. jft A IS II TTTv T 1 1 J w' iplllll hi-.: -A, 111 1 SS!tiii SI IS 21 - flu ' : mm mi X" -y The n EST ALL A5HONT v it J Illi liiilillliiWii Itllll ' w ill 7 i1 it I WW An Attractive Model for a Dancing Gown for the Early Autumn. A New Note Is Struck in the Broad, Shirred Bands and Sash-Like Train of Black Taffeta. LADY DUFFjGORDON. the famou "Lucile" of London, and foremost creator of fashions in the worid, writes each week the fashion article for this newspaper, presenting all that is newest and best in styles for well-dressed women. Lady Duff-Gordon's Paris establishment brings her into close touch with that centre of fashion. Lady Duff-Gordon's American establishments are at Nos. 37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street. New York, and No, 1400 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago. By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile") ' NSTEAD of describing my own designs to you In our chat to-day, I am j going to give you a peep at a few of the first Pall fashions as they are shown In these photographs, whloh have been banded to me for my comment July Is not too early to consider the modes of Autumn. There Is a proverb concerning the fate of the forehanded. It should Include the person of foresight. Far vision Is an excellent thing. A forecast of the modes permits us to survey our present wardrobe and weigh the proba bilities of how many of our garments, or parts of them, are convertible for next season's wearing Or whether It will be necessary to lay them aside to await more revolutions of the wheel of time to bring them up again Into usefulness. An early forecast of the next season also determines whether one shall complete the wearing possibilities of a gown or wrap, or whether she shall give it the tender and saving care which will carry It forward as material for a foundation, at least, for next season's gowns, I surprised the women who came t m the cities and corners of this country to the Biennial Convention of the Federation of Women's Clubs in New York by my stand that I did not favor easting away a gown that had done service, provided It were still good. I said: "You can wear a gown for six seasons, provided your boot and hat are smart," I meant tt and take this occasion to repeat it, 1 What may we gather from this first showing of Autumn Cashlons, this firstmstle, aait were,.of Autumn leavest First, ttU apparent that sklrU win be not quit 0 voluminous. They ' si mm win glva the appearance of a plentltude of fabric but wilt not talk so large as to make a woman seem built on a much more -4 Wm ft i'-Vs f ST v V ill ; i 3 S 1 HZ uli ; ill ' i " ?V , ' ill m This Shows How the Autumn Girl of 1916 Will Look on Her Way to the Opera. The Shoulder-Wide Bow la a Picturesque Addition to the Short, Straight Wrap of Burgundy Colored Silk. IIS f 1 i ' Reversion to the Classic Motive Is Apparent in This Graceful Evening Gown of White Chiffon, Fur Bordered. CawrlgM I0IS. bf tht Star rmpn 0rf Rrtfatt Rtftin R.rf ample scale than she Is. For which every woman whose weight exceeds 120 pounds will be deeply grateful. Also the trend of evidence-la that It Win be another two-OMnore-shades-in-one garment season. Combinations, as we read the signs In the fashion heavens, will still be popular. There Is no Indication that we will return to the somewhat Quakerish mode of one tone la a town, unrelieved by a note of other color. 1 The gown of dancing length shown here is a good Index of the sea son whose threshold Is still remote. It Is" built of white embroidered tulle. It follows rather closely the lines of the upper half of the figure. The garniture of black shirred taffeta in broad horlsontal bands, and the sashlike drapery of the same material, are strikingly effective. Chic and charming Is the evening wrap that falls In straight, full' folds of burgundy colored Silk, in five-eighth figure length, from the shoulders. A picturesque effect is secured by the shoulder-wide bow Of black velvet, attached to which are large golden clasps, that secure the wrap at the throat. It Is a modified cape, of the graceful fulness of an Inverness. The shoulders are built widely with a lavish arrangement el the silk. An enormous aureole of white ostrich plumes lends further plcturesqueness to the wearer. In marked contrast to these effects Is the simple stateliness secured by the more formal gown pictured on the lower part of the page. It Is in such a gown Venus would have been pleased to present herself to a court of adorers. Or would tt have better suited Minerva's more severe style? I think it might. But It has tenure yet regal simplicity, that starts the mind traversing the wide halls amidst the marbles of old Greece. The robe Is of Ivory satin In chastest lines, almost reminiscent of the nearly forgotten tight skirt ThU severity la relieved by the long tunic that falls, almost slips, from the shoulders. The tunlo Is of white chiffon with a three-inch-wide border of sable. Buch an arrangement "of less expensive fur would also be effective, I predict thai this lovely model will be reproduced, say In light blue, with bands of chinchilla or mole akin, In pale rose with borders of sealskin or mink. In green, possibly, with a border of the not to be despised squirrel . The coiffure, If we accept these hints from wisdom, will be close aa sleek, of the kind to show to advantage the well formed head. There may be much garniture, or little or none, for (his is an age when In dividuality la-recognised. Taste reigns.