Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1916, Image 10
. .. . THE BEE: OMAHA, ' ' JULY J". 1916. ANNOUNCEMENTS SWAPPERS' COLUMN BuaiHfcaa uiahuj ncur waimlu-"- rzzz: Want-Ad Rates kCASH WITH ORDER. put word r each Inaerttoa (Ret mid no dlepley.) Ada Pmrairmphad or Sal la Dlepley Ctrl. i par Una one tlma To par Una thraa coneecutlve time. (Count all worda to tha Una.) CHABOB BATES I a par Una mo tlma le par Una thraa eoiratlv tlmai (Count alx word, to tha Una.) Special Rete.1 Farm and Ranch Landa. 1 par Una aaeh InaarUoii tfrttn mrfi t n tha Una.) FOREION ADVERTISING UNDER AOENTS OR HELP WASTED ULABOIF." fATIONS. in par word "" IVio par word thraa eonieoutlv. tlmaa HO AO TAKEN FOR lESS A TOTAL OF CO OR IKSS THAN loo A DAT. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha Relm and Zulme Bogard, 616 North Thirty-third, boy; Harry and Maud Branch, Flfty-aeventh and jsusaoetn eve- nua, boy: W. J, and Mildred UDeroenaer, 0 North Twenty-eeventb, girl; Airrea Henry and Elian Hanaon. 4124 William, boy; William J. and Florence Hondoraon, 8611 Valley. girl: petar ana Maria naneen. rifty-alith and Harrlaon, boyi I A. and Joaeph Jamen, till Hortn Tweniy-nnn avenue, boy; Rodnay C. and Delia Jewell. 1 North Twenty-elitn, boy: wnaxiee . and Jceele O. Rltchar, 47J0 North Forty aocond, boy; Joaeph and Roaa Schwar, Fort Omaha, boy. Deatha Qua Johnaon, 66, leie Doom Eighteenth: Mra. Maggie McLaughlin, 66, lit North Bevenleenui: jaynn duio, ... Twenty-aecond and St. Hary'a avenue; Cadi Brlaby, 10,' Twonty-aaeond and L. ; Mra. Napy H.lwlg. 4, Twenty-fifth and M.: Kin Johanna Carol ne VIDerg. aw, m- rath Homo tor tho Aged; Arton H. Strayer, 61, hoapltal; lira. Orlando Ollvar, 16, 1622 Douglaa Vinton Branch, I oay, mi Elliabath avenue. CARD' OF THANKS', DEATH AND FtT NBltAL NOTICES. ltd par lino aaeh Inaertlon (Minimum charge it eanta.) Monthly Rata lor .landing ada (no change f copy) V '" (Count alx worda to tha Una.) . .' (Contract ntaa on application.) TUB BEB will not bo raaponalbla for mora than ona Incorrect Inaertlon of an adver tlaoment ordered for more than ona time, ADVERTISERS ahould retain receipt, liven by The Bee In payment lor Want Ada. aa no mlatake ean be recltfled without them. TJSB THE TELEPHONE If you oannot con veniently bring or aend In your ada. Aak tor a Want-Ad Tahar. and you will re ceive tha eama ood aerylce aa when de livering your ad at the office. PHONB TYLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENINO EDITIONS 1-'!:5J S' MORNINO EDITIONS P. M. BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permlte have been '"n 1 rtF riunlnc Co.. 140 North Twenty-fourth, brick elore, 12.100; 1. Plea kac. 4701 South Twanty-aeventh, frame dwelling, 11.100; Smith Brick Co., Twenty- flrat and Dorcaa, brick aim, ai,uvv; wm Brick Co., Twenty-llret and Dorcaa, brick houae and ahed, $13,000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS MOVIE PROGRAM Carreat eftermie at the beet atattea ricture Theater he Ol (Caeage. Dally.) Downtown. STOLEN In front of Brandale atore, Ford car; llcanae No, 71176; engine No. mom; 126.60 reward. PRINCESS 1I1MI DOUOUAS HERBERT RAWLINSON "Thar Wouldn't TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY. I-Reel U K. O. Slapetlck Comedy. "Ignet.'. ley Injury." "Air Youth." A hlgh-claaa drama. T.nflTP..k.M contalnlM black eklrt. pur ehaaed at woman'e Toggery. Umax a.... FABNAM 1411 FARNAM Our Fan Will Keep You Cool. ELLA HALL In 'THE LOVE OIRL." a l-Reel Bluebird Picture. North. I4TH AND LAXB "Secret of Submarine No. V "BROTHERS EQUAL." Billy V. D. Eggepenalva AdT." GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. BII.LIB BURKE IN "OLORIAS ROMANCE." WINIFRED GREENWOOD IN "THE INNER 8TRUOOLB." PIPE ORGAN DELUXE Furniture and Household Goods. ONE fumed oak bookcaaa, ona writing dealt and chair, nve ruga, kitchen range, gaa ranea. kitchen cabinet, a round oak pad- aatal table, 4 ehalra, 1 bed, felt mattreaa almoat new, golden oak dreaeer. I otner bade. 1 chlffonlerea. dreaeer. Ice box. hard coal burner. 1201 No. I4th St. Private party. No dealera. ONE fumed oak bookcaaa, one writing deak and chair, five ruga, kltcnen range, gaa range, kitchen cabinet, a round oak pad oetal table, 4 ehalra, 1 bed, felt mattraee aimiet new. erolden oak dreeeer, 1 other beda. I ohllfonlere, droaaar, Icebox, hard ooal burner. 1201 No. 14th St. Private party. No dealera. HIPPODROME IITH AND CUMINO "ORPHAN JOYCE" wllh JOYCE FAIR. "NEW YORK PAST AND PRESENT." "AT TO THE COBBLER". Comedy. LOTHROP Hi7TH AND LOTHROP FAT TINCHER and DE WOLF HOPPER la "BUNBHINC UAU." Aleo a Keyatone oatled THE LION AND THB OIRL." South. BOULEVARD lit) AND LBVEN. HAZEL DAWN in THB HEART OF JENNIFER," I-Reel Paramount Picture. RUHLFT IITH AND LEAVENWORTH llth Chapter of tna "IRON CLAW" a I-Reel Drama and a Comedy. West ATrOOMB 10TB AMD FARNAM Sellg-Trlbuna No. II. THB HEAD OF THB HOUSH", wits FRANK MATO. "BOMB DUEL", Sellg. DUNDEB I1ST AND UNDERWOOD "MART ANN". With VIVIAN MARTIN. A Fox Feature, "An All Around Joke." Joker Comedy. OMAHA ' 40TH AMD DO DOE EMELIE POLINI in THB LITTLE CHURCH ABOUND THE CORNER." Worrld Feature, South Side. BSSSB IITH" AMD V "WHO'S GUILTY" with TOK MOORE and ANNA NELSON. ORFHEUK ' 14TK AMD H "JERRY'S BIO LAHK." "KILLED BY WHOM f "REEL LIFE." "MAM OF HOHOB," DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. fUBtai'iMnir.NCfcria. aved 41 Man. moatha, II daya. Sunday evening, July It, a reeldast of Omaha twenty-tour yeara and a retired dairyman. Funeral from hie late reeldenoa, llth and Dodge. Tuaadar. July llth, at 4 p.m.. Dr. Maxwell officiating. Interment, For- eat lavn oemetery. OLSEN Mra. H. .. at tha raaldanea of her daughter. Mra. H. Jullaa, H01 Dodge treat. Sunday. Ju y II. Funaral from Croaby ehaval Tuaadar, July II, II a. m. Interment Foraat Lawn cemetery. JOHNSON, A. Q., Aged II yeara, I moatha, ) daya, July II, 1111. rn-r-l from family reeldenoa. 1114 S. llth St., Monday afternoon at 1:11. Inter ment Foreet Lawn oomotary. mh'ankv Abraham L.. Sunday. July 11. Funeral from reeldenoa, 1TIT South llth, Tueedar. July llth. I p. m. Inter. meat, Foraat Lawn cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. tiiTirrT A JOHNSON, embalmera and fu- naral director-. TIT 8. llth- Tyler 1171. H, K. BURKET SON Funeral dlreotora and embalmer. 1604 Leavenworth. Har, 10. HULSB RIEPEN. undartakere and extt' balmera. T01 S. llth M. uouglaa llll. Monum-ntg snd Cemeteries UEAUT1FUL marker-, tableta and oroeeeo for unmarked gravea. pure white oement, ll it to IIS0. Write for ctroular. Bee aam- plee 44lBrandela Bldg. Omaha. Phone Douglaa 1611. Redman Orave Marker Co. Uaumeleter Monument Worka. mauaolouma, All klada maraera. lata ana -narieo. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS Dlanta. Art Combination., ablppad every ' where. Exeellent aarvlce to our cue lorn. ere In Met yeara recommenda HESS SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St. Doug. 1101. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fraah Sowera, delivered or ebippeu anywhere, t men. DERSON, 1611 rarnam SL PARK KB Flower Shop, 111 S. llth. D. 1102. A. DONAOHl)-, 1621 Harney Doug. 1001. BATH. Soriat, 1614 Farnam SL D. 1001. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DANISH Brotherhood Lodge No. II wilt meet at Waehlngtan HaU at lilO p. Tueodar. the llth to attend funeral Brother Max Fabrln from H. K. Bur. kt A Soa Chapel. 1104 Leavenworth St p. amdkkbon. Praaldent MARRIAGE LICENSES- Mum uA A-MrtM. JoMpk St 0rauitn, Omakft , Hrgft Li Ddftrc, Omaha , Als OoUIfWV. Ott1nilHN.......s. M Rkkart, Colvmtnw.. R7 M. 01aacM Omaha.. . Urf B. Cooper, Omaha.. Fail H. MeDoaaM, Xaaau CIty. Marf X. raaalMr. Kaaaaa City Fraok F. JohaMB, Omaha, vr... Jaaala D. Baldtnt, Omaha. vr.,, Vttm O. Schaat 0priaflaKl....... UlUaa TaKtoKl On-h... PavM Farkar. Uddaa. la., avr... HrrU Lrsat. Uddoo, la., err..... Out . Ate ox. Omsfes.-. Nulla M. Nalaoa, im Malaaa .lM C Brawa, Onwhi i,,,,, orvtbM Kmcvr, Omaha. BRODEOAARD'B "Lucky Wedding Rlnge" at llth and Douglaa St.. LIVE outdoor.. T. M. C. A. Outing ParkT Bakeries. CAKES, pantry and fanoy bakery goode, eupplled to partlea, loflgea and antortain menta. Z. H. Reeder, 1601 N. llth. W.III7. YOU loaa anything and will advertlee It hero, you will ourely recover It If found by an honeat peraon. Remarkable re eoverle. art brought about every day through thl. column. . , THB LAW People who And loot article, .re Intereeted In knowing that tha etato law la atrlct I. requiring them to aeek the owner through advertlaement and olherwlao, and that a failure to do If eama can no proven, invoivee a eevere penalty, Artiats. ARTISTS work for the trade, eelorlng, alr- bruahlng; hlgh-claaa work, ail raxton. Brsss and Iron Foundries. Paiton-MUcholl Co.. 17th and Martha Sta. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowoa, full draa. nlta, far rant 101 N. 17th. John raiaman. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM r ANT. Pereona havlna loat Hnl article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to aacartaln whether they left It In the etreat care. Many artlcloo each day are lurnau in -nit the enmnany la anxloUl to ra- atora them to the rigntiui ownera. Tyler 100. Baths. HTOIEN1C BATH INSTITOTB, Madam Edna H. LaBell, 70t BOUtn lam a. i vapor hatha. Swedla : maaaa.e taugnc every m day for men and women. Lady attendant for ladlea. mono uougia. .vee. DR. BENDA Sulphur, .team. Modern Turkic. BATHS AND atABMAuai. i-nvate apartmenta for ladlea with lady attana' ante, mi rarnam. rnone uon.. R1TTENHOU8E Sanitarium; all kind. batha. 1)0-214 Balrd Blk 17th ana pougiaa Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemitltcnlng and aovar- ad buttona. van A mam mtm rival ing and Button Co., Id floor Paxtoa Blk. Doug. 1101. FOR SALE MitcelIanMa THn worth of a atore. aa of a man, de- penda on oharaotor. our growtn prooiaima our character. No atore In Omaha can how you tho houae furnlahlng. nor eave you tha money we can. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. Phone D.1I17. LEFT on counter In the Speedway head fluertaro. a valuable attaenment lor i mualcal Inetrument, Party ean have .ame hv Identifying and paying for ad. Call at Carlton Hotel. Aak for J. V. Bark. PUBLIC AUCTION Heuaehold goodA, at OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. every Saturday during July and August Sal. at 10 a. m. In rear of loa B. tetn wu Auama pn.i-nw Co. Fait and hair mat- treeeee mao. over in new hum the nrleo of new enaa. Phon. uo for ample of ticking. Mall order, tilled. 1101 Cuming Bt. uougiae -m FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well built; will laoi a iiieiiine. ua for nartlcuiara w. o. II ICE boxea. II fa atovaa, 200 ruga of all kind.: poultry wir. .no neuin.. r till I p. m. laif w. aeto n- bad, frTNXl mirror, chiffonier, braaa and other article, -lougiaa eeiv. deak FOR BALE Oaa range, good oondltlon. Fhon. uougiea tioj. fiAani.lNR atova for aal. cheap. Phone Colfax IT4I. Store snd Office Fixtures, DESKS, aafaa, acalea, ahowcaaea, ahelvlng, ato, Wa buy, eon. umana ri-.-.v -Supply Co.. 414-14-11 B. llth. Doug. t794. H. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut III, Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new. carom ana pocaet, wun wihim-m, outdt, lllll aeoond-hand table, at re. duoed prloo.1 bowling alley, and eupplle. Clear etore. dru.. dell. eateaaen and aoda fountain flxturea. THE BRUN6WICK-BALKH-UUAU--.n-ta,n v-u. 407-401 Boutn loin o- Jewelry, Ciimondi and Watches. nnnciniinivi "lurkv Waddlntt rlnn" 5BODBOAARD II "lucky wadding rtngi" at llth ana wuiwrni. "jjrewritera and Supplieg. m.rhi n awi Mid th nmi aa rant wa-a- wnnin. nmm urn amivrw iv artajT rent. Shipped any place on ten daya' fro. trlel. Butt. Typewriter Bxohanga, 111 s. llth. Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS eold, routed and - Hani an unver iru-vmir, month, for l. Central Typewriter Bi change, 1106 rarnam. IticuiNaTUNB. Monarch, and Smith premier. lor rani, een ." u-. Inatou Typewriter Company. D. till, VaABii-lhiA In uaed tyuawrltera. ribbon. t doaan; car do a. a- a ova. Be. Bldg. Sewing Machines. Sewine Machines We rent, repair, Mil needle, and parte f all aewlng machlnea, , MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CfCLB CO.. HO and Homey Sta Doug. 1112. Machinery and Engines NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 111-10 O- lam -. vmaiia. MUST aall at once, traction engine and aep- era tor, a bargain u oo-a-t w- v 1th, Council Bluff., BOILERS, .team, electric gaa ragmen, ptpoa, proaa rrrocnio. va.. i.w wvww. Printing and Office Supplies. WaTERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality nrtntlux. Tel. D-ug. 111. 114 B. llth St OBT our prlcaa on Job printing. (.iupimN riHiia a ara-iAmi. U. B PTO. CO..BEBBLDO. DOUO. 1171. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alas publtf Bteao. fnone lor pri-M. -, 140 Faxton Bin. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE To ta ramovtrd, hotiaa In raar ef till Davanpert Bt. can oa aoutn. camp. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 111. Farnam Bt Dog. 10. my hisTh tai.(Ard ot Quality will ba mala- talnati; 1 quana 01 um ionnf wnj, It. II: bottlad In bend. Htnrr Pollock, mall order houaa. Poug. Hit. 1.2-114 N. 16th St ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, TsiriMnia aau ivoubim. Bottlad la bond whtaky. Ila, tl.M. It.H full quart. OSNUINB California win intar. whit or shaufle aiuavrt Mil I an. aV nnu. nitaB, aanta. Importod ollva all, Tl nta par uart. Cackltr aroa. i-nono wm. WANTED TO BUY WANTBU Hih olaM aurvoyor'a tranalt irijitnimMit that la daaiaaad tar aaa- . aral land lurvaylbc aa wall aa drmlatvc . work. Jrrtoa ibuk aa niai. . wibj. 4t. nB. Wantbu to BUT HuTtna rantod a bulld Ing on track tor ear afftca and warohouat WO Will WMI W 9VJ OWm-J bjismbi ywiiia. Phono Btoraa mnco. uimr DESKS DSKS DESKS Naw dcaka. oaod daka. bo a g hi. oold and tradod. . C Rood, hot Fornora, ll If boat piica paid for 2d -hand elothoa, ohooa. irunKa, ooiicaaoa. v. mi or u. wn. CaIL. Rod 4l0t Tho bl buyora of furnV - turo! Botblav leo Dm nor too omaii. i pay ill tt'o worth. l0t California St. HOLMCS paya your prlco for id -band eloihom, ahoaa and hata. Woa 111. BOOK on "How to Start In the Mall Ordor BuilnOM," aloo book contalnlnir fourteen money maklnc raloi, to trade for other hooka of tha aam natura, or anything useful. AddraM S. C 1T, Baa. VERT DESIRABLB rOR RENT NOW. THB BEB BUILDTKO. OFFICB ROOM 101. AGRICULTURAL Implements), Including ono plow, ona dink barrow ana many mailer objocta. Will trade for homei, auto or, what have you? Addrcai 8. C. 19b, Beo. WANTED To ewap diamond for Ford car In good condition, value bzho; win allow Inspection of any Jeweler; require demonstration of car. Address S. C. (46. Bee. . WILL trade a Franz Sctawarwr cither fvalue Ml) for camping outfit, inning outfit, bicycle, or anything of equal value. Address 8. C. IBS, Bee. FULLT equipped rive-passenger auto; will take in exchange z-passenger car. mondB, piano or vlctrola. Address S. C. 184. Bee. TRAINED MONKET to trade for violin. guitar, trombone or other musical in strument. Address 8. C.-IM. Bee, FOR SALE Exceptionally fine Irish water spaniel pupa 3 months old, Win. LMeiei horst, Leshara, Neb. Accountants. B, A. DWORAK. C P. A. A VAN ORDKR. 181 Ramg Bldg. Phone Pong, nil HOOSIER kitchen cabinet to trade for san itary couch and pad. Address O. v;. boo. Be. Advertising Novelties. F. Shafer A Co.. ltth-Farnam. P. T4T4. HAVE sanitary couch In good condition, will awap for boy's bicycle. Address b. 103, Bee. CLASST roadster, good as new, wilt trade for diamonds. Address b. u. mi, poo. Csmerss snd PiiiUhinf. HKTOICTIC" eameraa. IUxIU. IS.oOl (unl- reroal focus lens). Green s raaraiaar. u- and Howard. Bee them tooay. Chiropractic. CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH BTJt- PHUR STEAM baths, xne onjy omro practle sanitarium In tha aUte; lady and gentleman doctors in auenaancs. a-a w niitar.. th and Farnam. Dons. Till. DR. KNOLLENB8RO DR. MACNAMARA AFTER YOUR JULY 1ST DIVIDENDS are paid, talk with us about ln - vesting jour savings la a first mortgaga farm loan. No charge for collection ot Interest. We have a Savlnga Plan that will Interest reu. J. W. SQUIRE CO., Eatabllahed llll. Ill Pearl StrMt, Counell Bluffa, Iowa. Carpenters and Contractors. Leaaard A Son. 1IM Capitol Ave. Tr. llll. C. W. Ilokaneon, 0I Leaven'th. Ty. 111! J Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BURHORN'S modern, eenltery omro- nractlo adjuatln. oarlora. 41tlB noae ma. D. I34T, Palmar Soh. grad ; lady alUudant. Or. France. Daw.on. Boae Bldg. Tyler 1141. lr. 1. a. I Balrd Bldg. P. llll. Dancing Academies. DB LUJtB ACADEMT. Ill S. llth St Detectives. f&ur. at.T.AN. Ill Neville Block. denoe aecurea in ail oaeea. jirier ..... tvT Dresamakinc. AiYIORDlON. Side. Knife, Bog Fleatlog. Lov. Button Hematitcmng. rten. rieauaa A Button Co.. 412-1 faxton an. n. ...a. FTrsT-CLASS work on aummer dreaaea and a Ik ahlrla. averytmng guar. u. aeia. Xelater'a Dreaamaklng Col., 1181 City Nat' Terry Dreaamak'g college. 10th and rarnam. Dentists, Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rme 101 Roaa Bldg. D. llll. Electrolysis BXPERT operator, at homo; reaa. aharsa. 101 B, lain Ave, voug. i.... Everything ior Women. AnnnnninN. elae. knife, aunburet. pleatlngl eoverea DUttona, au aiae. ana tylea; hematite King, ploot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, oordtog. yelet cut work, buttonhole., ponnante. IDBAL BUTTON AND P1.EATINO CO. 100 Douglaa PIU. ' Douglaa 1131. LADIES You can alwaya Qnd ready-made elethee at Mra. nooertaon a. ..i Express Companies. TWIN CITY Co., llll Cam St Douglaa lTn. Heavy naming a apeciany. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures and Wiring. TYTTDTTV Blootrlo waahlng maohlnat, LfUAXVlll electric Irone and reading lampa. llll Cuming St. Douglaa llll. Furncces and Tinware. ROOFINO. furnaoea and general tlnwork. S. Abrama. 1601 N. lltn Bt. wen, aiea. Hair Dressing:. IDBAL Hair Parlor.. 107 Balrd Bldg. Mani curing, toilet artlclea. uoug. aiae. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 4411 and have your laua- dry done right and reaaonaoie. Hat Cleaning; and Blocking, STRAW, Panama, all klnda hata. oleaned and reblocked. 1I1I-1I0 Harney. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, 111 Boa. Doug. luitices of the Peace. H. M. CLA1UOHNB, 111 Paxtoa Blk. Bad T401 Notary publlo; qopoamon aieno. C. W. BR1TT, 101 Barker Block. Patent Attorney. H. A. BTUROBS, III Brand.le Th. D. 1411. Painting and Papering. OMAHA Paate Co., Til 8. llth. Doug. 1711. II ROOM, paper and hanging. Web. Ilia. Pianos for Rent 11.16 Per Mo. A. Hoepe Co., llll Douglaa. Scale Repairing;. Om Standard scale Co., Ill 8. llth. D, llll. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH BCLIPSB BLECTRICI KENT II AND 11.10 PER DAT. DOUGLAS 1711. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, lot a. lit. P. III. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement, and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Doug, lie Wines and Liquor. BUT your family Ivauora at Klein'. Liquor Houaa, ail n. lltn. uougia. leva. SWAPPERS' COLUMN U ACRES voo4 unimproved land, located ll miles from Bt. Louts, great marnet, i mllea from Ironton. Mo.; beautiful coun ini oxoallant cardan soil: spring water worth fit par acre. Wilt aall for $St or trade for Omaha real aetata, aute, A-l motorcycle, piano, merchandise, terms Owner. J 17. Boa. IF you hare anything to trade, make up little ad ana run it in mis column rnr eeven days only costs I So and So per answer. This offer la good only la Omana, and ettoludee Real Batata, eaah offers, and Buslneaa Pre parlies For Bale or Trade. Theee, aa well as mail orders for use of BwftDDere' Columu must pay regular rates. Ona or two unaware are sufficient ta make your trade and tha whole tnknaaotloa only coats about lOe. Try It $100 COLLECTION rare old colna. Including California void naivea ana Quarters. waan lngton cents, colonial coins, Jackson oeats. civil war tokens, larre oopper canta, an olent Roman and Oreek coins and many there. Will trade by tha pleoe or by seta. What have yooT Addraaa B. u lit. WILL "trade" llaht roadster In good eondl tlon. eompletely OTerhauled last winter, for -Ford touring ear. not necessarily In running order. Owner la meahlntet doing auto work at odd times. Addresa 111. Bee. - AMERICAN Mart racer type auto, tlrea and ear In aood shape, will trade for good metal turning lathe about ll-lnek swing ft. bed. or what have youT Addreas a c. in, Bee. jflLMfl PEVELOrBD FRKB. - ' ONB DAT fl BR VICE. K.A8S STUDIO 1ITU ARD HARNIT, FOR 8 A LB Oood. clean stock of hard' wars: live town central Nebraska, uooa reason for selling. Be quick. Address T, 367, Baa. DO WD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have cloaed out more tndae. a Locks men any other Arm In U. B. Writs for trma. FOR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling and s tor it; square deal. Aaaress owner, til West Ith Ave.. Denver, Colo. CONFECTTONERT and lunch counter; do ing good business; soda fountain in con nectlon. Address Y-491, Bee. WE buy. we sell motion picture theater. macblnts, reature nims. uojperaiive Film A Supply Co. 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR BALE or trade, a restaurant. Inquire T. I). Brown. Annex Caf, Nebraska Uty. TO OET In or out of business, call on OANOEbTAD, 422 Bea Bldg. Duug. 1477. PHOTOGRAPH gallery for sale or for rent. Add rem F-47I. Bee. LIST WITH MU FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler 34IT. 41 Koae Blflg. HAVPJ m. fin bunch of Buff Orplnrtona; also little chicken.. What have you 7 Ad dress 8. C. 110. Bee. TO SELL or buy a business call on Buscb ft BorfbolT. 750 World -Herald Blag. body. Will swap for Ford Roadster. Noth body. Will swap for Kord irucK. coin ing but Fords considered, a. v. is., pea, FOR SALE Furnishings of IS-room house; suitable for fraternity or roomers; walk In r distance; pleasant; furnished nicely for home; will sell below coat, as I am leav ing city. Addreas P 313. Omaha Bea. SITUATIONS WANTED LITTLE ad In this column will bring about soma remarkable escbangea. BUSINESS CHANCES SITUATION WANTED at once and by the best meat cutter In the northwest; young man. married, absolutely sober and hustler: can handle the finest of trade and cut the money out of the meat; good provision buyer and clean shop man want to gat out of the city Into a good live town. Addreas 2004 W. Palmer Ave., Sioux City, la. DRUO STORR bargain extraordinary; up-to- date futures, mahogany finished: floor showcases, Rz case; 12 ft. shelving, all made same design to match; Ice cream tables, big sale, soda fountain, etc.; stock consists of drugs, patent medicine, toilet articles, rubber gooda, Christmas goods, jewelry, cigars, confectionery, ate. Fine chance for druggist or doctor. Should Judge this stock would Invoice $1,300 or more, snap pnoa it sold wnnin a ween $400 spot cash. Address J5. B. Benson, Wash ta, la. A OROUP of eastern msn are opening and developing a limestone quarry near Oma ha. By operating with thoroughly mod' am equipment they are In a position to market their product at 60 per cent less than other quarries tn this section. An opportunity is afforded one or twu men capable of either superintending the quarrying or managing the sales force, or both: must be ame to snow a gooa recora and In v sat some money. Address P 421, Bee. There are Better Business Chances For Those Who Office in t Good Building For Rooms in The Bee Building "The building that Is always new." Bee the Superintendent, room 101. No other Omaha newspaper la bowing anywhere near the prog ress In Its Want Ads aa THE BEE. 10,101 MORE PAID ADS la the first five months of ltll than In the same period of llll. OR SALE Up-to-date cleaning worka good business; will sell right; good place far riaht party; reasons for selling. Broken Bow Steam Cleaning and Dye Worka. 1010 10th Ave., Broken Bow. Neb. WANTED Oood blacksmith capable of do ing all klnda af work, either to work on haras or will aell shop and tools, good opening for the right man. A. T. Popple, Axtell, Neb. SPOT CASH will buy a general stock of merchandise is the beet location ana tne best town of 800 people, surrounded by a rloh fanning community as good as there ta In America. Answer quick; owner retir ing; owns the building and wtu give good lease. Address T 100 Bee. PARTNER WANTED Capable of taking charge of store; legitimate, good paying business; very little money needed; will assure $860 a month above expenses. Ad dress B 41, Bee. FOR BALE Paying lumber and ooal busl neaa In northeast Nebraska town; line yard competition. Will .Mjtder good quar ter section of aastern weoraaKa or west am Iowa land, at aotual cash value. Ad dress T-414. Bea. $1,100 NEW fixtures and a nloe clean atock of groceries, uooa location, ror casn at a bargain If taken at once. Cannot handle two stores. 8. Steinberg, M N- Main St, Co. Bluffs. Ia. FOR SALE 6-chalr barber shop. 10-table pool halls counters, show eases, etc. Will aell the business or ue is dim ana nx tures separate. O. A, Land, 1107 Far nam St. MOVINO Picture Theaters, real bargains machlnea, repairs, auppiloe, accessories. new and second-hand, see us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bld.t poug. . FOR BALE One of the oldest arocery and meat markets in the city; doing 14,000 cash buslneaa per month; must be sold at once, reaaoa ior aell Ing. other buslneaa. 122 Doug. Phone Doug. 1411. SEE tho Day kerosene burner for oook fovea and ranges; some terruoriea lert; a money maker for agents. West Me- La..ghliii HOT Leavenworth. Omaha. FOR SALE At once, fine little business for two ladlea or husband ana wire; clearing about $100 a month; selling on account of sickness. Address F-414. Bea. FOR BALE OR RENT One of the best blacksmith a bo pa in tne state; u interest ed, inquire at once. Thao. H. Fasohke, Hampton. Hamilton Co.. NQb. 176.00 WILL buy bakery outfit. Including No, 8 Miaeiny oven ana toois ior nana work; fine condition. Box ill, ariswoid, Iowa. . - OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime; great money making proposition; particulars free. The "wO-OrJBVvi v Daio. ,v v a ar .vulval, ato. North, Minneapolis, jainn. I OFFER for sale IT sharea of atock In Nebraska Foundry ana Mig, co. at llll lilt N. 2td St.. Omaha. Neb, C, Shaffer, Huntingdon, Pa. FOR BALE First-class meat market; town of 1,009 innaouania; only ona otner market to the town; doing good business. Address T-4W. Bee. FURNITURE and complete fixtures of well aatabltshea massage pariora. aituatea in best buslneaa district In Omaha. Addreas L 411, Bea. FOR BALE For eaah, general merchandise and hardware buslneaa; rant reasonable stock will invoice about $1,000. W. N. Orcutt. Belmar, Neb. LADIES dry goods and art stock, large western Nebraska town; 11,100 will handle going buslneaa. Turk ington. til Bee. WILLIAMS, established ll years. To buy a aell buslneaa aea him. 411 McCagua Bldg Refarvnce U. a wai l Bans;. FOR BALE OR LEASE Profitable moving picture theater; fully equlpprd; wall lo cated. World Film Corp., U0I Harney SL FOR BALE l-ehatr barber ahop. 10-iabla pool hall; eountera, snow cases, ate, w ell the buslneaa or the tables and da turas separata. O. A. Lang. HOT Farnam. HOW to succeed In the Mall Order Buslna Full particulars free. 'Addreas George Raif, New Freedom. Pa. ' PATENT rights for sain, or will trade for land. Inquire , ef 1 Thee. U. . Fas Kemptea, Nab. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargalna. suppllea. Omaha Film Exchange, 101 S. 14th St Rooming Houses. WEEKLY RATE. 15c PER LINE. Day work or business ads regular retea I lines one week , lOo I lines one week 41s Each extra line llo par week. Mal. Professions and Trades. FARM hands, com plowera, stc. furnished Tree to farmera. write, wire or -i-phone. Sweeney A Dillon's Nebraska Em ployment agency, 1SS0 Dodfe St.. Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 7006. 8KB US FOR DRUG JOBS, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Tears. 1011-11 City National. 20 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; $1 par day, room and board. Neb. Employ- ment Agency, 1310 Podge. WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty. Wir- Journal. Gordon. Neb. Drug store snaps. Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO sell advertising space. No previous experience necessary. Will have very opportunity to make a real advertising man out of himself, pro viding he Is not afraid to work and has the nerve to stand up, under bard knocks. Small salary and commission. Call In person at Room 104 Bee Bids;, at 10 a. m. or 1 o. m. WANTED By old established manufac turing corporation, two thoroughly expe rienced traveling salesmen to sell staple Una to the lumber, hardware, drug and paint trade; also electric light, power and telephone company, must be men able to earn $160 to $260 per month above expenses. References and bono required. Call on salesman age r, llll Farnam. Office hours. I a. in. to 6 p. m. WANTED Salesman calling on the gro cery and meat trade to sell fresh oysters as a side line on commission ior oia es tablished Baltimore oyster packer; ref erences required; alt communications con fidential. Address J. L. McCready & Co. Baltimore, Md. TEAMSTKRS, COAL SHOVELERS AND LABORERS WANTED. APPLY BUN DERLAND BROS. CO., SOUTH YARD. 20TH AND HICKORY STS.; NORTH YARD. 24TH AND TAYLOR STS.; WEST YARD, 42D AND IZARD STS. FARM HANDS, CORN FLOWERS, etc.. fur nished free to farmera. Write, wire or telephone, Sweeney ft Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency 1320 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Douglaa TOOI MAN and wife wish position In good fam ily i wire ean do nouseworx, aressmait lng and hair dressing; man can drive automobile and do general work. Joe fimarda. Douglaa IT48. WANTED Position as chauffeur for party making tour to Colorado or coast, ato.; please mention make of car; expenses and reasonable salary asked. Address I III, Bea. HAVE had 10 years experience In the Ab stract of Title, Farm Loan and Insur ance Business; desire position with some reliable Arm. Address Y 407, Bee, HIGH-GRADE bank man, ten years' expe rience, wishes connection with good bank; credentials A-l; can Invest. Address T-412, Bee. WANT position as chauffeur; 4 years' ex perience, can anva any matte, van Webster 6177, after a o'clock. Best of references. JAPANESE, competent cook, wants posi tion in a family, k. Hama. 4sa bo. St., So. Omaha. Phone So. 227. YOUNO married man, good habits, wishes position as chsulTeur in private lamuy. Does repair work. Harney 8011. CHAUFFEUR wants position. W. J. Morton, 2908 Woolworth Ave. Call Barney 1314. coloreTd EXPERIENCED washer wants position, chauffeur ot Phone Web. 6609. SALESMAN for Omaha and vicinity, thor oughly experienced In the sale ef crushed stout) of kindred lines; must be capable of marketing 170,000 tons yearly. Address 6 423. Bee. WANTED Neat appearing single man to travel as salesman, experience unneces sary; expenses advanced. Apply to Mr. Haley, Merchants Hotel. I WANT several good men for road position, steady employment, liberal commission. expenses advanced. See Mr. Claughton, Merchants Hotel. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC, ft INV. CO., 1017 W. Q. W. Bldg. SALESMAN of better class to call on physl clans and dentists outside Omaha. Average men make $86 weekly. State age. expert once. P. Q. Box 121, Philadelphia. Pa. STOCK remedy salesmen can make advan tageous contract. Room 814, 1206 Farnam. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. Trade Schools. MEN Why not learn the barber trade? Lighter, cleaner and easier than most lines of work. More barbers needed now; great est demand ever known. Oood guarantee, tips and over-money. Can own shop on small capital or travel. Our free Illustrated catalogue explains how wa teach the trade In a few weeks. Special summer rates. Write today. Moler Barber college. 110 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (Bet. 1893.) BAKER First class on bread and pastry; city or country. Address, M-430, Bee. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS Contractors attention. Wa furnish all kinds of mechanics and labor ers free of charge. Responsible for all transportation. Write, wire or telephone, Sweeney A Dillon's Nebraska Employ ment Agency, 1820 Dodge St. Douglas 7006. ODD Jobs and Janitor work, by the day or month, eiperlencea in an ants or wore; can furnish beat of references). Telephone Harney 4780 EXPERIENCED man would like general house cleaning, lawn mower work; guar anteed. Phone Douglas 8646. YOUNO colored man., sober and reliable, desires work aa porter or janitor. D. 4871. Poslton wanted by rel. col. man, porter wk odd Jobs, anything conaldered. web, zivi. Man would like janitor and porter work. Call Harney 1848. POSITION aa gentleman nurse. xp. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1(10 Davenpotr St. Douglas I860. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. POSITION by first class dressmaker, com petent cutter, fitter, finisher and de signer; understands managing dressmak ing and millinery parlors or stores; can furnish best of references aa to character, honesty and reliability. Address Mrs. C. A. Epps, Phone Webster 2228. 3122 Wirt St. HIGH school teacher with primary expe rience desires to travel to cooler regions this summer with family. Address X-414, Bee. THE BEB charge for "Situation ads" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost ot printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Pubtlo stenographer and notary public. 807 Bea Bldg. uoug. iae. . noae. ratea. REFINED lady wlahea a position as house keeper whers other help to kept. Tele phone Douglas 7171. COMPETENT child's nurse wishes position In private home. Write Miss H, Kellogg, Perclval, Ii POSITION wanted as stenographer; 6 yrs." experience; best of references, rnone Bouth 2086. LADY desires position In private family; elderly people preferred. Addreas 9 eus, Beo. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants place In city as housekeeper. Address A 480, see. LADY wants position as practical nurse. Ad dress 8814 Wirt St.- M. Fleck. Laundry and Day Work. Competent colored woman wants laundry. day work; neat work, weo. I4. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref erences. Call Douglaa 6661. WANTED Position as maid or day work by experienced col, woman, weo. 7 on. V. ASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; work guar. .Web 18 !. By experienced colored woman, work by the day or by the hour, tan warnoy nsr. WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar anteed. Telephones w. mi ana h. ipii. BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; best of work. Web. 3401, DAY work by reliable colored woman, t will do chamber work. Webster 7g. Chambermaid work, experienced, anything considered. H daya or whole. Ty. 183. BUNDLE waahlng, piece work, lacs cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1360. WANTED Family washing; 36c rough dry. 66c Ironed. Phono Webster l&ss. OOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autoa and electric atartlng systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2068 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, mora than make your tuition while learning; set ot toots included: Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade, Tuition $26. 1608 Cass St., Omana. OMAHA BARBKR COLLKOK. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Abe-boded unmarriea men under age of 35; cltUens of United States of good character and temperat habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg. 16th and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Nb.; 827 4th St.. Sioux City, Iowa: 207 th Ave., Pes Moines, Iowa. WANTED Exuerieneed railroad rate classification clerks, three to rour monins job. Oood pay to right men. Give aga and experience in reply. Aaaress j nco. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks, $76.00 month. Sample axaminauon questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 221 R, Kocnester, w. x. VAN SANT SCHOOL sf of Business, ; Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bide. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. EARN big money; be a photographer; easy lesrn; complete course, ijk. Emory School of Photography, 1Z N. 10th St. Phone Tyler 348. Musical. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge Bring us tne pupil wno comprsnonds slowly; we gt results, we assure you. Harp Limited nimber pupils accepted com ing seaton ; riy application lawrea. Harps fur. Loretta DeLone, 806 Lyrio Bid. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without aurgtcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY, 240 Baa Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. DISAPPEARED TWO YEARS AOO $100 REWARD IS OFFERED. It was two years ago that Otto Kern disappeared from his horns at Blalretown, Iowa. He Is 31 years old, about five feet six Inches tall, weighs about ISO pounds, hair light in color and he wears glasses. I will pay $100 to anyons helping to lo cate him. O. L. KERN, Administrator, Blalrstown, Iowa. LAWYERS find that location, prestige ani servloe mean much to them la building up their business. Office la the BEE BUILDING all these requirements and fultll more. Office Boon 101 YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strang ers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. M. B RUG MAN. D. M. T., massage, steam shower baths, electric and radio light treatment. I have also Installed the Gard ner reducing and therapeutio machine for reducing stout people. Rm. 208 Karbach Bldg. Phono Red 2727. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. Wa collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon, will call. Call and inspect our new home. UlS-lllS-llM Dodge St. STAPLE & SHAFFER, masseuses and scalp specialists; graduates Prof. Yhnell'a school; Swedish massage, scalp and hair. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. D. 71$. 401 Ware Blk. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: On and after this date I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife, Ella Mae Knowles. Geo. C. Knowlea. DTTDTTTPTTSuccessrully treated wlth IV U JT A UXvUiout a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. RITTBNHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all klnda; massage and chiropody. 210-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. P. 8461. CORSETS made to order. Prices $3.60 to $30.00 Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Coiiet Shop, Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 4298. CAN you assist with a so rial club of young married women; atate quallfteatlona. Ad dress B 426, Omaha Bee. LUELLA WEBSTER, "maaseusa,' 618 Paa- ton Blk-, 10 a. m. to 8 a. nt, P. 8327. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1802 Farnam St., Room No. 8. 20 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; $8 per day, room and board. neD, e.ropioy- ment Agency, laao voags. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. LABORERS wanted; 28th and Q Sta.. South Omaha. LABORERS wanted. 42d and Dewey Ave. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Names of men or women, 18 or over, wishing government Jobs. $76 month. Vacations. Answer immediately. T. 47$, Bee. PRINCIPALS for town schools; two to five rooms. Hazard Teachers' Agency. Denver. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO., 166; Steno.. ISO; Steno., 160; Steno.. 140; Compt. Opr.. 160; Dictaphone Opr,, 140; Bell Clerk, 60; File Clerk anil Typlat, 149. Watta Ref. Co.. 140 Brandele Thea. BUI. STENO. and tkpr C. B., 140; elk., 140; multtgraph operator, 60;-office elk. and typlat, 140; blllln. elk.. 60. Weet ern Reference A Bond Aee'n.. Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldr 10 Stenographer. Bteno and Bookkeeper THE CANO AGENCY, 150-166 166 100 Bee Bid.. Professions and Trades. OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES TO MAKE HOUSE DRESSES AND APRONS; PERMANENT POSITIONS, PLEASANT WORK IN A MODERN FACTORY WITH ALL CONVENIENCES. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE DESIRING STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE MR ANDERSON. M. E. SMITH A CO.. ITH AND DOUOLAS. WANTED Olrle In flat work dept. Apply Evana Model Laundry, llth and Doualaa. Trade Schools. QIRLS to learn hair dreaalns. Oppenh.lm pariora. at III City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Competent girl for general houeework. aaalat with laundry; refer ence; 136 per month. Mra. M. C. Clark aon, Caspar, Wyo. WANTED Day woman. Call work Webatar by experienced lilt. B'dle waah call, del.; guar. Mra. Eaat H.III4 EXP. woman went, day work. Web. 1881. EXP. bundle waahlng a daywurk. D. 7866. White 'aundraaa, dlnnere prepared.. Web. 3863 Experienced woman, day work. Web. 264. BUNDLE waahlng neatly done. Web. 4863 DAY WORK. Call moraine. Webater IIU. DAT work and bundle w aahlng. D. 4667. DAT work: call roornlnga. Webater IIU. WA8H1NQ and lace curtalna done. Ty. 1144. DAT work and bundle waahlng. Doug. 4968. EXP. woman want, day work; ref. D. 1148. HELP WANTED MALE Stores end Offices. Q EN. office elk., good at figures, good pen man, wholesale, $7$: gen. .office elk., $80; steno., gram, $78; typist, $48; steno. and bkpr., bank, $60 ; gen. mdse, elk., $68 : multt graph operator, $80. . Western Ref erence A Bond Ass'n., Inc.. Originators of the Reference Business, 783 Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. SALESMAN, high-grade, salary depends Bookkeeper, some steno. work,- $88; rate elk.. R. R- experience. $88-$10; office elk., good at figures. $78-$88: ledger clerk. $88 $80; typist and office clerk, $88; add. ma chine opr., $40; typlat, $40; office boy, $88. Watte Ref. Co., 84$ Brandels Thea, RI4. ' - BOOKKEEPER MUST BE EXPER IENCED, 878. THB MARTI CO., 1327 W. O .W. Bldg. WANTED An experienced driver for gro cery wagon, Buff elt Bon. . , EXPERIENCED girl for general housework tn small family; good home; steady place; German or Danish preferred; good wages. Ftione rt. 34i. . OOOD girl for general housework, no wash ing: good wages. 3818 Burt t. Phone Harney 1028. . WANTED A good girl for general house work: no washing. Mra J. W. Smith, 4614 So. 33d St. Telephone South 388. WANTED A aood airl for general house work; three In family; Field Club dis trict; good wages. rnone narney aa. WANTED Comnetent cook and second girl. pply Mrs. V. A. Brogan. 4018 Davenport Walnut 1171. WANTED -An experienced cook. Mra Ar thur Oulou, 401 So. 41st. Harney 363. WANTED Lady to care for child. Walnut 3170. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2, Davldge B1U. Phone Poug. stbi. SEA SALT Bath and Massage. 1822 Farce rj St., 2d floor. Doug. 8410. SCIENTIFIC massage, G 80 Bee Bldg. Phon PQUgiaS 83 '3. FOR legal advice call Douglaa 3828. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List Olvea complete detailed description of va cant rooms I all parte of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Went Ad. Dept and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New Usta are Issued every week. front win t furniahArt strictly modern rooms In ouiet, rerinea pnw """ Beautiful location. 34th St car Una, light housekeeping If desired; reasonable. Phone Webster 2229. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 08 NORTH 17th ST. NEATLY furnished' room; two windows; walking distance; low rent 80$ N. $8d St. Douglas 4748. , CHICAGO, 2610 In private home; large south front room with alcove; also side room. 2609 DEWEY AVE. Front rooms, tar nished and unfurnished. Red 8790. 710 8. 18TH Nice, cool, clean rooms, fur nished complete ana up io u.- MODERN, nicely furnished rooms, suitable for two. 2903 Dodge St. NICELY furnished room, closs In; all mod- Housekeeping Rooms. CHICAGO. 8H8 Front room ano ette bath room floor; gas range, kitchen cabinet refrigerator; reasonable; no chU dren; no dogs. 641 SO 27TH ST. 2 or 8 large rooms and alcove; furnished for light housekeeping; cool; for summer, narney wm. w 4r- het modern furnlsned noose- keeping rooms or steeping room tn the city for the money. Red 6387. TA9 iinriva Ntralv furnished front rooms. 1th 3 windows, reaaonaoie. nmrney tavw.' FOUR large, very cool, handsomely furnished rooms; piano; snaoy lawn, narney v J2D ST.. 620 Extra large room, with kitchenette ; reasonable rent Red 8669. and sleeping rooms, 8 MOITREKEEPINO up; everything furnished. 608 8. 30th. 710 R 1HTH Nice, cool, clean rooms, fur- nlshad complete and up to date. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, modem. 60t N isth St. 1119 S. ittb. l-r. B., $4.86: l-r. $8. H. i8s7 Board and Rooms. HANSCOM PARK DIST. Beautiful fur nlstud rooms, private, batha and lava tories; excellent board. Phone Har. wotj PIANO tuning. Chas L. Fish. Web. 1286. Hotels and Restaurants. YOU NO girl to assist with general house work; good home to right party. Phone Colfax 706. WANTED Girl waitress at Omaha Quick Xnnch. 310 S. 13th. WANTET A womsn cook at county hoiiw, MrCtellind. Ia. Phene 7821. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOY1.ES COIXBUE. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day la enrollment day. Bookkeep ing. Shorthand. Hf.notyi. Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Uorvlce all Commercial and Englleh branchta. Catalogue free. . BOTLKS COLLBOK. - ' llth and Harney Hla. -Tel. Douglaa late. LARGE, commodloua front room for two. modern, hot and loa cold water at all tlmea; walking dletence; only ll each par week. 1661 at. Mary. Ave. ,,.E,BVUtVn NEW. Deelrable. oool rooma: excellent board; r,"-.l aummer rale. 6I Leavenworth, iii? FARNAM Excellent board. ' well furniahed rooma; within w walk. Ing dlalance: ratea reaaonaoie. 116 ., SSTH AVE. Cool rooma: e.ll,nl table board. I for two In room: II.U for one In room: meala 140. WEST FARNAM dletrlcL board and room for two: private family; very ieatrable. Phone Harney .w. THGJAHNELL, 124 8. 14TH. M..I. like mother. :emeal tleketa. D. 116!. BOARD and room In young married counj home. ui. o. nn ot. Unfurnished Rooms. B7, tg. 6.TK Four uofurnlehed mod.i-ri room. I7 R IITH Four uq furniahed modern