2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; JULY 23, 1916. DRYS WILL RAISE 1ITTTTAV HATT IDC 1U1LL1V11 UVhhtilW Chairman Poling Announces Quarter of This Amount . Already Secured. : r nnwvieintwme at trmakaa Chicago, July 22. J. Frank Hanly , of Indiana and Ira D. Landrith of ; Tennessee, nominees of the prohibi- tton party for president and vice pres ident of the United States, were (uesti 1 e a rmfltiiwi rtM.r.ff hv Inral urn. hibitionisM upon their arrival in Chi ' cago from St Paul today. . A confer ence on plans of the party also was '.held. Mr. Hanly told several hundred v persons who greeted him at the re ception that he would start immedi ately in a campaign to lead the party to victory. He announced that within a few days a meeting of the execu tive commmittee of the national com- mittee would be held, at which com plete plans for the campaign would be laid. , J A campaign fund of $1,000,000 will be raised, according to Daniel Poling of Boston, temporary chairman of the St. Paul convention. More than $250,- JXK) alreadv hn been subscribed.- be , said. - Mr. Landrith, the vice presidential : candidate, told bis hearers that if the party failed to elect a president this fall, "it certainly would have a pro hibition president in the White House in 1920.' -.'. mittee and report the names to Chair man Dahlman', This will be dirfl next Delegates to the state convention were approved as follows: James C Deblmaa. 7ena Nelleen. M. Hltehoock. John 1. Shannon. ' Lm Bride; ea. peter W. Sherlock. Charlea U. WlthnelL lamea P. Brenaaa. Thomaa J. O'Connor. M. L. Bndree. t Thomaa J. Flynn. Joooph O. Bursar. John jceipra. L. 1. PlatU. Frank T. Hanaom. Joooph Wright Charlea LV Fannlnf, smanuol Taoraeen. -Arthur P. Mullen. ; Dan Connoll. Joaeph P. Butler. H. B. Plohartr. P. H. Boland. Claude Boeele. Prod W. Anhouaor. Mtort B. Holmae, I. 1. Bran. Henrr Ryan. John Woar. Dr. W. H. Baa. B. A. Callalr. A. B. Campbell. William Qnlnh. Ooorgo Phalen. Henry C. Richmond. H. ax. Havorlr. s. j. Rothw.n. Ooorgo Clark. , Jamea Bloa. John Maua. M. Culkla. Joo Seato, REPUBLICANS IN HAEMONY FEAST' i ATCOOTYMEET (Gaathnat rrooa Pas Oat.) ' organize. The meeting is again to be held in court room No, 1 in the court house. , Following is the list of delegates ' made up by the subcommittee previ ously appointed for the state conven : tion to be held at Lincoln -ext Tues day: aibortW. Jerterls lohn W. BalUn William B. Bechals Joaeph B. Bummol . tfamuot Kleemaa rrod W. ahotwoU B. J. Seroy ''- Vaclav Buroah .: B. A. Lucko Prank J. Lynch, : Rentfrow Lowla . : Uonld DleU Morrla MUdor Walter Hoilckv Frederick Haarman Benjamin J. atono. Sherman Clayton Kdwln F. BreUey Matthew 1. Dreary Sylveoter A. Boarlo Henry Monaky a. L. B. Kllngholl Edward L. Dodder Thomaa B. Dyaart Bamnel. fleott Jamea V. Chunk Anthony J. Donahoa N. P. Dodge N.ioon C. Pratt Charloa Stenloka William Kteretaad Frank, W. Judaoa Daniel O. Whitney ' Iaador' glegler John T. Tateo ' Harry Ceunamaa Kennth S. Flnuyem Harry A. Poaroe Jeaae I Root Jeeee C. McNleh ,? . K. W. Dlion .-- John P. ItooC i ' Victor Rooeweter " Ooorgo Brandeki Meyer Klein. Joaeph C. Walker. A. H. Qallagher. John P. Mortarlty. Richard Kitchen. Dan B. Butlor. , C. B. Kelpln. '. Jeff W. Bedford. J. 1. Mahonoy. Leo Hoffman. J. Tanner. : .'; f Charlea'p. McOrew Charlee J. Lena W. T. Graham . !W. D. Hooford Ocorga 1. Campoa (W. w. Blabaugh Thotrae Lynch Ntrrle Brown . David A. Filch "J. H. Preeeon .... , ' Kdward A. Simon ' Joaeph B. RedflaM Prank S. Howell Prank Mlchalek f N. P, Swaneoh ' i' Kdward A. Bmlth Dr. J. R. RaIbo. Hnrv H McDonald Ooorg jCnthea ' . -J Jamee B. Rait Hugh W Wllllama . .Martin W. Dlmory' "Calvlh H. Taylor Luther Drake ' William N. Cfcambero ' Fred H. Davia : u onn xonen Louie G. Neeh Charles B. Blank . John L, McCagua John Marflel Bdward F. Moranrtyy Bdward P. Qrlmea w. w. Toung Frank Latonaor Carl B. Herrlnf . C, H, T. RlepoR Harry W. Cowduroy John F..Breea. C. W. geara W. L. Randall Tony Coatanio John . M. Thuratm'' Thomaa Koatol ' Fred A. Bailey 1 Henry Oetrom t. a. oun Barry Aaher ; Dian T. Oreg f N. P. Dodge . Howard H, Baldrldge Byron O. Burbank Nya F. Morehouse Ouy C Fleming aoorgo R. Redman M. f. Singleton H. J. Plnkett . Henry F. Meyera T. P. Jlehamltt laaao Koneeky John O. Pegg W, O. Tompletaa J. C. Hamer Dr. J. H. Hutton Dr. B. Holovtchlner Bugen Gardoa I Marrv a. Bvrna Dr. W. O. Henry jamee n, namna John W. Pariah Harry B. Zlaunaa 1 William O. tiro Qurdon W. Wattles R. B. Howell Harry O. Palmer Frank Kouteky W, P. Adklna Patrick J. Merlin A. H. Burdock Ouy C. Klddo J. N. 8hutnaker Beorge M. Mangold Charlea Wltta E. L. Llndqueet Prank Whitmoro Henry Von Portrait Myron L. Learned uavld H. cnrletle ' rbomaa J. MoOulra.. v , Following is the list of, the new county committee for the ensuing year, as elected: - . . Fire War, . ; fraclnet Name. ' Praotnot Kama, . Thomas Doplta. S. Walter Realeky. . 1. Clyde C. Sunblad. 1. Charlea Matoha. S. Louie Berka. S. Loula awahoda. , . 4. Joaeph Lobaek. S. W. B. Champenay. . I. Char too Lena . .. IllHl WavtV 1, A. J. Barak. S. Rudolph Maoalka. . Free . More. I. H. P. Blaaaaor. 8. a. A. Coraeer. S. Bdwla Oardlpoe. 4. D. L. Shanahan. ' S. J. M. Calabria. 5. S. Helovujhlner. It. P. J. Lynch. War. . i. William Jaokem. I, William Hllder. s. Havan T. Andrews. 1. Alfred Heltimaa. . C, B. KubaL . s. John rBoomfleld. i ". Fourth Ward. ' I.T. B. Galloway, , S. Ooorgo H. Brewer. T. Harry Dworaky.l S, J. J. Dora. t, Joaeph Uvlck. 1. K. B. Carter. S. B. L. Ouatafebh,' 4. Dr. P, O. Beck. S. Ooorga Bouimeh, If. Jkuguat Ulller. MtaV War I. Thorn. ,T. Wllry.. s. Hugh A.' Uyara. ' S. Jemea Cu'lea. - , ' t. William F, Mack. a. Henry Began, - . S. Bira W. Flelda 4. Frank B Stoha,. Si Caleln afoOoWanr . O. A. aooU. -: i i autk ww. s ' -Vr' 1. Andrew Joneen. S.J. at TatboL l ; t. H. B. Fernanda, S.J. B. Bradonburg, ' 3. Chrla Haneen. . ar. 4. B. B. Bgan. ) '7. Barman C. Tlrame. - tavaatlt War. ', ' ! t. C It. T. Rlepon. t. Fred Scheme!.,. ' . John W. Battla. ; I. M. J. Groovy, ..." t. F. H. Woodland. 4. A. W. Jef terla. t. Joha Fred Bahm. . Bigktk War. 1 C. L. Pritacher. t. Jamee a. RalL 5. B. L. Dodder. ' S. Charlea Carlaon. 4. Charlea Loader. It. Harry a .Byrna. 5. N. P. Swaneon. 11. Victor Dlota. a. Alva B. Cook. IS. Roy Mullen. 1. Dr. i. a Ralph. ' Mlatk War. 1. J. B. Hammond. S. Joha . Ratgron, 1. Charlea Unltt. . T. J. A. Wakaneld.. S. Joha W. Parrlah. S. J. C Klneler. ' 4. Harry R. Zlmmaa. S. Thomaa Lynch, ft. Kdward SlmeraL . . ';' Tantk War. ' 1. Reemue Lareen. ... I.J. C. Rowley, r i. Frank Xoutaky. . S. Charloa Curamlnga I. joaeph Pariik. , I. A. J. Traps. 4. C L. AletadU i . ;. Ktavtatfc War,- - ' 1. R. B. Hahaftay, - S. Barl Burkot. f . Loula V. Oura. 8. R. 11. Croaamaa. S. Hermaa Aya. , t. B. P. Orlmea. . 3. O. B. Hever.Uck. 4. Arthur P. Ouloel. I. W, D. Boaford. Twatfis, War. . ' I. Jamea Cathroa. : f. B. J. Webarv. 1. 1. McClalr. . t. Dr. O. W. Wllllama I. wm. Baurabaoa. S. Frank B. Honea. 4. A. W. .Millar. , It. Wm. Kragekaw, . I. Neb Andiraoa, 11. O. L. Bargar, S Harry Aehar. Co mlttoene Larva, Ctty at Omaha. T. C. Mahamttt. .A. c. WllUnaoa, Vr. L. B. Btltt. .... 3. W. Shumahar. Pter Mangold. avm. atohonaarg. dobn C. Beefue. 4 U. L. Llndqueet. Loule.i Laraoa. . . ..i Hvnr Von Do bran. William Elena, . K. L. Flalv M. L. Laaraa. B. O. Uenaraaa. W. a Duokwartk, T. J. MoGulra. Herman Wulff, : . C. L. Mather. Polar Clauoea. ' P. . A. Ranatrom, "JIMS" CONVENTION MOVES Wi SPEED (CMUatMwJ From Tmgm J. J, Oilier. Chftrla lUkowfkl. JL J. Tiua. J. A, Llnahan. T. J. Nolan. Nlch Wrmato. ' 0orv Norrritui. -F. It. Keeffaa. ' Harry O. Fortn. R. 8. Horton. Joaeph If. Fajmia. C. W. MeCun. CharlM J. Eml7. -Joiph Hlk, Wtlltam Butt John Flynn. OMrT waohtlw. Dr. Lm Van Camp, Pnnli Lynch. Patrick Hannlran. , C. M. Bcarr. Jonn B. Waltm. Hsjnry Oerinf . H. M. Barlow. Jflrry Jln. . Frank Balstor. Francto OoolalL Qcorva Ooff. Chart P. Mortarty. m. w. Fitt. William P. Donobua, 0org- Matnoy. A. Kaplan. Has KaUlman. John B. Raiaa. Thomaa McOovam. A. K. Patton. Oaor Parka. T. J. Dwyor. P. C Ucafoy. B. J. MoArdla. W, P. Thomaa. J. A C. Konnatfy. T. J. O'Brien. Robort Patrick. W. F. Lynch. C Hun tor. D. Plokard. It. A. Schnaldar. Tbomai Harrlncton. Jan Horrlfan. svmea Sitk. . loaoph McDonaltl Prod Moor. John T. M.rcoil. If, J. LNMtor. Ed Gels ton. J. 1. Quint). , V Potor Oravart Out BoMaman. Bdward B. HowtIL Thomaa Hoc tor. , Oaorff Stay. - Emu wanictrom. John Badura. Ralph ftocha, L. Brldweil. Ifylai B. Wolah. Harvay Nowbrancb. Owon Slavan. Pat J. Lavolla. Bd J. Watara, Paul F. Btolnwcndar. Frank F. Qulfloy. Dr. D. T. Quit toy. Staphan Coady, Dr. F. A. Sedlacak. John Foiplchal. Pat DoW Htrman Mat. W. U Baufhn, Jr. ' Jamoa Bchnoldorwlnd. ' Phillip B. Horan. Htnry poiiocx. Charloa Haln. - ' John Floenao. ' R. L. Matcalf. B. L. HuntUy. ; Atfrad Thomaa, Loa Hard man. Francta HcOoTorn. Nlch Dargacowikl, Adam iioup. a D. Lobock. a B. Llvtr. Dr. W. j. McCrann. Piter E. RUtmr. Thomaa Alton, .. . Frank Pacbota. , Dr. Klcter. Jamea F. Callahan. Frank J. Bin. H. b, Danlat P. Cunningham. Jerry J. FltagaMaV John C. Barratt.. L. J. To Pool. . fl. A. LwU. Jerry Fen ton. Joieph H. Craddoek. David Beliley. Oaorg F. Bheohan. Ooorga & Colllna. r C, F. Connolly, H. a. lloran. J. C. HartnetL J. O. Wolf. - Lawranca J. Flynn. Jamea U. Fttigeraltt Sophua Neble. Charlea Bpatotn. Otto J. Bauman. John Ktlllan. B. A Worm. Thoa. jaCcClenaghan. Jamea O'Hara. R. J. Madden. II. R. Huntington. Arthur L. AnderaOH. Ooorga Bertrand. Hark J. Coad. J. V. Hall. J. L. Padrno. William Culktn. Owtir Talcott H. C. Drazel. Ulka Kalamaja. Bart Foley. A. B. Agea. William Mlnogua. B. J. MoArdla. Dr. C C Allteon. Thomaa O'Connor. Harry V, Hayward, Patrick Ford. William Weber. John J. Hinchey. John A. Rlne. W. B. Bryan. Csoula D. Kavanaugh. R. C. fltrablow. A. D. Comptob. V. F. Kuncl. B. D. O' Sullivan. Ooorga Tager. Henry Rohlff. John H. Hopklna. Bd Walah. John A. Oentleman. Ed Plvonka, Ward Burgee. A. W. Elaaaaar. T. J. Foloy. Frank J. Rlba. Henry Andaraon. L J. Dunn. William Broderlok. Andrew Murphy. R. F. William. C A. Melcher. Michael Qlbaon. -John Kavanaugh. W. C Bui lard. Joaeph Lovely, , Loula Nalaon. Rudolph Tec hart Jullua Schuldt. William C. Ramaey. C. B. Nlchola. Anton Oroaa. CharlM McLaughlin. Frank Moor. W. W. Donley. P. O. Hofaldt. - Patrick J. Hannlgon. BLOWN TO DEATH MAECHING IN BIO DEFENSE PAEADE (Cantuaa From Pas Oaa.) a little direct action on the 22A, which will echo around the earth and show that Frisco really knows how and that militarism cannot be forced on us and our children without a violent protest "Things are going to happen to show that we will go to any extreme, the same as the controlling .class, to preserve what little democracy we still have. Don't take this as a joke, or you will be rudely awakened (awaken); (sic). We have sworn to do our duty to the masses and only send warnings to those who are wise, but who are forced to march to hold their jobs as we want to give only the hyphocritical (sic) patriots who shout for war, but never- go, a real taste of war, Request to Chamber. - "Kindly ask the Chamber of Com merce to march in a body if they want to prove they are no cowards. A copy has been sent to all the papers. Our duty has been done so far." Warning that an explosion would occur had been sent out by post card to hundreds of persons. Small atten tion was paid to the cards, although every precaution was taken by the au thorities Jncdngthejjght-of-way. Submarine Sighted Near Bridgeport Bridgeport, Conn., July 22. Theo dore Judson, keeper of the Stratford lighthouse, reports sighting, at 9:45. a large submarine bound east. The vessel is larger than the United States navy submarines, he say. We're ifowing With Growing Omaha," qTl Iris. n - n rRLY! '7 J)maha Home Furnishing Headquarters i flaw Start Haarai BdO (a a. na. dallri Sataramys, SiSO a. m. ta t p. as, HaveYourOldFurniture Made Like New While You Are Away v on Your Vacation 1 Repairing, re-upholstering, refinishlng, etc., receive ex pert attention in our shops. Estimates on any pros pective work of this kind will be cheerfully and promptly furnished upon request. Ptipne Douglas 335 Repair Dept. A Superlative Poster Bed Value A full sized genuine mahogany four-post bed, equipped with a box spring and fine cotton felt mat trese ' , All Complete for $45.75. The bed is a charming New England half high post type in the rich hand-rubbed finish; similar in de sign' to the illustration herewith, but you'll have to see the bed to appreciate its exceptional value. Interesting July Clearance Sales Affording Substantial Savings on Bonn, Syphon sunt Leonard Refrigerator. A big lino of Reed ud Fibre Porch and Veranda Furniture and discontinued patterns in the famous Whittal Rug Now in pro great at Beaton-Laier's. . , Open a Charge Accountend Welcome. DREAD INFANTILE DISEASE BREAKS OUT Health Commissioner Gives Personal Attention to Case of Samuel Eossitto. CHILD'S LEO PARALYZED The first case of infantile oaralvsit reported to the health office since last February was sent in by Dr. C C. Moore, the victim being Samuel Ros sito, 3 years old, 4701 North Twenty ninth street. This is the second ease in Omaha this year. Health Commissioner Connell anrl City Bacteriologist Langfeld visited the Rossitto home and cave the case their personal attention. They report the case it unmistakably infantile paralysis, but the health commission er it not certain whether it is the epidemic or sporadic form. "I am giving the case my personal attention. I visited the houses of the neighborhood and advised the people regarding gargling their throats and taking other percautions. The Ros sitto home has been quarantined and a nuec surveillance win oe main tained," said Dr. Connell. The health commissioner does not feel alarmed over the isolated case, but in view of the outbreak of this disease in certain sections of the country at this time, he intends to exercise unusual vigilance. One of the legs of the Rossitto child is paralyzed and otherwise manifests the real symptoms of the disease. This child was ill five days before the attending physician was summoned. , THIRTY-NINE MORF DEATHS Plague it Spreading in New York City and Vicinity. New York July 22. There were more deaths in the epidemic of infan tile paralysis during the last twenty- luur uuuie m,i ....... inception of the disease four weeks ago. Since 10 a. m. yesterday the plague killed thirty-nine children in eh. Av. hnrnnoha of New York Citv. There were 135 new cases. Quarantine regulations ot increas ing severity due to fear of the snread of infantile paralysis were reported today from a number of citier and towns near New York. The Erie railroad, which serves thousands of commuters, has sent out a bulletin to all its station agents warning them to notify prospective passengers that children will be barred from most of the stations along the line in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. - A total of 239 cases of infantile paralysis are reported from the state of New Jersey. The cases in Con necticut number fifty-nine. New York state outside of New York City has 195 cases. ' ' - ' . DR. BRADBURY A SAFE DENTIST Dental Service is Deeds-Not Words Dental service of the kind that satisfies It nine-tenths deeds and one-tenth words. The science of this kind of service it based on three great factors quality, service and mode of eon ducting business. We have the largest dental practice in Omaha today BECAUSE we have al ways lived up to the highest principle of con ducting our business. The best people in the community are our patrons. X-Ray, for hidden tooth troubles. PYORRHEA CURED. Extractions delicately done. Missing teeth supplied without plate. Crowns and fillings specialty. . Plates from 15.00 up. ' . Best work guaranteed ten yean and all work don without pain. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist) 11 Years In Omaha. 21.J1 Wooclmaa ( tba World Building. Phraa D. 1756. 14th aaal Faraaas Sta., Omaha. Hpurti 8 to 6 Sundays, 10 to 12. THOMPSON-BADEN 6CO. Tlie fasliion Genter ofHie ffiddleWesl- J established ': '. Sale of Children's Dresses Children's Colored Wash Dresses in Sizes 2 to 10 Yean. 85c Dresses now 59c , ' ' $1.25 Dresses now 79c. $1.50 and $1.65 Dresses now 98c $1.75 Dresses now $1.19. . $2.50 and $2.75 Dresses now $1.89. ; $3.50 Dresses now $1.75. , $4.25 Dresses for $2.98. .... Sale of Sport Stripe Fabrics In Skirt Lengths Linens, Gabardines and Crepe materials, in Ba yard and 4-yard pattern lengths. Monday, a full skirt length at about the price you pay per yard $1.25 Per Pattern Main Floor. White Rompers A small lot that are slightly soiled, sizes 3, 4 and 5 years; sold 50c, 856, $1.00 and $1.25 .. ; . Monday $ Price Children's Section Thir A Floor, Shaker Flannel Heavy twilled bleached baby Shaker Flannel, 27 inches wide; special, Mon day,! Oc per yard. SOOT Pumps and Oxfords At Reduced Prices 25 styles in gray, ivory, white, brown, patent and dull kid leathers. $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 values, Now $4.95 - IS styles in blue, patent and' dull kid, also white pumps with black saddles and gray pumps with whit saddles. $5.00 and $8.00 values, Now$3.95 Broken sizes of pumps and oxfords of different leathers, in this sale, at $2.95 I'nnnn mil .mnmrrTTm iiiiaihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiuiuiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiimi TTIIufl Horse 'Power Trfan f . . "ou ask, "What has this to do with me as a buyer of tires? T tsby such savings at the Firestone factory we cut down the cost of tire mileage for you. Instead of paying 30 cents or more per ton for feeding coal, ; . , we install equipment that feeds for 4 cents a ton. One man i feeds hundreds of tons a day that develop 12,000 horsepower. Tir 1 1 is equipment and efficiency of this kind throughout the Firestone factory and branches that give you ex clusive nualitv at' ordinary Dricc in Firestone Tires. One' 12.000 horsenower turbine instead of a battery of small ones; buying from plantation and shipping direct: equipment for calendering and cutting 84-inch fabric instead of the nar rower widths; scientific distribution through branches by car load or trainload. These are some of the ways Firestone takes the cost out of overhead and puts the quality in the Tire. You profit through more quality more mileage for less money. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company tMmerico's Largttt Exclutive Tir ttnd Rim Makert" , 2566 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. , ' Horn Offica and Faetoryi Alcroa, Ohio. ' Braachaa anal Daalart Evarrwbarav Makara of First Truck Tires-Leader Than sad Lcadars New-la Quality and Volume I - ' .. - -