Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A'
t Greatest Concentration of
I Guns of All Calibers Ever
I - Seen in a Given Area.
British Front in France (Via Lon
don), July 13. The Britiih general
staff officers are showing elation over
the results of the overnight attacks
against the Ger,man second line, al
though careful to state that the great
task against a powerful foe is only
barely started. Soon after daylight the
joyful news of the British success
slipped into a telephone message over
the area occupied by the British army.
As a spectacle to an eye witness,
this action of the second big stage of
the battle of the Somm surpassed
that of July 1. Taking needed ground
for organizing : new trenches and
throwing out small parties, who dug
. themselves 'in, the army 'has been
gradually gaining a position from
Villers to the , Boiselle and Mtfnt
Tuban, a distance of four miles, from
which to. deliver t blow, until many
points were within 200 yards ' of the
bermin second line. ,, . .";
Seen Cutting' Wires,, ?T
Meanwhile the shells of the British
artillery could be seen cutting' the
wire and making thorough prepara
tions, of which General- Sir Douglas
Haig, the British commander, insists
there is evidence on every- hand.
"Tomorrow morning at J," came the
laconic word yesterday evening, "pre
ceded by the usual intensive prelim
inary bombardment, only s little hot
ter' -, V".'' ;.'."!";'
The ground gained' by the British
on July 1 and in subsequent opera
tions gave The' Associated Press ob
server a viewpoint from which the1
whole line of attack could be seen.
The faint moonlight enabled the gun
ners dimly to see their work, the in
fantry and the contour ,ot the ground.
"This is a real daylight saving show,"
said one of the gunners, ..... i
Guns of Ad Caliber.
Seemingly, as the observer pushed
audaciously close to the German line,
there wis the 'greatest concentration
of guns of all caliber, probably ever
made in a given area. From behind the
German trenches gained on July 1
darted the dagger flashes through a
blanket of night. Onel Twol Threel
Four I For battery after battery was
shooting' at high- speed, from
the bottom of the hillside to the top.
-The scene of artillery power was
no less indescribable than the thrill
ing suggestion of the waiting infan
try battalion lines, which were seen
going into position before the battle.
At the moment the assault started
it seemed there was no interval in the
thunders as-the guns moved forward
their curtain of shell .bursts in front
of the first wave- erf infantry advancing
across the zone between their
trenches and the German lines.
4- V Big Firs Noticed. V;
. In the direction- of Longueval a big
- fire was seen. 1$ was the village or a
storehouse burning, as the bright, spot
was growing to a steady point in the
field of gun flashes. Then soaring
heavenward went, a rocket signal
light, which gave the positions gained
in the attacks. The commanders in
the rear answered with other signals,
.while what had been the German
stronghold half an hour or an' hour
before burning red patches, spreading
' with the aparks of the roman candles.
-This method of communication is a
difficult part of the business of di
recting an army under cover of dark-
', seas.
At the first flush of dawn the first
British aeroplane came humming
from its aerodrome toward the Ger
' man lines, and the sausage-shaped ob
servation balloons arose together into
the air. Out -of the blanket where
the guns were flashing arose the
white flashes of the maze of. old Ger
man trenches, the ribbons of roads,
- and finally the dark masses be
came Mamets and other now famous
woods and gaunt finger points, the
trunks of trees, which had shaded the
highways, but now were denuded of
limbs by the shell fire.
More Lines Moving.
; While the smoke barriers from the
British lilies were carried by favorable
winds the sheila made other points of
the line indistinct, the ridge of Lon-
?:ueval, where the British burrowed
orward against commanding posi
tions and a stubborn, cunning and
brave foe, was seen distinctly to be
in their possession. More lines of
' troops were moving through the Ger
man curtains of shell fire to the sup-
aof those who had gained the
desired summit and now were
looking down bill where the German
. guns are hidden and with the
- Bapaume ridge in the distance. Be
hind them all was the organization
, which had plotted the action of the
army and back of those were bat-
- taliona awaiting their orders.. -.
A sergeant of artillery of the typical
"John Bull" type, sitting stiff on his
horse after a sleepless night, directing
, the columns of caissons, hurrying up
Go to Dr. Burhora snd let
him tell you all about this won
derful druglesa - science . of
Chiropractic. Thousands ' are
being restored to perfect health
through this system, so why
Tettimemal si Mr. and Mrs. Coek
"Dr. F. F. Burhorn, the Chi
ropractor, has made it possible
for our five-year-old son, Deen
Cook, residing at 221 Vine St,
Council Bluffs, Is., to walk,
after Being helpless, dus to a
paralytic condition.' -..
I specialize la adjusting the
uuh of disasses and ox the
liver, stomach, kidneys and
bowels, also the so-called Mia
curable" ailments brain, nerve
and spin troubles, and all de
rangements peculiar to women.
SeeDr.FrukF. Bnrhorn
414-4U Rw BUg '
ammunition to the greedy guns,
called out:
"Mind your wheel horse I Now,, all
together, like it ought to do." j .
The wheels with their padded and
noiseless axles went up the bfhk with
every rider urging his Straining
mount. I
Parishioner Gives '
Former Fremont
Pastor a Legacy
Fremont, Neb., July IS. (Special.)
Rev. I. W. Corey, former pastor of
the First Bapitist church of Fremont,
has been bequeathed $5,000 by a
wealthy parishioner at Kenosha, Wis.;
where'Mr. Corey has been in charge
of the Baptist church for the last three
years. - Mr. Yule was one of the lead-
T i v i .
ing Dusiness men 01 itcnosna.
Lay Auditorium Cornerstone.'
' Holdreae. July IS. (Special.) The
eonrnerstone of the new $35,000 city
Auditorium was laid yesterday after
noon without ceremony. The build
ing will be 100x140 feet, have a bal
cony extending along three sides, and
a total seating capacity of 3,500 peo
ple. ' . '
De Facto Leader Certain Dan
ger of War With United
States Averted.
Mexico City, July IS. General Car
ranza, in an interview today, said that
the status of the negotiations with
Washington was very satisfactory as
the result of the good will shown to
each other by Mexico and the United
"Thanks to this feeling of good
will," the first chief continued, "we
will be able to avoid war. War we do
not desire, but if there were no other
remedy for the situation, I would en
ter upon it'' i r.
General Carranza, however, refused
to discuss the situation as it relates
to the possible action of President
Wilson of of the Latin American na
tions, which offered to mediate in the
trouble between the United States and
Reforms in Prospect
Within a short time, the first chief
said, there would be incorporated in
the constitution of Mexico all the re
forms which now find a place in the
program of the constitutionalists. In
a large measure, he declared some of
these reforms already are in opera
tion and there remains only their
incorporation into the fundamental
laws of the country. As to the hold
ing of the presidential election, Gen
eral Carranza said it would take place
as soon as the work of reconstructing
the constitution had been completed
and when the country was completely
at peace.
The de facto government, the first
chief asserted, will pass a taw of am
nesty so that all Mexicans who have
left the .country for one, reason or
another can return if they desire. ;. ,
Things Look Lovely. ' ' ... v
'. Washington, July 14. The infor-.
mat negotiations for the settlement of
issues bewteen the United States and
General Carranza are understood to
have advanced a long step today,'
when Acting Secretary Polk and
Eliseo Arredondo, Mexican ambassador-designate,
held their third confer
ence since General Carranza's pro
posal for a diplomatic adjustment was
received and accepted. . . .1
The Season Is a Busy One at RAYMOND'S
It could not be otherwise. We are glad to have been able to make
the summer months, so far, so interesting to our friends and our cus
tomers with the advantages afforded us by adding to our sales floors
the merchandise from the BIG STORAGE PURCHASE, thereby
creating the means of such great savings to so great a number.
Many hart pur
chased ahead of
time, and delir
eriee are 1 to be
made later on
their retain front
the rammer vaca
tion or "honey
moon." -
Our floors are
yet full of those
unusual values, at
our everyday
"low prices"
making it a waste
of time and op
portunity to wait
for special selling
- 1513-1515 HOWARD ST.
Will Save You Money TheifeS A Reason
Maay Hisdred Keekers
in ALl. thb ramior
antique mahogany
Rocker, full oans
'baok, r-wlnga and
seat .t..sH6.75
Chair to maun.
.'.A beautiful Man.
Rocker, similar de
sign, Tist posts
and stretchers.
Pries ...813.95
A correct Windsor Rocker, solid
mahogany saddle seat Rear braes
spindles $11.75
An -Early Colonial Mah. Rocker.
"Cans Joint" design, Price, 98.95
, A , mahogany Rocker In ' William
and Mary style, upholstered In
Velours, mulberry, green and blue.
Price ........... ..........812.75
A Dining Room Suggestion
Salt SfktS belew Is Bear (M tlla.tretloa. ; It la alttereat satr la
'.. j aatall Setalla. -
is-tach Buffet .- -. . . . .
l-lnch Table, t-ft extension ,
Leather seat Ana Chair.........
I leather seat Side Chairs (not shown), each
China Cabinet
(Any pleoe mar be left out at Its marked price)
The Peater Be will remain
popular a post bed le a sensible
bed they are durably eonstruct- -etf,
ther express refinement and
rood taste.
The picture shows one on our
floor. In "mah" finish axaetly
as Illustrated. Our ! j
prte7...T V
.Our Bug Department Is Fast Filling Up With the
; f -". Season's Niftiest Patterns '
Wiltons ItxSt Royal Worsteds
Wiltons-S-JxlO-S Royal Worsteds ...
Wiltons S-SxlO-S Royal ..
Wiltons 4-lzlM Imperial Ispahan.
WUtona tilt Imperial Ispahans....
Brass Bed, exactly as Illustrated,
1-Inch continuous posts Ten H-lnch
filling- rode price ...110.80
Other Brass Beds, S9.95. T.9S.
11.75. S1S.75
Odd Dressers
and Chiffoniers
Walnut Chiffoniers, like
the one Hluttraud. Stl.M
A mahogany ChlrronUr
(tmllar) SIS.tS
llahotany nnlahed Draw
er, very large, roomy, co
lonial daalsn SSS.1S
A ii-moa top- ramad oak
Dreaeer. SSxSS mirror.
far SM.75
a eoua eax Dreeaer, sain,
S1.1S, sata.
1 if
Overstaffed Boekem ana
Chain Cvery one guarantaed genu
ine Spanish leather .
Rocker .....m...16.75
Chair to match... .....816.75
Aah a eaeTata aaa irtaaeat
This Davenpert, triple spring cushion, le-lneh length..,
taatr, loose spring cushion..... ?. $31.75
iaeaa pievaa are covered m an aitraeavs ana aurable Tapestry.)
The- Table la solid, mahogany, dona In twist, instead at turned
Kitchen Cabinet
Excellence '
The Cabinet hen shown
has every convenience at
your finger tips. It has
nlckelotd flexible table. A
vary roomy and well-made
cabinet, white enameled
Other complete Cabinets
ae knr sc.... ....89.75
only, at.... 85.95
Every Thermo-Cell
Is guaranteed to give sat
isfaction. The prices range
87,50, 812.75.
, 842.50
Ask to be shown this
excellent Refrigerator
It Works 100 Per Cent
Iffletent ,----.-
Culls From the Wire
To fftcllltatsi the transfer of money from
on part of tha country to another, tit .fed
eral reeerv banks will Inaugurate today
their eountry-wlde - aye tern by eol lea ting
bank -ottecata, ?hls development of to re
erve ayetem ll retarded aa Mnd In im
portance only to the opening of the twelve
federal reeerv bank In November. 1914.
Wltneieea before the Interstate Commerce
commtseton In Its Investigation of lumber
Hate and tariffs, were almost unanimous In
demanding uniform classification of the
transportation rates on lumber.
The sol man recruited tn New Mexico by
the National Guard of that state,, and later
rejected tor phyelcaJ -disability, will lose
both their time and their railway fare un
der an order made by Quareraiwter Aleitr.
U. B. A., at Columbus, N. M.
The rWlv nf Jimss a. Vurtv. New York?
banker, missing sine early In June, was
washed ashore at Albany Island, near
Cheboygan, Mich. Hurty, with Chares Mar
iist. alao connected with the New Tork bank.
several months ago began a 10,000-mil
canoe trip.
Women's and Girls'
at Less Than
'"THIS moat nmuoal statement
1 and 'we recognize it as such
is folly justified by the facts. In
. asmnch. as we have taken a surplus
stock of dresses from one of our
high grade ' manufacturers at a
mere fraction of his coet price. ..'
Every woman who loves
a Smart Frock at a Sale
Price shoqld see these
Dresses. v
Voile Dresses, in daintiest of Summer styles, pastel colon and
very pleasing flowered designs. Satin Q
sashes are a featnre. much Hhirrinir. fiissv
flounces, becoming trims, values . up
Voile Dresses, the very cream of Midsummer frocks, the best style ten
dencies being in evidence, also the much wanted Russian Blouse effect is of
fered in several variations. . Values that usually sell as high as $17.50,
Bilk Dresses in styles for July and August, of fine Taffeta with Chiffon
sleeves for afternoon wear or in tailored styles for traveling. Pongrees
in Country Club models, values as high as $25.00. ...,.....
just for Girls
75 Middy Dresses in awning striped styles,
in plain white with blue combination, Plain
French Ginghams, White Pique trims and
Black Velvet belts. Voiles in pale blues and
f pinks wiAmockmg.,j.yalges up to, $5.75, for
"Polly Anna" Dresses, with awning striped
pleated skirts and plain linen crash uppers,
trimmed with awning striped collars, cuffs,
pockets and belt. Also Flowered Crepe Voiles
with bright satin sashes. Values from $5.75
to $7.50, for
$50,000 Ty Cobb "Comes Back"
Nuxated Iron Makes Him
Winner Greatest Baseball
Batter of all time says Nuxated Iron filled him with renewed life after he was weak
ened and all run down. Supplies that "stay there" strength and vim that makes
men of mark and women of power.
Well known physician who has
studied widely in this country and
Europe, explains why taking iron en
abled Ty Cobb to "come back" so
quickly and show such tremendous
strength and endurance. Says ordinary
nuxated iron will often increase the
strength and endurance of delicate
nervous folks 200 per cent in two
weeks' time.
New York, N. Y. Whsm intsrvlewtd
iff his apartment at Brstton Hall, Ty
Cobb ld: "Hundreds of poopla writ to
m to know bow I train and what I do
to keep up that fore and vitality which
enables me to play practically every day
of the entire baseball season. They won
der why I can play a better
game today than when I
" was younger.
Tha secret la keeplna; up
the supply of Iron tn my
blood exactly what vtry
one else can do If they wlIL
At tha beglnnlna; of tha
present season I waa nervone and run
. down from a bad attack of tonsilltls, but
toon the papers began to stmt "Ty Cobb
has 'come back.' Ho la hitting up the
Old stride." The secret waa iron Nux
ated Iron filled ma with renewed life.
Now they say I'm worth $60,000 a
year to any baaeball team, yet without
plenty of iron In my blood I wouldn't be
worth five cents. Nuxated Iron eupplies
that "stay there" strength
and vim that snakes man
of mark and women of
power. Continuing Dr.
Bauer said; "Mr. Cobb's
ease la only ona of han-
dreds which I could etta
from my own personal z
. psrienee, which proves conclusively the
... astonishing power of nuxated Iran to re
atere strength and vitality evan U most
oomplioated ehronie conditions."
Not -long ago a man came to me who
waa nearly halt a. eeatury old and askei
ma to give him a preliminary examina
tion for Ufa faunraneew X waa astonished
J fK ,
Iron has
tilled mo
with re-
nowed life snd
vigor. I play abet
ter game to-day
than when I was
' to find him with the blood pressure of a
boy of 20 and aa full of vigor, vim and
vitality as a young man j in fact, a young
man he really waa. notwithstanding hia
age. The eeeret he said wms taking iron
nuxated iron had filled him with re
newed life. At 80 he was in bad health;
at 44 he waa -careworn and nearly all in.
New at a mtraole of vitality and hia
face beaming with the buoyancy of youth.
As I have said a hundred times over.
Iron Is the greatest of all strength build
ers. If people would only throw away
patent nnsdicines and nauseous concoc
tions and take simple' nuxated iron, I
am convinced that the lives of thousands
of persons might be saved, who now die
very year from pneumonia, grippe, con
sumption, kidney, liver and neart trou
ble, etc. The real and true cause which
started their diseases was nothing more
nor less than a weakened condition
brought on by lack of iron in the blood.
Iron is absolutely necessary to enable
your blood to change food into living tis
sue. Without it, no matter how much or
what you eat, your food merely passes
through you without doing you any good.
You don't get the strength out of it,
and as a consequence you become weak,
pale and sickly looking Just like a plant
trying to grow in a soil deficient
tn iron, u you are not strong or
well you owe it to yourself to
make the following test. See how
long you can work or how far
you can walk without becoming
tired. Next take two five grain
tablets of ordinary nuxated iron' ,
three times per day after meats
for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see for your
self how much you have gained.
I have seen dozens of nervous
run-down people who were ailing
alt the while, double their strength
and endurance and entirely get
rid of all vifiDtnmsi n
pepsla, liver and other troubles in from
ten to fourteen days' time simply by
taking iron in the proper form. And
this after they had In some eases been
, doctoring for months without obtaining
. any benefit But don't take the old
forme of reauoed Iron, Iron acetate or
tincture of Iron simply to save a few
cents. You must take Iron In form that
can be easily absorbed and assimilated,
like nuxated Iron, If you want it to do
you any good, otherwise it may prove
worse than useless.
Many an athlete or prise fighter has
won the day simply because he knew
the secret of great strength and endur
ance and filled his blood with iron be
fore he went into the affray, while many
another has gone to inglorious defeat
simply for the lack of Iron. E. Sauer,
M. D.
N0T5 Nuxated Iron, recommended
above by Dr. Sauer, la not a patent medi
cine or secret remedy, but one which Is
well known to druggists and whose Iron
constituents are widely prescribed by
eminent phystcfane everywhere. Unlike
the older tnorganlo Iron products. It Is
easily assimilated, does not Injure the
teeth, make them black, nor upset the
stomach; on the contrary. It Is a moat
potent remedy In nearly all forme of In
digestion as well as for nervous, run
down conditions. The manufacturers have
ouch great confidence In Nuxated Iron
that they offer to forfeit 1100.09 to any
; charitable Institution If they cannot take
any man or woman under eft who lacks
Iron and Increase their strength 200 per
cent or over In four weeka' time, pro
vlded they have no serious organic trou
ble. They also offer to refund your
money If It does not at least double your
strength and endurance In ten deyR'
time. It la dispensed In this city bv
Sherman A MrConnell Drug bteres and
all good druggtsu.