. PAST TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO FOUR The Omaha Sunday Bee PART TWO SOCIETY - PAGES ONE TO FOUR j' VOL. XLVI NO. 5. OMAHA, SUNDAY. MORNING, JULY 16, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. f She Will Be the Bride at Beautiful Wedding CLUBDOM 'in Calendar of Club Doings Tuesday Business Women's Council, luncheon and prayer meeting, court house, 11 to 2 o'clock. CuSter Woman's Relief corps, Sunshine club, Mrs, Caroline Lochner, hostess. Society of American Widows, Crounse block, 1:45 p. ni. Wednesday Visiting Nurse association, monthly meeting, city hall, 10:30 a. m. Miller Park Mothers' club, Miller park pavilion, 2:30 p. m. Order of the Eastern Star, Vesta chapter, an nual outing at Carter Lake club. Thursday Society of American Widows, Crounse block, 7:30 p. m. Friday W, C, T, U. of Benson, Mrs. J. N. Bailey hostess, 2:30 p. m. White Shrine, Sojourners club, outing at Sey mour Lake Country club. s ERVICE, or the spirit that begets It, knows no falling by the wayside because, perchance, the torrid rays of the sun beat down upon us. So It is that here and there, a woman's club continues to meet throughout the sum mer or else pursues its work more informally through committees. Mothers' clubs especially seem loath to discon tinue their sessions, and, for the most part, have transferred them to neighboring parks, where, under the cool shade of the trees and restful surroundings, with the children1 enjoying themselves in the park njaygrounds, benignant schemes are hatched. Such a meeting is tne one wnicn tne Miner rark Mothers club will hold Wednesday afternoon at Miller Park pavilion. The usual meeting place is the neighbor hood school house. Following the business-meeting. there will be a social hour when the president, Mrs. T. P. Davis and Mrs. Florence McCurdy will, be the hostesses. Other picnic affairs arranged for the week is the annual outing and dinner-dance of Vesta chapter, No. 6, Order of the Eastern Star, which will be given Wednesday at Carter Lake club, and the first of a series of diner-dances which will be given Friday evening at Seymour Lake Country club by the So journers' club of the White Shrine. The Business Women's council knows no cessa tion, either, during the days when the mercury flirts with the 100-degree mark. On Tuesday of this week the Rev. Ray of the Second Presbyterian church of Council Bluffs will conduct the prayer meeting, i which is held in conjunction with the weekly lunch eon for business girls, at the court house, between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Women of the Execu tive committee will serve the luncheon. Unceasing, too, in their efforts, are members of the Society of American Widows, whose president, Mrs. Bessie C. Turpin, has just announced the latest welfare activity for the husbandless. This is the manufacture, demonstrating and marketing of the products of a waterproof fabric company. While the J1 business venture is not financed by the widows, it factically amounts to a private undertaking for them, as a contract was drawn up with the manager of the concern which provides that only widows will be employed by him. To create an outlet for unskilled workers is in deed a great problem, and this latest venture seems a fortunate opening, as plain sewing, which any woman can manage, is about all that is required in the manufacture of these articles. In the meantime, at their Tuesday afternoon meetings and sometimes at the Thursday evening meetings, which are now being held at the widows' headquarters in the Crounse building, the women are spending their time sewing for the bazar and enter tainment they are contemplating for September. A monthly board meeting of the Visiting Nurse association is scheduled for Wednesday morning at the rooms in the city hall. Miss Bess Randall, the superintendent, gives her reports and the summer activities, especially in connection with The Bee's free milk and ice fund, will be discussed. Club women all over the country will be inter ested in the following newspaper excerpt with re gard to the "Chief Clublady of the Land:" "Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles of Los Angeles, Cal., the new president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, received the highest honor ever accorded a southern California club woman, when the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles gave a public reception for her on her return from New York, June 29. The civic organization also joined in a reception at the depot on Mrs. Cowles' arrival in Los Angeles. Few club women are aware of the great part Mrs. Cowles has been taking in the work of the federation for many years. When the biennial meeting was held in Cincinnati and when Mrs. Philip N. Moore, the then president, met with an accident and broke her ankle, Mrs. Cowles assumed the lead ership at several of the meetings. Her record as a worker in the federation shows that in 1902, when the general federation biennial met in Los Angeles, Mrs. Cowles was president of the board. She was chairman of the reception com mittee when the general federation met in St. Louis in 1904, and was there made a director in 1906 was elected treasurer and was first vice president from 1903 to 1912; a member of the executive committee from 1912 to 1913; chairman of finance committee from 1908 to 1912; chairman of peace committee from 1912 to 1916; chairman of biennial committee in charge of the San Francisco biennial in 1912, when she could, it is generally recognized, have been president; strong suffragist, though she worked against having suffrage made a federation issue at a time when it would have meant much for California women, but would have been against the sentiment of a large number of women who since have joined the ranks. Mrs. Cowles takes time for many a week end jaunt to the mountains north of Altadcna, where "she and Dr. Cowles, well-known physician for twen ty years and more in Los Angeles, have a delightful rustic lodge." Nebraska women will no doubt be well repre sented at a meeting fraught with much interest to women in suffrage states, though our own women , win dc oniy spectators, noi panaiicrs in inc sessions y of the meeting. I This is the National Council of Women Voters 1 vjhich will hold its national convention in Cheyenne, "Wyo., July 26 to 29, in conjunction with the Frontier days celebration, when the cowboys of the plains I will have their twentieth annual celebration. Women ' voters of the twelve suffrage states and Alaska, will attend Miss Helen Epeneter, Who Weds Albert Busch on Monday Night, and Sole Attendant, Miss Howland rA: Wirt : t ) III tey I V'' ?i 'if $ " J ' V v If. v s-tm7 ; Ji ' - ' m " V 4 I jiQlen Ttaxjorie SOCIETY Social Calendar Monday Busch-Epeneter wedding it All Salntt' church at 8:30 o'clock, followed by supper at the Fontenelle for bridal party, 1911 Auction Bridge club, Mrs. C B. Coon, hostess. Tuesday- Dinner-dances at Carter Lake, Seymour Lake and Happy Hollow clubs. Bridge tournament at the Field club. Matinee dansant at Happy Hollow club. Children's party at Happy Hollow given by Mrs. C. B, MacDonald. Wednesday Dinner-dances at Country and Field dabs. Kensington and matinee dansant at Carter Lake club, Hazelot-Dearment wedding. Entertainment for Miss Amelia Levy of San Francisco, Mrs, Morris Rosenberg hostess. Swimming party at Carter lake for W, W. club, Mrs. George H. Swoboda, hostess, Thursday Women's luncheon it Carter Lake and Sey mour Lake elubi, Dance at Dieti club. Ladies' luncheoni and dinner dance at Happy Hollow club, Friday Women's bowling and swimming club at Car ter Lake, Dinner dance at Seymour Lake Country club. Saturday v Dinner-dances at Country, Field, Happy Hol low, Carter Lake and Seymour Lake clubs. Dinner-dance for Mr, George B. Post of New York, guest of Mr. Herbert Davis at Country club, given by Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis. OCIETY is calm again today after the thrill of the races yesterday. The women in the) boxes and the grandstand looked their pret tiest in their cool but ratnbow-hued sports suits, which lent a vivid touch of color to the drab of the track. They were the first to strain forward and join in the cheer when a bofd favorite shot into the lead, or rb hold their breath when danger seemed to threaten. It was alive, ac tive and intensely interesting to them all, if atti tude and actions are any indicaion of interest. Let us now chronicle the wedding that was and the wedding that Is to be, of two beautiful Omaha girls. One was a home wedding, the other will be a church wedding, and both were blessed with the ten der wishes of devoted friends. , The marriage of Miss Louise North rup to Mr. Samuel Williams Reynolds took place last evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jay North rup. The ceremony was performed very quietly) with only intimate friends and relatives present Mrs. Northrup gave her daughter away. The bride's only attendants were the maid of honor, Miss Graca McBride, and the little flower girl, Miss Charlotte Troxell, her niece. The groom was accompanied by his father, Mr. J. B. Reynolds. Four sorority sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta stretched ribbons to the place of the ceremony. They were the Misses Louise Bedwell, Loa Howard, Mar guerite Marshall and Irma Jones. Members of the old Rolye society of which Miss Northrup was a member during her high school days, assisted through the rooms. The Rev. G. A. Hulbert of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. T. J. Mackay. . The bride's gown was of white net with inserts of lace, and delightfully cool and summery, and the attendants were gowned in pink. An informal reception for the guests was held after the service. The out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Troxell and family of Ban croft. . ' The wedding of Miss Helen Epeneter to Mr. AU bert Busch will take place tomorrow evening. Lasl night at the Country club Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Busch entertained in honor of the young people and the) wedding party at the regular dinner-dance. ' . The bride's only attendant will be Miss Marjoriej Howland, maid of honor, and Mr. Leon Callahari will be best man. Miss Epeneter and Mr. Busch will be married at All Saints' church. Miss Alica Duval will sing at the ceremony. Four ushers hav been chosen from among the friends of the vnuntf copie, mr. rranic meaa, Mr. Lloyd smith, Mr, Clarence Sibbernsen and Mr. Edwin Busch. a hrnthr of the groom-to-be. The service will he fnltnwurf by a supper at the Fontenelle for the bridal party, given by the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Epeneter, at which twenty-four guests will be! present. a; The biggest party for the younger set yet sched uled is the dinner-dance for next Saturday night at the Country club which Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis) are giving for their son Herbert's guest. Mr. WaU lace Shepherd is bringing home from Cornell with him a classmate and Phi Gamma fraternity brother. Mr. George Post, who will be the house guest ol Mr. Herbert Davis. The two are making the trip in Mr. Post's runabout. Long motor trips are such simple things these days that it seems impossible) that people should have found the same journey so) tiresome in our gray-haired grandmother's days. My grandmother came across country before the) railroads did, as many other staunch old pioneers came. They cooked in picnic fashion and slept in) their big prairie schooner, my young grandpartenta. It sounds romantic. Sundays they stopped at a farm house or lodging house along the road and when they and their team started out fresh on Mon day morning they soon outdistaced the weary strag glers who had plodded along the highway all thai day before. What bride of today who leaves-on th midnight train for the eastern coast can have halt so exciting, an experience as did the brides who crossed the continent in the lumbering prairia schooners, to lose themselves and grow up with a vast new continent? ' Why doesn't society live up to its reputation for doing that which is novel and bizarre? Forget your worries some day and start out to explore. Go south and seek passage over the Big Muddy in a fisherman s boat, explore abandoned quarries coma1 upon pretty parks with mysterious hillside eaves, picnic in Mormon hollow, ferry across the river ose yourself in No Man's land, discover an unknown lake where you may boat, fish or swim unseen oh discover! When social affairs become pressing rest yourself with your best friend by going off into the unknown. Only a few hours from you there is field for boundless romance. The spirit which made our ancestors hardy and noble, may be yours in a milder, but just as refreshing fashion. Additional Society News on Next Page.