Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. BRINGING UP FATHER ConyrleM, lll. International New Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus 11 1 1 1 I . . MOW- WEE -1 KNEW MOV DO you VHW COOUO tUKCT . BOO-OO' KND f ) YOO"D BREKK THAT l'lMmHKr- V " (V FROM A P6RIOD LIKE TO THINK I BOUGHT IDIOT.'." VWSE FYOU JvfI , , LTOEM' YOU" YOU HAVE NO (V HAT ON YOOR I . MUIm. J VAfcEIF rITrf rr- ..'' L-.- " ' ; . : wJ I tawte- . NNn i account- j 4 y ' A ' 'KrVl'S fl you'd iT; rrw ' Ino-outi-ve ) it seen to mh an nA--- ' I ' II SORE AT MC ihJRS. COTACOOO ) 'tOl YOU CHARCE EVERT- (? n fl THIROT- (JTHINC. TO MY - 4 & , OTTO UER2 BLOWS AND DMER WIMs Eourke Hurler Breaki Altitude Seoord in Seventh and Eighth Innings. DYER CLOUTS LONG HOMES An Ignominiout Retreat 0. MUltr, rf. tClllMr. aa. Oakea. er. . Butea-ar, II. Tijer, SbV ., KlilalAa. Ik. Uord. tb. . DEXTER. AB. . ...... 4 Saeetak, e. .......... I Harrlnaiaa. a. 4 H. O. 1 1 a. m Talala A new altitude record was tstab lished yesterday. Otto Men made it in the seventh and eighth innings of rsterday s tray oeiwecn inc ut .u J....LI.I, nA the neekv Grizzlies. -i.j:h.i n, ; hna hill Ditcher. viumat,' " . - but yesterday he was an aviator. As a result, our neroes, wno navcn usu An; murh heroins lately, were niinHlv wolloDed bv an 8 to 6 count It might also be mentioned the chaps from arid Denver made it clean ... Af tUrmm mfflh.ii nil the aeries. For six innings Merx bowled along in elegant style. As the Rourkes had nicked young Mr. Harrington, a tern- permentai somnpaw . refused to report to Oakes earlier in the season, for five, runs, it looked pretty soft for our side. Lid Blows OH. j ;l Then the lid blew off. And the rombat was handed to the opposition. In- the seventh frame the Gruilies ninctured Men for four blows and Jive runs, knotting the count, and In the eighth they annexed three runs with the same number of hits. A Dyer Hits Homer. ' In the seventh Dyer slapped the pill over the center field wall for one of the longest hits ever made in the local lot He counted two men ahead 0,Omah tried to stage a rally In the . . .... i - . afffair ana fell ninm, am w my-j two run short One run was pushed over in this trame. . . n L.r. imnrA th eomDat saw uic.w . , 7 Both teams awiped fonr sacks. In j will .nil Pnmvthe swipca iniru . -i on a double steal, and in the sixth Burg scored and Men copped the the opening stanza Charley Miller and Oakes purloined third and second, and in the eighth Butcher and Shestak . Today St. Joseph -invades Omaha , t tmtr ,,m,i. Some lor a kiim , v r postponed game! are on the card with the Josies, out no anui made to play them if the current hot weather continues. All ot the St Joseph games will start at 3:15, Hall and Henning Battle on Mound; Links Are Victors t : i T..1- 17 In vreat nitch minium, jfj - 7 . Mails and Hen- ning, Lincoln defeated Topeka today in a twelve-mn'ng game oy a t t i T..,n Sam.. tra to have Ul W B , ,, . been played but the first was called off on account of the wet condition of the grounds, score: An 'n. n. ri. A. " ! ! . : l ; , I s i . i . i ; ; sett !!! . j s ; . 0 1 I 4 mlth. If. .... Knw. Ik. .... Thempton, . f. Mlltor, lb. ... Ertwcr, rrtrlh, rf. KIMaSr, M. ... Burg, Sb .... Mara, . ..... KHM ..... ...... 4 S IS SI IS OMAHA. . AB. II. H. O. A. e s i o ,.... 4 I 1 IS Tntah ...SO S SI 14 S BMd tw Men la ninth. ' HU? .1 1 I 1 1 4 4 IS ,.. I 0 1 1 0 4 J HIU .......1 S 4 4 S t 1 1 tor, Klldaff. twit" bin. KU1hw, Br rlaatoa. Smith. SmtUim hitoi Th"J" f. UHT, KrmK. tmwim Ktllakw. Stolen kwil 0. MlUer, M Mm. Ktrnck ontl Br Hurlnaton, Si by Man, S. Baaae on baUft Off Hawrtnston, Si n nan, .wun . " ' ".r till T iiwm. " . . . . , Mnr, S Omaha, S. Danbto slarl Ur4 aaWMT nnw,. h". i MiUar aa4 Mouaa. D.vlra, If. .... Ail.r. lb. ..... Kntla, lb. .... Goodwin, lb. .. Hchwoltter, trf. KnilKr. ef. ' Dcfata. ... All.n. t. ...... lUnnlna, p. ... SIOUX BEAT JOSIES - ' mnmmmnima-m Gaapar Holds the Drummer, to Six Hiti and Defeats Them. TOUB TO ONE IS . SOOEE Sioux City, July u. Manager . . C. In aix hltl UMIT4 .j---,---- - - today and defeated the Drummers, 4 to 1. Two hits in the ninth gave the visitors their only run. Score: r jnnicpM. ad. n. n. u. YANKS TARE TWO FROM TIGER CREW New York Increases Lead in Pennant Bace by Winning . Double-Header. OLDEINO NOT IN LINEUP Nw Vor.' Tuiv 17. PhvinB with a team consisting largely of utility men, New York increased its lead in the pennant race today by twice de frntintr Detroit. 2-to-O. and 3-to-2. In the first game Shawkey outpitched rnvrla kir. The former athletic per- mlttril nnlv one Detroit olayer to reach third base, New York won in the fifth inning, scoring two runs in Boone's bunt Nunamaker's triple and Shawkey's single. ' In the second game Love, a New York youngster, started his first game of the season and gave a fine exhibition until the eighth inning when uonovan iook mm oui, he allowed two hits, Russell replacing him. . The latter part of the first game A .L..h.;.. r-n r! m, VCK nlaV IIU Hit til 111 i vvva.v . t - ed in a heavy drizzle. Outfielder Oldring, who joined the Yankees last c- i aa a, .nn.ip tnrlav. Hi left for his farm at Shiloh, N. J, after 1 tr -a 1 . mnA ,li rllth nil not oaiuTunjr aiM ii 1 I r U: mlrm Vln Tt U. llCarU I1UUI UIlM oi"vv "t". . . sumed, however, that he missed train connections, score nri game: DETROIT. """.nun A K VIM.tb Sill OMnsaa.ct 4 4 1 0 0 Bu.h'u SSll 0Hlth.l( IJJ rf a a A 0 fiB'mann.rf S 1 1 0 0' MM S 0 I I 1 4 4 10 OBoona.iti J J J 0 BurnJ.1. 1 1 1 ON'm.h.r.o S 1 t 1 J All ,DU.M, " - - - ToUU.Il 4 It 14 1 Standing of Teams MAT. LBAOUB. WL.Pct. Breoklrn . .45 to .500 Bcitcn 40 II .BS3 Phlla. 41I3.H4 Naw Torh... .4a Chlcaso ....It 42 .411 St. Louia...il7 41 .4 Clnolnnau ,.ii. AMER. ABS'N. w I. Vt Kanaea ll'.llt Indlannpolla l 9t .aov Loulavllla ...44 10.141 MtnnwpolU 44 41 .111 Ti.,irt 11 If .K18 8t. Paul 40 11.104 Columbua ... 47 .avu Ullwnukaa .1114.119 Wllllania, tb. , MiAkt. rf. Jonrdan, lb . Baimar. er. . Klrkhua, U. ITttAnar. O. . . Hartrave, D KMtlnt, aa. . Brlndlar, p. . tanlllvAn ... juviik. p. ' A. . S - I Totals Oilman, If. ... Wntaon, rf. .. Hlnohman, lb. Mats. lb. Coanolljr, lb. . Ceaner, aa. .... Lajauna. er. Llvlnaaton, 4. P.. ... .......It 1 imiy rtTT. AB. R. H. O. I I I '."ft 1 I II II I Toubj 40 1 LINCOLN. . ab. n M ' T k.... 4 4 .11 I4 17 0 H. O. 1 II Carllala. If. . Umlth. aa Thomaann, cf. Lobar, rf. . . Laltlmora, lb. Iluntar, lb. .. Moraa, lb. .. Johnaon, 0. .. Halla, a. .... Totnia - One out wnen winnina - r.k. 0 0114440444 41 SI :::::::::4 4 4 i 4 4 4 i 4 0 0 1-4 Tws-baaa hit: Uunwr. Doubla plr: Jmu f Lattlmora Hunr. mo..n "r;-: Thomaaon. Davnra. Allan. ';M..hA'k ' lloraa (J). Dayora. Aslar. Hannlnf. Btmcn B Hall. I: b Hannlni. 4. Ba" n talla: Off HaTia. Il ;rl Hannln.; 4. Laft taaaai Lincoln, li Topaka. I. Tlmai 1.14. Utiplnas Bckman and Anaaraon. ; ToUla ... ;...V....SS I I II II ' I Batted for Brlndlar In ellhth. Siena Cttr ... 4 I J J J 0 0 -M St. Joeaph ....0 4444140 41 ... i. M fw. It Bt. Joaanh. I i. v... . Bioill CltV. 1: 81. JO- ' . hi., iflrbham. Th..-bA,. hit. ... . . ...... ntiUn haaoal Maimer. uf.. n OAtinniiv IS1. Cooney. HIU: Off Biindley. t In aevan Innlnaa. Donble plnre: Wllllnma le Jonrdan. Kantlnf to Wlllleme te a, a. .-i. T)u naitintip. I: fay Brlndlay. S. Baaaa en belle: OK Brlndley. I; off Oaapnr. ll off Hovllk. 1. Paeaad bell: iru.n.r. Hit by pltehad ball: By Brlndley. Lllvnieton. Time: 1:10. Umpire! Kene. Rneiufi Cinches Pennant In Sherman-Howard League c tl v.h T1 17 fSnnr.lal.l tl. D.-l... k.ll -1..V. rinrhsrl Ihfl 1916 A I1C BUSIU. uwii v.m . pennant in the Sherman-Howard league sunoay oy Kinmi in a douDie-neaaer, unni mm game, by the same score, 6 to 3. Heavy hit- ting won tne nrsi game iur oim in the field they played a ragged game. Score, first game: Boelne ..I I 1 0 4 4 4-4 II J Ferwelt ....0 14 4 S4 I 41 4 I Belteriee: H. Boaell anl aterbeehi C U Peteraea and Burke. Score, aaoond ejAme: Boalue' 0 I 0 0 0 J 1-0 J l rerwell 1 0 0 0 1 I 0 I I I Betterlea: D. Boaell end W. Treon; Burke and Charlea Petereen. i linn,. . u . - - - Fuller. J I j I J C'leekle.p I Harper 1 0 0 0 0 C'kham.p 0 4 0 0 0 . ToUla.ll4lli 1 Batted for Taunt In aeyenth. Batted lor Coveleakle La elfhth. n.Mlt 4 0 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 e NewTork,....4 4 4 0 I 0 4 I -l Three-baae hltl Nunemnker. Stolen bane: Cobb. SeorlUce kit: Toun. pouoie piwe: . -.... ok.M(W ,m Uullen: no. murne :.nwi. ' , , . im Kea to Puller to Burne. Beeea on belle! Off Shawkey. I. Hit. ena enrnea runei v "vt. .r::: itrnok,. ... - , out! By nnnwney, . "J v plree: Dlnnen ana nemn. avvrw vitt ik till 41100 I '1 I j l"''.1' . ! ut-.nn rf 4 1 i 4 0P'k'P'h,U I Cobb,cf 1 1 0 0 I Veech.lf 10 0B'menn.rf I Burn.. lb 4 I J ujjuuen,." ; A . WBUWII..." T A A OWeltere.0 S 10 0 OLove.p I e e o e r.uaeeii,D v S 0 0 0 To tale. II I II It 0 0, o o 0 10 0 0 0 0 0: WIST. LEAGUE. W T. Pot Omaha ....4SS1.S0S T.lHMlH .1 II A.. Deayer 41 10 .111 Dei .toi Wichita ....10 40.414 n... , 7 A. AA. Topeka ....14 41 .441 BC joaapn. .aa ee .e.s AMBR. LBAOUB. W T. Pl New Tork..4l 14 . Boeton , Cleveland ..4114.451 Chloeao ...42 II .611 Waah 41 11 .121 Detroit 41 40 51 a. Inn . . AA AA. Phlle. II II .541 Teeterdar'e Beeulte. WESTERN LEAGUE. Denver, S; Omaha, I. St. Joeeph, 1; Sloai City, 4. Topeka, 1: Lincoln, 1. NATIONAL LBAOUB. New Tork, ll Bt. Louie, 4. Brooklyn, 1: Chicago, 1. Boeton, 4t Clnelnnetl, 4. ' Phlladelphla'Pltuburgh. wet ground.. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland, Ti Weehlnaton, I. Chicago-Philadelphia, rain. Detroit, 4-1; New Tork, l-l. Bt Louie, I; Boeton, I. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St Paul, I; Columbua, I, Minneapolis li Toledo, I. MUweukee, 4i Loolevllle, 1. KaneuClty, li Indlanapolle, I. Onneee Today. west era .'. ; Joaeph at Omaha, Topeka at Del, wrsmia aa wnwi National Leacue New Tork at St Louie, Brooklyn at Chlceto, Boeton at Cincinnati, raiiaaeipnu. rm.nui.ii. x . , , n.iMl.ii. Wmhlnr. aannwi w... . -. ton. Chicago at Philadelphia, Detroit at New Tork, Bt Louta at Boeton. dent Tannin to the aoldlara relief fund. Score: e A Adk.ltan It ASIAA BerrYilb ill 4 0 0 1 1 Serial! 4 14 0 OMIIler.rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 JSleler lb 4 ; lj J ; Sdn.r"b ill j 4H.rtl.y, S 4 1 1 Boottm 4 1 S I 0Lavan,an 4 114 4 . 114 1 OPlenk.p 1 0 0 0 Leonardo 10 0 1 OOroom.p '10 0 10 ' ir V... n A A 0 1 A 111 I O'Sovereid 110 0 0 WEISER DELL WINS GAME FOR DODGERS Pitcher Scores Deciding Run When Hendrix Passes Mc Carthy to Get Hurler. ERROR GIVES ONE CUB RUN Chicago,' July 17. Weiser Dell won his own game from Brooklyn today. With men on second and third and two out, Hendrix purposely passed McCarthy to get Dell. The Brooklyn .. . .. . , i :i. .:-! pitcner came inrougn wim a auiB,c, however scoring what proved to be the deciding run of a 2-1 game. An error paved the way for the sole Cub .m' kriltian matrh hv tenofl1 cut off another. A number of Chica goans were ejected from the bench : U ,in,f, tnv nniiv f-r i tiri UtTl nf 111 aiic 11 111 in i ui iivm; ...... ..... the umpires. Score: BROOKLYN. CHICAGO. i u u ii i r ah H.n.A.SI. U U A A St Louis ... Boston Vnnne.Sb K'enagh 1 McKee 0 Jatnee.p I Bubuo 1 .RnlAnd i 0 Cchem.p 0 urn loin v 111 14 4 e i. 1 4 S 4 4 ISO 0 0 1 0 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 4 Total!. II 114 S 4 Betted tor Beker In eighth. Betted tor Jamee In eighth. Ren for Dubuo In eighth. Baited tor loung In ninth. . Detroit 1 4 4 4 4 4 Mm, York 0 4 I 0 10 .... . ... . - e,K.AA.haee hltet TWO-oeee mil ---- v, pin. ntvh. Stolen bear : Mecee. nao- rlScehlt: Boone. Sacrlnce fly: Vltt. Double . . i a. tm 4a Paw.klnnaiUgrh : pieya: !". le. off Foeninpaugn i" nrr. - . I... off Rueeell. 1: off Jamee, I. Bite and earned rune: Oil Love, I bite, I HM to eeven and one-third Innlnge: off Rneeeiu l 7.. . - .k.-rf. Innlna:t Off nit no runa in one . Jamee, 1 hlte. I rune In eeven Innlnge, on Cunnlnahem, l nil. no "L Struck out: By Jamee, li by Love, J, by Rueeell, I. Umpire.: Nallln ana mneen. Waahlneton. July IT. Cleveland won from wiMMtS ' Way for the thrdtlm. alnoe the eeaeon openen. ,1 r Local nltchere were wild and had poor r'.1" .nn Klanfer were hlf "bird ud wiri feplaced by Shaw and BVeberSho allowed two . runei wrl. Jamleeon. outfielder, played flrat beee fof Waeh- Ington. elnce Wlllleme, eunetltuie lire, oee.- Mm unni rocoj.Ywu Wort. f , ; a mmvnvMls CVS:x " AB.1LO.A. 0 110 110 0 a t a a 2 10 0 0 I 0 1 114 0 0 4 10 a A l n 0 0 0 0 Totola.ll I II 11 Batted for Groom la aeventft. CaT,r..,-NlVhaJi VhaV Vo. Clonei Cnrtle, Fllllngln and Celemen, Murphy. i g MlnnelSiV ....4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 1-1 1 1 Toledo .......t 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 e 0 11 0 Battertee: Burk. Caehlon and Owene; Belley ano wweeney... t..iull R.H.K. MHwaukM ......1 0 4 4 0 4 1 1 4-4 14 itOUMTlIlw ' ' ' j Baturioj-: Hovllk, rth n Mytr; a fnl.msaAll4. R.H.B. B.C1ty . . 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 4-J 4 Baturlae: Saadert and Barry) Dawaoa and Ooeaott ; , ' ' 'i: BrMaepart Neb., July It. (Special.) BrToeUert d.ttl the Nb "V here Sunday. I to 1. Fneeell for Brldge nort held lh opponenui eef at all Umee i In t'i flret Inning, when the vbjltore avereeV BrUlaepOTt made throe runs la tne third IttBWaT on bh. - e -e an ll I l.illablef Pl.trrl- ' UM i the canoe. Clean oat your eretatn with Dr. Ware New Life Pllla Ten out teal tlaa. Me. All annrgieie. iov, . Seat here Aneeelalloa. - Birmingham, li Atlanta. 4. Chattenooga, 4i waenviiie. e. Little Bock, 1 i Memphis, I. Mobile, 1 1 New Orleane. I . Mexico Announces Row With U.S. Over rilv Tnlv 17. It is an- A L... AfliUllw that the rlif. ii-i vin..v .- ferences which have arisen between the United States ana Mexico may oe considered as satisfactorily settled. It :a cxpwvicu m. ...- . ence netween aecreiary i-eueiin me Ambassador Arredondo will be given out Monday. Oraney,lf 1 1 4 4 4 I 1 j n,.ki. t a a i oyioeter.ib s s 1 i e gp.e? S 4 4 0Mllen,cf I I R? hn;"cf 4 110 rstankaib 4 J J J Sendll'lb I 111 I 0Barber,rt 110 0 0 4 111 ORlcNrt J 1 J 0 O NellU 4 111 ."B!" f J ! i f Klepter.a 1 4 0 4 OHarper.P I J 0 I 1,p' 1 0 0 0 OShaw., 1 4 1 4 Today's SportCalendar weeen Shewa Oaeahir of annual ep.a nlr axhlUHaa M Meeeaee.. Va. hip tnaraameal opeaa Woueeton, 14nee. nauweat eeene at Wla. Weetera PenanA4vaaan even ehanmliniblp Oeamav aMae epeae el Htleaarak. BoilBg Beany Lee nerd ageiaea raoay SUiaa, ala re and., al rauaaatpaav Tolala II I It It l-Oarrlty 1 0 4 4 4 ToUla SI It Betted for Harper la flfth. . t. Batted for Bhaw la ninth. Cleveland 4 0 1 1 . 1 4 4 41 Waehlngton ...0 4 a i a Two-nauea hlu: Rice. MMller, roeter, oan- dll. ThrM-baea hit! Chapman, atolen bene. Roth. Snorlnea hlUl Wnmbafanaa, I. 8M rlflcaflyiRoth. Double plnye: Henry tn roe ter: Milan o eoeier w oi.i..-, r Wambegnnee to Oandll; Wembagenee to Oan- QIL Mil n wmmwm. ' ' ton. 4. Beaea on belle: Off Harper, 4i off Klanfer. A: off B hnw. ai on eweoe, A. aaiw and earned runa: Of Harper, 1 hlta, 1 run in nve inninge: on ., "'" - ' , tour Inning.; off Klepter, 4 hlta, I nna la all innmga: on aeeoe, e oi . Innlnge. airuen ou.i nj nwr... .,"' w, ... . bv " A. um pire, i O'Loughlla and Hlldabrand. .4 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 01 ...I 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 I hit- Hartley. Lewla. 8tolen baaaa! Shotten, Hartley, Carrtgan. Sacrlnce hlUl Manana, marry t.i, w..u.r, TobUtaeL Dougle plnye: Lavan to Pratt to Staler: Hartley to Sleler to Lavan. Baeea on balls! OffOroom, I: off Leonard, I. Hlta and earned runa: unr riann, e ni . ". '.. lnnlngai off uroom, e on., no . .-. Innlnge: on e-uwner, a '- lnnlngai off Leonard I rone. Struck out: By Oroom, l; oy inwnara, i.... . nolly and owene. Russians Put Down Attack of Germans Petrograd, July 17. i;Via London J in vomym" his nu"'.,. ." -- gion of Ostroff and Grubine have put 1 - Teutonic attacks. launched in mass : formation, and forced the Teutons , to retreat to ia .u. J.,r r,( keina outflanked. BVUiu m o - v . a' ording to tne Russian omaai ivnr mumca.iuii i... " TTneenrrl of 3.000 men were captured in the, ngnung. Cupthsp strikA Disturbances I Ml HVi v In the Ports of Puget souna t- ,c..M-ieAW. Tulip 17 T.nnir- ihoremen trik dwturbtnees which brok out at r uget aouna pons t. a .Av:e.4iA4 TrvA-)e a 4- Tari.mji. nigni, y ;:r' Union men attacked an automobile carrying non-union worn-m u w. a strike breaker was shot and killed and Sam jamei a union man sus tained a gunshot wound that may t- A1 prove iw 1 A wV,f 4h mtl Oftfc itl thftt CltV lUUSIJ AII4A. e,ne would pay no attention to a compro mise agreement aaopieu ii ih.hi j the San FrancUco local. AH Puget sound locals, according to the an nouncement, are determined to hold out for their tun qcmanaa, Mjflow43r Diok-. T-lV. Jtutv IT. Th naval yaeht . .1.4 kea 4 be .a neAitHeint ant. aHKyilOWtr, OWUPI w.--. Mrs, WMsoa. luui bti mtklni & wek-nd trip Oil tn lOWVr l,DfMKBB n naa.ea tributariew, atewned up tha bay tonight at I o'clock and ! d to doelt at tha Waah Ingtoa navy yard aarly tomorrow morntnf. v Awr to ArMtmtloa. . . . r. A- T..lee e. rfkA eafeelW. Ing railway amployaa' today atr)d to tub- mlt thOir aiflwranowa wiw um laiiwsj ww PaniOO W BC-SHtiaaivsa. Te.le'lnn . K 4 It 1 ft Vt.4lrMI.3b O aUara.M v i iriat-K.ri o D' 4 2 11 1 v win. a,ci C'haw.Zb 4 3 I OSchutle.lf I StengeLrf 10 11 4 UvIZtSD 1 V I VAeiuer.ou McC'hy.o I I 0 1 OArcner.c Dell.p Silt OH'drix.p t Totals. 80 S27M 1 Flack out hit by batted ball. Brooklyn 1 0 0 1 O S 0 0 2 Chlcaso ....... v v x v v v v v i two-duo nii; joiumiuiu oiuiois , O'Mara, Flack, Saler. Sacrifice hlu: Stan- gl. uouDie piay ; i,uuiw w . uaiM on Dai is: un ieii, , u n-Jimu. -Earned runa: Off Hendrix, 2. Hit by pitched drt, Dell. Struck out:'By Hendrix, S. Um plrea: guigiey ana uyron. , BraToo lota ot Bedt. ClnclnnaU, July 17. Tha gama here today waa a alugglng match. Cincinnati winning from Boaton, t to . The local team made six aouoiea ana mrae inpiw wia and Reulbach in the leven inninga that they worked. In the ninth Inning Boaton had three men on baaea and one out, but was only able to acore one run. Score: BOSTON CINCINNATI. ARH.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B, irvl11.M 5 2 2 0 0Oroh.Sb 4 12 2 0 FltaTk.Jb S 1 S 1 4 0 J 0 0 Wllh't,rr 6 1 9 9 iner,ea i i Magee.lf 4 2 3 0 S 2 S 0 0 K' 4 0 S 2 OMoll' 112 0 0 Smith Sh M Ul OG'ffllh.rf 4 2 10 9 8'dg' 2 0 2 0 OKIIIiferJf 4 12 00 T gsaer,o 4 11 iijo t v Xf.t. h 9 A 1 A Ttrinrn Sill B'lhfl'rh.n 10 0 2 OKneUer.p 4 0 0 2 0 Collins 1 0 0 0 0 Totals. 36 18 27 11 1 Batted for Reulbach in eighth. . Boaton .1 1 S 1 1 0 9 1 18 Cincinnati 1 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 8 Oroh. Louden. Kllllfer. Mollwita, Three- baae hlta: Qroh, Smith. AVlngo. Louden. Bioien Daaea: r iizpairicK, oiuhwiia., uai on bulla: Off Nehf, 1; off Hughes, 1; off line tzar, i. mu ana wraea ruius. rn .'mm 7 hits, 4 runs in three and one-third In nlnga; off Reulbach, 6 hlta, 4 runs In three and two-thlrda Innings; off Hughes, d hit, 0 run In one Inning; off Knetzer, 5 runa. Hit oy piicnea oau; jay nuguca, umn. uumn out: jay nueiDnuu, , muenn, a, j Knetier, 2. Umpires: O'Day and Eneon. Cards Defeat Giants. SC. LrOUll. JUlf 1 .new i ui n sui vuty mix hits off Doak and St. Louis defeated New Tork here today, ft to 1. The locals scored two runs In the fourth inning on two ITip.sM, m liigie Kiiu sail wiw. - A triple ana a sacrmce ny neitea uit visitors one run in the sixth. Score: PiJliW r-ttJV. Bi. uvula. AB.H. O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Bume.lf J 0 1 1 0Rcher,lf 4 12 0 0 4 1 2 0 0Beck.3b 4 10 11 Rob'U'n.rf 3 12 0 4 2 3 0 0 nvL 2h l 1 t 3 OMUIer.Zb 8 14 4 0 4 0 2 1 OHornB' 4 0 11 0 0 4 1 l, wwuBon.ri y v M'K'h'e,3b 1 0 0 0 oaona'ra,c 4 2 4 1 fl Lohert,Sb 3 1 I tonwn,M w Rarlden.o 1 0 ft 1 2 Doak, p 2 0 0 1 0 Kocher.c 10 10 0 - . Tesreau.p 8 110 0 Totals 34 11 27 10 1 Totals 82 6 24 8 2 New Tork .....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Bt. Loula 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 6 Two-base hits: Wilson, Doyle, Qonxales. Three-base hlta: Smith, Miller, Kauff, Oon- saies. eioien oaee. mor. i.o ..j . Robertson. Bases on balls: Off Ooak. 3; off Tesreau. 1. Karned runa: Off Tesreau, 4; off Doak, 1. Struck out; By Tesreau, 4; by Doak, 4. Umpires: Kiero ana mmsue. larrlinp Causes "Shark Scare" at Carter Lake Beacn 'Shark! Shark! shrieked Abe Perstein, Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue, us he emerged from Carter-lake with a badly gashed right ptr - Aht tiad evidently been read in or recent dispatches from the Atlantic seaboard, as had a score oi -other youngsters, who made a wild dash for tne snore. Jue insisted mat a snars had bit him, but Dr. O. Myers asserts that it was a sardine can. silXON Kaiser Will Pension Seven of His Generals Rotterdam (Via London), July 17. Emperor William has decided to pension seven prominent generals holding important commands in the Prussian army, according to the Ber liner Tageblatt, a copy of which has been received here. All the generals have tendered their resignations. Five of them, General von Bredow, General von Wienstkowski, Generals Glokke, Cramer and von Beur, will leave the army while the other two, Generals von Kliest and Krahmer, have been given home commands. The moment you start to run a new car' Friction begins its sly work of depreciation. iV Automobile ' LUBRICANTS tie Friction's hands and draw its teeth, Afk yoardtaUr for thm Dixon Lubricating Chart JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE V COMPANY i CHv. N. X .raK.A.e HIT WB STOCK AUTD DISTBXBUCei DIXON'S IITBICAT. POWELL SUPPLY COMPANY OMAHA 9051 rajtNAM ST. nA l..l- 1 4 BMlfia m-nraall thtMstl tmiia BWWa, e iJ e . In the openini ranini toaaj- -an inVia, two sacrifice hits, a double and errors by .t. V.4.BUB a. net Vrmtt rial fata I ins B. Louis S to I. . Preceding the Kama there was a military einintiun im tlllery corpe and the First corpa cadets. atrirlals were present The Read 80a snare I the fate., receipt ware aonaiea oy rreai CATLIN Arrow COLLAR THIN, LIGHT TIT 8TCMlDANg SIGHTLY MeanKSi 4loT4c eunrr, eaeanaT a en., nan, MAiiea ..,..'1-. : 1J ll I j 3tiakthearteimma. " II I 1 I j I N jJ II 1 v - ' ' 'i i 'jVl' llAVAllkO l ; 1' . -d$t$iL 1 W 'G1:'G:A R; 7. T E.'NytiC.E'NvT.S ." Wm f ) . ROTHENBERG & SCHLOSS DUtributors, ROTHENBERG & SCHLOSS DUtributors, : Kavnsas City, Missouri. Omaha Brandt, 1715 Douglas Street