Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 15

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3 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Miss Wilma Miller, who was mem
ber of the graduating clasi of the
Council Bluffs High school, enter
tained thirty ot the recent graduates
at her home, 916 Fourth' street, Tues
day evening. The evening was a. molt
enjoyable one. Severer interesting
and clever games were played and
prizes were won by Phyllis Schmidt,
lilen Kerney and Jarold Joseph; Musi
cal numbers were also furnished by a
number of the guests. Light refresh
ments were served by the hostess,
after which the large living room was
cleared for dancing. Those present
were: Miss Helen Evers, .Miss Mae
Buchannon, Miss Ethel Smith, Miss
Helen Lewis, Miss Marion Sharkey,
Miss Phyllis Schmidt, Miss Gertrude
.Stange. Miss Evelyn Walton, Miss
Mildred Dachtler, Miss Ruth Line
burger, Miss Dorothy Smith, Miss
Margaret Alberti, Miss Ruth Snyder,
Miss Poice Larsen, Francis Maloney,
Paul Brown, Iden kerney, Jarold Jo
seph, Joy Claar, Jacob Cherniack, Je
rome Kuhl, Earl Nelson, Charles Bock
and David Kensinger.
Miss Bernadette Wickham enter
tained eighteen young ladies Wednes
day afternoon in honor of Miss Ber
tha Coffey, who last season played
the part of "Conscience" with the
"Every woman" company of New
York. Miss Coffey is on her way to
take a place among the singers for
the Victor records.
A quartet of girls are enjoying a
"progressive house party" this week,
staying one night at each home, The
party began Wednesday evening when
the girls went to Manawa, returning
to spend the night as the guests of
Miss Leeta Hunter. Thursday was
spent at the Boat club with the Misses
Maude and Dorothy Clark as host
esses, the girls returning to sleep at
the Clark home. Friday the young
women were the guests of the fourth
member of the party, Miss Irene
The women golfers had a beautiful
day for their team Contest Wednes
day and the yellows won with twelve
points to the good. In the putting
contest Mrs. H. L. Messner won with
a score of twenty-four. Mrs. Harry
E. Rose won the putting and ap
proaching contest with a score of
eleven, a priie being given by the
Continental Furniture company. The
Gerner trophy of last week was won
by Miss Sara Besley with a net score
of fifty-three. Next Wednesday the
women will play an eighteen-hole
match against bogey, the play to be
gin promptly at 8:30 o'clock.
The July meeting of the Ruthenean
class of the Second Presbyterian
church wal held Wednesday evening
at the home of Miss Ruth LainsOn
on Damon street The election of of
ficers was held, resulting as follows:
President, MlM Csxollns Schmidt! vies presi
dent, MlM Gertrude Hlnkle: secretary, MM
Myrtle Currle; treasurer, Miss Ruth Lsln
feoni reporter, Miss Bvadns Oelse.
After the business meeting a social
hour was enjoyed, after which re
freshment! were served.
Miss Florence Snow of Cheyenne,
Wyo., is the guest of Mrs. L, W. Mc
Miillen, laH Sixth avenue. She ex
pects to be here for about a week.
Mrs. J. R. Mover and little daugh
ter of Lincoln. Neb., are here for a
visit of several weeks' duration wjth
Mrs. Moyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. O. Goodman. ' , , .
. Vera and Etta Ertxon, 1009 Third
avenue, will leave Sunday to visit
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A,.
McBee, at Magnolia. ..
Esta and Dora McCreary, 1012
Third avenue, left Friday evening for
Kansas, where they will visit their
Members and freinds of the L. U.
S: kensington were entertained on
Thursday afternoon ats Fairmont
park. Refreshments were served and
a social time enjoyed. .
Miss Ethel Christensen entertained
about a doien guest! at a swimming
party at Manawa Monday evening, In
honor of her house guests, Miss
Anna Morant and Miss Helen Brack
enburg of Lamoni. The guests Went
first to the other side . of the lake,
where a rrefreshing plunge was en
joyed, returnnlng to partake of a
picnic supper in the park.
Members of the Leschetizky Music
club closed their season's work with
a delightful picnic at Lake Manawa
Tuesday evening. Thirty-seven young
folks were present, chaperoned by
Mrs. Pope and Miss Freda Kenady.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed,
with the usual picnic frivolities and
the pleasures of the resort. This was
the last meeting this summer of the
club, but it will resume meetings in
September, with Miss Kenady again
in charge of the club's activities.
Mr- Harry Joseph and Miss Pearl
Stewart were married Tuesday after
noon at 4 o'clock, at 112 Nicholas
. street, their new home, where they
go at once to housekeeping. Both
young people have been employed in
he Beno store. The wedding was a
quiet one,1 only relatives and a few
intimate friends being present.
Central chapter of St. Paul's guild
met for luncheon Tuesday at the
Boat club, covers being laid for
twelve. The afternoon was spent lo
. cially and with kensington work. The
guild plans to hold regular meetings
throughout the summer.
The Junior Endeavor society of the
Second Presbyterian church had a
most enjoyable picnic Saturday at
Lake Manawa. About twenty-five
young people were in attendance and
were chaperoned by Mrs. W. C. Jo
seph, Mrs.. Roy Ingram and Miss
Mollie Lamb. The young people are
planning a sunset meeting to be held
Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the
redwood stump in Fairmont park. A
special invitation is extended to any
of the parents who care to attend.
Mrs. E. H. Sylvester and daughter,
Edith, will leave this week for a
visit with relatives in St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. W. H. Kreamer of Atlantic
has returned to heri home after spend
. ing the week end with her daughter,
Mrs. Fred Lykke, who has been ill.
Roy Wilcox left Tuesday for Spirit
Lake, where he will spend a few
days with his family, who are sum
mering there. Mrs. Wilcox's aunt,
Miss Frances Walker of Colorado
Springs, Colo., accompanied him to
. the lake.
Firemen Make Run When
. . , , Ammonia Pipe Bursts
An ammonia pipe leading to the
. ice plant in the Henshaw hotel burst
about 5:30 o'clock this morning. The
fire department responded to an
alarm. The damage was slight.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use
them for result
1 .-xW3lr l
11 t Jr
Social Items
Mrs. A. W. Kum of Emporia, Kan.,
Is visiting with relatives at Gteen
Gables' farm.
Mis! Edna Boettger of Chicago is
snendine several weeks visiting her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William
A. Boettger at Pleasant Valley farm.
Word wa! received here this week
from Winlock, Wash., of the mar
riage of Miss Gladys Warlier, daugh
ter of Mr. L. Warlier, who were
former residents of Florence, to Mr.
F. R. Logan. They now reside at
tilaymond, Wash.
Mrs. L. H. Kiniel entertained at
Itfncheon en Monday evening when
the out of town guests, present were
Miss Ella Peska, Benson; Miss May
Colery, Mrs. William C. Cott, Mrs.
Edward J. Higley, Mrs. Mary Cott,
Miss Margaret- Cott, Omaha; Mrs.
L. B. Gammond, Pacific Junction, la.;
Miss Maude Burns, Lincoln, and Miss
Eliza Burns, Lincoln. .
Miss Louise Brisbin and Mrs. E.
P. Carlson and daughter of Glens
Falls, N. Y., are spending a few
weeks as the guests of their brothers,
J. B. Brisbin and H. T. Brisbin.
Judpe Lowrey, who ha! been visit
ing friend! and relative! over in Iowa
has returned from his vacation and
is again on the bench. ; v
John Striblinsr returned the firm
of the week from a short visit in
"Mrs. James Nicholson i the guest
of hef Sister in Provo, Utah. ,
H. C. Johnson and family of tos
Angcles;.;Cal,,.Jiave. returned to Flor
ence 16 again make their home here;
' W. H. Thomas and family are
spending a few weeks in Canada. ;
J. D. Brisbin returned Sunday fWtm
a short visit with friends in Daven
port, la: -
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Wirlit left
Wednesday for a few weeks' stay in
me ciacK mils country.
Mis! Dolly Morgan is soendino- the
week at Herman, Neb., the guest of
the Camerons.
' Mr. and Mrs. R. H.' Olmsted and
son, Robert, are the guests of Mr".
and Mrs. Berttley G. McCloud of Ken-
uwortlt, in.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cvril Kellv
a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rivett. who have
been spending a few weeks at Crete,
Neb., are expected home the first of
the week.
Ml!! Mabel Anderson it snenrtinv
the Summer at Berkelev. Cal.. takinc
a post graduate course at the Univer
sity of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauehman
spent Sunday at Teka'mah, the guests
of Mr. Baughman's mother, Mrs.
E. C. Webster, former editor of the
Tribune, who- was operated on re
cently, is now able to be out and
around again.
Miss Elizabeth Platz will spend the
balance of the summer visiting rela
tives at College View, Neb.
Walter Sorenson and L.- S. Myers
are spending tht summer at Bancroft,
Mr 8. RoS! Holtzman leaves Mon
day for Superior, Neb., for a short
visit with her parents.
Howard Koberts and Miss Ebba
Olafsen were married by the Rev. J.
B. Butter at his residence Thursday.
They were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Roberts.
A surorise rjartv was riven at the
home of C. T. Amis Monday evening
in honor of his daughter, Jessie. Those
present spent the evening in playing
various games and were also enter
tained by a number of Well-rendered
musical selections. Those pres
ent were Mesdames J. L. Zerbe, J.
Zerbe, James Alden Hedgehill, Greg
roson, Mills, Mary Green, Misses Lola
Zerbe, Dorothy Shulze, Anna Hedge
hill. Yates, Smith, Doris Snyder. Jes
sie Ames, Harriet Ames, Messrs. Gott
fried Mueki, Donald and Louis James,
J. L. and J. Zerbe, Chauncey West,
Chester Call, Hall, Hedgehill, William
Garceau, Pari Waage, Mills, Herman,
Harm, &narp, Kay ween, William
Amis, L. T. Amis.
Miss Dorothy Shulze is Visiting-
relatives at Wausa, Neb., this week.
Mrs. R. H. Golding and son. Wal-
dron, who have been visiting in Iowa
for the last three weeks, returned Saturday.
Iced Tea and
Lemonade Sett
pj at popular , prices, w
Just IT for this
weather. .tS
mm-" ' 1 1 fj
Society Notes
Mrs. D. M. Edgerley gave a large
party at Happy Hollow last Friday.
Miss Virginia Pixley entertained at
her home last Thursday for Miss
Ethel Denman of Lincoln.
Miss Louise Curtis is Spending ten
days 'at the Young Women's Chris
tian association conference for girls
of the extension clubs at Storm Lake,
Miss Velista Presson is visiting
Miss Margaret Warner at Dakota
City, Neb.
Miss Herberts Barker left last week
to spend the remainder of the sum
mer with her grandparents in La
Salle, 111.
Mr. Malvern lies of Davenport, la.,
was a guest the last week of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Duval and Miss Alice
Dundee people having supper last
Sunday at Happy Hollow were: W.
E. Rhoades, two reservations; E. Mill
ard, three, and E. A. Benson, three.
Mrs. Eugene Duval and Miss Alice
Duval left Wednesday for a trip to
Mackinac Island and Detroit.
The funeral services of Mr. Chris
Christensen, who died Sunday after a
long illness, wa held Tuesday from
the family residence on West Dodge
street, with interment at Forest Lawrn
Miss Eileen Guinter entertained six
teen young women at Happy Hollow
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Grace Doolittle hai arrived
from Pasadena to spend the summer
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, F. P.
Mrs. George Brandeis left the latter
part of the week for Chicago.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dun
dee Presbyterian church gave a lawn
social Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. E. H. Westerfield. There
was a large attendance.
The Dundee Women's Bowling club
met Wednesday at Happy Hollow for
luncheon and the game.
Mrs. W. A. Templeton entertained
at-a kensington at her home Monday
in honor of Mrs. W. O. Henry.
A number of Dundee young people
attended the Christian Endeavor so
ciety picnic at Miller park Saturday
Mr. and Mri. Robert Wylie have
taken a cottage at Lake Okoboji for
the month of August.
Mrs. H. C. Baird entertained the
Concordia club at a kensington at her
home Thursday.
The Dundee Boy Scouts had a pa
trol meeting Wednesday evening at
the home of Roger Moore.
Miss Mildred Olney of Minneapolis,
Minn., it the truest of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bragg.
Marv Johnston spent a tew days in
St. Paul last week.
Dr, Merriam Given
Divorce fromWife
Dr. Laureston A. Merriam, pioneer
Omaha physician, has been granted a
divorce from his wife, Laura E. Merriam.
Merriam is past 70 years of age,
while his wife is in her forties. They
were married in Omaha May 21, 1895.
Merriam charged "in his petition
that his wife deserted him in August.
1915, after having refused to live with
him, She has been a resident of Los
Angeles. Cal.. for the last two years
and made no to the suit.
h v r
( ,4..
Dr: W. R. Jack is now with the
Bailey Dental Company, where he
will be pleased to see any of his
old patients.
706 City National Bldg.
Telephone Douglas 2566.
Social Affairs
, of the South Side
Miss Zella Kerr, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. C. Kerr, 4607 South
Twenty-third street, and Mr. Robert
M. McConkey of Lincoln were mar
rld Wednesday, Rev. Robert L.
Wheeler officiating. The young
people will make their home in Lin
coln. Another, wedding of much interest
and surprise was that of Mr. Patrick
McCiovern, member of the well
known McGovern family, and Miss
Susan Agues Finn of Paola, Kan.,
which took place Wednesday morn,
ing at Paola at the Church of Holy
Trinity. This romance began when
both ' were visiting at Excelsior
Springs, Mo., about a year ago. The
young couple will make their home
in the Hanscom park district after
July ZO.
Mrs. Thomas Hodan and daughter,
Doris, are visiting with Mrs. Hodan's
mother at i.enora,, Kan. ,
Misses Claire McGovern and An
tela Breen are seeing the sights in
Yellowstone National park. They
are not expected home until next
week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Woods and
children have returned from a short
visit in Chicago. Mr. Wood! left im
mediately on a business trip to New
York City.
Mr. and Mrs.- C. F. Leppert are
visiting relatives and friends at Pal
myra. Neb.
Miss Marie McGovern will spend
her vacation in Chicago and Cleve
land, u. She will be gone about two
Mrs. John Cunningham, 4123 South
Twenty-third street, ii visiting rela
tives at Wood River. Neb.
Missel Lillian Sugrue, Mildred Mul
len and Mercedei Breen are Spending
their vacation at Lake Okoboji
Mill Margaret McMann has re
turned from Kearney, Neb., where
he has been attending Normal.
Miss Mildred Kavanaugh is home
from school at Jackson, Neb., and
will spend the rest of the summer at
the home of her sister, Mrs. E. F.
Shanahan. '
Joseph Goff, a former well-known
resident of South Omaha, il the
guest of friends for a few days.
Miss Helen Kavanaguh is expected
home this week from Aurora, S. D.,
where she has been spending the
summer with a lister.
Miss Mary O'Connell of Under
wood, Ia is spending a few days the
guest of Misi Irene McGovern.
MM. J. r. Bianeney, lormeny miss
Ann Rowley, and her small daugh
ter, Mary Ann, have returned to their
home in Kansas City. They have
been the guests of Mrs. Blakeney'i
mother. Mr!. J. J. Casey, and her
sister, Mm. Arthur Daily.
Mrs. P. A. Barrett is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Mathew Hamil, and fam
ily at Colby, Kan. She will be gone
about three weeks. ' '
Herbert Broadwell ii visiting in
Wyoming. He will spend part of the
time 'at Hiatville, the guest of Dr.
Van Slyke, former well-known dentist
Frank Moore, U. S. N., ion ot E. C.
Moore, who has been stationed at
San' Francisco, ii ipending some time
at home. ' "
Miss Caroline Carlson will leave the
first -of the week for a month's visit
at Broadwater, Neb. She will be ac
companied home by her mother, Mrs.
Anna Carlson. -
The Missel Uiristme ana wanna
r ..... hovo crme to their old home
at Quamba, Minn., for the rest of the
summer. Before their departure they
had as their guelt for a few dayi the;r
brother, Dr. Jonaa Larsen, wno i.
nr.rtirinir at Holdrese, Neb.,
and their brother-in-law, Dr. Joel An
derson, who will take up a new prac
tice at Gothenberg, Neb.
Mrs. W. B. Routte has returned
from St. Louis and Bethany, Mo
where she spent the past, six weeks
with relatives.
Miss Kate'Begley ii entertaining
her cousin Miss Stella Lafferty of
Custer, S. D.
Miss Imo Clifton who Is now teach
ing in Portland, Ore., ii at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Clifton, for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Christie and
daughter Katherine motored over to
Des Moines for a few dayi with Mr.
Christie's sister, Mrs, Joseph Sipe.-
Mr. -and Mrs. A. J. Kandall and
j family left In- their auto for -Cedar
! Rapids, Neb., for a short vis't with
Mrs. Randall's parents. They wlil
also stop at Valley with Mr. and
Mrs. Merlin Finlay for a few days.
Miss Hazel Barrett will leave Mon
i i.ay to spend a week at Villisca, la.,
the guest of Miss Vivian Dyke.
I Three auto load! of South Side
folks enjoyed a motor trip to Villisca
last Sunday. In the party were: Mr.
land Mrs. Frank Randall and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bernard, Mr. and
I Mm. Frank Bernard and Mr. and
Mm. Ray Bernard and family.
The Pollyanna Sunday school class
of Grace M. E. church, will have
an ice cream supper on the church
lawn 1 hursday, August J.
The Tuesday Kensington club was
entertained at the home of Mrs. M.
Kalamaja. The club will not meet
again until September when Mrs. L.
Kratky will be hostesi. Those pre
sent were: Mesdames Steel, Bernard
Dworak, Miller, Kmegh, Parker,
Shearer Randall, Rattlgan, Fisher,
I.ightfoot, B. . J ombrinch and M
Mrs. L, E. Knight and Miss Maude
Kader entertained the Samaritan
Kensington club of the United Pres
byterian Church at Spring Lake park
Thursday afternoon. - This is a cluh
of small girls who are very much in
terested in fancy Tvork, Members
present were: Mildred Rover, Mar
lorie Mordensen. Edna White. Bea
trice Can field, Adaline McCullough
and Kuth Dun.
A small, picnic at Riverview park,
Friday, wal enjoyed by mm. p. a.
Woods, Mr i. A. Koe, Mri. J. M. Cum
mins, Mrs. Virgil Smith and their
Miss Evelyn Clark entertained the
Double S club at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mri. Frank Clark,
on Tuesday evening. The house was
decorated with Japanese lanterns and
the evening was spent with games
and music, after which a very dainty
lunch was served. After the boyi
had gone home tht girli turned it
into a number party and ipent the
night, the guests of Miss Clark. The
party included:
Oltdys Munson.
Dorothy Vsn Bant,
Bosrloo Varror.
Hsslo Orosa.
Harold Hsndsnsa.
Wtllsas Bannsr,
Ptvtd BroadwsIL
Fsllt Mlllsr,
Tuesday afternoon in honor of her
tenth birthday. Games and refresh
ments furnished the afternoon's en
tertainment Mrs. A. C. Lessare and son returned
Thursday from Bloomtield and Pul
aski, la., where they have been thi
guests of relatives.
Mrs. J. Morvatt and daughter of
WaMfloo spent last week at the G.
A.HjJJ home. ,,. . '
West Ambler
Social Activities
J, A. Bent of Pathe Beads
Strong Argument to All
Exhibitor in TJ. 8.
Ruth Lamtr.
lUchol Jordsn.
Mlldrsd Bliss,
Evslyn Clsrk.
Cltrono Andsfassj.
Hrold Bradlsr,
Frsnols Hlnss. ,
Hsrbsrt lUthnoa.
Social Circles
Mist Grace Rled of Blair II visiting
at the Bentley home in Glenn park.
Mm. Henry Gaines of Elkhorn wal
a vistor in Benson Thursday.. -
Miss Ella Ball, and Miss Helen
Frundell of Crete are ipending the
week at the Rev. J. H. Calvert home,
Mrs. C. A. Daniels, who hai been
visiting her sister, Mn. Ed Rouse, left
for her home in Simeon, Neb., accom
panied by Master Robert Kountie,
who wilt spend the remainder of the
summer vacation there,, ,
Min L. . Buller and Mn, J. C.
Schilfbauer have returned from a visit
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolff in Pine
Bluffs, Wyo. . . . '
J. W. Welch and ion Meichon,
have gone with the Kotariani to Cin
cinnati, Before their return home
they will camp In the Maine woods
near Moose Lake. -
Mill Helen Piatt leave! thil eve
ning for Denver and other western
Mrs. J, N. Horton and Miss Ada
Stiger return today from a lix weeks'
camp in the country hear Elk City. -.'
Miss Ethel Booth left Friday for
her home in Lincoln, after visiting
at the home of her cousin, Mm. K.
The marriage of Mlai Ruby Davey
to Mr. Harry Reed, both of Benion,
took place Wednesday at the home of
the bride'i parents in Bemonhunt
Mrs. T. W. Heflin has returned
from a seven weeks' visit to Maryi
ville, Mo.
Mrs. John Meleen is visiting friends
in Denver and neighboring cities.
Mrs. A. J. Senger of Ashland, has
returned home after visiting , her
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Loechner. V
Mrs.. W. H. Sackreid returned the
first of the week from a visit with
relative's at Cincinnati. Her mother,
Mrs, Doderman of that place, is now
her guest.
Miss Dorothy Babcock entertained
Is Coming, but
I Is here and at your service every day
the I
Omaha's Quality Laundry ;
Doug. 2560.
Vacation Piano Sale at Hospe's
Big List of New and
Used Pianos and Players
From $150 Up ggs? Terms
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas Street
Lyle Jackson left Saturday for a
visit with relatives at Grand Island.
Mrs. Glen Gerken entertained Miss
Alice Boswell of Seattle and Miss
Rose Oilman of North Omaha at
dinner on Wednesday.
Misses Jennie and Mildred Pease
arrived Monday evening from Yank
ton, S. D., to spend the summer with
relatives in Eckerman.
Miss Enid Nicholas arrived Thurs
day from Chickasha, Ok!., to spend
the summer with her aunt, Mrs. J
Long. The Epworth league of Jenny'i
church wll join the oclier leagues in
a picnic at Elmwood park Saturday,
July 29.
Mrs. . William Vickers entertained
Thursday in honor of her two daugh
ters, Mrs, Fred Lynch and Mn, O.
Wisler. She was assisted by her
niece, Mrs. F. Cochayne.
Mri. 1. Strawn gave a lawn social
at her home Wednesday evening to
members of the Mystic Shrine, There
was over a handled in attendance.
Mrs. William Smith of Llncotn il
spending the week-end with Mrs,
Robert Day.
Mrs. M. J. Minert and son, Harold
of Vail, la,, arrived Thursday to visit
her brother, J. Stultz.
John Garman leaves Sunday eve
ning for a trip to Denver and Colo
rado Springs. ,'
Mrs. Arthur King hai 11 her week
end guests, Mn, J. Miller and daugh
ter, and Miss Mary and Bert Mason,
all of Manley, Neb.
Min Bertha Cockayne returned
from Glenwood, la., Wednesday from
I month'! visit with her aunt, MM. J.
Bostock. f
Mrs. Fred Lynch and daughter
Beatrice, and siiter, Mrs. O. Wisler,
left Friday evening for St. Louil, Mr a.
Wilier will then go to Detroit for
week's visit with her sister, Mrs. East
land. .
The home of Mr. and Mn. O. Pres
ton in West ' Side was brightened
Monday by tht advent of a daughter.-
The West Side Women1! Christian
Temperance union will hold iti annual
Jicnic at Elmwood park Thunday,
uly 27, - " ' ,
Mr, M, Goddell drove from Grand
Island, arriving Friday to spend t
month with his daughter, Mrs, Eugene
Mrs. M. LaPage accompanied by
her granddaughter. Miss Marie Van
Buren, left Sunday evening . for.
Dubuque, la., to spend t fortnight
with relatives. --i
Miss Martha Garman of West Side
was honor guest at a picnic given bjr
frlendi at Benion Wednesday.
Mr. and Mm. E. A, Stevens " left
Monday for a fortnight'! visit at
Beaver Croiiing, Neb.- , '
Misi Marguerite Thompson . ar-,
rived Thursday from Fremont : to'
spend a short vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mn. N, Thompson.
Mn. A. Kinney hai ai her week's
house guests Mn. M. C. 'Grove and
daughter, Mill Nellie of Scotfi Bluff,
Neb. '
Mri. Maud McGrall and daughter,,
Misi Helen, arrived Wedneiday from
Lincoln to spend the summer - with
her parent!, Mr. and Mri,- M. Moon.
Louis and Thorwald Jacobien re
turned home this week from an ex-;
tended visit with their sister, Mn. M.
Heligio and family, at Falls City,
Neb. ,
Messrs. Albert and Raymond
Dowling and Miises Marion Dowling,
Sarah and Lillian Givens motored to
Missouri Valley to ipend the week
end with relative!.
Mr. and Mri. Frank Shetla and
children returned home Saturday
from a week's visit with his lister,
Mn. M. White, at Pueblo, Colo.
Mn. J. T. Boyer entertained a
kensington at her home on Thunday.
J. A. Bent, vice president and gen
eral manager of the Fatha Exchange,
Inc., hai nt a strong tetter to every
exhibitor in the United State! urging
him to get behind the movement for
federal censorship as outlined in the
Hughes bill now before the national
house of representative!.
la part Mr. Berst says: "After
making a careful study of the bill I
am convinced that it is for the best
interests of all of us to have it passed.
In' the first place federal censonhip
means better picture!. At the present
time the National Board of Review is
passing upon pictures before their
release. This enables the manufac
turer, if part! of hii picture are ob
jectionable to, to make retakes and
re-edit, to change subtitlei and gen
erally remake the film so that it! in
trinsic value is not lost and the story ,
remains logical and intereating. How
ever, the national board hai no power
to enforce iti decision! and the re- ,
vised film hai to run the gauntlet of
varioul city and itate censorship
boards with legal powers. Cuts, both
of scenes and titles, are demanded.
The local exchange handling pictures
locally censored, having no facilities
and no time for expert editing, release
them with the offending parti elimi
nated, thus leaving gaps in the itoriei
which greatly lessen their artistic
value. Your audiences do not under
stand this. They merely complain
that 'Picture! are not what they used
to be.1
"Further, federal censorship would
be a great thing from the standpoint :
of economy. Boards of cenion arc
now springing up all over the coun
try, all demanding their toll and It
must oe pain.
Train Your Hair it
in Aotrsss Dim
No class of people devote! ka much
time to beauty as do actresses, and
naturally no claM mult be mora care
ful to ; retain and develop their
charm. Inquiry among thorn develop!
th Information that tn hair ear they
find It dangeroui to shampoo with
they have itudted to find the finest
preparation made for ihampoolng and
bringing out th beauty of the hair.
Th majority ot them lay that to en
Joy the best hair wash and icalp stim
ulator that Ii known, get a package of
oanthrox from your druggist; dis
solve a teaspoonful In a cup of hot
water and your ihampoo li ready. It
costs less than three cent for thi
amount. ' After Iti uie the hair dries
rapidly, with uniform color. Dand
ruff, excess oil and dirt ar dlisolved
and entirely disappear. Your hair
will be io fluffy that It will look much
heavier than It Is. Iti lnitr and aoft
neii will alio delight you, while the
stimulated aealp gain th ' health
which insures hair growth. Adv
sX r
This Institution Is th only en
in th central west with separata
buildings altuated la their own
ampl grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering It poisibl to
classify oases, Th on building
being fitted for and devoted to th
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted: th other Rest Cot
tag being designed for and do
voted to th excluslv treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful car and spe
cial nursing.-
Women's low cut shoes,
pumps, sport oxfords,
etc.; white, bronze, kid
and patent
2,000 pairs going on
sale at this low price
Monday morning at 8
Second Floor Rose Bldg., 16th & Farnam.