Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916.
Supreme Judges Hear Argu
ment on Motion to Modify
(From a Staff Correepondent.)
Lincoln, July U-(Special.) With
four members of the supreme court
sitting, argument was made before
that body this morning on a motion
filed by Dora Alexander and Mary
La Roccato dissolve a restraining
order granted a few days , ago upon
application of Attorney General Reed
covering the right of the two women
to interfere with the duties of Mrs.
Emma B. Manchester of Ohiaha as
supreme guardian of the society's af
fairs. Attorney General Reed had for his
assistants J. J. Sullivan, Arthur F.
Mullen, H. F. Rose and W. B. Price,
while A. W. Jefferis and F. H. Gaines
represented the other side of the case.
Attorney Gaines declared that if the
Court continues the restraining order
in effect until fall, it might just as
well grant a permanent injunction at
once, as the eitect would neto place
Mrs. Manchester in full ,control of
the order, its funds and its machinery
and enable her to dismiss all who
have incurred her displeasure.
, Says Policy Tyrannical.
Mr. Gaines asserted that when Mrs.
Manchester was 'running things be
fore, she pursued a tyrannical policy,
punishing those wno opposed ner au
tocratic rule by' "cutting off their
heads." He alluded to Mrs. Reming
ton, formerly state manager for Ne
braska, as having raised the member
shiD in one vear from 2.000 to 3,600.
and who was subsequently dismissed
by Mrs. Manchester. As a result, said
Gaines, the society dropped its mem-
bershio in Nebraska, its home state
last year to the insignificant number
of li.
It was stated further by Gaines that
oau out of SOu.tield workers have rec-
og-.ed the authority of the executive
comu. .tee, on which Miss Alexander
and Mrs. La Rocca can out-vote Mrs,
Manchester, and are now working un
der its direction. He contended that
if Mrs. Manchester were placed in
control she would use the organiza-
tion to re-establish and perpetuate
herselt in power.
Would Violate Constitution.
Attorney General Reed said that a
great wrong was about to be perpe
trated in taking out ot Mrs. Man
chester's hinds power which belonged
to her under the constitution and by
laws. The action of last February,
when the executive committee of
three was named, did not have the
ratification of the local groves, he
declared, and was therefore void.
Judge Sedgwick, from the bench,
asked Reed if he thought it might
be all right to modify the restraining
order so that Mrs. Manchester could
not remove any of the officers or
field workers from their positions.
,The attorney general answered that
he thought the terms of the order
should stand without alteration; pend
ing a final hearing and determination
ot' the merits ot the controversy.
Attorney .Mullen, following Reed,
said that the opposition to Mrs. Man
chester was trying to usurp 'powers
which she. had exercised for seven
teen years.
Valley Republicans Go
Without Resolutions
Ord, Neb.. July 13. f Soecial.V
The republicans of Valley county held
their county convention this after
noon and selected the following dele.
gates to hte , state convention, at
Lincoln :
George Klneey. M. L. Pies and John Wall
ot Arcadia; Alvin Blesalnf, C. J. Mortenien,
S. N. Arnold, John Nokea- and John
Bremer of 'Ord; M. 8. McClellan and D. 8.
Bohrer of North Loup and Henty Kllma
or aurweii. k ,
No resolutions were adopted and
the candidates for county offices were
authorized to select the members of
the county central committee.
The democratic county convention
will be held at Ord Monday after-
, noon, July 17. -
Former Hastings Professor
, Compelled to Flee Turkey
Hastings, Neb, July 13. (Special
Telegram.) Word was received here
today that Dr. George H. White, for
mer member of the faculty of Hast
ings college, has arrived safely at
New York after being forced o flee
from Turkey, where he has been pres
ident tor eight years ot Anatolia col
lege, Marsivans, the largest school for
Armenians in luricey. ine coueg.e
and its grounds have been requisi
tioned by Turkey for war purposes
and the missionaries composing its
faculty were driven out of the coun
try. It has been maintained by the
Congregational church of the United
Dr. Cummins Reappointed
. To taSte Board of Health
(From a Staff Correepondent.) V
Lincoln, July 13. (Special.) Gov
ernor Morehead today reappointed
Dr. H. B. Cummins of Seward as a
member of the State Board of Sec
retaries of the State Board of Health.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation.
"I will cheerfully say that Cham
berlain's Tablets are the most satis
factory remedy for stomach troubles
and constipation that I have sold in
tnirty-tour years drug store service,
writes S. H. Murphy, druggist, Wells
burg, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
The National- Capital
Thtwdaj, July IS, IMS,
' Bonn debate on 1316,000,000 naval bill.
Commerce commltUw democrat agreed to
provUttn In ehlpplnc bill permuting- govera
uenta thtpo to enter com t wise trade.
Houm. .
, Considered central dam bill,
Omnibue public building- bill carrying
ibout 132.000,000 completed In committee.
'Way and meani committee favorably re
ported bill permitting1 exportation of eta
Deferred vote on Rucker campaign pub
licity bin until Friday. -
Adjourned at P - until 11 a. m.
French Pugilist Refuses $100,000 to Fight
Georges Carpentier, the famous
French pugilist, has turned down an
offer of $100,000 for two fights in Ar
The promoter, who is gathering a
vast amount of pugilistic material for
the big fight carnival in Buenos Ayres,
made a recent trip to trance and is
sain to nave ottered Ueorges Carpen
tier this amount for two fights, with
a further percentage of the gate for
the French Red Cross fund. He se
cured the official consent of the
French army authorities, for a three
months' furlough for Carpentier, but
when he made his offer to the pugilist
the latter replied:
"No. I fight not for money now,
but for France. When the war ends,
if I survive. I will fight in your
country, but not before.
All I. W, W.'s Promise
Peace During Harvest
Hastings, Neb., July 13. (Sjecial
Telegram.) One hundred Industrial
Workers of the World at a meeting in
vacant lot in the down town dis
trict today agreed to a program of
peace during their stay here while
the big wheat harvest is on. They
promised there would be no street
speaking and agreed that arrests for
violations of the law would not be
resisted by the organization.
It came to the attention ot the po
lice, however, that one of the leaders
advocated resistance to the entire
police force if any effort was made to
force the Industrial Workers of the
World to leave town. Three men on
an incoming train win a delegation of
Industrial Workers of the World re
ported that they had been held up
and robbed. Twenty-five Industrial
Workers of he World were paraded
before the men but 'none was identi
fied as 'the holdup.
Major Birkner Named "
Chief Surgeon of Fourth
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, July 13. (Special.) Major
J. M. Birfcer, who has been con
nected with the Nebraska National
Guard for several years and who was
recently commissioned chief surgeon
of the Fourth Nebraska infantry, left
today to join the troops in Texas.
Major Birkner was tendered a re
ception at the rooms of the German
Family club of which he formerly was
president, last night and was present
ed with a silver and gold cigarette
humidor and solid silver tobacco box.
Major Birkner is now the oldest of
ficer in the National Guard in point
of service. He .served six years in
the German army, was educated at a
military academy in Germany and
was commissioned a lieutenant while
serving in the German army. He has
seen service in the United States regu
lar armp as contract surgeon and
later as a member of the Missouri
Guard. He enlisted in the Nebraska
Guard about thirty years ago and has
held several offices since that time,
being. commissioned adjutant general
four years ago and was made quar
termaster of the mobilization camp at
the fair grounds when .the Nebraska
troops, were called out three weeks
ago, ' -;J :' ...
It 4 1
wnT, mi imai
";fiEQ&fiEa ICARPEKTlCgl
" Ennls Scott.
Anselmo, Neb., July 13. fSnecial.)
The funeral of Ennis Scott oc
curred Tuesday afternoon from the
Methodist tpiscopal church. Mr.
Scott was born in Whiteside county,
Illinois, sixty-one years ago. He
came to Nebraska with his wife in
1884 and to Custer county the year
following. He took up land about
eight miles northeast of Anselmo and
has made this farm his home for more
than thirty years. Mr. Scott was a
successful farmer and stock "raiser
and he added to his original holding
until he had acquired a large body of
fertile tarm and grazing land, upon
which he raised jine cattle and hogs.
He was prominent in lodge circles,
being a member of the Odd Fellows
and Ancient Urder ot United work.
men and their auxiliaries. He leaves
a wife and two sotis, who live here:
two sisters and one brother of Sterl
ing, 111., and one brother Who lives
in Lanada.
Mrs. Anton Wostrel.
West Point, Neb., July 13. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of Mrs. Anton
Wostrel. late of Beemer and formerly
of this city, took place Tuesday at
Mount Hope cemetery. Mrs. YVos-
trel was a native of Bohemio and was
72 years old at her death. She came,
with her family, to Cuming county
in the vear 1875. She leaves three
sons, frank ot verdigre, Jerome ot
Ames and John, of Plainview; also
thre daughters, Mrs. John Skala, wife
of the county treasurer of Cuming
county; Mrs. John Pospishil of Page
and Mrs. Jacob Lundenberg of St.
Paul, Minn.
"Grandma' Akeson.
Weeping Water, Neb., July 13.
(Special.) "Grandma" Akeson, aged
83, died Wednesday morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Breckenride, north of town, where
she had been lying ill for some time.
She had lived in the county for fifty
years. Five children survive her, as
follows: Tom Akeson and Mrs. J. L.
Breckenride and Milton Gentry of
Weeping Water, Catherine Hosstet
ter of Union, Neb., and Ben Gentry
of (Jeering, Neb. The funeral will
be held from the Congregational
church heer Friday at 3 p. m.
Orareemea Coaaupattoa, Indication.
Dr. Kins'. New Ufa Fill! will overcome
your conetlpaNton. blllouaneas' and lndlfas
tton. Taka a doaa Mnlf hi Only 15a. Ail
' druffvlata. Advertl.emeni
Benedict Mail Carrier
Dies of Broken Neck
Benedict, Neb., July 13. (Special.)
D. H. Wirt had his neck broken
last night while leading his team to
water. The horses reared and jumped
dislocating his neck. His sister, Miss
Anna Wirt was an eye witness of the
tragedy. Mr. Wirt has been a mail
carrier on Rout No. I from this city
for over fourteen years and has
handled horses all his life. He wa
about 57 years of age, ad leaves a
wife and aged mother, tnree oaugn-
ers. one son, three sisters ano seven
grand hildrcn. He was a member of
the Ancient Order of United Work
men and Modern Woodmen ot
America of this city.
Fiftv-Three Thousand Loss
By Fires Reported in June
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, July 13. (Special.) Fire
losses, for the month of June, ac
cording to Fire Commissioner Ridgell,
amounted to SJiUbMH. ine acpari-
ment inspectors made 4,135 inspec
tions during the month in ninety-six
different towns and issued 652 clean
up orders
k i. McArnie maae jj inspec
tions, all in Umana, ana iniy-one
rlpanun orders. -
Ridgell has sent out
a special notice to all fire chiefs call
ing attention to, the law which re
quires them to report all fires to the
tire commissioner witnin iivc uy
after the fire occurs, the penalty
for not doing so is $25 for each fire.
Where fire chiefs receive no salary
from their cities they are entitled to
$1.50 for each fire.
Harvest Hand Loses Feet
When He Falls From Car
(From a Staff Corraapondent.)
I inroln. lulv 13. (Special.) An
drew Silverson, a harvest hand from
Knrt Wnrth Tex., on his way from
that state to the harvest fields, fell
from a freight car on which he) was
riding early this morning and the
wheels of the train ran over both feet,
necessitating the amjiutation of one
and possible loss of a part a tleast
of the other..-
Silverson -is at a local hospital and
says he has neither relatives nor
friends. He had about $7 on his per
son at the timeofthe accident.
Bite of Bus May Prove Fatal
Fairbury, Neb., July 13. (Special
Telegram.) While working in the
harvest field at the home of hispar
ents, five miles southwest of Fair
bury, .Charlie Eckwall, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. O. Eckwall, was bitten
by some kind of a poisonous bug and
it is believed the infeciton may prove
Nebraska Editors
To Meet at Gering
And Scott's Bluff
Grand Island. Neb., July 13. The
annual convention of the Nebraska
Press association this year will be
a five-day tour of the western part
of the state, beginning here August
7. Business meetings will be held at
Gering and Scotts Bluff. The first
session will be at the office of the
Gering Courier at 4 p. m. Wednesday,
August 9. Thursday's session will be
at Scotts flluff at 10 a. m. The pro
gram follows:
Wedneariav, AusuatS a . m.
Welcome to Q.rins. A. B. Wood. Qerln
Courier. ,....
Reepenee and annual anorra.
H. M. Davie. Ord Journal. -
Annuel poem. A. L Blxby. Nebraeka
State Journal, Lincoln
Paper. 'Political Advertlelnf and How to
Handle It." E. E. Correll, Hebron Journal
Paper, ''The Itinerant and Hie Art
Scheme," Frank Brown, Kearney Mornlni
T'Faper, "Should the Country Paper Have
an Editorial Paget" L. IS. Brown Bertram!
Herald. . . .
Addreea, 'The New Work of Ine Iowa
Pieea Aaeoclatlon," O. L. Caawell. eecretan.
Eenteon. la.
Round table. "Keeplni Trlcee t p to the
Increaeed Cost of Production' ; leeder. Doti
C. Van Duaen. Blair mot.
Paper, "How to Get and MMntaln an
Adequate Advertlelnf Rate," J. K. Webeler,
St. Paul Phonograph.
Thuradny, Auguat 10, 1(1 a. m.
Welcome to Sroltr' Bluffe. K. T, Weater.
velt, Scotia' Blulf Renubllcan. -
Reeponee, J. M. Tanner, Mebreika Demo
ciat Omaha. . .
Paper, 'f oreign Aaverueina ana r. .
Get It." Lloyd Swain, Columbue Telegram.
pan- "Hnr and Where to Draw the
Line on Free Publicity," Karl Spence, Frank.
nr. Newe.
Addreae. "Education for Klflcleney and
College Training for Journaltem." Dan M.
f irnva- lTnlvereltv tit Jnurnellem. Lincoln.
Paper. "Should Mora Time be Devoted to
the Newepaper and Leaa to jod irinung,
as- at Unn.arf ilev Penter Run.
Round table, "The Coet Syatem TTp to
Date"; leader, Clark Perklna, Aurora rte
Five minute talka "Nebraeka Newenapere
and the Nebraaka Leglelature," membere ot
the leglitattve committee, J. W. Outright,
Lincoln Star: M. A. Brown, Kearney Huh:
Frank B. Helvey, Lincoln Newe Bureau;
V n PMe-ecnmba. Oeneva Signal, and G. S.
Foaworthy, Lincoln Weetein Newepaper
Addreae, ''Are Nebraeka Newepapere
Meeting Their Opportunlllee? What They
Moat Need," W. R. Wateon, Omaha World-
Puner. "Should We Ti.ereaee Our Subecrlp-
tlon Prtcee," Mlea Anna A. Hunt. Panca Ad
band died a short time ago. This
family, which is. colored, has resided
for several years at Clarks.
News Notei ofOrd.
Ord. Neb., July 13. (Special.)
The Board of Education of the Ord
school district has authorized the re
modeling of the basement of the high
school building and material improve-
Pension for Clark's Mother.
Central Citv. Neb.. July 13.-(Spe
cial.) From the office of County
Judge P. S. Heaton was issued 1 ues
dav a mother's oension to Mrs. Rob
ert Sadler of Clarks. An allowance
of $5 per child was made, and there
being six in the family, Mrs. Sadler
will receive from the county each
month a voucher for $30. Her hus
Got Rid of My Corns
IVith Magic Gets-lf
SimpUst Corn Cur in tha World
No Pain, No Futa. Nw, Sura Way.
When come make you almoet "die with
your boota on." when you've aoaked them
and picked them and ellced tnem when
oorn-awelllng aalvea, and tapee, and ban-
ments will be made in the gymnasium.
Mrs. Jane A. Nelson, a resident of
Brownville. in the pioneer days, but
who has lived for fifteen years at
Ord, died yesterday and her jody
was taken today to Astoria, III., for
burial. Her brother. Sameul Fackler,
and neice. Mrs, Horace M. Davis, ac- i
compan.ed the body.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage'
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Yrtu cannot hat your engine to
point where P&nhard Oil will
not juDncate u.
! the only oil that will not ear-
bonlie In the cylinders. Panhard
li the only oil that retain us
lubricating propertiea at all tem
peratures. It Is made In thre grades
light, medium and heavy, but in
only on quality, the very high
est.. Let us recommend the grade
best suited tor your oar.
Automobile SuppHee.
,201 Farnam.
Xfhy Bare Corns At All When "Oets-lt
lUmoTsa Them ths yaw.Daad Bora Way f
dagei, and plaster, that males com pop
eyed, have only made your corns grow
faiter, juat hold your heart a moment and
figure this: Put two drops of "GetsIt"
on the corn. It dries at once. You can
put your eho and stocking on tight over
It The corn Is doomed. It makes the
corn come off clear and clean. It' the
new easy way. Nothing to stick or praa
oh the corn. Tou can wear emaller- shoee.
You'll be a joy-walker. No pain, no
trouble. Accept! no. aubitltute.
"Gets-It" Is sold by drugglit every
where, 2 So a bottle, or ent direct by K.
Lawrence A Co., Chicago, 111. Bold In
Omaha and recommended as the world's
beet corn remedy by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co. 'a store.
Dancing la hard on the fnet. After one
stepping and tangoing, your feet ache and
burn, they are tender and Inflamed, and
a good night's sleep Is generally out of the
Queetlon, no matter how tired you may be.
A society girl who Is a confirmed lover of
dancing has found a way to enjoy all the
dancing ahe wants without - the attendant
foot troublee. Here 1 her aecret; She
buy a package of Wa-Ne-Ta at the drug
etore for a quarter. When ehe geta home
ah bathe her feet for a few minute In
wam water in which have been dlsaolved
tw.0 or three tablet of thl wonderful
preparation. Then- ahe goee to bed and
leeps like a healthy baby. Wa-Ne-Ta take
all the soreness, burning, sweaty unpleasant
ness from the feet and leaves (hem cool
and comfortable. Wa-Ne-Ta added to the
bath water is cleansing and purifying, re
moving Impurities and banishing body odors.
If your druggist hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta, send us
10 cent to cover packing and shipping
charges and we will send you a sample
package to your address prepaid. L. C.
Landon Co., South Bend, Ind.
For All Complexion Ills
If ths skin be colorless, saUow, muddy,
over-red, blotchy or freckled, nothing will
so surely overcome the condition .as ordi
nary mercoltzed wax. It literally takes off
a bad complexion absorbs the dead and
near-dead particles of surface skin gently,
gradually, causing no Inconvenience at all.
A new complexion I then In evidence, clear,
spotless, delicately soft and beautiful. One
ounce of this wax, -procurable at any drug
tor will rejuvenate even the worst com
plexion. It is used like cold cream. Adv.
fW !
rjlfess fjjj Alcohol free j
A Brannev Beverage
On Tap and In Bottles
Omaha Beverage Company
6002 to 6016 South 30th St.
Phone South 1287.
Buy Bathing
Suits Now
Get Into the
Cool Wter.
Goe Up
Our Price
Go Down.
COME WITH THOUGHTS of laving greater than any you have
made yet Come with expectation t of finding the be$t stock and
most complete. Come with the idea that Friday will prove for you
Basement Cloak department Offers
Women's, misses' and juniors' cloth suits; worth $10100 to $15.00, at. . . . . . . . . $3.95
onn ..,nw,an, w,icoo' an A -inninra' elntVi anira- J7.K0 trt SI 0.00 values, at 5Z.H3
One lot of women's fancy white and colored street dresses; worth to $7.50, at. . . '
Hundreds of women's and misses' street ana porcn aresses; worm io .ja.
Thousands of women's, misses' and juniors' street, house and porch dresses, wMe and col
ored wash materials; worth to $2.00, at ,. .
Girl's dresses, ages 2 to 6 years and 6 to 14 years; worth $1.50, at. c
One lot of girls' dresses, ages 2 to 6 years and 6 to 14 years; 75c values, at. Z9e
Children's dresses and rompers, ages 2 to 6 years; 35c values, at ......ISe
Special lot of rompers and dresses, 2 to 6 years, at ..s. .9c
Girls' middies, trimmed with blue, ages 2 to 6 years; 10c values, at .........9c
Special lot of corduroy and cloth coats, try CQ
$5.00 and $6.00 values, at. i' P,.Ua7
Fancy mixture coats with collar and cuffs; 1
belt backs; $4.00 values, at Jlata?
Women's and misses' long Auto Coats, , CQr
$1.00 andp$2.50 values, at
Women's Corset Covers, worth 25c, 1 C
Women's full length embroidered bottom mus- 1 fi
lm natticoats. worth 29c. at. . . '.
Women's strips gingham and plain chambray 1Q
petticoats, worth 29c, at. ',
Girls' Drawers, embroidery and tuck trimmed; "1
all airpar 10c values, at - '
Silk Blouses, tub silks, crepe de chine, etc. CI CQ
$1.95 to $2.95 values a. . . i llaaJa7
Over 1,000 Blouses, slightly soiled, tub silks,
lingerie, etc.; $1.95 values
Hundreds of pretty white and colored waists;
60c to $1.00 values, at
One lot black, white and colored waists,
fine and 75c values, at
Silk and Cloth Skirts, $5.00 and $6.00 CO CQ
values, at aPJaOJ
Cloth Skirts, worth up to ffl OQ ffl QC
$4.00. at . J'aIa7 .a Plea7l
Women's and misses' Wash Skirts, repps,
niaue. etc.: worth un to SI. 69. at
Linen Skirts, with high belts and pockets, CO
$1.00 values, at 'C
Women's dark percale fancy crepe and figured 1 C
lawn Dressing Sacoues. at lvl
Women's percale Bungalow Aprons, elastic OC
bands. 39c values, at ' a4JC ,
Women's fine Petticoats, black and colors; AQp
76c to $1.00 values, at. iOC
Boys' $4
With Two
'Pair Pant
A aplondid rani;
of patterns in
staunch wearing
fabrics. Grays,
browns and blues
in mixtures. Ages
6 to
18 vears. Verv special
Another Lot of Boys' Blouses en
Sale Friday 100 dozen, in plain
colors oi wmte ana diub. uig as
sortment of stripes in light or dark
effects. All sizes. Spe. 1 Q.
cially priced, at
Wash Goods 1
Printed and Colored
Remnants of 36 and 40-Inch Print
ed Voilas In dainty floral designs
for midsummer dresses and blous
es. Worth to 35c. Special, 1 A-
yard luc
Remnanta of Drais Linen 36 and
45 inches wide; for sport suits and
separate skirts. Regularly worth
$1.00. Sale price, per 9?r
White Checked Voile A sheer,
dainty fabric for blouses, dresses
and children's wear; 27 inches
wide. Worth 25c. 191.
Special, yard IsSJC
Printed Crepes In the small dain
ty patterns for undermuslins; also
some plain shades; 30 inches wide.
Worth 16c. Friday, per CI
yard ,02-
Printed Flaxona In rosebud,
stripes, florals, stripe and floral
combinations; 28 inches wide.
Regular 15c value, 10c
French Piquai In pretty stripes
for sport suits, coats and separate
skirts. Medium light weight; 36
inches wide. Regular 35c 1 C
vnlue. vard laJC
Vkz Toweling, 5c
One Case Bleached Twilled Towel,
ini The aoft and absorbent C.
kind. Special, yard
25c Damask, 19c
25 Pieces Bleached Table Damaak
With a linen finish. All 1 Q
pretty patterns. Yard. ... ''
15c Towels, 10c
About 200 Doien Bleacheel Huck'
Towels With blue borders, hem
med ends. Extra size and 1 A
weight. Very special, each
98c Table Cloths, 59c
These are the round scalloped
cloths, made of a fine mercerized
damask. All pretty pat- - CQ-
terns 35'C
25c Turkish Towels, 19c
The greatest value ever placed on
sale. Full Bleached Turkish Tow
els with hemmed ends. Double
twisted yarns. Extra large 1 Q
size. Each
Low Shoes
for Men, Women, Children.
A Big Lot of Woman's Low Shoes,
Tan Oxfordt and Two-Strap
Pumpa In dull and patent leath
er; also a few Satin Pumps. CA-
Sizes to 4Vi. Pair
Women's Sport Shoee, White Can
vat Pumpa and Oxfords, with rub
ber soles. Regular CI CQ
$2.00 values rtPlaUJ
Children's Sandale and Play Ox
forda, with' elkskin soles. CQ.
Worth $1.00; sale price.. W7
Over 300 Pairs of Women's Low
Shoes Small sizes. OiC
Very special "Jv
Men's White Canvas Low Shoes
With rubber soles. Regularly
worth $1.60. Sale price,
Men's Work Shoes Good, heavy
strong shoes, with solid leather
soles and counters that will resist
the roughest service.
Worth $3.00 ......
Men's Oxfords In tan and black
All the new lasts.
Worth to $3.50; pair
and black
tv aii
325 Men's
and Young
Men's Suits
Broken loticr
from our big J.
clothing d e
partment. Worsteds, cas
simerea and
tweeds. Sizes
for all builds
of men at a
saving of from $5.00 . to $7.50.
Special for Friday and CC AA
Saturday, at tJaJ.UU
Hot Weather Suits for Men and
Young Men Crashes and worsted
twist suits. All sizes. Regular $7.50
and $8.50 values. CO 7C
Special 90.1 S
300 Pairs Men's and Young Men's
Trousers for Quick Clearance In
worsted and cassimera mixtures.
Men's and Young Men's Khaki,
If SliQ
Pants Per t ' CI OC
4and Vaaatf
59c .Bd 69c
Omaha HeadqUartert for
Carrhart Overalls
Union Mad
Overalls, at
Knit Underwear
Women's "Keep-Cool" Mesh Union
Suits In regular and CAr
extra sizes. Each,
Women's Easer Mills Cotton Union
Suits Lace trimmed and cuff
knee style. AU sizes. Regu- 07
larly worth 60c; sale price
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery
Black, white and colors. O'ta
Seconds of S5c quality.
Women's Cotton Seamli
Hosiery Worth to 10c...
Domestics, Dress Prints, Muslins at Very Lowest Prices
Sheer Printed Voiles Highly mercerized yarns; 27
inches wide. All new, neat printings. Regu- fiJLf
lar 12Hc value. Special, Friday, yard OS.
Kimono Pliaae Crepe The genuine pebble weave
Light and dark grounds. Neat figures. Just 71- i in the new sport dot effects; 15c and 19e CI
.ha far, for hot weather wear. Yard Z values; while they last, Friday, yard... . ; . . . . "2 -
32-Inch Enili.h Shirting Madras Neat, fancy sport
effects. Fast colors. 19c value. Special, . 1 IT-
yard -i...
Mill Shorts of 40-Inch Voiles Sheer, dftlnty fabric
tl j. -t v.-j. .L. .j r.... from Stntk accumulated after our clearing sales, in-
cluding Voile., Batistes, Tissues, Organdies, Swiaaes, Crepes, etc. On sale Friday, while they Cw
last, per yard , Z.
The Genuine American and Simpson's Dress Prints, Calicoes and Shirtings Off the bolt, . .' , Elf,
Fridnw. vard .'. '
Mill Remnants, Shorts and Lengths of All Grade Waah Good., 27 and 82 inches wide. Sport Stripe., Per-
ilea, Dress Batiste, Dress (iinghams, 3,2-lnch Kilt sumnga, avepnyrs, c. iimic uie, JC
argain Square, yard V '
Dress Percale Full standard grade Bookfold. CI
Light shirting styles. Off bolt, yard 'Z'
The Genuine f'eatherproof Art Ticking Flat and
bookfold. Lengths to 10 yards. Neat floral " I'll.
designs, 19c and 25c values; Friday, yard. "a
45-lnch Genuine Wamsutta Bleached Pillow Tubing and Casing In lengths up to 10 yards.
20c value, yard '. .'
124 c
Mill Remnants of 32-Inch Shirtings Easily matched.
Neat designs, all staple colorings; ' IftJL.-
15c value; yard IVs,
Dress Batiste and Organdies 27 inches wide. Sheer
dainty weaves, neat styles and color combi- 7JL-
nations; 12 Mc value; Friday,. yard.
Best Grade 36-Inch Bleached Muslin Absolutely
free from dressing. Our regular lOttc quality A.
verv anecial. Fridav. vard. .'. ... , . . ...
36-Inch Brown Muslin Full standard L.. U grade,
Soft and easily bleached; 7c value;
per yard ,