Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BF,E: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1916.
interstate Commission Order
Slakes Big Change in Tar
iffs for Nebraska.
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) The
rales as applied in the recent Inter
state Commerce commission order
make a raise of about 70 per cent on
maximum charges as applied to points
o and from Maseosri river points to
The old rate made a maximum
charge of 12 cents per 100 pounds
for a distance of from one to five
miles. The Prouty scale provided for
13 cents, as promulgated by the Inter
state Commerce Commission, while
the general order made by the Ne
braska commission, known as Order
No. 19, provided for 14 cents. The
new order gives the roads a chance
to go as high as 23 cents if they so
The order was received by the com
mission this afternoon and is being
carefully gone over by Mr. Powell.
Democrats in Custer Getting
Ready for the Convention
Callaway, Neb., July 17. (Special
Telegram.) The democrats of De
light township, Custer county, held
their caucus this afternoon and elected
delegates to attend the county conven
tion to be held at Broken Bow on
July 20, as follows:
H. B. Schnertnmer. W. Q. Grser. C. B.
Beniter, R. E. Bresa. R. E. Moran. J. I.
Mahan. Delbert Brabham. H. M. Brabham,
T- L. Haycock. J. W. Rossell. J. H. Decker.
(1. H. Maze. L. P. Clawion, L. W. Chiles
and E. B. Harper.
J. H. Decker was elected chairman
of this meeting and R. E. Moran sec
retary. Heavy Rain and Electrical
Storm Visits Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., July 17. (Special
Telegram.) A heavy rain and elec
tric storm visited this section today.
In some localities stock was killed
by. lightning. The barn of J. H
Ramsey, northeast of Beatrice, was
struck by lightning and burned to the
ground. The loss is placed at $2,500,
partially insured. A few miles ea3t
of Beatrice a rainfall of three inches
is reported. About an inch of water
fell in this city.
Phil Greene to Montana
To Catch Rainbow Trout
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. July 17. (Special.) As
sistant Clerk of the Supreme Court
P. F. Greene packed his grip this
morning and hiked for the mountains
of Montana, where he expects to en
joy the cool breezes and catch moun
tain trout big enough to make his
chief, Harry Lindsay, feel that it is
time to go fishing himself.
Madison Farmer Asks
$50,000 Hart Balm
Madison, Neb., July 17- (Special.)
Otto Vollbrecht, a well known
farmer residing near Newman Grove,
Neb., has brought action in the dis
trict court against John Wehenkel for
$5,000 damages for alleged alienation
of the affections of his wife.
Ainsworth Blanks Bassett.
Ainsworth, Neb., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Ainsworth shut out the rejuv
enated Bassett team Sunday on the
Amusement park grounds tt Long
Pine. The score was 2 to 0. The
fine pitching of Denney of Ainsworth
featured, only twenty-nine men fac
ing him in the nine innings. He
struck out eight men and allowed
only two hits. Sullivan of Omaha,
pitching for Bassett, struck out three
men, passed four men and allowed
only three hits.
Batteries: Ainsworth, Denney and
Douglas; Bassett, Sullivan and
Delegates Uninstructed.
Burwell, Neb., July 17. (Special.)
On account of harvest being in full
swing in this county, there was not
a very large attendance at the repub
lican county convention held at the
court house today. T. H. Doran, D.
E. Beat and E. M. White were elected
as delegates to the state convention
and go without instructions. The
democrats at their convention elected
W. P. Thorp and J. L. Moores as
delegates to the state convention
without instructions.
Girl Dies of Rheumatism.
Edgar, Neb., July 17. (Special.)
Elizabeth BrookleyT the 12-year-old
daughter of Senator and Mrs. Will
Brookley, died at her home here Sat
urday afternoon of rheumatism, com
plicated wtih heart trouble and nerv
ous debility. She had been ill for
some time and about two weeks ago
was so much improved that her
mother took her to Alliance to the
home of her brother, Carlton Brook
ley; but she almost immediately be
came worse and was brought home.
Big Woodmen Class.
West Point, Neb., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Arrangements have been made
by District Superintendent Stryker
of the Modern Woodmen of America
for a joint adoption for Pilger and
West Point, to take place in this city
on August 3. Pilger will, be down
with a large class and a goodly num
ber of West Point candidates are
waiting for initiation at this place.
Young Child Drowned.
Mullen, Neb., July 17. (Special
Telegram.) Tommy, two-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott,
was drowned in the Loup river while
a party of townspeople were enjoying
an outing Sunday.
The body was taken to Blue Hill
for burial Mr. Scott is proprietor of
the City Barber shop here.
West Point Girl Has Appendicitis.
West Point, Neb., July 17. (Spe
cial.) The 12-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Malchow devel
oped a severe case of appendicitis on
Friday night and was taken to a hos
pital at Omaha on Saturday morning
for an operation.
Dr. Bell's Ftne-Tar-Honer. .
Honer aoothea ths Irritation, Pine Tar
cute the phlegm, relieves congestion, soothes
tho raw spots. Ibo, AU druggists. Adv.
farmers of Nebraska Unwill
ing to Meet Wage Scale of
Traveling "Boes."
(From a Staff Corrcspondsnt.)
Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) Re
ports coming into Lincoln from out in
the state where the farmers are
clamoring for harvest hands, are not
very complimentary to those members
of the Industrial Workers of the
World who are traveling around in
groups demanding big pay for work
and refusing to let others work unless
they join the crowd.
One man coming in this morning
reports that a bunch of men claiming
they belonged to the organization had
refused to work for the regular price
of $3 per day, but demanded $5. The
farmer finally came to their terms be
cause he had to have the help to save
his wheat, and then they wanted ten
minutes off each hours to rest. He
offered to give them a lunch in the
middle of the forenoon and another
in the middle of the afternoon, but
they refused to work and went on
ineir way.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., July 17. (Special.)
A. Hecht, official tester of the Gage
County Testing association, reports
tnat twenty-tive cows in tire county
coming under his observation each
produced forty pounds of butter fat
in the month of June. The best record
was 63.7 pounds ot butter tat, and
the price paid was 27 cents. He re
ports that a number of dairymen have
been able to hold up the supply of
milk by feeding liberally of alfalfa
and silage.
The biggest yield of wheat yet re
ported in this county was made yes
terday by Thomas Rudder, who re
sides seven miles northeast of Bea
trice. From a field of thirty-six acres
he received a yield of 40.1 bushels per
acre, by measure. The bountiful
yield is due to the preparation of
the sou, Mr. Kudder being an expert
Hal Kelley, who has had charge of
the Gilbert theater tor some time,
has closed a deal for the purchase
of the Blue-Bird theater from W. M.
Crosson, who recently came here
from Hastings.
Announcement was received here
yesterday of the death of Mrs. James
McLaughlin, formerly of this city,
which occurred at her home at Oma
ha Friday evening.
Abraham Lane Case and Miss Stella
A. Moore of Falls City secured a
marriage license here yesterday and
were married by the county judge.
The temperature reached another
high mark in this section of the ctate
yesterday when it jumped to 101 der
grees. Farmers report that corn is
making rapid progress since the late
rain,, and some of it is in tassel.
Colfax Convention Favors
Crange in Primary System
Leigh, Neb., July 17. (Special Tele
gram.)The republican county con
venion was held at Schuyler this aft
ernoon. Delegates to the state con
vention were selected as follows:
James Palik, J. J. Hansen, W.. F.
Adamek, J. M. Mundil, Charles R.
Kuhle. Fred Moeller, S. C. Webber,
George W. Wertz, Otto Zuelow, Clar
ence Childress, John Sucha, S. P.
Schultz and George Wilch.
The convention went on record as
favoring the repeal of the present pri
mary system.
Heavy Hail and Wind Storm
Does Damage in Dakota
Pierre. S. D.. July 17. Special Tele
gram.) A heavy rain storm in the
vicinity of Wall last night was ac
companied by severe hail and a wind
storm which wrecked a number of
buildings and badly beat down the
crops in that section.
Miss Lydia Holley and Howard
Roth, both of Omaha, were married
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by
Rev. Charles W. Savidge. They were
accompanied by their friend, Mr. Wil
liam M, Burton.
Ancient Iron Mines
Worked by Italians
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Rome. July 5. The iron mines of
the island of Sardinia, worked in the
time of the Roman republic to obtain
metals for the arms of its legions, are
today being worked by the Italians in
their need for artillery munitions.
Never in its history, according to a
writer in the Idea Nazionale, a dailv
newspaper, has Italy so felt the need
of iron or so recognized the lack of it
in its sou.
Of the large countries of the world,
barring Japan, Italy's soil is the poor
est in iron ore, despite its care in de
veloping the mines it possesses. It
yearly produces slightly over 400,000
tons ot pie iron, as compared to up
wards of 30,000,000 tons in the United
States, or 10.000.000 in England, 20.-
000,000 in Germany and 2,300,000 in
Austria-Hungary, the country witn
which it is at war.
The progress of Italy as an iron
producer has, however, been rapid. In
the year ltsyu it was producing Dut
15.UUU tons ot pie iron, as compared
to 375,000 tons in 1912. In this war
year it is estimated that its produc
tion, stimulated by the needs of its ar
tillery and the high ocean freights
from the United States, will be con
siderably greater than in normal years.
The mountainous country ot tne
mainland of Italy's territory, including
the Alps and the Apennines, yield but
little iron. The best part of it comes
from the islands of Sicily and Sar
dinia. The mines of Caltanisetta in
Sic lv oroduce some S6.000.uw worth
of ore. Another $4,000,000 worth is
mined in the districts about Florence,
another $1,000,000 worth comes from
Bologna, while smaller values come
from mines near Naples, Rome, Milan
and Turin. The next largest value
comes out of the ancient mines of
Sardinia, which produce a value of
over $4,000,000 normally, in peace
years, and which are being worked
under pressure this year. It is stated
that if foreign capital and American
machinery were introduced on that
island the mines could be made still
more productive.
Motion filed in Supreme Court
to Dismiss Contentions of
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, July 17. (Special.) Col
orado attorneys interested in the con
troversy between that state and Ne
braska over the right of the former
to withhold water in the South Platte
river so that Nebraska people have
none whatever ,have filed a motion
in the supreme court to dismiss the
case brought by water users of this
The case hinges on whether the
people of the Centennial state own the
water exclusively and can keep Ne
braska from receiving the natural flow
of the river. Nebraska says that it is
an interstate proposition while the
Colorado people say that the water
does not become an interstate matter
until it has crossed the line into an
other state, and as they keep it from
crossing it is purely Colorado prop
erty which that state has a right to
control as it sees fit. -
On that plea it is said that the state
of Colorado could be held for dam
ages caused by the overflow which
occasionally covers Nebraska lands
and causes much damage, so there are
two sides to the question.
Court Splits Cost
Between Parties
To Town Squabble
Rapid City, S. D., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Parties in this vicinity who
are prone to rush into criminal court
and take action against their neigh
bors as the result of community
squabbles are apt to think twice after
the verdict handed down in the case
of the State against John Schiefer
stein, charged with assault and bat
tery. The defendant and the com
plaining witness, Hazel Remhold,
who alleged that the defendant had
thrown a stone at her, had been the
principals in a neighborhood row at
Farmingdale. The complaint was
signed and the defendant haled into
court, and this, along with some eight
or ten witnesses who had been sub-
ponaed, had pushed the costs in the
action up to $65.30. After the state
had put m its case a motion was
made on the part of the defense to
dismiss the action, in that no case
had been proven. The court then
made a real ruling. He decided that
inasmuch as the matter at hand was
a community squabble and should not
have been brought as a criminal ac
tion, the state was not really respon
sible for the costs, so he would dis
miss the action on the payment of the
costs, $55, by the plaintiff and the de
fendant. This was done.
Austrian Derby
Draws Good Crowds
Regardless of War
(Correspondence of The Associated Preas.)
Vienna, July 2. The annual Aus
trian derby, the banner race of the
sporting season for all Austria-Hungary,
this year proved even more
than the anticipated success. It far
outdid the derby of 1915 in general
interest, attendance and sporting fea
tures. Many ot the big figures in
society and the smart and brilliant
gowns of peace time were lacking'
but the threatening weather was
largely to blame for that.
The Austrian race track crowd is
totally unlike the one-time American
crowd. The nerve-racked excitement
of the American track is lacking,
and when the horse3 come thundering
down the track from right to left
instead ot trom lett to right and on
sod instead of solid earth there are
seldom any shouts for this or that
A feature of the Austrian track is
the surprising number of women who
bet on the races. Thousands of them
crowded to the pari-mutel booths on
derby day, feverishly thrusting their
ten and twenty-crown bills to the
cashiers, and jostingly malting their
way alter each race to the pay-ott
booths. Thewomen, too, furnished a
sight that is not common on an
American track, for countless num
bers of them strolled about the pad
dock, or leaned against the rail
s.iioking cigarette after cigarette.
They stood about the huge announ
cing board with cigarettes between
their lips, program in hand, carefully
and skilfully checking off the num
"rs of the horses to run in the next
race and the names of the jockeys
who were to ride them.
Experiments With New Death
Dealing Agency Used by Ger
mans Against the Allies.
(Correspondi-nre ot The Araoctalrd Press.)
Paris, July 2. Colonel Spencer
Cosby, United States military attache
at Paris, has been speaking in a
hoarse whisper of laic. His friends
have noted it and have expressed
their regrets at his very bad cold.
Colonel Cosby's voice has not permit
ted him to reply, and he has let it
go at that a cold. But it was not a
The use which the German army
has made of poison gas in the present
war has brought a new and terrible
element of destruction into military
science. Just what this agency is, what
part it plays in the offensive and de
fensive tactics, and to what extent, if
any it must be reckoned with as a
permanent element in future warfare
these are problems which the mili
tary experts throughout the world arc
trying to determine. Here in Krauce,
where the poison gas lias been used
with most deadly effect in Cham
pagne, Argonne and all along the
fighting line, its ravage has been par
ticularly apparent, and the military at
taches of many countries have been
active in securing data for their gov
ernments on this new agency .
Makes an Investigation.
Colonel Cosby shared the keen in
terest of his brother military investi
gators and in one respect he went far
beyond them. There was ample data,
from the battlefields and the hospitals,
where ghastly patients v,ere a living
witness of the effects of the new ele
ment. But Colonel Cosby determined
on a direct personal investigation of
the element itself the poison gas in
all its forms just as a medical sci
entist has at limes put some new
serum to the supreme test on himself.
"But you should be warned of the
extreme risk," said the chief chem
ist. "It is very dangerous a, matter
of life and death."
Yet against the warning was the feel
ing that a mysterious agency of war
fare needed to be explored to its
very end. And so the w -tl was given
to go ahead and the ui.irial wheels
turned swiftly in bringing together all
sorts of gas, fresh and powerful, from
the nearby fronts.
Facilities for a Test.
The facilities for such a test of the
gases were not easilv obtained. But
these were at last secured, and the
American military attache was the lirst
and only one to be granted these ex
ceptional facilities. With these pre
liminaries arranged, Colonel Cosby
found himself in the presence of long
lines of bottles, ranged on shelves,
much as a chemist shop. Surgeons
and white-garbed attendants and
chemical experts were about, with
pestle and mortar, vacuum pumps
and air-tight jars, making experi
ments and tests of gases and anti
dotes, nearby hung a hue ot gas
masks with gaping eyeholes, used to
counteract the poisonous fumes.
The large bottles contained . the
various forms of liquid gas, direct
from the front, and in varying de
grees of strength. Most of them
showed a volatile, yellowish liquid
which, on being exposed to the air,
gave off the deadly gases; first, those
bursting into flame and commonly
known as liquid flame; second, the
tear-producing gases, which do not
kill or permanently maim, but which
so blind a column of onrushing troops
that they become helpless and arc
brought to a halt; and, third, the ac
tual poison gas which suffocates and
kills with ten times the horror of a
bullet or shell. This last, it is the
belief of military experts, is a barbar
ism of warfare which must be ulti
mately banned by the universal senti
ment of civilization. Rut they arc
equally of the belief that the lesser
form of gas which do not kill, but
merely interrupt the forward progress
of an attack are a permanent ele
ment of defensive military strategy
which must be taken into considera
tion in future warfare.
"This is the least deadly," explained
the chief chemist, as he presented
one of the bottles containing the ill-
increases etrensth ot
delicate, nervous, run
down people 200 per
cent in ten days in
many instances. 1100
forfeit if it falls as pe:
full explanation in large
article soon to appear
in this paper.
Ask your doctor 01
tlrusvist about it. Sherman & McConneil
Drug Stores always carry it in stock.
Porto Rico Has New
Law Protecting Workers
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
San Juan, Porto Rico, July 10.
The Workmen's Relief commission.
appointed by Governor Yager to
carry out the provisions of the new
workmen's compensation law has is
sued schedules of rates which went
into effect on July 1.
Many employers, particularly the
proprietors of sugar centrals, how
ever, consider the rates applicable to
their employes too high and have
signified their intention of exercising
their option of rejecting insurance
under the law taking their chances of j
settling injury damage claims either :
in or out of court. i
The rates provided by the' commis- j
sion run from a fraction of 1 per cent i
to 4 per cent for the more hazardous
The new law had been pending for
more than five years and during prev
ious sessions was vigorously opposed
by the employers. Its passage is con
sidered a distinct victory for the
labor element of the island and one
of the most constructive pieces of
legislation since American occupation.
Japanese Colony Will
Be Founded in Brazil
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Tokio. July. About 150 Japan
ese families will be sent to Brazil in
August by Japanese immigration
companies. If the enterprise proves
successful large contingents oi immi
grants will be forwarded to South
America later in the yea.-.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use
them for results,
I say that I can conquer rheumailnm wtlh
a etmple home treatment, without Plectrlm!
treatment, utringant diet, weakPiiinie bolhn
or in fact any other of t.h uniial trfititmonts
rerominnncn mr the cure or rucumatlnm.
Tlon't hIhii your ryes and say "lmpHsibl,"
but i.ul mo to the leaf.
fWTW' tr 9 a
You have Irled evorytlilnic you liavo evrr
heard of and spent your money rtglit and
ieft. I say, "WHI and good. let ine prove
my claims without expnnc to you.
Let me sond you without rherire a trial
CONQUEROR. 1 am willing to take the
chance and surely tho test will tell.
Ho send me your nsmn and thq test treat
ment will he sent you at once. When I nend
you this I will wrlto you moro fully and will
show ou that my treatment la not only for
banishing rhoumatlbm, but should slso
cleanse the system of uric acid and give
great benefll In kidney trouble and help the
general health.
This special offer will not be held open In
definitely. It will be ncesttary for you to
make your application quickly. As soon as
tills discovery becomes belter known I shall
cease sending free treatments and shall then
charge a price for this discovery which will
be In proportion to He great value. Bo take
advantage of thla offer before It Is too late.
Remember, tho test coals you absolutely
nothing. K. H. Delano, m-D Delano Bldg.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
flammatory gas. He drew the glass
stopper very cautiously, and Colonel
Cosby took a slight whiff of the gas.
It was not over-powering or violent
in its effect only a pungent odor of
ether. Now the second class of gases
were reached the tcar-producing
gases and these too were tested in
the same way. These, also, were not
over-powering, but gave the same
sharp odor of ether and a perceptible
effect on the eyes. Colonel Cosby
was beginning to think the gases were
not so bad alter all.
They had now reached the poison
gas the deadly gas which clutches
and kills. The chemist paused.
"You will not try this," he said ap
pealiugly. "Yes, all of them." said the col
onel positively, recalling the rather
agreeable pungent odor of the other
Must Be Cautious.
"Then you must be very cautious,"
said the chemist, l'lace yourself about
a foot away from the bottle. 1 will
raise the glass stopper the slightest
possible fraction of an inch, so that
only an insignificant portion of gas
can escape hut it will he enough.
Now ready!"
He drew the stopper the slightest
particle, and only for an instant, with
Colonel Cosby a foot away. Hut in
that instant the Colonel felt he had
been hurled back twenty feet.
Tongues of fire were eating at his
throat, and ten thousand needles were
darting around his neck. It seemed
as though live vitriol had been emptied
in his mouth and was coursing
through his veins. His whole vocal
system was paralysed. This infini
tesimal portion of the deadly gas had,
in an instant, overpowered h till.
It was some little time before Col
onel Cosby was in a position to dis
cuss his tests. The chief chemist
said the effect would continue some
hours and probably sonic days. It
would be most observable, he said,
in eating or drinking.
Colonel Cosby took an auto home,
his throat still on fire, but not other
wise physically affected. That night
every mouthful of dinner had the un
mistakable taste of the poison gas;
each draught of water had the same
taste of the deadly gas; and even the
puffs of a cigar had the taste of so
many puffs of this death-dealing gas
always the fiery needles and so
many draughts of vitriol. Colonel
Cosby could speak to his family only
in inarticulate whispers. They were
naturally much concerned over the
possible after-effects.
When Colonel Cosby saw a doctor
the next day, the throat was found to
be in a very bad condition, as f om
an acute attack of laryngitis. The
colonel continued on his duties, hut
for a week he could speak only in
whispers. It was ten days before
the clutch of poison gas on the throat
had been raised enough to let him
soeak again in full voice.
Jap Political Parties
Reach Harmony Program
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Tokio, July 5. Japanese political
parties, both governmental and op
position, have reachc I a harmony
program on questions of national
policy. At a recent meeting of
political leaders it was agreed to
work in unison in the interests of the
empire on all questions rf foreign
policy and national defense.
The project was inaugurated by
Viscount Minra. a member of the
privy council, who believes that na
tional welfare and progress necessi
tates concerted action and that
party interests shouM be disregard
ed on all matters touching the de
fence of the nation and Japan's re
lations with foreign powers.
- i
Miss Edith A. Mastcller and Terry
P. Steward, both of Omaha, were
married at 7:30 o'clock Sunday even
ing at the People's church, Rev.
Charles W. Savidge officiating.
Are You Fat? ,
Just Try This
Trieusttd of overftt pcoplt hurt fce
eomt slim by following tht tdvie of doe
tor who recommend Mtimolt Ptetcription
Tablet, thoie harratew litttt (at reducer
that simplify the doit oi the (tmoui Mif
mot Prescription.
Tf too fat, don't wait for the doctor!
adflce. Go now to your druggist or writ
to the Martnola Co.. 864 Woodward Ate.,
Detroit, Mich., and (or 75c procure a largo
cane of these tablets.
They reduce two, three or four pounds
week without exercise, dieting or any on
pleasant effect whatever. It too fat, try
this today.
To Overcome Sunburn
Tan, Freckles, Wrinkles
It your nit In Is unduly retldened, freckled
or tunned, dab liberal amount of ordi
nary mei-erlEd was on ihn tare and -allow
It to remain over nlrht. When you
wanh off the wax In the morning, fin
flaky, nlmoiit Invisible partlctrn of catlul
come r.'ltti It. Repeating llile datly, the
entire outer nit In Ik itworitnd, but no grad
ually, there'e not the miffhteat hurt or In
con ver.inre. Even the atublrornent freoltlea
ore effected. The underlying akin which
forma the new t;oii.fKlon la so fresh and
youthful-looking, you'll mnrvol at tho
trnnsformntlon. U'n the only thine' known
to actually (Imcard An aitfU, faded, muddy
or blotchy comulcr.ion. Ono ouncp of mer
cnllaod wax, procurable at any drugstore,
la sufficient In moat imscs.
If sun and wind make you squtnt and
frown, you're bound to cultivate wrtnkli
and crow's feet. To overcome these
quickly, bathe the face In a no I ut ion mad
by dissolving an ounce of powdered aaso
llte In a hilt pint of witch hasel. Adv.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25cat all druggists.
Watch for the
Watch for the
Over 1,000 Splendid Blouses, dozens of pretty styles, all fine white materials. There
are blouses that have been coiled and mussed from handling in our great second floor,
blouse section. We have transferred them to the basement for the small price of 50c. -Come
expecting, to get tho greatest blouse bargain you ever purchased at so
small a price. Not all sizes in every style, but sizes in the lot to 44. tJQ
Former prices $1.00, to $1.95; special
Over 1,800 Pretty Blouses, white and colors. All good styles, soiled and mussed
from handling. All wash materials. 75c and $1.00 ' JJg
About 200 Splendid, Right Up-to-Dste Silk Blouses, many different styles. Tub
Silks, heavy Jap Silk, Fancy Silks, etc. $1.95 to $2.95 values, , $1.39
at i '
Muslin Underwear at Clearance Prices
A Spacial Lot of Fin Petticoats, Night Gowns, Princass Slips, Ebt1-
ope Chemise, Etc. Many elaborate creations of line materials, embroid
ery and lace. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 values, at.... ......854
Vary Special Lot of Fine) Night Gowns, Princes. Slips, EnTelope
Chemi.e, Etc., dozens of pretty styles, all fine materials. $1,00 values,
Tuesday 654
Very Special Lot of Petticoats, Night Gowns and Enrelope Cherolsef
many different styles, 50c values, special, Tuesday, each 354
Special Lot of Corset Corers, lace and embroidery trimmed. Many
different styles, all sizes, 25c and 'J,9c values, each 154
Women's Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Drawers, extra good Qual
ity. Many different styleB. 25c to 35c values, at. 214
Children's Embroidered and Plain Drawers, all sizes, 10c to 16c val
ues, at' 74
Notions at Very Low Prices
Large Sanitary Napkins, per dozen .194
Girls' Barrettes, special 54
Fast Colored Wash Edging, per yard 14
3ig lot of Rick Racks, tapes, braids, etc.; to close out, per bolt. . . .44
'Shoe Trees, special, per pair 44
nside Skirt Belting, per yard 44
:C0-yard Spools of Machine Thread, per spool 2 "4 4
Dressing Combs, worth to 50c, at 10c
Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, per pair 64
Big lot of "C. M. C." and "Betsy Ross," all slightly soiled, per ball, .34
Rust proof Dress Clasps, card 44
Shell Hair Pins, box , 3H4.
Darning Cotton, per spool 1
Wooden Suit Hangers, each ..44
Best Towel Sale of Season
ISc Towels, 10c
Full Bleached Turkish Towels, hemmed ends, heavy quality.
Special, each 104
25c Towels, 17c
About ,600 Doien Full Bleached Turkish Towels, hemmed, in
the Jumbo size. Double twisted and fluffy yarns. Special, each, 174
Turkish Towels, 23c
The greatest value ever placed on sale. Full Bleached Turkish
Towels, double twisted yarn, extra heavy and large size. Each, 234
20o Huck Towels, ISc
One Case of Full Bleached Huck Towols,. plain white and fancy
borders. A very fine quality and soft finish. Each 154
19c Turkish Toweling, 9c
SO Pieces Full Bleached Turkish Toweling. 17 inches wide. The
fluffy kind; yard , 94
See the Indian Chief "CooKOfP
His Papoose "Ther" and Squaw "Mom-Eter"
This Indian Squaw will wear a Gown estimated to be worth $1,000.00. It will be
a wnnriorfni thine to see. no woman should miss this. These Indians will be exhibited in
the window of the Brandeis stores to stimulate interest in the Great Wild Western Show
under the auspices of the Ak-Sar-Ben, scheduled for July 20, 21, a ana Zi, at tne uoug
las County Fair Grounds. y