Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Measure Creating Twelve Land
Loan Banks Beoomei Part
- of Federal System,
Washington, July 17. President
Wilson today signed the rurtl credits
bill, passed recently by congress. Just
before signing the measure, which cre
ates a system of twelve land loan
banks under direction of a federal
board, the president made a short ad
dress. . '
"I cannot go through the simple
ceremony of signing this bill with
out expressing the feeling that I have
in signing it," said the president "It
it a feeling of profound satisfaction,
not only, but of real gratitude that we
have completed this piece of legisla
tion, which I hope will be immensely
beneficial . to the farmers of the
"The farmers, it seems to me, have
occupied hitherto a singular position
nf disadvantage. They have not had
the same freedom to get credit on
their real estate that others have had
who were in manufacturing and com
mercial enterprises, and while they
have sustained our life, they did not
in the same degree with some others,
share in the benefits of that life.
"Therefore, this bill, along with
the very liberal provisions of the fed
eral reserve act, puts them upon an
equity with all others who have genu
ine assets and makes the great credit
of the country available to them.
7 Expects Great Benefits.
.."I look forward to the benefits of
this bill, not with extravagant ex-,
pectations, but with confident ex
pectation that it will be of very wide
reaching benefit, and incidentally 4t
will be of advantage to the. investing
community,' for I can imagine no
more satisfactory or solid investments
than this system will afford those who
have money to use." . ,
' The president used two pens in
signing the bill, and gave one of them
to Senator Fletcher of Florida, who
asked permission to present it to the
Southern Commercial congress.
' In addition to the number of mem
ben of the house and senate, the sign
ing was witnessed by David , Lubin,
one of the originators of the bill, and
representative of the National
Grange, the Farmer's Educational
and Co-operative union, the Farmers'
National congress- and the National
Council of Farmers' Co-operative as
sociation. , Will Nam Board Soon.
. J" Secretary McAdoo conferred with
the president later on the question of
selection of members of the new farm
loan board. - Among those understood
to be under consideration are: '
V Herbert Quick, W. W. Flanangan,
secretary of the joint congressional
committee on rural credits; F. J. H.
Von Engelken of Florida, C. B, Keg
fey of Wsshinton. state, B. M. Ralston
and H. P. Clore of Indiana, J. 1
CouUer of West Virginia and H. A.
Moehlent of Wisconsin,
Secretary McAdoo is in ex-offlcio
member and four will be appointed
, by the president
Haw S Can CMffcs t Colae,
1 inp Mt of Srafta, avoid oxpoouro.
Eat an II r rlfht ana Uki Dr. Klnfi
N.w Dlacovtry, la m ovr 4ft yoara.
Querantood.'-ldvortlsomoat. -
- (CntteMd Im aato I.) '
cess", extended over a front of 1,500
yards. .',
A strongly held position at Water
lot farm, eaat of Longueval, also was
captured by the British, while the re
maining strongholds of the Germans
in Ovillers and La Boisselle also were
taken. ,. ;. . r
Strengthens British Line. "
British Front in France, July 17.
(Noon, via London, :ju p. nu ihe
' British today captured a German
trench in the neighborhood of
Pozieres. The capture of the trench
strengthens the new British line in
this vicinity. -
. The British also cleared out nests
of German machine- gun operators
who had been holdinar out in cellars
and behind barricades m the ruins of
Ovillers and La Boisselle. Otherwise
the situation along the British front
is unchanged at this hour.
A total of about 100 officers and
men surendered to the British, who
nad steadily closed in upon them, us
ing bombs and trench mortars. The
Germans were abort of food.
In an enrmoua cellar at Bezantin
Le Petit the British found several
hundred wounded Germans, who had
taken refuge. It was tragic business
(or the British litterbearers bringing
them back through the German shell
tire, which was meant for the British
reserves and gun oositions.
' There were cases where a litter
bearer was wounded and put on a
stretcner emptied wnen a wounded
German on it had been killed bv the
came1 shell. The British persisted
until all who had not received a final
wound in transit were safe in the
rear, .i , ,
A captured record of a German
battalion shows that 600 of its mem.
hers were killed or 'wounded by the
1 1 . ' l- 1 It c , 1 I
jJiiusn men nrc in inv DomDarU'
nient before the attack began.
French Repulse Two Attacks.
Paris, July 17. The Germans made
two- attacks in Lorraine last night
The war office report of today says
votn aiiacus were repuisea.
The atucks in Lorraine were de
livered at a point southeast of Mo
ineny. , . .
i West of Fleury the French made
some progress, taking three machine
guns. A raid on a trench in the
thamjjagne, ' occupied by Russian
troops, was met successfully by
counter attack, causing heavy loss
to the Germans..
i On the Verdun front the night waa
- comoarativelv calm exeeot in the
vicinity of Hill 304, where rifle firing
was brisk.
The announcement savs:
" "Between the Oise and the Aisne,
before Mouhn-sous-foutvent,
strong reconnoistering party of the
enemy was dispersed by our fire.
In the Champagne a surprise at
tack delivered by the Germans
against a trench in the sector held by
Russian trooos was broken up by a
counter attack, which inflicted losses.
On the Verdun front the night
was relatively calm except near Hill
304, where there was spirited rifle fir-
ins:. West of Fleurv detachments of
our troops made some progress and
captured three machine guns.
After a rather long bombardment
the Germans delivered two attacks
against our positions in the region
of Ham, in Lorraine, southeast of
Nemenv. Both attacks were re
pulsed and prisoners remained in our
Guards Will Stay in
State Camps Until
Fully Equipped
Washington. July 17. Additional
National Guard organisations will be
dispatched to the Mexican border
only iter they have been organized
and equipped thoroughly. Depart
ment commanders were delaying
transportation of incomplete unita to
day on instructions from the War
About ib.wu men now in mobiliza
tion camos are affected by the new
orders, which revoke a ruling that
waived certain requiremtnts made
when the Mexica.t situstion appeared
acute. Some 100,000 guardsmen are
on the border now. These, with 50,
000 regulars and 5,000 reserves, com
prise a force sufficient, officials be-
icve. to make unnecessary tne
sending of more inadequately equip
ped state troops.
&ioux talis. ! u.. juiy i. soutn
Dakota's guard was still ir camp at
Redfield at 10 o'clock this morning
and no information was available as
to when entrainment might begin,
according to ai.vices received here.
Movement has been expected nouriy
since Saturday morning. '
Governor Capper
Buys Sioux City
News at Auction
Sioux City. Ia July 17. The Daily
News was sold at auction today to
Governor Capper of Kansas for $18,-
May Breed Poultry
In London Parks
(Corroiponaonoo of Th AMoelat.d Prow )
London. July 10. In the hope of
educating the public so as to ulti
mately save at least half ot the
000,0000 ($40,000,000) a year spent on
foreign eggs before the war, London
parks may be thrown open for poul
try breeding. The scheme is receiving
serious consideration of the authori
ties because it is one of the latest war
time economies suggested on a large
The promoters of the idea have
asked for part of one park .to start
with, the clan provides tor a site of
about three acres and the provision
of accommodation for 600 hens. The
lcadina- ooultrv breeders of the coun
try will be invited to send six selected
birds ot tne same oreeo ana strain.
Scientific feeding tests are to be made.
All the ens will go to the wounded
soldiers and prizes will be awarded to
the owner ot bens laying tne most
American Firm to
Build Chinese Road
(Correapantfonoo of Too Aaaootatoa Proio.)
Peking. July 10. An American
firm has closed a contract with the
Chineae eovernment to construct
eighty miles of boulevard connecting
feking witn tne western nuis ano
the Marco row bridge, one ot tne
most famous bridges on the Han
river. The new boulevard system
will give Peking a circular boulevard
system and afford transportation to a
large new suburban residence section
in tne lootnms west oi me imnese
t. . ...... . .
lha contract also includes tne right
to operate motor buses on the new
boulevard, which will touch the sum
mer oalaee. Tsina Hue college, which
waa estabiisneo witn tne ooxer in
demnity money refunded by the
American government, and many
other places of interest to visitors.
Jap Government to Build
New Parliament House
(Corrwpondeneo of Thy Aaooclaloa Proaa.)
Tokio. July 10. The Jspanese gov
ernment is planning to build new
houses of Parliament at Tokio. An
appropriation of 7,000,000 yen, or
about $3,500,000 will be asked for at
the next session of the Diet The
present structures are found made
quate, especially in view of the fact
that the membership of the house will
soon be increased by titty.
"Bob" Ruble Will Be
Buried at Beloit, Wis.
The body of "Bob" Ruble, assist
ant general passenger agent of the
Union facific who died at Denver
last Saturday, will be taken to Beloit.
Wis., his old home, for interment
there Wednesday alter noon.
The Ruble funeral was held in
Denver yesterday and was in charge
ot tne Kjiignta lempiar.
German Steel Production
Continues at High Figure
(Corroaponu.nco of Too Aaooolated Proof.)
Amsterdam July 10. Germany's
production ot steel continues at high
pressure. Figures just published
show that in May the total output was
311,620 tons, as compared with 371,756
tona in April and 283,566 tons in May,
Veteran Mission Worker
Dies at Nagasaki, Japan
(Corroopoadonoo of The Aaooolatod Proaa.)
' Nagasaki, Japan, July. Miss Mary
E. Melton, a missionary of the
American Methodist Episcopal church
in Japan aince 1879, died here on
June 9 from typhoid fever. She was
a native of Jacksonville, 111. For sev
eral years Miss Melton had been
superintendent ot the biblical depart
ment of the Methodist girls' achool.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit Use
tnem tor results.
of Russian Troops
Arrives in France
Paris, July 17. 2 p. m. A con-
tigent of Russian troops disembarked
today at Brest, France The Russian
troops will be sent to camp from
Brest and later to the front.
This is the sixth contingent of Rus
sian troops, the arrival of which in
France has been reported. Between
April 20 and May 5 there arrived at
Marseilles five bodies of Russian sol
diers, after a land and sea journey of
about 17,500 miles from Moscow,
where they were assembled to Port
Dalny, Manchuria, and thence by
water-via the Suez canal. The num
ber of men in the first contingents
has not been given officially, but it
is believed to be about 25,000. These
troops were quartered at Camp De
Mamy, near iroyes, tor several
weeks, and then sent to the front.
The official French communication of
last night showed that Russian troops
were in the trenches in the Cham
It was said in Paris several weeks
ago that the sending of the first con
tingents was largely in the' nature of
an experiment and that they might be
followed by more substantial num
bers. On the former occasion the
Russians arrived without arms, which
were supplied by the French. The
explanation was given that it was
easier to send men out ot Russia a
surplus to the western front than to
forward arms and ammunition to the
Philippine Silver
Coinage Sells at a
Very Large Profit
(Corroopondonco of Tho Aaooctatea Priio.)
Manila. P. I.. July 10. The Philip
pine government has just sold to the
government of British India 7,500,000
silver pesos at a profit of close to
$500,000 over the original cost of the
currency. The pesos when coined,
each contained about 30 cents worth
of silver, but the price at which they
were sold was 38.6 cents.
The phenomenal rise in the price of
silver the world over some weeks ago
led officials of the insular government
to study the question of the wisdom
of disposing of a part of the silver
hoard which the rniiippines pur
chased at the low prices current in
1902 and 1903. At that time this pur
chase was made necessary bylaw to
secure the issuance of 34,000,000 pesos
of paper currency (silver certificates).
A later law, passeu in iwu, pnmincu
a large part of this issue of silver
certificates to be secured by gojd,
but the government then Iiad in its
vaults 34.000.000 silver pesos, coined
at a cost of 30 cents.
Some weeks ago J. L. Manning, the
in.nlar treasurer, was sent to Hong
kong to look into the silver market
and to confer with officials of the
government of India, then in the mar
ket for silver. The net result of his
trip, was the sale of about one-flttlt
of the government's hoard. The de
livery of the silver is to be made at
the Manila branch of the Hongkong
and Shanghai Banking corporation,
in lots of a million pesos. The coin
is then to be transferred to India,
where it is to be melted into bullion
in the presence of Insular Auditor
C. H. French, who is now en route
to India to fulfill thia duty.
Many Irish Rebels
Were Imprisoned
(Coixospondonoo of Tho Anoelatod Proaa.)
r,..kl:n 1fl An nffirlal Mm.
munication gives the following figures
concerning prisoners taken during the
Irish rebellion:
Interned in England: Men, 1,614;
women, five.
Convicted under the defense of the
realm regulations: Men, 169; women,
one. ,
Number released from Kicnmona
Barracks, Dublin, and from England:
Men, 1,1UU; women, seveniy-one.
The last claim paid by THE MID
WEST LIFE for a death occurring In
the first half of 1916, was to Mrs.
Anna B. Kruger of Omaha, Nebras
ka. Her husband, William H. Kruger,
wh wu a teller In the Corn Ex
change National Bank of Omaha, held
a Il.UUU policy in una company is
sued to him on December 16, 1914.
He had paid only two premiums of
$36.82 each, or a total of $70.64. Hia
death occurred from appendicitis on
the night of June 30, 1916..
Were life insurance not such a
common thing these days, and people
not so familiar with its benefits, it
would seem too good a proposition to
be true; that on the payment of so
small an amount a man could leave
such a large sum of money to hi
family. If interested, call or write
at LhKeta, Noaraaka.
N. Z. SNELL, Prooieoat.
Guaranteed Cost Lift Insurance.
GEORGE CROCKER. Ooaoral Aiont,
City NaOaaal Baak Battel, Osaka.
Why Society Womin With
Their Own Hiir
Few realize how many society wo
men now waah their own hair, not
because it is a fad, but because they
wish to obtain the greatest possible
hair beauty and be sure they are not
using anything harmful. The thou
sands who have found that in wash
ing the hair it is never wise to use a
makeshift, but is always advisable to
use a preparation made for shampoo
ing only, say they get the best results
from a simple home-made canthrox
mixture. You can enjoy thia, the best
that ia known, for about three cent
a shampoo by getting some canthrox
from your druggist, and dissolving
a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water.
Your shampoo is now ready. After
its use the hair driea rapidly with uni
form color. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disap
pear. Your hair will be so fluffy that
it will look much heavier than it is.
Its luster and softness will also de
light you, while the stimulated scalp
gains the health which insures hair
growth. Advertisement
Old Guard Object! to Attempt
of Zz-Mooieri to Dominate
Proceedings at St. Paul.
St Paul, July 17. Rival factions in
the national prohibition party are lin
ing up their forces today for next
Wednesday. Whether the control of
the party shall be retained by the old
guard, which has fought forty years
for a principle, or captured by the
newer element which is willing to
change the party's name and adopt
John M. Parker of Louisiana or some
other progressive as a vice presiden
tial candidate is the chief question at
Virgil G. Hinshaw of Chicago, na
tional chairman, declared today that
he believes the remnants of the pro
gressive party are waiting anxiously
for an invitation to join with the pro
hibitionists. "It was Colonel Parker who urged
Victor Murdock to become a candi
date for the prohibition party's nomi
nation for vice president," Mr. Hin
shaw said.
"His action of Saturday in calling
a new progressive convention, leaves
me in the dark as to his intentions.
Since Roosevelt disowned the party
he founded, many prominent progres
sives, in addition to Colonel Parker,
have made overtures to us. One of
these is Raymond Robins of Chicago.
Prohibition leaders have discussed
seriously the advisability of changing
their party name. Eugene N. Foss of
Massachusetts has said the ticket
could win the coming campaign with
himself as its leader and a new name
that would embrace more than the
single issue of prohibition.
Opposed to the new ideas of fusion,
changes of name and adoption of the
surviving progressives, are a number
of leading prohibitionists, among
them Eugene W. Chafin, presidential
nominee in 1908 and 1912.
railway bridges were washed out on
the Catawba river. Saw mills and
other property, as well as live stock,
suffered throughout this section.
i m i t a .nnJitiA.. Antn!..J
u. ....- vvuuniull. uuiaillcu VII
Yadkin river around Lexington, N.
..t ana aeaa animals, wreckage from
mills, cotton, tobacco, oil and other
debris floated down the raeinff
Many Bridges Waahed Out.
Carolina crops suffered great dam
age, highway bridges were washed
away and railroad service was badly
Tk. c...i n
company's plant near Spartanburg
...4- (Ia.J.J ...J ... . 1. - 1
line between Spartanburg and Green
wood and Gastonia and Charlotte.
From Georgetown, S. C came re
ports of damage to water front prop
erty and stores.
In southwest Virginia flood waters
carried away bridges and tracks, ty
ing up traffic on the Bluefield and
Bristol divisions of the Norfolk and
Besides the damage to railroads in
southwest Virginia, many buildings
were washed away, including some at
Radford, and one man was drowned
while ferrying across the river at that
In eastern Tennessee floods also in
terrupted traffic on the Virginia Caro
lina, the East Tennessee and Western
North Carolina and the Carolina,
Clinchfield and Ohio railroads.
Miss Nelle Lipe and Mrs. Leo Mul
holland, reported drowned yesterday
when the home of their father, J. C.
Lipe, at Biltmore, was washed away,
were found today tied in the top of a
tree, according to reports received at
Asheville. N. C, July 17. As the
water in Biltmore rapidly receded to
day it was shown that the property
loss was not great. Several hundred
persons driven from their homes yes
terday expected to be able to move
back tomorrow.
Crops on the Biltmore estate were
damaged, but the herds escaped se
rious injury. Trees and logs drifted
against the lodge gates at the en
trance to the estate, doing some dam
age. Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt
took an active part in rescue work
Three Drowned in Catawba.
Salisbury, N. C, July 17. Reports
from Statesville today said three
children were drowned in Alexander
county yesterday when a farm house
was undermined and swept away by
the Catawba river.
The Catawba river near Statesville
was receding rapidly this afternoon.
Damage along the river will reach
into the millions.
Ice Inspector Gets Annual
Complaints of Short Weights
The city inspector of weights and
measures is receiving the annual
complaint about short-weight ice.
"Of five recent complaints only one
woman would appear against the of
fending ice man in police court
That is one of the difficulties we are
up against," stated Inspector Pegg.
A citizen told Mr. Pegg of an ex
perience he had Sunday morning,
when an ice man brought a piece of
ice and was given a 25-pound ticket
This householder immediately placed
the ice on his scales and showed the
ice man the weight was 21 pounds,
nearly four pounds short
Mr. Pegg repeats his advice thai
householders use their scales.
Thirty Days and Black Eyes
For Tying Can to Dog's Tail
Ed Davis of Sioux City was sen
tenced to ' thirty days in the work
house for tying a tin can to a dog's
tail. He was arrested on complaint
of citizens in the vicinity of Twenty-
fourth and Lake streets, ana exniu- f
ited two nana-pauuea cyca as '
mony of their appreciatioi of his
DeDaftmonl Order.
WaiMnaton, July IT. (Spoclal Tolt
arani.) Mro. Ada B. Selm hao boon ap-
oounty, Iowa, vice Emma Oardor, roolined.
On IM rBCOmiuru.uvii -
eommm..m.o Mar.h. Dr. P. E. McOlono
baa bera appointed uraeon at Maoon City,
and Dr. B. O. Bawler at Waucon. Iowa.
' A Weittrn womtn doctor deelani that
women are physically fit for rrie at the
battle-front. Probably lomt exceptional
women may be. but an not the majority
prone to ailment which make even house
hold earei a burden T Hence the neeeielty
for that ffreat remedy which during forty
years has done more than any other to re
lieve such ailments and mitiafate the suf
fering of American Women Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Advertisement
Tl,e fasluon GnWofllie MiddleWei" '
Established 1886.
Women's Wearing Apparel
At Reduced Prices
During stock clearing time, preparatory
to fall business, prices have been greatly
Women's Coats,
This includes silks,
satins, poplins, cor
duroy, pongee and
all desirable fabrics
except Jersey knit.
$25 Coats, now-$12.50
Women's Suits,
$15.00 each.
Suits that sold ear
lier in the season at
$45.00, $59.50 and
as high as $65.00
your choice Tues
day, $15.00 each.
Nearly all sizes, from 16 years to 44 bust.
No alterations.
This Week-
Thermo Bottles
Thermo Lunch
In Big Variety and
Lowest Prices
Brodegaard Bros.
16th and Douglas.
Watch Inspectors U. P. R. R. Co.
Watch Inspectors Chicago, St. P.
M. & Omaha R. R.
j Special Price j
DressTrunks I
rlth rein-
etal corn- f
ind hard- I
-one you I
anywhere I
and 8-
$11 I
I Freling & Steinle I
"Omaha's Boat Baffata Bullion" J
1 1803 Farnam St. I
We Like Small Repair Jobs. I
Here is a dandy fibre covered, w
fibre bound dress trunk with rein-
forced, fibre bound edges, metal corn
ers: strong durable locks and m
ware. An attractive trunk one
would not hesitate to take i
in sites 84-lnrh, 8 6 -men
incn. xour cnoice a
Why We Are Opposing A
Government Armor Plant
To the People:
Some people say that the very fact that the Bethlehem Steel Company is so aggressively
fighting the proposal to build a Government armor plant is conclusive proof that the
Company is seeking to assure for itself the "vast profits" derived from private manufacture.
The fact is that armor making it the least profitable feature of ateel manufacture.
The reason we oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this:
Even though the making of armor is unprofitable, we have invested over $7,
000,000 in our armor plant;
That plant is useless for any other purpose.
It would be good business for us to make
armor for the Government at any price
over and above the actual shop cost.
rather than sacrifice our entire investment.
We do not seek to save big profits; our purpose is very frankly to save our
armor plant itself built solely for the use of the Government from going to
the scrap heap.
CHAS. M. SCHWAB, Chairman
EUGENE a. GRACE, Preiidant
Bethlehem Steel Company