THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 16, 1916. 11 A CHALMERS CARS SET ROADRECORDS Two New Marks Made in South, One in Texas and Another in Georgia. BOTH ON HEAVY ROADS Clipping over three hours from the best previous time between Dallas and San Antonio, a Chalmers six thirty driven by W. W. Moriss, jr., of Dallas, Tex., has just hung up the fifth fast national road record to be captured by 3,400 r. p. m. Chalmers in the last month. According to a wire received by Paul Smith, vice president of the Chalmers selling division, Morris' rec ord was made under conditions so discouraging as to make fast traveling extremely dangerous. A Speedy Trip. "We made the 302 miles to San Antonio in nine hours and twenty, two minutes," read Moriss' wire. Ar riving at ban Antonio we were checked in and found we had cut down the best previous road record by over three hours. In making this record, we beat the famous Katy lim ited on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas line by one hour and thirty-three min utes. This is the fastest train running between the two points. Half of the distance was over black, muddy roads 10 rough that we thought the car would not stand up under the strain. Despite the test, car and motor are in excellent shape and we can repeat the trip tomorrow. Our time was considered impossible over the coun fry roads." Another Mark Broken. Just previous to the wire from Mr. Moriss a dispatch was received from Jacksonville newspapers, carrying the Hews of a new record from Atlanta, Ga., to Jacksonville, Fla., made by a Chalmers six-thirty, driven by iceman Phelan and Homer George. The same machine lowered the Atlanta-Chat tanooga road record two weeks a Fhelan and Georee drove the . miles in eleven hours and fifty-nine minutes elapsed time. Four passengers Jvere carried. Heavy ram turned tne roads into miniature lakes along the route. The last fifty miles was made In a continuous downpour, through mud and slush, while eighty miles of deep sand was driven through between XVaycross and Jacksonville. un tne recora-DreaKing -nicaKo- New York, Detroit-Indianapolis, At lanta-Chattanooga and the two more recent southern road trips, an average speed of over thirty miles per hour bas been achieved over a grana total of 2,137 miles of country roads and mountain trails. Give Your Storage Battery a Drink; It Will Help It Saxon Six Non-Stop Car ry. me met time when a motor car is used every day to grow careless about some of the important parts of the car. Because of the increased amount of driving, however, and especially driv ing at night, the storage battery can not be neglected if the owner wishes to get results from his starting and lighting system. A storage battery needs plenty of water in the summer time, just like a human being. On account of the warmer weather, a battery should receive pure distilled water every week. The reason for this is explained by Elmer Rosengren of the Ne braska Storage aBttery company, who Bays: "Warm weather makes the solution fa the battery evaporate quickly. This solution is what gives the battery its life and if allowed to get below a level with the top of the battery plates, these plates will be exposed to the air end the exposed portion will be dam aged by oxidation. "Iin addition to this damage to the battery, if the owner neglects to fill the cells with water, the generator on Jiis car will overheat his battery and Juin it in a very short time." Allen Company Boosts Enlistment At a mass meeting and farewell to Company D, Sixth Ohio National Guard, Fostoria, O., several days ago, W. O. Allen, general manager of the Allen Motor company, voiced admir ably the farewell sentiments of the people of that city and in addition encouraged further enlistment, in a oracticable and appreciable manner. Mr. Allen announced for his com. pany, builders of Allen motor cars, that not only would they assure every employe enlisting his present position, but that they would care for any fam ilies who might become destitute through the service of one on whom they are dependent. When questioned regarding their attitude now that the crisis is ap parently past, Mr. Allen- stated that they believed thoroughly in the proper protection of the border with present conditions in Mexico, and that the company's promise would hold good as long as Washington saw fit to keep the militia on the border, Fisk Employes to Receive Pay While on Guard Duty Announcement that their employes will receive compensation while ab sent on military duty has beben made by the Fisk Rubber company. This extends not only to factory and gen eral office employes, but also to em ployes of Fisk branches in more than 100 cities in all parts of the country. Married employes and those, with peo ple dependent upon them are to re ceive three-quarters of their salary and single men without dependents one-half their salary, with no deduc tions for the money paid them by the government. The same rule applies also to men who desire to enlist provided they have worked for the company six months. llnlnckr Sewn. The St. Loul Cards havs bn running tm to form In overy department of tho game seventh In the league Handing-, oev enth In team batting and seventh In team Balding. Rondesm Goa Bark. Evidently Henri Rondeau Is another one of those pastlmara who took like a million dollars outside the big yard. After several trials In the major leagues the Frenchman onee-again with the Minneapolis Millers. Imp'' 0 ZBcg t$U llwwmuunii J., t ii.?TwKyiSM BeBSBBssnsHBaVBB9BB8astisasttsttBHESSS Reports regarding the Saxon six 300-mile non-stop runs which were made by dealers and owners through out the country show come startling records for gasoline economy. The Fry Motor company of St. Louis made the run of 300 miles averaging thirty-four and two-thirds miles to the gallon. This was the high rec ord and won the silver loving cup offered by the Saxon Motor com pany to the driver making the best record. The Omaha car, driven by H. B. Noyes of the Noyes-Killy Motor company, averaged twenty-three miles per gallon of gasoline, which is an excellent record considering the route which was taken. The car plowed through a long stretch of sandy roads and was delayed upon several occasions. These delays meant a waste of gasoline, because while inquiries were being made the motor was kept running. Out of the fifteen hours the car was held up forty-five minutes. There was abso lutely no motor trouble and not one adjustment made. The delays were due to making inquiries regarding the roads and in one instance to a load of hay which was stuck on a bridge. AUTO CLUB WILL TACKLE WE HOGS' Crusade Planned Against the Drivers Who Waste Room in Parking Oars. WARNING CARDS POSTED The Omaha Automobile club has decided to get after the "parking space hogs." Many drivers parking cars on the pavement carelessly take up space that ought to serve for two cars. The directors of the club have had a supply of cards printed, and when their special traffic cop sees a car straddling a line he will leave a card for the owner explain ing that he is "in wrong." If this does not cure the evil speed ily the club probably will go before the council and ask for an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to park a i car straddling a line. Boosters Coming July 24. The Highland Cutoff Highway a ID highway, postponed from June 26 be cause of the rains, has been sched uled for Monday, July 24. The run will start from Central City at 8 o'clock, touching Hordville, Folk, Stromsburg, Ulysses, Dwight, Valpa riso, Weston, Wahoo, Mead and Val ley, and is expected to finish at Oma ha about 6 p. m. The boosters will visit Samson at the Den in the evening and run back the next day. The promoters expect that the farmers will be through harvest by that time and that there will be a big turnout. The road lias been marked as far west as Grand Island already. It is now being marked to Hall county, and the promoters expect to have it marked clear through to Denver by fall. From Central City west it will follow the route of the Lincoln high way. Sloan's Liniment Kill. Pain. Is the greatest pain killer ever dlscov ered; simply laid on the skin no rubbing required It drives psln away. 16c All druggists. Advertisement. WiUaFd Have a Heart! Muftijr Threaten. John MrQraw, the UlHtitV bne., employ an effective thouirh heart, e met hot! to make his paatlmere iwhave. lie thr.atfn. to trade m to fit. Louie. Don't forget how hot your battery gets these days. Better have it inspected once in a while. Costs nothing:. Nebraska Storage Battery Co. 2203 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas S102. Free intptction of any battery at any time Heard at The Omaha Automobile Club Hospitable to Tourists. "Omaha is well and favorably known all over the east for the hospi table way in which an overland tour ist is treated," remarked J. K. Bad ger of Cleveland, O. "Your auto club here is an excellent organization and, believe me, the road reports and handy little tour slips they give are very much appreciated. In fact. I have never run across a more meaty trip card, giving, as they do, camp sites, points of interest, highway marks, mileage, and towns." A Heavyweight Family. "Twenty-five hundred pounds ex cess baggage," is the way G. H. Brown put it when he was asked how many were in his party touring to the coast. Brown comes from Con necticut. "I've got four kids and my wife with me," laughed Brown, "and none of us are featherweights. Mv youngest weighs 170 pounds. Besides the human beings, we have the fam ily dog, a gasoline stove, three fold ing cots, two springs and mattresses and about a dozen kitchen utensils. Big car? Yep, a Ford. And, say, when we hit a bump, we pray for luck. Going back to the coast and probably settle there. Sort of a mod ern prairie schooner." I Water Bottle Shower Bath. "Ever take a hot water bottle show er bath?" asked Jerry Grant, who has a big tobacco business back in Massa chusetts. Well, sir, 1 ve got a big water bottle arranged with a fine spray nozzle, and every night in camp i mi ner run ot cool water, bang it on a hickory limb and stand under one of the most useful things we carry in the machine. Sleep? Gosh, makes you sleep like a top. Traffic Signals Confuse. "We've traveled 10.000 miles since April 2, and one of the most needed reforms noticed is the confusion caus ed a tourist by the different traffic signals in the different towns. It's ridiculous." After divulging himself of the above, "Happy" Reed, who hails from Florida, gave a demon stration of how learned you have to be to tour overland and observe each town's traffic signals. "In one town you stop on the near side, and when you arrive at the next city a fat cop growls at you for stopping on the near side of the stret. One city says to go ahead at two whistles, and when you pull into your next stop and start to go ahead at the double whistle, said officer yells out that he will yank you and your whole family to the calaboose. One city says wig-wag your arm when rounding a turn, and when you wiggle-waggle at the next burg, some yap on the sidewalk wants to know 'where'n 'ell'd you come from?' The American Automobile association should ask for a federal law making uniform all traffic sig nals so a galoot of a tourist could pass through a town and look at the buildings instead of keeping his eye on cops. 'Taint their fault, but yet, they all can spot a tourist in a min ute, and it wouldn't hurt their most regal and official majesties to put a fellow next" "AGE OF RUBBER" IS NEAR AT HAND Goodrich Company Predicts Bigger and Cheaper Supply in Coming Years. NEW USES TO BE FOUND Girl Motorcyclists to Tour from Coast to Coast To cross the continent alone on a motorcycle is the adventuresome idea of two New York girls, the Misses Adeline and Augusta Van Buren, who left the metropolis July 4 for San Francisco. They have made careful preparation for their hazardous jour ney, their motorcycles being spe cially designed solo machines, equip ped with Firestone non-skid tires. This trip is not due to a fad of any kind. Practical common sense is back of it. Both of these daring girls are firm believers in national prepar edness and they hope to advertise the cause by this ocean to ocean mo torcycle trip, further, they believe a successful journey will prove that in time of stress women can render real practical help as dispatch riders. Mascot on Tour, Willie O'Connor, mascot, Is making the western trip with the Braves for the first time since the 1914 seeeon. If Willi auc. ceeds In chasing the wimp as well as he did In 114 the Braves are the next world's champs. Akron, O., July 10. So many in dustries are face to face with con stantly decreasing supplies of raw ma terials and ever increasing demands due to population growth, that the contrast afforded by the rubber busi ness looms up vividly. In 1905, according to figures given out by The B. F. Goodrich company, uncultivated or "native" rubber com prised 60,800 tons, while in 1914 the production had dropped back to 60,000 tons. But cultivated or plantation rubber in the same space of time had risen from 145 tons ot 64,000 tons. In 1917, the Goodrich company estimates that while native rubber production will have fallen to 34,500 tons, plantation rubber will amount to 147,000 tons. By 1921, it is pre dicted, 209,000 tons of cultivated rub ber will be available, while but 30,000 tons of native rubber will be pro duced. Many New Uses. Thus, 1917 will show a total in crease of 50 per cent in crude rub ber supplies over 1914, due to the fast-growing production on planta tions. And when raw rubber reaches that level of cost which vastly in creased supplies would indicate, my riad new uses will be added to those for which the present relatively lim ited production is required. As ranches and open ranges be come converted into farms, and the number of cattle decreases, lessening the supply ot leather, while the popu lation, which must wear shoes and the factories, which must have belting in crease, rubber will step in more and more to furnish better service at even lower ost. Illustrations of these changes are already at hand. The B. F. Goodrich company has announced Textan, a composition sole. Goodrich rubber belting is fast supplanting expensive leather belting and is performing the work as well. White Suggests a New Road for Lincoln Drive J. S. White, in a letter to the Omaha Automobile club, advises club members going to Lincoln to choose the road through Valley, Mead, Wa hoo, Colon, Ceresco and Havelock. The distance is seventy-six miles, eleven mile9 more than the usual road, but he says there is better scen ery, and a good road not dusty and crowded. The country is rolling, but there are no bad hills. He says he has made the run on high in a Ford several times. The bridge southwest of Valle free, and the road is well marked 50 Per Cent Will Have No Other Car Hapmobile Ownert who have discarded higher priced can 24fflt 11,000 Owners vat Hapmobilt efficiency 99 THE BUSINESS that endure ia the sound, trong business, whose customers) keep on coming back. Judged by that high standard, the Hupmobile shows a record that few, if any, can rival. Figures just compiled from our service station statistics prove that it is unique in the number of those who repeat their orders from year to year. No Other Car At Any Price It is part of Hupmobile pol icy to keep in close contact with owner by our intensive system of service. This gives us invaluable information from a dozen different an gles. Our fingers are on the pulse of public opinion. We know what people want, and how they are pleased. If we have erred even a trifle, a danger signal is flashed to us from all parts f the country. Incidentally, repeat sale tell us how many of our owners cannot be won away by any other ear at any other price. And the latest, freshest fig ures prove that high-price and low-price four cylin ders and multi-cylinders re equally powerless to in fluence 50 810 per cent of our sales. In other words more than half of all Hupmobile own ers keep on buying, year af ter year. Stop and think of the pow er of resistance the supe riorities the Hupmobile must possess to hold these owners to their allegiance. Million of dollar are ex pended to tempt them away. The lure of a lower price on the one hand; confusing claims of multi-cylinder per formance on the other. Neither Price Nor Type Tempts Them But the 50 per cent phalanx stands fast year after year. Convinced, in the one case, that a lower price cannot compensate for the loss of Hupmobile goodness. - Convinced, in the other case, that more cylinder can add nothing to that Hupmobile efficiency which eleven thou sand owner have rated at 99 per cent And convinced, in tne last instance, that no other car can yield better performance. What They Get In Performance In high gear work, they see their Hupmobile outdoing car that have more cylin ders, or cost more money. In pulling power and quick getaway, they tee nothing under another name that they do not -have. In flexibility, they find them selves relieved of gear-shifting to an amazing extent. In smooth, steady motor ac tion in the effortless devel opment of power, the awift response to the throttle they believe they have the motor car maximum. In the Hupmobile service system, they know they are getting more than any other car offers: expert inspection, adjustment and care each month for eight month by trained Hupmobile experts at Hupmobile service sta tions. A service they pay for with coupon which w supply free of cost. So they are content, this 50 per cent, to stake their pref erence on the Hupmobile. Standard Hupmobile Performance Climb, the irmfi low w hill, en high gw. Pulls through sai mud, en high gear. Demlopa mat pulling ar an nign gear. Rsfistars e minimum ef vi bration, at any spaed, an any gear. GOES to a spaed ef It mile an hour, from a stand, In 10 seconds. Throttle to a man's walk ing paea, on high nar, without bucking or Jerking. Pleks up, without gear ehanga, instantly and smoothly. Kress, rearing Cm HISS pfriM rm. e. a. (M 7-ftm. rsartw Car SMI Hupmobile Co. of Nebraska FACTORY BRANCH, 2054 Farnam St, Omaha, a H. HOULISTON, Mgf. LE E Jires tNIUMATtC MDMnWCTUM-nOM The L Velvet Rd Inner Tub U u tough and supple si rawhide. Made of vanadium rubber, theie tubei have added life, elaitititjr, vitality and toughneea. The add many mflea of wear to your easing. Let your next tube b a Ltt Velvet Red Inner Tube. POWELL A"SM SUPPLY COMPANY eUpplleS OMAHA 2061 Farnam. P 'aaaassssssssaa ii TfTITHOUT sacrificing a single desirable feature!" that's the astonishing fact when you consider what the Maxwell will do what great economy it offers. In an official A. A. A. test the Maxwell traveled 22,022 miles without a motor stop, making it the World's Champion Endurance Car this is the car you buy for $595. And you do not sacrifice one single detail of finish, appearance or comfort Let us show it to you. Towing Cor S595; Roadster $580; Cabriolet $865; Town Car $915; Sedan $985. ruuy equipped, including electric starter and lights. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. C. W. FRANCIS AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2216-18 Farnam St, Omaha. Phone Douglas 853. I