Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JULY 13. 191(5. V FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms JrVanted. RtTPEOPLE WHO RENT RUOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT All DEPT. and find out II about the FURNISHED ROOM UUIPB. It plan that li bolplng many peopl. Mat ttaetr room.. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment! tnd Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. 14TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of reflnsd tastts. apartment la omplalsly equipped (or housekeeping; up-to-date and comfortable. TRAVKR BROS., Tel. Dour M8. 706 Omaha Nat Bank. Or Calt Web. 48211. HREE rooms furnished, atrletly modern. Janitor service, dlspparlng bed. (Jood Close-in location, uosworth Apartments, zi7vnowara hi. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1E. 383 Rose HI rig. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FINE RESIDENCE ON" FARNAM HILL Any one wishing a complete home, wt1 orauurui surroundings, should sc thta property. The owner spared no thought or eipenfl In th building of thla place. rijicriaa to occupy It as a hon for a lifetime. The Interior li all whl enamel, with lirm living room, dlntm room and kitchen on the first floor, am four bedrooma. bath and sleeping porcl B arcona noor. Maida apartmen ana ontti on the third floor The houe la located on a tare cttrn-r in ui ii by a full grown hedge and Urge freea and shrubbery. Very convenient to the Weat rarnaM line. Wa want offer. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. TH, IPS City Nat l Bank Bldg. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney, l-room fur nlahed apt Call Harney 647. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WANTKU TO HUNT linmedtatnly. good or "-room huuae, with garage. In Weat Farnam district or l undue. Uuit be nrai-clKSK place. Give full luloraiailon. Addreaa O 133. Lea. FOR RENT HOUSES North. ENTIRE! upstairs residence, orlvate trance, I large rooms and bath, $10. Tele- poone weosier eioo. UlS URANi BT. i-r jom.. modern. S. . T, F Hall. 4ii Kimrt Hida Doia 74ftt IODERN house, "six rooms and reception nan. zbij js. ittn Ave. Webster 3766. SEVEN rooms; all modern. Uemta Park! Tel. Harney 2041. South. FIVE-ROOM house, minion St. FOR RENT- .11 modern. near Rtvervlew park. Nice modern cottage. Phone .Red 5244. ,-ROOM cottage to colored, s. 2231 Pacific. Tyler 2161. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAQES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r.1813 Carter Lake Blvd 114.00 OT KILT Li MUJ-HSKN. T-r. 4803 Eraklne St ftJ.GO S-r. 3840 Charles Bt 26.00 l-r.-IH3 No. 40th St.. good de tached house In flrst-claas resi dence section, hot water heating plant 16.00 l-r. 1048 Georgia Ave 60.00 FLATS, STRICTLY MODERN. 4 -r. 2041 Howard 8t 116.00 B-r.668 So. 28th St. (Bargain).... 26.00 6-r. 1881 So. 10th Bt, (brand new).. 27. SO WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER . SHOTWELL. 2flt So. 17th St Doug. 6011. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRE1GH, SONS A CO.. BOS BEE BLDtX. DOUG. 200. NEW, strictly modern 6 -room bungalow In Benson, fine location, oak finish, class and style throughout well built. Terms easy. Phone Benson 122. TrulHnger, POULTRY AND OARDEN Acre and small house, chicken, pigeon house, 67; also tt room for colored, downtown ; city water electric light. Tel. D. 2107. FOR RENT Ap'ts and FUti West FIN E steam-heated apartment, either 4 or 6 rooms, on West Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1803 FARNAM ST. THHKE rooms and bath, near U611 Har ney. Very desirable. Only $33. Ernest Sweet New Hamilton. D. 1472. l-LEGANT 6 -room St. Louis flat, colonial -porch, large yard, facing park. 2316 Cum ing St. Garage. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce, $76 per mo. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. T. CLALR, 24tb and Harney. 3 -room apart raents. Call Harney 4T. North. CHOICE APARTMENT $27.604 rooms and bath on main floor; oak floors, and finish; all conveniences, Including Janitor service. $264 rooms and bath, semi-basement; janitor service and other convenience. Nathan Apts., 8herman and WllUs Ave. SCOTT A HILL CO,. Douglas 1009. MODERN apt, 7 rooms, 6i6; near postof flce. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. FOUR rooms, upstairs. Webster 6291. 1920 Charles St SEVEN ROOMS $3,000 W are offering a good all modern, well oum nmise, located in the cathedral dis trict. This house Is not new. but In first. class condition. Four rooms on the first floor and three on the second. Beautiful back and front yards, fine big shade trees and shrubbery. Will take In a lot up to $860 as part payment Let us show you in ie at once. HIATT COMPANY, 145-7-9 Omaha Nat Bank. Tyler 60. wEARNE PARK BUNOALOW Just fin ished, fully mod. and up-to-date, oak finish, with oak floors, rooms all large, enamel nnd tile bath room, guarantor fixtures, artistic lighting fixtures, furn ace. dandy east front lot, only 2 bike, to car. Price cut to 63,050, easy terms. RASP BROS. Douglas IfiS. 2619 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-roiT.i bouse, strictly modern, with hot water heat. uougiss ib.b. , , WkST Farnam residence, beet St., at 323 N. stun Ave.: oak finish, 2 baths; 16,000. irrms tiauy. Uuugia 2947. SELECT LOCATION Between Jankson and Jone on 3od Ave 6 rooms with all the latest conveniences, sucn ns nuui-m Bookcase, buiieta, iun room wun French doors and many handy arrangements In kitchen and entry; all oak finish and floor; house tar papered before sided and shingled; built by day labor, the best of material used. Let us snow you mis piaoe. SCOTT & HILL CO. Doug. 1002. Ground Floor. .McCague Bid WEST FARNAM CORNER? Modem 6-room bungalow, with oom.r vacant. Koom to build two brick flau. O BUSTWICK A SON. BARGAIN Ai' SI,(J0. weat end. house and lot. 3101 rjev.iv port . Call 14 Lincoln Blvd. Herney 171!. NortTL BUNGALOW FACING" KOUNTZE PARK 3517 N. 19th St. We are offering today for the first time in biggest bargain In a modern, new an up-to-date bungalow anywhere In the city very neatly arranged, finished in oak and nicely decorated, with built-in buffet In the dining room. Nice lot overlooking the park, with Iron fence, flowers, shrubbery, etc. This property has cost the owner better than $3,760. If sold immediately, the price Is $8,000. Investigate at once If you want a Bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 8962. 819-20 City National KOUNTZE PLACE. Just listed, a beautiful bungalow Just weat of Kountie Park, between 20th and 24th;- 6 rooms, with combination sleeping porcn and sun room; oak finish and oak floors; has built-in fireplace, colonnade openings, built-in bookcase and buffet ; on pavea street, diocks rrom car line loss than a half block from park. The entire attic of this bungalow la plastered and finished, which would give you am ple space for two more rooms with a very little cost. If desired. We have a very ciose price on tms. would be glad show you before you buy. . PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. BIG BARGAIN ' Out-of-town owner will sacrifice la or der to raise money. Five-room cottage, all modern, good furnace, three large rooms on ursi noor; i wo nearooms and bath upstslra; paved street; located at 1609 N. 34tb St Price cut from $2,600 to SZ.UUU. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Fir. McCague Bldg. DUNDEE South. FIVE-ROOM steam-heated apartment; very desirable. The Cbula Vista, 20th and Poppelton. Conrad Young. 222 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. To buy or sell advantageously, use me Bee want Ad columns. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE ROOMS at 1809-1811 Farnam St. Thoa. F. Hall. 423 Ramge Bldg. P. 7406. DEUIKABLE store room otuMtiieot H I Uth St Only $66. CONRAD TOUNO, 122 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. 1672. Ill & 16th St, basement $30.00 t07 8. Uth Bt, brick 30.00 JOHN N. FREZER, Douglas 664. FOR RENT Second floor, 40x90. Capitol Ave, Tel. D. 6296. CHOICE Office space. Balrd bldg., Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. Offices and Desk Room, WEAD BLDG., 18th and Farnam; tine suite of rooms; excellent light; suitable for tailor or dressmaker. Baldrige Bldg., 20th and Farnam; two nice rooms facing Farnam St' F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. D. 171. DEttlKAfeL. office rooms Id the reuioawded Crouns block. 119 N. 1Kb Bt. (opposite postofftoe), $11 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. 92f Brandels Theater Dnug UT1 OFFICE room (for dentist), centrally lo cated, 16th Bt Wright A LasDury. D. 162. OFKlClfi room with phone and reception room tor lady. P 386. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. BARN for rent In rear of Savoy hotel, 16th and Jackson Sts. Suitable for barn or garage, 66x6$; two stories and basement, with 40-foot lot In fro at. Call at hotel office. 7 rooms, and sleeping porch, strictly modern, and In good condition. Price $4,600; terms. Located 4107 N. 49th St NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. FORCED SALE. Good tot Bedford Ave., with 6-room bouse; well; rents $10; easy payments $1,260. A bargain. GEORGE G. WALLACE. 114 Keellne. mi'iV Mii-imiderii, oMk-rimsutfd bungalow, well located. In north part. $2,760. Very "Xiv term to good party H 1898. NEW bungalow, 6-room, all modern, 60-foot lot, south front at a bargain, only $2,760, near 46th and Charles. Call owner. Red 1881. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. F. V. Knlest 3M6 N. 12th. South. $4,000 Will sell on reasonably easy terms a nifty 6-room bungalow style 1H story home, large living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor, finished In hard wood; 2 nice bedrooms and bath with fine large closets on 2nd. Located on paved street, corner lot one block from Hanscom park. Worth the money. Let us show you. D. V. SHOLES CO.. Doug. 49. 916 City Natl. Bank Bldg. 6-Rcoa. ouugaiuw. uratid nw, all modern, oak floors tnroughuut. oak finish In Hy ing sna dining roum.; large, tight white enamel bvdruoma. guod location; restricted addition. A bargaib M $1,160. Eas) terms. UKNSON ft CAKM1CHAEL, Mir I'wTt.m Hlk loug 1783 FOR QUICK SALE 1746 8. 23th St., 9 rooms, 61,600; 1747 8. 28th St.. 9 rooms. $1,600. Will consider trade for St. Paul property. Address H. L. Turner, 62-4 E. oin at., pi. raui, Minn. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. FOR SALE I dandy vacant Una. t(rk to car unv; out to ,i,uvv oaah tor quloa aal. CALKINS CO.. nourl.a nil Cltr Nt. Bank Bide PUR bargain, in lota In all part, or tl city ace P. J. TEBBENS. 05 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phon. D. HIS. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. LYNNWOOD Go out to uynnwoot today and see the beautiful lota we are selling from $460 (O 4 "V. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phone Doug. 602. 1607-$ W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE, SUBURBAN ACREAGE." 6o H acres on paved road, 3 miles of nril,ul1' .ana. au in corn. Won derful opportunity. Pries $360. Easy terms. Might accept residence as part pay. J. A. ABBOTT, Real Estate, Omaha. 2 ACRES. Including btg crop blackberries muea n. w. postoffloa. and grapes. Colfax 1077, FOR SALE Five Improved acres: 1100 prom yeariy. Appiy Mrs. Pallas. 6936 Mc Kin ley, Benson. Dundee. DUNDEE 6 -roum modern bungalow. oy us ti.tav un easy terms. I. SK1.RV A SONS. Phone Doug. UiimU'e bungalow, Walnut 1666. Dun deb lot. $996, Walnut 1666. 2W erres near Dundee Walnut 166e. Florence. ONE ACRID OF GROUND 3-ROOM HOUSE 41UU (J A oh, 16 A MONTH. This acre of ground la located about U mile north of Florence, on the macada mised road to Blair; has several small fruit trees, 3 rows of grapes across the acre, large asparagus patch, balance In potatoes and truck farming. The owner is wining to laxe ii,760. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1761, REAL ESTATE Exchanges FOR TRADE. A valuable corner opposite high school. Improved with 16-room house. Renting for $100 per month. H. A. WOLF, 614 War Block. Doug. S06S. THE remarkable increase In BEE Want Ads can be traced to only one source good results at lees coat than any other Omaha paper. 20,101 MORE PAID WANT ADS In first ftvs months of 1916 than la Same Period In 1916. 4ft A., Improved. Cal., for merchandise. 40 a., Improved, Colo., for Omaha homo. 61 a.. Improved, Iowa, for Omaha cottage. $8,000 first mortgage and $8,000 cash for each. Neb. or western Iowa farm. W. T. SMITH A CO.. D. 2819. . 914 cuv Nat. Bk. Bldg. CLEAR downtown Income property " for seven-room house In Dundee, Hanscom park or Field club district. Assume or pay difference. Owners only. W. G. Templeton, 603 Bee. FARMS, Ranches. Residences, Apartment mercnanaise siocks, income of all kinds. can match any deal of merit. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Missouri Land. CHEAP FARMS -Any else, easy terms. In ine oeautirui osarka or Dent county, NO. w. Frank. 301 Nevlll Block. Omal Oregon Lands. FOR SALE by Owner. Fine farm In Rogue River Valley. Southern Oregon, close to good town. Pacific Highway and large variety or famous mineral springs of thai locality. Climate and srenlo attractions unexcelled. Price, $46,000. For detailed information address G. B. Hegardt, Port- una. oregon, trersonai). Wisconsin Lands. E'l literature and maps on lb obaap p ? land In United States. BAKER TILLOTSON. Kth -nil Douglas Sts,. Omaha. Doug 11 Miscellaneous. ARB TOU GOING TO BUT LAND? If so, gwt a cony of oar Journal ft It has lands, city property and stocks oi gooas advertised rrom nearly every state. So that you can And Just what you wisn in its columns. Established 19 years, reaching 76,000 readers. Send 91c for one year's subscription, or $1 for rive veara. r ARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL. Tit A Kn, IOWA. ACREAGE. ti-A. to I A. tracts on car Una. Easy leniie. C. R. COMBS, 611 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Doug. $916, Horses Live Stock Vehicles 1 r Sale. HAY. J8.6U iun. A. W Wagner. $01 N 1$. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HAVE some choice retrievers, month old. win sell females $10.00, males $16. An swer quick wnue you can get them. I. J iiemnoczoiowskl, Box 166, Elba. Neb. PIGEONS nay far batter Ihun ehtektn always penned up; little apace needed to start; free book explains alt MaJesUn io-. i-'epi. si, Aaei, la. KKLiSU uyuath plants for your fish globe. vu. win Keep run healthy. MAX fMPLfcrl HIHU CO. THREE full-blood shepherd pups. I weeks sin in. itn. Webster 2681. TWO good bulldogs. 4 months old. Douglas 'H?R Fox Terrier puppies for i 1612 bcreffimss. $1.26 per 100 ibo. 601 K. ICtk St AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SUE these bargslns In used cars this weak. iney win surprise you: "26" StmH'baker, very good buy. Crow Klkhart, good condition. Six-cylinder fltude baker, self-starter. Two Delrolters, one a. self-starter. One 1914 Maxwell touring, excellent conuiuon. Two Overlanda, 1912 and 1913, Mets Speedster, a snap. lk6 Maxwell demonstrator, slightly usu. 19)2 Maxwell Touring. 1913 Chevrolet Roadster. 1911 Cadillac Touring. A few good Ford Touring Care. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2216 Farnam. Doug. $62, OMAHA income property for good Nebraska larms and ranchea. What have you? J, l.. nartier. toj Keellne Bldg. Ty. 1710. WILL exchange equity of $650 In good 6- room nouse lor auto; modern except heat. n snaps. Aggress a 460, Bee. ARMS, ranches, city property. acrtfaKe and inveiiments tor aaie and exchange. Morgan, isib uuming St. Doug. 2466. CAN ".ell or exchange' anything you have to oner, u. j. uanan. McCague Bldg. LyUlTY in good 9-r. house for cottage worth $2.300. Colfax 1069 after 10 a. m furniture at Dallas, HOTEL and exchange. D. 6707. S. D. Toland A Trumbull. REAL ESTATE Investments THERE Is no batter Investment than mort gages on good Omaha property. Share holders In Horns Builders are protected oy tneee mortgages,-ail on nsw houses. Ask us about the plan. HOME BUILDERS, INC.. 17th and Douglas Sta., Omaha. WM. COLFAX. 106 Keellne Bldg. Real eatate, city property, large ranches a specialty. BARGAINS in business and residence prop erty, u. y. HiebDins, leio Chicago. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty FOR SALE 264x182, faces three streets near new Ford building; splendid manu facturing site. Address, B-411, Bee. FINANCIAL Real Eatate Loans and Mortgages. We are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on reauest. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., m soutn ltli MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment, doubl. biiok houaaa. alnsl. houaaa, bualnea. property and (arm tanoa at . par o,nc par cent ft . pr ot W. H. THOMAS. tit Keellne Bldg. Douvlaa 1641. PER CENT to t per cent on beat claa. city reaiaencea in amounta 12.000 UD: alao arm loan.. Reasonable commlaelona. PETERS TRUST CO., 1832 Farnam Bt. PHlVATbi MONICY. SHOPEN a CUM PANT, KBBL1NE BUILU1NO. OMAHA homea. Eaat Nebraaka (anna. O KEEPS REAL ESTATE CO.. IQU Omaha Nat'l. Phone Oouslaa 271. UNEY to toan on Improved (arm. and ranchea. We alao buy aood larra mort- tfa.HN. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. SAKKTY riMS'l'. rUU RELIABLE AND BAKE HKK ANU TuHNADo lN.trtANi.'E DEB IPNEtL'S R B. INK. AOENCY. .,4 Hrntd.1. Th.iitr Bin. Ty'.r I.S4 MOVING AND STORAGE FlRtiPROOK WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma. tor household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., $09 a 16th St Douglas 4163. Maggard Van and I men $1.26 oar nour Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing. Storage and shipping Phone Doug. 1496 Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving aervloe try us. Large S-boraa, padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We mova you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND BAFEH. Phone Tyisr 23o or Louglas 42SS. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing 219 N. lltb HL Poono ' Douglas 894 or Webster 6699. JdblKC'i'OU lAN VAW AND STORAGE C'J. Careful attention given to order far moving, pecking or storage; office at Ray mood Furniture Co., lfill and 1616 How ard Bt. IT, one U 6624. HI tmcklria and storage. 117 Farnam Mr Douglas 6146. FIDELITY, KfciNTAL IV U 17 V HKHV1CW. A Afc.LJA-1 Phon Douglas 298 for oompisls Ust of vacant bouses and apart ment; also for storage, moving. ism ana Jackson sta. Read Bee Want Ads for profit Use them for results. 3073 S. ltTH J-r. mod., newly-painted, pa pered and varnished; street paved; 924.60 Berks Musi. D. fiP7. a -ROOM house, all modern, for sale. Pacific. Phone Harney 913. Miscellaneous. STOP HERE Two-story frame houae, 6 rooms and bath, basement with cement floor, fine garage, lot 60x124, with alley, nice shade trees, one-half block from 24th St car line, close to public school and near Catho lic parochial school, handy to churches of practically every denomination, paved streets, paving all paid. This la a bar gain; price withheld as owner Is asham ed to advertise so low a figure. C. A. GRIMMEL, 849 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Pnone D. 1615. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. FARNAM 8TREET LOT FOR SALE. 48.8 feet front, with valuable Improve ments on Farnam St, near 26th St. Price, $31,000. Relatively cheaper than any other close-in Farnam St. property. J. H. DUMONT ft CO., 416-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. North. After looking at M1NNB LUSa low dif ferent buyers decided tt t It was the best proposition on tb market and they backed their Judgment by BUYING tots. It TOU will oom out today you wUt understand why otters axe buying. CHAKL1& W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 1ST. 142 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids;. CUMINQ, near 29th St, 13 or 44; must be sold to closs estate, Grimmel, 149 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid. ML b.UTA'1'U loans, sii per cent bt D. K. BUCK ft CO.. 912 Omaha Nat Bank. NO UK LA If, '. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Hank Bl'lg. CITY and farm loaiu,, 6, t, 6 per cent. J. H Oil moat ft Co . 41 Keellne Bldg. li 64a fer cent THOS. L McOARRT. Keellne Bldg Red 4344. CITY loans a specialty. Lowest rates. First Trust Co., D. 1161. 803 Sc. 13th St. GARVIN BROS. Nathan' 6 pet. MONEV HARRISON 4 l Omaha N.t. Bank Bids. Iitiaba k Bld MORTON. $100 to 110,000 made promptly. K O. Woad Bid.. :xth and Farnam Hta. Abstracts of Title. t 'norjntoDAllr'cl Cn. Wo lan bring UUdI dlliee do:i your abatract on abort notlc. R 7. P. Hereon Mldf P. 2947. OVERLANDS, FORDS, VELIE 1916 MODELS. GOOD SERVICEABLE WKM p'Url 61BU AND UP. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam Bt Doug. $290, AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam. Doug, 2310. 1914 Cadillac Touring, Kissel Kar Speedster $460 Veils Speedster $600 1916 Reo Touring .$300 Must sell alt our second-hand automo blies within 20 days. have ssveral makes and are giving oetter value than anyone alas. Johnson-Danforth Co. lMi-si-ii N. lath Bt. $100 REWARD Fr arrest and conviction of thief who steels vour car while Insursd by KILLT, ELLIS ft THOMPSON, 9 la -14 city Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 221$. USED CAR BARGAINS AT MUkaVH Y-U'HKIEN AUTO CO, U14-16-1N Farnam St i win 1'tr.du uu uew sura tor your old INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO.. i"'h nnd Harney. Doug. 6V61. LIGHT roadster. In good condition, good tires, 2 extra tubes. Want larger car. Cheup If taken at once. Can be seen at f24 Kvans. Phone Web. 2098. MORE ORATORY IN COUHCILMEETING J. A. Sunderland, S. B. Howell and Commissioners Hold Forensio Free-for-All. ARISES OVER LIGHT RATES FOR SAL E Good auto work truck. m4 North 21st Street. $100. $276 SPEEDSTER $27$. If you want a fast car In fine shape, all gears new anil engine In fine shape, see this today. Cahlll. Douglas 2279. BARGAIN Light touring, slectrla lights. periect conattion. Carlisle, 420 First NatL Bk. Bldg. Offlre. D. 8100; res., H. 2967. Automobiles Wanted. VANT1CD Automobile worth about $600 to $1,000 In good repair; will take machine as nrst payment on 6-room bungalow; balance like rent 1140 S. 26th Ar. Auc Repairing and Palntfrr - $ioo reward ror magneto wt oan't repair. cons repair d, Baysdnrfer. 210 N. isrh. NEB. Aiito Radiator Repair Scrrlo and prices right. 219 B. 19th St D. 7$9 Auto Tires and Supplies. DON'T throw away old tires. We make ons tr?w lire irom x oia ones ana save you 6 per cent 2 In 1 Vulcanising Co.. 1616 Dav oport St., Utnsha. Neb. Douglas 1914. ;0x3-IN.. $6 76; 3tfx$. $9.76. Other sltss In proportion. Duplex Tire Co261S Far nam street. AUTO TIRES REBUILT. $2.00 TO S$.f4). DUO TIRE CO.. 1411 CHICAGO ST. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bar - ii;uiu. victor noos, De Motcrcyri. Man." tvtlg leaven worth. 1914 Single Indian for sale cheapT V. Mat iril ota Ave. itiepnons Walnut 2970. BICYCLE in good condition, cheap. Phone lyier vui w, or 3621 South 21st Xfcwv Tltl9- Ouarantee and Abstract Co., nXil 6 So. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Jriass. Bonding ft Inn. Co. REED aHSTR A CT'CO.. oldusTuai ract" of. the in Nfliranka iiOfl BrmidHta Theater FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands, laflu land exuuislons. rxpenr s paid. C. Net hs way Floreni -i. Neb Florence 329. Maryland Lands. BEAUTIFUL bay front est at, 200 acres, I buildings. Very healthy. Salt air and pines. $10.00 an acre. Improvements cost $16,000.00, Owner, P. O. Box 4416, Nlcetown Station. Philadelphia. Pa. Nebraska Lands. 2.G00-ACRE ranch south Cherry county, Plenty of hay. Give away price of $3.76 per acre. Buy thla and make yourself rich. THOMAS CAMPBELL. $22 Keellne Bldg. 430 ACRES Keith Co. land for sale, or will iraae ror gooa, ciean mock or dry goods, groceries or gents' furnishings; $1,000 Worth of Improvements on place; priced right; $4.000. W. N. Orcutt, Bel roar, Nsb. FOR SALE Best large body high grade meaium pncea iana in Nebraska; very little money required, a Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. FOR RENT 815 Worthington St, 1L rooms, mod em. Near Brownell Hall. Beautiful shade tree, and in fine neighborhood. Rental 140.00 per month. George & Company Phon. O. 788. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldf. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jay N. Wllllama and wjf. to H.nry C. Murphy, Pirt.anth .tre.t, (0 fi.t aouth of J ,tr.ot, weat Hide, 60x130 1 Caroline I,. Poppleton, truat.e, to Ire naeu, Hhujer t al., ('an, ,tr.,t, 120 fMt w't of Forty-fourth .tr.t. north .ld, 40al21 ' , Mr.. Amelia L. Wranch to John'p Phaln, Halcyon av.nue, B.n.on, 2R0 fent Kouth of Allison, raat Id., 60x12 j qa We.tiand. Realty company to Timothy ' Merlca, aoutheant oorner Wllllama and louonwooi atro.u, 46x122..,, D. C. Patteraon, truatea, at al. to Kxla J. Moore, Camden avenue, 200 feet weat of Forty-third atreet, north aide, (0x121 William Jaell and wife to Herman Yoet et al., Mlaaourt avenue, 20 feet went of Elchteenth .tra.t, north aid.. ! 1,TM William laell and wife to Olen Fletcher and wife, Mlaaourl avenue, 126 feet we.t of Elshteanth atreet, north aide, 46x120 J60 Anton Rychly and wife to Louli. M. Oalke, Huntington avenu., 172 feet weat of Thirtieth street, north aide, 1x140 1,000 146 100 The city council chamber is becom ing quite a social center, where ora tory is heard every now and then. The council meetings used to be dry, for mal affairs, but i new esprit de corps have been developed, and every now and then there is a session that is worth the money. At a meeting of the council commit tee of the whole yestterday morning, J. A. Sunderland, R. B. Howell, Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners Butler and Jardine held a little forensic free-for-all. The remark was made that the council chamber is a public speedway where debaters may burn up a tew shavings. K. a. Howell and I. A, Sunderland were the chief exponents of spoken ideas on this occasion. Mr. Sunder land appeared as chairman of the Commercial club's special electric light rate committee, to ask that the council agree to delegate a repre sentative to confer with a represen utive of the light company in I he capacity of advising the special com mittee before it makes up its final re port ot information recently prepared oy three experts. Howell Speaks Up. is there anything in your engi neer's report which the public should not know?" asked Mr. Howell, who added: "The committee should do its work openly and above board. Your committee is in an unfortunate posi tion. The public does not feel that the electric light company is paving the expenses of these engineers for a report adverse to the company." "1 resent the imputation that our committee is dominated by General Harries or the light company, lhis is an honorable committee," replied Mr. Sunderland, with considerable unction. Must File Report Commissioner Butler insisted that the special committee should file with the city a copy ot the engineer s re ports as requested in a recent resolu tion of the council. He was sus tained- The discussion arose when the But ler 6-cent electric light rate ordinance was brought up. This ordinance was laid over for sixty days upon motion or the mayor. Mr. Sunderland explained that his uuiumittee is endeavoring to perlorni a publir. service in arriving al what would be a reasonable and just rate, or rates, to be charged by the light company. In view of this effort by the committee a majority ot the city council believe that the Commercial club's, committee should be given an opportunity to complete its work in its own way, the understanding being that, the findings ot the committee have no binding effect on the council, but will be accepted tor what they may be worth. Inheritance Tax On Brandeis Estate Will Net Tidy Sum Douglas county will profit very ma terially from the inheritance tax on the estate of the late Arthur Bran deis, although the amount paid will not be as great as that from several other estates probated in Omaha According to Lounty Judge Bryce Crawford, the amount to be paid in from the Arthur Brandeis estate will probably be between $5,000 and $6,000. The amount goes into the road fund. Administrators have not yet filed their formal inventory of property and no appraisal for purpose ot col lecting the income tax can be made until they do so. The estate of Hugo Brandeis paid an inheritance tax of $9,900, but the estate of his brother, Arthur, will not reach this figure, as he was a citizen of New York state at the time of his death. Educational Work at "Y. M." To Be Extended This Year The educational work of the Young Men's Christian association will be extended materially during the com ing school season, which opens early in September, according to C. J. Shaw, the educational director, who has returned trom tne summer con fi-rence it Lake Geneva. Wis. "We in tend to provide educational facilities for any young man that applies to us. and we will try to give him just the work that he Is looking for," said Mr. Shaw. "I found that Omaha has been among the leaders in the large cities of the country in providing vo cational and cultural courses for young men. It has, indeed, surpassed niany of the larger eastern cities in this work. Three-Mill Levy for Water Approved by City council The water board's reauest that a 3- mill levy be made lor hydrant and other public water during 1917 was approved by the city council commit tee of the whole. General Manager Howell explained that this will be a tax against an property ior puouc water, and he added that if this tax should not be made the consumers would have to make it up. Ihe levy will yield approximately JISU.UW. Burolar Makes Peculiar Theft from Ramble Home Two chickens, four eggs, a sport coat, a fishing license, a club member ship, a set of silverware and several small pieces of jewelry made up an assorted haul from the home of Mrs. H. E. Ramble. 6417 North Forty-sec ond street. Sunday night, entrance to the residence was gained through a rear window. Divorce Decree is Set Aside Following Visit of the Stork lhe stork threw in the reverse dutch on the operations of the di vorce mill in Judge Sears' court, when the decree granted January 21 to Hilda Mattox against Walter Mat tox, was set aside. Mrs. Mattox, in a letter to the county attorney, asked that the de cree be set aside, stating that she has a 2-weeks-old baby, and ajuld not appear in person wtihout being com pelled to walk four miles to the car line. She lives near Florence. The troubles of the rniinle hiv. ucen patcnea up as a result of the visit ot the stork, it was stated. Several Injured As Auto Rolls Over High Embankment Charles C. Stearns, 812 North Thit-ty-ninth street, superintendent of the Adams-Kelly company, escaped un scathed, but his family, consisting of Mrs. Stearns, his son, daughter and mother-in-law, were painfully injured Sunday night in Riverview park when tneir auto rolled down a high em bankment near the pavilion. Mr. Stearns was behind the auto, which had stopped because the gas supply waj exhausted, when the mis hap occurred. It knocked him over when it rolled down. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Foster, 80 years old, suf fered injuries to her spine. Mrs. Stearns was slightly bruised and the son and daughter were badly cut up. Man Locked in Ice Box About Freezes to Death J. Deeps, an employe of the Central hotel, Eleventh and Dodge streets, had a narrow escape from freezing to death Sunday when the door of a re frigerator into which he had stepped closed and left him stranded in the cold box. He had been there prob ably twenty minutes when the pro prietor opened the door and found him beating his arms to keep up aj circulation, rie was compelled to stay in the box with the door open for fifteen minutes more, the tempera ture of the outer room being too warm to risk his coming into it im mediately. Refer Street Opening Problem to City Lawyers Two ordinances, referring to tht opening of Douglas street, Twenty fourth street to Twenty-fifth avenue, were referred by the city council com mittee of the whole to the city at torney and City Planning board for report next Monday. There is a legal question whether the division of this improvement into two districts in order to keep within the $50,000 maximum for any one district, is a subterfuge which might invalidate the special taxes. ROAD DRAGGING FOND HAS BALANCE New Automobile License Law Proves Bonanza for Doug las County Highways. INCREASE IN LICENSES If Douglas county roads are not in good condition this season it will not be due to a lack of available funds to keep them in shape. The new automobile. license law is proving a genuine bonanza, so far as Douglas county is concerned, and the road dragging fund now contains a balance of $26,579.32, immediately available for road dragging, upon order of the county commissioners. The number of automobile licenses issued this year is far in excess of expectations, and the number issued daily continues to be large. : More than 200 numbers have been issued since July 1, and the total of ma chines licensed in Douglas county is nearing the 8,000 mark, according to County Treasurer Ure. The annual license is $3, or $1.50 for six months, the licenses expiring December 31, 1916. Of the amount paid, 35 cents goes into the state treasury to pay for numbers and reg istration, and the balance goes Into the road dragging fund of the county in which the license is paid. Balance Is Large. Since January 1, $20,500 has been paid into the Dounglas county road dragging fund from this source, and a balance of $10,167 was on hand at the opening of the vear. So far the county commissioners have ordered the expenditure of but $4,087 for road dragging. "We are keeping the roads in aaod shape, and for the first time have plenty of money available for drag ging, ' said Commissioner A. C Harte. "We have one big machine at work on the Military road to Elk City, another on the Lincoln high way, and a third on other main trav eled roads running into Omaha. In addition, we are employing a num ber of four-horse machines on the lateral roads intersecting with the other highways. Plenty of funds are on hand to keep our men employed constantly, and Douglas county road: should show great improvement un der the new law." Nebraska Pro'nibs to National Convention at Minneapolis Twenty-five prohibitionists from Omaha and Nebraska departed for Minneapolis yesterday evening over the Great Western to attend the na tional convention of the Prty. They occupied a special car. In the party were J. H. Durry of Bradshaw, state chairman, and D. B. Gilbert of Lin coln, national committeeman. The Secret Submarine Author of Tro En of tbs Trail" r ran ca, ate. the By E. Alexander Powell "Flthtlaa- ta i Flaadara," Th. Reaa to Ola," -Vrra la Cepyrlfbt, lilt, by E. Al.aaawar Pmll. NINTH INSTALLMENT. mm r3B 4ij Bynopal.. Lieutenant Jarvle Hon. I. rf.t.ll.A h. h. United Btatea naval board to Investigate and report hi. flndtns. on the Invention of Dr. Ralph Burke, which aervea to hrlna th. .ubmartne to a etate of perfection. The lieutenant arrlvea In Valdavia and ! w.l. coined by the Inventor and hi. daughter, Cleo. On the trial trip of the Inventor'. boat, a Japanese helper la eurnrieed In the act of examining the mechanism of the ventilating devlre. Hope reporta favorably on the new device, but there are other, ln- cere.ieo. in It. An attempt to burglarize ,'r. jjuraes lapnratory fall. rinaa mm murdered lr Bella her father', bonka to get money: later ehe flnda a note from which she learns that hey contain the secret formula. With Hope lie races to ths auctioneer's store only to Ind It In flames. Olaa Ivanoff and riereld Morton, two splea In search of the formula. attempt to capture Cleo when aha calls at the house of Htephanskl, the anarchist. Hope ruahea to her aid; Morton shoots at htm, but the bullet hits a bnmb. In the cellar, which explodes. Stephanskl die. In the wreck nf his house; the others escape. Hope and Clao attend a ball at Mrs. ltmsr's, whos. nephew haa two of Ihe missing bonks. Mahlln, a spy, attempts to. steal the books, but I. discovered by Hope: In the excitement that follows the book, dl.- appear, Mahlln esmpee. Hope and Cleo take a boat for an lslsnd out In the bay. The conspirators follow In other boats. Mahlln and the Jap turn out the Island light. Mor ton', boat with th. countess strlkea a stray mine In the bay. After a violent storm Hope and Cleo arrive on a strange Island and dlacover that th. man they hunt t. titer.. But Mahlln and the Japanese also reach the laland and put up a fight for the books. They .scape from Hope, but return and dynamite th. shack. The consplratora fall to harm Hope and Cleo. They manag. to reach Handboro, wnere ur. uwen haa one of the book.. Kach of th. other, ap proach the doctor, but he refuse, to hear them. He arranges to meet Hope at th. hotel wtth the book. Morton poses as Hop. and but for an earthquake would have poa aea.ed th. voluro.. (Continued From Saturday.) Though the earthquake caused con siderable material damage to Sands boro, partially wrecking the hotel, a bank and several smaller buildings, but few casualties and no fatalities resulted. Within an hour Hope, Cleo and Dr. Owen, their clothing still showing traces of dust and falling plaster, were seated about a table in the letter's study, poring over the book which Cleo had snatched from Olga during the panic in the restau rant. "There's nothing in this one, either," said Hope disgustedly, as he turned the last leaf and slammed the cover. "That leaves six more books to" look for. Things are narrowing down, in any event.' Where do we go nowr asked Cleo. "The next name on the list," said Hooe. taking from his pocketbook the page from Dawson's ledger, "is Rich ard Patten, care general delivery, Santa Eulalia." "And where is Santa Eulalia? "It's at the southern end of the San Joaquin valley, Miss Burke," said the physician. "Right in the edge of the mountains. It's only a small place. You shouldn t have difficulty in imd- ing your man there." When Hope and Cleo descended from the branch line local at Santa Eulalia late the following afternoon they found that they were, as Owen had said, in the edge ot tne moun tains. Santa Eulalia is one of those rural communities where everyone is, or professes to be, familiar with the details of everyone else's business. In such towns there are three recognized fountain-heads of information: The hotel, the general store and the bar ber shop, and, as the proprietor of the general store was also postmaster, it was to him that Hope, having set tled Cleo in the onlv hotel that the town boasted, addressed his inquiries. "Do I know Dick Patten?" repeated the storekeeper in response to Hope's question. "Well, I reckon I do. I've sold a heap of goods to Dick. He's outfitted with me for's much as fif teen years." "What is his business?" asked Hope. "Well," said the merchant r. r fan., but later cleo I flectively, "I reckon you might call :."r.y,:SiPicl Prospector and not be iar wrong. At any rate, that's what , he's been doing as long's I've known him. Never made a strike that I heard tell of, but he always has money to pay his bills. A queer fel low, Dick is. Quiet sort, fond of books, never talks about himself, seems to like his own company, stays just long enough to get his mail and load up his burro Vith provisions, and then he's off for the mountains again. He takes a trip to 'Frisco once or twice a year and when he comes back he usually has a lot of old books with him. Gets 'em to read when he's off prospecting, I reckon. Come to think of it, he'd just got back from the city the last time I seen him." "How long ago was that?" - "About a week ten days maybe." ."Have you any idea where I could find him?" "Not the least in the world, friend. Were you wanting to see him about something particular?" "Yes," said Hope, "I want to see him very much indeed." "Then the best thing you can do, friend," the storekeeper asserted, "is to sit right down here in Santa Eulalia and wait for him." The Kern county fair had opened ita gates and the people of the county for half a hundred miles around were pouring into Bakersfield in motor cars, in wagons, and on horseback, by train. As 4 o'clock drew , near, the crowd deserted these attractions and slowly drifted toward the field where Bob Smith, the Daredevil of the Sky," was advertised to give his hair-raising and perilous aeroplane exhibition. As Smith, a slim, wiry built fel low, clad in the leather garments of an aviator, was crossing the field from the hangar to his waiting aero plane, he was hailed by a tall young men who, accompanied by a fashion ably dressed woman, had, with con siderable difficulty, pushed his way through the crowd. "Hello, Bob I" hailed the Itranaer evidently an easterner by his dresb. "don't you remember me now that you've become famous?" "By Jove," exclaimed the aviator, running forward with outstretched hand, "if it isn't Gerald Morton 1 What on earth are you doing here?" "Oh. I'm spending a few dava down the valley, near Santa Eulalia," Mor ton replied, a trifle evasively. "I have a little business there that requires my attention. Let me introduce yon to my inend, tne countess ivanoff. "Mr. Smith," continued Morton, turning to Olga, "is responsible for my interest in aviation. He taught me to drive a machine when he had a school on Long Island, two yean ago." (To Be Continued Tomorrow.; .. .': P