Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Xipociety Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Many Well-Known Names Ap
pear Among Reservations
for Speed Classic.
"Half lap, halt a lap.
Halt a lap onward.
Faat fly th. speed boys
.Before tha tour hundred."
Omaha society has turned sports
man, or perhape it needed no turning
and always was interested In sports.
At least, now more than ever, society
Is evincing Its interest in all sorts of
contests of strength and skill.
With the wrestling match over, the
eyes of the "four hundred" are turned
toward the big auto races scheduled
for Saturday. Not only are "mani
curists, hello damsels, lovelorn las
sies" and other women folk spoken
ular Rick interested in the event,
but society will show itself in force.
Society women of the east have al
ways appeared in their prettiest
gowns at "the races," why not Omaha
women? Among the reservations for
the great contest Saturday are the
names of:
Mun. and Meadamea
Timely Fashion Hint
By U. BSCOXTBtrfl.
y. C. Bradford,
t. r. Kenntay,
Guy L. Smith,
Glen Wharton,
J. C. Wharton,
Frd Mati.
Albert Kmc,
A. L. Stora,
Fred Hamilton,
M. Q. Colpetier,
J. T. SUwart II,
Ward Burgeia,
C. T. Kountie,
E. 0. WMtbrook,
J. A. Cavara,
B. A. HI tn.
Prettiest Mile Golf Club.
The Pretiest Mile Ladies' Golf club
was entertained Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. H. B. Liggett. As
sisting the hostess were Mesdames
P. J. Creedon, George Swoboda,
George A. Magney, C S. Rainbolt,
1. M. Sturdevant, E. E. Moser, C. H.
Thatcher, C. M. Mortensen and Miss
Etta Smeln. A program was given
by Misses Eleanor Jane Lear, Lulu
Morris Jerome, Lillian Paul, Mrs. J.
M. Sturdevant and Mrs. E. R. Burke.
Present were:
David McCafferty.
O. I Scbants.
U. D. Hopkloa.
C A. Granden,.
B. E. Mosr,
J. M. Sturdevant.
M. E. Thomas,
Charlaa C. Haynea,
C. 8. Rainbolt,
Guy Ligcett,
Charlea J. Wonder,
C. W. Dreaher,
W. B. Taylor,
B. E. Kelson ot
Los Angeles, Cal.
A. D. Northrup.
F. M. Hlah,
H. C. Madden,
J. W. Bunker,
H. B. Llriatt,
P. J. Creedon.
Wilbur Jones,
Lulla Norrls Jerome,
A. M. Smith,
Harry Haller,
John Toms,
Anna L. Downey,
St. Joe, Mo,
Frank h. Johnson,
n. A. Newell,
Klmer Wonder,
Edward R. Burke,
Fred M. Crane,
J. C, Ludlkl,
M. F. Byrd,
C. H. Thatcher,
J. H. Cutoff,
Mary B. Emerson.
George Swoboda,
George A. Magney,
Fred 8. Larkin,
Glenn W. Smith,
Ray Rainbolt.
Jerome Qutaenberry,
0. M: Mortensen,
W. H. Fllnn,
O. W. Covert.
C. O. Carpenter of
St. Joe, Mo.
Howard Hawk,
T. C. Rich.
W. M. Clark,
J. W. Spragua.
Frank Russell, .
Etta Smith.
Lucille Carpenter of
Stork Special.
A son, Franklin Perry, jr., was born
on Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Perry
Smith of Chicago. Mrs. Smith was
formerly Miss Ruth Elizabeth Lane,
daughter, of Mrs. Evelyn A. Lane,
formerly of Omaha.
Picnic o! Younger Set
Eighteen couples of the school set
enjoyed a picnic at Elmwood Thurs
day evening, then went over to the
Field club to dance. Miss Alice
Coad chaperoned the party, hostesses
for which were:
Misses Hisses
Mercedes Jonaea. Dolllo Burnett,
Pauline Coad, Winifred Brandt,
Phyllis Hunter, Ruth Waterman.
At the Field Club.
Miss Dorothy Morton entertained
at luncheon for twelve of her friends
at the Field club today. Pink and
white roses were the decorations.
Additional reservations for the Sat
urday evening dinner-dance at the
Field club have been made by Miss
S. M. Pratt for tour guests and by Dr.
W. H. Walker for six.
For Miss Ethel Andrews.
At her home today Miss Marion
Towle entertained at luncheon In
honor of her guest, Miss Ethel An-
The quaint charm of this frock lies
in the distended hoop, skirt with its
huge embroidered motifs of taffeta.
The frock is developed in white or
gandie and the embroidery is done in
pale grey and blue tones. The monk
collar is especially notable, as is the
odd bishop sleeve with its taffeta cuff.
drews, of Idlewild. N. J. Maiden hair
ferns formed a simple and attractive
decoration. Covers were laid for:
Misses Misses
Reglna Connell, Sarah Perkins ot
Isabel Vinson haler, Memphis.Tonn.;
Helen Murphy, Alice Carter,
Margaret Sunderland Ethel Andrews of
of Chicago, Idlewild, N. J.; '
Mary Megeath, Marlon Towle,
At Happy Hollow.
Mrs. t. M. Edgerly, assisted
Miss Tress Keys, entertained
cards at the Happy Hollow club- this,
afternoon. ; Six tables were set for
the guests, and coriopsis flowers were
used as decorations. r .
Reservations for the Saturday even
ing dinner-dance at Happy Hollow
I I ! L. " f Vf :
ciuo nave oecu maue uy v-. u.,ivic-:
Donald for ten guests; G. W. Noble
for ten; G. D. Shipherd for four, and
by George Clarke, Rev. John. .. Wil
liams and Byron Clarke for smaller
Pickle Club picnic.
An unique club, one which makes
the mouth water in' fact, is the Pickle
club, which held it annual outing at.
Elmwood park the other day. Doubt
less composed of lovers of the ubi
quitous necessary for picnic lunches,
the society voted to procure pins
with the club's emblem, on them.
Pickles formed the table deocration
and Miss Mabel Cotter was re-elected
the Pickle president. The members
Mleees .,.
Mabel Cotter,
Gertrude Lowry, '
Mary Russell.
Merceen Eastman,
Mary Farrell,
Julia Flynn,
Messrs. -
George Be ve ridge, .
Edward Russell . .
James Coffanr
Emmet Flynn,
Vincent Bhanahan,
On Eastern Trips.
Mr. and Mrs.-John Lee Webster
left last evening for Atlantic City and
other eastern resorts.. Mr. and Mrs.
John A. McShane hare also gone to
Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nilsson left Sat
urday for Buffalo to attend the Shrin
ers' convention. They will visit at
Boston, Washington, D. C, and other
eastern cities.
Misses ' ' '
Catherine Fltsgerald,
'Irene Mullen,'
CaLharlne Phelan.
Margaret Eastman,
Ella Hefler. .....
1 Messrs.-- ' ' .
:Joseph Schaefer, : '
Mugs Roche,
""James- Do -Paul,' '
"Val O'Donnell.
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mri. Zverett Buckingham
will entertain -at dinner at the Coun
try club this evening. . Covers will be
laid for twenty-four.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ludlow
will also entertain at the club this
evening. They will have nine guests.
For Saturday evening the W. T.
Pages and the W. J. 'Foyes each have
reservations for ten, and H. K. Pat
terson for four.
Birthday Party.
Mrs. Emma Kirchbaum enter
tained in honor of Mrs. E. Rengler of
New York Thursday afternoon. The
party also celebrated Mrs. Kirch
baum's birthday anniversary. Deco-
Formerly Sold From
$22.50 to $45.00
Saturday $9.75
All Sizes and
Lined and Un-
lined, all
Shades, Your
Choice Saturday
Your Credit Is Good
. Hara'a an Opportunity to Acquaint Yourself With This Stora.
rations in the living room were roses,
sweet peas and daisies. Miss Lillian
Weiss and Miss Martha Friedman
sang, j
On the Calendar.
Vista chapter, Order of the East
ern Star, will give its annual outing
and dinner-dance at Carter Lake club
next Wednesday.
The Sojourners' club of the White
Shrine will give the first of a series
of dinner-dances at Seymour Lake
club Friday, July 21.
Luncheon at Fontenelle.
Mrs. William Archibald Smith en
tertained at luncheon at the Fonte
nelle today in honor of her frtend,
Miss Nancy Battin of Philadelphia,
who has returned to Omaha to live.
Covers were laid for seven. Miss
Battin has taken an apartment at the
Personal Mention.
Miss Clyde Hoerr, who has been
the guest of Mrs. F. B. Aldous, re
turned to her home in Mankato,
Minn., Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, James A. Griffith and
Miss Vivian Griffith, who has been
taking the rest cure for nine weeks
at the Presbyterian hospital, left to
day, accompanied by a nurse, for
Atlantic City, where Mrs. Griffith and
daughter will spend the remainder of
the summer.
Master Bakers Plan for
Annual Picnic at Valley
The Omaha Master Bakers' club
will hold its annual picnic, at Valley
July 27. The club will meet at 212
North Sixteenth street and go to the
picnic grounds in automobiles.- There
is to be an afternoon of athletic sports
and a picnic supper. J. I. Markey,
Charles S, Feriger and Frea B., Martin
are in charge of the arrangements.
Society Women Golf
Players See Caddy
Killed by Lightning
New York. July 14. More than a
score of society women, including
Mrs. Oscar Lewisohn, formerly Edna
May, the actress, narrowly escaped
death from lightning on the grounds
of a golf course at Great Neck, Long
Island, late yesterday, when Felix Ja
cobus, a caddy, was struck and killed
within a few feet of them. As the
body of the caddy was carried from
the field all the women in the parly
fell on their knees and prayed.
The Great Neck tragedy occurred
while Mrs. Lewisohn and Mrs. Charles
H. Goddard, wife of the president of
the golf club, were engaged in an ex
citing game. They were negotiating
for position when Jacobus, holding
the flag, was hit and fell dead in front
of them.
Three other persons were killed by
lightning, much property damage was
caused and electric train service was
badly crippled by a violent thunder
storm, accompanied by a sixty-mile
gale from the west, which swept this
city and vicinity. The temperature
dropped seventeen degrees in fifteen
minutes, bringing relief to thousands
of persons who had been sweltering
in intense heat for forty-eight hours.
"Cinderella" is Given
At Social Settlement
"Cinderella" was given by little girls
of the Social Settlement Thursday
evening before an audience that
crowded the settlement building. Miss
Beulah Byrd, head resident, directed
the play. Celia Azorn was Cinderella,
Margaret Whipple, Prince Charming;
Rebecca Azorn, fairy godmother;
Mary Campbell, a herald; Alice Jelen
and Ida Azorn, the stepsisters; Caro
line Pycha, Nuva Woerner and Flor
ence Jelen, court ladies.
Not to be outdone by the girls, the
boys presented a one-act sketch, "A
Bowery Night School," under the di
rection of John Gallagher. Those tak-i
ing part were Charles Williams, Dnve
Nielson, Leo and Frank Dahir, James
Farhat, Major Leach, Otto Sabata and
Philip Abboud.
Pr. King's New Discovery.
There la nothing hotter for your cough
or cold than Dr. King's New Discovery. In
use over 48 years. 'Guaranteed. All drug
glsta. Advertisement.
Winners in Audubon
Bird Picture Contest
Are Awarded Prizes
Jay Burns and the Omaha Audu
bon society have put this city on the
map all over the country as a result
of the campaign recently made to ex
cite interest of local youngsters in
bird life by distributing cards bear
ing pictures of birds in loaves of bread
made by the Burns concern.
Similar campaigns have been made,
or are now under way, in Davenport,
la.; Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Minneapolis,
Minn.; Pueblo, Colo.; Memphis,
Teun;. Binghampton, N. Y.; Los An
geles, Cat, and Dayton, O. All of
these campaigns are based upon the
same plan as that originated in
Omaha, which is now known as the
"Omaha idea" in Audubon circles all
over the country.
More than 40C.OOO of the cards dis
tributed were returned. One boy sent
in 2.081 cards.
Prizes to the boys and girls turn
ing in the largest number of cards
were presented at the library this
morning by C. H. English, chairman
of the committee in charge of the
contest, and Solon R. Towne, presi
dent of the local Audubon society.
Base ball gloves, roller skates, bird
books, opera glasses and other suit
able prizes were distributed to the
eighteen prize winners in Omaha and
vicinity. Frizes in districts outside of
Omaha will be sent to the winners by
Contract Let for Completing
Bancroft School Addition
The buildings and grounds com
mittee of the Board of Education
awarded to the Kasmussen Construc
tion company the general contract for
completing the Bancroft school from
the present unit of four rooms to a
completed building with sixteen class
rooms and one assembly room. The
Rasmussen contract is for $66,150.
The Western Heating and Plumbing
company was awarded the heating
and plumbing contract on a bid ol
$15,198, and the James Corr Electric
company will do the electric work
for $780.
Milwaukee Officials Go
West on Inspection Tour
Eugene Duval, general agent of the
Milwaukee for the western lines in
Iowa, has gone to the Pacific coast
for three weeks. In St. Paul he joins
a party of other general agents of the
Milwaukee system and together they
will journey over the northern line,
inspecting terminals and getting in
closer touch with the business inter
ests of the northwest. The trip is
being made at the suggestion of the
head officials of the company, .
Wanted Some Want Ads in ex
change for lots of answers. Phone
The Bee.
Beautify the Complexion
Nadlnola CREAM
The Dnequtled Beautlflcr
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver spots, etc. Extreme
Cases about twenty days.
Rids pores and tissues of Impurities.
Lmtm th ' skin clear, soft, healthy.
Two !, 50e. and $1.00. v By toilet
counters Jpr mall. . . . ,
eUTiea&ttv TOILMX COUTAltr, Mt Thaw
Sold By Leading Toilet Counter hi Omaha.
15th and Douglai
Summer Wash Dresses and Suits
Organdie, Linen, Net, Crepe de Chine, Pongee, Georgette Crepe
3 $095
For Waih Dressec and I For; Wash Dresses and For Wash Dresses and
Suits Worth to $7-60 Suits Worth to $12.50 Suits Worth to $19.50
All Other Wash Suits and Dresses Half Price
Final Sale on All Women's Suits
Take Your Choice of the Entire Lot
RANGE FROM $25.00 TO $40.00'
NeedlatB to amy, these gutta are (telling
at k fraction of then- coat to us whole
sale. 'It la your rut opportunity. All
good colon and all its atyllsh models,
Com early and gat a good choloa
Extreme Reductions on
Women's Coats
$6.75 $10
Roth wonderfat mv at aaOa eaats
The lot at 110.90 Inolndaa wool, atlk.
allk Jersey and Mte chlncnllla saata
for sport or dreesr wear. AU si see
and colors.
Semi-annual Clearance
Absolute Choice of the
Entire Stock at
Two Prices
i Trimmed
Hats Wort
For All Trimmed and TJn
trimmed Hats Worth to $10
For All Trimmed and TJn
trimmed Hats Worth to $15
New Awning Stripe
Wash Skirts
With Pocket and Pearl Button
Regular 14.76 Skirt.
Silk Skirts
Choice of the House
Black, Navy or Tan In
Solid Colors, Stripes, Plaids
Dainty Lingerie Waists
Organdie or Voile
Regular $1.50 Quality
Silk Middies
Pongee or Tub Silk
Regularly $3.75
Awning Stripe Middies '
With Silk Ties
Rose, Green, Oopen , ,
Regularly $195--):
" $1.95 : n - '
: : . . : 1 "::";:,X?. '
Let's Get Down to Brass Tacks At Once
Our Suit of silk and wool for women, sold
pLes0:.0 W$15
Our Dresses of cotton, silk and linen that sold
? $5, $10, $15
Our Coats silk coats, sport, auto that sold
'6.0;.!w? $5, $10
The Junior Suits, ages 12 to 17 years, sold up
5M?r. lw... ...... $7-50 to $12.50
The Children's Coats, ages 3 to 16 years, sold
&o$15:00;.on! $5.00
The Children's and Junior Dresses, all colors
and ages, sold up to $12.50,
The Children's Hats
sold up to $7.50, at
Women's White Wash Skirts, sold
up to $3.50, at, each
Women's White and Colored Wash
Skirts, sold up to $5, at, each
Women's Silk Stripe Sport Skirts,
sold up to $15, at, each
$2.00 Lawn and Dainty Utility
Dresses for
50c, $$2
Inner Wear and Underwear Section for Saturday-2d Floor
Brassiere for 59c
Ob. err. w.
Corsets Coven for . , . . . .98c hv not m.n
Combination Suits for. . . .98c ,io,na ..l"'
, price.. All thai.
Corsets at . . .' 98c lot. r. c.P.
Silk Petticoat, at $2.95 1 t,"' "lu"-
Silk Section Saturday All that "beautiful
waist silk at 2 prices, 59 and 79 Also a yard
wide Black Taffeta, 98cj; sold at $1.50 and $175.
Rx. Be sure to eat lightly. Fruit and cereal
An old doctor whom ws know recomm.nded half a
lamon .quoox.d Into a glaa. of eold wator, drank .lowly
half an hour befor. broakfaet, for sluggish livor. Wo havo
known it to work w.ll in hot weather.
The marvelous Shoe Sale has been Town Topic
2 prices, $2.95 and $3.95 for $5, $6 and $7
shoes.' Extensive purchases and oddments from
our own stock, reason for selling; "Baker" was
the maker of most of them. Scores took our ad
vice first day of sale. Result comfort and im
mense business in the morning. Try it again on
Saturday. Of course, we'll do our best to give
you reasonably good attention any time.
A cold plungo bofora using tho bath towal r .com
manded to all thou of waak Sponga bath
good for tham. v ; ' I1
Our Silk Man asks us to mention Silk Jersey
Stripes gelling at half price; were $2.75, now
$1.37". Should sell in one hour. ' .
Wonderful Bag sale Saturday, $1.29 ach.
Most of them sold at $2 to $3, although there are
some slightly soiled, which were $5.00. So no
more at present from yours truly,