13th. Doug. 1710. Pianos for Rent. ' 13.60 Per Mo. A. Hoa pn Co., 1613 Drugla. Scale Repairing. Om. Standard gt-ale Co., 613 8. 12th. D. 2,11. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN CjUICKLY AND THOROUOHLT WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT II AND 11,66 PER DAT. IIOUOLAS 1760. towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 201 . 11th. D 121. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcement, and printing Douglas Printing Co, Tel. Doug. ,44. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wines and Liquors, BUT your family liquor at Klein'. Liquor Houae. (22 N. 16th. Dougla. 110,. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you have anything to trade, make up little ad and run It In this 'column for ssven days It only costs 1 60 and 9o per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash offers, and Business Properties For Sale or Trade. These, as well as mall orders for use of Swappers' Column must pay regular rates. One or two answors ars sufficient to make your trade and the whole transaction only costs about 60c. Try it HAVE a splendid coffee t ion of" rare, old coins. Including California gold halves and quarters. Washington cents, colonial coins, Jackson rents, civil war tokens, large copper cents, ancient Human and Greek centi, and many others. Will trade my duplicates for other rare coins, or will trade any coin I have for anything I can use. Address S. C.-216, Bee. LIGHT AUTO WANTED Ford or Over land, In good running order preferred; will exchange Harley-Davldson Motorcy cle, 1914 model, twin cylinder, two-speed, with presto light and tank, tandem seat has been run very little and had excel lent care; a powerful machine, suitable for business use or pleasure; worth 6200. Address 8. C. 06, Bee. 10 ACRES good unimproved land, located 66 miles from St Louis, great market, I ft miles from Ironton, Ho.; beautiful coun try; excellent garden soil; spring water; worth 160 per acre. Will sell for 916 or trade for Omaha real estate, auto, A-l motorcycle, piano, merchandise; terms Owner. J 57. Bee. WHAT have you to offer In personal prop erty with true value, for one or three autos, fully equipped; don't want lots or thin equities; anything eatable will ap peal to owner; or bakers outfit; a cement machine, chickens, rugs, Jewelry ; tell what you have Id Arst letter. & C 907, Bf. HAVE large slse salesman's sample trunk, - In A-l shape, and ona of the best ap pearing and strongest makes on the market. nVould like smaller trunk of ths same kind In exchange. Address S. C.-211, Bee. LARUE slse Presto tank to trade for oil stove; one Ford radiator, like new; type writer, like new, cost 9196; one slx-cyl-lnder magneto. Will swap one or all for what have youT Address S. C. 106. Bee. CORRESPONDENCE school course In sales manship, algebra, commercial arithmetic, English and commercial history; will ex change for good set of home-study hooka Address S. C.-S19, Bee. QUARTER section, Kimball county land for , trade, taking automobile as part payment Light car, late model preferred. J. A, Rodman, Kimball, Neb. HAVE Oliver, No. 6; Underwood, No. 4, and Smith-Premier, No. 10, taken In a deal. What have you for a single machine or the lot? Address S. C.-314, Bee. WANTED Good, small lesbox for house hold use; must be In good condition. What do you want In exchange? Ad dress 8. C.-916, Bee. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. ONE DAT SERVICE. KASB STUDIO. 16TH AND HAR NET. A FINE watch dog, American Bull Ter rier, with city licenses; also a gas stove, to exchange for a good bicycle. Address 8. C, ail, Bes. $100 VICTROLA and G0 worth of records; will trad a for a light roadster or speed -eter. Address Y 611. -Bee. GOOD 7-r. house, garage, paved St Inc. about 93,000; will trade equity for good auto. 10 McCague Bldg. FULL-BLOODED white leghorn chickens to swap for a motorcycle, any kind of make. Address 8. C. 661, Bee. . A LITTLE ad In this column will bring about soms remarkable exchanges. BUSINESS CHANCES PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman lawyer, 4 V St., N. W.. WASHINGTON. D. C. There are Better Business Chances For Those Who Office in a Good Building For Rooms in The Bee Building "The building that Is always new." See the 8u perl n leaden t, room 106. ANYONE wishing an up-to-date grocery and dHlatfsson, doing big business, all strictly rash. Investigate this large stock' of staple goods, fine modern living rooms, furnished, rent very reasonable; business enough for 3 people. Price 91,660 cash; to anyone meaning business this Is some thing worth while. Address Box 4406, Be. TOUNO LAWYER can find GOOD OFFICE at very REASONABLE PRICE In the BEE BUILDINO. Inquire Room 109. A RELIABLE manufacturer wants general ssles manager to establish office and man age Bailsmen; liberal contract; $300 to $700 capital necessary; money-making pos sibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Chlcsgo If you are the man we want Secretary, 1013 Republic Bldg., Chlcsgo. NO OTHER Ijmaha newspaper Is making anywhere near the Increase In Its Wsnt Ad columns as THE BEE. 26,746 MORE PAID WANT-ADS the flrst six months of 1016 than In the same period In 1916. The Reason: Best Price Best Results. FOR-SALE or exchange for cattle, one of the best millinery stocks; must sell at a sacrifice on account of sickness; business has cleared better than $1,000 a year. Aot quick If you want this place. Address P 408, Bee. FOR SALE Hotel and barn at Waterloo, Neb. Oood opening for right party. Only hotel In town. Reason for selling, death of proprietor. Prtco rlghf If taken at ' once. Address John Todd, Waterloo, Neb. CHICAGO manufacturer want sales man ager to open office, manage salesmen; new, big money maker; should clear $4, 000 to $7,000 annually; $800 to $1,000 will finance, according to territory. Sales Department, 834 National Life Bldg., Chicago. OIL Investment; new drilling on 6,000 acres In Oklahoma; great opportunity for small Investors; bank and other good endorsements; Investigation solicited. Unity OH Co., 246 Dwlght Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ABLE manager wanted by Chicago manu facturer. Open office, employ salesmen. Should net $6,000 first year. $300 to $700 capital required. Rlxford, 14 B. Jackson, Chicago. BY AN Investment of $60, an energetic spe cially man can earn $6,009 to $16,000 an nually and secure exclusive sales rights on a high class article that sells on sight Money back If not satisfied. Kineto Ma chine Co., Monon Bldg., Chicago. $100 INVESTED In legitimate office busi ness anywhere will soon net $20 profit dally. Orolo Co., Louisville, Ky. FORTUNES In oil! Invest now before sals closes; you get Interest In wells; deeds to land; terms $2 monthly; write today for details, maps, views, Bennett Co operative company, 381 First Natl. Bank Building, Houston, Texas. FINE location, grocery or general mer chandlss stors; best farming district, northeast Nebraska; brick store for rent or sale; town of 800; electric lights; fine high school. Address T 616, Bee, BUJESCHANCES FOR SAf.E16-tabls billiard and pool par lor situated on second floor in large auditorium building. At Excelsior Springs, Mo., one of the best all-year-round health resorts. Ans. care C. A. Sharp, Excelsior Springs, Mo. FOR8ALE Restaurant serving regular meals. Fountain, cigar stand and con fections in connection. Doing good busi ness. A snap If taken soon. Address Y6 1 tBM. FOR BALE-6 -chair barber shop, 10-tabls pool hall, counters, show cases, etc. Will sell ths business or the tables and fix tures separate. O. A. Land. 1S07 Far nam St. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER BUPPPLT CO.. Balrd Bldg. USM' BEST chance In a Ufa time, for saie only drug store In town, Western Nebraska Ir rigated Section, fine location for a doctor. Will sell at Invoice. Stock about $2,609, Address Box 4399. Bee BARBER shop, 4 chairs; a dandy. Will take auto, lots, cheap land, or what have you? Write P. J. Burke, 209 W. 4th St. Dee Moines, la. PARTY wanted with $600 to become Inter ested In a manufacturing business In Omaha. Big profits and good salary. Box 4417, Bee, STEAM LAUNDRY and dry cleaning works, clearing $200 a month, for sale cheap, on account of poor health. Address T 616, Bee. . WILLIAMS, established 29 years. To buy 0 ell business as .aim. 411 McCague Bldg Reference U. B. Nat l iBank. FOR SALE 6 -chair barber shop, 19-tsble pool hall; counters, show oases, etc. Will ell ths buslneas or ths tsbles and fix tures separate, v. a. ijan-.invj r atrimro. FOR BALE Good, a lean stock of hard wars; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address T, 267, Res. SACRIFICE price, old established business; a few hundred dollars will buy It. See owner at once. Box 4360, Omaha Bee. DOWD Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdss. stocks than any other Arm In U. S. Write for t-rma, MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains supplies. Omaha 'Film Exchange. 109 8.14th Bt FOR SALS by owner Drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner, 918 West 6th Ave., Denver, Colo. WB buy, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-Operative Film Supply Co. 219 Bromley Bldg. TO GET in or out of business, call on OANGBSTAD. 429 Pes Bldg. Doug. 1477. t6SBLL or buy a buslneas salt on Buscb A Borghoff780 World-Herald Bldg. 6nOCERYfor eaisT with living" rooms, $300; rheap rent 4328 uuming. FOR BALE rooming house, 12 wava full: clears $60 ner monl TOR BALE rooming house, 12 rooms; al ways full; clears $60 per month; good lo cation. 2404 N, South Bids. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16o PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rates. 2 lines ons week 90e 2 lines one week., 4lo Each extra line 16o per, week. Male. EXPERIENCED retail hardware salesman wants good position. German and English. Address Y 606. Bes. EXPERIENCED male nurse; best refer ences; no objection to out-of-town oases. Harney 4691. EXPERIENCED mechanic wants position; has good reference. Telephone Harney 12U9. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, with reference, wants position. Telephone Harney 1269. 18-year-old boy wants to learn auto repair trade; will start for small salary. Ty. 1299. EXPERIENCED porter wants position; good reference. Telephone Harney 1269. Miscellaneous. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by ths day or month: experienced In all lines of work; can furnish bsst of references. Telephone Harney 4730. EXPERIENCED man would like gsnsral house cleaning, lawn mower work; guar anteed. Phone Douglas 6646, MAN and wife (colored) with references, wish position In a res tu rant or small hotel; In city or out. Douglas 6662. YOUNG colored man, sober and reliable, desires work as porter or Janitor. D. 4876. Poslton wanted by rel.Tol. man, porter wk., odd Jobs, anything considered. Web, 3101. MAN would like Janitor and porter work. can Harney iox. POSITION as gentleman nurse, asp. D." 6697. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLB ' EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, 1610 Davenpotr St Douglas 116$. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" bt lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, " Public stenographer and notary pabUe, 607 Be Bldg. Doug. 1961. Reaa. rates. POSITION By middle-aged, competent woman, to assist with housework or to care for sick. Harney 6060. RESPECTABLE yoting lady wants posi tion ss housekeeper. Experienced. Miss Cora Busby. Dallas, Tex. WANTED Position ss working housekeeper In small hotel or rooming house. Phone Douglas 8477. COMPETENT child's nurss wishes position In private home. Write Miss H. Kellogg. Perclval. Ia. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants place In city as housekeeper. Address A 410, Bee. Laundry and Day Work. Competent colored Isdy wishes day work of any mno; references. Phons Harney 2168. COMPETENT colored woman wants laun dry, day work; neat work. Web. 2426. WANTED Position as maid or day work by experienced col. woman. Web. 709, WASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; work guar. Web. 1679. By experienced colored woman, work by the day or by ths hour. Call Harney 1269. WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar an teed. Telephones H. 3612 and H. 4091. BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry: best of work. Wsb. 1401. DAT work by reliable colored woman, or wM do chamber work. Webster 6796. BUNDLE washing, piece work! lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1360. WANTED Day work by experienced woman. Call Webster 196T. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref erences. Call Douglas 66tt2. WANTED Day rork or house cleaning. Phone Douglas 7084. B'dlewash call, del. ; guar. Mrs. Bast K.2864 EXP, bundle washing A daywurk. D. 7866. Whltsjaundress. dinners prepared. Web. 3863 DAY work; call mornings, Webster 1119 WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty, 1144. DAY work and bundle washing. Dmig. 4149, PXP woman warns day work' rsf D. 9646. BU ND LB wih7anT daywork. WebTr 281. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. J R. R. RATE CLERKS TlToo R R. CLAIM CLERK . STENOGRAPH ER 76 STENOGRAPH BR R. R.) 80 LEDGER CLERK f 66 BOOKKEEPER 66 HANK BOOKKEEPER (Bohemian)... 66 BANK BOOKKEEPER (German).,.. 60 CLERK (Civil Eng's Exp.) 86 BOOKKEEPER (Investment) 76 THtt CANO AGENCY, 601 BEA BLDG. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WB NEED AT ONCE: FIVE STENOGRAPHERS, $60 to $66. THREE BOOKKEEPERS, $60 to $76. TWO OFFICE CLERKS. 40 to $46. ONE DRY GOODS SALESMAN. $1,690. No filing fee, only 60 cents to Investigate references. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1387 W. O. W. Building. SIDELINE BALES MAN Largest oonoera in country placing nign-oisas Hiwmiraa only; can use more good men! commission $6 to $14 each order. Chicago Diamond Importing Co.. 230 S. Stats Bt, Chicago. 111. GENERAL merchandise clerk tor Nebraska town. Must be willing worker and have experience. Give full particulars In first letter. Salary to start, $46. Box 4427, Omaha Bes. YOUNG MAN, as general office assistant In bank; office experience unnecessary; pre-, fer high school graduate and young man who lives with parents. Salary, I M-469, Bes. JUNIOR office clerk for wholesale house; good chance for advancement; prefer young man with some office experience; salary, $36. P.-441, Bea AN assistant bookkeeper for permanent po sition; large establishment advancement for competent young man. Salary to be gin, $66. P.-460, Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED All-around machinists, toot makers and experienced laths hands. Must be olose, accurate workers. A-l faotory conditions, no strike, permanent positions with highest rate of wages. Address Western Cartridge Company, East Alton, 111. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Tsars, 1016-16 City National. WANTED One first class automobile mechanic; must b thorough on electric starters and understand welding. Hawk eye Garage, Bchaller, Ia. WANTED Drug clerk at onoa. Must be al, State experience, salary and references. Apply at onoa. Lester Drug; Co., Laramie, Wyo. v BE AN automobile expert In six wseks; our big book tells you how. Rahe's Automo bile School. 601 E, lith St. Kansas City, Mo. MOULDERS wanted, for light agriculture castings, bench or floor. Caswell Manu facturing Co., Cherokee, la. WANTED Butcher, at once; must be all round man. Telephone or wire to J, H. Kucora, punarton, neb. BUTCHER wanted, at once; muat be all a round man and sober. J. H. Kuesra, rutienon, neo. WANTED Barber, steady "Job; guarantee $14 60 per cent M. L. Stetson, Hartlng- ton. Neb. WANTED A printer. Ownsr called out on military duty. Wire Journal, Gordon. Neb. WANTED Experienced farm hand. Call & icxcnange Bldg., Bouth Omaha. 5rug 'store snaps, jobs. Knelat, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. "SATESME" Unusual opportunity to Join our ssles fores. Ths men of responsibility In our sales organisation of 1,000 men started tne earns way. Rapid development of new territory requires managers, assistant managers, crew foremen. Take time it now employed. Corns out to our local branch office, 1911 Cuming Bt Have our district manager explain this opportunity to you for olean out, wide-awake young men, wun a luiura unlimited tot advance ment Salary no objsot If you can pro duce. Jewel Tea Co., Ine. WE WANT ten snsclaltv man. atMrlv. t. fsctlvo workers with Initiative and strong personality, to Introduce an entirely new system ror ouiiaing psrmansnt ossn busi ness In retail stores. Every town good field and all non-oompstlng merchants In ths town can be sold. Baparlenoed men can make $600 a month and up on original orders and have steady Income from re orders. Address P. S. K. W., HOT Great Northern Bldg., Chicago. ST. LOUIS manufacturer desires resident representative to Introduoo Una of high graae proauau 10 city grocery trads. Need man of good reputation, sober, hon est Intslligsnt and fair Judge of credits. Bond $2,000. Good opsning for capable man. otata ago, experience and salary expscted. Address Weston Bdwards, 101 8. 10th Bt, at Louis, Mo. WANTED Toung or middle-aged man for work In ths city; also ohancs to travel ir you mans good: nothing to as h aood pay for hustler; can use man and wtfs on ths road; no children. Boons flghtsrs not considered. Van, Room 111, Hotel riomsr, opposite rostorncs. LARGE Illinois corporation Controlling man ufactura of high class article la more demand among all classes of merchants than computing seals' or cash register, has opening tor resident sales manager. Should make, from $4,000 to $6,900 par annum. Sales Manager. 1100 Washington Blvd., Chicago. SALESMEN wanted, experience unneces sary; earn while you learn; writs for large list ofopsntngs and testimonials from hundreds of our students who earn $100 to $600 a month. Address nsarast olTlcs. Dept 499, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New Tork, ean Francisco. WANTED Bids Una salesman, calling on drug, department electrical, Jewelry and hardware stores, to sell our Bradlum (Luminous! clocks, cruoinxee. bulbs. switch plates, match boxes and 1 houae numbers. The Pioneer' Corporation, Dept n., nao w. tig unicago. $60.00 WEEKLY, sasllv mads with nsw and attractive proposition, soliciting merchants in small towns up to ten thousand popula tion. Complete outfit and references sent frea, Address J., Room 142 Wells Build ing. Quincy, ill. TRAVELING MEN Dress up at our ex pense. We will keep yon furnished with clothes in payment for inducing mer chants to handle our tailoring line. Prices fio.60 to 9Z9.B. wnoiesaia, writs tor proposition. Great Western Tailoring Co. 863 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. SALESMAN WANTED To sell cigars on quick-selling premium plan; choice terri tory open; large commissions paid; fine sideline. O. A. Woesthaus Cigar Co., 237 Bt. lBtn, Bt. IjOUIS, ho. SALESMEN For excellent 11ns of calendars and novelties. Ths lino that keeps sales men busy the year round. Strong features for fall, commissions paid weakly. Ex cellent opportunity; for hustlers. , C. .Fet genspan & Co., Cincinnati, O. COMPETENT salesmen or merchants pre ferred, by well-rated' Cleveland concern, to sell merchant's greatest specialty of the day; 1300 to iftoo par month; com missions paid weekly; state experience. O. J. Rlngla, Gen. Mgr., Station C, Cleve land, O. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade in NebrasKa, to sell a new proposition 01 merit. Vacancy August 1. Attractive commission contract; $86 weekly for ex penses. Miles F. Bixler Co., Wholesale jewelers, 621-30 Cariin Bldg., Cleveland, 0. WE HAVE a specialty proposition with which a llvs-wlro man can make from $76 to $ 1 60 per week. If you are a salesman writs for particulars. The war ren Refining and Chemical Co., Clave land. O. SALESMEN WANTED Best punch board deals on earth: brand new consignment 16 commission on order and repeats: old reliable. Grave Mfg. Co., 1661 Cottage Orove, Chicago, III. SALESMEN gelling restaurant hotel, eats, cigar, pool, drug, general store trads can do big business with pur new II ts pocket side line; all merchants towns 100,000 and under want It; $6 commission each sals; no collecting; no expense or risk to mer chant ; we take back all unsold goods. Canflsld Mfg. Co., 208 Blgsl at, Chicago, III. 10 SALESMEN Crew managers wanted for permanent Job, with large factory; hire and train aemonstrators; easy, quica re turns; guarantee; specialty men Investi gate. Adress Y 616, Bes. SALESMEN to sell new advertising signs to manufacturers and Jobbers; big sales; good commission ; exclusive territory ; right man can earn from $60 to $200 per week. People's Changeable Sign Com pany, 711 W. Madison Bt, Chicago, HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. MFG. wants traveling salesman oa mission; box 1436. Litchflsld. 111. salesmen Live slds line: something new nine minutes' time pays you is; pocaec samples; prompt commissions; state ter ritory covered. El wood, Mfg. Co.. till ui.ui... a ... g-w-. I SALESMAN Man that speaks Bohemian r German, to sell coffee ana otner goeas to our customers; man about 19, with rood references: salary .and commission; worth $11 to 111 per week. Jswal Teal Co., Inc., 1911 uuming. SALESMAN Apply early Monday ready for crew work; room ror 1 men. quick notion if you ean selL Jewel Tea Ce. Inc., 1911 Cuming. EXCEPTIONAL ODDortunlty for man with selling ability; New Tork house; standard 1 article; well advertised; isaoi rurnisaea; salesmen financed during trial. Call IS a. m. to 6 p. m.. 640 wamge wag. WANTED Magnstki specialty gal Powerful; convincing talker to hire and train salesmen. Commission with liberal advancs. D, Association Flnanolal Bates-1 prise, Iowa City, la. QUICK selling and profitable side lines f . salesmen traveling In Nebraska. PreJai salssmen calling oa banks or selllag aftles! supplies. Miicneu ruousamg je jtuea- ell, a. D. STOCK and band salesman. SBC. Si INT. CO.. 101T W. O. AGENTS wanted for ths Day STANDARDS W. Bldg. I ksrasenaf eak a-ft burner for cook stoves and rangea, Westk .Leavenworth. 1 1197 St McLaughlin, Omaha. I ATTRACTIVE contracts to full time ssa writing health and aoe. lag Prev. as, not, ,ry. reqorai ina. co. Lincoln. Nob. STOCK remedy salesmen ean make advaata geous contract. Room 914. 1106 Farnam. SALESMEN Big ' money" tor'busi'new gat- ters. uau ai xvii w, u. w. jfiag. Trade Schools. MEN Why not learn the barber' tracer Lls-hter. cleaner and easier than moat of work. Mora barbers needed bow; great-j sst aemana ovor snows, uooe guaaateaj tins and over-money. Can, own shaa on mall capital or travel. Our free Illustrated catalogue explains how wo teach ths trad in nw wee as. special summer ratea. Writs today, hoist narasr eoiiega, ill 14th at. Omaha. Nab, (Est 1999.) OOOD MEN WANTED. 3 To learn auto work far ths bla sarins? mmI. Fine training work on autoa and alaclrloj Starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLXBQB. 1961 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LBARN barber trade, mora than mass your tuition while learning; set el tool included; jon guaranteed, uau ar wrli ror catalogue. iss LHMga. TR1-C1TT BARBER COLLBQB. 3 MisceUanaooa. r7ANTBD Four men with good oommoD acnooi sauoation, to tans special course and qualify as teachers of ehlropody, dsr- matology, massago and manulacturins toilet preparations la our college. Steady amployment at good pay. Tuition fret with board and room reasonable, Oalyi short time required to grtduate. Diploma given. Can also earn while Isarnlng, Cata-t log and particular tree. Morgan-Glut. t C'ege, Vandlventer and Ottfa streets. Stk XiOUlB, MO. ARMT OF THB UNITED STATE, MB WANTED Able-bodied unmarried snot under aga of Id si tineas of United Statet of good character and temperate habiu who ean spaak, read and writ the Bag ltsh language. For Inferxnatlea apply ts Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg. 11th gu Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 110 N, lth St. Lincoln. Neb.; 617 4th St, Blow City, towa; acT nai ve., um Moinea, lewa. NO OTHBR Omaha newspaper Is mahlai anywhere near the Increase In Its Want Ad columns aa THB BEE. 11,741 MORI PAID WANT-ADS the first six month, ef 1111 than in the same period 1916. The Reason 1 i Beet Price Best Results, 1 ON THB SIDB, without interfering wlti your regular work you ean make Croat 10 to $60 extra per month. No ean vasslng or selling. Bomsthlng new. Post tlvsly no Investment necessary. TJTnem ployed need aot apply. W. L Murphy Mgr., 141 W. Ohio Bt. Chicago, GOOD live man wanted In every towa an' village to open and manage hraaeb Offlet for the beet money making pro pool Moa ei the market Mo canvassing, and aa eaal tal required, as we furnish everything All applications aaewerad. Ths Pepe Ce. ijongviow, Tea. HUSTLERS 930 to . $90 made weekly 41a ' trlbotlng clronlara, samples, tacainc gigae etc. Advertise National Ageaoy. Dept, A-ss. unicago. OOOD money made at heme kaUUng? hoe lery. Machines furnished em tinea, W buy or sell your goods. Baap and 'sen sunt work. - Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 117 Meal son. Chicago. WANTED-Toung men as railway ntal clerks. 171.91 month. Sample avemfaettsi questions free. Franklin laeUtato. Deal IS1 A, lilrlHiIi. WANTED A. neat young man for aauee work and yard in email family! refer ences. inquire i nonn ssia at. WANTED Experienced freight amadlers Union Pacific Freight Bouae, Ita ea lecKBon DEB. FIREMEN, brakemen, begt nacre. Ill' monthly; permanent oe1 lions. Address 1 471. Bee. , 20 MEN WANTED 7:10 MONDAY aaemlsi Walnut Hill Reservoir. 40 sad Lefayete sts. v MEN wanted to enlist in Btgnal CoratTa one, rsspon m uinooin. LABORERS wanted; 2th and Q Bta. Seal HELP WANTED. ' MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Names of men or women,' il e over, wishing government Jo be. $71 month Vacations. Answer Immediately. T. 41$ AGENTS AND CANVASSER! THK BOND BCALB CO.. tot An(.lu. Calif , . w. . urao. Autonatl 2".'."". "'"" Boalpm.Dt to CoffM, Bio, Imv, T.M, Powder, .to. deilr. a rallable aaleaman Is reprwan th.m In thl. territory, A rmv.ii.lbK n !TK" 5,h,' Ml'!' uleamar. with .uftlcl.nt mech.nloal ksewleda. t up.rlnt.nd In.talatloru, I. wanted. On Welter. Mt.mlr.lir tuad put ton rw and reeoinl.ed a. Standard by U. B. Oar ernm.nt and packer, ten.rallr. Rub man ean make rood money, a. aa!. ry Ursa, commiMtoM liberal. d.nand ,a II, .06 PER man per county; .tram. In ration itartl.. world: a.ntt amued ten ln.xprl.nc.d men dlvld. t. , Xoratad, a (armer, did 11.11)0 la 14 day, Schleicher, .a mlnlator, Ins tint 11 hour, 11,10. oold caab mad., paid banked b Ston.man In I. daya; l(,og t. data hot or cold mnnlnl water bath Hull ment for any homo at only W.N: ..11 haatln.i no plumbln. or water work required: buo.tl.atej oxclualTO aal. credit flvan: nnd no money: write l.i tor or petal today, Allan Mf(. Co.. II o.ig.i om.., .qieqo, v.). OARTSID&V8 Iron Ruat Soap Co., loii Van canat.r Ar... Philadelphia. Fa Oartild.' rnn Iknaft Baaii (T.. .1 . &. . . Copyright registered hi the U. B. Patea Office) removes Iron rust, Ink and all ua washable stains from clothing, marble, et Oood seller, big margme, agents want The original. 16c a tube. Beware of Jo frtngemente. and the penalty fer makln selling and using an lnfrlneed arttoi AGENTS ean earn nice returns In spar iana irwivxiB up incur own BJOOOS. (Jala log free. Ooldberg Mfg. Laboratory. 31 Market It, Neweh, N. J,