Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 17. 1916.
Italian Soldien Doing All in Their
Power to Preserve the
" - Worki of Art
(Correapondenoo of The Aesoelatod Phh.)
Headquarter! of the Italian Army,
June IS. A department of fine arts
is one of the feature! of the Italian
army. It if attached to the general
staff, and it haa proved to be such
a highly important feature in mod
ern warfare that admiration of it was
expressed by General Joffre and the
late Lord Kitchener during their visits
to Italy.
This art department was organized
by General Cadorna, commander-in-chief
of the Italian armies, primarily
lor the purpose ot protecting and pre
serving the art treasures in the fight
ing areas, not only in Italian terri
tory, but in places taken from the
Austrians. Ugo Ojetti, an art critic
of international reputation, who has
long been officially identified with
Italian art and architecture, was ao-
pointed head of the department just
a year ago, since which time many
million dollars' worth of art treasures
have been taken in charge.
'". Kept Well Informed.
: The art department ia kept fully in
formed regarding any new advances
on the part of the Italian army, and
it frequently acts under artillery lire,
Once the Austrian troops have been
definitely dislodged, the art depart
ment conducts a thorough search for
art objects, and takes complete charge
of those that the Austrians have left
behind. The search often leads into
graveyard tombs and into vaulta un
der churches, where the treasures
were hidden for safe-keeping in the
earlv dayi of the war. But in, many
instance! the Austrians have taken
everything away with them. For in
stance, they removed 1,600 object!
from the archeological museum at
Aquileja on the night of April 28,
1915, according to Lieutenant Ojetti,
at the very time Austria wai offering
this city to Italy through diplomatic
According to Lieutenant Ojetti, it
wai the policy of Austria before the
war to hide from the Italian popula
tion all the Roman remains luggeative
of the Italian origin of the country in
what ii now known ai "unredeemed
Italy," but he said that after the war
the world will have, through the new
Italian occupation, a much larger
store of Roman antiquities, the exist
ence of many of which has hitherto
been unknown.
' " Work of Department
. The work of the art department In
Venice haa given that city the aspect
of a much bandaged foot ball player.
All of iti monument! have been care
fully protected against the stray
shells of Austrian aeroplane!. It is
estimated that no less than 700,000
aacka full of sand have been placed
around the finest buildings and monu
ment!. By actual count ZO.UUO such
Dags protect the Basilica ot bt. Mark's.
In , addition, so extensively have
wooden support! been put about cer
' tain buildings that many of them, such
as the ducal palace, seem to have
been rebuilt Because of the peculiar
construction of the ducal palace it
vai feared that a single shell itrlking
a given Duuaing mignt result in the
collapse of the entire structure and
the loss to the world of a priceless
example of architecture. Bag! of
sand could not be used because their
weight might cause the building! to
fall or sink. It was necessary to erect
a full set of brick or wooden archei
to catch the real ones, should they be
movto py tne mock ot a shell.
. Lieutenant Ojetti, aided by the half
aailor masons of Venice, labored for
weeks, until now almost everv mono
ment famous for it! artistic value has
been covered in some manner. Of
course it has been impossible to cover
tne campanile, and such tower-like
structures, but the interior ceilings
been appointed treaaurer of
the republican national cam
paign committee. Hia father
waa treaaurer when Roose
velt was elected.
SING IN PRESIDENTS Hollweg Must Define His Peace
Policy or Quit as German Premier
, if 'r
i .
German and Austrian Aspira
tioni for Closer Economic
Union Gets Setback.
and paintings were removed wherever
possible. A typical example of the
extreme care used to protect the mar
terpiecea waa seen at the Scuola di
San Rocco, from the walla of which
were removed all the famous oils by
in an interview with the corre
spondent of the Associated Press.
Lieutenant Ojetti told of hia work.
and laid the war, instead of killing
the artistic spirit, would make the art
treasures of the old world more loved
than ever.
Soldlera An Instructed.
-"Right in the midst of this great
war, ne said, "the Italian govern
ment ia doing ita utmost to protect
all objecta of art, and the rudeat sol-
oiers in me trencnes snow a decided
interest in art object!. For instance,
at .Aquileja, which we finally took
from the Austrian!, we dug up an old
Roman mosaic, and not only the king
has viiited it many timea, but thou
sand! and thousand of our soldiers
do likewise.
"Within ten yean I look for the
development ot a new epoch, m both
art and literature, not only in Europe
out in tne united states. . i expect
to see the world developing a manly
literature embodying both human and
eternal elements. Mankind will have
come to a eimpler and more profound
way of thinking. Our old art treas
ures will be cherished because human
ity will have a need of rest from
worry over material mattera, and ob
ject! of fine art are the consolation
of a tired spirit. All art movements
in history have originated in unhappy
social conditiona, in the need of men
tal refuge from material, earth-to-earth
"The new art period will be one of
classic simplicity, with a vast amount
of architectural production, and sol
emn and impressive "monumental
sculpture, but with little painting.
"In literature, the knell of the
nervous, womanly, sentimental, weeping-willow
class of writing haa been
sounded. People in every condition
of life have learned to luffer cour
ageously, and look with contempt on
weaknesi with tears. Within the next
decade or two the world will produce
Virgila a literature very -clear, very
easily read, calm in spirit, lober, and
truly profound." . , - t ,
v ( f Piarrhoaa. '
For thlr disease yon wilT find
Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy unsurpassed. On
or two dose of it are nearly always
sufficient to check ths attack. It is
not disagreeable to take. This rem
edy contains no astringent and fol
that reason leaves the bowels in a
natural condition. Obtainable every
.. where.. , -
(Correapondeaos ( tne Associated Prsse.
Vienna, June 30. German and
Austrian aspirations for a closer
economic union have just received
setback at the hands of the Budapest
Chamber of Commerce. In emphatic
ally worded resolution! that body hat
declared that the new ausgleich with
Austria shall be for onlv ten tan
ana nas turtner expressed its con
viction that Hungary must be inde
pendent of Austria in customs mat
ters, and have her own tariffs.
The ausgleich I! the working auree
mem oetween Austria and Hungary
tor carrying on tne joint attaira of the
dual monarchy, including provision
for customs snd finances. Originat
ing in the compromise of 1867, the
legal term of the agreement was
nxeo at ten yean, but since the move
ment began for a closer economic
union between Germany and Auatrla.
Hungary it has been urn-ed that h
ausgleich, which expires this year,
oe extended to twenty or twenty-hve
years so ss to make possible some
of the re-adjuitmenti that would not
be possible in a shorter period. The
leaders in the movement for the eco
nomic union, who have been meeting
In Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Munich,
Dresden and Prague, have considered
the extension of the ausgleich to be
a most easential matter, and the ac
tion of the Budapest Chamber of
commerce . in opposition to it has
cauied much Irritation among thoie
wno nope tnat tne new economic al
liance will be nerf ected.
It ia laid that the Hungarian par
liament, on the whole, ia also opposed
to the extension of the ausgleich.
The negotiations every ten yean for
each new ausgleich have alwayi been
used by the politician! in Budapest
to extract all sorts of compensation,
political, financial and economic, from
the government in Vienna, and the
Hungarians will not readily sacrifice
sucn a powenui weapon.
' Makes Determined Stand.
The determined stand by the Buds
pest Chamber of Commerce in the
matter of a aeparation of the customs
systems of the monarchy has alao
opened up serious problems. While
Hungary ia chiefly an agricultural
state, it has In the past few years
been laboriously building up various
industries with government subven
tions and all sorts or nolitical aiaiat.
ance, to tne point of competition with
Austria, wnicn is cruelly a manufac
uring state. In Hungary it haa been
decreed that no official supplies are
to be bought outside of Hungary,
not even in Austria, if thev can nna-
sibly be produced or bought in Hun
gary. Further, the leading industrial
interests have insisted that a apeedy
development of home industry can
only be brought about if Hungary
has her own system of tariffs, so ss
to close her frontier svaintt Anuria
ana maxe ner own commercial treaties
witn other nations.
The agricultural Interest, nn tha
other hand, prefer the continuance of
the common customs tariffs for the
whole empire as they dseire to shut
out the importation of foreign grain,
ana came, ana meat, in common with
their Austrian asaociatea, and then
to sell most of their produce in
Since the outbreak nl rh ....
the internal relations between Aus
tria and Huna-arv harf pn..ij..
aoiy improved, ana It waa hoped that
suffering under this common burden,
the two nations would become still
more closely united iu the future.
But all the influences nl th.
and the necessity for ahowing an un
divided front to the foe, have failed
to make the Hungarian manufacturers
recede from their demanda for cus
tom! leparation from Austria. It ii
true that the resolutions of the Cham
ber of Commerce admit that the time
ia not opportune for making auch a
tremendoua change, but the firm
conviction ia expresaed that an in
dependent customs territory is the
only way of developing home indus
tries. Even this statement of the
situation was too mild for some of
the speakera in the debate, who in
sisted that the aeoaration ahmiM h.
pressed forward without delay and
petitiona sent to the parliament to this
end. - , ..
With regard to Germanv. th .wen.
lutions demand that a new recipro
cal commercial treaty, shall be en
tered into which shall pay the ut
most possible retard to the In
of all the Darticioanta. without
eluding foreign nationa from the betie-
nu oi me apeciai concessions. .,.
stew as Can Oeughs and Celda. '
Keep rat at drafts, avoid exposure.
an ngu and take Dr. Klmrs
Witty Ditties That Have Enlivened
the Stump in Former
London, July 16. The conference
of the German chancellor dr. von
Bethmann-Hollweg, with the political
leadera ot the Keichstag. haa been ad'
joumed to Monday, says an Exchange
dispatch from Amsterdam, so tnat tne
chancellor may first have an audience
with Emperor William at imperial
lhe result ot ms negotiations with
the leaders of the Reichstag, the dis
patch adda, ia awaited with interest
throughout Germany as it is suppored
the chancellor either will be forced to
define his peace policy or to retire.
A dispatch from Berlin under date
In a few weeks the American voter
will be energetically and repeatedly
harangued by stump speakers urging
the merits and demerits of President
Wilson and hia republican opponent
of the campaign of 1916. There will
be ward-room rallies, sharpshooting
by cart-tail orators, mailing of heavy
artillery on the platforma of packed
halls. The harassed candidate will
be rouaed from uneasy slumber to ad-
dress from the Pullman platform his o "j ,lid the amvliga in
fellow citizens bent on getting their f,Vor of the resumption of active sub
"money e worth," for staying out so mtrine wlr w Joinf. on energeti
late. And there will be nights of cally. The agitation, it waa ssid, is sup-
rn ro A mm that arf1 1 inal rf rmrrsmt . t .T ' l . r
T . V'"' "V- " -v. ....... portea oy tne navy league, publicists,
torches zigiaggmg joyously the long conservatives, and part of the national
W4.JT ,u uui wim, Mail, mtum
and mince turnovers at once a re
ward and persuasive overture to an
address of Websterian length, what
ever may be thought of its intellec
tual quality, on crying needs of this
"great and glorious country." The
brsss band will blare, wherever the
camoaign committee has the price,
But the citizen comfortably blessed
with yesterdays will listen in vsin for
the eamoaisn sons.
Where are the bards of yesterday,
the extollen of ''presidential timber"
in other years? In recent campaigns
there has been little to stir them In
the nualitv of issues, the Dersonalitv
of candidates, or the temper of the
American people. Perhaps the prin
cipal reason for disappearance ot tne
campaign song is found in the fact
that the generation is emotionally
cramped by grinding pressure of
fierce competition to succeed; of
fiercer competition to survive. And
its nolitical leaders, with rare excep
tioni. are not men of picturesque
characteri, such ai would stimulate
to long.
To be sure, there was a notable
dittv in 1912. the "Houn' Dawg" song.
But it was not born of the year, onlv
appropriated by Speaker Clark's fol
lowers of those piping days before
Mr. Bryan, by an interesting opera
tion, removed tne meaner irom tne
list of presidential possibilities.
I don't eare u ne ia a noun
Vnu a-nt tn null triolein' my daw aroun
Behind the melancholy Missouri
pup atretchei the arid waste of recent
yean. Who ling the praisei of Wil
liam Howard Tatt, or Alton B.
Parker, or William Jennings Bryan?
It wai McKinlev. the gentle, the
luave, that suffered the distinction of
praise in barber snop tunes oi
1896. One republican ditty of that
year ran, in part, aa toiiows .
Wa know of a man triad and troa,
or tlia nnnl h. la tha ftrat choice
Whan tha third of Novambar saaa tha tfav'a
na'll ait In tha nraaldant'a chair.
Chorua And hia nama la William MoKlnlay.
With more zest democrats chanted
in 1892:
Grovarl orovarl
Four raara mora of Orovar.
Than wa'U ba In elovar.
How sapless these lay! of later Ti' "t thaord-woodi
days compared to outpourings of
times when every citizen, it not a
king, was in the most personal
sense a politician. Kivalry arrived
with the retirement of Washington.
A very lively jingle was sung by Jef-
l . . -1 lOAA
liberals. One of the two purposes of
the agitation was said to be a move
ment against Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg,
largely on the ground
of internal politics. The other
was directed toward the resumption
of the submarine campaign.
Berlin (Via London), July IS. In
formation received here today from
Innsbruck, Austria, stated that Dr.
Ceaare Battisti, former socialist mem
ber of the Austrian oarliament from
Trent, has been put to death for trea
son. Dr. battisti was captured while
serving as an officer in the Italian
army, during the offensive in the
Tyrol, and was sentenced to death by
a court-martial.
Dr. Battisti was a leader in the
movement for the Union of Trent and
Trieste with Italy. He fled to Italy
before the outbreak of the war and
joined the Italian army.
So rapidly tamktlnti kin all alona
With hia tall'a woundad atnmp aalta sory,
Thay nlaad a faint ahotit, 'twtzt a ohoar
and ft rroan.
And laft him aOona la hia tlory.
Not content with dubbing him "the
Pathfinder of the Rockies, suonort-
ers of John C. Fremont delighted to
describe him as "the mustang colt"
that must distance Buchanan, an "old
gray nag." And they raised their
voices in a song of considerable
Tha mnatanf eolt fa) atrons and yovnv.
Hia wind la atronc. hia knaaa not aprune.
Tha old eray horaa la a wall-known hack,
Ra'a lonf baan fad ftt tha pvbllo rack.
Tha muatanc la a full-bloodad colt.
Ha oannot ahyl Ha will not bolt I
Tha aid sray nac, whan ha trtaa to trot,
Ooaa round and round tn tha aama old
Tha maaUnf aoas at a kllllns paoa,
Ka'a bound to win tha four-mlla raoa
Than do your boat with tho old sray hack.
Tna muatans colt win clear tha track 1
"An old gray hack" wai the most
complimentary name the Fremont
men had for Buchanan. One long
writer painted mm in theae lines:
Tha donah, tha donah, tha facial dough!
Tha noaa that ylalda whan yon twaak It, ao!
It alsha for tha apoU It aalla Ita aoul
For a apoonful of pap from tha treasury
For signing the Clav comoromise
bill Millard Fillmore was compli
mented in the following lines:
Tnere uvea ft man tn Buffalo,
Hta aama la Millard Fillmore,
Who thlnka tha unlon'a aunk ao lew
It ought to take one pill more.
To purge away the "prejudice"
Which true men hare for freedom,
A canting, pompoua wretch .he la -Who'll
cheat you if you hoed htm.
Old nflll Filmora, not another pill mora.
In our mouth
The quaking aouth
Shall ne'er put a pill mora.
Campaign Songs of 1860.
Campaign songs ot I860 were
marked by bitterness. A favorite with
the Douglas wing ridiculed the per
sonal appearance and homespun repu
tation pt Honest Abe :
Tell ua he'a a eeeond WabBter,
Or. If better. Henry Clay:
That he'a full of gentle humor.
nacia as ft summara any.
The FederallBta are down at laat.
Tha Monarohlata completely eaat.
Tha Arlatoorata are stripped of power,
Storms o'er tha Britten faction lower.
Boon wa Republlcana shall ace
Columbla'a Bona from bondage free I
Lord! How tba Faderallata will atara
At Jefferson In Adams' ohalrl
Tha Andrew Jackson Stimulus.
Campaign literature was little en
riched by song writers in the cam
paigns of James Madison and James
Monroe. But Andrew Jackson stim
ulated then to energetic verbosity.
His military record was his principal
political asset at tirst, so they made
much of it. Several stsnzss celebrated
his victory over Lord Packenham at
Mew Orleans
You've heard, I s'paee, of New Orleans,
It's famed for youth and beauty:
There are glrla of ovary hue. It seems.
From anowy white to sooty.
Now Pakenham had made his bra re,
If he that day waa luoky,
He'd have tha glrla and oottoa bags
In aplta ot Old Kentucky!
But Jackaon, he waa wide awake,
And waa not Beared at triflaa.
Far well he knew Kentucky'a boys.
With their death-dealing rifles.
Ra led them down to cypress ewamp,
Tha ground waa low and mucky;
There Btood John Bull In martial pomp.
And here stood old Kentucky.
For General Beniamin Harrison, i
candidate of cold manners, republican
shouters of 1888 parodied the song
that gave his grandfather!, William a third term.
Seven eorde or more a day:
How each night ha aeeka Mb cloeet.
Tnare aiono to Kneei ana prayi
nr He yon tell us, we'll swallow
Swallow any kind of mlatura:
But, O don't, we bag and pray yen
Don't, 'ror land's sake, snow hia picture I
Andrew Johnson's "swing around
the circle" was satirically celebrated
to the tune of "Just Before the Battle,
Just before election, Andy,
Wa are thlnklns moat of voejt
While we get our ballots ready
But, be euro, they're not for yoat
No, dear Andy, you'll not get them.
Bnt you'll get what yon deserve
Oh. yea, we'll get your leave of abaenaa.
As you 'twtng around tha curve."
r around tha ofrele.
That you ouaht to awlns. 'tie trne
Oh. you tried to veto congreaa.
But, i guess, wa u veto youi
When Grant first ran for nreaident
his ardent supporters phrased their
fervor in terms of "Auld Lang Syne":
Should brave UI yeses ba forgot
Who worked so long and well
On flotda where fires of death wars hat
And brava men fought and fellf
And inevitably they sang of Appo
ks boys, a final bumper
While we In ahorue ohsnt.
For neit president we nominate
Our own Ulraaea Grant.
And If aeked what atate he halls from.
mm our eoie reply snail oe
From near AODOmattoy Court Ifanaa.
With It'a famous apple tree.
For 'twas there to our Ulyeoee
That Lea gave np the nght
Now boys! To Grant for preeldent.
Ana uoa aerena the righti
It was a different story when he
wanted the republican nomination for
Henry Harrison, reoutation more en
during than any chronicle of the his
torian. It wai the long of "TipDe.
canoe and Tyler, Too," with play on
Harrison's victory over an Indian
army of the "Prophet" in the battle
ot l ippecanoe river
What has caused the commotion.
la ths
and Tyler, tool
Ths latch-atrlng
door, door!
Battle of Ballots Not Bellows.
James A. Gsrfield's humble youth
waa serviceable to party songsters
when he ran for preaident - As an
illustration of pure doggerel, the lines
following serve admirably:
Ha early learned to taddls well hta own
forlorn canoe:
Cpon Ohlo'a grand canal ha held the helium
rolling on, for Tippecanoe I iht a)urat to aim, "La. 'tis
tor you we wait."
Wa want to see Jim Garfield gnjda oar
glorious ship of state.
In this year of grace a resubliean
ink-slinger might parody "Mr. Doo-
Oh, Mr. Wtleont Oh, Mr. Wilson I
How svsr did thay come to let yov Int
But he is not likely to do so. For
the citizen of the present is not in
terested in competitive singing. By
Our oountry people through T
oau a-
Oh, yee. with them wa will beat Van I
Van la a used-up man)
Let them talk about hard older, elder, elder,
And log oablne, too
it win only nelp apeed tha ball for Tlnna.
. eanoe and Tyler, toot
hanga outside the Soar,
And It la never
For that la not the custom oi
ana Tyier, tool
The "vested interests" and the
pulled through.
of old Tippecanoe
peepul" were not yet named, but the dty t0 busy m pwauit of the
issue tney later personified was
drawn. If Tiooecanoe waa tha rham.
plon of the common man, Martin Van
rJuren, who deaired a second term.
must be a soulless servant of the rich:
That Matty lerea the worktngman,
No worklngman can doubt, elroi
For well he doth pursue the plsn
.(uue ui. weraors ou oirsi
He tuma Ihem out of whig employ, -
He turne them out of bread, aim
And middlemen doth he annoy,
i -"" a ewaineaa aeao. ami '
For Matty la s democrat.
Sing, Tankee Doodle Dandy!
With apoono of gold, and Kngllah eoaak.
And servants alwaye handy I
Arrival ot tne Dinner Pa 1.
vi. j: ., . .
ine Dinner-Dan arrived aa a rim.
paign exhibit in the Clay-Polk cam
paign, and they sang of protection
then I
The gallant Whigs have drawn tha sword
Ann inrown tn Idle sheath away
Aim onwara is tne battle-word.
For home protection and for Clay I
Clay i followers announced their I
organization as the same "old coon"
tnat nad won tour years before
j ne moon waa anmins ellver.hrlah,
The aura with slory crowned the Bight,!
- wno inac same old ooaa
Was elnslnn to hlmaalf ihia ....
Get out of my war you're alt unlucky.
Clear tha track for old Kentucky.
VVncn rOIK WOn. Hia aunnnerora
celebrated with a parody on The
ouriai ot air John Moore":
not s snser waa aeara. not a single ahent
Aa away ta tha dlea they harried: I
Na baak-asnd era tar rase, ee --
erer ths ksle where that ansa was bar led. I
WssiTs Famous Hots!
Oppoaita Cantra Park
at 99th Street
Ooaa ta All theatres and
asvd Outdoor Tarran
Cool and Rrfmhing Place to
Dine ,
Wrtk ft RtMtfllmi rtWat
FRED STSMtT. Managiat Director
rooms wrra bath ujo up
dollar of his daily bread to think much
about politics; and at night, if he is
not more interested in poker or his
daily papers, he prefers travel by trol
ley to marching, and would rather
listen to a band than exercise his
vocal cords. For him the battle of
ballots, not a battle of bellows. Bos
ton Transcript.
Commercial Club's
Light Committee
Working on Report
The Commercial club's special
electric light committee has received
a complete audit of the books of the
company, as well as the report of the
special engineers. The committee is
now working on the consolidated
final report. J. A. Sunderland, presi
dent of the Commercial club, is chair
man of the committee. The report
when completed is to contain infor
mation as to the value of the present
electric light plant, operating ex
penses, and all details, together with
a recommendation as to what would
be an adequate rate to charge for
light and power current.
When the committee has reported
to the Commercial club, and has had
its report adopted officially, the re
port is to be made to the city com
mission. As the report will be very
voluminous, it is expected that it will
be time still before it is completed
and ready to submit.
Rain Brings Relief
Up in South Dakota
Pierre, S. D., July 16. (Special
Telegram.) The need of rain, which
was becoming acute in this region,
was relieved last night by a fall of
an inch and a half. The rain was ac
companied by a high wind which did
considerable damage to trees and
smaller buildings.
Suffragists Jubilant
Despite the Hot Weather
Jubilation reigned, despite the heat,
at the City Central Suffrage meeting
at the Young Women i Christian al
locution Saturday afternoon, when
return! in the house-to-house suffrage
canvass in Omaha were reported,
ward by ward.
"Suffrage sentiment has grown
stronger since the last campaign be
yond our greatest expectations, ac
cording to these returns," declared
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, chairman of the
committee, who. however, refused to
give out the figures until al) the re
turns were in.
"It's easier to talk suffrage now that
the party platforms have recognized
the suffrage issue," further averred
Mrs. Fairfield.
Mrs. Charles Tracy of Benson was
appointed vice president of the state
suffrage organization from the Second
district, replacing Mrs. C. S. Hartwick
of Omaha.
WHEN lunch or supper
seems a long time off
and you're hungry, eat
Uneeda Biscuit.
Just enough to satisfy to
keep you going till meal time
but so fight and crisp and
flaky that they won't spoil
your appetite.
inr ic
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Take your daily dip in the Atlantic or spend your 111
II vacation days on the breeze-swept shores. See the - I I
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Ltow rores
daily during the summer months liberal stopovers circle tours
including lake and river routes and more extended tours
partly by ocean, including meals and berths on ocean steamers.
Milwaukee & St. Paul I
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all points east
Doublt Jtach Automatic Block Signals . Steel Equipment
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III I EUGENE DUVAL. Csneral Agtnt I '
A Brannew Beverage
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Making an entirely new and novel beverafs from tba ehotcaat
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For sale at all Drug Stores, Hotels, Soda Fountains and
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South Side Station. Omaha, Nab.
Greater Omaha
"The City of Opportunity"
f 'bM town but a City of steady, persistent advancement. Population
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