Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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What w
is" Going On ' "
in Society Circles
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mr. and Un W. C Don enter-
brained at dhvrier it Happy Hollow dub
lait' evtnlirtK. A. basket ot coreopsis
L and diisies was the centerpiece. Those
present were:
Uaeara. and ilwdimn
W. jr. McFarland, Oe.la4, Cal.
Turner MaAllaaler of
Mr, Benjamin. UaAllaater of Oakland.
I liaadamee Meerfaniee
A. O. BdrM,.. v -JAM- tta ' '
tlldrad alcKartend. . K mil Ruaa.
WUma McFariaM.
"ift. itfd Mrs. 'CE. Niswonger en
tertaivrtcl at dinner at- -the Club last
everJiigi-Snap dragons Were used on
'(h! table.'' Mrs." Will Tippery of
IWnneapdtts, who" is" visiting Iter par-
(MM JPUltr Oil. illU 11 1 a., J J. ,,ijivm.i u.
until the wrst of; August, was a mem--h'er
of the' oartv.' Others were Mr.
u and Mrs. George Updike and Mr. and
lit IfrkiBlanchard., ... :
- Mr. ana Jlrs.l. oibbernsen-Bad a
"'dinner party often yesterday evening.
J. vv ITIUaw f . icjcviia aula .v".a
if-8wwn,ech had six guests and R. A.
j"' Swartwout and W. F-. Dawson Center-
...... ..rr
wm. Mr. Emm Manchester .entertained
at dinner at ttie Field tlub iast'eveff-
. " nnmKr tit 1 ntitil.tnuirt
!.Ta,guSls. , A .oasKCf oi garden nowers
rSa.-ocoupien. the center ot the table and
' 'newer easwer ptace cams were usea.
- CeivttriL mier laid fnr:
." aar'a. ant lifaW
.1 J
,Ki Micky,'
"tliM. '
O. M. Jackaoa ot
' J.lnooln. : ,
I a M. Kallr ot
it . Km la,
fttaaji VMIaa lula Kent, " ' .
I" aw. wiu.r' -
f"" 'Other's who dined at the Field club
mere Dr. G X. Ursa. W, H. Herdman
P rand R. S.'Wylie with parties of six,
Dr. Grant William and Jack
" "HutfMt -iVith lotit Rtresfs each, i
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Gaijiljle enter
" tanned at dinner at the. Field club Sat
in usday evening.- fuilc rosea were used
; .'"' oil the UbU. t:orers ert1lid fori '
. ' '. "Kaaln u 'Mm-'
"f, Hyaaftj '"' Lkon Ulllat: ,
..tattei Uav. d t . ?(,' (-
" At iht fymtry Club.- '
i . ,Prfty young "people of the college
J set enjoyed-me dinnttance, yester
5 rlavievenlhg as'tht guest of Mr. Her
trt'JCri'wfi8.enterUhit4..r his
'Cornell college -mate, Mr. -George B.
Iost, of Nevy1' York, -who reached
i "i'()mii, SaWrday, rnoriiing Hi. his car
ttilcr.Kil cnauw mcauwi vvuiivi.
Numetaus ioUt-of-town .young (oiks
wtrt memWr ' f the party.-
Mr. and Mrs. George Print had as
their guests at the Country club Sat
. urHav eVeriinflr:".- .
VJ'l MMm Uaadamaa ' ' ..'
f CkaxW T. Kountaa. Ward Baraaaa..
f"1 WaltfrPat, " . ", " ' '
Maadamaaa-' , Haaflattjiia .
VJaab, rt W a.Papiiiatoa,. .
Waaara. Maaam
Earl Qannatt, ...r.; ... Joaaph Barkar. ' . ?:
- JiAh nJI Wlfflaaa A. MaUak. -i ' 1,4..
Jf nd Mrs. 1. Ft -Stout cntrtain
,'7tt,ifiinner at -me-country ciuo wat
5ii,mn; , A basleat o tlowera oc--ciJpi4
theanidfHe of the table. Those
tii,, Oter din..ot ,th Coontry lob
l"watr I.- A. averv with a piM-ty if
si:" W.,G.-Prewn n Df.- C C
i,iAlUsoivcb.wjth parties of fpur.
n'-a'., ' "" 1 --a
Strrnwor Lk Coiwtry Chjb.J
fti? un IIUHUrcu nemwaa ua a awatra
! Wtte-Shrine, the, husbands and
i'r , j - a - . ,t ,k
. Aararicnua, wfiivaciu at'fiij a h a?.
(.'"ftier-dance- Friday evening; -The din
, iter fiour .waa mad lively wben the
Iijt group. gave number of chapter yelll
and aonga. i
t Tbe Tradera Live Stock exchange
!' was bosf to yitltinf delegation of
f twenty-five members. . The guests
Income from"" other livt stock tx
t' changes throughout tht country and.
I are in the city atttnding a business
KSl oonference. . . ;
.Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sunderland en
"' dinnerdanca complitnen
!tarr to.Mias Alta Pago, of Mineeapo-
sister of Mr. Sunderland. Tha
t-t guests included: -- .
!? Maar. knS MaadamM '
tZ:X. Mllroy tHiVidarlaad! U tMaaM WtlKa.
1 T. DacMr rtald, ' . ' 1
Mlaa lt Pae. Mlnlaapolta. '
. J? tra. , C Adaiaa.- -'
m- .'Mr. , and .lira. John Smith had is
'" thtir guests Mr. nff Mrs. t- Herman
of MinneDolis. Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
.f Hals of Wuieapaljs and Mr. and Mrs.
U .With Mr. .and Mrs, E. E. Wright
tt 'wa; t& Helen Wright of Hebron,
a &h .
. .,v...... , - .. .. , . .. . .
lav . Mioner carsy was composed ot Mr.
r and Ufa; Joha -R. Hushes Mrs. W.
U...L.- .Watt, of . Vancouver, Miss Emma.'
lUvise .Watti 'Vancouver,' and. Miss
I Mary fane Hughes. '
SJ5. Other, entertaining were Dr. and
W Mrs. Berry, three guests; Miss Irene
1 Ck..KA. d i T ........ . r
'v i. .nit. f iv. ia. M,viir,invi v
j "Af Mangura; three; Mr. W. B. Tagg,
tic Aiofr vann, aw,, . v .
a M&auaj . Hjna V I, ana
stockholders of . the tIub and mem
hera nf.,thir farailii..will entnv 1
banquet at jhe club,, the first one of
the summer. '-'
U'j- Following the dinner h,cw Sunday
K evening, short, program . Will be
given on the verandi, when Miss
l'liiilliilViiiiiamiiiM''' '-' ' '
: :t; -cno nNP urrrv nwi v
' TTissEIizaleih Jones
Anna McCormack, reader, and Mrs.
E. A. Weathers, so prano, will contri
bute, the numbers. ' .
' An especially attractive musical
orocrram has been arranged for chil
dren's day, Thursday. Violin, piano
and Vocal selections will be given by
the little folks. These children s day
programs are growing in. popularity
and are both interesting, and instruct
ive. The program on astronomy and
the lantern parade last Thursday were
largely attended.
Social Qoasip.
.'. Mrs George M. Ribbel and family
left Thursday for Chautauqua, N. Y.
' Miss Ethel Andrews, the guest of
Miss Marion Towle, returns Monday
to Camden, N. I.
' Mrs. John L. Kennedy and children
left last Saturday for Estei Park and
are at the Stanley hotel.
Mr.' Joseph Baldrige has Joined
Mrs. Baldrige at Rockland, Me., for
the remainedr of the summer,
Miss- Naomi Towle-returned Fri
day from Cleveland, Oi, whert she
has been visiting tor two weeks
Francis Gaines left Wednesday for
Sheridan, Wyo., to visit friends and
to go later with them to Dome Lake.
Mrs B. B. Wood expects td leave
next week for Denver to visit her
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Cranmer, and
Mr. Cranmer.
Mr. Ben Gallagher, Mrs. B. F.
Crummer and Mr.. Herman Kountre,
who went to Harbor Point tut week,
are stopping at the -Harbor Point
club.j.i,,. : ..!, ' , ....
Miss Mary .Fitch Is spending tht
summer in NeW York. Her mother,
Mr 1. J-itch, is staying with her other
.daughter, Mrs, C E. Johannes, for the
summer. ' ? -
'! Mrs.' Harold Gifford and ton, Hal,
leave - inursaay lor .cttet farK to
foiff her- sisters. Mist Millard and
Mitt Helen,, Millard at the Lewliton
hotel in the Dark. Mis -Anne Gifford
leave the same' day to tike her tit
ter, Mary, to a gins' camp in Ver
mont, and' upon her return wi(J Join
her mother to, Estei Park... . . .
Ftmtly Reunion at Wilier.'
Mr. C B. Walker and small daugh
ter of Syracuse, N. Y arrived in
Omaha Saturday morning tnd art
at the home of her sister, Mr. Fred
erick W. Clirke. Mrt. Walker, Mrs.
Clarke and Mitt Katharine Davenport
will leave Omaha Augutt 1 to vitit
v. .:. ..!... ai. t i i. nr. it
iiivu mi, viiarica r, vveiicr,
at Weller, Colo. Mrt. Hugh Thomas
oi uenver, mother sister,, will join
the family party at Weller.' Mr. and
Mrs, C F. Weller have been in Colo
rado since the Fourth of July,
Notes of Interest
Since lekvintr Omaha ten rlava man
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert French have
given UO their Louisville home anil
moved to Baton Rouge, La where
Mr. French goes in the interett of
tht Deere Plow eomnanv. . Mr. and
Mrs. French were in Wew Orlean a
day or two and reached Baton. Rouge
Tuesday... '.. ' . ....
Mrs. Osgood Eastman and daugh
ter, Margaret, left yesterday for Mil
waukee, where they will spend the
week-end with Mist Helen Eastman.
Monday Mrs. Charles Kountie and
daughter,. Elinor, join them, and to
gether they to to Ephraim, Wis., to
visit Mis Martha Fold for few
daya before going on to Mackinac
or t week. Miss fclinor will remain
at Ephraim while her mother and
Mrs. Eastman are at Mackinac and
M its Margaret Eastman will ttay in
Milwaukee with her, sister. Later
Mrt. Kountze and daughter - go to
Salter's Point, Mass., and Mrs.- East-
man will ttay it fine Lake. Wis.
Mrs. ..Donald Macrae, Council
Bluffs, with her daughter, Mrt. Clif
ford Wolfe, went to Dei Moines last
week to tay goodbye to Dr. Macrae,
wno nas gone with the medical corns
of .the Iowa National Guard to the
Misa Ida M. Crowttl hat arrived
in Lot Angelet, where the will be the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. U L. Crow-
ell,; and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs
,r V" ."7 I
Here's a Genuine Ten Strike
Ira. :
21 Jewels Rockford Movement
m! 16 size, open face,' adjusted to heat and cold, steel
T, 4 escape wheel,, double brace main spring, safety click,
" sprinj?, patent reirulatorv 20-year 14-
arat oid filled Case, beautifully engraved or pi
'; ,l including swell monogram. . Price this week:
rs fs
I W 'S RlinthOI'R Wateh Uspaeton
m m m m m m aar bnieage. ot. r-
.! ji..,Mlrasii
tf f . V R.
M. e. O, K. K.
' 16th ndUeuflM 5treet.
At th Sign of the Crown Up the Golden SUin.
s ' -
Luciu C Date. Mist Crowell made
a leiturely trip west, ttopping in Salt
Lake City, where the has been the
guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrt. A.
W.- Let. California potsesiei mora
than Baaiinc interest for Mist Crow
ell, at the it "1 native daughter.1 Her
maternal grandfather, the late Cap
tain Qiarlet Willard Rollins, wat
among those who tarty sought the
Golden State. Year later, her father,
tht late David Crowell, left hit Cape
Cod home for tht San Joaquin val
ley. Mil Crowell expect to return
early' in September,
Omaha Colony it OkoboJL
Mr. M. u. Cameron hat tone to
Lake Okoboji for tht tummtr. I
Mr. and Mrt. Clifford Weller, ac
companied by Mist Alice Jaquith and
Mr. Eliat Vail, left Tnetday to motor
to Sioux City tnd OkoboJL They
will return the tint of the. week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Huth Bartson. accom
panied by their children, end Mrt.
Bartton't mother, Mrt. Katt Devitt,
art spending several weekt it their
cotttgt tt West Okoboji hike, Iowa.
Mr. ana Mr, mrry Bumey ana
children and Mr. F. J. Burkley will
motor to Okoboji Monday, where Mr.
tnd Mrt. Harry Burkley have taken
tht Clarke cottage on Omaha beach
for th ret of the season.
Onuhani tt Atlantic City.
In suite of the shark scare many
bathert go Into the turf at Atlantic
City. An Umehan writes that a atorm
at tea wit tt itt height Thursdiy tnd
ine turt ran very muii, mv vrcaKi
Tfiss Kaihltex CMi
extending out far into the ocean. The
tea wat to heavy that all small pleas
ure craft were tied up in port. Among
tht local folk registered at the Marl-borough-Blenheim
are Mr. and Mrt.
W. J. Connell, Judge and Mr. J. J.
Sullivan, Mrt, I. M. Metcalf, Mr. and
Mrt. John A. McShtne, F. L, Haller,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Thomas, Mrt.
G. W. Lininger tnd Mr. and Mrt. J.
A. Griffith and daughter.
With the Visitors. ,
Mr. Joseph Garneau of New York
wat the guest from Monday until
Wednetday tt the home of Mr. tnd
Mrt. J. R. Ringwalt.
Mitt Clara Louis Wright of Chi
cago arrives today to vitit Mist Ger
trude Porter tnd t number Of enter
tainments in her honor ire planned.
Miss Porter and Mit Wright were
achoolmatet at tht Cattle at Tarry-town-on-the-Hudson.
Summer Sojourner.
Mrt. George C Smith tnd family
leave today to tpend the rett of the
lummer at Ogunquit, Me.
Mr end Mrt. Henry F. Wyman tnd
family left yesterdiy to spend a
month tt Wequetonsing, whett they
havt a cottage.
Mr. tnd Mrt. Walte Squier and
Mit Catherine Squier left yesterday
for Bay View, Mien, where tht latter
will visit Mrt, F. J. Fktgerald and
daughter, Josephine, daring the month
of August, while Mr. and Mrt.- Squier
make the trip to the great lakes and
to the Thousand Islands and Georgian
Mrs. J. J. Brown expects to tpend
the month of August with her neice,
Mrs. John Patrick, on the Patrick
ranch in Wyoming'
Mrs. Robert H. Manlcy and her
two daughters, Beatrice and Marjory,
will leave Tuesday evening .for a
month at Estes Park, Colo. 4
Seek Cooler Climes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Redick are at
Osakis. Minn., enjoying two weeks of
Mrs- John V. Parish has gone to
Anandatc, Minn., for the rest of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess and
family will leave the end of the
neck for Wianno. Mass.
Mis Mabel Harper goes to Weque
tnnsing early m August to be with
Mrs, Mary I. Creigh for a itiondi.
Mrs. Frank B. Johnson and daugh
ter, Jeannette. left Tuesday for
Alexandria, Minn., where Mrs. Lee
Herdman and family have cone from
Mr. H. D. Neely left last week for
his island home, The Rookery, in
Rainy Lake, which is on the boundary
between Minnesota atid Canada. Mrs,
Neely and Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Neely will join him there next week,
t n nh" 0 'h? tr'-mAy 'i'
cluding Dr. Bailey. Mr. Charles Mc
i.auutiu ana ,vu. Joint r. aatc, will
be visitors there during the summer..
Plan Motor Trips.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sibbernsen
left Tuesday to motor to Sioux City,
Okoboji and Minneapolis-
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis and Mr.
Herbert Davis expect to motor to
Estes Park, leaving here August ,V
Mr, Robert Howe, with two college
friends, Arthur Hanford of Sioux
City and Harold Frank of New York,
is planning a motor trip north to
Mackinac and other points in about
ten days.
Mr. Robert Connell expects to leave
next week for Sioux City to join Mr.
John Winterbotham of that city tin
a motor trip through the White
moiintnln. They will ship the car
to Buffalo tnd make the trip there
by the lakes.
Miicellaneoui Shower. -
Mr. L. E. Myers, assisted by Miss
Mary Goedtcke tnd Mist Abbit Gtle
Wteden, entertained tt t miicellane
oui thower Saturday afternoon in
honor of Mitt Sut Haworth, who it
to be married toon. Bluebirdi "for
hippinest" were used in every possi
ble ftihion. A tree with t stuffed
bird hovering over t nest wat the re
ceptacle for the gifts. Blue larkspur
wa used throughout the house.
Twenty gueiti were present.
Put Hotpltalititi,
Swaitika club members held their
annual picnic at Lake Manawt, Thun
dty evening.
Mrs, C C. How entertained at a
luncheon Thursday for Mrt, Kathryn
vericerite ana vr. rrancet iurner ot
Grand Rapida, Mich., who ire the
guests ot Dr. and Mrs.-. Joseph C
Mrt, A. Levine entertained at her
home Thursday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. .11. . rtengler and Mis Martha
Friedman of New York, who ,art the
guest of Mrs. A. Weiss for tbe sum
mer. Fourteen women were present.
Miss Amtlii Vobril entertained it
her, home informally on Wednesday
evening. The guests were:
Kathar Johnaon,
Odaaaa Wllka,
Ruth Bteapy.
Haial MrClallann,
ftamt Kaufman.
Klltr dorsal.
Oladya Carlaton,
Emma Boaanek,
Ruth Johnaon,
Ilea Vobril,
Julia Vobril.
Picnic at Rlverview.
A oicnio waa. given .at Rivet-view
park Tuesday, ekening' in honor of
rlorence and John bchulting of new
ark, N. J .The party ended in an auto
ride through the city. Those present
were :
Mlaaea Mlksaa
Florence Schultlnf, Alma Baraballa.
Lla A.h. Florence Pauliaon.
Mabel lloRan,
,vi r. . Meaara.
John Pr-hultln. Joe Confal,
Cell Havana, Pick Jordan.
Emll WelDa.
Swimming Party.
A swimming party was given by
Miss Ethel Estes at the Diet club
for the girls of the United States Na
tional bank. Those attending were:
MlRse Mleaea-
Mlgnon Lowman. Harriett Hanley,
Katharine Wither, Myrtle Jensen.
Mildred McAuley, Alma Kt-eba,
Mary Harnett, Llnnea Fearebn,
l.ila Clalay. Kmma Miner.
Marfaret Moon, TeKSy Flatnlna,
Laura Baker, Rthel M. Eatea. .
Meedaniea Waadamea
J. Masowan, Tyrrall.
Farewell for Mrs. Henry.
' The women of the First Presbyter
ian church will give a farewell party
for Mrs. W. O. Henry at the parish
house at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry will leave Thurs
day for their new home in Los An
geles. Sewing Circle to Meet.
The .Sewing circle of the Jewish
Women's Relief society will- meet
Monday afternoon at the synagogue
at Nineteenth and Burt streets.
Betrothal Announcements,
Mr.- and Mrs. Henry Rohlff an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Lillie, to Mr. Alfred Lierk
of Omaha, the wedding to take place
ift the fall. '
Eastern Star Outing.
Vesta chapter No. 6, Order of the
Eastern Star, entertained at t din
ner dance Wednesday at Carter Lake
club. . The guests of honor for the
evening were Mrs. Josephine Swigart,
grand matron Of Nebraska, who is
alio t house guest of Mrs- John
Simpson j Mil Rose . Owens, grand
secretary of Nebraska, and Mr. R.
M. Swigtrt of Gordon, Neb. Bathing,
boating, bowling, movies and dancing
were, on tht program for the evening,
Will Attend Tournament.
Among those who will go up to
Minneapolis next month for tht
Transmisiitsippi golf tournament art
Judge tnd Mr i. W. A. Redick, who
plan to motor up. W. J. Foye also
hope to be able to play in the tour
nament If h returns in time from an
eastern trip on which he left Mon
day, ;.'. . ,.;
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Karbach left
Saturday for Columbus, O., where
they will make their future home.
Mrt, Ktthertne Griffin kit Saturday
for Sheridan, Wyo., where she was
called by the serious illness of her
aunt, Mrs. John Souie, formerly of
Omaha. '-, I
Mrs. R. Beecher Howell left
Wednesday to visit her lister, Mrs.
Will Cartel and Mr. Carter at Fort
Bridger, Wyo., for a month or aix
weeks. Mrs. Howell's mother, Mrs.
S. V. Chase, Is also at Fort Bridger.
Mr. arid Mrs. John T. Yatei re
turned Sunday from Spirit Lake, It.,
where they motored last week with
Mn. J. J, McMullen and their niece.
Miss Nellie Hale . of Denver, and
Mrs, George. Sumner, who remained
sr-the lake. - Dr. McMulltn and Mr
Sumner will go up later and motor
back with them.:
Mr. Turner McAllister has arrived
from Oakland, Cat., to join his wife,
who has been here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Edwards, for two
months past and who is just out of
quarantine from scarlet fever, with
which she was taken ill soon after
her arrival. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister
will remain here about two weeks
. Miss Lillian Edith Shrim, who has
been traveling with friends through
the northwest and Canada, will return
today from Sand Lake, Minn., where
she spent the last two weeks. She
will, visit with her parents, l.'r. and
Mrs. L. F. Shrum, until September 1,
when she will resume her school work
at Sterling, Colo.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Wilson Low returned Tuesday
from the east. '
Mill Kathryn Lacy hai returnea
from Chicago.
Miss Nan Murphy has returned
from leveral weeks' visit in Sioux
M. and Mrs. J. deForest Richards
have returned from a shoft trip to
Laura Scott is staying tt the
Hotel Windemere in Chicago for sev
eral weeks.
Mr. Joseph Eaton returned Fridav
from a two weeks' viiit in Nehawka
and Lincoln.
Mrs. E. Dunnigan tnd daughter,
Alice, left last week for an extended
visit id California. .
Mr. tnd Mrt. James H. Morton and
son, James, have returned from two
weeks spent in Estes park, Colorado.
"Mrt, Andrew Rosewater left Tues
day for Atlantic City, where she will
stay about two weeks and then go to
New York. '
The Mines Agnes and Blanche
Pritchard left Thursday evening for
a two-months' visit at various points
in the east, "
Dr. Frank Conlin and Mr. Robert
Swltrler went Tuesday to Montreal
by way of tht great lakes and the
St. Lawrence.
Mri, George Brandeit and Mrs.
Karl Louis went to Chicago Tuesday.
Later Mrs. Branded expects to visit
her lister at New Rochelle, N, Y.
Mr. A. E. Keablt of Walker, Cel.,
it tilt guest of Mr. tnd Mrs. H. L.
Tostevin, her uncle, tnd aunt. Mrs.
Keables, who was formerly Hattie
Ivans, returns to Omaha after an ab
sence of six yean.
Rural Teachers to Hold
Convention in Omaha
, The next National Conference of
Rural Teachers it likely to be held in
Omaha abost November of this year.
Tht Bureau of Publicity of the Com
mtrcial club ha received advice in
dicating that Omaha will be definitely
named twfort long. . , ,
Store Hours: 8:30 A M. to S P. M. Saturday till 9 P. Mi
Sunday, July 23, 1916.
Phone Douglas 137.
That Were Formerly to $45.00
HERE'S what we have every reason to be
lieve the most remarkable clearaway of
suits offered in this city, this season.
Tailored Suits have never been better,
and now this sale coming right as it does
when most every woman is planning to leave
the city for her vacation it makes it, doubly
Buriaae-Naa Ca. eeed Flair.,
THE Suits are all late this season's models,
in many instances only one or two of a
style or kind. Plain tailored and fancy flare
suits, sizes for misses 14 to 18 and for women
36 to '52 bust measure. :. : ; ;
Too much stress cannot be laid on the real
importance of this offering' as values in every
... i. .. ' j. it.f. :i-:ilx.:.-, -. i
instance represent remantaoie saving possiumues. .
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.: