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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 191$. 6 BRIEF CITY-NEWS -Twiimi4 far Nimrttnc Onto. Gamiriel. Oartfe. Beae Morton Boa. Weetria Pass, f7.M Barfm-QnaA C. , Hae Hoot Pttet I Now Beacon Ptm- He If -karat Whit IMmmmU. SIS. Bdholm. 'Money AalltU fW loans, flay of tn- ipection, by F. 0. Wed. Wead Bldg. Hnr MMy Grandfather's C.irP Blanch Ring's bit hit In "Jui O'Day rora Broad ay;" Victor record 18011 at Orchard WllhelnVe. Wanu BmIu Ptyrce Bmma Sanoberg Rat filed ault In district court aaktng a divorce from Adolph Sandberg, on grounds of nonaupport, Eaelty located and no time loot la the experience of tenants and customers alike when deallnr with occupants of offices tn The Bee building. "Today's Merle Pragnai, Classified see tlon today. It appears tn The Bee exetu elvely. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Improvers to Meet The Kounts Park Improvement club will hold a meeting In the gymnasium of the University of Omaha at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. Vienna Hotel Raided D. Edenfleld, 1011 Famam street, was arrested on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. Several In mates were arrested In the raid. Charged with Stabbing B. Graves, SOI South Fourteenth street, will be arraigned In police court to answer a charge of stab bing J. Atchison during an altercation Bun day night. Collegians to Sing The Monmouth college quartet will give a concert this evening at the First United Presbyterian church and one Wednesday evening at the Central United Presbyterian church. Woman Painfully Scalded Margaretta Alia, Eighth and Pierce streets, was pain fully scalded about the hands when a tea kettle of hot water, which she was taking from the stove, fell to the floor. ,v Pinched for Annoying Con C. A. An drews, charged with peddling without' a license, Insisted In parading in front of Officer O. Peterson's residence and crying his wares until "Pete" finally sallied forth and discovered the absence of a license. Petition Refused The city council com mittee of the whole did not bestow Its favor upon a petition asking that Thirty fifth avenue, fr'om alley north of Farnam to Dodge street, be declared a restricted district In which no business enterprises may be established. Flaoe Petition sn File The city council committee of the whole placed on file a petition from property owners, requesting acquisition by the. city of a tract of land between Twenty -seventh and Twenty-eighth streets on Mason street, for public play ground and Park purposes. Fanning Visits Postofflee Colonel Charles E. Fanning was a visitor at the postofflee building Monday morning. He called on United States Marshal "Tom" Fiynn, but didn't even peek In at the office of the postmaster, which will be his office starting August 1. "I don't expect to call there un til I go In to takr up the duties of post master," he said. Held on Suspicion M. M. Bplckles of Florence has been arrested by the police mi in hAinv held Deriding an Investiga tion over his possession of an automobile .hi. i. th. anthnrltlM believe was stolen. He was arrested by Officer Cooper, who discovered that the engine number of the machine had been filed away. Canada Missionary And Wife Stabbed to Death by Japanese Tokio, July 17. Rev. W. A. F. Campbell and his wife, Canadian mis w.r. stahhH tn rleath'hv a burglar early this morning in their sumWer cottage at Karuizawa. The weanon used was a Japanese short sword. Karuizawa, which is an has been greatly excited by th mur der. -At 2:30 o'clock this morning, ac cording to the police accounts, i TnnAn 1rai,.if in fnraiffn carh. en tered a second story window of the cottage, ana alter awaKuung uic mis sionaries, demanded money. This w.: (! ntrt,Hr nftinired short sword into Mr. Campbells breast, mortally wounding rum.. Mrs. Campbell struggled heroically with the assailant and was stabbed repeatedly, succumbing to ner wounas a few hours later. A h nrtint nf hia . swArd. the hurglar, the police iy, forced the Japanese maid to disclose the cash box and then made his escape with the $10.50 which it contained. Campbell recently volunteered for service with a Canadian contingent in the European war and was about to return home. ' Rev. W. A. F. Camobell and Mrs. Campbell were sent out to the far east by the Methodist church in Canada. He had been engaged in evangelistic work in Japan since Sep tember. 1913. Karuizawa is a smalt town at an elevation of 3,180 feet in Shinano province, eighty-seven miles north west of Tokio. It is a favorite sum' mering place for Protestant mis sionaries. British Troops Raid "Country Turks Hold London, July 17. Two columns of Br.hsh troops operating on the east ern shore of the Gulf of Suez have raided sixty miles of difficult country held by the Turks, according to an announcement made today dv the sec retarV of the British war office. The statement savs: ?'The commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean expeditionary Ijprce, telegraphing yesterday, reports that two columns operating irom J or ana Abulseenima, on the Sinai shore of the Gulf of Suez, have returned to their base after successful raids of enemy possessions in the peninsula. "Sixty miles of difficult country ' were traversed, prisoners were taken and live stock secured. Despite op nnsitinn and considerable snioing. no casualties were sustained by either of the columns. Culls From the Wire Rear Admiral Charles Henry SIdrldge, V. 8. N. (retired), died at Norfolk, aged 76. George 8. Loftus, sales manager of the Equtty-Co-Operatlve Grain Exchange of Bt Paul, died after a long .Illness. Mr. Loftus. who was 48 years old, was a victim of cancer. First Lieutenant William L. Wlnant, V. B. N. (retired), inventor of the Wtnant ammu nition conveyor used on the battleships of the United States navy, died at tils home in Brooklyn In his fiftieth year. Norman W. Harris, Chicago banker and philanthropist, died at his summer home at Lake Geneva. Wis., aged years. He was president of the Harris Trust and Savings bank ot cnicago, wmcn ne iounaea; presi dent Harris sals company; airector Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph company: member of international committee Young Men's Christian association. Don J. Whlttemore, for the last sixty years connected with tne unicago, uuwaa kee A Bt. Paul railroad as civil engineer, chief engineer and finally as consulting en gineer, died at Milwaukee at the age ot It years. He was one of the foremost civil engineers of the United Btateo and In lis was elected president of the American So ciety of Civil Ens-tneers. His last great ac complishment was planning and directing the construction of the extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee e St. Paul road to the ruget sound. MOTOR RACERS WILL NOT TALK OF DEATH Drivers Do Not Like to Discuss : Traffics Fate of Mechan ician on Speedway. BATHES SHUT OUT SIGHT ' Th Oreaeeat Pta Killer. - Sloan's Liniment tow right to tho aeat of pain; limply lay it on yoa do not havo to rob. tie.- All draalats.--AdvertlaemenL The Cure for Auto-Meningitis 'How do the other speed kings of the motor race track take it when they hear of the tragic finish of one of their number? 1 - It is a question often asked. Yesterday afternoon at the Fonte- nelle hote'. a group of the racers were gathered, talking over the events of Sautrday. : " "Too bad about Columbo, eh, Rick?" some one asked Ricken-bacher. Rick clenched his teeth. "He was a great boy. He 11 be sadly missed. That's all Rick would say. Resta simply shrugged his should ers and sighed. De Palina made as it to say some- thins:, and then he chocked it back. and like his compatriot, sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Co to See Body. "Where is the body?" was the an swer of Billy Muller. When he was tola, ne moiioneu 10 .ns mccnamcian and together they walked to the un dertaking .shop. - "Baby Pete ' Henderson is old in race track expericne, but young in years. My Oodv it s awful, he whispered. his baby eyes framed soulfully in an infantile face. This infantile bravo whose perform ance yesterday was one of the hair- raisers of the holiday, is vouim yet. or he'd be acting1 as do the others when death reaches out and clutches one of their number. They simply won't talk about death. will these men. They all know that some day the . same chill hand will fall upon their shoulder, if they play the game long enough. They'd rather close their eyes and. shut out the sight. Several davs before the race, the writer suggested a sketch for an ad vertisement, wherein the drivers were to be shown racing towards a winged goddess who lured them onward with laurels of fame and fortune. Behind was to be a flying death figure, with hands outstretched, hovering over the speeders. " . Would Drive Them Out of Game. Billy Barnes, traveling representa tive for the American Automobile as sociation, who was in charge of the big event held up his hands in horror. Dont do that! You 11 have every driver in the list quitting us before Saturday I" Ihen he told of his ex, enence with the temperment Of these men who go smiling upon the trad ready to meet their doom if it should come. "You can discuss danger all you please with them," said Barnes. "They'll tell you of hair-breadth es capes and thrilling rides, and they'll laugh in the telling, but death that's something they'll never talk about." of Greece Is Saved From Death In Burning Castle Athens (Via Paris), July 17. King Constantine had a narrow escape from death in the tire, which destroyed the royal summer residence at Tatoi last week. The king was trapped by the flames and fainted but he was rescued by soldiers and removed from the danger zone. i The fire in the forest around the Chateau apparently is under control, although it is still burning on the slopes of the Parnes mountains, which are covered with oaks and pines. Fans, July 10. lhirty-two persons lost their lives in the fire at Tatoi, forest which destroyed the Chateaus of King Constantine of Greere and the crown prince, says a Havas' dis patch from Athens. Twenty-eight of the victims were members of the royal guards. I he ponce are convinced tne tire started by accident. Iowa Guardsman Is Beaten Up by Private King if its speed vSl JY0U WANT HOW yfiLz pj ABOUT A SPEEDY J? U U 1 FIM 9 $10 AND ? Q n 'C0STSFVEYOU'J 1 54 I POLICE T " sTATION n GUM SOUTH SIDE AFFAIRS Autoists Become Alarmed and Make Inquiries at Police Station. FIVE AREESTS ON SUNDAY Des Moines, la., July 17. Private Elmer Poston, Company L, Third regiment, lies in the field hospital with a bad scalp wound, as the re sult of an assault made upon him this evening by Private Harold Gal lagher, Company A, of Mason City. Poston was on guard duty and or dered Gallagher to cease using pro fane language at brigade headquar ters. According to officers, Gallagher seized Foston's rifle and struck him over the head, Gallagher is in the guard house and will be court martialed, officers say. Four British Vessels Are Reported Sunk London, July 17. At Lloyd's ship ping agency it was announced today that the British steamship Mopsa of Goole and Alto was sunk this morn ing. The crew was saved. The British steamers . Silvie, and Ecclesia are reported to have been sunk. The Ecclesia, the announce ment says, was unarmed. The Mopsa was of 885 tons gross; it was 225 feet long and was built in 1902.. The Ecclesia was of 3,714 tons gross and was 339 feet long. It was built in 1904 and belonged in Man chester. Russ Troops Capture v Town in Armenia Petrograd, July 17. (Via London.) Russian' troops have captured the town of Baiburt, in Turkish Armenia, by assault. This information was given in an official statement given out by the Russian war department. Baiburt is sixty-fivemi!es northwest of Erzerum and about sixty miles south of the Black Sea port of Trebi zond. " "Sergeant, may I ask what the main points about traffic regulations are?" Such was a typical question put to Desk Sergeant William Smith by a number of autoists wlio stopped at the South Side station for the express purpose of asking. Smith, who was formerly traffic officer at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, freely gave the information requested. Motorcycle Officer Bert Hiatt who has the South Side for his express ter ritory gathered in five autoists on his arrest list up to an early hour last (evening. Speeders are quite frequent, but most of the comnlaints are for the absence or , excessive brilliancy of liffhta or other minor deficiencies. Dr. Beta of Bellevue was one who made inquiries at the police station. The doctor asserted that his tail light had went out without his knowledge and he asked if his assertion of ignor ance as to the trouble would have been sufficient to avoid arrest. He was told that it would not. Three Houses Raided. Three disorderly houses were raided yesterday by the police. John Klosipa, saloonkeeper at 4516 South twenty- seventh street, was tound selling liq uor at 8:30 o'clock yesterday morn ing. Two .inmates were arrested. Stan ley Jausick, 4UUJ Boulevard, and r red Shaflso, Thirty-fourth street, laborers, were the two others. Nine inmates were arrested in the first raid at 2:30 o'clock and four in the second which took place at 3 o'clock in the after noon. Police Arbitrate Quarrel. A neighborhood quarrel in which a revolver was fired several times was called to the attention of the police Saturday evening at 9 o clock. Adam Redman and Frank Sievert, related by law and with properties adjoining at I hirty-tourth and A streets, became engaged in a quarrel that threatened to result disastrously had not the neighbors interfered un til the police could be called in. Sievert, according to the story given officers who investigated, had been in the habit of crossing a vacant lot adjoining the Redman property and directly in' front of his own on X street. Both parties claimed a right to the land by reason of mother-in- law of Redman owning the property. Weeds on the place had caused children of the Redman family to catch a facial disease of some sort with the result that Redman took the liberty of cutting the weeds . down This was resented by Seivert who, it is said, threatened Redman's life. Last evening when Seivert crossed the place going home from work he called out a threat that brought immediate action. The two men argued angrily, eacn threatening the other. The mother-in-law who owned the Property finally rushed out of the ouse with a gun in her hands. She fired several shots into the earth, at her feet. Neighbors then called the police. Police suggested that the case be taken to the courts, but Seivert re fused. The two men virtually agreed upon tuture peace. Want New Park. A movement is on foot among the residents oi wes y street in the vi cinity of Thirty-ninth avenue to peti tion the city oemmissioners to install a park in the district. A oetition u circulated a couple of weeks ago. For many years people living in that part of the city, one of the most beautiful in the South Side, havic been working lor a park. Many improvements have already been made since annexation. These include the installation of a new sewer system along Thirty-sixth street, the building of a treeless park, with i children's playground attached, at Thirty-sixth and P street, and consid erable grading. But the district still lacks a suitable park with ihady trees. Residents have found an ideal place in what was formerly the property adjoining Duffy's park. Large trees are frequent. The property directlv borders the street car line at Thirty- ninth street and could De made into a beautiful Dark the size of Highland in the extreme northern portion of the south aide. Miss Lewla Entertained. A number of friends entertained Thursday at a picnic at Riverview park in honor of Miss Eihlind Lewis of Philadelphia, who will leave for her home soon. Uutdoor names ot all sorts were played and refresh ments served. I hose present were: Margaret King, Ethel Bevington, Marion Folev. Helen Kubat. Louise Watkina. Caroline Van Ruren, Mina Ames, Margaret McBride, Dean Ames and Mrs. rrank Ames. Crack Racely in Town. Georee Racely. former assistant rnarh of athletics at the state uni versity and also of Bellevue college, is visiting on the South Side. He is now chief coach at the Wentworth Militarv academy. Lexington, Mo. His contract with the school extends for but one year. Masie Cttjr 6oMtp. Vn. 3. C. LeisenrlnK ot Bhenandoah, la, Tliltd hr over Sunday with nor paranta. Th. Ladlea' Aid aoclatr ot tha Wait Sida Interdenominational church will meet Thuradar In an all-day aeaitSn at tha church at Thlrty-elfhth and Q atreeta. Henry Schmellns la enjoylnr hta annual vacation. Ha hae paeaed the laat few. daya flehlnc at a private camp of hli own near Child's Point on the Mleeourl rlvar. Member of Bt Martln'a Epiecopal Sun day achool will five an Ice cream loclal Tueaday evenlnt on the church lawn at Twenty-fourth and J atreeta to take the place of tha annual Sunday achool plcnlo planned. A larva crowd attended the band concert at Handan park Sunday. Park Superintend ent John Schutta waa on the arounde and directed tho discipline of the afternoon. Larae numbers of children ueed the awlnsa and alldea while tha band waa playing. WEALTHY OMAHAS DIES UNDER AUTO Charles 0. KendalL Brother- in-Law of Postmaster Whar ton, Killed in Iowa. MACHINE TURNS TURTLE Clevius C. Kendall, aired 70. retired Omaha capitalist and brother-in-law of Postmaster J. C. Wharton, was killed Sunday afternoon near Vic tor, la., when his big automobile in which he was touring to South Haven, Mich., turned turtle, pinion ing him bene-th. He was making the trip alone. information received by relatives here last night was that as he nested Victor, a farm.-r driving a team of horses suddenly crossed the road. Mr. Kendall turned out, narrowly missing the rig only to find himself facing another auto which was ap proaching at a rapid rale. He turned his car into the ditch to avoid a col lision, and when he did so. it turned over thro zing him out and pinning him beneath the wreckage. Dies Almost Immediately. All of the ribs on the left side of the body were broken and he died within half an hour. Mr. Kendall lived in a lodging house at 524 North Seventeenth street, alone. His father built the place forty years ago, and he stayed there for sentimental reasons, in spite of the fact that he was wealthy. He was a widower and is survived by one daughter, Miss Pearl Kendall, of Chicago. Mrs. John Wharton, wife of the postmaster, ia his sister. He came here fro'm North Bend, Neb., where he was in the grain business, thirty years ago, and engaged in a similar occupation. Property which he purchased at that time increased in value so much that a dozen years ago he found himself independently wealthy and he quit working. Wintered in California. He spent his winters in California, shiooine his bis automobile there. and on returning, after spending a few months here, invanoaiy drove to South Havyi, Mich., where he spent the summer. The body will arrive here late to night. Funeral arrangements will be made when Miss Pearl Kendall has been located. Postmaster Wharton has telegraphed to Chicago and Port land, Ore., to find her. Colonel L. A. Welsh of the weather bureau took a ride in Mr. Kendall's big roadster last Friday. At that time Mr. Kendall invited him to go on the trip to Chicago, but Mr. Welsh had to decline the invitation. AGED MAN KILLED WHEN AUTO TURNS TURTLE. -naMsaVHBBSsMMaW-H Man Who Wrote "Wild Man Of Borneo" Meets Death San Francisco, July 17, William Barton, 87 ears old, who was known a generation ago as a song writer, died in a h-jspital here today a victim of apoplexy. Barton was a tuccessf-il contractor, took up song writing as a hobby. "The Wild Man -of Borneo" was one of his productions- CLEVIUS C KZNDAIL , Rioting Results at Game for Foot Ball Title of S. America Montevideo, July 17. Rioting in which the stadium was burned and in which the police were ,forced to drive the spectators from the ground broke up yesterday foot ball game be tween the Uruguayans ano Argen tines, that was to have decided the championship of South America. The eraann'a nlav between teama repre senting Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Brazil, had brought the final down to the two former teams. Tickets for the game beyond the capacity of the field had been sold and thousands of persona broke through the gates, invaded the seats and crowded onto tne neid lines. When the . came started, the Uruguayans carried the ball down the field and made an attempt tor a coal. The try failed and the specta tors, thereupon invaded the field, making further play impossible. The police at first were unable to cope with the mob,, which aet fire to the stadium on three aides, but finally charged the rioters and drove them from the grounds, several per sons werev injured. Ends Chafing On Hot Jobs Hot Galling and Chafing All Stoppad by Sehaalal's Anil- Chafe Powder. ..ii.. i ni. 1-1 Vei eaflM allhur tat tha ara-pltsl No as are chaflna of tin Waal. Ma ; x.Med faatl Sahadal'i Aatt-Caafs Pew- dor drives It all away. Until Schadel'l brouahi oomtort, act aaya - , i a-w,mm. Nana thaw aam work without a ettlna th lata raw and Ir ritated, no matter how hard tha Job er how hot the day. Prevent! all soranaas and ourn-int-keepi Ih. akta firm atparimcnt wsw - T MuiufMturtra, iUd Oak, Iowa. WHITE MTS., N. H. MAPLEWOOD MAPLEWOOD. N. H. Bask Altitoda. Fie from Bay Farm MAPLEWOOD INN Oppoalte Hotai. Onpaettr 14. . Terms Moderate. , Swaartar IS-Haia fell Caws rare. StotoriaU' Bast adktttaf Oaaast as Mta. Boakiaa offloa, I1SS Breadwer, Mao (ark, alas MaaUwood, M. B. Store Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday Till 9 p. m.i Make Skin Smooth Thtra Is one tie, depnUbl trcttmtnt that nliovM itching; torture lnitantly and that eleanaM and loothei the ikln. Aik anr druggist for a 26e bottle of umo and apply it ae directed. Soon you will find that pimplee, blackhead, eesema, ringworm and similar akin troubles will dia appear. A little tcmo, the penetrating, satisfy ing liquid, la all that Is needed, for it ban ishes all skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. Zemo, Cleveland. want a you clear If your skin Is not fresh, smooth and glowing:, or has suffered from an unwise use of cosmetics, let Resinol Soap help to clear it, In a natural healthy way : Simply dm Resins! Soap rtfvlmrfy once or twice adar.todtMlfitdoMtiotqukklysootheuatlclcanH the pores, lessen the tendency to pimples, aad leave the complexion dear, fresh and velvety. When the skin is in really bad condition, spread en fust a little Resinol Ointment for ten minutes baler using Resinol Soap. Reiinol Sosp and Resinol Ointment are sold -by all druggists. For samples, free, write to Dept. SMI, Resiaol, Balumore, Md. Misno WAR Against Hay Fever Th Hay Fever Season Is now on, and thousands are obtaining relief by the use of "SNUPFINE," Cook's Hay Fever Re lief. It will not irritate tha nose or eyea, but la soothing, cleansing and healing. It la tha only remedy that will aeeure you a Clear Head and Bye. For SALE at all Drug Btores, or mailed to you" direct upon receipt of One Dollar. Write for Pamphlet. COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY, Caspar. Wyoming, U. 5. A BURGESS- NASH GOIIPAMY. ""btve rysodyw arTonE Monday, July 17, 1816. STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY. Phone) Donflaa 1ST. Special 10c Sale In The Big HlllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BMgiilfflffllHiBi For Tuesday Only Choice Tuesday, 10c PRESENTING a great aggregation of specials at ten cents, that smacks of the unusual. In most instances each ten cents spent does double duty. NOTE Lawondor aria cards daslanata tho nnoanal apa elal waluos at lOo, wh.thar th.y ara adTartlaad or met. t Men's Furnishing Specials Good quality leather belts for men, at 10c Men's tubular tub ties, specially priced at 10c. Men's black, grey, tan and navy half hose, pair 10c. Men's lisle arm bands, Tuesday special at 10c ............. . Men's lisle garters, splendid value at, pair 10c. Men's handkerchiefs, plain. white or fancy border, 2 for 10c. . Men's white hemstitched handkerchiefs, 3 V2c value, 3 for 10c Fine silk bows for men, variety to choose from, each 10c. ... J Glassware, Picnic Accessories and Garden Hose Thin-blown ice tea glasses, etched design, each. 10c Pressed glass water tumblers, special, 6 for. ........ . ..10c Odds and ends of white dinnerware, bakers, bowls, etc. .10c t j i , ji-j j-i-i - t: i. u in. Choice rressea glass nanuieu pitjiue or uuve nay a, eacn xuc Pressed class butter dishes, colonial Dattern. each. .... .10c Tuesday, J Sanitary stone butter jars, 2-lb. size, with cover, each. , . 10c 1 1 Picnic ice cream dishes with spoons, 3 packages ........ 10c 1 I la ax lunch paper, very specially priced at, 3 pkgs. for. . . .10c VV Acme frv Dans, assorted sizes, values to 17c. each. . . . . :10c Picnic plates, Tuesday specially priced at 50 for. ..... . .10c Garden hose, Goodyear brand, 12y2c value, per foot. . . ,10c White japanned sink drainers, 15c values, at. .10c Towels, Dish Cloths, Jewelry and Hosiery Open-mesh dish cloths, 15xl5-inch, 5c values, 3 for 10c. .. . Turkish bath towels, full bleached, Tuesday, each 10c... Lace or embroidery trimmed doilies, 12-inch, each 10c... Hemstitched Japanese runners, good selection, each 10c. . Novelty hat pins, splendid assortment to choose from, 10c. . Ivory dressing combs, coarse or fine teeth, 25c values, 10c. . Teaspoons, silver plated, variety of patterns, special, 10c. . Women's low neck and sleeveless cotton vests, 15c values, 10c Boys' and girls' fine ribbed black cotton full seamless hose 10c Laces, Embroideries and Domestics Remnants of lace, embroidery, chiffon and net, each. . . .10c Shadow laces, 3 to 5 inches wide, Tuesday, yard . . ...... 10c Embroidery edges, corset cover embroidery and flouncing 10c . Assortment of fancy neckwear, special at, each.. ....,10c 4 r Pillow cases, 42x36 and 45x36-inch size, each. ...... .10c I II Romper galatea, 18c value, from the bolt Tuesday, yard . . 10c . Flaxons, prettiest of summer styles and colorings. . . . .10c White and fancy crepes, 18c quality, Tuesday, yard. . . .10c . Choice Tuesday,' 10c Choice -Tuesday, iBurgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Hameyg