Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1918.
Coprrirht, If It,
International News Borneo.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
I know eve HAD
fr, u,- H i-oMc? L i all the tsJ
I v. ,,,, -s- .--' I OIL' . mBI 1 J I " 'I 1 I -3 l' f V h A I
' ' "
Kourkes Play Indifferent Ball
and Lucky ' Book Starter
Earns Eaqr Shutout.
Buck Ster-er was surrounded by a
; flock of horseshoes, the Rourkes
! played indifferent ball both offensively
! and defensively, and Marty O'Toole
hurled two bad innings. That tells
the tale of Omaha'i second defeat at
the hands of the jeskv Griities yes-
icruay afternoon, o 10 V.
In every inning except one, the
ninth, the first Rourke up got on base.
But that always ended it, as the sub
sequent hitters failed to connect.
Throughout the nine innings, how
ever, Mr. Sterzer was a pretty lucky
hurler. .Every time, it seemed, a
Rourke whacked the ball it went di
rectly at a fielder and became an easy
out And this always happened with
men on bases. The Rourkse had a
total of ten men stranded on the
O'TdoIe'i two bad innings were the
third and fifth. In the former stanza
he wu touched foi five hits. Davey
i.ioyo opened tne round wltn a tingle
to center and Shestak followed with
a safety to the tame garden. After
Sterzer whiffed, Charley Miller
, crossed O'Toole by bunting. He beat
it out and filled the sacks. Kelleher
banged a double up against the left
field wall, tending Lloyd and Shestak
nome. Miner was cut down at the
plate trying to count alio. Rebel
Oakes drew a pass and Hank Butcher
put another double against the left
field fence, counting Kelleher and the
Wild Heave by Krueger.
In the fifth Miller beat out an in
field hit and Kelleher sacrificed. In
fielding the ball Krueger made a
three-bate heave into- right field.
Miller easily scored and Kelleher gal
loped to third, from which ttation he
acored on Dyer'a sacrifice fly to deep
O'Toole expired from the heat after
this Inning and Prince Gaskell fin
ished the combat The Prince hurled
. pretty neat ball the remaining innings,
but it wat to no avail as the Rourke
artillery couldn't find the range.
The Grizzlies and Rourket will bat
tle again this afternoon. It will be
ladies day. Game called at 3:15.
Boosters and Wiches
Split Double-Header
Des Moines, July 16. Des Moines
and Wichita divided a double-header
today, the locals winning the first
game, 3 to 2, and losing the second, 7
to i. sensational fielding kept the
score low in the first contest No
Wichita-Tunner reached first base
after the fourth inning off Higgin
botham. " "Davit Ditched fine belf in
the second game, while fluke hits to
gether with loose support caused
Baker's defeat Ewoldt's fielding wat
the feature of both contests. Score,
first game:
toon, first fame:
Another Trench Lo$t
C stiller, if. ,
OakM, of. ...
Botcher, If..
Irer. ah
"hlelds, lk...
wayo. an....
AB. B. H.
:::::: M
Bleraar, p.,
ftmlth, H
Kreg, lb
Thompson, of.
It. Millar, lb..,
Porsythe, rf. ...
Klla.ff, m....,
Bora, lb ,
OToele, a
Oaakatf, a
t a
i i
I It u
." AB. ft. H. O.
..... test
......l i
a e
e i
i l i
ti t t n it t
nmae far Oaskell la alatk.
una ..
Hits t
Iff ::! J J J J ?! : t? la. a . "".
Tk?il ""-' Innings: on
Thomea, I hlli, ni rum anil four and on..
thM Innings. Hit by pitched bill: Bv
Doubla plan: Ewoldt to
Jones, Hartford to Clalro to Jones, Brltton
Three Singlet and Errors by
Bobertion and Doyle Net
St. Louia Victory.
Standing of Teams
.41 SO .SIS' B
R.ulrl.. AA .A ...
Lincoln 42 II .6381 Boston 40 SO !s?l
pes Molnoa..lf in .lotiPhlla 41 31 .1(4
St. Louis. Mo., lulv IfVSino-l.. k Si!""
11 . i,.. t " b "J i lyeiron
oornDv, vvuson ana lionza ea and wain.
errors by Robertson and Doyle netted
pi. louis tnree runs and the victory
in the third inning of today's game
with New York. Meadows heir) h
visitors to lour hits. Score:
1B.HA11 An an Am
5 ! ! ! ! "BMchar.U 4 10 0 0
KOUff.of I 0 1 a ARaob lh 4 t a A A
Rob'aon.rf 4 I I I 1 S S I I 10 14 I'Lona.rf ' 1 0 1 0 0
uwian.BV 1 a QMIIlor.30 1 I S 1
1110 OH' 4 1 10 t 0
Denver 40 31.4061
Wichita ....II 40 .414
aioux city. .34 42 .462
Topeka ....14 41 .447
St. Joaaph.. II 44.431
w r. pt
Now Tork. .44 14 &7&
Cleveland ..44 II .1(1
BOelon 44 36 .((7
New York... 37 37 .(00
Chlcaao 14 41.437
Plttabunh . . II 41 .411
St. Louie II 46 .410
Cincinnati . . 31 41 .147
Kajieao City. 61 31 III
Indlenapolle .41 17.114
Louisville ...44 11.148
.42 31 (38 'Minneapolis .44 40.(31
to Rappa,
and earn
Timet 1:11. Umpire.: Shannon
Indians Capture Both Endi of
Double-Reader From
SCORES 0 TO 8, 4 TO 2
Sioux City, la., Jullfi-Sioux Cltv
took both endi of a double-header
from St Joteph today, winning the
fint game 5 to i and the second. 4 to
Z, in seven innings. Score first game
O. Williams, lb..
MeCaba, lb ...
Jourdaa, lb . .
Helnter, of ...
Klrkham. If ...
Rltaby, ....
Herffrova, lb ,
Keatlaa, ae ...
Sommora, p . . .
ToUla .....
ab. a.
... 4 t
JockMn xt. ..
Kn. It...
coy. rf
Orey. o.j...,.
lultton, 2b...,
H.illii, lb...
Lllschl, 4a.....
l-:ipr. lb,....
Kauffman, p..
AS. R. H.
...I I I
o. a. a.
Totele ...II
"111'r.tor, If........
I 111., rf
Itartford,. aa
Ilelaaa. If
Jonea, lb..
.. Claire. Ib........
Fwoldt, Ib
lahr, 0
Utjisanbotham, p.
AB. It. K. 6. A. B.
...4 I I II 0
..411 I 1 I
..4 4 lit
.. 4 4 4 1 0 0
... 4 1 4 11 t 4
:: J J I 5 i
..SSI S 10
Tatals.i....' II "l 11 It II "t
Mlcblta .......1 I 1 S t I t 4
Mr. Motnea. ...a a 0 V 0 a 9 I
Two-baaa hlta: Oray. Hotline. Jonea. Loft
an baare: Wichita. I; Dee Moinea, I. Struck
n't: Br Hlsalnbotram, I: by Kauffman, I.
l aarca on balla: Off I. Hit
I y pitched ball: By Kuaffman. Hlafln
bclham. Double playo: Ewol!t to Clalro to
Jf.nee, Lltachi to Brltton to Rappa. Kauff
ri .n to Utaehl to Rappa (l. Tlma: 1:11.
( I mplreo: Shaanaa and Catney. Score, m.
ono aamoi
Ollmon, if
Wsttfon, if
CfelthMI, M
Mt, ib . .
Connslly, t)
Cooiwjr, tb ,,
Liun, of
Craby, , .
Onvir, y .
' ToUla ..
AB R. H.
a i i
iiiA.i I
iiiiiii t
O. (A.
II I 11 17 11 I
tBattod for Somman al ninth.
St. Joaaph ....I I t I t I t
Slow City ....4 I I 1 t I I
Lett oa baaaot Slolu City, I; St Jotoph.
. wim vm on orrvro; aioua city, 1. Sat.
rlflco hltai Cooney, Two-baaa hits
uuanan, Lejeane, Mils, Ollmoro. Homo
run: Jourdan. Double playa: Lejeune to
Met! to Connolly; Cooney to Callahan to
aieie. eiruca outl By u rover. I: bv flom.
mora, I. Booea an balle: Off Graver, Ii off
vua puonee: urover, aommora.
Timet 1:41. Umpire: Kane. Score second
AB. R. H. O. A. a.
It 1-4)
ncK 3 0 10 OW'son.rfct 1110 4
Rarlden.e till anonuu. a i i s .
And'son.p I I I I 0Corhan,ao I I t I I
oi-nuer,p 4 o OH-OOWI.p 10 0 10
Schupp.p I I I I 9 14 4 14 Totals.. 31 11114 I
Loaort .114 0 4
ToUla..ll 4 1411 1
eBatted for ln4,rntH In thiMi -
B.tlrd for Schauer In elchth.'
Batted for Slim In olfhth.
Now Tork.. I I 1 I 4 J l 0 01
St. Louis..., 4 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
Two-oasa hit: Back. hit:
Lobart. Stolen bases: Rnrna Rmwi. wii.
son. Belcher. Sacrifice hit: Smllh. Double
play: Miller to Corhan to Hornsby. Baaea
ii imue: wi Moaoowe. i: orr Hcnauer. 3.
Hlti and earned runs: Off Anderson, 4 hits,
1 runs In twa Innlnes; off Meadows. 4 hlta.
1 run In nine Innlnss: off Schauer, I hits,
no runs In tlvo Innlnes; off Schupp. 1 hit,
no runs In one Innlna. Struck out: By
ii , ' "gnawer, 1, oy BOHUpp, 1.
uu'rirwii Awm anu iGmsilo.
BrawM Tmks Saooad.
Cincinnati, O . July 14 Boston took the
second name of the sorlso from Cincinnati
hero today 4-to-l. . Brroro were responsible
for all the rum except ono, Borneo pitched
sood ball and would have shut out tho
local team had It not boon for Smith's er
ror. Cincinnati used four pltehero and sent
In throe pinch hitters, each of whom popped
to jaaranviuo. aaorai ,
. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. 4 4 11 4 1111
Cltsp' 4 111 4N.ale.of 4 114 4
Wllh.rt.rf 1111 4 110 0 4 14 4 Hill
a.on 111 I 4 114 4
Smith. Ib 4 111 tarlffh-rr 1 O I A A
Snode'a,of lilt IKIIIIfer.lf 11140
uoway.o I I l 9 owinco.o 10 14 0
Barnas.p e I 0 I OTonsy.p 0 4 0 4 0
Moeely.p 0 0 0 4 4
Totals.. 14 III I 0 4 4 0
orn uer.p V o o 0 0
Mltch.ll 1 0 4 0 0
Louden 1 0 0 0 0
Mollwlta 1 4 0 4 0
C. Williams, Ik
McCabo, rf ....
Jourdan, lb ,.
Helmar, ef . ,
Klrleman, If ..,
Pusner. e . . . . ,
Keatlnt. se ..,
Hovllk, ....
xSulllvaa .....
Jakaon, of. .
rot. ir
. Coy. rf......
Orlfflth, o....
t Brltton. lb...
Hotline, lb..
Lltachi, oo....
Repps, lb....
Vavls, p.....
Hantor. rf....
I ila. of. ......
1 .rtford, op..;
! .loan, If.....
; aea, lb.i.b
l .ire, lb.....
voidt, lb....
aea. o......
er, p......
, onuu. a.'...
AB. R. H.
I i :
1 14
i ! J
O. A.
I 4
...... 4 '
....v.: I i
....... 4
:::::: I
i i
4 1 1
' I H tr
AB, H. O. A.
S '
t t I' l
i- l ii 1
. t.M . 1
I 4 4 4
...1 114 4 t t 41
ToUla ..t4 t ! . 17 It
Batlod (of Tkemaa fa alatk.
Wklta ...,.,....1
i Keinoa.
aaorltMa hlta: Foa, Griffith, Lltschl. . Ms.
7- a, Krean. Loft on baeea: Wichita, I;
j i lia. t. Struck oat:. By Baker, I;
MM 1'. VP lavla 1. . Baaeaon balla:
' 1 er, I; off Thomu, 1; off !av!B, I
i - earned ruoa: Off Baker, I hits, t
Ollmoro, If .
Watson, rf ...
Hlnchman, lb
Mats, lb ....
Connolly, lb .
Coonoy, as ,
Lejeune. of .
Llvlneeton. a
Pfoletor, p ...
Clark, p
. ToUIS ...
. ' AB. R. H.
I 1 1
....II 4 1 11 II
aBatted for Punor la eeveath.
xBatted for Hartrovo In oovanth.
kBatted for Pfelator In fourth.
St Joseph t I I I t I t
stoax city t I 1 I I 1 a
Loft oa haaoat Sloui City. I; St Joooph.
t. First baaa on orrorst Sloui City, I. Sacri
fice hlU: Hlnohman, Coonoy, Clark, Two
baaa hlUi O. Williams, Connolly. Thros-baaa
kits: Lojeuno, Klrkham. Stolen basest Oll
moro (I), Watoen. Hltei Oft PfeleUr, I In
four lanlnsa. Struck out: By Pfslster, I; by
Hovllk. I; kr Clark, I. Bom on balls: Off
rreiaier. i; an HovllK, I. Time: 1:11. Um
pire: Kaaa.
Ckavoo BeoSs ttayoa.
St. Joseph, Hoe, July II Beany Chavaa
m -.nnraao, uoio., was aivaa a decision
ever Chick Ifayeo of Indlaaapolbi In a faat
flftaoa-roand boilns contact here today. Tho
boya welehed 111 pounds. . . f
Ctwnbmbla'a Catigli RaaaWy.
- There ia no opium or other nar
cotic in Chamberiain'a Cough Rem
edy. ' It may be arivan to a e hIM
confidently aa to an adult It ia ex
cellent for coughs and colds. Obtain
able everywhere.
Totals.. II 117 T 1
Batted for Tonoy In third.
Batted for Moaely In slith.
Batted for Bluejacket In olfhth. -
Boston , I 11114 4 1 0 I
Cincinnati I 0 I 0 I 1 I o 1
Two-baaa hltst'Nsale, Plshsr. Throe-base
hlta: Matoe. etofea base: Wllbert. Saorl
co fly: Oowdy. Double plays: Plsher to
Oroh to Chaaa; Maranvlllo to Konetchy (1).
Baaoon halls: Off Barnes, I; oil Toney, I;
off Moaely, 1. Hlta and earned runs: Off
Barnes, Ihlta, no runs In nine Innlnes; off
Tonoy I hits and no runs In throe Innings;
off Blusjacket, I hits and no runs In two
Innlnaa: off Moaely. I hits and t ran im
three Innlnaa; off Schneider. 1 hit and no
runs in ono inmnr. airucs. out; By Barnes,
I; by Tonoy, 1; by Moasly 1. Umpires:
O'Day and Emslla.
Fremont Gun Club
Buys New Location
Fremont. Neb.. lulv 16. CSneiMal i
The Fremont Gun club hat bouprht
a tract of land adjoining the city lim-
iii 10 tne norm ana win move itt
club houie from the pretent location
on a rented tract to the new titc. The
tract coniittt of ten acret and it
ideally located. The tecond annual
registered thoot of the club will be
held here during the Fremont dog
thow, September 15 and 16. The ttate
meet will be held here next tummer.
A ttoclt company will be formed for
financing the purchase of the land.
Illinois Man Winner of Big
Swimming Event at Chicago
Chicago, July 16. Perry McGll
livray of the Illinois Athletic club
won the outdoor half mile champion
ship event in 12:29 4-5 at the Central
Amateur Athletic union awimminor
meet yesterday, i ne (SBU-yard open
swim was won by A. Seegard of the
Hamilton club in 13:492-5) the 220 by
John Bennett of the Hamilton in
2:513-5; the 110 breast by Letter
wnite oi me Hamilton in l:Z7 4-5,
and the 110 back atroke by H. Siegal
of the Illinois Athletic club in 1:223-5.
William R. Hayne of the Chicago
Athletic club won the high dive with
t a-iv points, -
Prices Go Ud Enormously
By Reason of the War
(Correspondence of Tho Associated Proas.)
The Haaue. Netharlanrf. i..i a
The central public health council of
The Netherlands har drawn the gov-
'"' imnjn to me enormously
enhanced pricea which Germany, act
ing through a special export commis
sion, it charging for drugs of which
it hat a monopoly. Examplea are
given showing that theae are five to
ten times as high at pre-war pricea.
The continued exittence of various
popular sick fundi it thereby endan
gered, and the government it urged
to make diplomatic efforta with a view
to obtaining the molt indiananuKi.
drugs at the normal prices still cur
rent in Germany itself.
Bee Want Adt Produce Remit. '
41 31 .631!Toledo .....40 31.601
42 27 .S32!flt p.itl .... in.
Jt. LOUIS... II 44 .4IOIColumbus . . .3! 44 410
IS se .S43Mllwaukce ..30 44.357
Yesterday'. Boaalto.
Denver, I; Ontaha, 4.
St. Joeeph, 1-1; SloOl City, 1-4.
Topcka-Ltncoln, rain.
Wlchlta,rl-7; Des Moines, 1-1.
New Tork, I; St. Louis, I.
Brooklyn, I; Chicago, 1. Sllteen Innings
Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 1.
Waohlntton, 4: Cleveland, I.
Louisville, 1-1; Milwaukee. 0-1. .
Columbus. 1-1; St. Paul. 7-1.
Toledo, 4-0; Minneapolis, 1-4. , .
Indianapolis, 4-1; Kansas City, l-l.
Oamee Today..
' Western Leaaue Denver at Omaha, at
Joseph at Sioux City, Topeka at Lincoln,
mcnita ai ues momes.
National Leaaus New Tork at at. Loot.
Brooklyn at Chlcaao, Boeton at Cincinnati,
Philadelphia at Plttsbursh.
American League Cleveland at Washing
ton, Chicago at Philadelphia, Detroit at
New Tork, St Louis at Boeton.
All in i niin inrnn
vMAuA nfllC Ullllj UToday'sSvortCalendar
Italian Gains Lead in night for
the American Cham-
Luxus Win Erratic
Game From Armours
Johnny Dennison's Luxus annexed
another victory yetterday when they
defeated the crack Armour team in
an erratic game, 8 to 6. Gravel had
one bad inning and in that' stanza
the brewera tent six runs acrost the
plate. Four-bases on balls, a tingle
and rnie Ruthenberg's double with
the runway choked, netted the runt.
The Luxus infield went to pieces
in the ninth and the Armourt filled
the baaea. Bunny Holland went into
the box here and wiffed two and
forced a third man to pop up. Score:
Smith. If 111! 10411
uinin,ii eiso
J.M' , 4 111 0Colllns,lf I
Hasen.Ib 4 14 4 ITost.o S
Mln' till IL' 4
Atklna,lb I 1 I I lA.O'vee.ct 4
Wach'er.o till OCorc' J
That hit victory Saturday in the
150-mile championship automobile
derby will clinch the American cham
pionship for Darlo Rest is the belief
of speed enthusiasts who follow the
racing game.
' By his victory in the Omaha classic
Resta earned 600 points. He already
had 1,800 points, thereby making his
total 2,400 points. Ralph De Palma,
hit nearest competitor, has but 1,600
points. And at 'there are only one or
two more big racet it ia not believed
De Palma will be able to cut down
the big lead Retta gained on him Sat
Ine Cincinnati classic on Labor dav
and the Astor cup at New York -n Oci
toDer are about the only championship
races yet to be held. In order to pass
Resta De Palma would have to win
high positions in both events. And if
Resta wins anvthinsr in either rac
and Dario can generally be counted
upon to be well up among the money
if his car' lasts, it will be impossible
for Ralph to beat him out.
I hus Resta's victory Saturdav
meant considerably more than the
prize money he received from the
Omaha speedway. It meant the title
of champion motor driver of America;
a big silver trophy from the Bosch
company and some ?15,U00 in cash,
Prepare for Getaway.
Moat of the driven scent Sunday
preparing for their getaway. Several
of them loaded their cart yetterday
ana one or two nave gone already.
utners leave today and tonight.
Ralph De Palma. Eddie Ricken
bacher.-Baby Pete Henderson, Billy
Chandler, Dave Lewis, Art Johnson
and one or two others are going to
nanus vuy, wnere a race win De
held Saturday on a new mile and an
eighth dirt track just finished there.
The race will be 100 miles. All of these
drivers expect to leave today for Kay
occ. mcKcnDacner loaaea nis cars
last night and Chandler expects to
ioaa nis today.
Retta Going Home.
Dario Resta ia going back to New
xork. Dario hasn't signed for any
more races yet and it ia probable his
next appearance will be at Cincinnati
Labor day. Resta't car it a speedway
car ana ne win not enter anything
but speedway events.
The Harkness cars also are going
back to New York. Harry Harkness,
who came to Omaha by special train
just to see the race, ordered the boys
to come home. He doesn't expect to
pan in anytmng oeiore Uncia
That a house-cleaning is due in the
Harkness team it the belief of the
The Laa comoanv team wat eaty railoirda. Harkness scent $100,000 nn
fdr the Bourgeois, being beaten 8-to-0. i racing cars last winter and the season
has brought him nothing but grief.
At the New York race in May Carl
Limberg and his mechanician were
killed in one of the Harkness cars. At
Indianapolis Jack LeCain turned over
in a Harkness car. At Omaha Aldo
rranchi went into the fence and killed
his mechanician, Dan Columbo.
WU1 Not Quit.
Harkness is not expected to quit the
game because of hit mishaps, he's
too good a sport and he loves the rac
ing game. But a house-cleaning is an-
impaicu ana it win not oe surprising
to the railbirds to hear that an entire
new crew of drivers, mechanics, man
agers, et al. had superseded the pres.
ent outfit.
Saturday's race wat the all-absorb
ing topic of conversation in Omaha
yesterday. "A great race" teemed to
be the unanimout verdict. That the
speedway management had complete
ly vindicated itself for the failure of
1915 was the belief of everybody.
Rus'b'g.rf 1110 OClem'ts.rf I
Maaasn.p i i i I ouraves.p
10 0
10 0
I 1 1
10 0
0 I ,0
0 I '0
4 4 4
Holland.p 4 111 O'Fletcher 1
uurneaa 3
TOtaiB. . 13 10 IT 30 4
Total... 11 7 1111 1
Batted for Clements In ninth.
'Batted (or Oravos In ninth.
Luxus 0 I I t 1 t t 11
Armours 1 1 I 0 t I 1 0 I I
Hlta: OH Madden, T. Struck out: By
Holland, l; by oravos, 4. Two-base hits:
Rushsnborg. Melody, Dennlson, Tost Clem
ents. Saerlfloo hits: Corcoran. Rushsnborg,
Wachtlor, Stolen Basss: Colllha, Dennneon.
Double playa: Melday to Waehtler; Madden
to Dennlaon; Corcoran, unassisted. Umpire:
Gas Company Shut
Out by Bourgeois
The score:
AB.H.O.A.E. 4 4 111
s Droit an. nr ess
0 OStangel.lf 4
1 4Weener.rf I
1 OShaefer.p 1
1 OHull.p- I
1 OO' I
0 I
1 OWP'b.t.M I
I OOllesplcc I
McA' 4 11
Hann.lf III
BP'bat,lb 1)1
Butler.o 4 11
PM' 111
JO'h' 111 III
JM'ky.rf 111
Frances, p e o o
0 0
10 0
1 I 1
4 10
4 10
4 I 0
Bourgola ..... I
Oas Co I
Two-baaa hits:
0 1 I 1 1 0 I I
000411 44
B. Probst, Man, Mlrasky,
Stsngal (I). Stolen baeee: McAudrls, (3),
Man, 1; Butler 1: P. Mlraoky, 1. Double
plays; Cody, Probst. Graham. Bases on
balls: OIT Hull, 4; oa Boaster, , utn on
Bourgola, 14; Osa Co.. T. Hit oy
pitched balls, Shaefcr, I. Hits: Oft
Sheerer, I hits In two and one-third In
nings; oft Hull. I hits In eve and one-third
Innlnaa. struck out: By snaeier, i; nuii.
I; Pranehj, T. Wild pitches. Hull, I.
1:44. Umplro Klaeana.
Frank Deweys Are
Easy for Ramblers
The Ramblers won from the
Deweys, 11 to 3. Score:
Kem' till OHlih h.ct 11444
Mcg'eon.o 4 4 11 I 1 1 I 0
MCA 0, 3D 4 14 1 nui'gOW.Ib 4 1111
Haneon.rf 114 0 OFItt.o 4 17 11
8' Sill 10nv.lf 11110
fhten.ct 1114 4J'bgor,lb I 1 I I I I too 4 1100 4 1 14 4 OBoy.r.rf.p 4 4 4 4 4
K'tmacp 4 4 0 1 4N.rn.prt. I I 0 1 I
Totals. II II 17 14 I Totals. II 4 14 l
R.mblere I 0 I I I 4 4 1 11
Ltwoye ......4 14401014 I
Threo-bso hit: Holland. Two-base hits:
Krmmv. Uoa.nuui ' ll.indMH
em, Partoh. Glasgow. Stolon baaea: Mogen
eon. McAndrews. HoM.nd n--.
Jacobberger, Jordan. Double play: Swan.
sop to Morgard. struck out: By Kauf.
man, ., or XMeieon, I; by Boyer, I, Baaea
SS..i"?; Kaufman. 4: off Nelson, L
Wild pitch: Nelson. Earned rune: Ram
bora, I; Deweys, 2. Left on bases: Ram
blsra, J; Deweys. 4. Time: 1:11. Umpire:
Business Part of Iowa Town
Is Destroyed by Flames
Newhall, Ia., July 15. The butineas
section of this city was destroyed by
fire today. The fire started this morn
ing from the explosion of a gasoline
stove. Two men were badly burned
fighting the fire. - The total lose ii
$100,000. ,
Golf Western amateur championship,
tournament opens at Del Monte, Cat. Annual
tournament of Professional Golfers' aasoola
tlon of America opens at Van Cortlandt
as. Haw York,
. . Polo National championship tournament
opona al Narragaasott Pier, K. L
yachting Annnal regatta of Interlace
Taohtlng esaselatkn at Put-lu-Bay, o.
BhuMlJin-8outh Dakota otata trap shoot
ing tournament opona at Mitchell, g. D.
TratttngwSeason of tho ihuj
JlMae at Randall park, Cleveland. Soaao.
Iho Croat Western Circuit opona at Ran
dall park, Cleveland. 8h.Apt.ahi..
meetings open al Wichita. K, wi.ji..
OSMl WmMUM u . , v..
Tennis Cotton Stntos ehamplon.hlp tonr
iment apene at Blrmliwhmm. ai. u ...
wrntora ohamplonshlp tournament opens at
. anMsun in.... i
toomament opona at Alexandria Bay, K. I.
Central Iowa championship tournament
opona at Gruuetl, Ia. 8outh Dakota state
ohamplonshlp tournament opona at Sloui
Palls, 8. D. Sonthora Minnesota champion
ship toomament opens at Winona, Minn.
Nebraeka state ehamDlonshln tnnn..
opona nl Wayao, Nob.
Boxing Joo Thomas against Jack White,
flftoon rounds, at New Orleans.
Grand Circuit Meet
Will Open Today
Cleveland, O., July 15. With the
kings and queens of the light harness
turf trained to the hour, the Grand
Circuit meeting opens , tomorrow at
North Randall.
Monday's feature will be the Ed
wards stake for 2:10 pacers. Ten
horses will contest in the three heats
for the $3,000 purse.
Ed F. Geers. the veteran
circuit driver, who was injured by be
ing thrown from his sulky while driv
ing last week, was confined to the
hospital today. His condition is im
proving. Indiana Prepare.
It la said the Cleveland Indiana are will
ing to have some other team lead the
league for a while so they can prepare for
tho freat drive later on.
Washington Bunches Seven of
Nine Hits in Three Innings
and Wins,
Cleveland, O. July 16. Bunching
seven of their nine hits in three in
nings, Washington defeated Cleve
land here today, 4 to 2. Singles by
Williams and Jamieson, a double steal
on which Williams scored and Mc
Bride's triple brought two in the tec
ond. Shanks' double, affer Williams
had singled, registered another in the
fourth, while hits by Shankt and
Jamieson brought Washington's final
score in the eighth. Score:
Oraney.lf 4 0 3 1 OMoeller.rf 6 110
W'b'g's.Zb 4 1 0 4 0Fo.tor.2b 6 1110 4 S 4 0 4 4 S 0 0
Roth.rf 8 12 0 OWIl' I 9 11 1 A 4 1 11 4 0Shanks.3b 4 S I I t
Chsp' S S 1 4 OJam'eori.lf 4 i 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 OHenry.c 1 0 S 1 0
Daly.c 4 S 6 1 OMcB' 4 13 6 0
Cov'ekle.p 3 111 OBoehl'g.p 4 0 110
Lambeth 1.0 0 0 0
., Totolo..36 10 27 17 0
Totals.. 34 S17 14 0
Cleveland 1 0 0 0 1 0 t t 41
Washington 4 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 04
,.T?:ba,Vhlt: Shanks. Three-base hits:
S,o?.rlde' Ply' s'0,e" bases : Speaker.
Williams, Jamieson. Sacrifice hit: Wlll
!fJJi scrlco fly: Roth. Bases on halls:
Off Coveleekie, 3; off Boehllng, 1. Hits and
earned runs: Off Coveleskle, 10 hits, 4
runs In nine Innings: off Boehllng, 4 hits,
2 runs In nine Innings. Balk: Coveleskle.
Struck out: By Coveleskle, 3: by Boehllng.
1. Umpires: Evans and Chill.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis. July II WHEAT No. t red.
new, 41.1I01.23: old, 11.18; No. t bard
nomnal: July, tl.l0tt6U-13.
CORN No. 1. IOWllc; No. S white.
81V,c; July, 78c: September, 71CT&e.
OATS No. 2. to He; No. g white, 410,
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