Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Some Employe to Oet Oar as
Prise in Contest of Best
Detroit, Mich., July 22. Over 5,000
Chalmers employes and their families
will be guests of the Chalmers Motor
company, at the annual Chalmers out
ing to be held at Bois Blanc island in
the lower Detroit river tomorrow.
The big Chalmers plant will be
closed (or the day. Two of the largest
EaSsenger steamers running out of
letroit have been chartered to carry
the big throng.
Chief among the events of the day
will be the award by Hugh Chalmers
of t $1,090 Chalmers Six-30 touring
car, to the employe who has turned
in the most valuable suggestion to
the company daring the past six
months. An additional $500 in gold
will be divided among other employes
according to the merit of their sug
gestions. Interest in the suggestion
contest since last anuary has reach
ed white heat, and the men and
women who have turned in ideas for
improving Chalmers cars and manu
facturing methods, are eagerly await
ing the decision of the judges.
Big Day Promised
Cash prizes have also been hung
up for the winners of the various ath
letic events scheduled for the day.
Among the many events on the pro
gram ere: Prize dancing ' contest;
ladies' comedy race; pie-eating con
test; egg race for girls; tug-of-war be
tween departments; . departmental
relay race; shoe and potato races;
three-legged races; fat men's race;
100 yard dashes for men and boys
and obstacle races. A baseball game
between crack players of the manu
facturing departments and offices
promises to be hotly contested.
To provide for any in need of medi
cal attention, a staff of doctors and
nurses from the Chalmers company
will have a special tent where all
casea of illness will be treated.
Saxon Gars Relay
: ' , Across Country
Racing at top speed for stretches
of about seventy-five miles each,
fifty-two Saxon Six motor cars will
relay from New York to San Fran
cisco, by way of demonstrating what
can be done with a motor car as the
bearer . of messages over 1 long dis
tances. '
Starting Saturday morning from
New York City, a Saxon car will
enter the Lincoln highway and will
travel the first lap of the journey.
Just before the start a message from
Mayor Mitchel of New Yoric to
Mayor Rolf of San Francisco wilt be
handed the driver and this will be
passed along the line and finally de
livered at the city on the Golden
Gate. ".
This relay race, the first of its kind
to be run, is to be another demon
stration of Saxon ability and en
durance. Two weeks ago, 206 Sax
on entered a 300-mile non-stop run
and proved the economy of a Saxon
in the matter of fuel consumption.
Now fifty-two of these can will dem
onstrate that they can go at an ex
press train speed and show no signs
of Strain, over both smooth and rough
roads. -
Tire Company Stands
' By Its Statement
President J. N. Gunn of the United
States Tire company, when asked if
the new ruling of the War depart
ment would influence the attitude of
the company toward its militia em
ployes, it is asserted, made the fol
lowing statement: .
"I want yon to understand that the
action of this company was taken ad
visedly. When we decided to grant
full pay to all employes called on
active service, we did so without a
single reservation. The United States
Tire company and its parent organi
sation, . the United States Rubber
company, both feel that as American
corporations they owe a duty to the
country to support and aid its mili
tary organization. The officers of
both companies feel that, even if there
is no real trouble along the Mexican
border, our National Guard will ob
tain an invaluable experience, and we
' are willing and glad to contribute to
their obtaining a thorough military
education, and believe it to be our
duty to relieve them from financial
worry while so doing."
Maxwell Makes Good ;
On 5,600-Mile Tour
With the speedometer of his Max
welt touring car registering more than
5,600 miles, W. S. Gilbreath, field
secretary of the Dixie Highway asso
ciation, motored into Detroit last
week, after an extended trip through
the south, where he has been preach-
inf the gospel of good roads. ; .
Naturally, Mr. Gilbreath sought
those sections of the south where the
travel was roughest to make his mes
sage more effective. He drove his
Maxwell over roads that seemed im
passable and the car responded to the
severe test in great style. The Dixie
highway .secretary,' passing through
Detroit, called at the general offices
of the Maxwell company to pay a per
sonal tribute to the prowesa of the
"I have never seen a car get a hard
er pounding," he said, "and the way it
stood up. under the strain proved it
to be a marvel in construction. It not
only stood the wear and tear of the
rough roads in fine style, but it made
some speed records and some econ
omy records of which to be proud."
Goes on Long Outing
In Her Automobile
Mrs. Bessie C. Daisey, ad enthu
siastic motorist, is leaving on an ex
tended overland trip with her daugh
ter in her new Paige Meadowbrook
roadster. . After a few, days' visit to
Lake Okoboji, Mrs. Daisey will run
into .Chicago and Minneapolis, and
return by. way of St Louis and Kan
sas City, . -,
Goodrich Track Man Tells of
Conditions Along the Mf -lean
Columbus, N. M., July 22. Diffi
culty in establishing adequate sources
of water supply along the arid border
and the line of communications into
the Mexican interior, is a handicap
that is certain to result in much suf
fering among northern militiamen, de
clares Charles R. Serfass, stationed
here by the B. F. Goodrich company.
Mr. Serfass, whose job is to give
Goodrich truck tire service to Uncle
Sam's truck transports and keep them
"on the move," has been on the
ground since the week of the memor
able Villa raid in March.-
He has had an unusual opportunity
to familiarize himself with the many
conditions and incidents that have re
sulted in the present wholesale mobi
lization of national guardsmen along
the border.
' "Men of the state troops, the, ma
jority of them fresh from pursuits in
civil life, are not, by any manner of
means, going to enjoy a summer pic
nic in this land of hot suns," says
Mr. Serfass.
, Water Supply Short. '
. "The greatest drawback here is the
lack of water and adequate facilities
for moving food and troops, both by
truck and train. Moreover, if it were
not for the successful work of the
limited number of motor trucks now
in service succeeding the army mule
of older days the problem would be
intensified. Much credit is due the
northern truck makers for their speed
in filling orders and in furnishing the
government with experienced drivers
and mechanics to keep the equipment
in 'battleship order.'
"The government is now slowly
drilling wells about every two miles
along the border. Each well has to
be equipped with a gas engine and a
reservoir tank. Since the National
Guard troops commenced to arrive
and establish camps, more wells than
at first were deemed necessary have
had to be drilled.
"No more unfavorable time of the
year could have been chosen for a
concentration of northern men unac
climated to this heat, which gets more
intense as the summer advances.
Then, too, the altitude makes a big
difference. A great many of the
northern boys are going to suffer
much from the scarcity of water in
the camps for drinking and bathing."
Farmers Interested In
Auto Trucks, Says Barker
W, S. Barker, state agent for the
n;; Flvr ann, avral riava last
wub in .r.v.tinff iliAlit th nirat HlS-
tricts, along the road to Crete, Lin-
coin ana Asniana.
Barker renorts excellent crop con
ditions and a growing enthusiasm
over motor-driven pleasure and work
vehicles. , . . , ' . J'
Expert Tells How Electric Charges
Accumulate jn Filling
, Auto Tanks.
"In the last few months, many ar
ticles have appeared in the automobile
papers giving accounts of fires said
to have been caused by sparks result
ing form charges of electricity gener
ated by the straining of, gasoline
through chamois or in other similar
manners," writes Herbert Chase, chief
engineer of the Automobile Club of
America, in the June number of Mo
tor Travel, the club's official publica
tion. "A considerable amount of ma
terial has been collected by the writer
on this subject with the hope that
some authoritative data might be pre
sented for the benefit of club mem
bers. The bureau of standards at
Washington has been conducting an
investigation along this line, but as
yet has made only a preliminary re
port.- From this and other sources
the fact has been established that trie
tional electricity is generated by the
passage of gasoline through a chamois
or through other nonconducting ma
terial. This so-called static charge
mav under certain circumstances be
sufficient to cause a spark which, ac
companied by certain conditions, may
in turn result in igniting gasoline va
por, thereby causing; fire. '
"It is a fact long recognized by
physicians that the rubbing together
ot two nonconducting materials will
cause the production of a static
charge. 1 he electric charge thus gen
crated will distribute itself over the
surface of the nonconductors or other
object in contact therewith. If then
either body containing the charge it
brought close to another body which
is not charged or which has a charge
of lower potential than the first body
a spark will jump from one to the
other. ,
"Gasoline itself is a nonconductor.
as is chamois and such material ai
rubber, canvas and the like, from
which hose such as is used, for ex
ample, to deliver gasoline from the
ordinary type of measuring pump intc
the tank oi a car is made. . 1 he nass
age of gasoline through such a hose
or through chamois in a funnel is apt,
especially in a cold, dry atmosphere,
to produce a static charge on the sur
face : of the funnel in which the
chamois lies or at the nozzle at the
end of the hose.
Poor Mixture Prevents Explosions.
"Suppose now in filling a tank the
funnel containing the chamois be held
in the end or is otherwise out of con
tract with or insulated from the tank
to be filled. As the gasoline passes
through the chamois the funnel takes
on the electric charge. If then the fun
nel be brought close to the tank of the
car or with any other conducting me
dium a spark will jump from the fun
nel to the tank or other conductor.
The same phenomenon would occur
if the nozzle of a non-conductor hose
used for filling purpose were held Out
of contract with the tank during the
filling and afterward allowed -to touch
it. It this spark occurs at a point
where the gasoline vapor is mixed
with air in certain proportions an ex
plosion follows and a fire is almost
$1095.. SI X $1095
Fourteen Years
a -
R .1
- .
of S
It is impossible to buy another
car that uses the units in its con
struction that you get in the Davis
for' '
Le!j rocrn in front of driver's'
irsta'1" adtitstyd to suit the
driver. nry ? xc.prT?'-Hy con
veniV f-- ( i-A- fn drive,
A c.Jr of -l?sjv!--r; ftnres, vet
-ip(l!r-""'yIe to those who. de
mand the greatest comfort.
Continental motor, 45 h. p.j Delco llirhtine? and
, starting, Stewart vacuum feed, leather faced con
clutch, easily adjusted, Warner transmission and '
steering gear, Weston Mott . floating axle, 14-in.
Brake drums, 120-ln. wheel-base, 18-gat. gas tank on
rear, extra rim, 84x4 tires, exclusive Davis' platform'
springs, absolutely insuring the greatest easiness of
riding." - . v . 'v -. ".. .
W. T. Wilson Automobile Co.
1910 Farnam Street, Omah-, Nebraska.
certain to result providing the heat
of the spark be sufficient to ignite this
"The fact that accidents have not
occurred more frequently is presum
ably due first to the fact that the heat
of the spark is not always sufficient to
ignite an explosive mixture even
though this mixture exists in the re
gion where the spark occurs, and sec
ond, more often because the propor
tion of air to gasoline vapor is not
such that ignition can occur, i. e., the
mixture is either too rich or too lean.
"Atmospheric conditions have much'
to do with the production of so-called
'static' charges or at least with their
distribution. Thus if the air be warm
and damp the air itself is a sufficient
ly good conductor to preclude the
possibility of a charge of high po
tential collecting on any body ex
posed to the air. On the other hand,
if the air be cold and dry, a condition
which frequently exists during the
winter months, especially at points
away from the sea coast, a charge of
high potential may be collected on the
body and dissipated in the form of a
spark jumping to another object or
to the earth. This same phenomenon
may frequently be observed when a
comb of hard rubber passed through
the hair in the presense of a cold
dry atmosphere.
Keep Metal Parts in Contact.
To prevent the possibility of fire
when filling a gasoline tank it is sim
ply necessary to 'ground,' that is, con
nect with the earth, the funnel or noz
zle on the surface of which the charge
is apt to accumulate. As a rule the
most, if not all, danger can be averted
by simply keeping the funnel or filling
nozzle in metal contact with the tank
being filled.
"When the funnel or nozzle is
grounded, as, for example, by connect
ing either to some metal object such
as a pipe running into the earth, this
allows the charge to pass through the
conductor and with the earth without
the oroduction of anv anark.
"Thus, for example, if a wire-wouiyi
hose be used and this wire' be con
nected at one end to the discharge
V-fLV'.rm AW s:x -
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pwi w, sf er
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nozzle and at the other end to the
metal fitting attaching the hose to the
pump or its delivery pipe, no charge
will result, for the pump itself is
grounded. If a funnel and chamois
aresed while filling a tank, the gaso
line being delivered through the hose
nozzle, the tank of the car and the
funnel should be kept in metalic con
tact, and so should the hoze nozzle
and the funnel.
No Danger if Care ts Exercised. .
"Many fires have occurped as re
sults of sparks caused as above. This
seems to have been established be
yond doubt One instance which has
come to the writer's attention it that ""
of a large automobile factory in which .'
it was at one time a practice to drawX1
gasoline into a portable tank whico
was allowed to rest during the filling
process on a wooden box. The funnel
used between the nozzle and the port
able tank was not in contact with the
discharge nozzle of the pump during
the filling operation, but was close
enough to it for a spark to jump after
the charge accumulated on the funnel
and portable tank had become of suf
ficiently high potential."
Blistering Sun
and the terrific best of rcaul friction, there is a strong
sense of aecurity in nng
A Jong (How cat) (vulcanisation) renders the
carcass , and tread of thews tires unusually tongh,
cohesive and proof against fabric separation and heat
blow-osia. AH sues for standard rims.
ZWIEBEL BROS., 2518 Farnam St.
Western Automobile Supply Co.,
1920-22 Farnam St
- Fictorls Cadahjr.Wlwouin . .
UI?-JTZ'im! obll Ttr, TbM and ImUiL Mototete, Herd,
and Curiw TUm, Sabbw Hnli. Horn Shoa PxU, KobbOT Htnlnm ,! '
Maehanloal ttaMm Cmd "
The Caroths Golden Ciassis
' roun-evuNDis Mootxs
Tend Oat, 7-PmhM" ;SS7S
nmr,i.Pinni ssa
LwSw-Mdllr, 1 pill, I ISO
SCO this Series 17 SIX
and bo convinced of
Studobakor Suporiority.
Don't merely content yourself with the knowl
edge of Studebaker superiority that you gain in
reading about it, but make it a point to see the
value in this Series 17 Studebaker Six with your
own eyes. It is only by personally inspecting
this pre-eminent car in the field of sixes that
you can gain a definite idea of the quality of
workmanship and materials that are built into it.
No car gives so much value for the money.
Power, size, comfort, roorniness all those ex-'
elusive features which are bringing hundreds of
dollars more in other makes are found right here
in this Series 17 Studebaker Six, at a price that
only Studebaker can make because of quality
production on a quantity scale.
'-. , - y "' ' ... - .
Before deciding on the car you will buy, we urge
you to inspect this Six the car that shows you
how to save from $250 to $400 and still get per
manent value as good as money can buy.
Tmrlns Wi T I ir SI OSS
auditor, aMMntwr . . SSS
Landau HmWw, t saaa. 1SSS
pausa, asaeeaajr- ITS
Sdaa . . . . . . . 1700
Uwaaalea, T fit SOOO
. .:. r. O. 0. OatwM
South Bend, Imd. Detroit, Mich. WaDnrrille, Ont
E. R. Wilson Automobile Co.
2550 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.