Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Society Notes -.'- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -.- Club Doings
Miss Helen Morton, Prominent
Member of Nebraska Colony
In the Windy City.
The Omaha, or more properly, Ne
braska colony in Chicago and their
doings are always of interest to the
home folk, whom this time I will re
gale with news of the achievements
of Miss Helen Morton, the young
Lake Forest sculptress and a mem
ber of the J. Sterling Morton family
of Nebraska City.
Miss Morton has recently been
making a bust of Mrs. Austin Niblack,
who, it will be remerbered, is the
second daughter of the Edward
udahys, Miss Helen, formerly resi-
ents of Omaha. Mrs. Niblack is a
tist, with her Titian hair, exquisite
coloring and finely chiseled features.
The Cudahy and Morton families
are related through the marriage of
Miss Jean Morton and Mr. Joseph
Aside from her own work, the
young sculptress has two morning
classes a! week in modeling for chil
dren between the ages of 8 and 12,
and two afternoon classes for well
known society matrons of the fash
ionable Chicago suburb. The Morton
garage has been converted into a
studio for this purpose.
Miss Morton is successful with por
trait busts, but prefers to depict ani
mals. A bronze likeness of her Rus
sian wolfhound, Pavlova, has taken
prizes and gone the rounds of ex
hibits. -
At the Country Club.
Mr. Barton Millard has a reserva
tion for three at dinner at the club
this evening.
, Miss Mary Megeath had several
guests at an informal luncheon at the
club today for her guest, Miss Sarah
Perkins of Memphis, Tenn. Covers
were laid for:
Misses Misses
rlon Howe. Regina Connell,
arion Towle. iN&hnl Vlnmnh.l.r.
Ethel Andrew! of Sarah Perkins.
Idlewlld, N. J., Mary Megeath.
Sire. Windsor P. Megeath.
Those who dined or supped at the
Country club were: H. H. Baldrige,
with seven guests; J. E. Fitzgerald,
five;-G. A. Meyer, four; Charles Metz,
four; Barton Millard, five; M. C.
Peters, four; D. A. Baum, two; E. M.
Fairfield, two; F. H. Davis, five; J. A.
Cavers, two; Glenn C. Wharton,
three; E. P. Peck, tw6; J. E. Ludlow,
three; R. M. Peters, four; Guy Furay,
four, and C. E. Yost, three.
Dr. and Mrs. Grant Williams, Mr. Amies Whist club at her home Fri-
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aim uurs. issue v miauls, miss uitu uaj ant:i iiuv11. i imci ecis nrvm uj
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Pool, Miss Peisser, Miss Dorothy
Lord and Mr. Will Hunt
Others entertaining at dinner last
evening were Dr. A. A. Fricke, who
had five guests; W. T. Cox, five; Ju
lius Lyons, tour; Miss irene bchupp,
two; Henry Nygaard, three, and Miss
Elizabeth Rose, five'
The Tuesday dinner-dance has
been especially designated as young
people's night.
At the Field Club.
Those who had smalt parties at the
Field club were: Mrs. W. A. Yqnson,
four guests; Mrs. Alex Fick, two;
Douglas Bowie, two; Dr. H. A. Wahl,
five; S. W. Kayser; S. P. Loomis,
four; R. H. Manley, two; Fred B.
Dale, two; James Allan, four; J. H.
Mithen, two; Tom S. Kelly, two; F.
B. Kennard, .three; B. F. Baker, two;
O. W. Gunn, two; W. B. Roney, six;
T. W. Allen, four; J. McKnight, three;
W. Silver, two; W. T. House, two;
E. R. Benson, 3; E. J. Malone, four;
Dr. A. Sachs, four.
On Tuesday Mrs. J. W. Tillson and
Mrs. W. A. Yonson each have four
reservations for luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kvenild entertained
at dinner Saturday evening at the
Field club, their guest being:
Messrs. and Mesdtmes '
A. V. Shotwell a. C. McClure
C. D. Sturtevant . Bernard Capen
Jack Kelly Harry Nicholson
Herbert Daniel John Bruce
At Happy Hollow.
Those who had supper parties at
the Happy Hollow club last evening
were: J. C. Howard and Dr. A. C.
Cloyd each had five guests; L. . L.
French, F. H. Garvin, E. L. Burgess
and Dr. G. A. Young, four; W. R.
Adair, R. N. Booth, E. Millard, E.
A. Benson, W. C. Rose and L. M.
Holliday, each three; and W. E.
Rhoades, C. H. Marley, C. S. Steb
bins, J. P. Fallen. 1. R. Lines, W. H.
Garrett W. R. Watson and L. M.
Holliday, each with two in the party.
Tuesday afternoon, in addition to
Mrs. McDonald's party, Mrs. A. R
Brown will have a party at the mati
nee dance.
E. H. Flitton also has reservations
Dinner Dance for Guest.
Miss Cassie Riley gave a dinner
dance at her home in honor of Mrs.
James Blakley of Kansas City, Mo.,
who is visiting Mrs. John Casey.
Those who attended were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
John Casey, Thomaa Swehey,
Art Daly, C. J. Hanley,
Roy Congdon, Allen Palmer.
P. J. McUrath,
Mrs. Robert Parks.
Emma Feenan,
Josephine Feenan,
Edna Lowrey.
Margaret Welsh.
J. Cunningham,
E. Cunningham,
Dr. Joaeph fiheeley,
James Lowrey,
Ray Burke,
Robert Anstead,
Frank Malony.
Theresa O'Connell,
Joeephlne O'Connell,
Ethel Byrne,
Josephine Byrne,
Joseph Sullivan,
Francis BurKe, .
Eugene Melady.
James Melady,
P. E. Byrne,
Slgmund Landsburg,
Edward Feenan,
Martin Conby,
Wedding Announcements.
Miss Lillian Tuffield of Omaha be
came the bride of Mr. Myron G.
School of Springfield, Neb., at the
home of the officiating clergyman,
Rev. M. V. Higbee, on Monday after
noon at 4 o'clock. Misses Margaret
McCoy and Irene Johnson were wit
nesses. '
The marriage of Miss Arminta
Alice Anspach and Mr. Kenneth
Reed took place in Fremont last Sat
urday afternoon. The young people
are at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anspach, until
their own apartment is ready for
them. Mrs. Reed attended the Sa
cred Heart academy at Park Place,
while Mr. Reed graduated from Shat
tuck Military academy, after attend
ing Central High school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Horton of 2308
North Fifty-eighth avenue announce
the marriage of their daughter, Marie
Irene, to Mr. Frank A. Pence. The
marriage took place in Omaha on
February 13, 1916, and was kept a
secret by the young people, who will
now make their home in Benson.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
the dining room capacity was
xed Saturday afternoon, when the
women enjoyed a consolation lunch
eon. The afternoon was devoted to
bridge and a kensington and prizes
at the former were won by Mrs. J.
W. Tilson and Mrs. C. R. Orchard.
Miss Mabel Melcher sang a group of
songs. The early evening was de
voted to golf, a two-ball foursome be
ing played, and prizes were won by
Mrs. J. W. Tilson and Mrs. C. P. S
Tobin. The Sunday evening musicale
was under the direction of Mrs. L.
M. Lord. Those contributing to the
program were Miss Grace Pool, Mrs.
J. D. Ringer and Mr. Will Hunt.
Mrs. C. P. S- Tobin was hostess at
a luncheon today, honoring the ninth
bithday of her son, Master Robert
Tobin. The guests include:
Mesdames . Mesdames
T. R. Braden, A. B. Lathrop,
C. O. Johnson, H. R. Smith,
M. Fttsgerald, Ernest Weeks.
Miss Louise McDonald.
Mastor Ronert Braden.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lord had as
their guests at dinner Sunday evening
Johnson-Fairchild Wedding.
Mr. W. L. Johnson and Miss Stella
Fairchild of this city were married in
Lincoln at noon Sunday at the
home of Rev. Mr. McCaskill, form
erly of the Hanscom Park Methodist
church here. A tew intimate trienas
and relatives have gone to Lincoln
tor the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson will leave this evening for a
wedding, trip among the lakes 01
northern Minnesota. Upon their re
turn to Omaha they will make their
home at the new Blackstone hotel.
of whose holding company Mr. John
son is secretary.
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Levey announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Anna, to Mr. Harry Silverman of
Mason City, la., son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Silverman of Des Moines.
Pleasures Past
Mrs. William F. Morris entertained
at a miscellaneous shower in honor of
Miss Clara Werner Saturday evening.
Seventeen guests were present.
Mrs. J. M. Gerhard entertained Les
Miss May RasmuMen and Mrs.
Charles Weber. Mrs. Myles Gahan,
Mrs. William Grant and Miss Eliza
beth Dunnigan were guests of the
club. The next meeting will be held
in two weeks at the Criket room with
Mrs. H. L. Buckles hostess.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M.Walsh enter
tained at. an old-fashioned picnic sup
per under the trees of the club
grounds Saturday evening.
Yesterday Miss Beulah Byrd had
as her guests, eight girls from the So
cial Settlement.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Wallace enter
tained yesterday in honor of Miss
Bess Ritchie of Madison, Wis., who is
the guest of Mrs. James B. Owen and
Miss Grace Lindsey of Martinburg,
W. Va. Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Barber
and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson
were the other members of the party.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mason had a
supper party at the club for Master
Smith, who is visiting them.
Mr. A. H. Hansen had eight young
women as his dinner guests yester
day in honor of his birthday. Seven
young men joined the party, so that
covers were laid for sixteen.
Mr. N. R. Brigham had in his
party Miss Janet Hoffaess, Miss
Bertha Stoltonberg and Mr. H. D.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Warfield enter
tained at the club Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
iohnston. Miss Helen Johnston and
lr. R. Vente of Kansas City.
Mr. Louis Specht, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Mead, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mal
strom, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Specht and
Miss Vesta Ward, formed another
Mrs. L. C. Marston chaperoned the
party of eight which Miss Mary Mar
ston entertained at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bennett, Mrs.
H, C. Freeman and the Misses Edna
and Mildred Bennett dined at the
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Ford had as
their guests Mrs. Walter Brandes,
Helen, Sylvia and Essie Brandes,
Winifred Hammond and Erwin Ford.
Mr. D. F. Melcher, Mrs. F. W.
Melcher and Miss Grace Stenberg
were together.
Petersen-Holtxman Wedding.
.The wedding of Miss Lura Holtz
man, daughter of Mrs. A. Finch, to
Mr. Alvin Petersen was solemnized
Saturday evening at the home of her
brother-in-law, W. B. Parks, in
Florence, the Rev. Halverson of
ficiating. Mr. and Mrs. Petersen will make
their home in Florence for the pres
ent, living with Mr. and Mrs. Holtz
man. Those present at the wedding
Messrs. and Mesdames
John Petersen, Ross Holtimen,
Peter Zarp 8. P. Wallace,
C. P. Soegard, Wilbur Holtiman,
W. B. Parka,
Mrs. A. J. Orlffen.
Mrs. H. J. Lowrey.
Pauline Nesbit,
Lillian Zarp,
Agnes Petersen,
Olive Wallace,
E. L. Plats,
Henry Zarp,
Edward Zarp,
Edgar Bryant,
Barl Thornton,
mond of Rising City, Neb., end Mist
Helen Giv.iets of Lincoln.
The brid: is a graduate of the class
of '16 at the University of Nebraska
and is a talented musician. Mr. Brad
ley is a young business man of Sioux
Falls, S. D. They are spending their
honeymoon at Lake Washington,
near Mankato, Minn., and will be at
home after August IS at Sioux Falls.
1911 Auction Bridge Club.
Mrs. C. B. Coon entertained the
members of the 1911 Auction Bridge
club at her home this afternoon, two
tables being set for the game. These
same women have been playing to
gether since the organization of the
club in 1911. Prise winners are pre
sented with a silver spoon. Mrs.
Coon had a delightfully cool meeting.
In a large brown basket ferns were
massed and the tea and chocolate
served after the game, carried out the
same refreshing scheme.
Busch-Epeneter Wedding.
The marriage ol Miss Helen Epene
ter and Mr. Albert Busch will take
place at 8:30 o'clock this evening at
All Saints' church. The ceremony
will be followed by a wedding sup
per for the briday party and relatives
at the Hotel Fontenelle.
Columbia Club Meeting.
The Columbian club will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at their
hall, Twenty-second and Locust
streets. Mrs. D. P. Dofsey and Mrs.
J. A. McCreary will be hostesses.
Social Gossip.
Miss Katherine English is visiting
Miss Florence Coates in Sioux City.
Miss Harriet Duke is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Hatch in Sioux
I City.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Caldwell and
children and Miss Frances Wessells
left Sunday for Prior Lake, Minn.
Miss Harriet Parmelee left this afN
ernoon for Denver, Colo., to visit
her brother, Mr. Howard C. Parme
lee. Miss Alice Power'and Miss Har
riett Christian left Sunday evening
for a three weeks' vacation in Estes
Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Hoffert, jr.,
of St. Joseph arrived to spend two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. S.i Hof
fert, sr., and Mrs. J. H. Schmidt
Mrs. F. H. Kenyon, formerly Miss
Marie Freeland, returned to her home
from Lord Lister hospital Saturday
morning with her son, Jack Homer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick have
taken an apartment in New York City
for about six weeks. Their son, John,
who it in business there, will be with
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, jr., has left
Burlington, Vt where she has been
since February and after a few days
in Boston, goes to Marblehead, Mass.,
to stay until September at "The Rock
mere. Mrs. Duval and Miss Alice Duval
leave Wednesday for Mackinac Is
land. From Chicago they will make
the boat trip to the island and then
to Detroit, returning by rail in two
Mrs. A. L. Pregler and daughters,
Miss Pauline and Mrs. S. H. Rosen
berg, left today for an extended east
ern trip. They will be gone six weeks,
visiting in New York, Boston, Wash
ington and Cleveland.
T. J. Mahoney, accompanied by his
wife, left Sunday evening for his
ranch near Lewiston, Mont Mr. Ma
honey'i hobby, aside from his legal
Rractice, is fine cattle, and he has a
erd of pure bred cattle on his
ranch. They will be gone until fall.
Mr. Malvern lies of Davenport, la.,
who came down for the speedway
races and was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Duval, left Sunday
evening for home.
Mrs. J. Hyans and small children.
Annette and Jerome Raymond, of
New York, arrived last week to spend
two months with the families of J.
H. Harris and A. Harris. Wednes
day a family picnic party, probably at
Seymour lake, will be given for them.
Lake Resorts Attract
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Slater left
Sunday evening tor a month's outing
which will include a stay at Cass
Lake, Minn., as well as a trip on the
Great Lakes.
Mrs. G. W. Loomis and daughters
left last week for their cottage at the
Thousand Islands. They will be join
ed later by Mr. Loomis and son, Gilbert.
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
Bank Loses Suit Against
Dakota County Supervisors
The suit of ttie Woodlawn Trust
and Savings bank against drainage
district No. 2 of Dakota county and
the board of supervisors was decided
in favor of the defendants by Federal
Judge Wood rough. The hearing con
sumed ten days in federal court.
The plaintiff sought an injunction
to prevent the supervisors from con
structing a drainage ditch to carry the
waters of Elk creek into Jackson lake,
claiming that if this were done the
water in the lake would rise and flood
plaintiff's property. Judge Woodrough
denied the injunction, holding that the
evidence failed to show that such
damage would result.
Father Is sick. Mother tries to do
washing. One baby 10 months old
and a child of 2 yeara. Family
actually lacks food. Baby, emaciated
for lack of milk. Two dollars a week
for a few weeks will do wonders.
Take this case-home to YOUR
SELF, reader, Of course, it is natural
to think someone else will do it. But
if all think that way, none will do it
ACT I Charity is its own reward.
Send or bring any sum from 10
cents to $5 to The Bee office.
I'ravtously acknowledged SS0S.4S
W. H. Stanford S 00
Mary D. Learned S 00
Total .431. 4S
Canvas by J. Laurie
Wallace Purchased
By an Omaha Man
"The Cigarette Girl," a painting by
J. Laurie Wallace, has just been pur
chased by Max T. Bentzen of the
Browne apartments. This beautiful
painting, which is one of Mr. Wal
lace's larger productions, was on ex
hibition in the Omaha Art Gild ex
hibition of two years ago, which was
held in the Omaha Public library.
New York has recently seen fit to
"Buy it in Omaha,'' and now Omaha
people are beginning to appreciate
that Omaha goods are as good if not
better than those produced elsewhere.
Mr. Bentzen is doing a good work for
Omaha in retaining "The Cigarette
Girl" here.
Aged Woman Fractures
Hip in Fall from Bed
Mrs. Heidcr, 90-year-old mother
of Frank 1'eider, 2705 Chicago atreet,
was taken to the Wise Memorial hos
pital suffering from a fractured hip.
Sunday evening when about to re
tire at her son s home, Mrs. Heider
reached up from her bed to turn out
the electric light Her hand slipped
and she fell out of .he bed.
Her condition is critical because of
her advanced age.
. Read Bee Want Ads for profit Use
them for results.
As Guests of Charley Irwin
They Eat in "Wild West"
Mesa Tent.
Talk about your impromptu outings.
The board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben
had such an outing at noon yes
terday. They were guests of Charley
Irwin at camp mess in the big mess
tent at the wild west camp on the fair
grounds, where several score of cow
boys, cowgirls, Mexicans and Sioux
Indians are encamped preparatory to
entering the frontier event contests
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun
day of this week.
Mrs. Charles Irwin was a fine hos
tess and buzzed around the tables in
the big mess tent, seeing to it
everyone was provided for. Indians,
cowboys, Mexicans and cowgirls all
messed together in the big tent.
There was roast beef right from the
range, and then there was ice cream
from the finest ice cream factories in
Omaha, and angel food cake from
the classiest bakeries in Omaha. Thus
the rough-fare mess of the range was
blended with the choicest
of the most modern banquet hall, and
alt under the "big white tent" that ra
diated the heat oT the sun and boomed
in the wind.
Could Dieta Performs.
Then some frontier exhibitions
were given for the benefit of the
f governors. When a little Mexican
ed out a long-homed brindle steer,
Gould Dietz mounted him bare-backed,
and flourished a big sombrero. Everett
Buckingham shook hands with Chief
Little-Bull-of-the-Sioux, and chatted
amiably in the Sioux tongue about the
glories of Powder river. Charley
Beaton made friends with a papoose
boy of 5 years, and engaged him in
a war dance, while the photographers
clicked and clicked their cameras. The
cowgirls rode in a wild horse race,
the cowboys held a spectacular relay
race, and the varioua members of
the board paraded the grounds arm
in arm with Indian squaws.
And during all this impromptu per
formance, several Indians stood high
up in the judges' stand, lazily looking
on, Chief Sitting Bull, jr., son of the
notorious chief, among them, in yel
low shirt and war feathers, calmly
rolling a cigarette.
Bernlce Parka,
Carrie Parks,
Veta Carney.
Clinton Parka
Fred Petersen,
Melvln Lowrey,
Donald Soegard.
Dinner for Visiting Father.
Mrs. J. J. Donahue entertained at
dinner at her home yesterday in
honor of Rev. E. C. Donahue and
sisters of Davenport, la. Covers
were laid for twenty. Father Dona
hue is a nephew of the late Chief
Donahue. He has but recently re
turned from Rome and is now on his
way with his sisters to Colorado.
They will be in town until about the
last of the week.
Bradley-Huntley Wedding.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L.
Huntley Tuesday evening, when their
daughter, Grace, was married to Mr.
Joseph A. Bradley of Sioux Falls, S.
D. The ceremony was witnessed by
a large circle of relatives and friends
of the bride and groom. Qut-of-town
guests included Mrs. fred lowle ot
Stuttgart, Ark.; Mrs. Prendergast of
Steinauer, Neb.; Miss Mabel Drum-
Face Powder
(it Green Bote$ Onty)
Kp Tli
Coaptation Beautiful
Sett tod velvet?. Monty baek If not en
tirely pleated. Nadine le pure end harm
less. Adhere until washed off. Prevent
unburn end return of discoloration.
A million delighted users prove It value.
Tint) Pleih, Pink, Brunette. White.
Ay TWief Confer or Mail. 50,
National Toilet Coeapan, Paris, Tenn.
It 0
100 Pure
Dilute It A You Like
All children crave
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fruit; nothing is better for
them than Armour' Crap
Jure pressed from choicest
Concord grapes food and drink
In one. Unfermented, clarified;
no sugar added; good for old
and young. No other drink has
so great a variety of uses.
Grocers and druggists sell it
Buy it in the Familr Case of sis
one-pint bottles. , .
ItH, Bneats. Kn., latb ana Jons ,
Sts., Vbone 9. 1068, Omaha BT.lM W. 14a
u wukiuoa, asm a q. xi. so. mo.
Look tor I hit lign cm
jroar rfofr' windoa.
TVs Anwar Oral Label Is.
alieaUM Man rim
t sack food vraelacl, gaar
anise 7 klghasl sjaalltr
isaajra, aewyaiAar.
rcamef ft mi
Star StKkbst Haa
Star lacaa
"KM Pan" Ltal Lars'
Vrrflmt Frankfurts
ClererUeeei Batter
GWale OlaesurpreM
kU rrsr 'iSt'oCXST Feeae.
Wffl the Allies' "Big Push"
Drive theGermansOvertheRhine?
The big Allied offensive is in full swine, and according to the New York Evening Post,
"we are not now watching an isolated attack like that of the Russians in East Prussia, or a
costly but ineffectual stroke" like that of the English at Neuve Chapelle and Loos, but "a
carefully studied and deliberately waited-f or campaign of severe pressure upon Germany at
each of her battle-fronts." , v
A complete description of all the moves in this great clash between the mightiest
armies ever Known, with maps and other illustrations, is given in THE LITERARY DIGEST
for July 15th. This article shows by digest and direct quotation and translation from'
American, French and German newspapers all phases of the campaign.
The article is a non-partizan and comprehensive description and summing-up of the
gains and losses since the "big push" started on July 1st. " j
Other news-articles of pressing interest included in the same issue are:
No War With Mexico If the President Has His Way
He is the Spokesman of People Who Write t "Mr. President, Don't Allow Anybody to Persuade You
That the People of .This Country Want War With Anybody."
Slipping and Tripping As Causes of Accidents
Ringing in the Ears
What Is Instinct?
An Irish Member of the British
School of Art
Catholic Charities and the State
How Villa Eluded the American Troops
"Movie" Money ,
Our Real War Songs
A Rush Order for a Big Navy
How We Will Pay Our Preparedness Bill
The Menace of Infantile Paralysis
Latin-America's View of Mexico
The Revolt of Arabia
The Price of Drinks, Not in Money,
but in Life
Anti-Tobacco Exaggerations
The Period of the Skyscraper
The Future of German Music
War's War on Drink
The Mother of Vice-Presidents and
What Germany Gained Off Jutland
Germany Disgusted at Turkey
An Extemive Collection of Striking Illustrations
An Accurate Barometer of Public Opinion
All the Indications of public sentiment on
the many issues of the day are infallibly regis
tered in THE LITERARY DIGEST. When the
country is growing stormy over foreign infringe
ments of American rights, all degrees of feeling
in different sections and parties, as expressed in
the Press, are recorded in The Digest. And at
the same time is given the calm advice of
authorities who can analyze the situation. If
some movement for American progress arouses
warm enthusiasm, the reader of The Digest has
all the details laid before him and likewise
when the people evince cold disapproval of any
political policy foreign or domestic. Foreign
opinion is shown in the same way. The heated
contentions of enemy belligerents, the trouble
brewing in countries whose neutrality is uncer
tain, the favor or disfavor expressed toward the
United States all this you will find also. You
can judge conditions the world over by getting
a complete understanding of Public Opinion as
it is faithfully registered in THE LITERARY
July 15th Number All News-dealers To-day 10 Cents
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) New York