Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    I B
The Busy Bees
Their Own Page
A "PET SHOW" for til the children of Omaha is whit C H. English,
supervisor of recreation and playgrounds for the city, is planning
for next month, when it gets a tittle cooler. Every little boy and girl
in the city will be invited to bring their little pet to the nearest park
it doesn't matter whether the pet is a kitten, dog, pony, bird, chicken,
buftny or goat. , ' .
This is not to be a bench show or anv prize exhibition of blue-blooded
pets. Not at all. Just any old animal or bird that you love and that loves
yon is eligible to take part in the "pet show."
When the date for the show, is announced, bring your pet under your
arm or in its cage, and as a reward, you will receive a junior membership in
the Nebraska Humane society, according to present plans.
Clifford Keller won the prize book this week. He is on the Blue side.
Edith Kenyon and Emma Gillespie, also of the Blue side, won honorable
mention. . ;
Little Stories by Little Folk
. (Prise Story.)
Finds Kittens, Not Eggs.
By Clifford Keller, Aged 12 Years,
Fullerton, Neb, Blue Side.
One night after my milking was
done, I went to look for a hen's nest.
I was looking in the straw banking
round the chicken house. I saw a
hole, expecting to find a handful of
eggs. And what do you think 1
found? ' ; : - '"
A nest of little kittens! I ran and
told everybody" I could find about my
hen's nest. The kittens are growing
just fine and will soon be as big as
their mother. This is the first story
I have written to the Busy Bee's page,
and I hope I am lucky enough to win
prize. I would like to join the Blue
Side, as it is my favorite color.
(Honorable Mention.)
Visit to Riverview park.
By Edith Kenyon, 3222 Cuming Street,
Omaha, Neb. Blue Side.
A few weeks ago we went to River
view park. We took the main road so
we could see the animals. We thought
the bears were most interesting, so
we watched them for quite awhile.
There were two small bears and a
uivuivi m-. wvtiG vi iuv vats
of the imall bears had only three legs.
The other little bear was so frisky its
mother always ran after it.
Then we went up to see some other
kind of bears. They were grizzly
and cinnamon. ' The grizzly "was 12
yeara old. He would always open his
mouth up wide so everybody would
feed him. He was very greedy.
Later we found a nice shady place
and sat down to eat our lunch. After
lunch we decided to go and watch the
swimmers. After watching them for
quite a while we went home. We
were all very tired, but we also had a
a lovely time. . . i
(Honorable Mention.) !
Frisrhtened b Horae.
By Emma Gillespie, Aged 10 Years,
ureeiey, wen. Blue bide,
"Ohl OhI Oh! What's that!" As I
looked around from the eranarv In the
barn I saw something that looked like
a wttcn s bonnet. My, but how I
came out of that srranarv and started
down the hill for the house and that
brick had to lie in the way and of
course I had to stumble, but I finallv
got to the house and was telling about
it when I came to the conclusion that
it was an old horse's ears I saw, but
i uicijr w ecarcu. inis is a true
Has Many Pets.
By Veronica Carter. Aged 11 years.
; 4517 Lafeyette St., Omaha, Nebr.
" ; , Red Side.
I haven't written for a long time,
SO I thought I would write I have
two sisters and one brother. My old
est sister it nine, and my brother is
ten, but my smallest sister is but two
years old. Alt the children around
our house want to buy her.
, There is a young maple tree in our
yard. It has a robin's nest in it
two weeks ago I looked in it; it had
an egg it it, but it has a little bird
in it now. We have thirty-six hens
and twenty-five spring chickens, we
had 100 title chicks but a cat ate all
except twenty-five. We had a pigeon
but Jack, one of our dogs ate it. We
have two dogs, Jack and Spot, jack
is a spaniel and Spot a rat terrier
This is all I have to say this time.
Any Busy Bee that will write to me
I will answer. I hope I will win a
"Bess and the Belfry."
By Nola Kerns, Age 11, Phillips, Neb.
i ' Blue side.
"It is not safe for you to be out
here alone, Bess," said Mr. Burton to
his daughter. "You must go into the
village and stay with Aunt Mary."
"Oh, father I I'm not afraid," re
plied Bess. "The British will not hurt
a little girl like me."- Bess was a
Dutch maid, who lived in New York
state in revolutionary days.
Dressed in her wooden shoes, with
yellow braids hsnging down over her
blue blouse, she made a pretty
' No, I am not atrald, continued
Bess, "and I mean to stay right here.
just like a boy."
So the father went out to work
at the chimney of the church, and
Bess busied herself in the kitchen.
"Bess, you really ought to go into
the village," said her father again
at tea. . . '
"We have rumors that the British
are approaching, but no one seems
to know anything certain. Our
American general is here, sick, and
a few of his men are at his house,
but not enough to defend the place
unless the planks are taken-up from
the bridge in time."
The father went to bed early, but
Bess sat up late. Then Tabs, the
white kitten, got away and ran down
toward the church. After her raced
Bess- The kitten, leaping over the
fence, jumped into the church
through the window, then through
the gallery and finally darted up the
steep steps into the belfry. Right
on the cat's heels came Bess, her long
hair streaming in the moonlight, up
the steps leaped the kitty, and up
the steps went Bess.
Then the kitten did a very wicked
thing. It sprang up amid the tim
bers which formed a high, steep lad
der reaching up to the very bell it
self. It clawed and climbed and
meowed, but kept on getting higher
and higher, and Bess came on as fast
as tier lat legs could tollow. unce
she looked below and set out again
to catch the kitten. When she looked
down, the house in which her father
lay sleeping seemed far away.
About a mile away lay the town,
its tew lights twinkling. Suddenly
the tramp of horses' feet oame, and
she saw a long column of men trot
ting toward the town. Now the
bridge was between Bess and the
town, and ahe realized that if she
could awaken the people they would
pull up the planks, and the British
could not pass the river. '
' Above her dangled the rope. The
bell swayed on the oaken beam. On
this same beam the kitten was
perched. She had gorgotten the cat.
The town must be awakened and the
tm 1 aaa aMalf
s s... ..itigajajssg-jim
Jfosella Lipshitz
general saved.' So she rang the bell
and awakened the people and they
pulled the planks jnst in time. Then
Bess climbed down with the cat So
in two or three days after she found
a package at her plate, and when
she opened it, there on the inside
was a beautiful gold medal for Bess.
Fourth of July.
By Edda Corneer, Age 10 Years, 3510
Valley St:, Omaha. Blue Side.
' "Oh, mother, it is only a day till
the Fourth, may I go and get, some
"I'm sorry, dear, but I" think not.
You may be hurt." :
"All the other girls are." she said.
The day before the Fourth came
and Helen took a dime from her
mother's pocketbook and bought fire
crackers, un tne morning of the
Fourth she shot them off in the back
of the house. One burned her hand,
She screamed very loudly. Her moth
er came and Helen told her what had'
happened and said, "I will never do
A Good Suggestion.
By Francis Tomjack. Aged II yeara,
v R: R. No. 2, Ewing, Nebr.
Red Side.
Well, how are all the Busy Bees?
I am just fine, I go to school and I
am in the aiyth o-raHii Hi.,, .-kuil
was out in April, and I am getting
eager lur u io start again.
Queen of the Busy Bees, why don't
you write any more? Your stories
are very interesting. Where is the
King? I never see any of your
Stories of Nebraska History : : : AMJkhz
l f . i roii fir ina auinor Tn
. uWI" ehaottra rrem ltu Hlitsrr
2 Waal!" ' UWtm' tnm "
(Continued from last Sunday)
Governor John M. Thayer In 1886
.,Aohn M. Thayer, sepublican,
of brand Island, was chosen governor
and again in 1888. During fiis term
the settlement of neglected parts of
the state, especially the sandhill re
gion, went rapidly forward. The pres
ent state capital was completed dur
ing his term.
The Great "Q" Strike-The year
ISM is noted for the great Burling,
ton strike. At a given signal on Feb
ruary 27 practically all the engineers
and firemen on that railroad left their
engines, demanding an increase of
pay.. This strike lasted throughout
theaummer, causing great loss to the
railroad, to the, workmen and to the
people of the state.'The railroad com.
pany brought in new men from the
east to take the places of the strik
ers and finallv mnn ,Tki.
which extended over all the lines of"
the Chicago, Burlington & Ouinrv
railroad, is known as the "great Q
Hone Stealing and Vigilance Com
mittees In every period of Nebras
ka history there has been some tell
ing of horses and cattle along the
frontier, and the settlers there have
organized to protect their stock and
punish the thieves. Hanging was the
usual punishment for stealing stock
in border settlements. "Vigilance
'; committees" was the name usually
given to the settlers' clubs for their
own protection. The members of
to help each other and to punish
thieves. Cattle and horses were stolen
on a large scale after 1880, when set
tlements pushed into the war north
west. The deep canyons and the
sand hills made convenient places for
hiding stock, until it could be run
out of the country. Vigilance tom-
tiers throughout this frontier region.
There were numerous fights between
the settlers and the thieves. "Kid
Wade," a leader of the horse thieves,
was hung to a telegraph pole at Bas
sett in 1884, and "Doc Middleton," an
other, was shot and afterwards sent to
the penitentiary. This war between
the rujteters, as the stock thieves
were called, and the settlers lasted
learly twenty years, and ended only
when the building of railroads, tele
graph and telephone lines drove the
rustlers out of the state.
The Great Droiht TK.n
the year of the great drought, 1890.
No ram- fell for weeks. Not only in
western Nebraska, but over the whole
state and other western states this was
true. Nearly all the crops were fail
ures. In the older parts of Nebraska
there were hard times, but the people
had something saved fro 7 EZZ VZ. 'u Pr ,e .n1
vears and m.n...l . Z t "X"" c,cc.l 7tn o otrice
"western Nehr.,E. l"J" no were Uvor " capitalists.
-i. i I J.Z."t, Y V.""- r.
pie had spent all .they had in getting
settled on their farms. There was
great suffering all over the west
When the legislature met in 1891, it
appropriated iuu,uuu witn which to
buy food and seed for the settlers. On
southwest again ruined the enrn ernn
and injured other crops. The legisla
ture oi itwa appropriated $Z5U,000
more to aid the settlers in the west
ern part of the state. In spite of this
thousands were discouraged and left
their Jiomes to find work elsewhere.
that there was a combine of the mon
eyed interests, including the great
banks, the railroads, the manufac
turers and merchants to rob the rest
of the people of what they produced.
It was also claimed that these large
interests conspired to control both
Of the great oolitical nartira .nJ
The Political Savnlnd cm 1 BOA
In the year 1890 the dissatisfaction of
the farmers of the west and south
took form in a great political move
ment which was histrnrA hv th
of education and organization of the
July 26, 1894, a hot wind from the ffe"' Hiance and by the very
general debt and distress of the farm
ers. In a single campaign the united
farmers broke away from both of the
old parties and over a large part of
the west and the south defeated their
candidates for office, electing men of
tne new movement in Nebraska the
Arthur's First Mustache
A great event happened over at our
house the other morning. Pa was
busy reading The Sunday Bee and ma
was preparing some fish for dinner.
The fish was sent by Mr. Thomas,
who went up to the Wisconsin woods
with friends for a vacation. Trix, the
fox terrier, was dozing in the shade
at the side of the house, trying to
keep cool. It was a warm morning.
before 1 tell you about this great
event I want to say that grown-up
men and women think they have a
lot of trouble and vexation. Pa likes
to ssy "irritations of life. I should
worry about pa having irritations. I
guess the worst irritations he has are
the mosquito bites, and to near him
tell about them on the front porch
one would think he had been bitten
by i shark. Ma sometimes tells
about her troubles. The other day
the jell wouldn't jell, and; the next
day she forgot to, turn the electric
iron off and she burned one of pa's
shirts. She rushed to answer the tel
ephone and left the iron on the shirt
It was pa's favorite base ball game
shirt, the one with the broad stripes.
Pa was peeved when he learned about
his shirt. My pa and ma, and I sup
pose other pas and mas, seem to
think that boys and girls do not have
troubles and irritations I mean reg
ular troubles, anxieties and vexations.
Well, I suppose you are getting
curious about the great event tnat
happened, and it happened to a boy,
to Arthur, who is 14 years of age, go
ing on 15. He was in his room, fixing
up to go to the Presbyterian hospital
to see Mr. Livingstone, an old triend.
Suddenly he called to pa and when pa
went into the room, what do you sup
pose happened r Well, this is just
between usi Arthur discovered that
there was a fuzzy growth of some
thing on his upper lip. But that isn't
the real event The big event was
Arthur's discovery that his mustache
was going to a sort of white color.
His dismay was unmistakable when
he made this discovery.
Pa called to ma and ma called 'to
Mary Jane, and the result was a fam
ily reunion right in Arthur's room to
view hjs mustache.
"I never thought I would have a
son with a white mustache," ma said.
Pa said that is the way mustaches
start, and he advised Arthur not to be
discouraged. Mary Jane stuck her
handkerchief into her mouth to keep
from laughing. Trix began to bark
as if something was going on.
Arthur and Pa had a confidential
talk about the mustache. Arthur
called it a mustache, but it wasn't a
really . and truly mustache. You
would not notice it unless someone
would call it to your .attention, but
it was there just the same, and if you
had good eyes and the light was good
you could see it.
Ma told Arthur he would soon be
a man and would have to shave. She.
asked pa if he would give Arthur one
of his safety razors. Pa received
several safety razors as Christmas
Conquerors Will Exploit Country
For Gold Alter the War
- It Over.
Tha Panic of lMt. U.rA Ti.. mP'B" will long be remem
.;-a V " : . pereo. as there were no crops to
Again A great painc came in 1893
while western Nebraska was being
settled, just as the panic bf 1873 came
when eastern Nebraska was being set
tled. Banks broke, factories shut
down, merchants failed all over the
country. Prices of farmers' produce
again tell to the lowest point and, al
though food was so cheap, working
men in the cities could scarcely buy
enough to keep from starving, because
they had no work. Thousands of men
out of employment gathered in ar
mies and marched across the country
to Washington to demand that con
gress should give them work., In
Nebraska whole townships in ' the
western part were deserted so that
one could ride all day finding nothing
but empty houses and fields growing
up to weeds. These hard times lasted
from 1890 until about 1900. ,
The Farmers' Alliance During the
years 1880 to 1890 a society called the
Farmers' alliance had spread over Ne
braska and other western and south
ern states. Its objects as stated were
to better the condition of farmers, to
help them to buy and aell on better
terms, to conduct evenins schools for
the instruction of members in the
science of exchana-e and srovernment
and to furnish means of social enter
tainment. The chief complaint af the
Farmers' alliance was that those who
handled what the farmer had to sell
took the larger part of what he pro
duced for themselves and that those
who made and sold what the farmer
had to buy charged him an exorbi
tant price. , The farmers also claimed
harvest, the farmers gathered by
thousands in great open air meetings
to talk over their grievances and to
plan how to remove them. Orators
of the common people addressed
these meetings, talking' to meres nf
eager faces amid great enthusiasm.
Many new speakers, both men and
women, first found their powers in
the excitement of this time. There
were processions of wagons many
miles long, filled with sunburned men,
women and children with home-made
banners and mottoes expressing their
iccungs. mere were songs witn
home-made words and music such as
(jroodby, Old Party. Goodbv. suna-
with great energy and greeted with
enthusiastic applause. . .
The Contest! Governor Tamna E.
Boyd When the votes were counted
after the November, 1890, election, it
was lound that the farmers move
ment had elected a majority of both
houses of the legislature in Nebras
ka and the election of governor was
so close that a contest resulted. When
the legislature met in Lincoln in Janu
ary, 1891, excitement ran high. After
a struggle of tome days, the demo
cratic candidate, Jamea E. Boyd of
Omaha, was seated. A bill passed
both houses reducing railroad rates in
Nebraska. It was vetoed by Gov
crnor Boyd. A bill was passed adopt
ing the Australian secret ballot, by
means of which a man might vote his
convictions without the knowledge of
any other person. . " .
j (.Continued Next Sunday) .."-. ,
stories, because you don't write. You
ought to write a letter for every pa-
Ser. My sister and I are always look
ig forward to Monday, because that
It the day we get the Sunday paper.
Well I will close with a few riddles:
What is out in the field and has
been eating all day and sever gets
Ans. A threshing machine. 1
Why Is a piece of candy like a
horse? .
Ans. Because the more you lick
it the faster it goes.
What lies behind a ttar? Ans. A
What has a nose and still cant
smell? Ans. A teapot.
House full, yard full, can't catch a
thimble full? Ans. Air.
Four legs up, four legs down, soft
in the middle, hard all around? Ana.
K bed.
Flower Rhymes.
By Myrtle Peterson, Aged 12 Years,
Kearney, Neb. Blue Side.
I am going to write a-poem about
flowers in the alphabet form.
A is for asters,.
Which are very tall.
B is for buttercups,
Which are small.
C is for carnations,
Which are white, pink and red.
D is for dandelions.
Which go early to bed.
E is for Easter lilies, v
Which are very bright
F is for for-get-me-nots, . I
Which are sometimes white.
G is for geraniums, . ,
Which I like very well.
H It for hollyhocks.
Which are very small.
I is for iris,
Which are tlue. .
J is for johnny jump-upt,
Which are blue, too.
K is for kingrups,
Which are light. ,
L it for lady slippers, -
Flowers that are right
M Is for marigolds,
Which are yellow.
N is for nasturtium,
It is very sweet.
O is for orange blossom, . .
It looks like wheat.
P is for pansies,. ; ,. .
Flowers very small. ;
Q is for queen's night cap, . '
Flowers very tall.
R is for roses, " '
Which are red. , ' ;
S is for sweet peas, ,
Which do not like to go to bed.
T is for tulips, . ,
Which are very bright
U is for umbrella plant,
A plant which is light
V is for violets, -. " .
Which are small.
W is for wild roses, " ' X
Which are tall.
Y is for yarrow, 1
Flowers which are light.
Z is for zenias,
Which are sometimes white.
My Experiences In Gardening.
By Vera Deles Dernier, Aged 12
Years, Elmwood, Neb. Blue Side.
I had my first garden when I was
10 years old. My garden came up
good, but it was so dry that sum
mer that my onions were the only
thing that grew good. In the fall
I had three bushels, which I sold for
$3. Last year papa gave me a larger
piece of land. After he had harrowed
and plowed it I raked it all over with
the small rake, I then got a piece
of twine and two sticks. I tied one
end to each stick. I then got another
stick to measure the distance that I
wanted the rows apart. In that way
I got my rows straight I planted
tomatoes, peas, onions, cabbage and
sweet potatoes. , I got 50 contS by
selling my early tomato plants and
50 cents for my early cabbage plants.
I got $2 from my tomatoes when they
were ripe, $5 off my cabbage and $4
from my onions. That makes $12 in
all. This year I got my ground ready
same as before and planted tomatoes,
onions, peas, cabbage and sweet po
tatoes. I have made $l.5U on my
garden all ready.
Prise Book Splendid. ..
By Mildred Burne. 2530 Chicago St,
Omaha, Neb. Blue Side.
The book I received for my last
story it splendid.
It is about Lincoln, in my own pri
rate opinion, the greatest man that
ever lived. Mightier than Napoleon,
because Lincoln waa a lover of peace,
while Napoleon of war.
I Busy Bees, the book that I received
is one worth competing for. I thank
you very much.
Saves Sparrow's Ufa.
By Leila Maria Benedict, Aged 8
Years. Franklin. Neb. Blue Side.
I think I will join the blue side, for
I hope some day I wilt be queen. I
will tell you about how I saved a
sparrow's life once. It was like this:
LTha snow waa meltina on da whaai
I was little, and waa going a little
ways with papa. He was going down
to the real estate office, where he
works. Well, at I wat laying, I was
going a little ways with him, I found
a little sparrow tn front of our house
that had been almost frozen to death
by the snow. I told papa to wait a
few minutes while I put it in the bot
tom of a basket I had torn up. So
he waited for me while I did it
The next morning when I went out
doors to look at it the tun had
warmed it and it had flown out on
the bank. I tried to catch the bird,
but could not ' I wish many happy
returns of, the day to Mr. Waste
paper Basket. I hope to tee my let
ter in print. ' . -
By Margaret Lorimer, Age 12 Years,
. Sidney, la. clue bide.
From every meadow and running
There" is so much that nature, tells.
From every corner and every nook,
to where the rich man lives and
. dwells. ;.
, Nature, from where each sunny
ray, .
To rich and poor, seems all alike;
From all we bring thee tribute today
from whence the sun shines to
wrong and right
And with joy still to thee, dear Na
ture, we look
From April to May for wild flow
ers to bloom;
Yes, in forests and wood, by free
running brook,
We safely may gather to brighten
the home.
' (Corraapondenca ot tha Aaaoelated Praaa.)
Belgrade, June 6. If Serbia remains
under Austro-Hungarian control after
the establishment of peace the Balkan
state probably will take a prominent
position among the world s metal pro
ducing countries, as the present con
querors of Serbia are laying plans to
develop the mineral resources. In
antiquity the country was the largest
gold producer in Europe. Its copper
mines had, prior to the conquest of
the Balkans by the Turks, developed
to a considerable extent, those ex
ploited by a French company at Bor
netting annually as much as 60 per
cent of the capital invested.
Gold has been won in Serbia in re
cent years principally through placer
mining. The production was small,
however, as work was confined as a
rule to localities which had been al
ready worked over by the ancients.
Silver is found only in conjunction
with other metals. The copper ores
of Bor contain from ninety-six to 120
grammes per ton. The lead ores of
Postenje, near Kfupanj, and those of
Avala, on the Crneni mountain, also
furnish considerable silver. At Avala
quicksilver is also found. Tin is found
at several points, but so far no efforts
have been made to develop the de
posits. Arsenic exists at Jasikova.
Copper ores occur in ?rtat ouantitv.
Most of them resemble in character
and geological deposition those of
Butte. Mont. The mines at Bor. not.
ably the one known as Cukadulkan,
are especially rich. Ores taken from
this mine are 6 per cent copper, which
reiines into yu.o per cent copper, and
gives per ton twenty-four to thirty
grammes gold and ninety-six to 120
grammes silver. Invested is a capital
of 5,500,000 francs. In the year 1912-13
tne production of ore was 7.600 tons.
Iron also is found in Serbia, espe
cially in the northeastern parts of the
country. The lack of coal and coke
has in the past prevented the develop
ment of the iron and steel industry,
the small output of iron ores having
been transported on the Danube to
points in Austria-Hungary.
Moving Pictures
Placed in Scotch
Public Houses
London. July 15. "Movie" thea.
ters in saloons are one of the inno
vations made by the government
liquor ooard. in its experiment in dv
rect management of saloons in the
south of Scotland and the north of
England, where there are large muni
tion making areas. Heavy drinking
has necessitated the step.. By remod
eling and rebuilding these saloons the
government nopes to increase the
comfort of the workers.
The picture palaces underl the
same roof as the saloons are so ar
ranged thai the men who formerlv
frequented the saloons in search of
amusement, will be able to take their
wives, and whether they desire to
have drinks or not. matters little. The
man who does not approve of saloons
can find a part set aside, for the con
sumption of tea, coffee and other s
drinks. The theater will also .
used for concerts and lectures.
The experiment is being watched
critically, not by the liquor trade, but
by temperance workers and prohibi
tionists. In Edinburgh, for instance,
it has been noticed that the saloons
in the experimental area had doubled
their receipts since private control
and management had been displaced
by the government board, and tne
local religious leaders are contending
that the more model and club-like
a drinking shop is made the more
drink it will sell. Another criticism
made by the reform element is that as
the new model houses are understood
to be exemplary they are not under
the same strict police supervision as
the ordinary saloons.
Women Are
Doing in the World
The Omaha Woman's Christian
Temperance union will hold its last
meeting of the season Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 at the home of
Mrs. W. F. Callfas, 903 Mercer Park
boulevard. Mrs. H. C. Sumney will
talk on "Opponents to Franchise
Work" and a social hour will follow.
: The U. S. Grant Women's Relief
corps will have a picnic at Miller park
near the playground Tuesday after
noon. All members of the post are
urged to attend the picnic supper,
which has been -set for 6 o'clock to
accommodate those who are not able
to attend earlier in the day.
One of the important departments
of the work of the Society of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion is the placing of markers to pre
serve the history of any special com
munity. Nebraska chapters have not
been backward in this work and sev
eral markers have been erected along
the trail of the Lewis and Clark ex
pedition. July 4 Pawnee chapter of
Fullerton unveiled such a marker in
the Nance county courtyard to com
memorate the last home of the Paw
nees. The address was made by Mrs.
Charles H. Aull of Omaha, state re
gent. The boulder was presented to
the county by Mrs. A. E. Bryson, re
gent of Pawnee chapter and formerly
a member of Omaha chapter. It was
accepted by Albert Thompson, speak
ing for the county commissioners.
The bronze tablet bears the insignia
of the society, a relief medallion of
White Eagle, one of the best Paw
nee chiefs, and a brief history of the
locality. A paper was written for the
occasion by John W. Williamson, for
years government scout among the
Pawnees, now a resident of Genoa.
The Frances Willard Woman's
Christian Temperance union will
meet' Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Dalzell, 2719 Davenport street. Mrs.
George S. Ticknor, superintendent of
Sabbath observance, will have charge
of the program.
The Business Women's council will
hold its weekly luncheon and prayer
meeting Tuesday in the agricultural
rooms in the court house, between the
hours of 11 and 2. Luncheon will be
served by the women of the Central
Park Congregational church, but no
speaker has yet been announced.
This week's meetings of the So
ciety of American Widows will be
held at 206 Crounse building, oppo
site the postoffice, Tuesday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock and Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Better Position
Getting a
Means Selling Your Services
The Twentieth Century M ethod of sell
ing your services is to advertise them.
You can do more with a little ad in
' the "Situation Wanted" columns of
The Bee : than you could in days of
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, And then employers have learned to
look in the "Situation Wanted" col-
umns when they need to fill vacan
cies in their organizations, and you
1 get interviews with people you could
. not reach in any other w$y.
If you want assistance in preparing a suit
able ad, .call at The Bee of f ice there is no
charge for this extra .. service otherwise
telephone your ad to Tyler 1000.