It Pay to Advertise Advertising pyt tha advertiser who uiaka il paj, and tha aurast way of making it pay is to put tha 4vartimmt in THE BEE. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER FAIR VOL. XLVI NO. 26. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1916 TWELVE PAGES. 0m rrwltM, di Motel. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. in tnm a m RIAA a ll- a M a- ll a a-K- VII I I.MU.N rilAA DE FACTO TROOPS ON WAY TO LINE General Trevino Hears Scat tered Bands Evade Soldiers and Are Headed for the American Border. SKIRT CHIHUAHUA CITY Commanders of Garrisons at Ojinaga and Piedras Negras Ordered to Watch. WARNS THE U. S. PATROLS Chihuahua City, Mexico, July 17. Several scattered groups of Villistas have eluded the cordon of govern ment troops which surrounded them in the Rio Florido bottoms and have reassembled at Tinajai and Las Escobas on the road to Ojinaga and are making their way north with the object of making another raid on the American border, according to con fidential advices to General Jacinto Trevino today. The advices, which came from Santa Rosalia, said the outlaws skirted Chihuahua City by traveling in small groups to the little settlements north east of here. General Trevino immediately or dered the commanders of the garri sons at Ojinaga and Piedras Negras to throw troops out in an attempt to intercept the bandits, whose numbers were estimated at about 200. He pointed out, however, that the nature of the terrain is such that some of the outlaws might evade the govern ment troops and suggested that it would be well for military authorities on the American side of the frontier to be especially vigilant. Under Water Liner Expected to Start On Return Trip Soon Baltimore, Md., July 17. An nouncement was made today that after tomorrow no more visitors will be allowed . on board the German merchant submarine Deutschland. This was taken as an indication that the underwater liner will leave Balti more before the middle of the week. Stevedores resumed stowing the cargo of rubber and nickel today, Washington, July17. There will be no patrol of American warships off the Virginia coast to see that allied cruisers awaiting the reappear ance of the German merchant sub marine Deutschland stay outside of the three-mile limit. Secretary Dan iels said today that the United States assumed that its territorial waters would not be violated by the allied men-of-war. So far as can be learned, the Wash ington government has not been noti fied of the Deutschland's probable sailing; but it is believed it will drop down from Baltimore to some cove in the Chesapeake Bay and from there slip to sea on the first favor ably dark night. Five Thousand at Opening of Rotary Clubs' Convention Cincinnati, O., July 17. The sev enth annual convention of the Inter national Association of Rotary Clubs opened here today with more than 5,000 delegates present. Business men from almost every state in the union' and a large delegation from Canada :t in attendance. The business session was called to order by President Allen D. Albert of Minneapolis. The address of wel come was delivered by Ralph A. Tin gle, president of the Cincinnati Ro tary club. After the president's ad dress on "A Series of Observations on Rotary" reports of several commit-: Ices were received. Among the amusements participa ted in by the delegates was the Ro tary Golf tournament, which started today, with twenty-four rotary clubs from as many cities entered. The Weather For Nebraska Fair and continued warm. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. UNCHANGED Hours. 6 a. m. 6 a. m. 7 a. m. a a. m. a. m. 10 a. m. 12 m 0 .1 p. m 91 2 p. m 91 3 p. m 9? 4 p. m 9 6 a. m 91 8 p. m 90 7 p. m. 80 8 p. m.... 12 Comparative Local Record. 1916. 1916. 1914. 191S. Hlghent yesterday... 94 89 S 100 Lowest yesterday 76 69 63 76 Wran temperature. . . 85 79 74 87 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .(10 Temperature nd precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature TT r.xcesa for the day 8 Trial excess since March 1 , 96 Normal precipitation .13 Inch Deficiency for the day r.. .13 inch Tela rainfall since March 1... .62Incher lpflclncy slnca March 1 6.86 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 191. .49 Inch Peflclcnry for cor. period. 1914. 1.89 Inches Reports From Stations at 7 P. M. Station and Htate Temp. High- Raln of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 74 86 T lavenport, clear 93 94 .00 r-tnver. cloudy 7 90 T Des Moines, rain 74 94 .12 Ltd City. Hear 94 96 .00 lender, cloudy 10 90 .00 North Platte, clear..,. 94 98 .on Omaha, clear Sfl 94 .00 I'ueblo. cloudy 80 94 .00 I.spld City, clear 90 .20 8lt t.ake City, cloudy. 84 90 T Hhertdan. clear f o .tin Sioux City, cloudy M . fts .00 ali-ntlne, clear 14 tft ,00 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. CHECK CLEARING SYSTEM RADICAL Omaha Banker Sayi New Plan of Federal Reserve May Revolutionize Credits. SORT OF AN EXPERIMENT The new check clearing system, in augurated Saturday by banks which are members of the federal reserve system, may revolutionize the credit systems of all banks concerned, ac cording to Luher Drake, president of the Merchants' National bank of Omaha. "The new plan is a radical one, and more or less in the nature of an ex periment. We don't know how it will work out, or whether it will be perma nent." said Mr. Drake. "The new check clearing plan is in tended to make the exchange charge for handling all checks uniform at V2 cents for every transaction handled. That is, whether a check calls for 25 cents many thousands of dollars, the charge made to the bank or writer of the check for mak ing the transfer of funds between the banks concerned will be centl. Old System Abolished. "This does away with the old ex change system, whereby amounts of from 10 cents up, depending upon the amount of the transaction, were charged for handling the check. "In addition to this change, a de ferred credits system is now put into operation by the federal reserve board "Suppose, for instance, an Omaha wholesale house deposit $20,000 in checks with us, drawn on banks from all over the west. "We send these checks to the clear ing house, where, instead of giving us immediate credit for the amount, they send the checks on to the banks upon which they are drawn, and do not tender us credit until they are hon ored. Would Charge Interest. "Of course, if the banks can't get credit for these checks until they come back, possibly in from four to ten days, it will be difficult for the banks to credit the wholesaler with the amount deposited without charg ing interest to cover the period of time required for the bank itself to receive credit for the checks. "I believe that the local banks will each have to work out this problem for themselves. Nothing definite has been done yet, because we don't know just what the new system is going to do to us." General Gavira Will Resume Command In Juarez District El Paso, July 17. General Gabriel Gavira, former commander of the gov ernment forces in northern Chihua hua, has left Mexico City for the bor der, and will assume his old command in Juarez at the end of the week, Lieutenant Colonel Leon Buclon, act ing commander of the garrison, an nounced today. General Gavira will relieve General Francisco Gonzales, who left today for an inspection trip of the Carranzista forces concentrated in the wake of the American expedi tionary command, and who probably will be assigned, it was said, in charge of the Mexican field base at Villa Ahumada, eighty-three miles south of El Paso. Colonel Buclon said that other than that Villa is surrounded in the bot toms of the Klorido river in such a way as to make his escape from the de facto troops seemingly improb able, no dispatches had been received concerning the progress or the bandit campaign in southern Chihuahua. Aged Broken Bow Man Is Dead from Effect of Heat Broken Bow, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) James Lowder, an old-time resident of this city, was found dead about 7 o'clock Sunday night in a held about tiiteeh miles southwest of here. It is presumed while wandering over the hills de ceased was stricken with the heat. His coat and hat were found about 200 yards from the body. Lowder left here Friday night and his rela tives thought he was going to Oconto. He was 70 years of age. The body was brought to Broken Bow during the night by Sheriff Wilson and County Attorney Kelly. Bandbox Soldiers Hazed by Fellows From Training Camp Monterey, Cal., July 17. Willie Ritchie, former lightweight cham pion, and a score of wealthy members of the business men training camp here, were nursing bruises today as a consequence of a hazing given them by 300 fellow rookies for the crime of doffing military for civilian at tire. The tiazers invaded the Del Monte hotel, dragged the offending "dress ed up" civilian soldiers from grill and lobby and dining room and bar and tossed them high in blankets. Mobilization of Nebraska Guards Cost $70,000 Lincoln. Tulv 17. The rn.t nf mn- htlmnir tlic Nebraska Matinnal ilttarA is estimated by Adjutant General Hall at JU.uw. 1 lie sute s contingent consisted of two re 'n.eius, a total of about l.VUO men. BRITISH OFFICIAL HINTS OF TROUBLE WITH THIS NATION Tiillnn in Wnnun nf f"4" '.tii' eeeKs iniorma'- , . , ing Status " ? -.lie m - NONE IS GIVEN OUT MRS. FUNSTON BACK FROM BORDER Thit i a picture of Mr. Frederick Fun.ton and her baby daughter, Eleanor., just returned to her modest little home on infantry Row at the Presidio, after an extended visit to her hntbrnd on the Mexican border. Government Declares It Is Not Politic to Show Its Hand Just Now. DIPLOMATS NOT ACTING London, July 17. The question of the possibility of a dispute between Great Britain and the United States over the statue of the German com mercial submarine Deutschland, which arrived recently in the United States, was raised in the House of Commons today by John Dillon, who asked Lord Robert Cecil, minister of war trade, to present immediately to Parliament the communications which had passed between the two governments, and to undertake to keep the house fully informed of the course of negotiations in this matter. Lord Robert replied that the corre spondence was proceeding and that it was not in the public interest that it should be published now. He would see that the suggestion to keep the house informed of the course of the negotiations was fully considered. "Will you see," asked Mr. Dillon, "that Parliament is not committed to a dispute with the United States without the house being given an op portunity of discussing the whole subject? ' Lord Robert replied: "1 don't think the house would wish me to give such an undertaking as that, but f will present the sugges tion to Sir Edward Grey " Two Received. Washington, July 17. Both the British and French embassies have made representations to the State de partment urging that the Deutschland is a potential warship not entitled to treatment in neutral ports as a peace ful merchantman. The British state ment of views was presented in writing, but with the explanation that it merely was for the information of the United States and was not in the nature of a protest. Now that the department has ruled formally that the submarine is en titled to recognition as a merchant vessel, it is understood the diplo matic representatives of the allies are awaiting instructions from their for eign omces. One Omaha Tennis Player Wins at the Plains Tournament Kansas City, Mo., July 17. Out- of-town players won their first round matches almost without exception here today in the great plains tourn ament for men, being played on the courts of the Rock Hill Tennis club. Among the first round results were : Lawrence Green, Omaha, defeated H. J. Ebert, Kansas City 6-4, 6-2. W. S. Pettit, Ncodesha, Kan., de feated Howard Green, Omaha 6-1, 6-0. The best tennis talent of the cen tral west was here today for the first annual Great Plains championship tournament on the courts of the Rock Hills Tennis club. Of a total of 110 entries for the singles title, thirty-seven are visiting stars, includ ing John C. Neely, jr.; Jerry M. Weber and James H. Weber, Chi cago; Seiforde M. Stellwagen, Minne apolis; Charles P. Trask and J. Hen nessey, Indianapolis; Evan Rees, Dallas, Tex.; Lawrence Green and Howard Green, Omaha; Paul Dar rough, Hugo, Okl.; Eugei- Monnet, Norman, Okl., and Charles T. Speice, Kingfisher, Okl. Prominent among the local players entered for the tournament are Jack Cannon, Clif ford J. Lockhorn, Dix Teachenor and Walter Newell. First round matches were expected to be completed today. Passenger Train Hits Automobile, Five Persons Killed Jacksonville. 111., July 17. Five persons were killed and one internal ly injured yesterday when the auto mobile in which they were riding was struck by a passenger train one mile west of this city. The dead are: MRS. MART M'OSHKRRT, Jaekannvllle. MISS ELLEN GROVES, Jackannvllle. MARGARET ALLEN. SprlnirlPld 111. ALLEN BERNARD. Sprlnf field, til. MRS. ADOLI'H BERNARD, Bprlnallold, III. ' 5 Iv ; V y2 ' 1 Blue Caps Who Were "Red Caps" Supplied Red Caps The porters at the Burlington sta tion have heretofore been known as red caps, notwithstanding the fact that they wore blue caps. Now, how ever, they are red caps in every sense of the words. They have been sup plied with caps of the brightest red and consequently are easily distin guishable from the other railroad em ployes about the depot. Secretary of I. W. W. Appears Before the City Council Secretary Rogers of the I .W. W. ap peared before the city council to re quest that the police be lenient with "migratory harvest hands" who are just now passing through Omaha in large groups. He said there would be between 500 and 600 more and added that those men are harvesting the grains of Kansas and Nebraska. 1J?S EEESS.TO.hi AND 0TB OF JiEie CHIIDHEN. tNTt..fto1saivtce LAD MEETS DEATH IN MOTORCAR SMASH Paul Nicholson, Son of W. G. Nicholson, at Wheel of Auto That Hits Another Oar. CLEVELAND MAN IS HELD Paul Nicholson, aged 14, son of W. street, was killed at 1 o'clock yester day afternoon, when an automobile he was driving collided with a car driven by William Grigsby of Cleveland, O., who, with Mrs. . Grigsby, is touring the west. .;.'- The accident occurred on Thirty sixth street, just outside he Field club grounds. The Grigsby car was going south on Thirty-sixth street just as the Nicholson lad drove out of the Field club driveway. Hurled to Pavement. The boy, who was alone in the ma chine, was hurled headforemost onto the pavement. He died at Nicholas Seun hospital, where he was rushed immediately after the accident. Grigsby and his wife were also thrown from their car, but were only slightly injured. Grigsby will be held pending a coroner's investigation of the acci dent. Young Nicholson's father is secre tary and auditor of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany. Shark Kills Sailor Who is Launching Ramos' Lifeboat Philadelphia, Pa., July 17.-Surviv- on of the sunken steamer Ramos, who were brought to this port last night, said today that one of the two men lost while a lifeboat was being launched last Wednesday in ' the storm off the North Carolina coast was drawn under water by a shark, schools of which, they said, were sighted by the crew. Captain Mc- Goldrick and eight other members of the crew, who were in one of the three lifeboats, have not yet been found, and it is feared they may have fallen victims of sharks. Washington, July 17. Suggestions that a campaign of extermination against sharks along the Atlantic be undertaken by the coast guard service were abandoned today by Treasury department officials after considering a report by Captain Car den of the cutter Mohawk, saying such a campaign would be impractic able and that the only sure method of protecting bathers was the ex tension of the steel wire nets already in use at most resorts. NINE ARE DROWNED; LOSS TEN MILLIONS Large Section of North Caro lina, South Carolina and Virginia Under Water. TWO SCORES ARE MISSING Raleigh, N. C, July 17. Flood wa ters which swept parts of North Car olina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ten nessee and West Virginia yesterday, taking a toll of at least nine lives, ren dering hundreds of persons homeless and doing property damage various')! t;suiiitticu i Hum aiu,njuAAj iu 000.000. were receding today. The worst conditions were obtained in western North Carolina, where the flood was described as the most dis astrous iri the history of that sec tion. Asheville and its environs were the heaviest sufferers, but with train service at a standstill as the result of washouts, slides and lost bridges, tele graph service badly crippled and roads almost impassible, it probably will be several days before the full extent of death and destruction will be determined. Two Score Missing. Lower Asheville still was flooded today by the waters of the French Broad River. Two deaths were re ported in the city proper, while an other death occurred at the town of Biltniore, to the cast, and two score persons, including members of a rail road construction gang who went down with a bridge, were listed as missing. Between Asheville and Salisbury lVtaru'l (tontlnufd an Pr t, Colnma .) Man Killed In Auto Accident at Sioux City, la, Sioux City, la., July 17. An auto mobile carrying four residents of Jef ferson, S. D., bound for Sioux City to attend a circus, dashed through the railing of a bridge over the Sioux river here today and three occupants of the car were drowned. The vic tims were: ClRORdK rol'NTA IN. afed SO. FLORKNCB WAKKK1 RI.D, 17. KVKI.TN WAKEFIELD, IS. Allen Cates, the other occupant of the car, was rescued after he had made a heroic but futile effort to swim to shore with Florence Wakefield. Veterans Are Given Leave With Pay Washington, July 17. An execu tive order was signed today by Presi dent Wilson allowing all veterans of the civil war in the service of the fed. eral government, leave with pay to at tend the Grand Army encampment in Kansas City, Mo., August 26 to Sep tember 3. New 'Phone Will Transmit the Human Voice Through Ground San Francisco, Cal., July 17. Dr. II. Barriuger Cox, known in the world of electrical science as an in ventive genuis, announced here today that he had perfected a subterranean wireless telephone and that, inci dentally, he had discovered a new law of physics that leectric energy can be transmitted over a single conductor. ror the last five month. Dr. Cox has been working at Los Olives, Cal., with the United States forest service in an effort to perfect a system of wireless signals 'for forest fires. It was while so engaged, he said, that he discovered the possibilities of transmitting the human voice through the ground. He will leave in a few days for the east to obtain patents and arrange for equipping the Cali fornia forest district with instru ments, The equipment consists of an or dinary telephone transmitter connect ed with a battery and a special in strument Dr. Cox's secret with a ? round wire. At the regular station ive or fifty miles away is a similar instrument. The only things between the two stations is the ground through which travels the current car rying the voice impluses. "Wehn I make public the details of the discovery?" said Dr. Cox, "it will be clear to even the most ordinary intelligence that if it was not opera tive it should be. It is so extremely simple that the pleasure in having discovered it is diminished by the realizing that common sense should have told me how to do it long ago." NEBRASKA GUARD -DR0WNED1N TEXAS 0. H. Stingley of Company K of Silver Creek Loses Life Sunday While Bathing. BODY IS FOUND TODAY Mercedes, Tex., July 17.-C. K. Stingley, of Company K, Fourth Ne braska regiment, was drowned yes terday while bathing in the lake near here. He was seized with cramps while in the middle of the lake and jtnti' dorn befgnt;, companion rescue him. Private Stingley was 23 years of age and was the son of L. G. Stingley of Silver Creek. The body was recovered this morning;., . Silver Creek. Neb., July 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) Private Charles H. Stingley was born near Cozad in Dawson county, twenty-three years ago. He lived on a farm with his par ents until his mother's death, two years ago. He came to Silver Creek with his father, Lyman G. Stingley, to reside on a farm with his uncle, John Lundgren. He was employed in a local garage for the last six months. He joined Company K. at Osceola June 22. His body was recovered at 9 a. m. today. Its condition neces sitated immediate burial at Mercedes, Tex. The body will be disinterred later and brought here. Guard Officers Prohibited from . Soliciting Funds Washington, July 17. General or ders were issued by the War depart ment today prohibiting army officer! from taking part in any movement for the solicitation of funds to augment rations issued by the government to National Guardsmen in the federal service. "The army ration furnished these troops," says today's orders, "is am ple for all purposes when properly used, aud officers and enlisted men of the organized militia and National Guard in the service of the United States are not to participate in ob taining fund for such a purpose." President Asks Postponement of His Notification Washington. July 17, President Wilson decided late today to change the tentative plan for holding the noti fication ceremonies August?, because he desired to postpone them until after the ajournment of congress. Austrian Attack in Upper Posina Valley Is Repulsed Rome, July 17. (Via London.) The repulse of a heavy attack by the Austriani in the upper Posina valley in the Trentino as the result of an Italian counter attack was announced today by the war office. The announcement says: "In the upper Posina area ,the enemy attempted to stop our advance, delivering a heavy attack supported by concentrated artillery fire be tween Monte Santo and Monte To raro. We made a counter t-ttack and after severe hand to hand fighting, repulsed the enemy along the whole front. U. P. Advertising Man Says This is Record Year for Travel John P. Cummins of Chicago, gen eral advertising .agent of the Union Pacific, is visiting in Omaha. Mr. Cummins asserts that summer travel is tremendous and promises to break all records, even the records of expo sition years. A gor share of the travel is to the Rocky mountains, he said. GERMANS RETIRE TO POINT BEHIND THE PER LIPA Retreat of Army Southwest of Lutsk is Announced in tho Berlin Official Bcport. RUSS CONTINUE ADVANCE Potrograd Reports Capture of Thirteen Thousand Prison ers in vicinity of Volhynia. BRITISH TAKE SECOND LIN2 Berlin, July 17. (ia London.) A withdrawal uf German troops un der General von Linsmgen southwest of Luiak to a point behind the River l.ipa is officially announced by th; war office today. Today's statement ,on operations along the eastern front sayj: "Army group of Field Marshal von Hindcnburg: Increased fire west and south of Kiga and on the Dvina front, preceding Kuaiian enterprises. Near Katarinehof, south of Kiga, consul-, erable enemy forces attacked. Lively lighting developed here. "Army group of General von Lin singen: Southwest of Lutsk, a Rus sian attack was arrested by a German counter attack. Thereupon, in order to strengthen the Hue of defense, the troops were withdrawn behind the Lipa without being molested by the enemy. . . ether places the Russian were completely repulsed.'.' Russians Continua to Advance. Petrograd, July I, (Via London.) The Kussians are continuing their successful advance in the region of the Lower Lipa, the war ofhee an nounced today. The number of pris oners taken by the Russians in Vol hynia yesterday was nearly 13,000. Capture More Positions. London, July 17. German line sec ond positions, west of Bazentm-Le-Petit wood, have been captured by the British in a storm attack, the war office announced today. The positions captured in what the statement char acterizes, "is a further important auc- (Coatlnwd aa ran S, fMiima t.) Russian Losses Are Over Quarter. MUlion of Men Berlin. July 17. (By Wireless to Say vllle.) "According to official re ports from . Petrograd," aayi th Overseas New agency, "in the period between the beginning ol the Rus sian offensive and July I, the number of killed reached 14,900 officer and 248.00 men. Included among the of ficer were' seventeen general and twenty-nine regimental commander. "Advices from Stockholm lay that the Russian finance minister, having failed to obtain a loan from England and France, undertook negotiation with bankers in the United States, which also failed. England declared that the cost of the war to herself had reached such a point that it had become impossible to assist her allies. The Russian newspaper, Rech, com menting on this situation, most vio lently insults Americans for their 'egotism,' saying that at : last 'the mask of sympathy for the allies ha been torn from their faces.' Epidemic Among Children at New York Decreasing V.m Vrlr Tli (,...k.. J. crease in the number of death and new case in the epidemic of infantile paralyis wss reported by the health department - today. During the twenty-tour hours ending at 10 o clock till mnrniflflr fmirln AimA of the disease and there were jinety- nve new cases in tne nve boroughs of New York City. Jimines VYill Make Protest to President New York, July 17. Juan I. Jim ines. formerly presiden. of San Do mingo, arrived here tod: enroute to Washington, where he will see Presi dent Wilson. It is said he will pro test against the outcome of the recent elections in San Domingo. - John Francis Campion, Denver Capitalist, Dies Denver, July 17. John Francis Campion, widely known capitalist of Denver, died here today after a long illness. Campion came to Colorado in 1879 from California and Nevada. He was identificc with mining de velopments in the wesj. 1483 More Paid Want Ads in The Bee for the Week Just Ended, 7-15, than in the Same Week One Year Ago An Increud of Beet Wwnt-Ad sure gaining by leapt . and bound. .