THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 23, 1916, 11 A-. T -WILLARD BATTERY "tFKUVES A STICKLER est hy King People at Sheeps h lead Bay Track Brings Out Staying Qualities. .... 'Mi A. A. OFFICIALS THERE ' A unique test was recently staged by the King Motor car company at heepshead Bay track. The test was Made with a stock car. The object Va to run continuously until some part of the car broke down or 10,000 mrtes had been covered, or two weeks' time had elapsed. Elmer Rosengren of the Nebraska . Storage Battery company calls atten tion to the fact that one of the acces sories on the car, which consisted en tirely of . standard equipment, was a Willard storage battery used in con- ntirm Wiili th atartinor tiahtinw mnA ignition system. 1 During the entire two weeks' run the tngine was not stopped and the car itself was only stopped in order to replenish oil, gasoline, water and tires. Lights were left burning almost continuously. The headlights and an additional spotlight furnished illumi nation at night for the car to be guid ed around the track. Engine Never Stopi. If the storage battery had refused to perform its functions properly the engine would have stopped and the test wuold have been ruined. But nothing of the kind happened. Oc casionally a gravity reading was taken and water was added three times. While this addition of water was un necessary, it was a means of playing safe and making sure of battery per formance. After the test was completed one of ; the battery cells was torn down and inspected. This was done in the presence of S. E. Edwards, chairman of the test, and also a member of the American Automobile association contest committee, as well as Messrs. Shipper and Eisner of the same com mittee. The battery proved to be in .perfect condition. Plates and separa tors were unharmed by the long run, which covered 10,850 miles during the two weeks. . The average speed was nearly forty . miles per hour. A test of this kind is equivalent to the amount of driving done by the average car owner in two years' time. ' Dr. BcU't Plne-Tar-Honey. 'far your oold and bronchial cough OH Vf; BU'i Plne-Tsr-Honr. It out tho phtofm, relieves congMtlon. Only Km. All druttietavr'AdvertlMmoBt. Packard Cars Are Chosen for Wilson A rather unusual compliment was paid to a Detroit automobile this week on the occasion of President Wil son's visit to Detroit in connection with the world's salesmanship con gress. " "The arrangements for the presi dential parade were made by a com mittee consisting largely of automo bile manufacturers, who decided unanimously that the Packard was the logical choice of cars to convey the presidential party and members of the reception committee, t This deci sion was reached without any sug gestion from the Packard company and resulted in five "twin sixes" being placed at the head of the parade. The incident has some significance as showing the broad-minded spirit of the Detroit automobile men. Ryan Will Handle Boss Car in Omaha Arrangements were made thi week .for the distribution of the Ross "eight", in the Omaha territory. This car will be handled by the Ryan Mo tor company of Lincoln, Neb., who at the present time have a salesroom at 2520 Farnam street. The Ross eight is the creation of a man named Ross, who has been as sociated in an engineering capacity with numerous automobile manufac turing concerns. It is Mr. Ross' idea of the kind of a car he would build for his personal use. D. C Bothwell, who has been in charge of the Ryan Motor ear inter ests in Omaha since early this year, will direct the sales of the Ross in this section. Allen Car Crosses Nebraska "On High" R. M. Dale of the German-American Life Insurance company started out last Saturday with a .brand new Allen car for a trip to Denver and Cheyenne. Writing from Chappell, Neb., he states that he arrived there in fine shape 484 miles and never had to shift out of high gear once. Mr. Dale is spending a few days at Chappell, and will continue his journey from there on to Denver and Cheyenne. Pelton Visits White ' And Franklin Factories H. Pelton spent last week visiting the White and Franklin factories. The Franklin people are just putting a new model on the market which gives fa vorable promise of a large increase in business. 'The principal changes include a change in the body lines and the ad dition of several refinements. gfegfo 0f.j;r. 35E5 THE nw-style beauty of Saxon "Six" will delight you. So will its fea ture attractions. And so will its equipment. But look below these re finements. In the hidden parts you will find further worth. After months of use and miles of travel it is the sub-surface quality that will win your deepest admiration. When can we give you a demonstration to prove the true worth of this splendid "Six?" NOYES-KILLY MOTOR CO., Distributors. 2066-68 Farnam Street, Omaha. BUY-Instead oi Being Sold a Car There is a big difference. In the first instance you get what TOU want, and in the second you take what somebody else thinks you ought to have. You're the man who pays for the ear, and who is going to run it. You know what you intend doing with it, and what conditions it must meet. So, look into it for yourself, have it demonstrated, and be sure it does meet the conditions in every way. METZ Cars are bought, not sold. They so completely fill every demand of the light car prospect they operate so easily " and surely under all road conditions they are so economical in the cormumption of oil and gasolines their upkeep cost is almost nothing and they give heavy car riding comfort, at light car cost. Look into a METZ-flttidy the METZ . test the METZ and apply the METZ IN ACTION directly to your own needs. That's the way to find out how thor oughly the METZ satisfies in every way. IT'S THE IDEAL LIGHT CAB. Call us on the 'phone for a demonstra tion, or write for catalogue showing both Roadster and Touring Car but do one or the other today. METZ COMPANY 2056 Farnam Street Omaba, Nebraska Phone DooflUa 6187 ( OAKLAND PLANNING ADDITIONTO PLANT General Motors Company Will Hare Another Solid Block . for Factory. ' NOW WORKING TO CAPACITY Announcement has been made by Fred W. Warner, Pontiac, Mich., gen eral manager of the Oakland Motor Car company, that plans for a large addition to the plant had been ap proved' and building operation on an extensive scale will begin as soon as the buildigs on the old Studebaker site have been removed. In addition to the four acres com prised in the Studebaker site, recently bought by the General Motors com pany, President Durant authorized the purchase of eleven additional parcels, which will give the company another solid block, extending from Oakland Avenue north to Howard street. Con tracts for the work will call for com pletion of the additional buildings by October 1. The new buildings will be occupied by a machine shop and additional as sembly departments; which the Oak land company is compelled to add in order to bring the output up to a point, which will approach the de mand for their new models, particu larly the six-cylinder car, which has ? roved to be one of the sensational eatures of the year in motordom. July 1, the Oakland company had contracts for 'the sale and delivery of several thousand cars over and above the total output of the fiscal year, with agencies and branch managers insistently demanding a larger appor tionment In view of the fact that the present plant has been worked to ca pacity without supplying the trade it became evident that a large addition to its output would have to be ac complished immediately if the new business offered was to be accepted and the disappointment of agents and customers was to be avoided. King Makes a Good Kirnto Kansas City At 2:30 Friday morning a King "eight," piloted by W. L. Killy of the Noyes-Killy Motor company, with A. H. Ellis as observer, left Omaha for Kansas City, Mo, the object of the run being to demonstrate the effi ciency of the motor in a non-stop run; also to determine the gasoline and oil consumption. The King eight was routed over the river road, which is known to be Shock Absorber Ford Cars "Recognized as the Best" SoftaalfaiM dmilamnrar ITOEXaUMrMNTEDFEATUEES EASY STEERING SAPS DRIVING 100,000 Ford owners testify to the superiority of the HASSLER. I f B Persetef font tD fully Guaraoutd Hundreds of corporations, firms and municipalities are using five to fifty sets each on their entire fleets of Ford cars. HAAS SUPPLY CO. 112 So. 10th Street, OMAHA. Phone Doug. 602. very hilly most of the way. With this thought m mind Killy determined not only to keep the motor running but to negotiate all the hills on high gear. The following telegram trom W. I-. Killy, dated Inei hotel, Kansas City, Mo., July 2, outlines the result of the trip: "Left our salesroom 2:.10, arrived here 12:30. Made perfect score, never any doubt about making everything on high. Car in perfect condition, never raised the hood from the time we left Omaha. Stopped thirty min utes for breakfast and fifteen to change tires on account at puncturt, but motor never stopped miimina roads rough, a trifle aver eleven miles to gallon of gasoline; two quart oil. A. H. Ellis, observer." Horsepower Rcadsrfer"Ve20 F.QJ.. TOLiOU. An Unparalleled Victefr About a month ago we announced to the world our newest value the $635 Overland. In twenty-four hours and from every state in the Union we had received more orders than we could fill In several weeks. So we immediately increased the .production filled the orders and notified our dealers not to push the model too hard as we were going night and day to catch up with orders. Before the end of the first week orders were pouring in so rapidly that we decided to ' again increase the production so that there would be no disappointments. . i"'k But still bales of business continued to flood the factory. Now we are shipping 500 of the new cars every single day and are fairly breaking our backs to keep pace with the great demand that now looks as if it never would cease. ';.;'. We anticipated a great success, but we did not look for such a dally avalanche , of definite shipping orders. .-; Such is public opinion the strongest force, the greatest asset, in the world. Never before has any automobile enjoyed such an unparalleled victory. Step in and see this extraordinary car yourself today. " Willis-Overland, Inc., Omaha Branch SALES ROOM 2043-47 Farnam St PHONE Douglas 3290 The Willys-Overland Company, "MtelnU.S..M ; SERVICE STATION 20th and Harney Sts. Toledo, Ohio K r Itf Ak Foe a Demoutndoa WSST" .M&!S -',1, J ? lit mm tmr MaehtlrMinon-aUtU ElMtrl. .tartar A S- - V i QUALITY in construction, design, finish, appearancea really high class motor car that is your first and last impression of the Maxwell. In first cost it is several hundred dollars less than any other car offering the same quality and advantages. In operation the cost of gasoline and tires is so low it means the utmost economy. This combination should make you consider the Maxwell should mean that you will buy it if you really want value. Let us prove these statements. Touring Car 595; Roadster S580; Cabriolet 1865; Town Car S91S; Sedan 1985. . Fully equipped, including electric starter and lights. All prices f. o. ft. Detroit C. W. FRANCIS AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2216-18 Farnam Street, Omaha. Phone Douglas 853.