THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916. ISY0UR HEALTH - WORTH $5.00? Woman Tell. How Lydia E.v Pinkham't Vegetable Com' pound Restored Her -Health. Llms, Ohio.-"I in all broken down In health from a displacement On of my I lady friend came to see m and to id vised me to com mence taking Lydla E. Pinkham't Veg etable Compound and tome LydiaE. Pinkham'sSsnathre Wash. I began tak ing your remedies and took $5.00 worth and In two months was a well woman iter three doctor said 1 never would stand up (tralght again. I waa a mid wife for eeven yean and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo man to take before birth and after wards, and they all got along to nicely that It surely Is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me 1 will be delighted to answer them." -Mrs. Jenws Moras, 342 E.North S'-, lima, Ohio. Women who suffer from dlsplaea menents, weakness, irregularities, ner vousness, backache or bearing-down pains, need the tonic-strengthening properties of the roots and herbs con tained in Lydia E.Pinkhem's Vegetable Compound. . If yonwant special ad vice, write the tydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Illll'lilllllhulllllll'll.lll -a Low Prices -Easy Terms at L0FT1S BR0S.& CO. ftyWrlst NLXjJi H n wauk, lfiawrt n 4v Pendant, or Regular Watcfcp? 1 160 'Bracelet can be detached, 10 erateh ean be worn as a pendant or si a regular witch. Fine sold fitted, email popular aiao, full 15 Ruby Jeweled Niekef movement, pendant aet, either white or told dial. Guaranteed 20 years. Bracelet ean be ad Justed to any sise, aa eaeh a 1 e CA link il detachable TERMS. HM A MONTH Open Sail), untU p. m. Saturday till :SO Call or write for illustrated catalog No. 90S. Phone Douglas 1444 and salesman will call with any artlele desired.- TRI MTIOlMl CREDIT JEWOEM 4MS.1MM.I I0FTIS ELatsosiaia Alkali in Soap ' Bad For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, make, the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady uie is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or any thing else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses Out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. : The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the fsmily for months. Adv. Skin Muddy? Dull eyes, blotches and other skin blemishes result from a disordered di gestlon. Purify the blood, tone tho stomach, gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels and bile with BEECHAlt.'H PILLS Ingest SaU o Aa Medietas t theWer", gold aT-rywheTC la koaas, to. Ho. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; RemoTe mem witn tne utmne rsoscrrptton. This prescription for. the removal of freckles was written by a prominent phy siclan and Is usually so successful In re. movtnt freckles and fivins a olear. beau, tlful complexion that It Is sold by any drus Slst under guarantee to refund the money If It falls. Don't hide your freckles under a vail: set an ounce of othlne and remove them. Kvan the fireulew spplicattons should show a wonderful Improvement, soma of tns lighter frecklea vanishing entirely, Ba aure to aak Sharman a McConnell Drus Co, or any drusBist for the double strength othlne i It If thla that la aold on the money back guarantee, Advertisement. New, PotitivesTreatment to Remove Hair or Fuzz ' (Beauty Notes.) Women are fait learning the value of the use of delstone for removing hair or fuxsMrom face, neck or arms. A paste is made with somt powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or i minutes'it is rubbed off, the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No fail ure will result if you are careful to buy genuine delatone. Adv. BRIEF CITY NEWS ftfsWtM ItW. KtsHtrt YsMM. rTM BorcrarrrJjTt Co Hsw BtMt Prlaft It Wow Botcon tun. HU-krt Whit Dsftmtyftdt. 915. Ed helm DmImw WatlatXn IIm ton -- f Are of ftaul Wut in filed a ptmtton to have htm dMlafMl Bartki-UDt. 4iifin hm stu dflbti of about ll,s)0. Orclwttrs M Park--PlnkaM'i MMftftar. orchaaira it to iv a concert at tlaiwcom park pavilion Sunday from i: .10 till 6 O'clock. Ttvlay'i Mono Trotnmr fllMriflttl ao tlon to-lay. u appear Id Tho B Cltt Iveiy. Find out what lb vartoua aaovlnf Dletif thtauni nfiw. BeOki H la Itrnt ha-. A f olias KTa 1 1 nl Frinea Georir, Britiah CtMumbta. ha wrlt tn th Omaha poltca In an tjflort W lo oat hit brother, Pitt Walter. Poatal riefk Tntstrtarrrd- A l hurt n. flttn- aon, formerly a cirk In tha Chicago post offieo, has bean tranafrrt1, at hta rofiueit, to a llmllar pasltfon In tb Omha office. Taiftfora Boand Otar -T. Tanaora. who cut up oorr 8nrdr on Jwly if, waa ar ral?nd in pollf court and Wrund ovtr to tha district tourt with bonda fiatd at $1,000. Ouleklr lAtmtrt aad aaaitv aeaaaibla ar two prima roqataltaa ot dwtrabia affioo location. Tananta of Tha dm Sutidinf. "tha bulidinf tkata la alwaya now," And th two condition of graat Mrvlo) ta katldlng Bp tnfir ouainoaa. Hals Lara KlaHl hundVd and forty -three dollar waa raiad for the Ka- gro Women's Chrlfttart aaaoftattm by th "free-trip" contest which ioad la at nlfh' at MetiCa hall. Mtai rancea ihaw was elected the most popular girl iA th on lest. Elerator Iaaa CMiaIn tha Vnlofl Pa cific headquarter, building aiavfttor No. 1, which has always bean Known a in orn clal car, haa baan turned ovar to freight aervlca. Howover, Instead of It b(n a lift in which officers will ride up and down, it will simply carry freight. C. E. Fanning Will Assume Postmaster's Duties August 1 Postmaster John C. Wharton will close his administration of the Omaha postoffic the evening of July 31. At tne eiose 01 Dullness on mat day he will introduce the new appoin tee, Charles E. Fanning, to the duties of the office and to the staff of work- 9. Colonel Fannin? has been duly ap pointed and confirmed by the senate, but Has 'requested colonel wnarion to hold the office until the date men tioned, as other business, particularly the west Center atreet paving con tract, is now occupying all his atten tion. I Making the change at the close of a month will also facilitate the trans fer. ' Charley Black May Buy Another Feed If Ak-Sar-Ben'9 membership mounts to 3,200 this year, Charley Black is stuck for a bie dinner tor the hustling committee. Black does not believe tne memDer- shio will mount that hieh. Frank Judson, chairman of the hustling com mittee, has high hopes that it will. So Judson made the proposition to the members ot tne committee mat if ttiev reach his favorite mark of 3,200, he will make Charley Black buy a biflr dinner. . "A rieht. i n on. saia mac, nna so there is another dinner in sight for the committee. There are 2,66o mem bers of Ak-Sar-Ben already? This is s greater membership than that of any previous year. At the meetin of the committee at the Loyal hotel the various teams were assicrnea to certain nuuaings and business districts in the city to comb out the territory thoroughly. Man Who Fell from High Scaffold Dies W. F. Cowger, 52 years old, 720 North Twenty-third street, who fell from a four-story scaffold on the Ford Motor company building Wednesday, died at Lister hospital. Practically every bone in the man's body was fractured. He is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Earl Cochran and Mrs. Hobart Armstrong, Derailed Freight Car Delays Movement of the Trains Ariiv,nt rt a freicrtit ar In the west end of the passenger yards delayed the movement of trains for nearly an hour. The car was thrown across one of the switches in such a manner as to prevent 'the working ot the sutomatic blocks. Trains that ks,.M haire mm intr, tfifl station at 8 o'clock were held outside until nearly 9 o'clock. Fashions. There are fashions in medicine as well aa in milliner v. The old time cathartic pills with their harsh drastic ettects nave gone out, ana u 11 nign time that they had. In their place we have the mild laxatives and gentle cathartics of which Chamberlain's Tsblets is one of the most popular. When the proper dose is taken the ef fect of these tablets is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realise that it has been produced by a medi cine. Chamberlain's Tablets also strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Departmeai Orders. Waehinttori. Julr 11. (Special Telesram.) PeiistuiiS sranledi NeireaKe-Louls A. Fisher, oreenweod, IS); Hllen M. Pulton, Blair, III; Carrie Norton, Oakdale, In; Katie A. Woloolt, Belgrade, Eleanor w. Wiley, Orallon, 111: William Snenotr, Norfolk, It, south Dakota Caroline Brown, Nw Rtflnston, 111. Fostoffioe hae been establishes at o. mats, Lucas county, Iowa, with Mrs. Lsla Klrtman as postmaetfr. Mrs. Bertha tl. Bochla hss bsen appointed postmaster at Bonnie, perklna eounty, Soutr, Ijakola, Hil j. a. tllcktord. realsnsd,. Capture Persia! Town. Pstrotrad (Via London), July 1J. Russiai troopa have captured the town of Mamakns. turn, titty miles west of rSraerum on On Tualu river, by assault, says tha ofneinl statement slvsn out by the wars otflea to. night. Tha ntraatlns Turks aet (Ira to Its town. , Honored far Efforts. London. July 18. Lieutenant ColoneUeir. thur Hamilton Lee, secretary to the minister Ot munitions, hss been sraated a Kntshl Commander of the Bath In recognition ol bis efforts In connection with the supply of War munitions. NatlM'e Foreign Trade. , Washington, July 11. The country's for eign trsde during flis fiscal year ending with last month reeehad a total of fe.lst,. 006, eaoesdlng by msny millions all pre. vioua records, according to preliminary fig ures announced tonight by the Commerce department. Car Rheumatism aad Xeuralgi. No bettsr remedy for rheumatlem and neu ralgia than Sloan s Liniment. The first ap plication gives rilief. Only lie. All drug, g Is is. Advertisement. QUALITY OF WHEAT UNUSUALLY GOOD First Shipment of This Tear's yCrop is Received on the Omaha Market. GRADED AS. NO. 2 EASD , The first shipment of Nebraska's this year's wheat crop has arrived on the Omaha market. Its quality was s little the best seen in years, and deal ers assert that if it is a fair simple of the average, Nebraska wheat is going to be given a reputation that will be world wide. Two carloads of new wheat grown in Nebraska were on Sale. Each graded No. 2 hard, and weighed fa at the inspection office at sixty-two pounds per bushel, two pounds better per bushel than the regulation re quirement One car sold at $1.08i per bushel, and the other at $1.08. ; The car of new wheat that topp1 the market came from near Gilead, in the South Plate country, and was shipped by the Hebron Grain com pany, and consigned to the Trans Missisiippi Grain company. It was bought by the Omaha Elevator com pany, and secured only after spirited bidding. It goes for milling purposes, the second car was consigned to the Beats Commission company, being shipped by Ira A. Loder of Waverly and bought by the Merrmian com pany. The Offish wheat market was 1 cent off, the sales being msde at 96ijc$1.06 per bushel. Receipts were thirty-one cars, including two of this year's crop. Corn was unchanged from Wednes day and sold at 75Vi!77yj cents per bushel. There were eighteen carloads on the market, ' Oats were to H cents oft, selling 37iiS' cents per bushel, with receipts at twenty-five carloads. QUICK SALE OF x USED PIANOS Glance at the prices and you .will understand why we say "Quick." Mon day we start! The sale will occupy but a short in terval of time! The won derful values will accel erate buying. It's a grand opportunity for Societies, Clubs, Beginners and Eco nomical Folks. 1 TV 1 1 1 1 nil nanus, uiai iittv uecu n returned irom rent irom Schools, Music Conservatories, Private Families In fact, every slightly used Pisno on our floors must be closed out regardless of cost. Early com ers of course secure the best selection. Our Guarantee goes with each instrument A Few of the Rare Bir-iins Thai Must Go In This Sale $225 J. P. Hale Q EE Upright 99 $500 Wm. Knabe Upright $450 Steger & Son Upright $250 Strobe & Co. Upright $325 Kohler & Chase Upright. $500 Chickeriiu&0AE Sons Upright . QlsW $600 Weber 076 Upright Qvfv $800 LIndeman & ft Sons Upright . y I v $350 Bush & C17E Gerts Upright VII 3 $275 Haines Bros. CI AC Upright ylUti $300 Cable ' Upright .. "$300 Royal Upright .. $400 Sohmer Upright . . $1,000 Chickering(M7E & Sons Grand. VI IV $550 Harrington 94fiQ Player Piano . Vv9 Terms, fl.00 to $2.00 Week Free Stool and Scarf. PIANOS FOR RENT 3.50 a Month. Six months' rent allowed on purchase price. Organs at 10, 112, flS Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St. OMAHA, NEB. Tha Largest Retailers ef Planes In the World. $195 $65 $168 $128 $130 $142 WAR Against Hay Fever Tha Ha fever Seaean is nrr on. snS thousands are obtaining relief br tha use ol 'SNUFK1NE." Cook's Ha Fever He lief. It will sot Irritate the nose or em, but la eoothtnt, olaanslne and healing, It Is the anljr lemedr that will assurs you a Clear Head and Eras, for SALE at all Drue Stores, or mailed to jrou direst upon receipt at Oaa Dollar. Writ for Famphlst. . COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY. Caspar, Wyoming, U. S. A. Eastern Bankers To Spend Day Here One hundred New York and Penn sylvania bankers are going to spend the entire day of September 11 in dmaha. The Pennsylvania railroad will carry the bankers on one of its special deluxe tours to the Yellow stone National park. They will ar rive in the morning on their special train, take an automobile trip about the city, lunch at the Commercial club, and leave (or the west over the Union Pacific late in the afternoon. On their return from the park the eastern bankers will go thremgh Den ver, reaching Kaasas City in time to attend the national convention of bankers, to be held there late in September. Travelers Take, Aetfca, ' Atlaatlo Cltr. 11. Dalaaasm to tha annual convention ot tho International Fed' sratian of commerelat Travelers' asaocta.-' tion, rspreaentinr 410,000 members, went on recorrl today aa Savoring a chames Irs the aoaslltutlen or ta subontiRaJe srajsnlsetlon permitting eontrnuetf par for employee who may bo called ta the colors. Store Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday Till 9 p. ra.i Burgess-Nash Company. Everybody stori Thursday, July 13, 1916. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglae 1ST Wonderful Values for Friday in the July CLEARING Sale A Radical Clearaway Friday of Women's Silk Dresses OFFERING our entire stock at prices that will clear It out in a hurry. Every drees new this seasons made of such splendid and favored materials as taffetas, poplins and fancy silks. Sizes for women and misses. Silk DresMS that war to $6.95, Silk Dresses that were to $9.95, Silk Dresses that were to $16.93, $348 $4gg $y98 $075 Silk Dresses that were to $19.50, Clearaway of Women's Coats At Extreme Price Reductions THE SEASON'S latest styles and most- wanted fabrics, including checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors; also white chinchilla. Coats that were Coats that were Coats that were Coats that were to $9.95 to $12.95 to $15.95 to $19.50 $4.98 $6.48 $7.75 $9.75 ursees-Neek Co Down-St.lrs Store Clearing Women's Suits Were to $17.95 at $7.95. Including corduroys, checks, gabardines and serges. Sizes ot women and misses; extreme values every one. Burs ess-Naah Ca. Dewn-Stalrs State Women's 25c Hose at 15c A SPECIAL lot, Including broken lines and sizes of women's and children's cotton hose, full seamless made, usually 26c; Friday Jgc Children's Pants, 5c An odd lot of children's white cotton pants; not all sizes, but a special value if the required size is here; choice, , Sc. Boys' Union Suits, 23c , Porous mesh union suits for boys, high neck, short sleeves and knee length. A special value at 23c. Women's 19c Vests, 10c Odd's and end lot of womon's low neck and sleeveless white cot ton vests; the usual 15c and 19c kind; Friday, lOe. Buriesa-Nssh Ca. Down-Stairs Store NOTION Specials A l" ilk- Women's Low Shoes Were $3.00 to $3.50 Friday, $1.39 THE BROKEN assortments and ends of lines front the season's best selling numbers at less than half the regular prices. Women's patent pumps 1 Women's dull pumps Woman's natant Oxford's Women's dull oxforela Blf f iris' patent Mary Jane pumps mm sSW 0r Bisr lirla dull Marr Jane pumas Children's J2.S0 Pumps, He v Children's patent tango pumps, were $2.50, clearing sale pr., pair, Sfle Children's $1.50 Ankle Tiea, 89. Children's ankle ties of mat kid and patent leather; were $1.50, per pair, at 89c. - Burfese.Neeh Co. Dew 'Stairs Stare $1.39 600-yard spool basting thread; per spool . , . .3e Bone hair pins, box ,.....5o Wire hair pins, package . ...lo Dressing combs at, each . . So Hair nets, with elastic, 6 for 10e Asbestos Iron holders . . . . Sa Hooks and eyes, card. ..lo Large size nee dle books.. lOe Darning cot ton, 3 spools Be Linen tape, 6 bolts ..8a 100-yard spool machine silk thread 5c 200 yards cot ton m a c h i ne thread for . .So Scissors and shears, all sizes, for.. 12c Large bottle of machine oil 5c Tape measures, each le Fancy braid bandings, all colors, 6-yard bolts for..7Me Waterproof baby bibs, 10c Men's shirt bands, all sizes, each 2 He Opening Special SOAP SECTION in the Down-Stairs Store for Friday WE'VE installed a new section for laundry soaps in the Down Stairs Store and we give It a "send-off" Friday with extra special values. Diamond C laundry White Naphtha Gold Dust Washing soap - Boras soap powder 10 bars, 24c ,10 bars, 33c package, 17c Fals-Naphtha laun- Ivory soap, Sc bars, Golden Rod wash dry aoap apecUl ln( powder 10 bars, 38c 4 bars, 15c 3 pkgs., 10c Pearl White laun- Light Houae Star Naphtha wash dry soap Cleanaer, apecial inf powder 10 bars, 33c 3 cans, 10c 3 pkgs., 10c ' Burfeae-Naah Co. Dowa-Stalra Store Burs'sa-Nask Co. Dam-Stalra Star Napkins, Doz.89c MERCERIZED napkins, size 18x 18 inches; good weight, fiermanent finish, hemmed and roned ready for use. QQ. Friday, dozen Oi7le Damask Remnants Mercerized damask, assorted patterns, in short lengths, marked for quick disposal Friday; 1V yard lengths, 4Sci 2-yard lengths, SSei 2 -yard lengths, 73.. Bath Towels, 12c Turkish towels, full bleach id, food weight and absorbent) esoh, 2c, or $1.40 the dozen. $1.00 Diaper Cloth, 75c Birdseye diaper cloth, 24 Inches wide; standard quality; regularly ,11.00; Friday, 10-yard bolts. 73c. 76c Dresser Scarfs, BOc Fancy scarfs for dresser or buf fet, lace trimmed with motifs and insertion; some with embroidery; were 75c and 98c; each, 80c. $1.75 Bed Spreads, '$1.29 Large crochet bed spreads, snow-white, assorted marseilles patterns; special for Friday at, each, 11.29. Burfeee-Nssa CauDira-Staira Stars. 50c Mixed Silk and Cotton Goods 1 7c Tl UB FABRICS, white and cream colored grounds, tan, v black, blue, pink and green silk embroidered 1 n designs; were 50c yard, at I I C 18c to 19c Wash Goods at 9c Batistes, French mulls, voiles, organdies, foulards, etc.; light, medium and dark colorings; 15c and 19c values; Friday, yard, 9c. Remnants of Muslin, 6Vjjc Yard Remnants of 39-inch unbleached and 36-inch bleached muslin; desirable lengths at, yard, 6 He. Short Lengths Dress Ginghams, 3 Vic Summer lawns, dress prints, etc., Friday, yard, 34 c. Ends of Wash Goods at lo Choice of thousands of ends of madras, shirting and waisting, percales, etc., at, each, lo. Remnants of Wash Goods, Vt Price Including nearly every weave and color that has been In great demand this season. Each length, with yardage and price ticket, at about half the Usual Selling prices. Buriasa-Naak Co. Down-Stalre Store New Black Bandied Sailors at 19c ay MADE of slipper and lemonade straw, finished off with gros grain ribbon band and lined with sweat band. Very special at Its. SPECIAL! Choice of any flower in the Down-stairs store Mini- c nary Section, regardless of former price y- Trimmed Hats. Were $2.98, at 50c Small or large shapes, all prettily trimmed; wsrt te 2.68; clearing pries, SOe. Burfasa.Nasa Cav-4ewa-Stalrs Stare Clearing ' Women's Skirts Were to $5.00 at $2.95 Black, navy, plaids and checks; a big lot for selection that were to $5.00; clearing sals price Fri day at S2.SS. Burt esa-Naah Ca. Peem-Stalrs Stan Corsets 59c HOT weather corsets of summer net, medium in length and very comfortable, 59 C Corsets at $1.19 Splendid selection, in front or I back lace, most all sizes and every one an unusual value, at $1.19. Burf sss-Nash Ca Deera-Staire Stan 25c Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers 15c - ONE big group of muslin corset ' covers, prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery; also a salec- ' tion of drawers, made of good Quality muslin with hemstitched hem and lace trimmed; cut full; formerly priced at 25c, if" Friday, choice IOC ariese-Nssa. CeDwa -Stairs Start Sport SHIRTS 50c RECENT arrivals in this popu lar hot weather shirt makes our line for . Friday in Down stairs men's section most attract ive. J"rices, too, are lower than you expect. Clearaway prices 95c, 6Bc, 59s and BOc. Men's Hse, 19c Imperfections of 60c qualities; some plain colors, some with docking; pair, 19c. Underwear, 25c Two-piece balbriggan shirts and drawers; well made, ecru color, all sizes, 39c and 25c. Union Suits, 49c Athletic style elastic back pa-jama-check nainsook; splendid value, 59c and 49c. . Men's Belts, lie Tan color only, good sizes, some slightly soiled and shop worn; were to 85c, at lie. Burssss'Nasa C DswoStalra Star Boys' WASH SUITS at 49c SEVERAL styles for1 selection, for ages iV, to 9 years; were . to ) 1.60, for 49e. Boys' Rompers, 29c Rompers and 1 -piece wash suits for ages 2H to 9 years; big selec tion, at 29c. - ' Work Pants, $1.00 Sizes 82 to 42 waist measure! gray Stripe and mixtures; well mads and good fitting, 11.00. Surfeee-Nesk Ce. Dm-Sialre Star. ' &Burgess-Najh Co. Everybody's Stor--16th and Harney!