Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; JULY 16, 1916. SUBSEA IS DECLARED MERCHANT VESSEL State Department Says Its Ruling Shall Hot Cover Other Cases. EACH MUST STAND ALONE Washington, July 15. The State department formally ruled today that . the German submarine Deutschland ii t a merchant vessel and entitled to ( treatment as such. In announcing the ruling Acting Secretary Polk aid it was not to be taken, as a precedent and that any similar cases arising in the future would be dealt with on their merits. "In view of the facts of this particu- lar case,' said Mr. Polk, "there is no t reason why the Deutschland should be considered a war vessel." '. ' The department's action was based " upon reports of nary and customs of ficers who examined the submarine v a: Baltimore and found 'that it was unarmed and incapable of being con ' verted for warlike purposes without ' extensive structural changes. An ad visory report from the neutrality board, to which the case was referred informally by Mr. Polk, held that the .. vessel should be accorded all the privileges of a peaceful commerce car t rier. , . Now that the status of the vessl has been fixed, to far -at the American government it concerned, every pos ' sible effort will be made to prevent - newt of its movements in territorial waten of the United States from j reaching the allied warships which , may be waiting oS the Virginia coast Mrs. Marshall Visit! Ship. Baltimore, Md., July IS. Mrt. Thomas R. Marshall, wife of the vice ' president, visited the German subma i nne Deutschland yesterday evening and was shown through the vessel by : Captain Hintch of the interned Ger- man steamship Neckar, which is lying alongside the submersible. Captain Hinsch taid Mrs. Marshall wat the . first woman to go below the deck ; tince the Deutschland arrived in American waters. Captain Hintch : said the temperature of the interior of the submarine was about HO de grees while Mrs. Marshall wat ex- ploring it Stevedores continued today to load . the Deutschland't return cargo of j crude rubber and nickel. Water Users High . . Up on Platte Must Release the Flow Lincoln,. Neb., July IS. (Special Telegram.) State Engineer Johnson hat issued an order to water users above Kearney and North Platte to i allow the water which they have been ; holding back to flow down to that (farmers below with rightt may use it Under normal condition! the Platte - river inthat locality flow! about 600 .' cubic feet per second, but now it it t perfectly dry, due to evaporation, the i sanav, porout oea ana mo hoc uiai I the water hat been held back. 1 It it estimated that the farmers, if ' the order it obeyed, will be the gain .' era by about $90,000 wort of crops. Engineer Johnson doer not think that the government it holding water back,.' ' , North Platte Man: Joins British Army North Platte, Neb., July 15. (Spe I cial.) D. E. Ward, a machinist in the , Union Pacific shops here, will leave : North-Platte Monday for. New York ' from where he will tail for London to ' join a regiment forming to go to the front Ward it a veteran of the Boer war, having served through, the cam' t pawn with Betheuen't mounted in' I fantry, a South African regiment He '- came to the United States ten yean . ago; Ward hat three brotheri in the , British service, two being lieutenants i iii the Royal field artillery and a third i a sergeant in an Australian infantry ', regiment : Mrs. Ward will accom- , nanv her husband to London, where the- will remain with relativea until . I'.r. Ward't return. Ward it the see- - ond North Platte man to go to the British army, "Scotty" Irvine, another s union r acitic employe, being at ores . ent with the British expeditionary v torce on the Mediterranean. ' Sharks Sighted in Virginia Waters ' Newport News, Va., July 15. The presence of sharks in Virginia waters was reported here today by two steamer captains, lactam A. H. , Strong of the tteamer Californian re ported today that he sighted a shark . about tix or teven leet long in chest' ' peake Bay, off Ocean View, last eve' : nine:. Captain Jensen of the Nor wegian tteamer Mayella taw two of . the monsters yesterday evening east . oi tne wape Henry ugntsnip. ' ' EnreladM OtftelaJt lndlal. Chiot; July II rour srnclala of tha Florida Evarsiadat Land company war. In- ' dieted today by . faderal e raod Jury on the charga of using tha mailt to 4fraud. TMH Indletad ra: William A. Otli of Colorado Bprtnn. Percy Hagarman of Colo- rado Sprint, Harold J. Bryant of Chleaffd ana miiiaai uiwanwoeQ 01 voioago. -, ... ONE OF MIRACLES OF MODERN AUTOMOBILE RACING Jack Gable's car blows tire and turns over three times after hitting dirt below track. Unper cut shows wrecked car; lower cut shows Cable and his assistant, Harry McGraff, walking off after being helped from under the car. 'i-5"L...,.4!w. - .,: tflllllBUllfl l MU If ; t " ,f ' r V t.J MOTOR DRIVERS IN RACE WITH DEATH THRILL BIG THRONG (Con tinned From rage One.) ond race the attendanti and mechani cian! viewed the wrecked Pusun with professional interest. Mrt. Felix McShane wat in the judget ttand when Fanrchi went over the fence ana out wnen tne wis told the driver wat Franchi, the ex pressed herself in this manner: "I wat lure It was Eddie (Rickenbacher). You know I have teven photOKrapht of Eddie, I taw him speeding around just before the accident and I thought sure it wat he. He it tucn a nara driver. I asked him why he drived to hard and he taid, 'Well, when you go at 100 miles an hour and yon have an accident it is just biff and you're dead.' I thought it wat biff with Ed die. You know he livet in Columbus, O., hit mother told me the went to tee him race once and that wat the last time for her." Jutt Shut Hit Eyet. The soectator thought he would find out how the Franchi thrill af fected those sitting in the grandstand opposite the point where the car left the track and where it landed iuu leer away. , Lee Metcalfe was directly opposite when the machine stopped and went to piecet. He taid he just shut his eyes and it was all over. As a matter of fact the whole affair was over in less time than it takes to tell it And the strange part of it was how Franchi got out of the fray without being dashed to instant death. A few minutes after the Franchi ac cident a cloud of dust below the east turn wat the tignal for another stretchintr of neckt. The ambulance and fire wagon rushed along the dirt track inside, the speedway and the railbirdt inside the track fell back in wavet. Gable in hit Burman Special had tire complaint, tkidded onto the ground and turned over three times with driver and mechanician in the car, At thu juncture a woman with blanched face pushed her way through the aisle at the bottom of the grand stand and over to the track entranced She wat restrained by a policeman from crossing the track. : Felix Mc Shane recognized the woman and in duced her to be composed until the details of the accident were received. The woman was Mrs. Jack Gable, wife oi ine man wno naa just turned over three times, In a few minutes she recognized through the grime of dust and grease the outline other husband, who was walking with hit mechanician toward her. Uable hurried to his wife's tide and placed hit arm ten derly about her. She wat unable to apetK. . v . Will you let him race attaint was asked of the frightened wife. , she merely looked at her husband, as if satisfied that he was alive. Gable taid that wat his eighth acci dent. He flew wild in the car which sent Bob Burman to his death. . I. W. W. Threatens to - Invade City of Lincoln Lincoln, July 15. If the Lincoln police do not drop their "Russian ized" methods T. J. Thome, I. W. W. leader of Kansas City, will "invade" the city with 500 followers, according to a letter received today by Chief of folice Antles troni ihorne. "1 am holding 500 men, who will leave at a moments notice for your "Russian ized' community," the letter reads. County and city police forces have been active in urging the L W. W. members to move on through the city, Kebnakana la WMhliurtsa. Wuhtnfton July 14. (Speelal Telegram.) Walter W. aoott and wife of Bealrloo are at the Drtarall. H. F. Mann and wife of Omaha; D. T. Norton and wife of Kearney, and Mr. and Mra. Kobert U. Wolfe of Omaha are In the olty, having oomo laet Bight after attending tne sika' convention. Dearer Mint Coinage. Denver, Colo.. July IS. linage at the Denver mint for the flecal year ending June It, lait. totaled lt.lls.00t pleoee, valued at ll.S4l.IS0, aeoordlng to flturea made publlo today. This exceede any former annual traduction, It wan atated. Read Bee Want Ada for profit Use them for results. paw vt. t- liaiit"e:Q - U if , Tat T r m ... 4 -. A-, If v V'. 3 lJL . " J Revolt Against Turkish Rule , . . In Arabia Is Spreading London, July 15. The revolt against Turkish rule in Arabia it mak ing progress, having resulted in the comolete v.'ioinz out of all traces of Turkish resistance at Mecca, accord ing to a Reuter dispatch from Lairo today. . . , After the fall of Mecca on June 13, says the dispatch,' certain elements of the narrison continued their resist ance in forts near the city. In order to avoid bloodshed the grand therif, in command of the Arabian forces, suspended attacks. The forts have now surrendered, according to , to day's advices, the captures of the Arabians including twenty-eight of ficers, 9S0 unwounded men,' 150 wounded, four guns and large quan tities of material and munitions. Since the proclamation of Arabian independence the total captures from the Turks include ten held guns, ten mountain guns, fifteen machine guns, 100 ofheert. Z.5UU soldiers and liU civil functionaries. Read Bee Want Ada for profit. Use them for results. Bee Want Ads produce results. AVIATORS CHARGE WITH INFANTRY - French and,. British Flyers Sweep Over Field at Height of Few Hundred Feet. GZXMAK8 LOSE BALLOOtfS Dompierre, Picardy, July 15. (Via London.) A ttring of great balloons you can count sixteen without glasses is the first obvious thing that a reporter sees on this front Next his eyet wander to the uncountable batteriet in action. Above them the aerial telephone stations swing be yond the trajectory of the German gun fire. On the German side, not a single balloon is visible. Fifteen have been burned in the air by a secret contriv ance, known only to the allies, since the offensive began. The German artillery is 'blinded because the allies have now obtained the mastery of the air, according to the confident claims of the British and French officer!. It is true, that from this point of view, a German aeroplane is rarely sighted, while French aviators are constantly on the wing. A dramatic and startling novelty has been presented by the allied avia tors in this great offensive. French and British airmen have actually co-operated in the infantry charges. They have swept over the battle field at as low an altitude as 600 feet and some of the more daring swooped over the struggling armies at as low a heighth as 300 feet. These airmen have Hgnalled to the French artillery telephones the pre cise position of the German guns and the location ot the Uerman torces waiting for the French assault. They have taken great risks of being hit by shells from their own guns, but, ac cording to the officers, everyone es caped, j lhe trench have developed on a great scale their aerial torpedoes, which are charged with a higher ex plosive than the large-calibered shells. These torpedoes can be hurled half a mile and fired with such rapidity that a second will leave the ejector while the first is still in the air. Scarcely More Than Name. The village of Dompierre is scarce ly more than a name.. The resistance made by the Germans here, as in all the other villages in the neighborhood seems to have been most tenacious. In the cemetery the vaults were used as ,bomb, proofs and the cement and' iron 'railings around the graves as barricades. The French concen trated their gunfire on the cemetary at Curlu for half an hour before the obstinate defense of the Germans was crushed. They used shrapnel shells, which filled the air with curious green, opalescent vapors. Une ot the dramatic episodes oi the fighting was the storming of a cliff known as the Gendarme's Hat, which formed the tide of an old quarry. The Frenchmen reached the top and halted in the sunlight, wav ing their helmets and handkerchiefs and cheering madly. Reorganized, the defenses In the occupied territory is a vas.trengjneei' ing worx. ugnt iiem railways ate thrown forward ot the newMihe,.num erous solid roads are built. across the country and the ring of haferijier on metal can be heard in theffttstervals of artillery fire. The whoje jepon is busy 'with preparations forjholding the newly won German ground and for moving forward. The controlling mind of all this is General Marie Emile Fayolle, an elderly artillery commander,- who had been 'retired two years before the war began. TliOfiRSON-BElDEN 6CO. Hie Fashion Center of Hie MiddleWest - Established 1886a July Sale White Goods Monday morning we will place on Special Sale all our white embroid ered voile and organdie 35c White Emb. Voiles. . . .25c yard 50c White Emb. Voiles. . . .35c yard $1.00 White Emb. Voiles. .50c yard $2.00 White Emb. Voiles. $1.25 yard $2.25 White Emb. Voiles. $1.25 yard $2.25 White Emb. Org'die $1.25 yard $2.75 White Emb. Org'die $1.75 yard Wash Goods Main Floor During this July Clear ance Sale many lines of choicest high grade wash fabrics are marked at . About One -Half of regular prices. The savings to be made should make a busy week of selling. Sheeting One of the best brands of bleached sheeting, free from dressing, extra fine quality, 9-4 width, at 35c a yard; 8-4 width at 33c a yard. Brassieres and Bandeaus The necessary acces sories to every woman's wardrobe. Cool and com fortable; conforms the corset close to the figure, thus giving the appear ance of neatness. A Special Value at 50c Others at 69c, 79c, $1.00 and up. New Sport Nets The newest novelty in net, suitable for waists, washable and very dur able. It is a white net with colored sport stripes in royal, new pink, yel low and emerald; 40 in. wide; $2.50 a yard. A DR. BRADBURY A SAFE DENTIST Make Your Teeth a Delight to the Eye The only Important influence that the reputation bornt by Dr. Bradbury should exercise upon your (election of a Dentist ehould come from a realization that reputation is Inevitably bated upon character and put performance. ' Dental skill it thown at its bett In the work turned out by Dr. Bradbury, combined with durability, beauty and a guarantee of ten years. You wiU be pleated to have Dr. Bradbury look after your teeth and you will be satisfied that he is everything he represents himself to be. Extractions. Missing teeth supplied without plates. Plates. X-Ray for bidden tooth troubles. Pyorrhea or any gum disease are all taken care of in the beat possible manner rand all work PAINLESSLY DONE. Extractions, SOe and up. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 27 Years in Omaha. 911-22 Woodman of tha World Building. Phono D. 17S6. 14th and Farnam Sti., Omaha. - Hours! 8 to 6 Sundays, 10 to 12. If V7S Tailor Beck Speeding vp deliraries on aummar suits at reduced , price. 15U14 Dodge St. I YEARS AT 1324 FARNAM ST. ITCBTH Wirt A" M - a We Please Yoy or Refund Year Money DR. McKENNEY Says: can always depend upon getting honest service, honest prices and square treatment in my office. My practice is founded on these principles." Beat Silver eft- ruling .....wVB Best 22k Gold Crown, S4 Wonder Plates worth 15 to S25.." 5, S3 tad $10 Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth. Soars i lite A. tad tetarlaj mi taw . at. trot Open cKEH.e DENTISTS ! 14TH AND FARNAM STS. 1824 FARNAM STREET. . . Phone Douglas 9879. NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can get Plates, Crowns, Bridget and ! Fillings Completed In One Day. , . S4 ' Free tton. No Students. lady . Attendants, Orchard 5v Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street July Furniture Sale A Feature of This Sale Is This Colonial Post Mahogany Bed at $18.75 This is a wonderful value in this type of bed, and can not be duplicated. It is well finished and well made, and very similar to the illustration. In This Sale, $18.75 Thio -. nnlw on lnafnrifA nf n nnmrier of exr.flntional A. -SlAaJ AJ V411J m awvva'v v 4 values this July Sale offers in beds of this type, showing reductions of 25 to 33 per cent For example the fol lowing: $34.00 Mahogany Bed, single and full size, $24.00. $35.00 Mahogany Bed, $28.00. $30.00 Mahogany Bed, $20.00. $45.00 Mahogany Bed, $35.00. -$50.00 Mahogany Bed, $37.50. Kaiser Grey Dining Room Suite Reduced 25 Adam style, consisting of 54-inch buffet with mirror, 54-inch table, 8 ft. extension; china cabinet, serving table and 6 chairs. This is a popular and new design in this novelty finish. Has served its purpose for us as a special display suite. The reduced price for suite complete is $148.00 Special Values in Odd Chairs and Rockers $49.00 Fumed Oak Chair, cane baok $11.00 fi4.00 Fnmed Oak Chair, cane $Back $16.00 $45.00 Solid Mahogany Chair, loots plush cushions $20.00 $31.00 Upholstered ghair $18.00 $y3.00 Mahogany Chair, turn- ed post, tapestry seat $10.00 Chair to match $10.00 $1i00 Solid MahogaatyjLiving Room Chair, upholstered seat iv..... $7.50 $22:00 Solid Mahoganr Sock er, very quaint detain.,. . . .$12.50 $65.00 Mahogany cha.ffiltid and upholstered ...T.f.i.. .i . .$25.00 $24.00 Old Oak Dir'Ch&s, leather seat and back, Slan ders style, 5 in lot, each;. .$10.00 July Sale of Rugs Continues to offer many remarkable values in floor cover ing of all grades. Thlb assortment is good, and many ex cellent patterns are o'ffered at very low prices. Note these examples: $67.50 $56.50 $98.50 $50.00 $52-50 $75.00 $95.00 $68.00 $41.50 $32.50 $75.00 $50.00 9x12 Hartford Sawwy JM-JJ Sail BmuhW J" 9.12 SuaalMa Vto. $50.00 10- 6x10-6 Whitt.ll Body Brands $39.00 11- 3x12 HTy Wilton $48.60 10- 6x12 Ch.nill., slightly soiled $36.00 11- 3x16 Bundhar $J5.00 10-6x10-6 Bundhar $45 00 9x12 Wilton $32 50 8-3x10-6 Body $27.50 9x15 Bundhar Wilton $59 00 9x9 Hartford Saxony... $39.00 All Oriental Rugs at 10 Off Carpet Made Rugs At lees than first cost of the material need in their making. 5x6-4 Axmimt.r . .$5.00 3x9-6 V.lnt $6.00 9x9-3 Body Bruaa.l ...... .$17.50 6x8-6 $9.00 8-3x10-6 V.W.t $13.65 6- 9x9-6 $9 95 9x12 $16.95 7- 6x10-6 BrnmU $13.50 July Sale of Draperies Duchess, Cluny, Arabian, Scrim and Quaker Laces at 25 to 50 per cent reductions. 1 and 2 Pair lots at Half Regular Price. Cretonnes 25c and 30c values for 15e . yard 30 patterns for selec tion. Drapery materials in green, brown, blue, rose; 65c to $1.50 values, for 38c yard. Lace nets from 5 to 20 yards, reductions from 20 to 50 per cent. All Remnants, from 1 to 5 yards, Curtain and Drapery materials at Half Regular value. $2.75 Tapestry, 95c yard. , $4.50 Tapestry, $2.25 yd. Fruit Jars The lowest prices in Omaha. Pint Mason Jars, dozen . . . ,. . . .4Je Quart Mason Jan, dozen 48c White Claw S.lf. Sealinc Jan. Pints, dozen 49c Quarts, dozen . . . .59c Half Gallon!, dot. .79c V tjMt1 ' You Should Have a Herrick Refrig erator for that New Home Hundreds of satisfied users right here in Omaha will testify to the advantages of a Herrick cold dry air circulation solid oak case, mineral wool insulation and many other features up from $16.50. Special prices on sample refrigerators; all sizes.