Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916.
TnwmnA for H porting Go4a.
Ooodrifl Garden Hoaa Morton At Ben.
Electric Pan. 910 BnrtfrM-Ortndjn Ob
Him Root Print It Now Baacon Praa.
$ Hair-kmrmt White OWmond. 7a. Edhelm.
Eulty located and no time loit t the
experience of tenant and customers alike
wnen dealing with occupant of officee in
The Bee bulldlna.
Today' Moris Trogmm," olaaeiaed aao
tlon today. It appears In The Bee exclu
nlvely. pind out what the various moving
f picture theaters offer.
Birth of Sou In Sonner Home A ion
was bom July 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Max
Bonner, Paaadena. apartment.
O. A. B. Meeting IT. & Grant post. Grand
Army of the Republic, will hold a regular
meeting In Memorial hall at the courthouse
Tuesday evening.
Snffers Broken Leg John Healy. Inspec
tor In the health department, suffered a
broken leg when he slipped Into a sewer
Inlet at Twentieth and Dorcas streets.
Private Car Bobbed Thieves gained en
trance to the private car of George Brophy,
division superintendent of the Union Pa
cific end carried away a coat and it
was reported to the police.
Boost for Looal Business Is a good slogan
(or everyone Interested In Omaha. It should
be your motto also, and when coupled up
with an office In The Bee Building means a
sure boost for your own business.
Amy and Navy Union Meeting The Gen
eral F. A. Smith garrison, No. ISC, Army
and Navy union, will hold a meeting and
smoker in Memorial hall at the courthouse
at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. All ex
aoldlers have been urged to attend.
Winnebago Indian Jailed Alice Gray
Hair, Edith Profit and Herbert Ore en Crow,
Winnebago Indians, were brought to Omaha
and placed In jail by Deputy United States
Marshal W. A. Morgan. They are charged
wtlh Introducing liquor on the reservation.
Two Roldop Be ported Tom Wilson of
Dos Moines was held up and robbed of $14
by two white men at Tenth and Davenport
treats, according to a report to the police.
A. Bishop sncountered a colored man at
Eleventh and Chftago streets and was re
lieved of 20.
W. C. T. C. Contest Alexander McKle
won the declamatory contest and Martha
Eckman the musical In a double silver
medal con teat held Friday evening at the
Benson Presbyterian church by the Frances
Wlllard society of the Women's Christian
Temperance anion.
Nifty Fashions for Infants Miss Adams,
Infants' wear expert with the Benson &
Thorns Co.. has gone east on an extensive
buying trip. "The babies will have nifty
fashions," declared Miss Adams before her
departure, "and nothing will be omitted
from our stocks to bring comfort to the
tots and joy to the mothers."
Butchers Are Coming The National
Master Butchers' association Is to hold its
annual convention In Omaha August 711. ;
It la expected that fifty or more women i
will accompany their husbands to the con- i
entlon. Special arrangements are being
made for the entertainment of the women, j
The Union Stocks Tards company Is to ,
glva a luncheon Wednesday afternoon.
Forty-Six Members
Are Taken in by the
New Athletic Club
Names of sixteen automobile men
and thirty lawyers, all applicants for
membershio in the Omaha Athletic
club, were announced last night by
bership committee, who said he will
have more than 700 applications to
present to the directors at their Tues
day meeting.
President W. A. Fraser of the club
Saturday said he will ca)l the directors
together Tuesday afternoon to make
definite plans for closing up the mem
bership campaign, so the building can
The automobile men whose names
were announced are:
Clark. G. Powell George Relm
Arthur Store Lee Huff
L. M. Perau Bert Murphy
Charlea Corkhlll C. L. Gould
Sam Houeer Charlea Fanning
F. J. McShane J. R. Jamison
Douglee Bowl. J. F. Traynor
E. R. Wtlaon Robert Connell
The thirty lawyers are:
John L. Kennedy C. w. Seara
a: W. Jefferla Henry Moniky
J. A. C. Kennedy John M. Uacfarland
A. F. Mullen James E. Rate
0. C. Redlok Arthur Grose
David Fitch A. 8. Ritchie
T. A. Mulftnl-er J. C. Klnsler
John A. McKemla H. H. Baldrlft
Guy Coi Will Schall
J. J. Bulllran C. F. McLaughlin
J. C. Wharton John N. Baldwin
Will N. Chambers J. H. Mlthen
John Rlns Ben S. Baker '
Carl Katleman J. C. Kruger
Frank 1. Weavsr
1. W.W.'s Arrested
By Omaha Police
More than 150 Industrial Workers
of the World were picked up by
the police Saturday night from lower
Douglas and Sixteenth streets, and
re being held to await a hearing
Monday morning- The arrested men
contented themselves by spending the
night singing songs and parodies of
their organization.
Many I. W. W's have been arrested
over the state. They generally refuse
to accept work in harvest fields, and
are traveling west in bands of SO
to 150.
Small Caliber Bandits
Are at Large in the Town
A Caucasian bandit blew some
body's ice box Saturday night and
armed with the pick proceeded to hold
up E. N. Yearsley, Twentieth and
Chicago street, at Eighteenth and Chi
cago streets and rob him of $10.
John Sullivan of Stillwell, Kan., was
(truck on the head with a piece of lead
pipe at Seventh and Jones street and
when he came to was shy $20.
The Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213
Military avenue, was visited by thieves
who carried away merchandise to the
value of $20.
W. SheDhard. 3718 North Twentieth
treet reports the theft of $20 from
his room, while F. Abdallah, 1216 Pa
cific street, is minus a valuable gold
An Agreeable Surprise.
There are many who have no relish
for their meals and who must be very
careful as to what they eat, that
would be agreeably surprised if they
were to take a few doses of Cham
berlain's Tablets. These Tablets
strengthen the stomach and enable it
to perform its duties naturally. Hun
dreds have testified to the great ben
efit they have derived from the use
of these tablets. They only cost a
quarter. Obtainable everywhere.
Culls From the" Wire
With confidence that they will outrank
the socialists and swing Into line In Novem
ber as the third political party of the coun
try representatives of the prohibition party
who arrived in St. Paul for next week's
convention announced their plan for a 11,
.00,000 campaign fund, which they expsot
to nst their ticket no less than 1,000,000
The new Harahan bridge spanning the
Mississippi river at Memphis, aald to be the
largest structure on the river, was opened
to traff. it cost IS. 000,000.
Chicago will be the next convention city
the National Motion Picture Exhibitors'
League of America, according to unofficial
announcement made at the adjournment of
sixth annual convention of the league
Inbso and Pains in the Back.
At the first twlngs of pain In the back
apply Sloan's Liniment relief oomea at once.
Only Ho. All druggists. Advertisement. .
Members of Churches and Not
Ministers Are the Real
Soul Savers.
Robert Weidensall, one of the pio
neer workers of the Young Men's
Christian association work in the
United States and in the world, visited
Omaha the last of the week, partici
pating in a farewell to Winter Mayer
at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion Friday morning.
Mr Weidensall started as a leader
of association work in Omaha nearly
forty-eight years ago. He had been
working in the Union Pacific shops,
where he helped to construct the first
freight car to cross to Rocky moun
tains. At this, time the international
convention of Young Men's Christian
association was holding its meeting in
Detroit, lhe first work ot this con
vention was to get a field secretary
to work among the railroad building
gangs on the Union Pacific, and Mr.
Weidensall was chosen as the first
secretary of the international commit
tee, a place he has since held and
will hold so long as he lives.
Starts the Movements.
Mr. Weidensall has been respon
sible for the starting of many of the
great movements the Young Men's
Christian association has conducted.
After his brain had conceived them
and set them in motion he left the
further execution to men he had
trained for the work, while he went
into new fields. He was one of the
men who suggested the general sec
retaries conference and the need for
special training for secretarial work.
He started the college branch work
of the association in Michigan in 1872.
He was instrumental in starting the
Bible school work, which has proven
so beneficial to the association. He
has been a leader in most of the
other branches of Young Men's Chris
tian association endeavor.
Since he left Omaha on his last
visit in the spring, Mr. Weidensall
has attended the celebration in honor
of his eightieth birthday at the Young
Men s Christian association college in
Chicaro. At this time he received
over 900 telegrams and .letters from
all over the country wishing him long
life in which to continue nis work.
He then went to Cleveland to attend
the international Young Men's Chris
tian association convention, after
which he recuperated for a month at
a Battle Creek sanitarium, returning
to Chicasro for a few days, and then
back to Omaha. He will leave Omaha
tomorrow for a stay at Yutan.
Urges Evangelistic Work
Mr. Weidensall is at present en
gaged in pressing upon the churches
and upon the Young Men's Christian
association, as an agency of the
churches, the need for organized per
sonal evangelical work by the lay
men in bringing men to true Chris
tianity. "Bob" Ruble Dies
At Home in Denver
Of Heart Disease
Robert S. Ruble, assistant general
passenger agent for the Union Pa
cific in Denver, died yesterday about
noon in that city of angina pectoris.
"Bob" Ruble, as he was familiarly
known by his many friends in Oma
ha, and the entire west, was born in
North Macgregor, Iowa, March 28,
1868. He entered the service of the
Union Pacific in June, 1891, as ticket
clerk in the Denver union depot,
where he remained until 899. He
was then made traveling passenger
agent in Omaha, in which capacity he
served from January, 1900, to Febru
ary, 1903. He was subsequently trav
eling passenger agent at Ogden,
Utah; agent of the passenger depart
ment, San Jose, Cal., and city pas
senger agent in Denver; from June,
1910, to January, 1911, he was assist
ant general passenger agent in Oma
ha, since which time he was assist
ant general passenger agent in Den
ver. W. S. Basinger, general passenger
agent of the Union Pacific, went to
Denver last night to assist in the fun
eral arrangements. President Galvin
and many other Union Pacific offi
cials who had known Mr. Ruble inti
mately for many years, express per
sonal loss at his death.
Congress to Quit by
August Twentieth
Washington, July 16. Adjournment
of congress not later than' August 20,
was tentatively agreed upon by the
senate demands in caucus tonight to
revise their legislative program with
a view to bringing the session to an
early close. A resolution, unanimously
adopted, directed the democratic
steering committee to prepare a pro
gram and to include in it as most
urgent and demanding first consider
ation the following measures:
Appropriation (ills, government
shipping, revenue, workmen's compen
sation, corrupt practices, Philippine
self-government, civil war and Span
ish war pension bills, and a bill to en
large the Interstate Commerce com
mission. Omaha Jeweler to Attend
Conventions in the West
T. L. Combs, Omaha jeweler and
past president of the American Na
tional Retail Jewelers' association,
has started on a western tour, during
which he will visit the various state
jewelers' convention at Denver, Salt
Lake City and Boise. He will be
gone about two weeks. He is accom
panied by Colonel John L. Shepherd
of New York, the globe trotter of the
jewelry world.
Automobile Club Confers
Memberships Upon Racers
Following h farae a. thm Cnaa,l-
way yesterday afternoon the Omaha
nuiumuuiic ciuo conierrea nonorary
memberships on Dario Rests, Ralph
De Palma and Eddie Rickenbacher.
"Rick." however, dirl ant nA . ,
bid to the organization at he has been
a member since 1913.
Douglas County Fair Grounds
Alive with Frontiersmen,
Indians and Cowgirls. '
Anyone strolling about the Douglas
county fair grounds at this moment
might suddenly think himself trans
ported to Miles City, Mont.; to Yuma,
Ariz., or to Meeteetse, Wyo.
For the fair grounds are running
over with cowboys, Indians, Mexicans
and cowgirls. Charles Irwin has con
gregated his aggregation of frontiers
men who are to compete in frontier
events for prizes this week on Thurs
day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
At 4:30 o'clock Wednesday after
noon there is to be a parade of these
westerners through the downtown
streets. Mayor Dahlman and the mem
bers of the Board of Governors of
Ak-Sar-Ben, under whose auspices the
show is to be given, are to ride in the
parade. The mayor and the governors
will be in lull frontier costume.
The gates are to he open every aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock and the spectacle
is to begin promptly at 2:15. In the
evening the gates are to be open at 7
o'clock and the performance will start
at 8.
Pasture of '.'Long Horns."
Besides the Indians encamoed at
the grounds, the cowboys running
oose and wild, the cowgirls exercising
their horses at the grounds, and the
Mexican kids twirling their lariats
idly, there is a big pasture down near
the Belt Line which Irwin has leased
for the week and in which he is pas
turing 150 western long-horned steers
and 150 wild bronchoes. In a barn
near the grandstand are three giant
buffalo bulls that are to be driven and
ridden in the contest.
Among the notables who are here to
ride, shoot, rope, .bulldog steers and
do other frontier feats for the prize
is John Spain, who won first money in
the bucking contest at Pendleton,
Ore., a few years ago.
Spain had his right hand ripped off
at the wrist a few years ago in a con
test like this. In roping a steer the
rope became tangled, took a half hitch
around his wrist and he was dragged
until the rope had cut and sawed to
the bone. With a leather cup and cap
on the stub he now goes right ahead
with his contests, breaking bronchos
and throwing the rop with the left
hand. He will ride in the $500 saddle
he won at Pendelton.
Fire Captain Miller
Severely Injured as
Falls Through Floor
Falling from the upper staircase in
the Nonpareil laundry at Seventeenth
and Vinton streets to the basement
floor two stories below, Captain P. P.
Miller, veteran fire fighter of Hose
house No. 9, broke his right foot and
sustained bruises about the elbows
last evening. The captain had mount
ed the stairs in the laundry to investi
gate and arriving at the first landing
at the head of a nozzle accidentally
stepped into a hole in the floor. 1 he
first floor wall gave way and he fell
through to the basement. The fire
was speedily put out by men of Com
pany No. 9.
Miller is the same fireman who be
came temporarily paralyzed when he
became pinned under the wreckage of
the Johnson and McClain fire of 1899.
Two years ago he sustained a broken
foot while driving with Battalion
Chief John Coyle in the North Side.
The wagon on which they were riding
to a fire overturned. The same foot
was broken over again last evening.
King Ak Has Many
Victims Lined Up
- For This Evening
Elkhorn, Waterloo, Valley and
U.r, I fttllap ti.rJk .n..,Ma ' n itninn
- - . wn.fc. ..... ,vtb 1 SV1I1S
to have delegations of boosters in
Omaha Mnnrlav ntorir fnr rh Air.
Sar-Ben initiations.
Many are coming by autombile.
Manv mnrr. nra rnmincr Kv train
Snma will on hai-U offar l,a !n,.ian
if they are able, while others will
stay mrougn until luesday morning.
A feature of the Monday evening
performance will be the entrance of
arvra im n( muiluai aJ T
dians for the initiation. They are at
me iair grounds to take part in the
competetive frontier events. Thurs
day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
They have been specially invited to
visit me uen. vnariey lrwin, their
boss, will lead them through all the
tangled ways of the Den.
Four on Hector Are
Seriously Injured
Charleston, S. C, July 16. All of
the 142 man urhrt wari in knaaj .1 -
big naval collier Hector, wrecked last
nigni on tne south Carolina coast,
were brought to Charleston today by
iraniinc? vaeaal. Vfanv nt ka. I I
minor bruises and four, including
ine cni:r engineer of the ship, were
'w iiuapuai seriously injured.
The real story of the rr:ck of the
Hector has not yet been told. Its
skipper, Captain Joseph Newell, and
his officers decline to talk before they
have marie rhair rtnnrt .1, v
departmei t, and all of the crew who
have been seen are reticent.
St. Mark's Sunday School
Holds Picnic at Riverview
A big crowd of children and some
rtf tha nrr....H tnll. .-I 1 ... - .
" " b."" twiivo cujuycu wic an
nual picnic of St. Mark's English
.-.-...v. an iliiuui ill iUVCTSlQC
park yesterday.
They played tennis, rowed on the
lake, swam in the pool, slid on the
slide and ate ice mream, cake, sand-
WM-haa arl all In. .......:.. L.'
......... ...... ... ... H,wi uiiiui unnge.
John Harburg was kept busy dishing
out lemonade to the thirsty.
There was a base ball game of
uniqueness and great excitement. It
was unique in having only three in-
ainort Tka a.a ..... A a
a. nvn a iu j m iavor
of the "Wolvertons." Batteries: Ek-
um ana narnurg, wolverton and
Enjiolm. The feature of the game
was a home run by E. Wolverton.
Correspondence From Little
French Girl Was Dictated
to Disabled Soldier.
The following letter has been re
ceived by an Omaha woman from
her French "god-daughter" one of
the many children In France who are
being given relief by Americans from
destitute conditions due to the war.
The letter was dictated to a soldier,
disabled 'in action, and the local re
cipient desires her name to be with
held. Madame Borglum of Omaha is sec
retary and treasurer of the local
branch of the society for relief of
children made destitute by the war,
and is making the letter public.
I TurbU (a. m.). June 13d, 1816,
Vry Dear Oodmothtr: I am very awkard
In writing a letter. What, will you have a
little Ctrl of T to be food to do verythintT
So It la a friend of my mamma and our
family who ! taking my place and aniwara
your letter ao affectionate for the little
orphan of La Turble.
Flrat, let me make a d etc Hp tlon of the
country where I live. La Turble la a little
town of 1,600 Inhabitant!, built on a rock
overlooking Monaoo and Monte Carlo fairy
towna and eltlea of gold. A great many
of your compatriot! come to apend the
winter In our beautiful country, and take
with them for a long time the vlalon of
true panorama, unique in the world. I aend
you a few panoramlo vlewa of Monte Carlo
and La Turble.
From the belvedere of La Turble one dis
cover an lmmenae horlion from the ooaat
of Italy aa far ai very near Toulon, a
great naval port; nd alio, when the
weather le clear, at a dlatance and very
lar, Coralca, dale of Beauty), which la
detached on the horlton at 185 kilometer
(about lit mllea); the temperature la al
waya agreeable. In winter the aun warm
up the cold wind oomlng from the mountain
and in the lummer, on the contrary, th'
wind which cornea from the aea prevent
the raya of the aun from burning ua.
They gather here a great many flower
and a good many frulta; orange, lemon,
tangerenea; but the greateat resource of
the country la quarrlei of atone for build
ing. Nice, Monaoo. Menton, Monte Carlo
and many other eltlea have been built from
the atone coming from La Turble.
But let ua leave La Turble for a while.
becauae I muit bore you with It. and I
am going to glva you a few little detail
of my family.
Aa you auppoeed It, I am T yeara old,
I ahould like very much to encloae a pho
tograph taken now, but I can only aend
you one taken when I waa very little.
Mamma la going to have a photograph of
me aoon, and then I will aend you my
little frtmoueee (piquant little face).
I alao have a little orotner, cnarioi
(Charlea). who 1 4 yeara old, and he 1
very nice. I had, alio, a little alater who
would now be 10, but 1 never knew her.
Mv ooor mamma ha had a great deal
of Borrow alnce the bochea have killed my
darling papa, and often, very often, my good
mamma weep ana l weep wnn ner aver
the dear papa that nothing In the world
could replace and that we all loved ao much
at home. Everybody loved him and eateemed
him. and when we learned of the dread
calamity we had the sad consolation of
the love of our friend and relative.
My dear papa waa working in metaia
and waa making 8 franc 60 (fl.70) a
day. We do not know how we ahall be
able to live now. My poor mamma haa a
penalon from the government of 1 franc 60
(30 cent) a oay. en naa aiao ine win
to work, but how will ahe ao do to leave
Chariot and her little darling.
Many famllleo are like our here In La
Turble, where twenty-five young men have
already paid their debt to the fatherland.
Tou ee, godmother, that we alao have
many mlsfortunea, and they grieve me very
much. I am very little yet to underatand.
but 1 hear people apeak of war and of bat- j
The Best School
York College
York Business College
College, Commercial, Academy,
Normal, Stenography, Expression,
Music, Art, Agriculture, Domestic
Science everything in the school
Write for Catalogue.
M. O. McLaughlin, President
York, Nab.
For Women, Lexington, Mo. '
Aa Ae-iwHt-4 Junk Oollja;. X.""- a'jn'?"-
8CIENClTEi--lfonliolW. low lulll-a wl
nan fnt advantagM. Catalog-and VUw Boot wmt
net. Addnr. h.wilTiah, a. ai.op.,, IS SUM L.llaitoa, Ma.
M yin' prcrttir. Stiidruli nw on It
railroad, gov aiuatm. earn nr.
Cam from . in f I SO .to nt montA.1
atatlon work teuahL Wibaah R. R.
air. CarfurMHlrt. Write for pitilot. J
727rvl An,. Ckllltettftf., Ma. ML
tie, and I underatand that there are many
little girl like me who will never aee
papa again.
The great friend who la writing you
waa very aeverely wounded In the war. He
waa honorably discharged after aeventeen
month In the hoepttal. He haa a paralvaed
lg, He eddreenee you, my dear mademoi
selle, hi warm felicitation for the good
work that you are undertaking, and little
Jeanne and little Chariot and their mamma
are very worthy of pity. Pleaae accept,
mademoiselle, the reapactful homage of a
Frenchman who admire the good heart
of the patriotic American woman, and who
In ealuttng her humbly thanka her for her
good work. (Signed) LOUIS VKRRIKR.
To my dear godmother I aend a big
careaa, and from mamma thanka from the
bottom of her heart. (Signed) JKANETTE.
Department Order.
Washington, July 10. (Special Telegram.)
Nebraska poatmaater appointed: Oppor
tunity, Holt county, Walter L. Downing,
vice Everett 6. Kroat, reelgned; Roeevale,
(larfteld county, John Batgent, vice Virgil E.
Bush, resigned.
Civil aervlce examination will be held
Auguat IS for postmaster at Monowl and
St Michael. Neb.
Lmtm MaU at Kirkwall.
Berlin. (By Wlpeteea to Sayvtlle), July ..
Plspatchea from Amsterdam given out today
by the Oversea New agenoy state that the
Dutch steamer Maartenadljk, bound for New
York, waa compelled by the British author!
tlea to leave It entire flrat claaa mall at
Fremont College Not,
Supernltenedent R. R. MrQee or David
City waa a caller at the college Friday.
Prof. O. H. Mohler gave an Intel-eating
talk Thursday morning on John Bashear.
the aolentlet.
Prof. A. Softley and wife entertained the
scientific claaa and faculty at their pretty
home on Baal eighth atreet laat Wednesday
evening. The class sprung a aurprlse on Mr.
Softley by presenting him with a beautiful
chair In twentieth century oak ana leather.
President W. II. Clemmona attended an
educational meeting at Chadron Normal
schools thle week, the gueat of President
Joseoh fiDarka.
D. L, Anderson waa called to South Da
kota Wednesday by the eertous lllneaa of his
mother. Mr. Anderson waa married only two
weeka ago and he and his wife reglatered
to attend college the remainder or tne aum
mer term and also all the coming year.
The piano and violin recital given at the
college auditorium Friday evening by Anna
L. Mucka, pianist, of Lincoln and Lester
So mer, violinist, of thl city, assisted by the
college string club, waa one or the neat mat
ha been given during the entire seaaon.
Miss Lulu C. Douglaa particularly pleaaed aa
an accompanist on the piano. Mr. Swlhart
ha the gift of getting work out of his stu
dents and accomplishes splendid rsaulta.
One of the Interesting features of the
closing term of the year la the annual na
tional convention held by the parliamentary
law claaa, which includea the entire stu
dent body, as everyone la presumed to be a
voter and hence active In the convention.
Thl la the culmination of the yeara' work
and the two organised parties are as en
thuslaatle over their laauea and electing
their man a If a nation' fate were pending.
Many caucuaea have been held throughout
the week and preparation mad for a grand
Nehraslta Wealeymn l alreralty.
Prof. K. C. Bishop, former state superin
tendent of achoola In Nebraska, and new In
charge of the boys and girl' club In the
extension department of the Amea college.
Ames, U., visited with his brother, Prof. W.
Q. Blehop, thle laat Sunday.
An outdoor exhibition of moving pictures
will be given this evening.
The first recital of the elocution depart
ment was given In elocution hall on last
Wednesday. It waa well attended, though not
a well as thoae of the winter term. The
registration for private work la three tlmea
aa large as usual tor the summer school
J. T. Ludebuehl haa been chosen head of
the piano department In the conservatory.
He la an American by birth. He atudled
piano, organ and composition In the Oberltn
Conservatory of Mualc for three years. Later
he waa a pupil of the American teachers.
Eugene C. Heffley and William H. Sher
wood. After receiving thorough musical
training in this country ha spent aevaral
yeara In Berlin, studying piano with James
Kwaat and composition with Philip Ruefer.
NO POSITION, NO PAY. La met School In
i toe Weit Over 101 students. 5 Twhera of
. X. K nperifors. Retultr Wabtih R. It.
win. Attend en rrtdft and par ithtn In
otlttoa. Car fate paid. Write far rttalos.
727lrw Ave CMIHettfct. Me. .
IBM. A count rv aehoAl fnr
?ung ladlea. Near Philadelphia, and New
ork. Jay Cooks aatate, 16 acres. Mies Abby
A. BntherUnd, Prtnelpsi. Montgomery
Caamty, PeaLBylvmala.
St. Martha's School
KHXvllkt, ItHeels. POR GIRLS free. I t la.
Affiliated with St. Mary's School. Family lim
ited to twenty-five, A school of organised study
sad play. Modem fir proof building. BIstsb
eeres of outdoor playground.
All branches tbreuah atghtt grade, elsa Bstrtng.
Cooklst, Swimmlag. ate. Flaat, AaUaal sad
Bird lire ebeerved im their aataral samundlnfa..
Exaotlaaal aavaataes la FrtMh, Sernaa, Oraw
las, Mail (fairy Isawai), Osseins, ate. Na
trai txssat siwilt. Term a peas Reman bar 14, fat
"aobedule of work and play" address
Prlsereoi ia . pssajdaa.
Become a Railway Mail Qerk
Pifrtrt Poat nukes demand smttr than ever. TO
per cent insures nu ampk'v merit for life, rtpld pro
motion We offer either Civil Service Courts. Altrnci
on credit and pay ui tottrnmenl para you. 4 bl
tnilldlnn. College Band. Athletic Park. Beautiful
Ompus. Ballmad far paid. Writ for catalog.
Ch'Mlcothe School of CIvH Service
72 McNally Street, CHILUCOTHE, M"
College of Libera! Arts
Teachers' College
Conservatory ( of Muaic,
School of Exproaaton
and Oratory
School of Art.
For furthor Information and
frao hullotina, addragg
N.bra.ka Waalayan Unlvaraltjr,
Unlvaraltr Placa, Lincoln, Nab.
Recent grad
uate! now In
Yale, Har
vard, Prince
ton. West
;5 Point, and
other col
leges. Alao
t h o r o u gh
courses for
business life.
EVERY BOYi Four coaches,
gymnasium, swimming pool,
out-door and in-door track,
wide reputation for clean
ular army officer. Rated an
Honor School (the highest
class) by U. S. War Dept.
axparianood taachart, fraa m.dical at
tendant.. NOT RUN FOR PROFITl Evary
aant you pay soaa into tha adueatloo
of four boy.
Addraia box SI.
Shattuck School
Rl. Re. F. A. McElwain. Rector
An. AaonaltW JaWtar CaUas. tar Glrla.
tSrVI B''B. Ml. Art, Bapraaaloa. and Fhyalaal Cnltnra. undar th.
Daat and moat .ulturad boma-lnfhiancaa. Ghana, raaaonabla. For aatalonta,
AMrm JOHN JAMES. Fraalaant.
Nebraska Military Academy
what they need and what their parents want them
to have. Prepares for college and business. En
rollment has begun for fall term. For
Information, address or phone CoL B.
D. Hayward, President, Lincoln,
1 1 irr l j
AIMi . To pra.ld. thoroorh manlal, moral and pkytlaal tninmc at the
lottaat tarma eonilatant with ffleiit work. For bora front
t to II. Charsaal 1110.00.
LOCATION i Two mil., from Kcarnay, m th. FlatU Vallar. t
EQUIPMENT! II aer.. of land. Four bulldlnaa. Orauaahun. awimatan
pool, gaparata lowar achool butldlnf.
FACULTY i Coll.r. sradaatao with bu.tni oparianoa. "
COURSESi Coll.a. pr.par.tory I oammoKial law and bnamaa, mathsial
manual training i maoaanUal drawing: agriavltura sad animal
ATHLETICS! r?W', baaabaU, baakatball. traak, tanata, iwiammg.
flails thelites.
CATALOGUE, Addraia Harry Robarta Drammond. Haaeauatar.
is , f
AND talDrrtnu no .annnuM ku
Cullatlato Dopartmont. Bmbracaa the brancba, at a Ibarat adaoatlon laxllnn k
tin Dear-, of of Art. and Bachalor at Acaac " """" ". waoing K Dapirtrnant. laeludai all tha brancaai of n High School Cottfot.
Commaraial D-Mnul. iuaa. .i.t I lVTSiTTS ..
nblaou nacauary to a oommarclal aaraar. , Boat mathoda In Bookkanlng, !rS2graohT
Typawritlng, c upoUuatfd by a training In En,lUh Uler.turTcWr-I3?LVwte
Pranaratorr Daaortmant. P tha l,.. h - "J ITlV ,;.
qua ia.d IjMter th. Wrnlc o, ComnwcUl Dman " " " wao "
Bli bundrad and aiYanty tadmM' raprajontlni alitan It. tel. rariitnrl u.t . '
tMM. rertraiMcataloirua, Adrift VERY REV. H. Mnvmflau D. D. Froaiatarie
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I IIMII 1 1 I I 1 1 1 II M II I
The University of Nebraska
TV. TTJ - J XT 1 ... I .......
a. um.uoii.y oi iieoruKB inciuoes tne lollowing colleges and schools:
the teachers college
the college of agriculture
" wmiut ur rHAHMACY
vvbiwna ivurusj.
i vvmi wnak ivivwi.
Tail. .7 .a"!' VVh VI "m,,t" Wadnaaday. Saptambar IS. One
Station A.
On any point of Information. Addraaa
Lincoln, Nebraska.
H iaanhUaaaiiaaUadaed
Boarding and Day School for Young Woman and Glrla. Praparatlon for Bran
Mawr, Iladeliffa, Smith,, and othar coll.a... ADVANCED COURSES
FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. Uuaptional advantagai in Houi.hold Art. and
Muaio. Gymnaaium.
Elamontary Day School for Little Glrla and Boy,.
Far Catalo,uo, Addraa. tha Principal, Ml.. EuphamU Jahnaan.
lixinoton, Miaaouai.
Oldest MIUHarw School Wart ol Miaaiaslppt River.
Da.lgn.tad by tha War Daparanant as ona of tha "Tan Honor School," la
U.S. Now rrmnaalttm. Swimming pool. 48 mllo. from Kanau City. Foraatalog
addrau The aaeranmry, .ggg WaaMagtoa Ave, Laalaigtciav, Ma.
Will re-open Sept. 18, 1916, in their new location at
534 So. 40th St.
Phone Harney 5654. Mrs. E. A. Holyoke, Principal.
k.? i..0"-?.', f..rMd W,,M. datarmlnad to
hava lit Wlahlng will navar atari yon on tha road
to uc..i. You muat back wlaha, with action.
H. B. BOYLES, Fraa.
Determine to Have a Business Education.
Tha Bmlnaaa World wanta young
man and woman. But you aan't at
tain your full aueeaa, until you ob
tain a bu.lnt.a adueatlon. Tho am
ploym d.manda that you com. pra
parod ha ha. no tlma to w.ata In
tenoning you fundamantala. lt'a up
to you to gat a bu.lnaia adueatlon or
you don't gat tha lab I Boyloa Col
loga offer, you tho adueatlon flta
you to gat tha position, give, you tho
training to hold it, and than to ad
vance to t batter one.
Boyle, Coll . teachee you ahort
hand, .tenotype. touch typewriting,
bookkeeping, telegraphy, or Ci-il
Sarvlee preparation for Government
ail carrier, railway noatal alerk, ,
bookkeeper or atonogmphor.
Boylea Collage promleea to placa
o In a good poaitlon when yon fin
iih your eourae. Wa will gat yon a
ji!0Jito "!. rd while
attending aohool. If yon wiah.
Send today for FREE 128-page
Boyles College
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
1801 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
"An Accredited Commercial School."