Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916.
Smiling Ralph Turns Lap at
111.9 Miles an Hour, Beat- ,
ing Besta's Record.
Heard Along the Rail
Ml. per
Piyt Mm and Par. Tim. Hour.
1. Mulford, Feureot 40 J-5 111
I. Rests., Peugeot 41 110
e ii. - u I.. . t . . in
4! Rlrkenbaener, Maiweli 43 3-5 108
. Lewie. Crawford 48 -S 108
6. Henderson. Maiweli ...44 1-1
7. D'AIene, Deosenbenr ...44 1-S
S. Cable. Burman Special 4( 1-5
9. Johnson, Crawford ....48 8-5
10. Chandler. Crawford ...47 1-5
11. Mullor, nans IArgent 47 1-5
1!. KMi, Klelnsrt 48 8-5
18. Ntrinaer. Mercer 48 3-5
14. RawlTne-a, West DuluthftO
15. Vail, Hudson 50 1-5
Smiling Ralph Mulford yesterday
broke the world's speedway record
for cars of speedway class on the
Omaha oval by turning a lap in forty
and two-fifths seconds, a rate of 111.9
miles per hour. The former record,
held by Dario Resta, was made at
Bv establishins the record Mulford
beat Dario Resta's Omaha mark of
forty-one flat, made last Sunday, and
crowded Kesta out ot the pole posi
tion n the start of the ISO-mile clas
sic Saturdav.
Smiline Ralph certainly had "the
old lead in he foot" yesterday. He
pushed the old pedal down until it
bent under the strain and the big
Peugeot certainly did sail around the
saucer. Without realizing the speed
he was making Ralph made two loops
of the track at forty and two-fifths.
Billy Chandler wig-wagged frantic
signals that he was burning the wood,
but neither Mulford nor Jimmy
Stakes, his mechanician, caught them,
and Ralph pulled up, not believing he
was doing better than lorty-one.
Starts Out Again.
When he came in Chandler broke
the glorious news and Mulford started
out again. This time he gave Wagner
the signal and he was officially timed
for a qualifying lap at lorty ana iwo
MnlfnrH is now sure of the Dole po
sition. Resta has two more -''Is if
he cares to make them, but it is not
believed he will be able to eclipse
the Mu ford record. Resta, however.
is practically certain of second posi
tion unless ue raima snouia snow
some unusual speed today and beat
him out.
Thus Mulford and Resta will pace
the field in the first line the day of
thp rare.
Ralph De Palma clinched third po
sition yesterday by doing a lap in ior-tv-two
and one-fifth. 107 miles an
hour. This is over a second better
than he did Wednesday, when he hit
104 miles an hour. ,
Rick Cuts Time.
F.rldie Rickenbacher cut two-fifths
of a second off his first mark yester
day by making a lap in torty-tnree
and three-fifths, 103 miles aiyhour.
Eddie and Dave Lewis are now dead
WlreH for fourth nosition. Eddie can
take one more trial today and Lewis
'Baby Pete Henderson and Wilbur
D Alene tied tor sixtn position ai me
slatt with marks of forty-four and
one-fifth, 102 miles an hour, yester
day. Both have two more chances
to lower these records. "
Jack Gable, Billy Muller, Art Klein
and Ira Vail were others to qualify
yesterday. All of them, however,
have two more chances and expect to
do better today. - . ,
Fifteen Qualify.
A total of fifteen cars have now
qualified for the race Saturday. The
eliminations will continue today when
Hughie Hughes, Tommy Milton, Aldo
Franchi and Jules Devigne will be
among the prominent drivers to take
thcfr first trials and several of those
who have already qualified will at
tempt to set up better marks.
In addition this afternoon Ralph
Mulford will attempt to lower the
five-mile record set up Sunday by
Dario Resta.
Rural Carrier at
Benedict Killed
lOrK, ilCU., JUlJ tuu... .... -
grain.) Daniel Wort, rural mail car- 1
tier on Koutc i, Dcneuici, wdi in
stantly killed last evening. On his
arrival home after making his route
he unhitched his team and was driv
ing them to the water tank when they
became frightened and jerked his feet
from under him. He struck the
ground and broke his neck.
Average Yield in Adams
Twenty-Two Bushels to Acre
Hastings, Neb., July 13. (Special
Telegram.) Threshing is under way
all over Adams county, revealing
yields ranging from twenty-two to
thirty-five bushels per acre. Grain
men believe that the average for this
county will be about twenty-two
bushels per acre. -
Fine Half Inch of Rain
Falls on Fields of Gage
Beatrice, Neb., July 13. (Special
Telegram.) The drouth was broken
here this' afternoon by a fine rain
which amounted to .56 of an inch.
Corn in this locality had began to suf
fer for lack of moisture.
;. Call for Merrick Republicans.
'Central City, Neb., July 12. (Spe
cial.) Attorney J. C. Martin, as
chairman of the republican county
central committee, and C. F. New
myer, as secretary, have this weekT
following consultation with precinct
committeemen, issued a call for the
county republican convention to be
held at the court house in this city
Friday, July 21, at 2 p. m. Eleven
delegates from this county to the re
publican state convention, to be held
at Lincoln Tuesday, July 25, will be
' elected.
To the Public.
' "I have been using Chamberlain's
Tablets for indigestion for the past
six months, and it affords me pleasure
to say that 1 have never used a rem
edy that did me so much good." Mrs.
C. E. Riley, Illion, N. Y. Chamber
lain's Tablets are obtainable every
where. Advertisement.
The eliminations will continue this
afternoon starting at 2:30. Four driv
ers will make their first attempt to
gain leading positions this afternoon.
They are Hughie Hughes, Duesen
berg; Tommy Milton, Ducsenberg;
Aldo Franchi, Pusun; Jules Devigne.
Dclage. All of these drivers pilot
cars which consistently attain a speed
of over 100 miles an hour, so some
sensational work is anticipated.
Ralph Mulford will today attempt
to lower the five-mile record estab
lished by Dario Resta. Sunday Resta
made the five miles in 2:44:82, a clip
of 109.4 miles per hour. Mulford be
lieves he can clip a second off this
develoed a bunch of literary talent.
s now scriDDiing jingles. He
calls 'em nneme H. I.,, hnuu..
lost none of his popularity because'
iina iaicsi anori-coniing. nere is
P nf TJirlr'a Praafinnc 1,.,'b ..........
....... ..a,lwlls, iiv a WllllCIl
some others, but we haven't the heart
to print 'em:
Thousands strain their eyes to see
Grimv hernee af the url,j1.
Presses rend themselves to pieces
i riming ions on now they feel.
Grandstands yell and stand on tiptoe
rs ine Knignts ot speed rip by;
Manicurists, hello damsels,
Lovelorn lassies blush and sigh.
Laurel wreaths for all the drivers
Give them halie ati4 nrAmv
Shout their praises for deeds of daring
iiu your punisnea lungs are sore.
But when it comes down to cases,
nna you ask what real grit is,
.'hile you're dishing out your praises
Give the mechanician his.
Gaston Xfnrric Alk..t.J
. . in. vvicuiicu
btlSinp-se manaorAr triaA in .....
. ..ue,..,, iw j,ul Ulc
over on Kurt Hitke, the little Ger
man who rides with Wilbur D'AIene.
now are the Germans doing, Hitke?"
gurgled Gaston. "Fine, fine," re
sponded the mechanic, "they pushed
the English back three-quarters of an
inch yesterday."
Jack Gable is the real hard-luck
pilot. Gable, for the second time,
had piston trouble yesterday. He ex
pects, however, to be in shape for
Saturday. Ira Vail also went cuckoo
yesterday. He shot a rod,
Silvertown Conger is the happy
man these days. Silvertown is the
Goodrich company's racing man, and
alt of the records being made on the
local saucer are being made with Tars
equipped with Goodrich Silvertown
cord tires. Thus the elation.
Pete Loch pulled some deep stuff
on the boys the other day. Pete
fixed it up with Bill Barnes, the
pulchritudinous A. A. A. contest rep
resentative. Surrounded by a bunch
of friends, Pete went up to Billy
Chandler and asked for a ride.
Chandler immediately said sure.
Whereupon, Bill Barnes, the pulchri
tudinous A. A. A. contest representa
tive, who is running the doings,
steeped forward and roared an em
phatic no. Pete had it fixed with
Barnes before the play. Very neat.
New York Regains Lead in
American League Race by
Defeating Cleveland.
lh vvnth Inn .nr. when William trtpl
whr wftBttri. Wftjthinitton not Is only run
In the ninth.
President Wilson w th gam. It wan
the fir. hi had atlenritd itnc the optnlnt;
of th fiicn. Scar;
AB.H.O.A K. All H.O.A.K
Vitt.Sh 4 3 13 ,T'm "on.lf 4 3
Buith.M s o H 4 nKontr,;i
4 1 n A IMkn .'f
3 1 A l 4 1 0 "
1 ft S ft ftSiinnkn.Sb 4 0 11"
Rurr.ii.lh 4 0 11 ft OHBrbor.rt 111?
Voun.2b 4 1 ft S lH.'tiry.e 4 ft 7 1 ft
4 1 3 1 DM n t "
4 0 0 4 OH hllnir.ll I "
'M-Kllor, 0 0 0
T.,t a la 11 7 9711 ISIibu- n ft 0 0 ft
Alnemlth 0 0 0 ft
H'hnnn.rf 3 3 1
1 1 1
Tommy Milton was the latest of
the drivers to arrive. He got in yes
terday morning at an early hour and
promptly called up Fred Wagner to
tell him he was here, despite the fact
that Wag was still sawing food among
the pertumed feathers, ihe starter s
uie is a lougn one.
Art Klein showed the boys some
speed on the halt-mile dirt track upon
which the horse races are run. Klein
bet he could turn a lap in thirty-four.
He made one at thirty-eight and was
getting ready to put his foot on it
when he was called off. Art skidded
the turns when making the thin v-
eight and showered about 48,000 cu
bic feet of dust on everybody within
three blocks.
Orpet's Lawyer
Defends Words of
His Own Witnesses
Wauketran. Til Tnlv 1.1
. D ' " J "J ntaum-
ini his arcum-nt tnr
-0 .ou..,w(v iwi UCICIISC IU-
day in the case of William O. Orpet,
charged with the murder of Marion
Lambert, Attorney Ralph F. Potter
defended the integrity of his own
witnesses, particularly H. J. Carlin,
the investigator. Th ctt
ed that Carlin persuaded state wit
nesses to cnange tneir testimony. Not
one word of proof had been brought
against the investigator, Potter said.
ine attorney men turned to Jose-
nmni Davie u.h. !.-
with Marion on February 8, the day
before the latter's death.. At the in
quest and to state's officers Miss
Davis said Marion was happy, never
made a threat nf cnirM an .........
"1 was angry at Orpet for what
he did to Marion; I thought him
ffuiltv and want-pri tn !,; i i
. tilings lllrtl
would hurt him," Josephine said in
ucr testimony. i talked with my
mother and gradually it dawned on
me that I had no right to act that
Mr. Potter said that no one could
disbelieve this open confession of
Josephine's. A mere girl, he said,
she found that her words had a
weight more serious than she had
realized. Her feeling, if spite, had
led her into a great wrong, the law
yer explained, and she purged her
soul of it on the stand.
Two Dreadnaughts Sunk in
Jutland Battle, Says London
Washington, July 13. An admiral
ty cablegram to the British embaisy
here says positive proof has been
found that tUe two German dread
naughts, Kaiser and Kronprinze,
were sunk by torpedoes during the
battle of Jutland and that they now
have been added to the official Brit
ish list of German ships destroyed.
The Kaiser was of 24,700 displace
ment and carried ten 12-inch, fifty cal
iber guns. The Kronprins carried
te 12-inch, forty-five caliber guns.
It displaced 25,575 tons.
Breathing BeoomM Euler.
' After a few doses of Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey,
Inflammation Is arrested, you couth
less and breathe easier. Only 25c. All drug
Slats. Advertisement.
New York, July U. New York re
gained the lead in the American
league race today by winning the last
game of the series from Cleveland, 6
to 3. Shawkey, who lost the first
game of the series, won today.
Klepfer was knocked out of the box
in the sixth inning, when the Yanks
won the game by scoring three runs
on Hartzel's base on balls, High's
double, Peckinpaugh's triple and
Pipp's sacrifice fly. A threatening
storm delayed the start of the game
and rain fell from the sixth inning
until the game was stopped in the
eighth, with New York at bat, two
outs and two runs scored. The last
three innings were played in semi
darkness. Score:
AB.H. O.A.E.
W b'ir s 2t 4 1 3
Spenk' 8 8 2
Smith, rr 4
l nap n. ns
Turner,3b i
Dsly.o 8
Klfpfer.p 8
C'vl'sk'e.p 1
A H.H. O.A.E.
1 1
1 11
1 2
1 2
3 1
HHsrli'l.rf 3 0 10 0
3 IHUh.lf 3 2 2 0 0
0 Ol'k'p' 3 14 10
0 1110 0
2 OIlHker.Sb 4 10 3 0
2 1 Malee.rf 3 0 10 0
2 ORnnno.Sh 4 13 4 0
2 0Waltrs.c 3 1 b 2 0
2 0 OSh'wk'v.n 2 0 A A 0
0 0 10
Tntal rtt. llllfl A
Totals 28 1023 12 2
Two out when game stopped by rain In
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
New Tork 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 3
Two-baee hits: High. Walters. Three-base
hits: Smith. PprklnpauKh. Stolen base:
Plpp. Sacrifice hit: Shawkey. Sacrifice flics:
Plpp. Magee. Double plays: Oandll (unas
sisted). Turner to Qanctll. Bssea on balls:
Oft Shawkey, 1: off Klepfer. 3; oft Covales
kie, 3. Hits and earned runs: Off Shawkey.
3 runs; off Klepfer, 6 hits. 3 runs In five in
nings (none out In sixth): off Cnvaleekle, 2
hits. 1 run In two and two. thirds Innings.
Struck out: By Hhswkey, 6: by t'oveleskle,
1. Umpires: Hlldebrand and O'Loughlin,
Brawns eBat Macks.
Philadelphia. July 12 St. Louis easily
defeated Philadelphia here today, 7 to 3.
Wellman waa very effective, two of the
home runs being due to errora and the
other to the fact that no effect was made
ot prevent Lajole from scoring in the ninth
Inning. Pick was spiked on the foot while
touching wit Johnson In the third Inning
and Rowe took his place. Score:
Shotton.lf 6 16 1 3 0 3 3 1
zio lKing.rr 4 o z o o
13 0 3 17 2
17 0 OSchang.lf 4 16 0
1 4 2 0LaJole.2b 4 113
0 10 OIMck.Sb 112 0
2 4 3 ORowe.Sb 3 0 110
0 3 6 ZM't'r! 4 0 3 0 0
10 0 OMeyer.c 1 0 2 L 1
Carroll.c 2 0 2 1 0
Totals 33 27 11 3Nabors,p 1 0 0 0 1
Sheehan.p 0 0 0 0 0
H's lb'r.p 1 0 0 1 0
Myers 110 0 0
Mtller.rr 4 4
Pratt. 2b 3
M'rsans.of 8
Sevreld.c 4 2
W'lman.p 3
Totals 31 4 27 H 1
Bntted for Ttnehtlng In eighth.
Ran for Ilarber tn ninth.
Detroit 08000000 0 3
Washington ..00000000 11
Two-base hit: llellmsn. Three-baee hits:
Young, Williams. Stolen bssei: Bsker.
Cobb. Sacrifice hit: Cobb. I)ouble play:
Jamleson to Hoehltng to Willlsms. Bases
on balls: Off Boehllng, 4; off James. 2.
lilts snd earned runs: Off Boehllng, 7 hits,
2 runs In eight Innings; off Jstnea, 4 hits.
1 run In nine Innings; off Shaw, no hits,
no runs in one inning. Hit by pitched bell:
By Boehllng Hellinan. Struck out: By
Boehllng. ; by James. 3; by Bhaw. 1. Um
pires: Dinnfln and Naliln.
Amen Appointed
Vice President of
Bank of Clarinda
Totals 32 6 27 12 4
Batted tor Nabors In fifth.
St. Lout 00200210 17
Philadelphia.. 00010100 18
Two-base hits: Johnson, Miller. Pratt.
Wellman. Three-base hit: Severeld. Ktolen
bases: (2), Miller, Lsjote (2), Struck,
Meyer. Struck out: By Wellmsn, 4; by
Nabors, 1; by Hasselbacher, 1. Double
plays: Lavan to Pratt to Sister, Strunk to
Pick. Bases on balls: Off Wellmsn, 8; off
Nabors, 3; off Sheehan, 1; off Hesselbacher,
3. Hits and earned runs: Off Wellman, 6
hits, 1 run In nine Innings; off Nabors, 6
hits, 8 runs In five Innings; off Sheehan, 3
hits, 8 runs In ene Inning; off Hasselbacher,
1 hit, 1 run In three Innings, umpires:
Connolly and Owens,
Tigers Trim Senators.
Washington. July 18. Detroit msde it
three out of four, by defeating Washington
today, 3 to 1. Young's triple which went
through Barber. Foster s error, a pass and
Hellman's double, gave Detroit Its runs.
Washington was unable to hit James until
Clarinda, la., July 13. (Special.)
The vacancy in the position pf vice
president of the Clarinda Trust and
Savings bank, caused by the suicide of
R. R. Spry two weeks ago, was filled
yesterday by the election to that posi
tion of J. J. Amen, who has been act
ing as chief bank examiner of-Iowa.
Mr. Amen sent to Auditor Shaw his
resignation, and began work Wednes
day morning in his new position. Mr.
Amen is the man who accompanied
Auditor Shaw when the latter came
to Clarinda to look into the affairs of
the bank, following the suicide of the
bank's vice president. Later the bank
directors offered him the position as
vice president, assisting Cashier A. F.
Galloway, in active charge of the
bank's affairs. Mr. Amen has for
four years been one of the state's
bank examiners, with headquarters at
Cedar Rapids, being before that con
nortcrt with the Vallev bank at Mis
souri Valley. He has acquired an in
terest in the bank through purchase
of stock and will move his family
here in the early fall.
The vacancy in the nosition of
bookeeper has been rilled by the
employment of H. C. Amick, who for
ten years has Deen stewara 01 ine
Clarinda State hospital, who has re
signed his position there and began
his new duties at the bank on Tues
day. The former bookeeper, Guy Brent,
is still in jail here, awaiting appear before the grand jury in Sep
tember, having been unable as yet to
The Lee Velvet Red Inner Tuba Is SB
tough and supple as rawhide.
Made of vanadium rubber, these tubes
have added life, elasticity, vitality and
toughness. ...
They add many miles of wear to your
"llefyour next tuba be a Lee Velvet
Red Inner Tuba.
OMAHA aoSl Farsuun.
July 15th, 2:30 O'clock
The Greatest Galaxy of Speed Stars Ever Assembled On Any Track
A Battle of Speed for the World's Supremacy
T D;ff DarAC 150 Miles-Championship-150 Miles
i WO Dig AaceS " 5Q MHes--FREE-F0R-ALL--50 Miles
Dario Resta, Peugeot, French.
Ralph De Palma, Mercedes, German.
Art Johnson, Crawford, American.
Ira Vail, Hudson, American.
Mel Stringer, Mercer, American.
Jack Gable, Burman Special, French.
E. E. Rawlings, West Duluth Special, American.
Art Klein, Kleinart, American. .
Billy Muller, Dans L' Argent
C. W. Thompson, Olson Special.
Eddie Rickenbacher, Maxwell, American.
Ralph Mulford, Peugeot, French.
Pete Henderson, Maxwell, American.
Earl Cooper, Stutz, American.
Jules Devigna, Delage, French.
Aldo Franchi, Pusun, English.
Hughie Hughes, Duesenberg, American.
Wilbur D'AIene, Duesenberg, American.
Tommy Milton, Duesenberg, American.
Billy Chandler, Crawford, American.
Dave Lewis, Crawford, American.
Grand Stand Scats, $3 to $4. Box Seats, $5. General Admission, $1. No Extras. Free Parking Space.
Mail orders with remittance, addressed to Omaha Auto Speedway Co., will secure select seats. Seats now on sale at
raise the $2,500 bail required for re
lease. Accounts at the bank are mean
while being checked over, to ascer
tain the exact amount of shortage of
the former bookkeeper, which the
bank officials are unwilling to give
any figures for until further check
ing is done and the exact amount can
be determined.
Weeping Water, Keh July 13.
(Special.) There is being inaugur
aed here this year the plan of a one
day's outing for the clerks employed
in the various business places and a
similar one day's outing for the busi
ness men and their families.- Yester-
day the clerks too their day off and
went on a trip to the state fisheries
at South Bend. There were some
forty in the party. Eight automo- ;
biles carried the crowd and there was .
also an auto truck laden with the
Merrick Teachers Will Meet.
Centr-1 City, Neb., July 13. (Spe
cial.) The Merrick County Teachers'
institute will convene in this city July
31 and remain in session until August
5. The instructors are A. E. Fisher,
A. Crago, Clara Hohl and Nettie I.
Berg Suits Me
Sale Sale
Start. f'5$S Start.
Friday WM Friday
Morning ', "' . Morning
r 1 5j -
Omum I "'''.
Our Grand Semi-Annual
Half-Price Sale
of men's and young men's spring and summer suits
Surpasses All Past Achievements
It's the BIGGEST and the BEST
Sale of the
Highest Class Master Made
Clothing Ever Offered
in the West
Every broken line is in this mammoth collection.
Practically our entire stock included in this great
sweeping reduction.
$10.00 Suit. $12.50 Suits $15.00 Suits $18.00 Suits
$5.00 $6.25 $7.50 $9.00
Brofcan Linas of
"Kuppenheimer" , "Society Brand"
"L System" and "Collegian"
Superb productions without question the greatest
maKes in tne worm, are aiso mcmaea,
$20.00 Suits
$30.00 Suits
$22.50 Suits
$32.50 Suits
$25.00 Suits
$35.00 Suits
$28.00 Suits
$40.00 Suit.
See Friday Paper, for Special Price, on Furnishings
pip, j
Sliding Folding Garage
, Door Hangers
Fits the requirements for most every gar-v
age door problem. ' ' ;
Four doors hinged together in pairs are
required for each opening, one pair folding
to the right and the other to the left. Can
also be used for opening with five or six
4oors. Blue print showing erection details
furnished with each order if desired. Come
in and see hangers in actual operation.
James Morton & Son Co.
"The Hardware People."
1511-13 Dodge Street.