Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
, . . .
' j Luncheon at Omaha Club is
Market by Presence of Many
, Summer Widowers.
Grtiuda Waath.
Joseph C Weeth.
Helen Garvin, -LoIr
Emily Keller.
Alice- Duval,
Katharine Gould,
Qraee Blabaugti,
Adelaide Vance,
Mary Louisa
La tenser.
Dorothy Waller,
Did you have luncheon at the Oma
ha club today?
Then you noticed the most ravish
ing group of beauties, Omaha's stun
ningest matrons, out on a lark. You
wouldn't have known they were hav
ing such a lark if I didn't tell, be
cause Ostensibly it was a most con
ventional affair. Just a sort of fare
well luncheon for one of the hand
somest summer viistors.
It was the nicest party. But not
I staid luncheon ofdignified married
women. Ah, no I tji attentive males
there was 1 lack, only in this in
stance (let us whisper It!) said at
tentive males were not the husbands
nor yet the brothers of the charming
You see, it was like this. Most of
the husbands are' away and well, it's
pretty dull to have luncheon alone
and so long as there are bachelors
or summer widowers enough to go
around, why not a lark? For women
fair and gallants brave are often wont
to' run the gaunlet of Dame Grundy..
"When the cat's away, the mic
will play." Surely a bromide to offer
in this hot weather, but you know
what we mean I
At Happy Hollow Club.
Miss Gertrude Weeth gave a pretty
little luncheon at the club today for
Miss Elizabeth Becksted of White
Bear Lake, Minn., who is the guest of
Mrs. William Wappich. A besket ot
larkspur served as decoration. At a
separate table Mrs. Weeth had two
guests. Covers were laid for:
Miseee Mteaes
Elizabeth Beekated. Pauline Trout.
Helen Blake, Charlotte TomptclM,
blizaoem uouio,
William Wappieh,
. js. coulter.
Miss Katherine Davenport enter
tained at luncheon at the Happy Hol
low club today in honor of Miss Har
riet -Waters of Binghamtonj N. Y.,
and Miss Ellen Weart of Cherokee,
la., who are the guests of the Misses
Dorothy and Marion Weller. Two
round tables were set for the party,
and glass baskets, one filled with yel
low and white Marguerites, the
other with pink roses and white sweet
peas, were the decorations. The
guests were:
Marlon Weller.
Eleanor MeOUtoft,
Helen Straight,
Dorothy Carna of
Lincoln. Neb. ;
Helen Dunham,
Sarah Alford of
Naahvme, Toon.;
Marie Callahan,
Ruth Gould,
liarjorlo Foot.
Mrs. H. B. Smith was also a lunch
eon, hostess at the club today.
Mrs. G. W.' Hervey entertained at
luncheon at the Happy Hollow club
today in honor of her daughter,' Mr.
J. N. McAllister of Chicago, who is
now her guest Those' present were:
Meadamea Afeadaroea
J. ,N. MeAllUter ef J. M Keya.
CMcafo, waiter Hop.w.u of
H. M. MoClanahaa, Telc&man,
J, A. Keaake, G. w. Hervey.
Mlaeea Mleaes
Trees Keys, Pasadena, CaL
Kaurln Onf of Henrietta Bees.
At .Happy Hollow Club.
One of the largest luncheons of the
week was given at Happy Hollow club
today by the Misses Beulah, Cora and
Hazel Evans. Their cousin, Miss
Elizabeth Jones of Chicago, who ar
rived this morning, was guest of hon
or. Five tables of eight each were set
tor the guests, and were decorated in
a most charming fashion. Dainty bas
kets of garden flowers, each of' a
different color, lavender, pink, yellow,
white and orange, occcupied the cen
ter of the tables.
Miss Jones will remain with the
Misses Evans for several weeks, and
Othef parties will be given for her.
Tomorrow a motor trip to the fisher
ies will occupy her time.
Mrs. J. B. Owen entertained twenty
guests at luncheon at the Happy Hol
low club in honor of Miss Bess
Ritchie of Madison, Wis., who' is her
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mrs. H. D. Wilcox entertained at
luncheon for Mrs. J. M. Cranor of
Albany, Mo. .
Mrs. John Bekins had as her guests
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kin
sey. Miss Louise Linsey and Miss
Virginia Hastings, all of Arcadia,
Keb., arid Messrs, Melvin ind Paul
Bekins and Kersey Kinsey.
,' The luncheon guests of Mrs. C. F.
66ne were:
Meadamea Meadamea
Edwards, Ready,
fipiln, Cameron,
Miller. . Smith.
Bason. ' Wrlsht.
Hubbard. I
Another i luncheon party Wednes
day was composed of Mesdames F.
A. Rest, L. M. Lord, W. R. Over-
mire, S. E. Mathson, W. E. Philby
and John A. Shearman.
One of the largest affairs of the
season will be given Saturday when
a consolation luncheon, bridge and
kensington party will be given to en
tertain the lonely wives and sweet
hearts whose husbands and mn folk
go to Sioux City with the special golf
VrOwd. Mrs. E. A. Rose will act as
hostess for the bridge parties, Mrs.
D. J. Ringer will be hostess for the
kensington and Mrs. George Francis
will direct the golf party. Prizes
have been provided and the house
decoration committee will be in
charge of the floral arrangement.
More than 125 ladies are expected.
At Carter Lake Club.
. today at Carter Lake the guardians
of our food supply are disporting
themselves, or, to be more exact the
grain exchange people, 300 strong,
hive taken possession of the prem
ises ana are having a hilarious con
iubilation." At 2:30 they arrived to
begin the following program: Tennis
match, bowlinff match, base ball srame.
pleasure of the lake, dinner and
Mrs. Joe Lucena entertained the
wdmen' Missionary society of the
Seventh Day Adventist church at
.uncheon ana a swimminfr nirtv ,a.
Mrs. William' Schwarick has gone
with her son and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Dieti of Fremont for an
extended motor tour in central Nebraska.
At the Country Club.
Mr. H. B. Hart has a reservation
for four at dinner at the Country dub
this evening.
Saturday evening R. F. Kloke hat
reservations for fourteen.
The J. W. Towles will entertain
forty-two guests for Miss Ethel An
drews of Idtewild, N. J., who Is visit
ing their daughter, Marion. '
For Miia BattirT
Mrs, Frank Crawford entertained
eight old friends of Miss Nancy Bat
tin 6f Philadelphia informally at tea
this afternoon at her home,
Mrs. William Archibald Smith will
give a luncheon Fridiy at the Fonte
nelle for Miss Nancy Battin. I
Mrs. Simeon Jones gave a luncheon j
at the Field club Tuesday for Miss I
Battin. I
Motor and Swimming Party.
Mist Virginia Offutt will entertain
a few friends at an informal motor
and swimming party at Valley this
evening. The party will take dinner
at the Fremont Country club.
Ort the Calendar.
The Society ol American Widows
will have a picnic Saturday at Flor
ence city park to celebrate the seventy-fifth
birthday of Mrs. , E. A.
Cowan, who is the senior member of
the society.
Shop in THE BEE Before You Shop In the Store
...'..' '
Another new 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers, 7 passengers, 122 -inch wheelbase, supreme beauty, $1280 Detroit
Aftd the original 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers, doubly refined, amazing performance! 115-inch wheelbase, $1090 Detroit
Picture a giant of rare strength and ability, and clothe
him in fine garments and you have a mighty good
picture of this new Chalmers
the 1917 8400 r. p. m. Chalmers with the 122-inch
wheelbase, double cowl body and French pleated
A good day's work was done when they made it
They took as a base the 1916 8400 r. p. m. Chalmers.
A car that had 1,000,000 miles of record behind it And
a service mark of 99.21 percent perfect.
They didn't touch the 3400 r. p. m. power plant.
They stood pat there.
And on this magnificent chassis they laid a body that
surpasses the ordinary man's power of expression.
To describe this gorgeous body is like trying to de
scribe a Rocky Mountain sunset. It's impossible.
You get an optic sensation that fills the mind with
a picture you'll never forget.
lines ladies, they're so severely modern that at
first the Chalmers people thought they'd have to change
them too far ahead ot the procession.
But Mr. Chalmers finally said to go ahead. And he
was right, because the first one that sailed up the avenue
stopped traffic
Men driving cars actually drove up ahead in front to
see what car it was.
And performance-rgehtlemenl There's never been
but one that could touch her her 3400 r. p. m. sister.
She performs with a laugh. She has never refused me
a hilL She has never failecf to answer my every whim.
' 3400 r. p m. is the reason.
But what I like most about her is the perfectly
.corking body.
I'm going to tell about one little feature of the body,
and then you'll have to come and find the rest out for
It's about the upholstery. Now, there's been reams
written and tons talked about upholstery. Some one
once measured it in (inches. Another described it in
curlicue springs. Some one else reduced it to "real hair. "
I don't know the thickness of it and care less ; but
when I get in the tonneau and sit down I have a feeling
that I never want to get out
It fits the fat man as well as the thin man.
They're long pleats French pleats (which sa good
by once and for all time to the "button and biscuit"
kind). f .V:vvy:'vv;? "
She's a real car, gentlemen, and a wonderful value-7
$1280 Detroit. You put away in your wardrobe the
equivalent of four good suits of clothes, a couple of pairs
01 ten-dollar shoes, and a Knox hat when you lay down
the money for her. You save about $275. -
Don't let me forget to call attention to her smaller
the 1917 3400 r.p.m. Chalmers with the 115-inch
Because she's a 3400 r. p. m.'r, great on the hill, .
smooth in. traffic, full of spunk any time any day.j ' ' -r1 ';"
She's just like her 1916 predecessor. 1 Neither you nor
I could tell the difference. 1 And you're dead sure when
you buy her because her record is as clear-cut as a cameo
1,000,000 miles of use with a service record of 99.21
percent perfect.
Both cars are ready. If you haven't seen them you've
missed a day's treat Better than going to the art gallery
R . W. CRAIG, Inc.
1 .
reniont, Neb.
Logan, Iowa.
Hooper, Neb.
Magnolia, Iowa.
Persia, Iowa.