f T? " : l&sXf ; : THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 16, 1916. 2 AXON " HI travel 61,800 miles without stopping average 25.5 miles per gallon of gasoline ON July 1st 206 Saxon dealers in all parts of the country, driving stock model Saxon Sixes, staged a 300-mile non-stop run to prove the re markable gasoline economy of "Saxon Six." The winner averaged 34 2-3 miles per gallon of gasoline. The grand average for the 206 Saxon "Sixes" was 23.5 miles per gallon. The total distance traveled was 61,800 miles more than twice around the world nearly 20 times across the con tinent During the entire 61,800 miles not a single motor stopped running. Men from a leading newspaper in each of the 206 cities acted as official ob servers, and their affidavits certify to the correctness of the records. Stop for a moment and picture to your self this remarkable scene in its en tirety. ' .:, Don't think of just one Saxon "Six" traveling 300 miles without stopping, and averaging 23.5 miles per gallon. Don't think of just one car "tuned to the minute" for a gasoline test on a measured gallon of gas over a specially selected piece of roadway, all condi tions ideal. But think of 206 Saxon "Sixes," each traveling 300 miles without stopping, meeting every condition of road and weather, running through -congested city traffic, through mud, through deep sand, through rock-strewn canyons, over hills and mountains and average country roads. f And then the full significance of this average of 23.5 miles per gallon of : gasoline will strike you. This country-wide Saxon "Six" test proves what any Saxon owner could do with his own car. Remember that in most instances, each Saxon "Six" carried five passengers. Ask yourself' (if you would know just how great an achievement this is) what other car, of equal size and power at less than $1,000, could match this record. Yet, after all, the average of 23.5 miles per gallon of gasoline is not the only remarkable thing about this 61,800 mile run. ' For there is the fact that not a single one of these 206 motors stopped run ning once. There is the fact that no mechanical troubles occured. There is the fact of the extraordinary stability and strength of Saxon "Six" that this run establishes. In no other way could the pledge of STRENGTH, ECONOMY, SERVICE, made to Saxon "Six" owners by the Saxon Motor Car Corporation, be proved more vividly, more clearly, more impressivly than by this perform ance of the car itself. Here's What the Drivers Say About Saxon Six (Lack a f Space PrphibiUiRephducing All the Report OMAHA. NEB Mad 30O.mlL drive over No brneka rwdi, pari of which war aandy and very rouge, ia fifteen hour. Used 13 gallons ef ordl. ' aary (aaoliaai averaged 23 milea to aach gallon of gasoline. Motor raa perfectly, not ana adjust-' arant wai mada during lha anlira run. Noyes- Killy Motor Co. G. W. Praiton, Baa, Observer. Sub-dealer, L. P. Madsen of Council Bluffs, la., - made ran averaging 26 milaa par haur over stiff . grades. Average 19f4 milat to the gallon. R. W. Mason of Missouri Vallay, la., araragad 22 34-53 milaa par gallon. Absolutely no motor, trouble in either car. . , ATWOOD, KANS Averaged 25 S3-100 miles par . gallon sf gasoline on 300-mile non-stop run. Used ordinary low-test gasoline. Gas tank and car-' , buretor drained bafor starting. Speedometer carefully tasted for accuracy. SO miles of course lay over new, soft, graded road. Dealer, E. E. Howard. Obaarnr, F. D. Graason, Square Deal. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Averaged 24 6-10 milea to the fall) of gasoliaa on 300-mile non-stop run in -atock model Saxon Six Saxon Motor Vehicle Co. Obaarnr, Representative of Providence Bui Jatm. ... I - CINCINNATI, OHIO. Finished 300-mile non ".' atop raa la Saxon Six Standard modal in 12 hours . - and 30 minutes with perfect score. Used 1 1 $t fallens of gasoline and 2 quarts of oil. Averaged 26 1-10 milea to gallon of gasolina. Had no tiro trouble! used ona-half gallon of water. Weather .very hot Hellmaa Motor Car Co. Observer,. R. ' ZC. Crewthers, Commercial-Tribune. DAYTON, OHIO. Finished 300-mile non-stop ; raa without any trouble. Used stock model Saxon "Six, carrying 3 passengers, and two extra casings. Averaged 23 miles per gallon of gasolina. Used only one quart of oil. Borchors Automobile . Co. Observer, Francis Powers, Daily News. - SYRACUSE, N. Y Drove standard model Saxon Six regularly equipped 300 milaa without stopping, a 14 H gallons of gasoline, averaging 21 23-100 milaa par gallon. Saxon Six performed wonder- fully Syracuse Motor Car Co. Observer, C. H. JtaletakV Post-Standard. . ' COLUMBUS, OHIO. Completed 300-mile non atop run without stopping motor and without the slightest mechanical trouble or adjustments. At. raged 29 9-10 miles par gallon of gasoline ' Ohio Saxea Meter Co. Observer, Geo. T. New : kirk, Columbus Dispatch. ,i ., .' iii . j, i. .. ; .. : PASADENA, CAL On 300-mile non-stop run, t, went from Pasadena to San, Diega and return, made detoure and mountain passes without shift r ing gears) covered exactly- 300 miles an 10 gal- Ions of gasoline. Used stock model Saxon Six . "ragularly equipped. Car performed beautifully. - r Dealer, Stanley S. Turner. Observer, Chas. Moody, Star-New. HASTINGS, NEB. Did not have a single bit ef , mechanical trouble oa the entire 300-mile non , atop run ia Saxon Six. Ona-half of course was ; ewer extremely rough road, newly made. Tern . perature of 92 degrees prevailed, with high wind ' all the timet average, 23 mile per gallon ef gaso line Stitt Motor Co. Observer, Walter Mc Carthy, Tribune. KANSAS CITY, MO la economy contest as to gasolina mileage of regularly equipped standard . model Saxon Six, wo covered 303 1-10 miles with ' out stopping, on 11 H gallons of gasolinet aver, aged 26 69-100 miles par gallon. Bond Motor Co. " Observer, F. Hinckle, Star. '') TORONTO, ONT Slock modal Saxon Six mada 300-mile non-stop run over very rough , roads, . carrying four passengers and regular equipment, oa 12 H gallons of gasolina, averaging 24 miles" per gallon. Saxon Sales Co. of Toronto. Ob server, W. B. Hastings, Canadian Motorist. ' ST. LOUIS, MO Saxon Six 300-mile non-stop run started at 7i20 and finished at 8i20 averaged 34 2-3 milea per gallon of gasoline. Frye Motor Car Co. Observer, Allan Branin, Star. ' MINNEAPOLIS, MINN la Saxon Six 300-mile aon-stop run, stock model regularly equipped car averaged 33 96-100 milea to the gallon of gaso lina. North wss tarn Automobile Co. Observer, T. J. Hentschell, Tribunei Roy Camp, Daily Newei J. R. Baker, Journal. LINCOLN, NEB Mada 300-mlle aon-stop run In stock model standard equipped Saxoa Six, ia 12 . hours, with aa avaraga of 18 miles per galloa of gasoline. Had no trouble of any kind) finished in fina shape) road condltiona very bad. Dealer, Lord Auto Co. Observers, Mr. Doyle, Nebraska ' State Journal) Mr. Clark, Daily Star. MEMPHIS, TENN Driving two-thirds of the 300-miia non-stop run over heavy, newly-worked, country roads, Saxon Six averaged 21 1-10 milea ' par gallon of gasoline. Had no trouble of any kind. Memphis Motor Car Co. . Observer, C. W. Miller, Commercial Appeal. , GENEVA, N. Y Finished 300-mile non-stop run ' with stock model Saxon Six in 10 hours and 20 minutes, averaging 32 15-100 miles per gallon of gasoline. The car ran perfectly. The 'newspaper observer remarked that Saxon Six ran batter at finish than at start, and suggested non-stop run for 500 miles, and that Saxon Six could easily do it in the daylight. Dealer, C. J. Allen. Observer, R B. Halsted, Ruahvillo Chronicle. , GRAND RAPIDS,' MICH. Stock model Saxon Six traveled 300 miles without stopping, on 10 gallons and 7 pints of gasolina, averaging 27 H ' miles per gallon, and 150 miles to the quart of oil. Grand Rapids Saxon Co. Observer, P. Nickel, Evening Press. v SAN JOSE, CAL. Completed 300-mile ' non ston run with stock model Saxon Six. exneriencin ' tin tmilMat nf a n v Lin.) h kl. . V ' - - - i . J -"! , average, 28 5-10 milea to gallon of gasoline. -Normandin-Campin Co. Observer, C. P. Owen, Mercury.- - . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Averaged 25 5 100 milea par gallon of gasoline on 300-mile Saxon Six aon-stop run. Used standard equipped, stock model Saxon Six, and finished the aourse in 12 hours, 1 minute and 3 seconds. Consumed 3 pints of oil. Heavy rain and wind during 4 hours of the run. Dealer, F. L. Dubroy. Observer, J. E. Boy don, Chronicle. Facts Proved by 300-Mile Non-Stop Run Saxon Six can consistently aver age over 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Saxon Six can consistently aver age over 175 miles to the quart of oil. Saxon Six is so rugged and dur able that it Can withstand the hardest pounding of the rough est reads.. Saxon Six can perform with an equal degree of satisfaction in any climate. Saxon Six is possessed of power sufficient to overcome the steep est hills, or pull through the - roughest going. o Saxon Six is a steady performer in any part of the country. " Saxon Six is reliable, reliable, re liable capable of steady day in and day out service that satisfies -which is the supreme virtue in. any machine. ' " 'J NEW CASTLE, 1ND. Finished 300-mile non-stop rua in standard equipped stock model Saxon Six,, averaging 24 milea per gallon of gasolina; time consumed 10 hours and 30 minutes. Dealer, E. R. Skinner. Observer, F. L. Smallay, Daily Times. CHICAGO, ILL. On 300-mile non-stop gasoline mileage test, in Saxon Six standard touring car, drove 50 miles over Chicago boulevards and the remainder on Indiana and Illinois country roads. Had no mechanical trouble, hood was not raised once. Gears shifted 3 times once to rescue motor- ing party. Motor kept running every minute. Fin ished run in 13 hours and 13 minutes flat. Aver aged 24 miles per gallon of gasoline. Pulled through 9 miles of mud up to hubs. Saxon Auto Co. of Illinois. Observer, Ed. Westlake, Evening Post. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Entered stock model Saxon Six regularly equipped in 300-mile non-stop run from Cleveland to Niagara Falls over indif ferent roads) averaged 27 milea per gallon of gasoline, and consumed 2 quarts of oil. Car car ried driver and three passengers. Loveland Com pany. Observer, W. J. Salter, Cleveland News. REDFIELD, S. DAK. Completed 300-mile non stop run without a stop. Roads war in unusually bad condition, yet Saxon Six gave an absolutely perfect performance. Had no trouble whatsoever, averaged 17 9-23 miles per gallon Blain Auto. Co. Observer, E. B. Merriman, Journal. FREEPORT, ILL Non-atop run over 300-mile course in Saxon Six standard touring car aver aged 26 9-10 miles per gallon of gasolina. Dealer, C. H. Wright. Observer, Wm. Bunham, Daily Democrat. WATERLOO, IOWA Stock model Saxoa Six ran 305 miles, without stopping, over Iowa roads on 14 gallons of gas an average of 27 7-10 milea per gallon. Had no trouble whatever. Campbell Saxon Auto. Co. Observer, Frank Burk, Times Tribune. LOUISVILLE, KY. 300-mile non-stop economy test on stock model Saxoa Six went through on achedule. Course lay over every road in this vicinity. Hood not raised once. Consumed 12H gallons of gasolina) averaging 24 miles to the gal loa. Car finished in perfect shape. Congratulate Saxon Motor Car Corporation on making a ear that can perform so splendidly. Motor Sales Co. Observer, Mr. Swearangen, Courier-Journal. - - , ' LANCASTER, PA. Perfect performance charac terized the 300-mile non-stop gasolina economy teat mada here. Averaged 34 20-100 milea par gal Ion of gasolina. Absolutely no adjustments mada during entire trip. Newspaper representative oa i trip aant word that the run convinced him abso , lutely that the Saxon Six possesses the qualities that make exceptional performance possible, and offer the Saxoa owner a positive guarantee of everyday ihigh standard service. Penn Auto Co. i Observer, Harry E. Nelson, Intelligencer and News Journal. . j . ' BUFFALO, N. Y Drove 307 miles ever Erie, Niagara, Genesee and Cattaraugus county roads :': without stopping, in atock model Saxon Six, av eraging 25 7-10 milaa par gallon of gasoline.- Loveland Company. Observer, Arthur Methler, ' Buffalo Times.- v DES MOINES, IOWA. On Saxon Six nin1 300-mile non-atop gasoline economy run, left Des Moines at 4:00 A. M., ran to Ames, Webster City, Fort Dodge, Palmeroy, Rockwell City, Lake City, Paton, Jefferson, Boone, and arrived back at the sales room at 3:20 P. M. Had absolutely no trou ble. Made no repairs) used ii gallon of water) 1 M quarts of oil, and averaged 26 64-100 miles per hour. Gasolina average was 22 2-10 miles per gal lon of gasoline. Taylor Motor Co. Observer, A. Brambarg, Register and Leader. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Saxon Six stock model, reg ular equipment, finished 300-mile non-stop run in 12 hours and 27 minutes, over rough country roads. No adjustments or changes were made dur ing entire trip, nor waa the motor stopped. Aver aged 25 miles per gallon of gasoline, and used only two quarts of oil. Lux Auto Sales Co. Observer, Matt Smith, Daily Sun. HOUSTON, TEXAS. Completed the grand 300 mile Saxon Six non-stop gasoline economy rua" without any trouble whatsoever. Made no mechan ical adjustments of any kind, and did not stop motor once during trip. Averaged 20 1-100 mile per gallon of gasolina. San Jacinto Motor Car Co. Observer, J. F. Wright, Houston Post. GREEN BAY, WIS Started the Saxon Six 300. mile non-stop economy test run in a rain storm at 5:15 A. M-, and completed the run at 7:00 P. M. The course lay over muddy country roads with the exception of about B0 miles on city pavements. Had no trouble of any kind with tha car or tirea and tha motor waa running just as smoothly at the finish aa at tha start, never missing once dur ing the entire trip. Used one-half gallon of oil and one quart of water, and averaged 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Saxon Motor Sales Co. Ob server, .A R. Bowers, Press-Gazette. . YONKERS, N. Y Finished 300-mile non-stop Saxon Six economy test run in standard model Saxon Six regularly equipped in 13 hours and 10 minutes, maintaining an average speed of 22.8 miles per hour. Route was from Yonkers to Al bany and return, including 20 miles on Broadway. Averaged 23 milea per gallon of gasoline. Ward-' Randall Co., Inc. Observer, Gerald Brady, Daily News. PORTLAND, ORE. With stock model standard Equipped Saxon Six, in 300-mile non-stop run, an average waa mada of 27 2-11 ariloa per gallon of gasolina. Moat of the time traveling was through a heavy rain storm. Car stuck in mud seven min utes. Motor did not stop. Road conditions terrible, but car performed wonderfully. Saxon Motor Sales Co. of Oregon. Observer, Stanley Werschkul, Evening Telegram. BLOSSBURG, PA Ran 301 6-100 miles on 15 Ja gallona of gasolina. Motor did not atop once during trip. Drove stock model standard equipped Saxon Six. Run lay over very hilly country. The roads were in bad condition. Saxon Six gave a marvelous performance, and attracted the atten-. tion of crowds in every little town we passed through. Car carried 3 passengers. Averaged 19 3-10 miles per gallon of gasoline. This is an '1 unusual record for motoring in this part of tha country. Dealer, H. H. Roberts. Observer, F. M., Trimble, Herald. Saxon Six-$81S NO YES-KILLY MOTOR CO., Distributors, 2066-68 Farnam Street, Omaha. Saxon Roadster-$395 3AXON MOTOR CAR CORPORATION DETROIT