Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Drops Frivolity and Doei
Away with the luxury
Loving Idea. '
(CjrrMpondtnce of The Associated FrM. )
Paris, July 1. Paris now. "Paris
lias become quite French," declared a
lately-arrived American. "I never
heard so much French spoken in Paris
In fact, as a result of the continu
ance of war, Paris to the foreigner
seems, if it is not so in reality, for the
first time since 1870 to be truly and
obviously Gallic, to have put off its
harlequinade costume of cosmopolit
anism, its glittering tinsel and garish
night light; and to have put on the
more simple and sober dress of an
earlier and less luxury-loving age.
Paris has become, in a iford, pro
vincial, chiefly owing to two causes
the absence of the tourist and the de
cline in traffic. The city is far less
crowded and bustling than usual. The
diapason of all the notes in the hum
of a great city's population busy about
its daily occupations is lowered to
what is almost a murmur; the hoot
of the taxi-horn is heard less frequent
ly, and, the "barkers" at the shows
along the boulevards have ceased to
bark; "Want a guide, sir?" is now
never, or hardly ever heard. The news
boy's yell is sternly repressed by the
The tourist element of Paris is all
but entirely wanting. Before the war,
especially at this season, tourists were
to be met with in all quarters of the
city, a very considerable portion of
them Germans; now the compara
tively small number of strangers here
are chiefly those on business in con
nection with war contracts, and, of
coarse, mostly men.
The almost total disappearance of
the private automobile is another
thing that cannot fail to strike the
visitor of today. Dublin was de
scribed by Lady Mary Montague as
the "car-drivingest city in the world."
Paris, for some years before the
war, could with propriety be describ
ed as the automobile-drivingest city
in Europe. Besides the vast variety
of cars owned by Paris residents
there was always a stream of more
or less high-powered and luxurious
automobiles passing through on their
way to Brittany with its well known
seaside summer resorts, to Norman
dy and to Touraine with their histor
ic castles, or still further afield, right
through the middle of France, down
to Biarritz and the Riviera. This
traffic has completely ceased. In
its stead one sees hardly anything
but slate colored motor wagons. Red
Cross automobiles, or the ordinary
taxicab. Taxicabs are now hardly
numerous enough to meet the inhabi
tants' ordinary wants. This dearth
of taxicabs is intensified by the stop
page, ever since the war began, of
the convenient and rapid system of
motor busses plying to and from all
parts of Paris.
They were requisitioned imme
diately war began and arc reported
to have done yeoman's service in
transferring men and stores at and
just behind the front.
One means of transport, however,
seems to be as popular as ever the
"bateau-mouches" (boats-as-big-as-a-fly)
which ply along the Seine from
Charenton, by the Louvre, the Place
de la Concorde, Passy and Auteuil.
as far as liellcvuc, St. Cloud and Sur
esnes. With the summer weather
they are more crowded than in time
of peace, nor is it surprising to find
it so as the voyage of some seven or
eight miles, much of it through pret
ty scenery, costs little, more than 5
Spain Censors All
Press Dispatches
Madrid, July IS. (Via Paris.) The
government has established a mili
tary censorship of all press dispatches.
Martial law was declared through
out Spain on Thursday as a result of
the railway strike which seriously af
fected operation of the lines of the
Northern system. A Madrid dispatch
on the night of July 13 said that a gen
eral strike had been announced for
July 16.
Rucker Corrupt
Practices Bill is
JFassed by House
Washington, July 15 The Rucker
so-called corrupt practices bill amend
ing the political campaign publicity
law and extending it to candidates
for president and vice president was
passed by the house today. It now
goes to the senate, where a similar
bill by Senator Owen is pending.
The bill fixes the amount which
may he spent for campaign expenses
of a presidential candidate at $50,001)
and vice presidential at $25,000. All
candidates for president and vice pros
ident would be required to make re
ports to the clerk of the house thi
same as candidates for other offices
It wauld penalize violations of th
law at a maximum of $10,000 fine.
Lace Stocking
The Ideal 8uplort for
ADJUSTABLE, lacn . Ilka
a latflnf.
Cool, Comfortable .
PRICE 1.75 oach. or two
for the name limb S3, poet
paid. Cell or send for cata-
7 fjr
ion and
blank 86.
elf muionmiiit
323 Lencacr Bulldin.
1476 B'wtty. Cor. 424 St., Ntw Varfc.
Call Tyler 1000
If you want to talk to Tha Baa or to
anyona connected with Tha Bosv
Extensive Alterations
Necessitate the Relocat
ing of Nearly All Stocks
and Prices Which Will
Insure Quick Clearance
Prevail in All Depart
ments in This
Over $500,000.00 Worth of Seasonable Merchandise Priced for Quick Clearance
l P V
Wonderful Bargain .
Offerings in Every De
partment Throughout
This Big Store Every
Day During the Great
Remodeling Sale.
REMODELING SALE The White Skirtings,
Waistings and Dress Materials Are Affected
With These Big Price Reductions
White Skirtings 27-inch Pique, in wide, medium and 1 0-
HAHi.n,n ntnUa r-0 try At A rrvr, A n urge 9Krt TimiT T2 AiJV
JicUIUW W C1U3 , iSpjCUUlU giauc, woo mui) nun , J".". .
White Linen Finish Suiting
34-inch, woven like Butcher's.
Linen; splendidly adapted
for skirtings, suitings, middy
Blouses, etc., now, 2q
per yard 2
Bath Towels at a Price These are extra large,
hemmed ends, big, strong, durable towels, each
Persian Lawn and 45-in. French
Lawn Plain fabrics, sheer and
dainty, sold at 25c to
39c, now, yard.
Embroidered Marquisette and
Voile 36 to 40-inch; sheer,
dainty fabrics for waists or
dresses; colored embroidery
figures on white grounds-
were 89c and 98c CQ
now, per yard. .......
Bath Towels Double thread
construction, very absorbent
20c towels, now 1Cf
at, each IvG
Japanese Tea Cloths 54x54-inch size. These cloths for summer
use; printed in Japanese cnaracters, Diras, iiowers, etc.; Qua
absolutely fast color, blue or white . .vOG
Remodeling Sale of Underwear Specials
Ladies' lace and em
broidery flounce skirts
and gowns, lace yokes;
dainty lace-tnmmed
chemise; odd lots and
sample garments;
worth to $3.50, at $1.50
Ladies' fine lisle suits,
silk taped, lace trimmed
worth to 75c, at. .35
Children's Princess Slips and
med; worth to 98c, at
Ladies' crepe de chine
corset covers and cami
soles; worth to $1.50,
at ..69
Ladies' fine lisle vests,
crotched yokes; worth
,to 35c, at Ijty
'Children's muslin pants,
all sizes, at 10tf
Skirts, lace and embroidery trim-
Great Remodeling Silk Sale, $1.50 to $3.50 High
Class Silks, at 95c ,
Two hundred pieces of beautiful dress silks in plain and
fancy weaves, including 44-inch silk poplin with handsome
border effect, all-silk ruissellet broche, heavy all-silk crepe
modena, crepe faille, satin striped crepe de chine, Cheney's
44-inch fine foulards, imported printed radiums, chiffon taf-.
fetas and novelty satin striped and checked taffetas. The
lots are small in some cases, so come early. Worth QCr
from $1.50 to $3.50, at. x'
$1.00 to $1.50 Sport Silks, 75c
Sport silks at almost half price just when you want them.
Sport striped pongees in narrow and wide stripes, satin
striped tub silks in a splendid assortment of new colorings,
150 Amazon cords and English golfine cords in the latest
colors, satin pongees in a good line of colors; $1.00 7C
to $1.50; while they last Monday
Five pieces of 40-in. black chiffon dress taffeta that 1 AA
always sell at $1.75; only while 5 pieces last PVw
Remodeling Sale Lace and
Values Seldom, if Ever Before, Equaled
in Omaha. -
Shadow, Oriental and Chantilly Flouncings, 18
to 27 inches wide, used for fancy blouses and
entire dresses; worth Up to 11.60; sale price,
yard, at . .... .59c
$1.25 Allovers, 39c Yard
Shadow, Chantilly and Venice Lace Allovere, in
cream and white, 18 and 36 inches wide. Worth
up to $1.25; now 39c
50c Lace, 15c Yard.
Oriental and Chantilly lice, 4 to 10 inches wide,
worth up to 50c. Sals price. . .... .15c
25c Lace, 7 He Yard
Cotton Cluny Lace, 3 to 5 inches wide, used for
trimming curtains; many pretty patterns. Sale
price, yard 7H
French and German Val. Lace and Insertions, in
matched patterns, worth 15c. Sale price, yard,
at 7e
25c Embroidery, 10c Yard '
A good line of Embroidery Edging and Inser
tions, 3 to 5 inches wide; worth 26c, now, yard,
at 10c
$1.50 Embroidery, 75c Yard
40 and 42-inch Embroidery Flouncing, in batiste,
voiles, organdies and rice cloth. Embroidered
in colors. Sale price, yard 76c
50c Embroideries, 25c Yard
10 and 18-inch Embroideries, used for Flounc
ings; also Corset Cover Embroidery; worth 60c,
now, yard 25c
$15.00 Robe, $5.00
Embroidered Voile and Net Robes, worth $15.00,
now $5.00
Embroideries, 18 inches wide, worth 35c, yard,
at 15c-
A Tremendous Assortment of Beautiful Summer Dresses on
Sale at Less Than Half Regular Prices in Our Remodeling Sale
Worth $7.50 and $8.50; in
dainty voiles, lawns, dimities
and linens. All sizes and colors
scores of pretty styles
Worth $10 and $12.50; beau
tiful designs, wide assortment.
Suitable for street, afternoon
and sport wear; plain colors
and fancies; wonderful values
250 Junior Dresses, in
the season's n o b b iest
styles, sizes 13 to 17,
worth $2.50 and $3.00,
Monday $1.29
75 Silk Coats, in colors
and black; sold at $20.00,
$25.00, $30.00; Monday,
for $12.50
Three Choice Lots of New
In Our Remodeling Sale Monday
A very special lot of Blouses for Monday, in Georgettes,
Crepe de Chines, Pussy Willows and Wash Taffetas;
all colors and sizes, worth to $7.50, Monday $3.98
A new lot of Jap Silks, Tulle Stripes, Crepe de Chines
and colored Rajahs, worth to $3.50, Monday $1.98
60 dozen Lingeries, in white and the novelty checks
and Stripe Voiles; all sizes; worth to $2.50, Monday
for $1.50
Worth $15 and '$17.50. Over
500 elegant dresses, in 50 dis
tinct styles in lot; all sizes and
colors; your choice
Worth $18 to $22.50; exquis
ite designs, in novelty voiles,
nets, corded batistes, laces,
fine organdies, etc. ; matchless
values, choice
Women's Long Silk Ki
monos, worth $5.00 and
$6.00, Monday ... .$2.95
65 Women's and Misses' Suits,
worth $15.00, Monday. .$6.9S
In this lot are colored cloth
suits, white serge suits and
palm beach suits.
Remodeling Sale The WASH
GOODS Prices Cut Very Low
With Sixty Day of the Hottest Summer
Day to Come, Thi Waah Goods Low
Price Clearance Sale, is Timely and Im
portant. ' ' -Sheer
Printed Fabrics 40-inch Voile,
86-inch. Seed Cloth, 40-inch Mercerized
Batiste. The most attractive of the 1916
designs and colors; were 25c and 1Q.
29c. Now, yard ......,
Sheer Printed Fabrics Marquisette, Silk
and Cotton Crepes, Tissue Fillet, Su
perba, Woven Stripe Voile and other
36 and 40-inch novelties; were 48c 9C
to 59c. Now, yard J,,T
Sheer Printed Ombre Grenadine 27
inches wide, white or tinted grounds,
dainty printed designs; were 1Ar
19c. Now, yard 1UI
Sport Stripe Novelty Skirting 27 to 86
inches wide. The colors and style effects
the popular 1916 craze; were OO-
38o to 50c. Now, yard ",c
Sport Stripe Shirting 32 inches. The
colors are woven, all the indestructible
"Indanthrine dye." The Best fast .. 28c
color production; were 89c. Now c
Tub Silk Shlrflng 32 inches wide. These stripes
in dainty colors, all fast dye; were Qx
60c. Now, yard OOC
Linen Suiting Colors. Clearance of all the
linen tub suitings that were 48c to QQ
76s. Now, yard . . . . . .' OUC
Linen Finiih Suiting! 4.3 inches wide. The soft
French finish, medium weight, excellent OC
line of colors; were 48c. Now, yard. . . . wC
Silk and Linan Rough Weave Suitings in plain
colors, 24 to 27 inches wide. Choice of colors.
This hard wearing, lustrous and washable 1 C
summer fabric, now, yard..... IOC
Mercerised Linen, 28-Inch . Suitings Plain
shades of O'Rose, pink, blue, gray and white.
Light weight, lustrous, strictly wash. 9Cj
able i 46c fabric. Now, yard WC
nji ii urn- -ir in. i ......................
July Clearance of Fine Rugs
Every rug guaranteed perfect, all 1916 patr
terns. A combination of high quality and low
price seldom, if ever, equaled in this or any
other store.
The Very Name
is a guarantee
of the highest
quality and
H a y d e n ' s
guarantee is
behind each sale.
Bigelow's Bagdad Wilton Rugs, size 9x12, beautiful
patterns, worth $47.00, sale price
Bigelow's Bagdad Wilton Rugs,
B-axiu-o size, worm ryc nil
$42.60, at.
Bigelow's Bagdad Wilton Rugs,
size 36x63, worth 0 OP"
$9.60, at
Bigelow's Ardibel Wilton Rugs,
HxlZ, worth CC9 CA
$66.00, at
Bigelow's Ardibel Wilton Rugs,
8-3x10-6, worth
$67.00, at
seldom equaled, never surpassed, and their service-eivinsr auaTitiea
are truly exceptional.
Remodeling Sale Bargains in Summer
Every article in our immense stock of Su
One-motion Collapsible Go-Carts . . .$3.95
Child's Swing, 4-passenger style, worth
$3.00, best hardwood $1.50
4-Passenger Lawn Swings $3.50
312-Foot Porch Swings, the best made,
fumed oak color, chains and hooks. Sold
usually for $3.50 everywhere $1.95
4-foot Porch Swings, only $2.50
mmer Furniture priced for quick clearance:
Baby's Folding Swing, only 35c
Folding Camp Stools, wood 15c
$8.00 Fiber Porch Rockers, extra large
size, 2 styles to select from, at $5.00
$24.50 Reed Baby Buggies, hand made,
wood wheels, rubber tires, only $18.00
$30.00 Reed Baby Buggies, only.. $22.50
$12.50 Reed Baby Buggies, with hood, at,
only $9.50
Big Remodeling Shoe Sale Starting
Monday, July 17th
Pnces on most of the
shoes will be cut almost
Big girls' low heel "Mary
Jane" and two-strap slip
pers, "Merriam" and Krei
der makes; regular selling
prices, $3.00 and $.75
patents, gun metal, Russia
Calf and white nubuck.
Remodeling sale CI CA
mice. Dair pl.Jv
Women's White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps, with white
rubber sole and heel ; also a 2-strap white canvas, both
with low, comfortable heels, $2.00 values. M AJ
Remodeling sale price wlaaCw
Child's Spartan Calf Barefoot Sandals, all sizes .7Cj
from 5 to 11, $1.25 values IOC
48-lb. sacks best high grade Dia.
mond H Flour $1.25
48-lb. sacks Hayden's Health
Flour, nothing better made, per
sack 150
8 lbs. white or yellow Cornmeal
for 17e
8 lbs. best Rolled White Oatmeal
for 25c
7 lbs. best Laundrv Starch. . .SS
8 double sheets Tanglefoot Fly
Paper for 5C
Carton of 26 double sheets. . .30c
8 bottles Wild Cherry Phosphate
or Root Beer 2Se
Large bottles Worcester Sauce,
Pure Tomato Catsup or Pickles
(asstd. kinds) ....... .8 l-3c
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 25c
4 lbs. fancy Head Rice 25c
Yeast Foam, package 3
. (J. uorn f lakes, package. . . .5e
W. 0. C. or Krumbles, pkg. .9
16-M. cans fancy ripe Olives. .10c
8 lbs. special mixed' Chick Feed
for 25c
16-oz. package Parowax 9c
4 packages Safety Matches. , .26c
Basket fired Japan, Gun Powder,
English Breakfast or sun-dried
Japan Tea, 60c quality, Mon
day, lb. : 38c
Diamond H Blend, extra fancy,
for ice tea, lb 35c
Golden Santos Coffee, lb..., 20c
Hershey's Cocoa, lb 25c
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk, lb 30c
The best Country Creamery But
ter, lb 28c
Strictly fresh guaranteed Eggs,
-PAYs-Try HAYDEN'S First
. IT.
dozen 23e
MacLaren's Peanut Butter, per
lb 12 He
New Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the
peck 20a
3 large heads New Cabbage. ,10e
6 bunches Radishes 5c
4 bunches Carrots, Beets or Tur
nips for 5c
Extra fancy Head Lettuce. V. 7 He
6 bunches Green Onions ..Se
Fresh ripe Tomatoes, lb.:. 7 He
3 lbs. New Wax or String Beans
. ir ...lOe
Large Cucumbers, each ......5a
2 bunches fresh Parsley ......5c
Large Juicy Lemons, dozen, 10c
and ....s ...2S