Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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Old Wheat is Unchanged to a
fCent Higher, While New
Wheat Falls in Price.
: 11 Omaha, July 14. ltl.
",THlay' receipt were fairly heavy and
titer ti a pretty active casta demand for
very thin t en the Hit. Wheal ranged from
uncnanved to a eeni-lurrier tor the eld ana ,
tm le to to Unmtor new wheat There
were leveral care of new wheat on the i
for today and all of the earn plea teited
etsly pound or better, one car . welshlnp; ;
stair-throe and one-ha If pound to the j
uatiel. I
,-Ther waa food demand for all trade ,
f; torn and the market wa quoted prac- I
rlcally unchanged.
a. There wa a rood run of oata today and
price ranged generally from unchanged to i
i-iC higher. The better grade of oata sold
i&. Vo advance, but the No, t and 4 whit
t Bold practically unchanged.
'.' Rv and -barley were quoted unchanged.
' tHearance were: - Wheat and flour equal
te-4.7Z.0oe bu.; corn, tZ.OOO bu.; oata, M,-
Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to td
llgher; corn, 24 higher.
nvtmary wheat receipt were 1,121, tOO1 bu.
uut ahlpments M.,0(M bu., agalnat receipt
tf .374.0M bu, and shipment) of JB,000 bu.
B year.
2 ; rimary corn" receipt were I47.0M bo.
f4 ahlpment (77,000 bu., agalmt receipt
661.000- bu. and ihlpmenU of H2.009 bu.
mX year.,
.Primary oat receipt were MMM bu.
htpmenu 7IK.400 bu., agatnit receipt
'tV4it,040 bu. and aftlpmenU of 410,000 bu.
4 year.
som waa glvon to ' theory
that cat were too Ion aa conivared with
Provllon gagged as a result of lower
price In bog. Even after the descent, ag
grmtve support waa lacking.
Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. S red.
nominal; No. t red, $l.0 tJM; No. 2
hard, nominal; No. S hard, fl.05 1.01
Com: No. yellow, sK0c: No, 4 yel
low, 79c; No. 4 white, 76 C Oata: No. 2
white, 41T41Hc: tundard, 424i4ttc. Rye:
Nominal. Barley: flS07Oc. Seeds: Timothy,
ft. 71: clover, 17.OOtQH.06. Provision: Pork.
$24.S02&.5fl. lard. $.1U7H; rlba, 112.059
BUTTER Unchanged.
BOOS Receipts, 14,101 case; market un
changed. POT A TO E8 Lower ; receipt. 40 car:
Arkansas and Oklahoma Triumph. TOQSOc;
Kansas, Mivaourl and Illinois Ohloa, 75
SOr; Virginia Cobbler, S0t0t.
POULTRT Alivoi lower; fowl, 17c;
spring, 21 24c.
Bad Breaks Around Hoc Cir
cuit and Packers Control
Trade Cattle Light.
Wheat mhI Cm TraJe Aetlte, with O.U
C.mpar.tlTel Pall.
Th. wheat en. eorn markets wsre fairly
actlva, but the trad. In ata wai compara-
tlvely Hint, i
What decline le for the September,
and th December ruled le lower.
Th. ra.on given for lata decline in
la lh denial of black ruat r.porta which
hava bc.n coming In from tha northweat
grain belt.
Corn ruled a fraction lower 4n eympathy
with wheat, and oata rtmalnad ateady all
durlnf tha a.ialon. Thara waa pretty actlv.
trading In wheat and oata toward tha eloae,
Omaha cloalng prloea uo luturaa tor tola
Open. I High. Low. Cloao. Tay
Chicago 1 .
MUlneapolla ..
BUIutb. ... ..I ,
Omaha to'
Kanaaa City Ill It a
pt Ixrale Ill , .11 It
ytrmlpeaT 18$
S?Theee Bales wera reported today.
$.Wheat No. t hard winter: 1 car (new,
II lb..), $1.87; I car, (new), !.; 1 car
lelS), 11.0414 . No. I hard winter: 1 car,
jl.ft: I can, II. mm I can, II. HI: I can,
tl.8ts; I can, 11.01. No. 4 hard winter:
I oar. 11.01: can, It. 01,: I can. 11.01:
t Mr, II.0OV. ran, 11.00; 1 car, IIHo: 7
mra. tic; 1 car, IH,r. Sample hard winter:
S-care. I7e; 1 ear, llliol 1 ear (hot), lie.
Ma. 4 aprlng: 1 car, 18c . .No. 4 mixed: 1
a 11.01; 1 car, 11.01.
'.Barter Ne. 4: 1 car, $lc; 1 car, (le.
Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 77c. No. I
WWte: 1 ear, 77c. No. I yellow: 1 car,
trr. No. I yellow: 1 oar, 71 He. No. I
Brfaed: t car, T0ie; 1 cer.'7He. No. I
nied: 1 car, TH,o; I car., 74c; 1 car,
fseV- Ke. 0 mixed: 1 car, 7c Sample
it tied: 1 ear, 71c; 1 car, 71c; 11-1 ear.,
ti-Oala N. while: I can, lotto, sun
ftfd: 1 ear, lute. No. I white: 1 car,
Mtc; I can, 1114c No. 4 white: I can.
I l-l can, 17fcc. Sample, white: , I
eta, 17c.
Oat, and barley 1 car. 14 too.
'. Omaha Caah Price, Wheat : No. I hard,
1.41.07; No. I hard, 11.41(401.01: No.
J Vard. tOcvlI.OI: No. I durum, 104007c:
Sf a durum, 0400c. Corn: No. I whtta,
nH)a77e: No. I white, 7Vi7lc: No. 4
ttajta, 70470Hci No. t- white, 7!tt7lc:
HtV whlta. 707ttle: No. 1 yellow, 770
ttlae; No. I yellow, 777c: No. 4 yel
hr NIHlit; No. I yellow, 7tt07c; No.
Follow, 74t)7IUe: Si. t mlaed, 7114
(tie: No. I mtied, 747IHc: No. 4 mlaed,
H(lJll4e: No. i mixed, 7114 74c; No. I
IVuted. 770c. Oata: .No. I white, It 14 0
Mi: atandard, HHHc; No. I white,
WttOUtte: No. 4 white. 1744 011c. Bar-
tri Malting, 01071c: No. 1 feed, 110110.
f: No. J, 10011c; No. I, II0OOO.
- Optica go, July 14. Wheat ihowed t down
ward tendency moat of the time today,. In-
0 jicd larger by cooler weather In tha
ft Ihtteat, . a condition likely to retard
ck ruat. Price, eloaed heavy, 1 0114c
a i lower, with July 11.0114 and September
1 41. Corn Onl.hed o to 1401o down,
t H we off to Ho up and provtalona at
14 Ic deellneo.
f Oplnlono of crop exparti that If the
1r4ther -continued favorable the yield of
UHWat In tha Dakolaa and Mlnneaota would
$rtt be aorloualy dlinlnlahed by black ruat
gate the bean a decided advantage at the
Otart, . Considerable aelllng preaaura waa
' i a. Induced by London dtapatchea referring
4 the poeelbtltty of t aaparata paaoa with
, i trla. ,. i . '
t Iteporta, f however, that eeme fleldn In
Eath Dakota already dlaplayed avldenca of
tk mat damage led to a general rally
PArleea. Bulla derived further eouraWa
from auartlona that oaaea had been dla
Ctvand In whrah tha ruat waa attaoklng
tha atalka. Nevertheleaa buying orden
failed to aaauraa Impraealva proportlona. and
during tha laat half hour of tha day tha
market underwent a material freak decline.
Announcement that tha Brttlah govern
ment waa to nx prlcaa tomorrow on a Urge
tmount of reaerva auppll.i at Liverpool and
Olaawhara did a good deal tt check new
buying here. Advance In ocean freight ratea
eawnted Hkewlae agalnat tha bulla la tha
lata trading, and ao did atgno that ' tha
country waa offering new wheat more freely,
Nebraaka and Kaneaa In particular. Be
oldea predlctlona were current that from now
on tha number of ahlpmenta to Chicago
would Inoreaee to a eubatentla! extent.
Corn weakened .with wheat Ralna In too
f tfona where there had been eemplatnte of
drmeaa tended further to .... tha market.
Oata wen nlatlvely firm. Crop damage re
part, appeared to atlmultta buying and
I x-107:
k lMUjjloa 'loa
Ul 107)4110614 xlOitt
; 71H 71 x71H
' Hit ll IDIH
, l "l!4 'H
4014 40 NO 14
Bid,' xA,ked. . t
Chicago cloelng prloea furnlahad Tha Bee
by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain broken,
111 South Hlxteentn atreet. ijmana:
Art. Open. High. ILow.l Uloaa.
5ly 1 Mlt 1 11 10IU 1 4
Sept. 1 11 1 im 1M( 1 00
Dec. 1 IS 1 14H 112H 1 12
Vu'r 7714-H 7 77 H 11
Sept. 7114-14 74H-H '
Dec. IIA.-14 . I1H Ilk I2H
July 40H 41 4004 41
Sept, 4014-44 40 40H 40H
Dec. 4114-14 41 W 414 l
July .14 41 14 41 It 40 IS 41 '
Sept. 14 00 14, I'r 14 14 ii 14 40
Lard 1
B-Pt. II 1714 1 1714 II 10 II II
Oct. 11 10 II 10 II 10 II 10
July 11 II II 40 II 10 II II II II 11 4714 II 40 II 4iVj
114 14
II to
14 70
II 10
II 40
II 41
II 40
City Genera! Market.
Kane, City. July 14. WHEAT Irregu
lar: No. I hard, 11.00 01.14: No, I red, 11.00
01.10: July. 11.0214; September, 11.04140
1.0414: December, ll.MH01.OO4k.
CORN No. I mixed, 7707114a; No. I
white, 77 0 7114c; No. I yellow, 71 070c;
July, 704kc; September, 71Ho; December,
OATS No. I white. 4114 04114c; N. I
mixed, 10011c.
BUTTER Creamery, lie: (lata, ale;
aOconde, lie; packer,, IIHe.
KOOS rirete. 2c.
POULTRY Hone, llel mooter. lie;
brollera, lie.
Minnexspolle Omit Market.
Mlnneapolla, July 14 WHBAT July,
1.1IH01.1I14I September, 11.1114. Caah:
No. 1 hard, 11.1014; No. 1 northern, 11.1414
01.1714; No. 1 northern, 11.10 14 01.14 14.
FLOUR Unchanged.
BARLBT 4S 0 7414C
RTB 00011c.
, BRAN 117.60 011.00, V
CORN No. I yellow, 0114 00114c.
OATS No. I -whit.. 1001014a.
l-LAXaBID 11.04 01.17.
St, Loaxa Oram Market.
St Loulo, July 14. WHEAT No. I red,
old, 11.10; new, 11.1701.11: No. I hard,
nominal; July, 11.0714: September, 11.0014.
CORN No. I, 70 14 0 10 Ho; No. I white,
1114c; July, 71140; September, 71140.
OATS No. I, 40c; No. I white, nominal.
Liverpool Oral Market.
Liverpool, July 14 WHEAT Spot firm;
No. I red, weetern winter, 10a lOd: No, 1
Manitoba, 11a 4d; No. I Manitoba, lie Id.
CORN Spot, firm; American, mixed, new,
lit Id, - . '
i Cvaaeratee! Apple, and Dried Frulte.
New TorM, July 14. EVAPORATFJD AP-
FLsa DUir; '"g't '14 0'4o; choice, 00
"tStllS rkuiTS Prinea, at.ady; Call
tcrolaa. lao to 40a, 1V40OHO; Oregona, 70
lie. Aprletta, firm; choloe, lie; . extra
ehetoa, lie; fanoy, 11140. Peachea firm:
choice, 10: extra oholce, IHo; fanoy 7o.
ItalalM, 1 toady; loon., IVIHo;
choice to fancy, needed. 714 0le; aaedleaa.
11401014a. .,
: ' Metal Market
New Tare, July 14. METALS Exchange
quetee lead offered at 10.40. Spelter eaay;
pot Baat St Loola delivery, 11.00, Cfcpper
dull; electrolytle, 114.000 20.00. Iron ateady
and unchanged. Tin ateady; apol, $11,110
At London: Spot eapper, 111; futurea.
Ill; alactrolytlo, 1114 10a; apot tin, till;
luturaa. 111! lea; lead, II le; apaltar, 147.
Omaha. July 14, 1111.
Receipt were: Cattle. How. Sheep.
Official Monday 4,711 7,100 1.006
Official Tuesday 4,404 16,34! 7,601
Official Wdnday .. 1.671 0.066 4.661
Official Tnundey .... 2.444 M74 7.014
Ultimate Friday 060 0,.00 1,100
Five d.yf'tl!, week. .16.417 44,000 10.161
mi day, laat week. . 42.071 14.111
Kama daya S w'ka ago. 14.626 61.010 41,117
Heme day, a w'ke ago. 16.167 60.010 11,600
Same day. 4 w'ke a(0.1(14! 62,000 30.764
Same day. laat year.. 11.012 21 074 14,440
The following table .how. th. recelpta of
cattle hoaa and abeep at the South Omaha
live atock market for thexyear to data, aa
compared with laet year:
1110. 1011. Inc. Deo.
Cattle 022.11. 611.121 01.662
Ho.. 1.060.416 1.726.121 122,664
Sheep ....1.044.616 1,111 160 01.471
in ronowina table onoe tn averaa.
price of hog. at the Omaha live atock mar
ket tor the lai few da.. with comparleone-
I 1010. I101.ll4,llfla.ll0l2.1011
June ,7. . a 10 0 46 i 10 0 II
June II. I 4014 J 10 I 44 1 14 0 01
June II. I II 4 I 14 II 7 14 I II
June 1. I 1714 I 14 I II I II I 10
July 1 t 0214 7 41 6 17 I 66 7 10 0 16
July I. I 0214 7 II I II I II 1 II
July I 17 44 I 71 1 21 I II
July 0. I IIV4I 7 II 1 II 7 II I II
July I I 1444 7 14 I II I II - I II
July I I 7l 7 01 I II I 02 7 II I 16
July f ( II I II I 76 7 10
July 10. t 70 0 06 1 471 I 70 7 34 I II
July 11. I 1714 I ill I 71 7 20 I 17
July 12. I 1114 f 70 I 71 7 II I 14 7 11
July 13. I 10S ri4 I 06 7 16 I 10
July 14. I 62 66 I III 16 I I 14
CATTLE There waa the uaual amall Frl
day'a run of cattle today, about 160 head,
which makea 10,417 for tha week. Aa com
pared wljh a year ago, this ahowa an In
creaaa of about 1,600 head.
Tha market today wa vary duL Al
though recelpta wore limited, the demand
from packera appeared to be evn more aa,
and while blda were unevenly lower . than
Thureday, pie packen did not seem .to be
at all anxtnua for the cattle even at their
lower bide, and It waa late In the forenoon
before any bualness hsd been tranaacted.
Ootid to choice native beeves were quoted
around 11.26010.00, and very decent west
ern range ateen went to the killers at $7.36
01.00. Trend of valuea has been lower all
week and eloalng quotatlona are right
around 160160 lower than a week ago on
without noteworthy change, packera taking
the few deetrablo grace eows at prloea not
materially different from , yesterday or a
week ago, while on the medium and com
mon klnda, which made up the bulk of tha
meeger offerlnga, prices were anywhere
from 26c to lOo lower, and there waa a very
.uncertain demand for them even at thta de
cline. Veal calvaa were quotably about
eteady, and there waa no particular change
In the merket for bulle, atage, etc.
Although there were only a few atock
cattle and feeding ateen on sale, there waa
practically no demand for them whatever,
and closing quotatlona for the week are
anywhen from 26c to 60o lower than laet.
Hard tradem loaded up with auppllea all
week and have been unable to dlepoae of
ttou even at tha lower figure,, other
polnta are heavily leaded up with auppllea
anil this haa created t very weak feeling
la tho trade. .
Quotatlona on otttlat Good t ehole
beeves, t.601O.4O: fair ta good beevee.
It 86; good to oholoo yearlings. II. 60010.16:
fair to good yaarllnga, $1.1001.60; common
to fair yearling. $7.1601.10: good to oholoo
helfen $7.2601.2$; good to eholc cows,
$1.7607.76: fair to good cows, IO.OO06.76;
common to fair eows, 11.7101.11; good to
oholce feeden, l$.M0$.IO fair to good feed
ers, $7.1601.0$; common ta -fair feeden, good to choloe stock. re, $7.7$
01.40; t cock halters, 110007.21; steak
cows, IS.6007.00; atock calves, $1.7101.10:
veal ealvea, 11.16011.16; beef bulla, ataca,
etc., 10.6007.16, bologna bulla, $6.6006.60.
HOQS Bad breaka wen reported all
around the olreult, and the local trade waa
In the control of the paoken right from
the outset Shlppan bought very eparlngly,
and while freeh euppllee were no better
than- fair, a holdover from yesterday of
between twenty and twenty-five oara gave
buyen a very fair showing from whleu to
make their aeleetlane.
Setlero realised that a sharp alump waa
Inevitable and traded with that In mind. The
reeult waa that while packera' flrat blda
wera a good big 100 lower, aalesmen did
not waata much tlma, but alaehed prlcaa
and cashed everything on which they were
able to get offer that wera hot mora than
10c down.
It waa not long be fen trader found that
early prlcaa win no longer obtainable, blda
having been reduced to a llo lawef level
before mora than half the offerings had
been sold. From this time onward move
ment wa slower, prloea continuing to weak'
en until tha oloaa, when thay looked aa
much aa llo lower than yesterday's average
Aa a general thing, values wort l$0l$c
lower, eloalng dull and weak at tha day'a
low time. Bulk aold at 11.4001.10, with a
top of $l.$l. Current prloea are 160160
lower than tha eloae of laat week, and bulk
Is now selling at the low tlma of the month
to date.
SHEEP Sheep and lambs auppllea were
amaller than uoual, even for a Friday, anly
ten can, or about 1,100 head, putting In an
appearance, and aome of theee being single
deoke. Five days' recelpta am 10,111 head,
being 4,000 amaller than laat week. 10.000
ehort of two weeka ago and 30,000 lighter
than for the eame period laat year.
There were hardly any choice lambs In
cluded In the offerings, the supply consist
ing largely of natlvee and fair westerns,
and packan were more or leaa Indifferent
throughout. By 11 o'clock a good ehare
of the arrivala had changed hande, and
while prlcee looked about ateady, the tone
to the trade waa. eaeler, the opinion being
generally expreoaed that had the run been
any larger declines would have been noted.
Salea Included a few of the beet native, as
high aa 110.00 0 10.61. with some light Wyo
mlnge at 110.60.
What sheep and yearllnga were here were
bought readily enough at eteady prices. A
load of fed weetera ewe,, the beet that hav.
been here thle week, sold st 17.60, the high-
eet figure psld In weeks, while "liters
touched $7.40. and a package of yearling,
reached $1.36. About a load of feeding eer
was bought at $6.60. , outside thle one
bunch not enough feeden wera offered to
be worthy of mention.
Cattle Steady, While Hoge and Sh-ep
' Wera Weak.
Chicago, July. 14. CATTLE Receipts
2.000 head: market eteady: naM bif
cattle, $7.1O011.OOweetern steere, S.lOfA
0.26; atockera end fder., I1.49Q.4!: co-.v.-,
ad helfere. $2.606S.6(rt celvee. I3.SC01S.OO.
HOGS Recelpta, 11,000 head; market
weak, moetly 10c lower: bulk of rales, If. 06
01.16; light $$.4000.10; rmiec, .v. job
10.10; heavy. 11.20610,10; rcugr., $C.S0
1.60: pigs, 11.1000.66.
head: market weak: wether3. tH.7itJS.3U;
ewee, $1.2607.40; lamba, 17.000 K. 70.
quotatlona of th Day on th Varleua Com
New York, July 11. FLOUR Unsettled.
WHEAT Soot, weaker: No. . 1 durum.
I1.10a; No. 2 hard. 11.21447 No. 1 northern.
Duluth. 11.214k; No. 1 northern, Manitoba,
I1.2014. f. o. b. New York.
uuk.x spot, eaay; no. j yeuow, ec.
I. f. New York.
OATS Spot ateady: atandard, 47 14 0
4714c '
HAY Weak: prima. $1.36: No. 1, $1.30;
No. 2, 11.1001. 30; No. 2, 10097c: snip
ping, 76f.66c.
HOfS Quiet: state, common to cnoice.
1016. 12020c: 1114. 107c: Pacific coast
1116. 11 ' ISO.
HIDES Firm: Bogota. 2314B33C; central
America, 32 14c.
I-BATH EH Firm: hemlock flreta. 37c:
second., ::6c.
-P.UV lSIONt Pork, firm: meaa. 126.000
27.00: nhort clear. l26.OO02H.aO. Bacf,
Htrnngr-famtly, $10.60020.60. Lard, ateady;
middle west. 113.60013.60. ...
tit TTI5K rirm: recelpta. 13. ii. tubs;
creamery, extras, 261402114c; firsts, 37gy
2c; ..rondo, 2614020c.
HGijS Irregular; recelots. 22.068 cases:
frr.h gathered, extra fine. 26 027c; extra
lire;.. 3603614c: firsts, Z402I1.C.
CHEKSK Steady; receipts, 4.4,6 boxes;
st.t, whole milk, flalH. specials, - 1614 0
164kt; average fancy, l.Aj1614c.
ruui.TK Alive, irregular: oronere. z.
tf26c: fowls. 20c: turkey.. 1601&u. Dressed.
aicady and unchanged. ,
HI. Lsula Lira Stock Market.
St. Louis, July 14. CATTLE Receipts.
1 Kn hsB- market I.M(1v: native beef
etf-ers, $7.60011.00; yearling steers and heif
ers, $6.60 0 10.16: cows. $6.6001.26; stockers
snd feeders,; jexss ana uw
noma steers, $6.6000.60: prime yearling
steers and helfen, 11.76010.26: cows and
hclfsn, $6.0006.00; southern eteera, $1,100
10.00; native calves, $6.00011.76.
HOQS Receipts, 02,000 . head; market
lower; pigs and lights, $1:7609.85; mixed
and butchen, $1.76 0 10.00; good heavy, 19.16
10.01: bulk of eales, $1.7600.06.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J 200
head; market ateady; wethen, $0.0006.00;
clipped -awea, $4.00 01.00; clipped Ismbs,
II. $0010.00; spring lamba, $7.00010.36.
Kansaa City Live Stock Market.
' Kansaa City, Mo., July 14. CATTLE
Recelpta, 600 head: market steady; prime
fed ateen, $10.00010.00: dreeeed beef eteera,
$7.1001.10; western steers, $7.0010.00; stock
ers and feeden, 11.2601.26; bulle,. 16.600
7.16; calves, $1.60 011.00.
HOOS Rscelpts, 12.000 head; market
lower: bulk of eales. 1.O10I.$6; heavy, $0.80
010.00; packere jffd butchers, $1.70010.00;
light, ll.50OI.lir Pigs. 10.0001.30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600
head; market steady; lamba, $10.00010.10;
yearllnga,, $7.7608.26; wathen, $7.3607.76;
Man City Live Stank Market. - t
" Sioux: ' City, la., July 14. BATTLE Re
'Ceipta,.a0A head; market ateady; oows and
helfen, $0.00 0 7.60; .cannara, $4.0005.50;
ealvea. $$.60 0 10.60.
HOGS Receipts, $.000 head: market 60
10c lower; heavy, $1.4001.75; mixed, $1,100
$.40; light, $1.30 01.10; bulk of eales, 11.25
SHEEP AND LAMBS Rscelpts, 100 head.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market. . : .
St. Joseph, July 14. CATTLE Receipts.
100 head; market eteady; ateen. 16.600
10.16; cows and helfen, $.4.2601.26; ealvea,
HOOS Recelpta, 1,000 head: market low
- 1, ear hulk of .alee. 10.6009.10.
Hir.r AND LAMBS Receipts. 100
head; market ateady; lamba, $10.00010.75
awes, $1.7607.24.
Us Stock ta Sight.
Receipts of live' atock at tha five principal
weatsrn maraeie nwmat.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Chloago ...........3.000 18.000 9,000
Kansaa City 100 2.00; -3.600
Sioux City 300 1.000 100
Omaha..... $.700 $.100 $.100
St hialt. ..1.600 tl.COO 1.800
Total.....' 7,100 101,700 10,600)
Great Clearance Sale
.. 98c
J, Helphand Clothing Co.
314-316 North 16th
$7.50 Pftlm Beach
Suite, t.........
$1.50 Odd Psnis,
on sale. .........
Men. Union Suite,
75c Dress Shirts,
Men. 10c Hose,
$1.60 Straw Hate,
76c Silk Hate,
at.,.; ,.
EN and VOr.lEN--Everybody--Look--Read
Thousands of Mm and Women who dres carefully and well have been here In throngs, many are coming to
morrow and will be here for the last few days Saturday last day. The enormity of the price-cuttinf demolition
stands alone in the annals of bargain-giving for this, the final wind-up, in MEN'S and WOMEN'S CLOTHING,
$1.00 and $1.25 Middies, now.. 69$
$1.00 All-over Aprons, now. , . .354
$1.25 All-over Aprons, now. . .45
Up to $2.00 Waists, choice. ... .454
Up to $3.50 Linen Skirts, plain
sand fancy, all styles ........ '
$2.00 All Silk Waists, all colors. 95
$1.00 House Dt'esses, all styles.'. 45k
$1.00 BootSilk Hose, all colors. 39
$1 N, H. Summer Corsets, now 39
$2.00 and $2.50 Linen Sport Skirts,
now at ...... 95k
15c Cotton Hosiery, all colors. . . .94
Children's 60c and 75c Wash Dresses,
now .............. 25
Sutnmar Drtaaaa Mutt Co..
Big line Dresses, all styles and
colors, worth up to $3.50, to go
in two lots, take your choice, now.
Up to $4.80 Drwast. ........
In latest styles and colorings,
lace collar and cuff-trimmed, to
go ih two lots, take your choice .J
Up to $4.00 Pa-mpt, aow. ... . ... .
White. Tan and Black, in all leath
ers, great assortment to clean out the entire
shoe stock tomorrow, choice now, pair, 98.
$1.00 and $1.25 Dress Shirts, now. . . . .39t
Big line Dress Shirts, now. ........ , .484
60e Balbriggan and Lisle Underwear. . 194
$1.00 B. V. D. Union Suite, now... ; . .'. .494
$2.00 and $2.60 Palm Beach Pants. . . . .954
26c Garters, individual boxes . .. .84
10c and 12ttc Black and Fancy Hose, pr., 54
Up to $2.60 Straw Hats, now. ...... .694
$3.60 and $4.00 Oxfords, black and tan, lace
and buttoh, all leathers, pair. ... ..S1.95
Your last chance to beat the hot weather, men ! Big Una to select from for
Saturday 'a selling. Take your choice, Coat and Pants. . . ...i . . S. . .. .v. . . . .
Separate Palm Beach Pants, plain and stripe, light and dark colors
at, per pair. . . . . . . ,v. . .... ... . ... ....... . ----
followed nndflr reatMnv. but thtra was no
important prcssuro and the close was
within a point or two of the beat and from
6 to 13 polnta net burner. Salea were ST. 350
bag. July 8,2c; Auoit, 8.33c; September,
.38c: October, 1.42c; November, .4c; De
cember, 8.64c ; January, 8.S ; February,
8.13c; March. I.flto; April, l-Tfcc; May,
8.80c; June, 8.84c.
Spot, dull; Ho 7, tc Sentoi 4. lec.
Pew freih offers were reported at the ooat
and freight market aa today was practical
ly a holiday tn Brasll and quotations were
about unchanged.
The officials eaibles reported a gain of
76 rein at Rio with Santos spot unchanged
and futures It rela higher to k lower. Bio
exchange was Hd lower. . .... .
Cotton Market. - . i
New Torltv Juy 14. COTTON Futures
I opened steady; July, 12.83c;" October, 12.00c;
December, 13.17c; January? 13.23c;, March.
Cotton futures closed steady; July, 12.89c;
October, 12.97c; December, IS. 13c; January,
13.18c; inarch, 13.37c.
Spot steaay; middling uplands, 11.15c.
Sales, 2,080 bales.
The cotton market closed steady at a net
advance of to 7 points.
Liverpool, July 14. COTTON Spot, quiet;
prices steady ; good middling. 8. 1 7d ; mid
dling, g.Old; low middling. 783d. Sales,
.. Coffee Market.
New Yorlt, July 14. There was a mod
erate buslnens In the market, for coifee
futures here today and while fluctuations
ware somewhat Irregular, the general rul
ing f prices- was higher Tills seemed
partly the result .jbuying by houses with
Mverpooi connections or cotton exenange
lnterertts and after opening at an advance
of 3 to 7 points, active months sold about
6 to 8 points above last night's cloning
figures.- with December touching 8.52c and
May, 8.81c. Retsfctlons of '3 or 4 -points
London Stock Market.
London. July 14. American securities
wer$ nuit and lh list closed steady.
SILVER Bar, .9d per ounce.
MONKT 44 per -ent.
DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, 5 per
cent; three months, 5i per cent,
Sugar Market. '
New Tork. July 14.--SUGAP. Raw ste... .
centrifugal. fi.40c; motasass, 8.83c; refined,
steadv; fine granulated, 7.86c. Futures de
clined about polnta during the early trad
ing on scattered selling by commission
Seasonal Infloenem Never Wera So Neg
ligible as Now. -
New York, July 11. -Bradstreet's tomor
row will sty:
Seasonal Influences, which usually affect
the larger lines during tha heated apeele,
never were so negligible as now. Hot
weather has made it uncomfortable for
men tn industry to work continuously at
high spaed and then at the same time the
normal desire for vacations has probably
cut down operations In numerous enter-
prises,, but . notwithstanding a relatively'
noteworthy degree of activity prevails, (
Speculative buying, predicated heretofore ,
on fears that there would not be enough ,
materials to go around has, however, large
ly disappeared and the situation is all the
healthier for this. Most reports agree that
prospects point to a continuance of good;
business through an indefinite period, with" ,
little or none of the disturbances incident
to s presidential year in evidence. ' .
Weekly bank clearings were 4,008,113,Mfl.
Dry Goods Market. " ' "!
New York, July 14. DRY GOODS Cotton
goods markets were steady; yarns wera firm
and wool active. Many Jobbers are here for
their semi-annual purchases.
American Telephone 4 Telegraph Co..
A dividend of Two Dollars per share
will be paid on Saturday, July 16,
1916, to stockholders of record at the
close of business on Friday, June SO,
1916. G. P. MILNE, treasurer. I
I an b biii a wasiwa!-esss BggaHBKiiHBBWBaB:
)onn to Rock-Bottom
Go the Prices on
And Furnishings of All Kinds
No need of waiting any longer Prices
have reached Rock Bottom. Come Saturday
and be among the first ones to choose from
these lots of Suits.. You find the very ma
terials and styles that Omaha's well dressed
men are wearing and you'll save about a
HAJjF. ,
Every Suit in
the Store is
Included in Sale
We are going to
make as cleans
weep as was ever
made by any Business
House, and this clean
sweep will swing into
your way a mighty
torrent of MOST EX
p-p I Clearance '
fJ' Sal8 !
I Suit Was Vllf' MvV Ml I
Formerly fl
$16.50. v. VfcjftsaSL 4 1
Now on Salel A. aY i P3-
t " -.
The Last Week Saturday Last DaySale Now On Entire Stock
214-216 North 16th SW Opp. Loyal Hotel, Near PostoHlce
r Now Reduced to
Now Reduced to
Now Reduced to j
Now Reduced to
V U to
!- $27.50
PANTS At About Half Price
$1.75 and $2.00
Trousers, Pair, at
$2.50 Trousers, Sell
' tag-Out Pric$ ,
' $3.00 Trousers, Sell
1 tag-Out Price
$3.50 Trousers, Sell
mg-Out Price
'$4.00 Trousers, Sell-
ing-Out Pn
$4.50 Trousers," Selling-Out
Price -
Men's Oxfords .
' Worth to (1 fiQ
S3.50, aow JisU5
Vp $. SOa
valuaa, .Sat
arejajr. ' at
Men's Hose
Worth to 15c, C
pair, on sale. , "t
Soft Shirts
Onion Shirts
R.f ular 7Ss . OQ-
I v.luau..Acrw.-