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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916, LIVE STOCK MARKET Great . Bun of CatUe, With Prices Generally Lower Hogs Uneven. SHEEP BEOEIPTS LARGE " July 17, !tl. Cam- hobs. an.-p. 7.105 1.040 1.000 t.m 1,177 . 7.711 1.742 10,003 16,001 ftaeetnta were Retrmatea' Mondey ... 1.100 cieme aaya last weea ,a Sam day X weeke ato. t.sts Asms day S weeks ago. t.2t 8iame day 4 wee'ks ago. game day last year... s,10 Tha following labia snows ths recelpte or aula, hogs and Bheen at tha South Omaha llva stork market tor tha yaar to data, as vfciauarod with laat year: , 1011. ; Ills. Inc. Dee. rattla .... til.llt ttt.zot l. 711 iiors !.. hi M4i.ii7 J3i.:: Sheet) ...;.l,ttl.t7t 1,16t,717 101,141 The following labia shows ths mvsraga trices of boga at tba Omaha llva stock mar si tor tha laat few daya, with oomparlsono: Dale. Hit. IHl.ll4,lltH.lim.Hll. June SI. ask t 1U 46 I to I 14 Jans II. 44 U 1 II I 14 1 14 I Jnna . 4li( I It II t U II sn,e IS 17 k) I 14 I II I II I Jaly I I tag T 41 1 17 I II T 21 I H July a. II 7 II I II I II f II July I 171 I 71 t 31 f It J'Hy a. I ll, 1 II I 31 t II II Jaly I I lit I II I !l I II I II July I I 711, 1 II I 11 I 11 1 II I II Jaly I I II I II I 11 I II Jaly 10. 70 li I 47 I 70 34 I 13 J'lly II. S U e I II I 11 T 20 27 July It. I l4 10 I 71 T tl t 4 T 11 July 11. 11 I ll l l T II I to July 14. I 13 I II I II t II I 14 July II I lit, I II 14 I II 7 II :e July II 7 01 I II I 71 I II July 17....... T 01 I 71 I II 7 U I 10 Receipts and disposition of live stork at ths Union stock yards, Omaha, for twenty faur hours ending st 3 o'clock p. m., July II: RECEIPT I'ARS. -Cauls. Hogs. Sheep. Hot's. C. If. t St. P.. .10 , .. .. ,. .. Mo. Pac 1 , 1 Union Pacific ..II It II 1 C. N. W east. 1 4 .. 1 C. N. W weal. 14 21 .. 1 C, Si. P., M..O.II .,' i .. .. ,v O, fl Q.. east. 1 . . :., B.Q.. wast. Ill II 3 C. R. I.P., ssst. 4 I ,. 1 Tttllnols Central., I .. Chi. Ok Wast.... I I Tdul racalpu 117 11 12 '4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. .... 104 III 1.431 ....1,111 1.341 4.111 .... 171 1.031 1.141 .1,111 1,443 4,132 figuring on that basis today's trade opened about a quarter lower. Among IhQ early sales were several banda ot good lambs at 1A.2.rlt.30. Up to mlflforenoon a good many sellers thought Parkers were trying to break prlres too much, snd were a little cautious snout selling at so sharp a decline, but when messagea showing that almtlar reductions ware In forrs elsewhere began coming In movement livened up. and a good clearance was made before noon. Compared with the way the few natives that were hers Friday sold, prices were 2fi40c down, bulk today bringing 110.204110. 30, but, as noted above, traders conceded that had there been any rangers hero on last week's eloae tops would not have gone over 110.10, so figur ing on that basis, calling the market a quarter lower today covers It. A more definite Idea can bo gained by quoting prices toeiso lower than lost Thursday, when the lest good rango lambs were' here. Some of the Ismbs that brought 110.30 to day were mates of the ones that sold as high as 110.71 Thursday of last week. Old sheep were In light supply, and were readily bought at steady prices, range ewes of a pretty good class bringing t7.3607.IG. A string of 3, t and 4-year-old ewes sold for breeding purposes at 17.71. Feeding lambs are mora plentiful than last week, but. In addition to the regular yard trad era aeveral outside buyers were here, and demand was sura lo exceed the supply. Sorting of strings did not start till rather late and for that reason no feeders were offered up to noon, but a stesdy msrket wss confidently predicted, and a good many tradera looked for values to rule a little nlther. . . ' , Quotations on aheep ana lambs: Lambs, good to rholre, l1t.IOV10.10; lamna, fair to good, lt.IOvlO.3l: lambs, feeders, II.S0O 1.01: yearlings, good to cholro 17.7191.31: yearlings, fslr to good, t7.0f7.7l year lings, feeders, 14.104)7.21; wethers, fslr lo choirs Il.7lw7.7l; ewes, good to rholre. I7.G0O7.M; ewes, fair to good, II. 7107. 00; ewes, plain to culls, l4.ouvs.7n; ewes, teen ers, swos, yearlings, 11.109 1.10; swes, breeders, 2a and up, I6.00O1.7I, Repressntatlva aalca: No. II Idaho feeder lambs , 14 native ewea , I culls , 10 culls ,; 7t native lambs Horrla Co;..,., Swift A Co Cudahy Park. Co Armour 4k Co.... Schwarts A Co... J. W. Murphy... Lincoln Park. Co So. Omaha Pack. Co. . . Kohr Pack. Co ,, Swift (from country) . Benton Vansant A Lush Hill A Son J. B. Root A Co I. F. Hust Ttosenstook Bros. , P. a. Xellog Ifsrthhelmer A Degon. It. P. Hamilton Sullivan Bros nethsrhlld A Krsbs..., Hlgglns Huffman , Roth Hayera Olassbsrg 71annor Bros. John Harvey Dennis A Francis Jesevn A Lungrsa Pat O'Day - -ther buyere 24t ... .Ill 40 ... 11 131 12 II ... 20 71 171 ... 11 too 110 11 42 11 31 33 ... II I ... 41 ... 211 11 111 I ' ... 371 ... t.lll 1... 17... I... II... I... I... ., Ill ..717 .. 110 ., til .. tot ..mi 141 !..'... 11 4...... Ill , I......J14I I...... fit ' 1 1'. ... . 4..... 1 ' 1..... It....'. It, I It I tt I II t II I It t It T tt .Totalr l.lil MM 11.121 "CATTI.awthe waak opens out with a father liberal run of cattls, 111 loads or 7.KI head, against 4,714 a wsak ago today, and 1,100 heed a yaar ago. Probably ano-half of tha arrival war from tha waatsrn range country and tha proportion ot sornisoj stun was eomparativsiy small. Ajd vices from outside markets were all varied snd bide ware lower right from the tart. Beef steers as a rule aold 104110 lower than last wssk, and butcher atuff and stackers and feeders were hard to sell at decllnoa ranging from 1 so to lie. As usual (ha dressed beef man favored the atriotly good to choice cattle and prime heavy beeves aa wan as yearunga sold to ths best vantage, while the half fat kinds that came late direct competition with western grass rattle were hard t aell even at tha full decline. The break In feeder prleea la seaawnaote, aa yara traaera had a great many cattle on hand from laat week that they were unable le dispose of, and they were consequently very peer is a oa the lib, oral offerings today. Quotatlone en eattla: Ooed to choice beeves, 11.10011.31; fair to rood hooves, tl.tttjl-lli common to fair beeves, 11.400 tret: good to choice yearllnge, 9t.tte); flir to good yearllnge. ll.loat.tO! mmiui te fair yearllnge, tl.liOI.t0; good lo choice awu.ra, at. SBVS.SSj geoei to eaetee oowa, H.7IA7.74: fair t good cows. 11.104.71: commoa to fair cows, II 711 01; good te choice feeders,; telr te good leeaora,; commoa to lair feed' era, ll,47.4l: good te cholea Blockers, 7.401.01; stock heifers. 11.101.11; slock cows,; stoch calves, veal calves. 11.0111.11; best bulls, stags. ec; atoioana nulla,, -Jtpreseats'tlve Bales: .. BREF STEERS, S. ' Ar. Pr. No. Ar. ft. H .' Ill II II II Ill l II ...., .1011 tt I tit t II (...'...1141 I tt . STEERS AND HEIFERS. I...... lit 1 II 1 141 t It 1 01 II...... Ill I II It..,.,. Ill t tt II...... Ill I It HEIFERS. tt II Ill 1 tl COWS. ' V 4 II I. .....1111 t It I II ' It Ill tt I lilt t tt 1 1060 BULLS. I tt ,,i CALVES, ' in 4 it l...:,. i:t i et lit I tt II...... ill t tt 111 11 tt 4....... lit 11 tt . Ill 11 II FEEDERS. . ' , lit t II 41...... 114 T II ,1144 I it 44 1141 t It , , WESTERNS, NEBRASKA. !: lateers..ltll 111 11 steers. .1111 111 It feeders. 141 t 71 , 41 feeders. 10.11 I 10 11 feedere. Ill 111 tl feeders. 1121 111 II feeders. 111! t It II leaders, tit t to WTOH1NQ, . , Itltssra.. Ill I II 1 Waltera Bros. Wye. 11 steers.. 1114 I it HOOS Receipts here were real moder ate, hut asms points were evereupplled, and la sympathy with tha general break the local market slumped a full nickel, ship, pern again bought aparlngly, tenting tha bulk of the offerlnga, - which Ineluded a few leads held from last week's oloas to Ihe packers. Killer trade got going In need season, and despite the fart that prices were lower, most el the hogt were lieaned up earj. ' Prices wsre more er last uneven, and ware called anywhere from nearly eteady In same cases te lto lawer In others, but quoting the average. market fully lo lower, covered It. In fact, on ' paper the trade did not anew that ' much of a break, but quality waa ae a general thing better than laat woelt'e does, and while paokar droves only lacked 2e or le et ooetlng aa much ae they did Saturday, httyero quoted their purrhaaea a full nicks) lowsr, and Bald they bought some hoga that. aaaltty eonatd ered. were tlto lower. . , While general quality waa better, there being fewer grassy sews and more barrowa In moot loada, chelcs loans were larking, and the top waa a full dime under Satur day's high price, slopping the best hers. Bulk sold at a spread of 11.301.41. Current prtree are the lowest otnee ths early daya of June and are at least ate under the high time. Teday'a supply was estimated at eighty- five care, ar l.ltt head, which la smaller than both a week age and the eorreopend. Ing Monday last year by 1.101 head, and la more than l.Ott short of two weeks age. In fact receipts today are the lightest tor any one day sinoe the latter part el May, JUprseeatattva sales: .... No. Av. h, Pr. No. A v. Sh. pr. , 47.. 2(11 lit i II It. .211 lit It I! II.. 121 lit t 21 ' It. .Ill ... Ill tl. .311 ... I II II.. Ml lit 114 II, .301 It . I 41 II. .Ill it t SHEEP Lamb receipts were larger than for any aar since me rsnge rnencea, being. In fsct, ths heevtset since . lata he AerU Supplies counted out fifty. twf rare. er. about ll.ltt head, aa against laat week, 1,111 twa weeka age and ll.ltt for the corresponding Monday of laat i ear. As predicted at laat weefc'e eloae, a break Waa In order for today and pecker were net at all alow ,le take advantage et the liberality Of the run. bidding 'war toner right from the euleet. A few native tarn bo eele te last week, and that prloe was tiUeted ss top. but It waa claimed by traders That had there beo any good rangera here talking would have sold ever, and Wt. Pr. It to It 31 GRAIN AHDPRODUCE Receipts of All Cereals Good and Demand for Everything on List is Brisk. WHEAT ADVANCES 2 CENTS Omaha, July 11, lilt. Loral grain receipts were very good today, what ahowlng a big Increase over the re celpta of the laat week. There waa an esrellent -demand for ev erything on the list and all cereala ad- vanred subatantlally over naiuroaya quo tations. Wheat was eeperlally strong, selling 17c higher, and corn ruled from (4i!4o higher, the yellow selling st a slight premium. The oele market wss also quite active and ruled from steady to 14c higher. The rye market waa weak, ranging trom 12c lower, while barley waa quoted s higher. ' Clearancea were, wheat and flour equal to 1,411,000 buahela; corn, 111,000 bushels; oats, HM00 bushels. Liverpool cloee: Wheat Id higher; com, Id higher. Primary wheat receipts were J.ttt.OOO nushela. anA shipments 131,000 bushels, sgalnat recelpte of 767.000 bushels, and ahlp menta of 141.000 bushels last year. Primary corn rarelpts were 1,012,000 buah ela. and shlpmenls 721.000 bushels, agalnat rereipts of 171,000 bushels, and shipments of 343.000 bushsls Isst yesr. Primary receipts were 141,000 buehets, and shlpmenls I77.0O0 bushels, against receipts of 681.000 bushsls, and ahlpmsntB ot 446, 000 bushsls laat year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. tl Oata. Minneapolis Duluth . .. Omaha . . Kansaa City St. Louie , Winnipeg I 44 17 It CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Higher, Hoge Weak and Lower, Sheep weaa. rhleevo. Julv IT CATTLE Receipts. II,- 000 hesd: markst higher; native beef cot He leSAjklsso: western ateera. I7.I0OI.10; slorkera and feeders, ts.ll.: rows and heifers. 11.31140; calves, HOOS Receipts. 37,000 head: msrket, weak; Ir lower; bulk of aalea, 11.6091.10; light, !l.!!t.ll: mlsed, lt.3tl.ll; heavy. 11,1010.00; rough,; pigs, e,uy 1.40. SHBBP 'AHP LAMBS) neceipis, ie.vvv head; market, waak; wethera, 14.161.30; ewes, 13.361. It; lambs, 11.0010.10. Ik Louis. Lies Stack Market. SI. Louis, July II. CATTLE Receipts, 1,001 head: market lower; native beef steers, - t. 0010.11: yearling steers and helfere! ll.6AA10.llt COWB. 11.101.00: stockers and feeders. 16.001.11; Tolas and Oklahoma, 16.101.11;, prima ysarnna steers and heifers, t.16l0.3i; cows and hslfers, 11.001.00; prims southsrtv steers, 11.0010.00; native reives unoH Reeelnta. t.100 heed; market steady; pigs and lights. 11.711.10; mlied snd butrners, is. wot. w; a"; bulk, 11.161.11. SHEEP AND LAMBS Racslpts, 4100 head: market eteady; wethers,; clipped ewes, 4.00t.00 clipped lamba, 11.0010.00; spring lambs, 11.0010.11. Kansas City Live Steak Market. Kansas City, Mo., July 17. CATTLE Rs- oslpls, 1,100 hesd, including i.sss neao southsrs: marksl, estady; prims fed steers. 11.7610.10; dressed beef steers, 11.11 t.10; western steers, 11.001.11; stoekers and feeders, It.t0l.t0; bulls, 11.1101.00; calves, 11.1010.11. HOOS Receipts, I.MS head: market, stesdy: bulk of sales.. 9.tlI.IO; hsfvy, 11.111.16; packers and butchers. 11.10 l.ll: light, t.41i.1t; pigs. 11.001.16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,000 hesd: market, lower; lambs. I10.00lt.s0; vsarllnas. l7.IO07.tts wethers, 17.0007.60; swss, 11.007.00. . Sloai City LIT Stock Market Sleui City, la.. July 17. CATTLE Re- oslpts, 1,111 head; market, levies mw.r, native eteers. 17.1610.00; cows and half, ere, 16.101.00; eannera. 14.106.60; stock ers ana issuers. n.itc..., 11.00: bulla, slats, ate., 16.166.01. HOOS nsesipiB, e.www neew, ,. needy; heavy, roiiso. 1. 40: light,; bulk of sales, 11.10 e SHEEP AND aiAISCIS rtscetpis, vvv neeu. St Jeeeah LIT Stock Markst at luMh Ho.. Julv 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 hsad; market Blower te lower; steers, 1.1010.00: oows and heifers, 11.00 01.101 osivea, vterwu Buelnta t.tot head: markst low- ri top. It.": hulk of saloe. II 1401 16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Rscelpts, 1.701 hesd; T market weak! lambs, llt.00 011.10; ewes, Llva Stack I Sight Cattle. .11,000 . 1,100 . 1.100 . . I. o Hogs. ' 1,700 1.100 1,100 1,100 4,000 Shssp. 11,000 11,000 11,000 4,200 100 ..41.100 11,101 41,100 Chicago" Kanaaa City , Omaha . . . . , St. Louis Sloui City .. Total ... Bank Clearings . Bank clearings la the United States tor tha wssk ending July II, aa reported te Brand street's Journal, Now Tork, aggregate 14, 101.110 104. againat I4.i0t,4ll,t0t Isst wsek and ll.lll.467.0OO In this week lost year. Canadian clearings aggregate 1207,141.010. as sgslnst 1101. 111. 000 last week and 1111,104. 000 In this week laat year. Following are tha returns for thlo wssk and laat, with per. milages of change shown this week aa com- 416, 110 1,144 Theae ealea were reDorted today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: I care (new), 11.01; 7 care (new), fl.Wtt; t cars, tl.OI. No. t hard wlntar: 1 car, II. OH,: I cars. tl.ttta; I l-l csrs, 11.01; V, car,; 2-t car, 11.0414. No. I hard winter: 1 car, 11.04: I cars, 11.04; I 4-6 care. tl.OI: , I cara, ei.ea. namine "-" . - care, tl.oo; l car, sir; a care, (hot), 110. WO. S tpnni. - . y-" No. I mlsed: 1-1 car, 11.01. No. 4 mlaed: 1 car. 11.02 Vj. Sample mixed durum: 1 CRye-No. 1: l-l car. lto. No. I: 1 "e' . . ... .... . Sir Barlsy NO. s: 1 car, eow , No. I feed: 1 csr, He. Corn No. I whltei I ears. lie. whits: 1 car, 71c. No. 4 wnito. .... . u- a I rare. 1140. tec , v. e - . . i ... 7tr; 1 oar. 14c. No. I mlsed; J car, 7lic; 1 oar, lie. No. I mlsed: 1 car, 71c. No. I "'"J1 5"' 7Htr; I car, 76c. No. t mlied: 1 car. lie. Sample mlaod: I car, lie. Oata No. I while: 1 car. 40c. No. I . a.,,.. 1-1 ear. lie. NO. 4 wnito; e care, - - - - H., . white: 4 cars, issto. oaii . cars, lie; l-l csr, s o. . , , Omaha caah rntit-eta ,- - 11.07 Vi 01.01; No. I aar. ll.0l.el , Hj 4 hard. 11.1101.044; N. . 1 spring. 11.040 l.Ot; No 1 sprtng, 11.011.01; No. I durum, ItWtlci No. I doruj, 'e'o Corn: No. 2 white, white, 71H7lr: No. Ma I whits 767140', No. I White, 76V 17l7l!i.c: No. 4 yellow; 1146 7to; No. .'T. ..a,,.., Ma I vol OW. TSSyflo a ye now. .. w . 1TH ;:Tm3:'S.7,VJolNm. ailc. Bvrley: Mating, ssejOc: No. I rJIfttic. By.: No. I. o; No. 14010. ttrength of th BrmaMtm market and the ran that domttc kuppiim nave Men i- , lowed to shrink until tpot people mra a little nervotu ovrr the stock r Ftnai pnets were I to I point net hlghtr. Sal". 17.76 sc.: .lUly. H.anr; AURUSl. B.30C; September, 8.40r: Oetrtber. Novcm- bfr. 1. 60c: Dumber. January,; February, MIc; Marrh. 8.7-r; April, ,,S3r; Mbv. .: Jun. l.tae. Bpot cone. nrm: Rio 7. c; Han t of 4n, lOc. OITcr from Santos were unrhanfed. with 4s lO.Tfcr. coat and freight, IrOndon rNllts. Thfra was a holiday In Brazilian market Saturday. KBW TORE OBN KB A L MARKET. QueUdoo af the Day oa tt. Iedlnf ComnMMlKI. New Tork. July 17. VXOUH Firm ; prlnf patents. U&tJM.41; winter patent. 16 -006. 76; winter straight. ..XwW..4B; KanHftH stralfht. ib.feOVA wi,. Wi BAT spot, irreauiar: no. i niirum. I.2IU: No. 2 hard. 11.23. No. 1 northern. Duluth, I1.I2H; No. t northern, Manitoba. 1.11 H f. o. b. New Tork. CORN Spot, steady ; no. 3 yellow, toc; !. I. f. New York. OATft Spot, firm; itandard. 4S4lr. HAT Qukt; prime. No. 1. I1.S09 1.32U; No. 2, $1.1001.20; No. 1, tQetTfcc, hlpplnv, 7S86c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to e noire, til. l!4!0c; 1014, 07c; Pacific coast. 1H8, 1iei4c; 1114, SOlOc. HI DBS Ftrm; Bogota, IZHVZ-c; central America. 31c. leather Firm; nemioric ririta, nc; aeronds, 3c. PROVISfONB Pork, firmer: mes. f27.oo 45)27.50; family, 28.0O 21.60. Reef, firm; mes. 111.004! '.SO; family, 1t. 60-? 20.60. Lard, ay; middle west, fU.2R011.36. Tal low, easy; city, te: special, lc; country pedal, Q9c. butter ouiiay, 10,211 -luo creamery. xtra. 29O30o; flrt. 27ffl28c; aucoBd. 303ViC. eoob steady : receipts, i a.iaz : rrean fathered, extra fine, 97Vi,028c; extra first. 2, 27c; firsts, Z4Z6c. CHEESE weaker; receipts, l.tMi; itate. fresh apeclala, 161 016lc; do average fancy, lc. POULTRT Dreased, nnner; - broiler, 25 033c: fowls, 131 ft 22c; turku, 35c. Alive, toady; broiler. 24920; fowl, 27c; turks, not quoted. NO. 8 1 ear. No. 6 OMAHA rUTVR MARKET. With AcUta Trd!ff la Wheal and Com, OaU Ratbor Qniot. Tha futura market wa qulta Mtivo for wheat and corn, but the oat market was rather quiet during th wnoio oi tn mum. Wheat closed a fraction lower, and corn dnoVd io o B.pumpr, and c on the "oiSLed Ho lor for liptomlwtia i .... . .tnaaui unchanaed. there be- Ing practlcallx ae trading In the December Omaha lostng nrtost an tutursa fer this I 6sn. High, lLow.1 Closs. 1 gat. Jr,t 10114-U 1 tH4 101 V 1 MH 'Ittli "ee. .01., 1 l3 10IH '101 enta . ee Aeksd. Chloago eloilng arlett, furjlshti tha Be, hr Lagan 4 Brrsn, itech and grata brokers, ft ntk Bieteenth strtstl Cm Art, Wht. Julv Bspt Deo. Com Julv aept Dee. ale. Jnly sept Deo. Pork. July Bent Li.rd. July ept Oot. Plbs. July Sept CITIES. Amount. In. Dee. New Tork.. 2,t11,l!t,tot II. 1 ilhlcage ......... Ill.lll.OOt St. I...... Philadelphia.... 2ll.llt.00t 111 Boston ......... 210.111.001 40.1 at. Louie 10I.10I.OOO II. 1 Kansas city.,.., 21.1 gen Francisco... It, III. 000 II I Pittsburgh 11.441.000 a. I Beltlmors 41.114,100 11.1 Clsvsland 41,101.000 II. I Letrolt 41, 110,000 31.1 Cincinnati tt.IS2.000 II. I Minneapolis 21,111.000 II. I I.os Angeles 21.113. 000 11.4 Omaha 2l.ae4.00l 14 1 New Orleans 30.111,000 II. 1 Mllwauhas ...... lt.1tl.000 II. I Louisville 18.1 Atlantlo 14.7IMOO It.l Hi Paul It.lll.tot 24.1...... Brallla ' 11.133.000 11.1 Buffsle ll.71t.000 11.0 Portland, Ore.... 12,111.000 II. I Plrhmond 11,132,000 11.1 Lenver 11.121,100 It.t Houston ....... 1.107,000 11.1 Indianapolis-.... 11.III.0O0 14.1 tort Worth I.llt.100 1.1 rrovtdenrs .... 10.ISI.OM TVsshlngton lt.llt.000 11 4 t. Jessph 1.600.000 . ii. I ; Memphis t.ttl.000 111 Hartford 1.101,000 111.,..,. 8.11 LeSs city.. l.:tl.000 II. I Columbus 11,115.000 II. I Toledo 11. lit. 000 tl.t N. .twills 1.117.000 ,:t.l Luluth 4,111,000 -,'l.i Albany , ' 1.210.000 Pre Molnra 1.114.000 !4.l Rochester l.tll.OOO 10,3 Ssvannah 4.111.000 It.l Ualveeton t.lll. 000 14.1 Norfolk ......... 4,141.000 11. t Wichita 4.121.100 11.1 , New HBvan 4,121.000 I t Spokane 1.111.000 21.0 Oskland .... t.111.000 11.1 Grand Raplda.... 4. 041.000 31.1 Sloua City....... 4,107,000 III SirarAon , 1, 111,000 1.7 1..,.. I'.Kjrl. J.II1.000 41.1 Heron ' l.ioi.oot 41.1 Kyracuse I.l7t,000 1.1 Sirlngfleld, Maes. I.tll.tol II. I Uorceeter ., 4,201.000 l.t Ji-cksonvllle, ria. 3.141.000 II I , Austin l.tll.OOO 11 1 , Oklshnma 1.217.000 14 4 tirmlnghsm ... 2.414.000 II. I L litis Rock 1.202.000 11,1 Chsttaneoga .. 1.113.000 lil.t , Lincoln 1.170.000 11. 1 Fremont I 171,100 117.1 'Last week. " ' Cat tea Markst. New Tor. July IT. COTTON Future. opened steady: July. U.lle; October, ll.llci December, ll.lle; January, ll.tle; March. ll.ile. future close barely eteady: July, ll.tte; October. December, ll.llet January, ll.lle; March. 11.4lei spot, qulett middling nplands, ll.oie: aalea, 109 belea. , New Tork, Jaly It. Cotton goode were quiet today, many waahgoods llnea being opened for aprlng. Tarns were nrm: raw silk waa unchanged. There was a atsady demand fer areas gooae tor eaport. The cotton niaeekt cloaed 1 point lower to 1 no nt net higher. Liverpool. July 12. COTTON Jlpot, firmer: good middling, I.SSd; middling, l.ocd: low middling, Mod. Salsa, 1,011 balsa Open. I HUh, ILow.l 1 11, 1 14 Ul-W II 'i . 1IH ttH 41 U I 4111-1, it tt 24 41-40' II It II II II 13 II II II II 1 1IHI 1 1444 1 lilt it ! 41 41tt-'..i 4i;i 11 Hi 1112 11411 11 ! ti 41 i a 41 21 tt 21 to! ll oil II 13 II 11 1 11U 111- 1 1S7. 71 !i 1614 ttte 41 41)4; 41 it it It li II tl II II II 17 II III II 41 111 lilt 111 71 "Is 11 42 4H4 ,1 21 41 21 12 II 11 II 12 11 10 II 40 II 41 CHICAGO OBAINAND PBOVISIONI. Wheat Ops as Lower aa Heavy Selling, Bat Seaa Varna Upward. Chlcaao. July 11, Deselta word that blaek rust hsd sprssd Into Canada, wheat nrleaa allowed weakness, a result largely of the circumstance that actual damage from the pest sssmsd aa yet to be reletlve- Iv email. Tha market closed heavy. Uo te U o net lowsr, with July at 11.11 and Bsntsmbsr at ll.114iei.1214. Corn finisher! laate.c off to Ho advance, oats uncnangea to o lower, and provisions varying from 1o decline to a rlss ef 13e. rtotwlthstanaing tnat tna wnsat mara-ei made a quick upturn when newe came that black rust had penstratofl into tjanaaian fields, the effsot on traders did not prove be of a lastlna character. Dispatches from BBpertB who wsre obtslnlng first hand Information as to crop eondlttona In ths northwoet Bsld thst although the develop ment of black rust had been aurprlalngly ranld and tha outcome mignt oaatiy oa Htaaatar It waa true that up to tha prsssnt tnsre naa ossn vsry nine positive norm. In sddltlon. ths Influence or tne oiecn nut danger waa more or leas offset by signs of an Incrssslng tsndeney to sslt on ths part of producers In the southwest. Accord Inalv. numerous speculative holders took ad vantage ef all price hulget and ware active In oloaina out heavy llnea. Unuauallv hlah temperatureo In tna spring aeon region let at tlmea today to consm erable buying In tne wnsat maraec. sou an Dakota reports told ef the mercury being up to ltl, a stags which, according to authorities, thrsatsned possible injury per- ha oe not ascond te the black ruet. Reports ot scaitsrea snowsrs too a enn trol of the corn marhst away from the bullB. At first sxeesslvs heat and dryness ha led to higher prices and to a ascldsd Oroaasning ot aemaque. v,eie were erned largely by ths aetlon of corn. Cron losses wsrs reported, but did net appear to be ef a ssrlous neture. provisions averagea manor owing to dooreaae In warehouse stocks ef pork. To ward the end of the day. howyever, the mar ket tended to asg en account ef lower que- tallona on hogs. Caah Prices wnsat: No. 1 red nominal No. I red, 11.11: No. 1 hard. IM3tJl.ll V. No. 1 hern, tl. lie, fyi. lift- t.orn; no, yellow. 10 II 14c: No. 4 yellow, 11 I0o; No. 4 white, 1l)1t!le. Oata: No. 1 wntte, tltf lit; stanoaro, seetesHC. Itve: No. 2 nominal: No. I. ISe. Barley. Ilsttte. Timothy. 11.71. Clovsr, 17 00O 14.01. Fork, ts.soa; laira. I1S.1B. Rlba. 111. 11 V 11.71. BUTTER Steady: creamery, Iltl714e. ROOS steady receipts, 11,131 caeea nreta, I333e; ordinary rlrets. 1131,c at mark, cassa inciudso, isviltto. POT A TO Ea Lower: receipts. Ill ear Vlralnla. barreled, l!.IOt!.lt: Virginia. bulk, lltto: Kanaaa, Mlaaourl and Illinois Ohio. 71) lee. POULTRT Alive, tower; fewla. 11a; sprlaga, IQwlie, ; -. Cegee Market. - New Tork. July It. COFrBB The : ket for futures opened at a decline of I le 4 points, owing to- moderate oelllng by houses with foreign connections and moat of th day waa extremely dull within very active range of prices. .Near the closs. however, the msrest rereiveu active sup port from hull tradera. which brought about a sharp advance, carrying September from l.34 to 1.40c and itecemoer rrom I.4TC l.ttp. representing an advance of 1 ta Kolnla over the close nf Nutilntay. Nentl tnont here waa Induenccd soman hat by the Wnaeapotls Grain Market, Minneapolis, July II. WHEAT July, 11.11; September, ll.ltt. I. Caah: No. 1 hard, 11.3314: No. 1 northern, ii.utio; 1.10: No. 3 northern, 11. 1314!. 1714. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLET 4 3 O 73 c. RTB I3ltc. BRAN 117.10011.00. CORN No. I yellow, 1201114c. OATS No. I white, ll03to. FLAXSEED 11.11 1H. City Oeaeral Market. Kansas City. July 17. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 11.1701.14; No. 2 red.; July, 11.01; September, 11.0014; December, 11.01. s CORN No. t mlied, 1707tc; No. .1 while, 7707lc: No. I yellow. 11010c; July, Tt0 77e; September, TI14c; Decem ber, I20llc. OAT8 No. 1 white, ll04zo; no. 3 mixea, 11011c. BUTTER Creamery, lie; flrets. He; Bseends, He; packers, 1114c. EOUB Firsts, 31 c. POULTRT Hsns, lie; roosters, 10c; broilers, 22c. M. Louis Orala Market. St. Louis. July 11. WHEAT No. 2 red, old. tl.20: now. 11.1001.23: No. 2 hard. nsw, 11:1601.11; eld, nominal; July, 11.10; September, 11.11. uottw no. 3, iivtinr; no. a wmte, !20!2c; July, 71c; September, 7te. OATS No. J, 40o; no. 1 wnite, nom inal. livwrtieel Grain Market. Liverpool, July 17. WHEAT Spot, No, 1 Manitoba, lis Id: No. I. lie Id. CORN Spot, American miaou, new, job FLOUR Winter patents, 47s. HOPS In London, Paclflo coast, 4 16st II lis. HEW -Y0RK STOCKS Stock Exchange Continues Un der the Influence of Short Interests. SPECIALTIES ARB SELLING New Tork, July II. Ignoring euoh fac tors ae last Saturday's bank statement, which fully ret-tlded tho adverse condition of Ihe prevloiie week, receipt ofunother amount or rJrltlh sold, a large oversub scription to Ihe nee- French loan, and marked relegation In call money rates, to day's market continued under the Influence of the short Interests. Selling of spet-tslties waa resumed with confidence and vigor, the motor group showing the greatest weakness, with ex treme losses of 2 to I points. Munitions and Mexicans were lower by 1 to 2 points, with aa much for minor metals. Bethlehem Steel preferred fell I points, with 1 for Gulf States Steel. United States Industrial Alcohol maln tslned Its recent reputation for Irregu larity, losing t points under steady pressure, regaining 4 and closing st a net loss of 314. United States Steel held within fractional limits and other eessoned Industrials dls plsyed fair reslstsnce. A few sperlsl stocks were exempt from the general selling, notably American To bacco, which awakened from prolonged lethargy with a maximum gain of 10 points, while Sears-Roebuck added 4 potnta to aSturdey's gain of 114. , Activity In rolls was confined to secondary Issues like Denver A Rio Grando preferred, Lake Erie A Wisconsin Central, these scor ing gslns or 2 or mors points, with pro nounced steadiness In Wabash flrat and sec ond preferred shares. Reading made a smsrt advance during the forenoon, all of which 'was relinquished In the, uncertain course of Ihe later trading. Mercantile Marine preferred waa the most active stock up to the final hour, when It yielded much of Its 2-polnt gain. Total aalea of stocks amounted to 371,000 shares. Bonds were Irregular, but brokera re ported a better private demand for Invest ment among Issues of the higher gradeB. Total Bales, par value, amounted to 11,110,. 000. United States bonds were unchanged on call, with an annual sale of coupon 4e at a recession of per cent. Sales. High. Low. Closs. Am. Beet Suiar., 3.900 10 18 10 American Can 4,400 II 13 li 13 Am. car ft Fndry.. 1.700 Hit 4,800 SZH 700 tl 14 00 214 10954 100 12911 121 12114 1,000 34 33 33 13 10 3 11,400 71 79 73 TOO ICS tWH IIHT. 4,700 ! 1,400 fl'l 400 10 3,100 17 100 14 1,100 13 100 11 'too 'ii" 100 47 1,100 42 100 11 12,300 17 li 600 41 4.700 81 300 114. 114 1,400 lit lit 400 34 '200 'ii 2.700 41 31,400 '17 61 17 19 99 It 86 65 11 11 178 14 13 11 01 It t 128 30 20 47 42 13 tl 12,100 tl 800 34 . 200 11 100 I '4 41 41 11 31 103 111 1414 14 104 16 18 47 41 116 14 86 24 41 41 133 tt tii! 14 11 1 200 11 11 2faw Vork Money Market. New Tork, July 11. MONET On call. aaaler: high, I per cent; low, 3 per cent: ruling rate, I par oant; laat loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, I par cant; onered at 3 per cent. T1BK puAito Firm; sixty usys, 344414 per cent; ninety naya ana bix months, 4 per cent. MERCANTILE rArDR 4 par csnt. STERLING EXCHANGE Sixty-day bills. 4.11; dsmand, It. 7. 11-14 par cent; ca ble, 14.71 7-1! per cent. SILVER Bar, i3o; Mexican dollars, 41140. uunus ejovarnment, atsauy ranroao, ir regular. . U. S. ret Is, reg IS14K. C. S. ref. 6... to do coupon II L. N. unl. 4s.. 14 U. S. is. rag.. 100 M. K. T. 1st 4s 1114 "do coupon. .. .loo m. sr. con. is. 10114 V. s. 4s. reg 101 W Mont. Powe.' Is.. 17 do coupon. ...11044N. T. C dob. 61.1124, Am. Smslt. Is.. 10114 N. T. city 414.. 101 Am. Tsl. A Tel. N. T., H. A H. ev. 414s lost cv. ts 11214 Arglo-PTsnoh Is. 16 14 North. Pae. 4s... 11 Aton. g.n. es... ssts no ss Hit Halt, at Ohio 4e. VI ure. a. L..rer. 4a. 114 Heth. St. ref. Is. 100 Pac. T. A T. Is. 10014 Cent- Pse. lBt.. ItUPenn. eon. 4141.10444 Chss. O. c. 4s 16 do gsn. 114.. .101 "U., B. m sf. J. 4 stTltteaaing gen. ts. yen C. M. A St. P. St. L. & San P. or. I i07ti rsr. is 73-1114 C, R. I. P. By. 80. Pac. ev. la. .103 ref. 4s 14V do ref. 4a SO Colo. A I. r. 4s63So. Railway la. .101 ia at it. u. con ss is union rao. 41.. do ref. Is.... 41 do ev. 4b 11 Erie gen. 4s H'tU. S. Rubber Is lll'i Gen. Elte. 6s... 104 U. a. Stsel ts..l04 Ot. No. 1st 414s lV,'W. Union 414s. 14 in. usrt. tor. es ee Int. M. M. 4S.104 'Bid. Oaxaha Bar Market. PRAIRIE HAT Old: Cholea upland; No. 1,; No. 3,17.00 08.00: no. 1, ti.oovi.ov. choice mid and.; No. 1, 11.00 01.00; No. I, 17.01 01.00: pro. 1, 11.10 0 6.00. cnoioe lowland. tl.lt0l.its No. 1, tt.1001.00; No. I, 14.000 I. 00; no. 1, nsw: Cholcs. 110.00010,10; No. 1,; No. 2, II. 00 01.00. straw unoios wneai. ts.osi cnoioe oata er rye, ALFALFA Old: ChOie 111.00011.00: No. 1. 110.00011.00; No.. I, 11.1001. to. Newt, cnoioe, 11. 00010.00; no, 1, 11.090 t.toi No. t, 11.0001.11; standard 11.000 l.Ot. ' Am. Locomotive Am. Smelt. & Refg. Am. Sugar Refg. . . Am. Tel. ft Tel Am. Z.. L. A S. ... Anaconda Copper, aacntson Baldwin Loco B. ft O Brook. Rap. Trana. B. A ft. Copper.... Cal. Petroleum ... Canadian Pacific. Central Leather ... Chess, ft Ohio.... C. M. A St. Paul.. Chi. AN. W C. R. I. ft P. By.. Chlno Coppor .... C. F. I Com Prod. Refg. , crucioie ateei Diet. Securities..., Erie General Electric, Great Norm, pfd., do ore ctfs Illinois Central . . , Int. Con. Corp Inaplratlon Copper, Int. Harv., N. J..., I. M. M. pfd. ctfs. K. U. B.... Kennecott Copper. 1,300 4t L. 4t ft Max. Pstrolsum.. Miami CoDuor . . . M K. ft T. pfd... Missouri Pacific... National Lead .... Nevada Copper . . . N. Y N. H AH.. N. A W Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper. Readlna Rep. Iron ft Steel 4,300 43 Shattuck Arls. Cop. 400 26 Southern Pacific... 100 17 Southern Railway.. 400 23 Studebaker Co 21,400 13714 139 124 Tennessee copper.. I.suv 31 xs 36 Texaa Company... 1.000 110 187 187 Union Pacific l.tvo i.s is, i.t do nfd 82 44 IT. S. Ind. Alcohol 10.100 104 91 100 U. S. Steel ...22,600 84 11 84 do pfd Utah Copper 76 Wabaah pfd. "B". . 800 27 21 271. Westsrn Union.... 200 tl 13 13 West. Eleotno...... s.too ss sees t Total sales tor tne nay, ass.wos snares. ' London Stock Market. Tendon. Julv 17. American aeeurltlee were stsady, but dull. BAR SILVER zs s-isa psr ouncs. MONET 4 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bill, 1 per cent. ' Sugar Market. New TOTK, JUiy 11. auvanna., quia,, coniriiugai, ...vk, mui-, . fined. Bteady; cut loaf, 1.10c; mould A. and cubea, 1.16c; powdered, 7.10c; powdered, 1.16c; fine- granulated, l.llo; diamond A, 1.16c; confectioners' A, 7.66c; No. 1, 1.60c. OUgar luiurro no,. ... .. eenee of business, prlcsB showed vsry lit tle Change. 1,100 12t 128 128 111 111 S00 112 l'lOO '.7' 400 2104 22.400 8 20 61 67 21 31 tl 17 43 42 26 26 t7 17 23 22 Metal Market. ' New Tork, July 17. METALS Lead. 11.40 aeksd. Spslter, quiet; spot, Eaat St. Louie delivery, tl.Tl aaked. copper, nrm: electrolytic, 34.tO0ll.OO. Iron, eteady; No. 1 northern, 130.10011.00: No. I, 120.000 90.10; No. 1 aouthern, H0.I0O20.7I; No. 3, 111.71 0 39.11. Tin, eaey; BPOt, onsrsa at 121.11. At London: spot copper, 111: futures. Ill; electrolytic, 1133. Tin, spot, till 10s; futurss, lit! It. Lead, 121 Is; apelter, 141. Evaporated Applee and Dried Frail. New Tork. July 17. EVAPORATED AP PLES Dull; fancy.- 101c; choice, l0 lr; prime, 0C DRIED FRUIT Prunes, easy; California. 10a te 40a. 10le; Oretfons, 7010c. Apri cots, Arm; choice, 13013c; extra choice, 13018c. Peaches, nrm; choice, Ic; extra choice, tc: fancy, le. Ralsine, Bteady; loose muaotaelo. I0te: choice to fancy sssdsd, 10lo; ssedless, l01Oc. Bank Clear! age. Omaha. July 11. Bank clearlnls fer Omaha today were 11,111,411.11, and for the corresponding day last year, 13,201, 141.11. Buffalo Motorist Camps Out As He Tours to Pacific Coast Gtorge Millener of Buffalo, N. Y, t brother of Dr. Millciter of Omaha, will start on the tecond leg of his automobile trip Tuesday. With his family he has toured from Buffalo and it going on west, the trip likely to continue to the Pacific coast. Mr. Millener carries a complete camping and cooking outfit and is not dependant upon hotels or lodging houses. From here he will follow the Lincoln highway to Denver and thence up through Estet park. Spotlight Ordinance is Laid Over Two Weeks Citv Commissioner Kugel's automo bile spotlight ordinance has been laid over tor two weeks. Spotlight deal ers submitted a statement, saying they have large stocks on hand or ordered and suggested a less drastic measure. Mr. Kugel explained that his ordi nance prohibits use ot spotlights only on .' paved streets . . and . boulevards, which, he insisted, was a reasonable regulation. Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use them lur results. ' CORN AND WHEAT SHOW IMPROVEMENT Well Distributed Rains in West and South Portions Are Great Benefit. WHEAT TESTS HIGH GRADE The Burlington's weekly crop re port, compiled from data gathered up to and including Saturday, indicates that there has never been a time at this season of the year when Ne braska crops showed more promise. The report routes the general be lief that no ram fell in Nebraska last week, for, with the exception of over the Omaha division rams were heavy and well distributed. The report indicates that the nvei counties io'j h of Douglas received from one to three inches of precipita tion, the heaviest being 111 Otoe county, where the rainfall was from two to three inches. On the Lincoln division, rain was pretty general, the precipitation being from one-half to an inch and one-naif. On the VVy more division heavy rainfall was re ported from most of the stations, while on the east end of the McCook division rains were general. Temperatures Are High. - Temperatures were high all week, but with the large quantity of moist ure in the ground, tins was just what corn needed, and a wonderful growth resulted, many of the fields beginning to show tassels. An estimate of the corn is given in the following table Division. Omaha . . Lincoln . Wymoro . McCook , Last frevioua week. week. It tt 17 100 100 100 The wheat harvest is practically over except in the northern portions of the state, where cutting is well to ward the finish. Considerable thresh ing has been done and it is found that the wheat is turning out 20 to 36 bushels per acre and is pratically all testing No. 2 hard. The grade, taking the crop as a whole, is the highest that has ever been known. And what is true of wheat, is also true ot oats. Where threshing has been done, it is found that the yield run around forty bushels to the acre and the quantity excellent. An estimate on the condition of the wheat crop is as follows about all of the state: Last Previous District week, waak Omaha tt It Lincoln tt tt Wymoro It tt McCook M 11 - Early potatoes are yielding abund antly and prospects for the late crop are of the best. The second cutting of alfalfa has been made and is in the stack. It is in good condition. Apples promise an average crop. Burlington General Manager Goes Into Fields for Crop Data General Manager Holdrege of the Burlington wanted to know the con dition of the Nebraska wheat and corn and so two weeks ago he went to the country. He traveled over the company lines in the state, went into the fields and met and talked with many of the farmers. "I have never seen such a wheat crop in Nebraska as is now being har vested," he asserted. "Conditions have been perfect for small grain. Wheat everywhere in Nebraska is turning out well and the quality is as good as has ever been raised. "As to corn, it was a little late, but the warm weather of the last three weeks has worked wonders. During the last two weeks it has grown from knee to shoulder high, until it has reached the normal for this season of the year." Thirteen Cars of New Wheat Sold' On Omaha Exchange Of the eighty-nine carloads of wheat on the Omaha market, thirteen contained wheat of this year's crop. Of this quantity seven carloads sold at $1.09 and the balance at $I.08J4 per bushel. It graded No. 2 hard and weighed sixty-two to sixty-three pounds per bushel. Old wheat was lower than the new, but none of it sold under $1.02. per bushel. Wheat was 1 to 2 cents up from Saturday Corn receipts were forty-four car loads and prices were 'iyi cents up. Prices ranged from 76 cents to 7$$4 cents per bushel. There were forty-three carloads of oats on sale and prices were 'A cent higher. The sales were made at 38 40 cents per bushel. The weekly warehouse statement showed an enormous increase in wheat stocks in Omaha elevators and a decrease in corn. The storage fig ures on all grains now and on the corresponding date of last year follow: Now. 1,3.13.000 ;. lit, 000 112,000 2,000 17.000 Wheat Corn . Oata , Rye . Barley Increase, 1,427,000 bushels kinds of grain. Tear Abo. 11,000 211,000 io.ooe None None 110,000 in all IITMCV TAXI Oil HE. I Web.202 AMUSEMENTS. m m w t ar WTl 4 Performances IVllJStls Daily l-3-7- Warda Howard ' in "THAT SORT." HIPP 15th and Harney Douglas 8009 Tuwday WdnMfary Thursday JE33E L. LASKY Promts Wallae Raid and CUo RidfUy. In "The Self ih Woman." By Hector Turnbull. Farnam Theater Our Fens WU1 keep Yea Coel PreesBte Today Claira Whitney and Stuart Holmei "Life' ShoJ Window." From tha .Popular Play and Novel. EMPRESS VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS CONTINUOUS, llTOll TODAY AND'FIRST HALF THE RIALTO FOUR SPRAGUE AND McNEECE McNeil I Mart MINTZ eV PALMER 10c ADMISSION 20c WM. S. HART The Apostle of Vengi Keystone Comedy eance I BASE BALL OMAHA VS. ST. JOSEPH ROURKE PARK JULY 18-19-20-21 FRIDAY, JULY 21 LADIES' DAY Canes Called at 3:15. 1 o An Toi Gtiif to Sm Dnrtr's New Monnttii Park .Are You Coming An Toi Going to Set Rocky Monutain National Park Plan Your Vacation Denver Way to the COOL Colorado Rockies Where you can enjoy in eool comfort the uoequaled picturesque grandeur of majestic snow-capped mountains that thrill you with pride when you visit them and realize that they are your heritage "America's Summer Playground." Plan to come to Colorado and bring your family this summer. See Denver's New Mountain Parks Rocky Mountain National Park and thirty-eight other rail, auto and trolley scenic trips; fourteen one-day trips. Trout Fishing, Camping, Mountain Climbing and Hiking. Low round trip rates on all railroads to Denver. Scenic- Motor Highways. An Yes Going to See -tlva38Sceaic Trips Froa Denver 1 0 Two Vacation Booklets Free f "ON 6 DAY IN DENVER'S NEW MOUNTAIN PARKS" ' "COLORADO SCENIC VACATION GUIDE BOOK" ' They tell where to go, what to see, what It coats and bow to (et to the principal vacation spots and scenic trips In Colorado. Los of auto roada to Den yer's Mountain Psrks, contour map of the Colorado Rockies from Long's to Pike's Peak. Pictures ot principal icenes and things you can do while enjoying your va cation Denver wsy. Are Tea Going Ctmpisf, Trent Puking, MoBBtain Clusbing 1 L-Btl ll.-j.A aafallllaviraivaa I st l-l nalllWIIIHI a"' BeM . w w m m m (hbhbk. ia b s H.IBIISIJSI IB-ISI.13 o 1751 SwnkflnhStJ DENVER COLO