THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1916, 9 xoctety Notes -:- Personal Gossip -;- Entertainments -:- Club Doinqs f 1 ' X i SOC. ED., A MOTOR RIDE AND A STORY Being: the Harrowing Facts In Connection With a Woman Journalist's Experience. AND ALSO AN AFTERMATH By MELLIFICIA-July 16, There wai a iociety editor who dwelt in a town hard by the Missouri river, laboring on a great home and fireside companion, otherwise "metropolitan disseminator of the dav's muck." Take your choice. Once ,in the course of the day's labor, (he confided to the thousands of readers of the columns, how some charming matrons of society had gone on a lark, substituting summer widow, ers and bachelors as companion-play, fellows, instead of their husbands. It so chanced the very same even- two gay Lotharios called on the said s. e. and invited her to go automo biling which ,as the evening was very warm, she consented to ao. "Ho, ho, hoi" laughed they, and the ringleader of the widowers quoth: "We have a ereat scheme. The bes way to suppress publication of one's larks is to take the scribe with you. Being 'particeps criminis,' the incident is closed." Which is why this story was writ ten. Summer widowers needn't de. velop such a strong sense of security. At the Field Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Flitton will have as their dinner guests at the Fie d club this evening Mr. and Mrs. Will G. Carpenter, Mrs. Harry . rerKtns oi oan rrancisw aim miss Esther Reitze of Denver. Today the weekly bridge luncheon and tournament occupied the women cf the F eld club. Mrs. t. A. Shot- well entertained at luncheon for Miss Kathleen Carrigg of New Vork, who is spending the summer with her sis ter, Mrs. E. C. Abbott, and Dr. Ab bott Yellow Coreopsis was used on the table and the place cards were blue birds. The party played bridge during the afternoon. 'Mrs. w. n. waiKer enteriainea seven at the luncheon today. Parties of four were entertained by Mrs. R. M. Jones, Mrs. n. M. Ooulding, Miss E. K. Wilson and Miss treda Lange. Mrs. Virginia Lyball and Mrs. C. J. Merriam also had guests at luncheon. din se of M Events to Come; Adah Kensington, 0. E. S will have its annual picnic at Riverview park Thursday, beginning at 10 o ciock in ine morning, nuv giogk a big basket dinner will be served in family fashion. Miss i.iildred Rubel will rve a tea at her home next Monday afternoon for her rfuest, Miss Amy Glaaer, of St. Louis. Miss Mildred Butler, just recently removed to Kansas City, returned yes terday to be the guest, until Friday, of Miss Davis and Miss Meliora Davis. Miss Butler played in the golf tournament at the Country club yes terday, and Wednesday evening will be honor guest at a dinner to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Burns had planned the affair prior to the departure of the Butler family, but a trip to California postponed the dinner. To the Lake Region. Mr. H. D. Neely has left for his island in Rainy lake, on the Canadian border, to spend the summer. Mrs. Neelv will ioin him there about the fcrst ot August. Mrs. rrea uenone ana aaugniers, Misses Alice and Leone, left yester day for Clear Lake, la., where they will spend two weeks. Weddinar Announcement. One of the weddings of interest to manv ot the vounsrer set ot tne soutn Side was that which took place Sun day when Miss Margaret fahields ot Omaha and Mr. Clement Fitzgerald were married at Valley, Neb. The marriage at this time comes as a surprise to friends of the couple. Miss Edith L. Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Davis, and Robert W. Mullen were married on Saturday evening by Rev. W. O. Tones. Mr. and Mrs. Mullen are both graduates of Nebraska School for Deaf and will make their home in Omaha. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs. C. G. McDonald entertained a party at the matinee dansant at Happy Hollow club this afternoon in honor of her daughter, Charlotte's, tenth birthday. Two baskets of ver benas adorned the tables and favors and birthday cake carried out the col ors, pink and white. Those present were: Mines Gertrude Carpenter, Alice Leslie, Jane McConneU, Jane Blxler. Virginia Pleree, Mary Flnler, Florence .Manler. Ruth Sumner, Charlotte Smith. Masters- Roy Austin, Phelan Shirley, Jack Porter, Hush Smith, Harley Moorhead, Milton Barlow, -John Harvey, James McMulten. Cat Mrs. McAllaster has been here for some time and Mr. McAllaster ar rived last evening. They will be here about two weeks more. Mrs. George G.- Guinter entertained sixteen young womei. at the matinee dansant at Happy Hollow this after noon in honor of Miss Dorothy Chai ns of St. Joseph, who, with her moth er, Mrs. Will Challis, has been the guest of Mrs. George W. Shields for the last two weeks. Mrs. Challis and her daughter leave tomorrow for their home. At the regular dinner this evening, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Bridges will en tertain for their guest, Mrs. E. D. Putnam of Sioux Falls, S. D. Dr. and Mrs. Palmer Findley and Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Young will complete the party. On Thursday Mrs. Bridges will have a luncheon party at the club for Mrs. Putnam. Covers will be laid for twelve. W. F. Dawson has a dinner reser vation at the club this evening. Social Gossip, Mrs. J. de Forest Richards left Monday on a short trip to Denver, expecti- g to return by I-riday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Welter, are planning a motor trip to Lake Oko boji, when Miss Alice Jaquith and Mr. Elias Vail of 1'oughkeepsie, N. Y., will accompany them. Mr. Vail is a guest of Mrs. A. B. Jacquith, his wedding to Miss Alice being scheduled for the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Troup of New York have arrived to be the guests of Judge and Mrs. A. C. Troup. A number of parties are being planned for Mrs. Troup during her stay here. Box Party at Brandeia. Miss Henrietta Lund will entertain at a box party at the Brandeis thea ter this evening in honor of the Misses Katherine Taeser and Marcel. la Costello of Davenport, la., who are the guests of Miss Florence Noonan. Mrs. T. F. Noonan will chaperon the party. Other guests will be: Misses Misses Marie Brown. Henrietta Wadsworth Claire McKenna. Elisabeth Bradford, Coletta Connors. Eana Rohrs. Gertrude Moran, Vera Jewell. Marguerite Buggy, AND THEY SURELY DID HAVE A GOOD TIME A clutter of "Jewel." from the Jew elry department at the Burgess-Naah Employees' Picnic. From left to right: Mist Alma Schack, Mia Minnie Kneeter, Miss Grace Reif f, Mrs. May Minor and Miss Elizabeth Kroner. f Ll At the Country Club. H. w. Binder ot Council Bluffs has reservation for six uruests at the Country Club this evening. Mil Dorothy Sherman, Ruth Carpenter, nn MoconnalL. . Jean Jewell, Elisabeth McDonald, Martha Dox, Jcanle Noble, Margaret .Harrtman, Josephine Elllck, Charlotte McDonald, Masters Hobby Hall, Jack Kimball, 1,'ranct Martin. pxander Austin, nobby Elllck, Charles McOrew, Jack Martin. Charles Dox, Miss Grace Braun will entertain her winter club at 4 o'clock tea at Happy Hollow club today. A color scheme of pink, and white will be carried out in rosebuds. Twelve guests have been included in the in vitations. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Edwards are en tertaining at the dinner-dance at Happy Hollow this evening for their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Turner McAllaster of Oakland, CC Eyestrain JpJ Relieved with Um proptr ttts, I will examine your ayei and fit the proper glaeeet. I guarantee eatiefaction in every caae. If you have not the ready caah ye ean ar rang to make It In payment. or. j i, McCarthy till Woodmen el the World Bulle'hig. Mtb aad Faruam Sta. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson of Omaha are visiting relatives in Franklin, Neb. Mrs. C. J. Mollner and Miss Mary Kline left Saturday for Estes Park, to be gone three weeks. Kev. and Mrs. t. W. Leavitt and children of Omaha are visiting friends and relatives in tr. nklin, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred and daughters motored to Chicago, leaving Sunday morning. They will be gone two weeks. Miss Grace Doolittle arrived home Saturday from Pasadena, Cal., to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K r. Doolittle. Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Mel'., ger left today on a motor trip to Burlington, la. from there they will take the boat to St. Paul, Minn., to be gone about two weeks. lr. and Mrs. F. T. Lovenng will leave Friday night for Hampton Beach, N. H., where they will sepnd he balance of the summer, returning to Omaha about September 1. Mrs. Harry E. Perkins, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Carpenter, and Mr. Carpenter, for six weeks, expects to return to her home in San f rancisco next week. Mrs. W. H. Walker left Friday for two months' trip to Pocatello, Idaho, and California. Miss Dorothy Cams of Lincoln, who has spent the last month in Omaha visiting Miss Mary Taylor and Miss Adelaide Vance, returned to her home yesterday. Miss Bess Ritchie, who has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Owen, left for her home in Madison, Wis., today. Miss Annabel Dunning of Duluth, who has been the guest of Mrs. Myles MacFayden for the last two weeks, returned to her home Monday. Miss Carita Herzog of Sioux City arrived today to visit her aunt, Mrs. M. Jacobsen and Miss Annabel Roths child for about six weeks. Miss Ida Feinberg of Chicago is visiting her cousin, Miss Sylvia Levy. She came Sunday evening and expects to be in Omaha two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Squires have been called to Iowa City by the death of Mr. Squires' mother, Mrs. J. E. Maher. Two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Squires went to Iowa City because of Mrs. Maher's illness, but her condi tion was such that they were able to return to Omaha. Little Bobbie's Pa By WILLIAM F. KIRK. Missus White was oaver to our house last nke & she brot her littel boy with her, his naini is Waldemar & he thinks he is smart. His ma thinks he is smart, too. My darling Waldemar. she sed to pa & ma, has about him the silent air of one who is one day to becum grate in the counsels ot the nashun. That's good, sed pa, the nashun needs sumbody. I am gitting old. My little son is a dreamer, sed Missus White. Sometimes I think he senses vishuns that are not for the or-dinary eye. He looks it, sed pa. is it good tor his stummick to have them vishuns? He newer thinks about his stum mick, sed Missus White. He is not a wurldly boy. Wen the old stummick goes Hack on one, sed pa, it doesnt ask one whether one is wurldly or not. I ought to know, pa sed, I used to be abel to give my stummick a pritty raw deal. But now I have to treet it like a primy donny or it will kick. Then I asked Waldemar to cum out in the yard & play catch with me & he cairn out but he cuddent catch a ball & he threw like a gurl. I am having a perfeckly ripping time, he sed to me, what? I didn't say anything, I sed. You are an odd boy, what? he sed. I dident sav a word. I toald him. Then I asked him if he wanted to DUt on the boxing gluvs with me & he sed If you doant tell mother I will do so with grate zest, he sed to me. So I got my gluvs & whisseld for Skinny Dugan to cum & see the fun. I wont hit you vary hard, I sed to Waldemar. You better, he sed, I am going to hit you as hard as 1 can. 1 hen he hit me on the noas three (3) times befoar I cud git up my hand to stop him & wen I got my hand up he hit me four (4) times in the stummick. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice SAVING BABIES. A contribution to The Bee's fund may save the life of some baby a baby who otherwise may not be alive and well in September. Many famish every summer for want of cooling ice and fresh, pure milk. A dime or a dollar from you may save a life and give you a feeling of satisfaction that is priceless. Scores of helpless little ones are be ing nurtured by the nurses through The Bee's fund. Still more will be helped during the hot weather, if YUU contnbute. EVERY CENT goes to buy milk or ice. Previously acknowledged S31S.45 William R. Patrick S.00 Mrs. Mabel Parkinson 2.00 B. E. Wlnkelman 6.00 J. C. Dauaherty 1.00 Total S328.45 UMiHniiiiiiNiMiHinniiiiimmmimmMMiiMimniHHiiirmmimrfflnMnniiMMHiimimmiiiMu THE NEW STANDARD PRICES I STYLES 300 305 307 310 315 316 318 '319 321 322 324 326 344 345 ARE NOW $3.50 CORSETS IN SEVERAL MODELS ARE NOW IN EFFECT Corset-materials of the Nemo quality are high and scarce. We had to increase prices or decrease quality; and the NEMOSTANDARD will never be lowered. Nemo Corsets are the acknowledged world's standard for' , WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY CONSERVATIVE FASHION LINES SCIENTIFIC HYGIENIC SERVICE Do you realize that every Nemo it an EXTRA VALUE simply at a corset, and that you never Pay a penny extra for the exclusive Nemo HYGIENIC features, which are PRICELESS9 NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THE NEMO! All Figures Sold Everywhere-$3.50, $4 and $5. Tk, Nesw Hniesk-FatlJse lartitrle, Kr Terk iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiim;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiiiiinimii; Then he stopped and sed We shall call that the end of the first round, We shall call it the end of the fite, I sed. You hit like lorn Sharkey. I am vary profishunt in the manly art of self defens, he sed. My big brother beleeves in pre paredness. I shall be very glad to give instruk sliuns. ' ; . So I got all the kids together & we eleck-ted Waldemar president & treashurer & boxing master of our club. & he made a speech. Wen we went in the house I toald pa and ma about it & pa sed Well, well, so he is clevver, is he. It ree- minds me of my boyhood days, pa sed, wen I was president of every thing & the idol of all the kids. A-hem. d ma. Ye. ed pa. mv childhood was full of glory, but I used to be nice to the humbel littel boys, too. A-hem, sed ma. Unst a hecro, al ways a heero. I was certainly a for tunate maiden to attrack yure wunder- tul attenshun. A-hem. Jardine Wants $5,000 More For Prison Labor Fund City Commissioner Jardine h asked the city council to set aside $5,000 more for the prison labor fund. An ordinance on the subject has been I introduced and will be discussed next Monday morning. Pat M'Govern Will Bring Home Bride from Kansas Pat McGovern, the genial informa tion official at the postoffice and Cen turion club magnate of the South Side, has gone to Paota, Kan., where he will be married in Holy Trinity church to Miss Susan Agnes Finn. They will make their home in Omaha. Trj Moan's I.lalmeat For KheiimaUira. If you have rheumatism, lutnbaco, . get a 26c bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It kills Ihe pain. All druiflats Advertisement. NO better way to satisfy an enthusiastic appetite than with Uneeda Biscuit, A delight ful food, as appetizing as it is nourishing and wholesome. Per fect baking, perfect protection, they come to you with oven freshness. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY mm Shop in THE BEE Before You Shop in the Stores Experienced Advertisers Always Use THE BEE i it i In Kilpatrick's Cool Basement : Sale of Low Shoes WEDNESDAY MORNING, 8:30 $15 the Price Quality for Quality, Style for Style The best value we have yet seen. .11 i i i dren.vmat ao vou want for dinner tonight -Macaronj, We dont care, mamma, justso IIS AKINNErw. ei la. o ASK lor ana wt tHEHIGHEJT quality EGG NOODLES 36 hgt RkI Book free SKINNER MFG. CO.. OMAHA. U.SA 1ARGCST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA Not in Our Time Have We Seen Such Values You'll malt a mistaka If jou don't coma arljr Yon mar nam look upon Its like again. Gold Dollars for Fifty Cents Yes, better than that, for some of the shoes were priced previously at $5 and even $6 AS A FAVOR TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR KC Baking Powder Passed by the Board of Censors 1st The manufacturer with the rigid tests of the laboratory and factory. 2nd The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods. 3rd The retail grocer who desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers. 4th-The food officials with their rigid laws for the purity and wholesomeness of food products. 5th And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per fect satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER HE SELLS IT 5 Ounces for (More than s pound and a half for a quarter) g5 s sa o v: VX Shop in THE BEE Before You Shop in the Stores Then you'll point to it and call for it by name. Those who have tried Cottage Milk prefer it no wonder. It isthemSk without that pronounced cooked taste, Cottage Milk is just fresh, pure, clean cows' milk, with part of the moisture removed and nothing whatever added it is simply the purest, richest milk obtainable. Cottage StejfiliMd , Unawtetaux! makea friends with the first can. Use it tor cot fee, on breakfast foods, in cooking, fordes3erta in any way you would use bottle milk or cream. Cottage Milk is twice as rich as bottle milk.' Try a can today your grocer hat it, and IGWUUUCUUI 1U 5c and 1 Oca can AMERICAN MILK COMPANY Chicago KB I ,rs 8 SA