Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Part One
PAGES 1 TO 12.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Mad Race at Speedway Sends
One Car Hurtling From
Track in Front of
Mechanician Colombo Fatally
Hurt and Dies Later in
Omaha had its first genuine auto
mobile thrill at the speedway yester
day afternoon when Franchi, in his
Pusun racing machine, darted, as if
hurled from a mighty catapault,
through the railing at the top of the
track to the ground twelve feet be
low and then dashed in its frenzied
flight for 100 feet in the space which
separates grandstand from the track.
At its fatal destination the machine,
which a few seconds before had been
a pulsating demonstration of man's
mechanical genius, lay on the ground,
an inert mass with -two human beings
pinioned beneath its wreckage. That
was enough of a thrill for any ordi
nary mortal.
Only a few minutes before this acci
dent one of the announcers shouted
through a megaphone requests that
spectators remain quietly in their
seats if an accident should occur.
. Danger Adds Thrill.
Will it happen?" asked each spec-
Itor in his mind as he trained his
eyes around the great mile and a
fourth speedway. The possibility of
a mechanical or tire defect diverting
on of the machines from the track
added zest to the occasion. Of course
nbody wished any of the drivers to
be injured or killed, but if an acci
dent was to occur, Mr. Spectator had
a feeling that he would like to see it.
The 150-mile race was getting well
under way when all of a sudden a
crash of boards and a fleeting glimpse
of the disappearing Pusun car brought
the thrill which many were expecting.
Spectator Start Rush.
All of the spectators did not heed
"the announcement of the man with
the megaphone. Many started to rush
to the scene of the disaster. Regular
and special police held the situation in
hand and in less than a minute the
vast crowd was again settled back in
its collective seats, watching the ter
rific pace of the machines on the
track. Word was passed around that
two men had been killed, but the
race was on and went on without in
terruption. It seemed that a driver
and mechanician more or less did not
make much material difference.
Several speedway officials picked
r,;.,-p nf scattered boards from the
track, Franchi and Colombo were re-
oved from the wreckage, carrreu iu
(he waiting ambulance ana laxen to
iJie field hospital. Ana me race
went on. ,
Want to See the Living.
It was evident that when a man
drops out of an- automobile race,
through machine trouble or accident
or death, the crowd loses interest in
him. The spectators want to see real
live racers who can speed it up at the
rate of 100 miles or better per hour.
And a thrill now and then is not half
bad. If a man is hurt or killed there
is an ambulance ready for him and
doctors are handy. Every provision
is made for his comfort. What more
could be done? . .
"What I would like to know is lust
what those other drivers thought
when Franchi went over the top of
the track," was an expression of a
spectator. 'Those other driver surely
knew something happened, because
they could sec the people in the
grandstand standing up and no doubt
f thm saw the accident. But
iravf ins luu mues an nour anu using
all of your wits to keep on the speed
way yourself, I do not believe a driver
wojrid have much time to think aboht
the accident."
The accident was of deep coniern
. to the men at the pits. After the sec-
((lontlnued on Pl Two, Column Two.)
(Fred Hunter's story of the race
The Weather
Nebraska Fair and continued warm.
Hourly Temperatures.
f a, m
6 a. m
7 a. m
I I L I Jam.
. T
3 p. m.
4 p. ni.
5 p. m.
fi p. m.
7 p. m.
8 p. m.
fAnnmntlvn Lool Record.
ma. ins. iiu. lata.
,,.,., Yesterday . . 7 I"
Lowest yeelerdmy..
Mean temperature
Cheyenne! chsar . . .
Da von port, part clou
Denver, cloudy . ..
Utes Molne. clear .
Uode city, clear
Lander, cloudy ..
North Platte, clear.
- Omaha-, dear
Pueblo, cloudr
Jppld City, cloudy .
Srt-Ult Lake, clear ...
' Kanta Pe, cloudy . . .
Sheridan, cloudy ..
Hioux city, clear .
7 p. m. - eit. fall.
, 7 M .00
y 93 M .09
, 7S 2 .00
, M U ' 00
. 60 t4 .00
. 74 7S .10
. M 1M .00
.92 91 .0
. M M .01
.81 M .00
,. 7 82 T.
7 T.
,88 M ' .
. 94 100 . ,00
y 91 103 .00
Indicates trace of precipitation.
1 A. WELSH. Meteorologist.
County Convention at Lincoln
Results in Most Peace
ful Meeting.
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
Lincoln, July 15. (Special.) The
Lancaster county republican conven
tion proved to be a most harmonious
one. although there was some warm
discussion over the report of the reso
lutions committee, which was finally
accepted with the exception of a plank
favoring the short ballot and a change
in the primary law which would make
an equitable distribution of offices be
tween the town and the country.
There was a strong sentiment favor
ing a change in the primary, but the
delegates appeared to think that the
best thing to do was to leave it to the
Judge Jesse B. Strode was elected
chairman after the convention had
been called to order by County ClAr
man J. Reid Green, and Frank StapTe
ton of Hickman was elected secretary.
.Strode Praises Hughes.
Judge Strode in his address said
that the national convention had nom
inated the most popular candidate
ever nominated by a national conven
tion because he had been nominated
absolutely without any effort on his
part and against the wishes of the
bosses, hence he was a candidate of
the people and would be elected.
A resolutions committee was ap
pointed consisting of Walter L. An
derson, L. J. Dunn, L. L. Lindsey,
Don L. Love, A. S. Graham, Cyrus
Black and U. S. Ellithorp.
Messages were read from Judge A.
L. Sutton, candidate for governor, and
C. F. Reavis, candidate for congress in
the First district.
John L. Kennedy, candidate for the
United States senate, was present and
addressed the convention.
Kennedy Delivers Speech.
He said the country was facing one
of the greatest problems in its whole
history and it behooved every true
American to do his duty. "We who
came here from a foreign country,"
said Mr. Kennedy, "should show true
Americanism. Any man who comes
from across the water should discard
everything not in sympathy with
American ideas and American institu
tions at the water's edge and become
in fact one of the great people on this
side of the water who love true lib
erty." His address was enthusiastically re
ceived and frequently loudly ap
plauded. - Delegates Elected.
The following delegates were elect
ed to the convention1: "
Howard Schlegel. , F. T. Carotene.
Crawford Kennedy. Henry Oerbie.
Victor Seymour. I. Otterman.
Adolph Lebaack. A. A. Hyere.
O. V. P. Stout. A. M. Trlmbel.
J. B. BtKxJe. , T. W. Smith.
W. A. Bel leek. Martin Burns.
Lincoln Froat. B. C. WItham.
Don L. Love. H. C. Dalley.
J. G Fi McKewra. Ralph Miller.
Qltbert Brown. Samuel L. Lang".
L. J. Dunn, Alva Van Curren.
H. M. Buahnell. Henry F. May.
W. L. Anderaon. J. W. Bennett.
C. E. wnilamaon. J. Swarenften.
J. C. Penaer. Cyrus Black.
Henry F. Guile. Henry DeVrles.
T. F. A. wnilama. Alex Graham.
B. D. Beach. John Muhn.
Hiram Broas. C. L. Myers.
Neln P. Hansen. H. Q. Abott.
W. C. Frampton. w. J. Blyatone.
B. J. Hetner. W. C. Israel.
George A. Adams, L. O. Brian.
W. A. Ltndley. C. H. eVldrlch.
A. Warner.
Resolutions Adopted.
The resolutions adopted by the con
vention were as follows:
We, the republicans of Lancaster county,
In convention assembled, do most heartily
approva of the platform adopted by the na
tional republican convention in Chicago and
congratulate our party upon taking such
a firm stand for undiluted Americanism
and unswerving: loyalty to our nation. We
pledge our enthusiastic support to the nomi
nees of that convention, Charles Evans
Hughes and Charles Warren Fairbanks, and
know that under their leadership a reunited
party will achieve success in November. Wc
believe It Important that Nebraska, a nor
mal republican state, should bo represented
In the United States senate by two repub
licans, and we assure our nominee, the Hon.
John L. Kennedy, our most loyal support
and co-operation In securing his election.
Praise for Hearts.
It Is with satisfaction and with unusual
pride that we note the Independence, dig
nified and patriotic action In the congress
of the United States by our representative
from the First district of Nebraska, Hon.
C. F. Reavis. It Is to be remembered that
Lancaster county, during the congressional
campaign two years ago, gave to Mr. Reavis
Its most hearty and enthusiastic support;
this both by the party's regular organiza
tion and by Individual effort. And this
It Is with more than usual satisfaction
that we now give expression to our ap
proval of his record as our representative
In the popular branch of the congress of the
United States, and here , pledge united ef
fort of the party In Lancaster county to
the end that his re-election in November
next may be by such a 'majority as will
give emphasis andr-expression of approval
to the policies for which Mr. Reavis stands
and promotes by Intelligent action.
Ws most heart I y endorse each and every
nominee on the republican state and county
tickets and pledge them our support, as
every candidate Is a clean and upright man
and republican and worthy the enthusiastic
support of every voter.. . ,
As to Pry Amendment.
We recognize that constitutional amend
ments Initiated by petition are submitted in
a non-partisan manner, and for that reason
we make no endorsement of the proposed
constitutional amendment prohibiting the
sale of liquor In this state. We pledge the
republican candidates of this county to a
strict enforcement thereof should It carry.
We favor the establishment of a maxi
mum charge for telephone service by legis
lative enactment, as Is now provided for
telegraph service In this state.
Whereas, The national government has
appropriated f88,OO0,OOO to be disbursed
among the several states for permanent
roads, upon condition that the state ap
propriate an amount equal that which it
receives from the general government, there
fore, be It
Resolved, That we favor legislation which
will enable Nebraska to take advantage of
this national aid for a most worthy cause.
Resolved, That we favor legislation look
ing to the use of convicts on the public
highways In the state of Nebraska.
Hay Named for Judge
Of Court of Claims
Washington. Jlly IS. President
Wilson today nominated Representa
tive James Hay of Madison, Va.,
chairman of the house military affairs
committee, for judge of the United
States court of claims, to succeed
Judge George W. Atkinson, who re
tired for age.
skid at 100 mile per hour, and goes, through rail at top of track; Franchi i but slightly
hurt, while hi mechanician, Dan Columbo, die from hi injuries. Flying splinter hurt
several spectators. Cut show wrecked car lying at bottom of "zone of safety."
Twelve Men, After Being Out
for Five Hours, Declare
University Student Is
Not Guilty.
Charge of Judge Donnelly is
Regarded as Favorable to
the Defendant.
Waukegan, 111., July 15. William
Orpet, the university student charged
with murdering Marion Lambert, the
high school girl and his former
sweetheart, was found not guilty to
night by a jury . in Judge Donnelly's
court after five hours deliberation.
Counsel for the defendant said that
Judge Donnelly's instructions lo the
jury were tantamount to a command
to the jury to acquit.
Speaking of Orpe'.'s testimony that
he merely looked at the body and
fled, Mr. Joslyn, who closed for the
state, said:
"If he suddenly was surprised to
find her unconscious there wouldn't
he have bathed her head in snow,
wouldn't he have opened her dress,
wouldn't he have searched exhaus
tively for signs of life? Even the
callous defendant would have done
that, but he didn't because he knew
she was dead, and he alone knew."
At the close of Mr. Joslyn's argu
ment Judge Donnelly delivered his
instructions to the jury.
Charge of Judge Donnelly.
Counsel for the defense considered
Judge Donnelly's instructions favor
able to the defendant. Exerpts fol
low: "The jury should not go beyond
the evidence to hunt up doubts, nor
must they entertain such doubts as
chimerical or conjectural.
"The court instructs the jury that
although the jury should be satisfied
from the evidence beyond a reason
able doubt that the deceased Marion
Lambert died from cyanide of potas
sium poisoning, still if the jury fur
ther finds from the evidence that she
had the same opportunity for taking
the poison herself without the aid of
the, defendant, that the defendant had
t. give it to her, and if it is possible
from any reasonable manner to .ex
plain all the facts and circumstances
proved on the trial consistentlywith
the hypothesis that she did take the
poison herself for the purpose of kill
ing herself, then this is sufficient to
raise a reasonable doubt and the jury
should render a veVdict of not guilty.
"Nothing short of proo' so clear
and convincing as"tb exclude every
reasonable hypothesis ' of his in
nocence will justify a conviction, and
without such proof the jury must find
the defendant not guilty.
"To warrant a conviction the de
fendant must be proved guilty so
clearly that there is no reasonable
theory that he can be innocent.
"Unless you find beyond all reason
able doubt in considering the evidence
that the defendant had cyanide of po
tassium in his possession just prior
to the death of Marion Lambert, then
you should find the defendant not
"Flight, though a circumstance to
be weighed against the defendant, is
not of a conclusive character and it
may not be evidence of guilt if it ap
pears that there was any other motive
for flight than a sense of guilt.
"If there are two theories, one for
guilt and one for innocence, then
adopt the innocent theory and acquit.
"Presumption of innocence is not a
mere form to be disregarded by the
jury at pleasure, but it is an essential
substantial part of the law of the land.
"The jury has no right to assume
the guilt of the defendant and then to
try to reconcile the testimony with
such theory."
Case Perplexing. ,
The case became one of the most
perlexing in the annals of criminal
history. Motive paralleled motive,
action paralleled action, opportunity
paralleled opportunity until the marks
of murder and om suicide became
substantially as one.
In the end the guilt or innocence of
the defendant, so far as the adduction
of actual fact was concerned, went to
the jury on the mystifying niceties of
chemical analysis and Orpet's own
compromising conduct. The mystery
attracted unusual interest in all parts
of the United States and Canada.'
Trial of the case including selection
of a jury occupied the better part of
two months. There appeared in evi
dence forty-four letters written by
Orpet to Marion over a period of a
year; bottles and boxes containing
samples of cyanide from the McCor
mick estate, from the Deerfield High
school laboratory, from Kraft's drug
store at Lake Forest and white pow
der scraped from Marion's hand and
from spots on . her cloak; the girl's
garments; a magazine article dealing
with the use of cyanide as a fumigator
in greenhouses; the chemistry text
books used respectively by the high
school girl and the college student; a
copy of the Wisconsin statute dealing
with the sale of poisons, and a bottle
of molasses and water.
Chemists Testify. -
Five chemists, all of whom were
specialists in toxicology; one alienist,
two surveyors, druggists, street car
men, an undertaker, school teachers,
police officers, reporters and friends
of the Orpets and Lamberts were
among the long array of witnesses
who testified.
Ralph W. Dady, state's attorney
of Lake county; David R. Joslyn,
state's attorney of McHenry county,
and Eugene M. Runyard appeared as
counsel for the prosecution, and
(Coattnued on Fas Tea, Column Thro.)
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Naval Vessel Strikes Reef Off
Charleston and Breaks
In Two.
Washington, July "15. Command
ant Briant of the Charleston yard
sent the following message to the
Navy department:
"Hector ashore seven miles north
east of the Romaine gas buoy. Aban
doned by crew at 12:45 a. m. Ship
broken in two and s total wreck. All
hands sured. Chief engineer and one
fireman, seriously injured. Carpenter
broken leg. Officers and crevr being
.taken to Charleston."
The' chief engineer is Edward A.
Mercer of Kockfand, Me.
Another dispatch trora Captain
Briant, commandant at Charleston,
said all the officers, crew and ma
rines taken off by the lighthouse ten
der Cypress and the tug Wilmington
arrived at Charleston at S a. m. today-
.; . .
Six Reported Msslng.
Charleston, S. C. July 15. At least
one marine was drowned and five or
six others who were aboard the large
naval collier Hector, which grounded
while trying to reach Charleston, are
missing, according to reports, to the
Consumers' Coal company, owners of
the tug Vigilant, which went to the
Hectors assistance.
The chief engineer's skull was frac
tured and two others of the crew
were badly injured, according to the
One hundred and two. marines and
sailors from the Hector were landed
here this morning. Captain Newell
and sixteen men remain aboard the
Hector, which is lying aground off
Charleston lightship, broken in two.
Four injured marines were sent to
a local hospital.
Charleston, S. C, July IS. Tales of
the unsuccessful fight of the naval
collier Hector against gale which
blew 120 miles so hour, great leas,
fires and disabled engines and the
daring rescue of 102 men by the tug
Wellington, were brought today- by
the first survivors to land.
The Wellington, storm battered and
having lost its two barges, worked
for six hours taking off the crew and
sixty marines, which the Hector was
taking from Port Royal to Guantan
amo. '
Captain Joseph Newell of the Hec
tor and about twenty men were taken
off later by the steamer Cypress and
the broken Hector was left to its
fate, seven miles northeast of Ca
peron. No member of the ship's com
pany was lost and' but four were
The Hector ran into .he worst of
the hurricane Thursday morning.
Huge waves broke over the vessel and
poured down -the hatches, disabling
the engines. When it was finable to
make way, wireless calls for help
were sent out. Fires broke out in the
The Wellington reached the collier
at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, about
one hour after the Hector had
grounded. The work of transferring
the men continued for several hours.
Captain 'ewell with about a score of
men elected to remain on the Hector.
The Wellington started for this port
and the Cypress set out to take off
Captain Newell and his men, as it
seemed certain there was no chance
to save the collier. At K o'clock last
night Captain Newell and his men
were forced to leave the Hector.
Troops of South '
Dakota Expect '
to Start, Tonight
Sioux City, la., July IS. Advices
from Redneld, S. D., to the Journal
says that the South Dakota troops
probably will start for the border to
night.,. The troops have received or
ders to entrain and probably will
board cars in a few hnn
Commission Rules Railroads
Are Discriminating Against
Points East of River.
Washington, July 15. The Inter
state Commerce commission held to
day that freight rates to many Ne
braska cities have given Omaha un
fair advantages over Council Bluffs,
Sioux City, St. Joseph, Kansas City
and Atchison, Kan., and ordered a
readjustment of rates to put these
cities on a competitive basis, effective
Senember 25.' V: '.-
The rates involved here are- the
Nebraska intrastate rates fixed by
General Order 19 of the Nebraska
State Railway commission. They
went into effect November 6, 1914.
Cities on the east bank of the Mis
souri river; namely, Council Bluffs,
Sioux City, St Joseph and Kansas
City, attacked the rates as discrim
inatory. "The decision of the commission,"
said a Commercial club traffic bureau
man, "probably orders an adjustment
of rates where the haul is the same,
but of course would not make the
same rate apply from any of the cit
ies mentioned to any point in Ne
braska if the distance, were greater
than the distance from Omaha.
"Omaha now has the same rate to
points in Iowa, for instance, as Coun
cil Bluffs has, plus ttje bridge toll."
Injunction In Prospect.
Lincoln, July 15. (Special Tele
gram.) State Railway commissioners
will not discuss the order from Wash
ington until they see a copy of the de
cree. It is intimated an effort will be
made in federal court to enjoin new
rates when the railroads seek to put
them in force.
Hearing in ViUisca
Murder Case Set
For Next Friday
Red Oak, la., July 15. (Special.)
William Mansfield, charged with the
Villisca axe murders, was brought be
fore Justice George W. Thomas here
yesterday and arrangements made
for his preliminary hearing to be held
at 9 o'clock Friday morning, July 21.
Mansfield expressed a desire to have
the hearing put off until that date so
that his attorney, J. C. Detwiler of
Kansas City, could have time to con
fer with some witnesses after arriv
ing here. Detwiler expects to be
here on Tuesday or Wednesday of
next week, according to a letter
which Mansfield received from him
, Judge. E. B. Woodruff arrived here
yesterday morning and organized the
frand jury and left again at noon,
he grand jury has been in session
all day and it is presumed that it has
been hearing evidence in the Mans
field case, as a number of persons
from Villisca have been here during
tne day.
The erand jurors are H. M. Dirrim
of Scott township, E. T. Erickson of
Frankfort, W. R. Finlayson of Jack
son, S. D. Gillispie of West, Charles
Holinstrom of Sherman, J. R. Jones
of Lincoln, C. M. Kneedy of Pilot
Grove. A. S. Nelson of Grant, W. H.
Rusk of East, R. D. Taylor of Doug
las, T. T. Thompson of Washington
and S. L. Wickersham of Red Oak.
Famous French
Scientist is Dead
Paris, July 15. Prof. Elie Metchni
koff, the famous bacteriologist, is
Prof. Metchnikoff had been in poor
health for several months. The first
news of his serious condition peached
this country in January, when it be
came known that he was seriously ill
with heart disease. His physicians
aunnounced in May that there was no
hope of saving the life of their patient.
Mrs. Oscar McDaniel Beaten
to Death During a Short
Absence of Husband.
St. Joseph, Mo., July IS. Mrs. Os
car McDaniel, wife of the prosecuting
attorney of Buchanan county, whose
skull was crushed by assassins at her
home about midnight last night, died
here this morning without regaining
consciousness. The entire police and
sheriff's forces are engaged in the
search for the murderer or murderers.
An assassin fired five shots at her
n'usband,' who engaged in a pistol duel
with the man . Neither was hit and
the man escaped. The attack was evi
dently carefully planned and it is be
lieved the assassin intended to kill
both the prosecutor and his wife. The
police connect the tragedy with an
anonymous threatening letter received
by McDaniel about a week ago.
McDaniel was called downtown by
a telephone call about 11:30 p. m. Mc
Daniel found the call was a fake. He
hurried back home and as he stopped
his car in front of the house, a man
opened fire on him from behind a
tree. After his assailant fled, the
prosecutor hurried upstairs to his
wife's room, where he found her
senseless on the floor, her head ter
ribly crushed. She had been beaten
with some heavy blunt instrument.
Bloodhounds are being used in an ef
fort to track the slayer.
The police have taken into custody
live men wno are hem pending in
vestigation of the murder.
Twenty-Seven More
Infants Are Dead of
Paralysis at Gotham
New York, July 16. A drop in
temperature failed today materially
to reduce the fatalities and develop
ment of the epidemice of infantile
paralysis. During the twentv-four
hours ending at 10 o'clock this morn
ing, there were twenty-seven deaths
and 144 new cases of the disease re
ported in the five boroughs of New
To control the epidemic the Rocke
feller foundation today donated the
sum of $50,000 to those in charge of
the fight against the disease. Mayor
Mitchcl has been named a member
of the committee through which the
fund will be disbursed.
Since the epidemic started on June
26, nineteen days, 1,853 cases have
been reported and there have been
369 deaths.
Paul Smith, Motor
Magnate, Falls
From Tenth Floor
New York, July 15. Paul Smith
of Detroit, vice president of the Chal
mers Motor company, was killed to
day When he cither jumped or fell
from the window of his room on the
tenth floor of the Hotel Biltmore.
Mr. Smith came here July 10 on busi
ness. He had complained of ill health
and had summoned his wife from De
troit on the plea that he had pto
maine poisoning. Mrs. Smith reach
ed New York early today and was
about to have breaktast with her hus
band in his apartment, when she miss
ed mm. sne saia sne did not see him
drop from sight or hear an outcry.
Business Section (
. of New Hall, Iowa,
Destroyed hy Fire
Cedar Rapids. Ia.. July 15. The en.
tire business section of New Hall, fif
teen miles west ot here, was destroyed
by fire today. The loss was estimated
at $yu,uw.
Allies at One Point Advance)
Four Mile3 Behind First
Line of the Teuton
Official Statement from Berlin
Admits Loss of Consid
erable Ground. '
London, July 15. The British of
tensive was resumed today. The war
office announced that at one point the
Germans were forced back to their
third line position. More than 2,000
prisoners were taken.
The statement from the front,
timed 12:50 p. in., follows:
All continues to go well on .' 1
British front, and at one point we
forced the enemy back to his third
system cf defense, more t' ,n four
miles to the .ear rf his original front
trenches at Fricourt and Wamctz.
"In the hu. iwent"-!ot,. .. urs wa
have capturcu 2,000 '.'oners,
including a regimenlal commander of
the Third Guards division, and the
total number of prisoners taken by
the it -lis" since the, battle began i '
exceeds 10,000. Large quantities of
war material also have tell into our
French Repulse Attack,
Paris, July 15. A violent artillery
duel continues in the Fleury sector,
the war office announced today. A
German attack on a trench north
east of the Avocourt redoubt was re
pulsed, the official statement asserts,
and German attempts to undertake
attacks in the Apremont forest were
checked by a curtain fire.
Germans Admit Losses,
Berlin, July 15. (Via London,)-
The continuation of the British at
tack on the German lines between
Poziere and Longueval resulted in
the penetrating of the German lines
and effecting a gain of territory, thi
war office announced today. The
British also have occupied Trones
Wood. The fighting is continuing,
although the atack has been stemmed,
adds the statement, which says:
"British attacks which followed the
first sanguinary repulse suffered by
them north of the Somme led to
heavy fighting. By his forces massed
between Pssieres and Longueval ths '
enemy, in spite of the most severe
losses, succeeded in penetrating our
lines and gaining some ground. He
also occupied Trones Wood.
"The attack has been stemmed, but
the fighting is being continued. .
Italian Attack Repulsed.
Berlin, -July 15. (Wireless to Say-
vine.) i he repulse ot heavy attacks
by Italians on Austrian front in the
Trentino between the Brenta and the
Adige is announced in the Vienna
headquarters report of July 14, -The
statement says:
"Intense activity continues between
the Brenta and the; Adige. The ene
my ten times attacked northeast of
Monta Rasta, being in each case re
pulsed by our troops, who maintained
all their positions.
Transit Privileges 1
On Omaha Grain '
Ordered Curtailed
Washington, July 15. Transit priv
ileges at Atchison and Leavenworth.
Kan., on grain from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to Mississippi river
roints were curtailed today by the
nterstate Commerce commission on
the plea of the railroads that they
were no longer necessary.
The effect of the ruling, according
to Omaha grain men, will not ba
f reat so far as Omaha is concerned,
n the past Omaha elevator men and
shippers have sent considerable grain
to St. Louis and other Missouri river
points, via Atchison and Leavenworth,
the grain being shipped to dealers at
these points and held in storage until
wanted at the destination points.
"The ruling won't hurt us to
amount to anything," says P. 1).
Sturdevant of the Transmississippl
Grain company. "We will ship direct
at practically the same rates. It will
hurt Atchison and Leavenworth only,
Capt. J. M. Leidy, Rejected as
Chaplain, to Do Recruiting
Captain J. M. Leidy, whose services
as chaplain with the Nebraska volun
teers were rejected because of failure
to pass the physical examination, has
accepted the offer of Adjutant Gen
eral "Phil" Hall to appoint him re
cruiting officer.
More Paid
Want Ads in
The Bee for the
Week Just Ended,
7-15, than in the Same
Week One Year Ago
An Increase of
, ,67 . :
Bee Want-Ads are f
gaining by leaps f
. and bound. '