Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, ffULY 15, 1916.
New Books
BRANT. By N.vll Monroe Hopklni.
Philadelphia. J. B. LlpplncoU company.
Wtih the advance of applied science,
with the law keepers be able to hold
in check the lawbreakers? That is
the startling question forced home
to you in reading this thrilling record
of crime and detection. The author
' is a scientist of international reputa
tion the criminologists will sit up
and take notice' when they fiid the
gentle art of murder developed in
smearina a little radium within a
man's hat, thus driving him stark
crazy; or in using a wireless current
to fire a cannon, thus blowing a man
' into eternity. A more fascinating
character than Mason Brant you II
' never find more weird problems, as
suggested, have never been por
trayed. - THE PRIRONEH. Br Alle Brown. Ne
Torn. Tho MaoMIUaa company. 11.19.
- The central character of this book,
; the "Prisoner" of the title, is a young
man who, with a brilliant career be-
i tore him. makes a laise step ana is
sent to prison. It is not, however,
with his imprisonment that Miss
Brown is concerned; but with his re
adjustment with life upon his release.
How he works out the problem that
he faces, upon the happy solution of
which hit entire future depends, is re
lated by Miss Brown in chapters of
intense appeal and power.
Dlioo. Now York. r. Appl.ton Co.
' . 11.14.
" Thomas Dixon't vivid new novel is
the story of the conquest of the
United States by the Imperial Na
tion in the year 1918. It is a startling
appeal for, national preparedness a
cry of warning against the doctrine
of "peace at any price." Nothing Mr.
Dixon has written compares with the
bigness of this one, with its cry of
warning which men and women of
the present generation would do well
to heed if our glorious nation is to
be preserved.
TH RED DCBT. Mr Ewott MaeDonald.
Now Torn. O. W. DMInf haro company.
This it a chronicle of human life as
it it lived. The reader live with the
characters. They are not puppets;
they are flesh and blood people, who
follow one long after the book has
been laid aside. It ends with a whirl
wind of Interest and is laid aside with
regret 'The Red Debt" hat issued
from a master mind, whose artistic
cunning has made beautiful his theme;
whose deep insight into human na
ture has delineated an unforgetable
." picture. ' - .
Kd.n Phlllpolla. N.w Torn. Tho Mee
f Mlllmn company. 11.11.'
S In each of Mr. Phillpott't novels
there has been some really notable
character. It might he an old woman
s, for example, Emma Tresilian in
"Faith Tresilian," or it might be a
, young man as, say, Harvey Porter in
"Brunei's Tower." Here in this book
it is a boy, a likable,, warm-hearted,
wry human youngster. The story of
what he it, .what he thinks,-what he
: does and what he wants is told wittt
much humor and sympathy. It is a
pretent day story and quite as en
tertaining a piece of fiction as has
:ver . come from its distinguished
tuthor. - . ':..
- Rolt.Whoeler. Boiton. Lothrop, Loa
Shapard company. II. JS.
-This It a new achievement in juve
nile literature. It is a story of thrill
ing adventure and through itt pages
writhe or thunder those vast and un
canny monsters that inhabited the
world long ago. Yet so carefully
has this portrayal , been done that
there it bo false scientific note and
, no "nature faking." It is, in part, the
story of one or two of the museum's
own expeditions. - .
WOOD AND STONE. Br John Cowpor
Powya. Robert Butter Son. Now Tork. . .., , .
In this startling and .original ro
mance, the author turnt aside from
the track of hit contemporaries and
reverts to models drawn from races
which have bolder and lest conven
tional views of literature than the
Anglo-Saxon race. Following the
lead of the great Russian Dostoiev
sky he proceeds to lay bare the secret
passions, the unacknowledged motives
and ampulses which lurk below the
placid teeming surface of ordinary
sumsii nature.
tm WHITE PEARL. By Edith Barnard
Delano and Samuel rield. Now Tork.
. Daniels Co. IMS.
A fanciful romance of New England
and the Orient. The white pearl, a
lywel ttolen from the shrine of
Buddha in Japan, finds its way by
levious routes to Fairhaven in .New
England. There Bob Alden gives it
to hit -sweetheart, Nancy Marvel, a
lea captain's daughter, and the story
of its wanderings thereafter is a very
novel and exciting one. The prophecy
it that the pearl will not be returned
to Buddha until four lives have been
ucrificed and the reader's sympathies
ire kept at a keen edge when Bob
and Nancy sail for Japan and are
shipwrecked. Very charming illus
trations are provided by reproductions
from the moving picture play of the
. same theme performed by Marie
'Joro. ,
. v . .
BOOK TROUT. By Charts. Bradford.
Now York. O. P. Putnam'o Bona. II.
An anthologies! volume of trout
Sshing, trout histories, trout lore, trout
resorts and trout tackle. Depicts a
fly-fisherman's paradise, and divulges
many a secret of the angler's art It
thould have a place in the library of
every fly-fisherman. , , J
THE OATS or ASIA. By William War
field. Now York. U. P. Putnam's Bona
' ' It. io. .
The book has been called "The
3ate of Asia because the region tra
versed, including Mesopotamia, Kur
Jistan, Armenia and the Persian prov
ince of Azerbaijan, has acted as a
connecting link between those civil
ization on the west whose relations
have been chiefly with Europe and
the Mediterranean, and those on the
:at, which are peculiarly Asiatic.
noDon h. nuieninson. new Tork Tno
. Now Rovlow Publlohint association. 11.10.
. This book it the result of an eight
months' visit made to New Zealand
with the idea of investigating its in
stitutions. -The purpose in publishing
it is to give some account ot the
working of New Zealand's advanced
legislation, but more especially to
dispel the idea that its progressive in
stitutions have in any way solved
the problems of capital and labor.
Br Dr. Al-
Tno Mao-
fred H. Fried. New, Tork.
Mlllan company. II.
Dr. Fried shows the means by
which, in his opinion, international co
operation can be secured. He says
"A beautiful treaty for world organ
ization could be made in twenty-four
hours if only the will were there to
give it life and to enforce it
SCIENCE. By Herbert Brown, B.
New York. The MacMlllan company.
1 his set of laboratory exercises in
general science is an outgrowth of
courses given by the author in metn
ods of teaching secondary school
sciences. Some of the lessons reore
sent the combined efforts of a class
upon an assigned topic, but so re
shaped that credit to any individual is
out ot the question.
per Powya. Robert Ruttor ft Son, 411
Eaat Thlrtr-aocond, Now York City. II.
In this book the author hat tought
rather to indicate the personal reao
tion of hit own mind under the ttim.
ulut of the famous masters, than to
utter any ex-cathedra decisions. There
will be found in these sketches hardly
11 rciciclllQ lu muuci ii iuuicmo
and few to living writers.
Cowpor Powyo. Robert Ruttor ft Son. Tft
This list it designated to supply the
need of persons who wish to acquire
a general knowledge of tuch books in
world literature as are at once excit
ing and thrilling to the ordinary mind
and written in the style ot the mai
ters. . It recognizes the fact that mod
ern people are most interested in mod
ern nooks; out it recognizes aiso mat
such books to be worthy of this in
terest must uphold the classical tra
dition of manner and form.
Br Ouotavuo Ohllnaor. Now York. Tho
MacMlllan company. It centa
For the sake of the factt that it
gathert thit book should be retd not
once, but two or three timet by all
Americana who believe in union, in
Lincoln and in liberty. A tingle read
ing it not enough; molt ot ut forget
what we have read but once. What
it here presented it worth keeping
To Make Skin Clear
Don't worry bout kin tmblu. Yon
ean hav elur, eln eompltxien hf
bit 1HU Btrao, ostein at any drug licit
for S5t, or ixtra larva bottle at 11.90.
Ztrno aaiUr ranoTM all tracts of plm
plai, black htaaa. oeMtma an4 ringworm antJ
makts tho akin oltar and haalthy. Zomo
ii neither watorjr, ttiekf nor BToaiy and
talni nothing. It la oacllr applied and
eoiti a mere trill for ah application, it
U alwar dependable.
Zemo, Clrland.
Such an easy way
to heal my skin !
. "I never worry If I have a little
" rash or other eruption break out
Ointment. That taket out the Itch
. ing and burning imlantfy, and toon
clears the trouble away. I learned of
Retinol Ointment through our doc- .
tor prescribing it for my brother.
Tom had been almost frantic with
ecieraa lor montht hut that ointment
healed hit tkin like magic,"
Raotaol Ointment aoa Rulaol Sow sr. Mhl
brill druifUtt. Kw.lmupnpleW each, write
to Dept. 30-R. Reelnol. Belli mora, Me. -
Straw Hats
$5.00 Panamas
$5.00 Bangkoks
$3.00 :
$2.00 Straws
109 South 16th
Every Kind Price Vary Low
Over fivs bundrtd machine to
select from. Kent applied on
purchase. , ;,, . , . ...
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
: 1905 Faraam St
. Phono Douglas 4121.
in mind and dwelling upon, not mere
ly today, but during many tomorrows.
It bears upon the future of our na
tional wealth. Owen Wister.
Farmer. New Tork. Harper a Broo. 10
The average American woman in a
$1,000 to $5,000 home, keeping house
for a person whose income ranges
from $50 to $150 a month, is the
woman who most needs to study eco
nomics. It is for her that this little
book is written.
per Powys. Robert Ruttor Son. 60
This reply to Prof. Munsterberg
sweeps aside the irrelevant discussion
over white books, orange books and
gray books and goes directly to the
root of the matter. It refutes the
vaunted qualities of modern Grman
culture and shows that Russia has
more important and more spiritual
gifts for the world.
ALLIED COOKERY. Arransed by Grace
Cleraue Harrlaon and Gertrude Clersue to
aid the war sufferer. In the devaetated
district, of France. Published by Q. P.
Putnam's Sons, New Tork City.
Contains menus from British,
French, Italian, Belgian and Russian.
Tork. The afacMUlan company. 11.60.
Mr. Welts is a prophet by use and
wont. He is more interested, jo he
tells us in this book, in the tomorrow
than in the today. The past he re
gards simpty as material for future
guessing. Remembering his many
successful forecasts of previous years,
this latest volume, in which he deals
with social conditions after the war,
is possessed of great significance. '
for the
Linen, Palm Beach and
ungca uuau,
Second Floor.
New Neckwear. Rufflings, Etc.
A Graat Variety of Georgette Crap Neckwear Jut
Arrived, in the newest shapes and styles, at vary ra
aonabla prices.
Now Rufflings, in pink, white, and blue and white; 10
inches wide; for fichus. Just arrived.
New Sport Collar, worth to Ottt
76c, at iJC
The Week Ends With Wonderful Sales
In Wanted Apparel
and Summer Needs
brings to the fore fine offer
ings in ready-to-wear for
women and children.
At a time when the whole
sale market it quoting prices
that are far In advance of
other seasons, we are an
nouncing figures that in no
wise measure up to the worth
of the merchandise.
Drugs and Toilet
,4711 Rota Toilet Water, special
at ., 48
Mary Garden Perfume, ox.. $1.69
Sun-Kissed Rouge, the box. .39c
Melbaliae Face Powclor, box 19c
Mennen'a Taleuaa Powder, can 10c
Jap Rose Soap, 10e cake for.. 5c
Saaltol Tooth Paste, the tuba 14c
Cutea Nail Enamel, 25c lize 18c
Williams' Shaving Cream, ' per
tube 16c
Gillette Raior Blades, $1 size 75c
Melorose Beauty Cream, 50c lize
for ...29c
Madam Ite'bell't Rouge, 50c size
tor .....29c
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 25c size
tot 12c
Travelers' Lined Cases, special 24c
Jap Natural Rouge, the box. ,12c
Fletcher's Cattorla, 85c size., 19c
t Horllck's Malted Milk, hospital
'size 2.69
Sloan's Liniment, 50c size . . . .29c
Brome Seltaar, 60c size 29c
Bath Sprays, worth $1, at... 49c
Rubber Sheeting, 86 inches wide,
per yard ...33c
8-Inch Rubber Dressing Combs,
worth 60c, at t 29c
Kellogg's Taatelett Castor OIL the
bottle ......14c
HlncUe't Caseara Pills, 100 in
bottle, at 25c
Phenolax Wafers, 30 in bottle,
for 25e
Children's Sample Dresses-spitiL
From a Big Purchase Just Made in New York
Our representative, who is in the East, made a large purchase of Children's Sample
Dresses, and right at the height of the season we are offering choice late season models,
at a fraction of their value. .
Includes Linens, Piquet, Repp and Chambrays, beautifully trimmed with hand-
Lot 1 embroidery, smocking, braids and butttons. All good colors and white.
. Worth to $6.98, sale price.
Chambray, Linen, Pique as well as Lingerie Dresses. Pretty girlish models that are
Lot 2 sure to please. All washable materials. Regularly worth to $3.98, J QP
Saturday . pl.7J
White Lingerie Dresses, also Ginghams, Repps and Chambrays. Charming styles
Lot 3 tor tne little miss. Regularly worth to $2.00; very special, Saturday,
Girls' Coats at Half Price
All $10.00 coats at
All $7.50 coats at -. - $3.75
, Girl's Colored Wash Dresses
Worth to $1.50 at 59c
A special lot of fast colored wash dresses in
pretty plaids and plain ginghams. CQ.
Choice for '"
AH $5.00 coats at $250
All S3.98 coats at $1.99
Girls ' Middy Wash Skirts
One lot of pretty white and colored middy
skirts, gored and plaited, with and without
yokes. Regularly worth to $2.00. OO
Saturday ;, OlfC
In the Infants' Department Unusual Offers
Infants' Hose and Half Hose In all colors
and sizes. Regular 19c values. 1 9 1
Special lAJC
Infants' Gaute Vests, sizes 1 to 6 ; 10
25c values A'c
Infants' Bonnets Slightly mussed from
handling. Regular 50c values. in
Special IjC
Infants' Sleeping Garments All
sizes. Regular 50c values, for. . . .
Infants' Silk Socks, in pink, sky, tan and
white. Regular 39c values. Sale 1
Infants' Crochet Booties, in pink
and blue. Regular 25c values. . . .
Just Out of the Workroom
Clearing Sale
Women s Skirts
An extra "skirt or
two is most to be de
sired by any woman
just now. We have
gathered together a
stock of skirts that
are stylish, and some
are real "sporty"
you will like the
graceful lines and the
fine makeup of them
is our advice.
As a clearing sale offering
for a quick cleanup, we of
fer choice of 300 Good Cloth
Sport and Dress Skirts, in
new and pretty models; ve
lour checks, poplins, serges,
worsteds, etc. Many worth
to $10.00. Special
Cool Summer
Just Arrived
Filmy Georgette Crepe
Blouses exquisite styles.
2. ; $5.98
Dainty French Voile and
Organdie Blouses
Trimmed with fine laces $10.00
Others with silk trimmings; silk flowers, white
wings, white and black trimming.
Then there is a felt hat shape with a fine looking
blue and white parrot
Then there is a floppy brim felt sailor; it is pink
Here They Go!
Not a clearance in any sense save
price, for these are all brand new
hats the season's latest and best
types. Panamas galore. , For ex
ample, there is one trimmed with
worsted that Vogue mentions as
the latest fad of the hour.
, striped, trimmed with pink ribbon and edged with
. pink ribbon. This is a hat for every wear, everywhere.
We only mention a few types from the many, but
the .suggestion will give you a true notion of the un-
usualness of this sale.
Of the Felt Hats, there are about 400, and they are worth up to $3.50, but we CI QC
aav yl.fJ
They come in colors of citron, old rose, green, white, Copenhagen and pink.
There are about 800 of the Panamas
at ................... .
We Invite You to Cdmpare
Carefully the Merits of
. with any other sewing machine on the
market today.
"Handsome Is as Handsome Does"
and this machine carries out the old
saying, because it not only performs
in the most efficient way, but is the
handsomest Sewing Machine in the
U world.
YOU CAN BUY this wonderful ma
chine with an initial pay- CI Aft
ment of , ?aww
. Specials for Saturday
SPERM OIL, "quality brand," for Sewing Machines; war
ranted not to gum; the 15c size will be 9j on Saturday.
all makes, regularly 25c a dozen, at -16J
HEMSTITCHERS, regularly 50c, special for Saturday, 25
Third Floor. .
mm a
Buy Boys' Wear NOW!
Every light weight suit going at big price reductions.
Two Tables of Suits That Were Formerly $5.00;
three-fourths of them have two pairs of pants.
Splendid big assortment of neat patterns. Pants
are all fully lined and suitable for later wear.
All sizes. Very special, Satur- ' ,
Three Tables of Suits That Were S6.S0, $7.50,
$8.50 and Even $10.00 About half are two-pair-pants
suits. Here's a chance to get splendid
wool suits at a popular price.' All in the smart
est of models in various color effects. Worsteds,
cassimeres, tweeds, homespuns and a few
serges, specially priced tor , cc fin
55 Palm Beach Knickerbocker Suits AH $5.00
values. Plain colors, stripes and checks, all in
the newest styles. All sizes ....... . . . . . . . .
and $6.50
Boys Furnishings - - j
Palm Beach Suit at Cleanup Prices. '
Wash Tie for Boys, worth 25c, at. ...... . ,'... . .','. i .'. . . . .15
SSe and TSe Romper Suits, Saturday 504
Sois.lie Pajamas, new one-piece garments, pink or blue, white trimmed.
Regular $1.00 values .75
SSe Pajamas, sale price, -65f
SSe Pajamas, sale price , .504
Hosiery and Underwear
If we made ar announcement every day we couldn't tell
you too much about this Hosiery and Underwear, and at this
season of the year every woman desires to replenish her
stock. .
Hosiery I Knit Underwear
Women's Pur Dye Thread Silk
Ho. a, fashioned high spliced soles,
heels, double garter tops. All col
ors. Some silk to. the top. CQ
Worth to .11.00, , , , Jt
Women's Silk Boot Ho.e, all col
ors and black and white. Full
fashioned, garter tops, double
heels, toes and soles.' . CAi
Very special ............ OVC
Woman's Lislo- and Fiber - Boot
Ho,., black, white and colon.
Seamless, double heels OC
and toes aaajC
Women'a Mercerl.ed Lisle Hose,
in black and white. Full seamless,
spliced heels and toes. All fiber
silk boot hose, in black only. 1
26c quality, very special. . AaJC
Children's Silk Lislo Hose, colors
and black and white. Spliced OCr
soles, heels and toes. ..... aaaC
Women's Fine Lislo Union Suite,
in "Nushape." Cuff and umbrella
knee styles. All sizes. Reg- ' CAr
ular 69c quality; suit,..,
Woman's Fine LUle Union Suits,
cuff and umbrella knee styles.
Regular and extra sizes. 60c OQ
quality, Saturday, suit....
Woman's Fin. Ribbed Vesta, in
regular and extra sizes. 101
Worth to 19c, special. . . . lelJC
Boys' Genuine Poro.knir Union
Suits, Irregular quality. All OP
sizes. 60c kind, suit OJC
Miaou' and Girl.' Union Suits, fin
cotton. Cuff and umbrella 1 A
knee styles, 26c quality, suit avC
Woman's Silk Top Union Suits,
pink and white, lisle body; regular
and extra sizes; worth OP.
to 11.25, at ............. OOC
Mary Jane Pumps
$1.50 and $1.85
About 350 Pairs Women's,
Misses' and Children's Mary
Jane Pumps, values from $2
to $3.50. Made of gun metal
calf and patent kid; hand-
turnea soles, wiae, roomy
toes. Two lots at these prices.
Sizes t to 11H,
Size 12 for misses, to tjl QQ
7 for women eJU.OiJ
$6.00 Ivory and Gray Kid
Pumps, $3.85
Women's High Tongue, Largo
Buckle Colonial Pumps, in two
most popular shades. Very light
and flexible soles; Cuban covered
Louis heels. All sizes, 8 to 8;
Widths AA to D. CO QC