Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEEt OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916.
General Pershing Report Bet
ter reeling Along Hii Line
Toward U. S. Troops.
Washington, July 13. General
, Penning reported today thtt it' was
generally believed both by Mexicans.
, and foreigner! along the line of com
munication of his expedition that a
crisis between the United States and
Mexico had been averted and that this
had brought about a mew friendly re
lationship between the Americans and
Mexicans. -; .
"Mexicans in this vicinity and along
'the railroad," the dispatch said, "are
reported very friendly toward Amen
cans in the last few days. It is gen
erally believed that trouble between
the United States and Mexico has
been settled. The rainy season ii on
in earnest, heavy rains being reported
from the various stations along the
lire during the last few days. Will
report within cday or two effect of
, rain upon roads and general pros-
pects regarding road maintenance."
' Customs collectors along the bor
" der have been instructed upon request
of the State, department to permit
railroad rolling stock' to enter Mex
ico by equitable exchange of cars. For
every ear permitted to enter Mexico,
the order stipulates that car from
Mexico shall enter American terri
tory. The collectors also are instruct
ed not to interfere further with ship
ments of food and Clothing into Mex
ico. It il understood, however, that
the present method of handling war
munitions ncsunea lu poin't uoyuna
the border snail continue in torce un
til further notice.
that other bothersome questions
might arise in connection with the
undersea boat's visit.
Already it was said consideration is
being given to a suggestion that the
government should withhold news of
the boat's sailing, to prevent further
information from reaching the allies.
The department Is concerned, too, as
to the boat's treatment if discovered
by enemy cruisers in th Atlantic.
Under a rulina that' the vessel is a
merchant craft the Stat department
could not eountentnct it sinking in
violation of international law.
Will Not Bnd Blockade.
' Amsterdam, July 11 (Via Lon
don.) Discussing the voyage of the
German submarine Deutschland, the
Deutsche Tage Zeitung of Berlin
lays: ,
' ''We German should not hope for
too much from the voyage of the
Deutschland to America. That th
vessel would be able to force the
blockade was to be expected; further
more, Great Britain will not be able
to do much against auch transport
service in future. But it is too 'much
to expect that the British blockade
of Germany -will bt ended by ) this
means. , -
"We- expect th arrival of the
Deutschland and other vessels of
similar construction will cause a
Jrtat sensation in America and pro
uce laudatory newspaper articles, but
Germany will not be justified on that
account in drawing the conclusion
that thia will change America' atti
tude toward this country, An Ameri
can remain what he is, no matter
bow he expresses his surprise." "
Germany the conviction that the Ger
man armies cannot be beaten in the
- field, and that the allies cannot ex-
! hauat German resources, Money and
men teemed to be plentiful, he said,
and an American living in Berlin as
serted there were hundred of thou
sand of men, trained to th minute,
who had not yet been on any firing
line. Extremists of the "war party
were most confident in their military
claims. They -asserted that they had
no fear of the English or Russian
armies, because of their deficiency in
, trained officers.
It is aid Dr. Aked found little
sentiment favoring the United States
as a mediatory agent. There i strong
feeling in Germany against th United
States, engendered partly, of course,
by the submarine controversy.
Sharp Conflict Among Germans.
Dr. Aked interviewed in Germany a
number of men who last July issued
a protest against the suggested an-
nexation of Belgium. Thia protest
v described annexation a a political
blunder fraught with grave conse
quence and calculated not to
strengthen but fatally to weaken the
German empire and further stated:
"We subscribe to the principle that
the policy of annexation in the case
of peoples accustomed to political in
dependence ia to be dejected."
"This utterance is a voice that noth
ing can ailence," said Dr. Aked. "But,
of course, these moderate men are
not the only men of influence in Ger
many and will not have matters their
own way when it comes to a settle-
' ment Between the moderate men
and the war party, there is constant
strife, s The continuance of the war,'
th nature and conduct of the war,
are issues sharply drawn between a
'better Germany' and the 'war party.'
It is really of more importance to the
world a to which of these parties
shall win in Germany than the more
popular question of who will be vie
, torlous in the trenches. If the jingoes
win, the world will have to deal with
very different Germany a Germany
? lushed with victory and uncompro
mising in it triumph, or else the
world must look with anguish upon
year of fiercer war, while the best
fruit of civillxation are- utterly
destroyed." r
Dr. Aked said he found much to
encourage him, however, a to Ger
many' possible attitude after the war
toward arbitration, "as a law above
the sword." .. .,. ',. ,
InjJu fiftM tt tfaS t
Terlt. July II. Dr. Joba Orent Ly.
. ! it, Cre . teday to sre ot
month, for wis Uu nulla to ae-
LAND Eldoet daughter of
the late Grover Cleveland,
at St Dunston'a, where ahe
ia aiding and earing for
blind British soldier.
Ol i .is
1 ,A
. -
H y ' ; -ty
7 . ' . '
. .
'' ' - -
(Coatlawd From rete Oh.)
masse of troops, since the operation
began, some five month ago. The
Germans have made a slight gain,
but apparently his has not lessened
the confidence of the French in their
ability to hold fast. They still have
three solid lines of defense which
must be oenetrated before the Ger
man objective can be gained.
inc onusn are tun engaged in
clearing th German from fortified
fiositions which must be taken be
ore the general offensive can be re
newed. French Official Report.
Pari, July 13. There was no in
fantry fighting of, importance last
night on the Verdun front, or over
the portion of the Sornme front held
by the French, today r official report
say, intermittent artillery engage
ment occurred in the Somm sector.
In the vicinity of Souville, Chenois
and Lauffee, before Verdun, a heavy
bombardment was maintained by the
In the Champagne the French
penetrated a salient of the German
front and took nrisoner. Two Ger
man raids in the Argonne were stop
ped by the French iire. The state
ment OflV! ' " S '
"there have been Intermittent tt
tillery exchange along the front of
we Domme. , '
"In the Champagne district we
penetrated a Salient of the German
tine m the vicinity , of Prosnes, and
brought back some prisoners,
"In the Argonne two surprise at
tacks delivered by the enemy on th
northern and eastern portions of the
Bolante salient failed under our fire.
At the La Fill Mort we caused the
explosion of a mine, and then occu
pied the Southern side of the crater.
"On the right bank of the Meuse
there has been no Infantry flglfting.
During the night, however, there was
an intense bombardment In the sec
tors of Souville, Chaois and La Lauf
fee. "In the Vosges an attack by the
enemy upon one of our trenches,
south of Carspach, has been repulsed
after a spirited engagement with
hand grenades." ,
' Germane Make Gain In Gallcla.
Berlin. lulv 11 fVia LnnHnti l
German troops under command of
General von Bothmer by an encir
cling Counter attack have driven back
the Russian forces, which had pushed
forward in the region northwest of
Bucaacs, in Gallcla, says the German
official statement issued today, Th
Germans took 400 prisoner.
Fighting Along Soma.
London, July 13. Fighting contin
ues at various noints alono tha hot.
Wle front irr the region of the river
bomme, in h ranee, but there. ha been
no change In the situation on the part
of the British line,. say art official
statement issued by the British war
department this afternoon. Attemnta
of th Germans to raid trenches west
ot wyschaete and south of La Bassee
canal were frustrated.
The official statement, which la
timed 2 o'clock this afternoon, says:
"Heavy artillery duels were in
progress in Certain lectors of the bat
tle are since the last report and
fighting continued at Various points
on the front, but there was no change
in the situation on any part of our
'West of YVvarhaote and aAtitft stf
La Bassee canal the enemy at
tempted to raid our trenches, but he
was driven off in each case.
Despite unfavorable weather, our
aeroplanes have been constantly at
work. 'Hostile machines were active,
but all their . attacks on our aero-
filanes : operating over the German
inea were driven off. One of our
aeroplanes is missing." . .
, ' 1 Note rtirMclaa Dm.
rjAloaao. Julv It. .Dr. . Arthur ?lovalon4
CoHon, f, .porlaltit In ehlidr.r.'. dlo..
and author of ..vcrol book, on Ml .uHiot
of heart alouuo, tl ai kta homo km lata
toaar. , . . v. ... ,-
COOCb. tat Colda AM DaJunrrMtt,
Internal thraat and cfcaat trouhlaa pro.
duo. inflammation. To roduoa Intl. mm. Hon,
looMn ooufh, dMtroy cold .rma, um Vt.
Kiecs Mow Di.Mv.or. All dmuu, Air.
Doctor! Say the City Need to
Be Cleaned Up and Kept
Clean to Avoid Epidemic,
"Omaha has not at yet developed
a case of Infantile paralysis," said one
of Omaha's leading physicians to The
Bee, "but we are not immune. Con
ditions that exist here are such as to
Invite the disease, and we may have
recurrence of the epidemic that pre
vailed only a few years ago. I do
not wish to frighten anyone, but un
les we clean up and keep clean we
are taklna the createst of risks.
"Garbage la not properly cared for
in umana, nor is staDie onai. ine
city is lax in allowing this condition
to orevsil. and the oeonl are careles
In creating it. Doctor are negligent,
In not reporting cases ot infectious
disease and the quarantine regula
tiont are noorly observed. We evl
dently learned very little from our
experience with scarlet tever last
spring. '
Precaution Against Disease.
Th doctor n-ave some mutations
a to the disease In the wav of rre-
ciutlon and possmi prevention, n
in: . -
"Put all catlent in dean. bar, well
ventilated room, screened to keep
out the and other insects.
"The rst of the family ihoutd b
kpt at horn as much as possible,
''Disinfection should be thoroughly
carried out. For washing hands and
clothing add two teasooonsful of ear
bollc acid, 95 per cent, to one quart of
water, or two teaspoonsful ot torma
lin to one nuart of water.
"When the nurse leaves the sick
room she should immediately wash
and disinfect her hands. She also
should wear an overgarment and re
move same On leaving the sick
"All clothes, and bed clothe be
fore removed from sick room and all
washable clothes before removed
from the premises should be soaked
for an hour in the carbolic or forma
lin solution.
"All eating utensils or remnants of
food used by the patients should be
boiled before being taken from the
sick room.
"All milk bottles received at the
house should be oiled before being
returned to tne dairy.
Family Must Be Careful.
'The- remainder of the family
should take frequent baths and use
hydrogen peroxide, one teaspoonful
to a glass of water, as a gargle and
nose sorav.
ihe house should be keot as free
from dust as possible by sprinkling
the floor before sweeping and by using
ciotns for dusting.
All doat. cats or other nets should
be kept out of the sick room. All
instances Of acute oaralvsis in domes
tic animals about the house or the
farm should be carefuly investigated
and all such affected animals should
be promptly killed and the quarters
in which ttiey were kept carefully dur
"Surrounding premises should be
prinkiea daily. . t -'
"Patient should be kept isolated
until th placard ha been removed
and the house has been thoroughly
"Surrounding premises should be
sprinkled daily.
"The above instructions should be
carried out not only for infantile or
spinal paralysis, but for contagious
and Infectious diseases. The use of
deodorants is useless and objection'
Take No Chance,
Other Omaha physicians discussed
tne situation in the east and several
suggested courses to be pursued by
towans in guarding against infection.
una said:
"If a child has a fever that may be
indigestion or summer intestinal
trouble, or any less harmful or con
tagious disease, he should be Isolated
at once and a physician called. It It
not always necessary to do this, as a
motner generally knows how to treat
a minor illness of her baby, but in
view of the epidemic it is the only
mo war. m m icw unya yie pnysi'
cian can ascertain whether th ail
ient is infantile paralysis and steps
can be taken accordingly.. The par
alysis Shows up within two or three
days after the fever develops. Pre
vious to that the disease seems to be
areatlv like a number of other chil
dren's diseases. That is why it is
aimcuii to control.
Not a New Disease.
"Infatile paralysis is not a new dis-
ease. Well informed physicians have
known about it for many years. It
doe not seem to be more prevalent
now than formerly, but that may
teem to be true merely because we
are making greater efforts to combat
it. Scientists are working day and
night to discover the origin and cure
of the disease. There is no cure now.
All we can do Is isolate and prevent
the spread of the plague.
"A great many of the cripples you
see these days with a withered limb
Tha Boy
Is Father
to the
Old saylnft Ilk thia tro fraught with
a aaoat important meaning, .d vhu
win aw tne expartaM
BoUwr In eooMrrlDi
her -ioaltj, he?
trtnft'', her Dental
n and th at,
senca of vexatious
pains It subject
vaat movent Amont
the nrwnlaod help, it
a -olondld mod r
known as "Mother's
Friend. Anpliod to
the jusclat lt sinks In
deeply to auk ttttn
jinn Jld p"aat li. that
Itrta tk- . z:
'taajenet that produce pain, ilfbtona tat
lurdoa en the nenau. mlM, hi?v
artful althta of hoaJtjb-fMn .Imp ui
www vi orauiero rnonc 5J
and ou will thaa Mallet orb:
M a
lad" -t tut drattlat
Be beta
w 'act tne sn lannr
t oi -Mouwr-i mi
ma will thsa res
Iderad tnt to Its nana Ir on . u k
tbroujrb throe letwratlon, It It nerfacU
kannlaat but : so tfectWt that ones wed it
Jseimended to sU expactant aotatrt by
teen who went thronirh the ordeal wHi
tursrlelnt east. Br writing It IradneM
temlatnr Cot, tilt Lunar BM(, Atlanta, Oa,
Tou a knje a free eo of a wond.rful
owra woe ia noroias inoet tbinsa which
all eaMttaat Bother, sauiat ta rttT Writ
are victimt of infantile paralysis.
"The disease looks and acts at the
start like typhoid fever. Until par
alysis developed there is no way of
telling any difference between the
diseases. The plague is not confined
to children, although it is more prev
alent among the little ones.
"Rest and massage are the only
things that will combat the disease in
any way so far as is known. They
will relieve the patient to some ex
tent It would teem if the disease
has always been prevalent there
would be more cripples in the world
than we see now, but it must be re
membered that 245 per cent to 30 per
cent of the cases result fatally. Then'
there are many patients who, after
they recover from the disease, are in
such a weakened condition that they
tuctumb easily to some other ail
Epidemio In New York Shows
Deoreaio in Hew Cases and
Increase Is Tatilities.
New York, July 13. A slight da-'
create in th number of niw cases
and a marked increase in th number
of deaths during th last twenty-four
hour in the epidemic Of infantile par
alyils was thown in th daily bulletin
issued by th department of health at
noon today. During th twenty-four
hour preceding 10 o'clock this. morn
ing twenty-four ' children died from
th plague and ther were 117 new
cases in the greater city.
Since ti e beginning of the epidem
ic on June 26, 1,537 children hav
been stricken with the disease and
there have been 311 Jeaths. or a
mortality rate of more than 20 per
, New York City health officer said
today they were doine their best to
prevent the spread of infantile . par
alysis from this city to other com
munities. Residents of infected dis
tricts here have been warned thev
win encounter stern quarantine meat'
ures if thev leave the citv. Out-of-
town health authorities have been
asked to report any person arriving
from infected areas in New York
Sixty Case in New Jersey.
The New Tersev state health de
partment last night reported the to
tal cases in tne state as sixty, witn
eleven new ease for th day. From
the office of attorney general of New
Jersey came an opinion that the state
cannot keep out children under 14
years of age if they are healthy.
in Connecticut and New York state
towns immediately north of this city
neaitn and ponce omcers are meeting
all incoming train ana trolley cars,
and even stopping automobile and
turning back ail children under 10
"Will Get Worse," Say Shaw.
Watertown. N. Y.. July U-Dr. H.
L. K. Shaw, head of the division of
child hyiiene, New York state health
department, laid today he feared that
rne epidemic oi lniamue paralysis in
New York state would grow more
serious, ;.'.; V., ...
"I do not wish to b an alarmist,"
said Dr. Shaw, "but ini all epidemics
the disease has1 become more violent
as the summer progresses. August
and September . are , the worst
The speaker said that the disease
'Xddnt,)iiiu t o pnti tq lou pirroa
and that the only point of entry wat
the nose. Flies may be carrier a
well a human beings, he said.
Mitchel . s. u.. July ia. J. wo cnu
dren have died of Infantile paralysis
in this city during the last week, ac
cording to a statement by the city
health officer today. Children under
10 vears of ai have been prohibited
from attending all public gatherings.
'Compensation for l. 8. Workmen.
Wtshtnoton July IS. Th. McOllUOnddV
anit Kara hill nroviaino a .v.t.m of work
men'. compn.ation (or federal employee
wu peeMd by the houee today by sr rote ot
lit to 1.
Britiah Keep : Up Systematic
' Bombardment of Inner
dluuui.i ouuut it.
Drug store, aiwaye
Inereaeee etreafth of
d.llcete, n.rvoua, ma
down people 200 per
sent in ten days ia
many in.teneee. tlat
forfeit if it feile ae per
lull explanation In larte
.rtlele eoon to appear
.n thie neper
A.k your doctor ot
Sherman MoConnell
earn tt in tteek.
British Front In France (Via Lon
don), July 13. There wa no exten
sive attack on either side today,1 even
the artillery having some rest except
for th regular , (helling of certain
point and sudden outburst when any
troop movement wa seen.
Their new line beyond Contalmai
ton seemingly secure, the British
pushed forward new trenches into
Contalmaiton wood, which brings
them here, a en the front of the
Mamett wood, with obstacles cleared
and on an average of two or three
hundred yard from the German sec
ond line, which it not a strong as
th first tin, taken on July 1, and
which is being shelled methodically
nignt ana oay.
Abl to Oct Cover, '
Th Trones wood and certain other
point peculiarly illustrate the power
of th gun, and the cover given by
tha (light rite and depression in
th ground. Either th Britith or the
(jermint art abl to get cover 'in the
ruth for th Tronet wood flank and
occupy tha cover when th gun of
th opposing id make their tenure
in tha wood too cottly to be worth
while. In th wood fighting, both
tide played th trick of withdrawing
and leaving th nemy under sud
den murderout outburst from the
gun. Troops on the front line en
gaged in digging, fighting and press
ing sapt forward get no rest. The
fresh troop cannot get out under
cover of the tmok on account of fac
ing the charget made In wave after
wave with the men engaged In eateh-as-catch-ean
Opportunity Great
Th opportunity for individual ini
tiative la singularly great and exam
ples of It are heard whenver the corre
spondent of The Associated Press
talks with a battalion commander
fresh from the field. An officer, who
already had won the Victoria cross at
Gallipoli, crossed an open space in
the face of a machine gun fire with
two men, bombed out a bombing
pott' protecting gun and captured it
Offer on Fibre
Steamer Trunks
We have in atock a fine lot
of Fibre Covered Steamer
Trunk. Heavy hardwire, all
covered tray, massive lock,
cleat on bottom, reinforced
corners and edge, well made
and strong throughout
In the fact of a big advance
in the fibre market an excep
tional buy permit oa to offer
thia entlr lot of 84-inch, 80
inch and 88-inch stmr trunks
your choice .
Freling & Steinle
"Omaha's Best
Baggage Builders"
1803 Farnam
without being hit, but wa killed when
he attempted to venture a second time.
Successful atategy wat responsible
for the taking oi -both Contalmaison
and Mametz wood. . " '
The final taking of Contalmaison
was accomplished with few casualties
and the victorious troops when seen
today were in triumphant spirits. The
Germans faced their machine guns as
if expecting the attack from the south,
but, keeping dote under protecting
curtains of fire, the British waves
swept across 1.000 yards, reached the
ruins of the village, and, taking the
guns and gunners from the rear,
forced them to surrender.
Rushed from Side.
The Mametz wood wae rushed from
the side where the Germans were un
prepared in the same way.
Commanding generals have continu
ally cautioned battalion commanders
against overeagerness when the
chance for a rush seems good. This
1.:-J -t .J.,na ranniro. BVStem-
KU1U OI an av. .,..- -j
atic methods with a minimum loss Of
life. ..
Judge Clark Said
To Be Slated for the
Supreme Bench
Washington, July U.-rJohn H.
Clark, United States district judge at
Cleveland, O., was understood today
to be the probable choice of Presi
dent Wilson for the seat on the u
preme court made vacant by the
resignation of former Justice Hughes.
White house officials said Judge
Clark waa being carefully considered.
In addition to Judge Clark, Judge
J. T. Jenks of the New York supreme
court, and Morgan J. O'Brien of New
York are said to be under consideration.
The Faslnon Gnier of Hie Middle Wed
Established 1886.
Clearance Sale in ChOdren's Dept.
Third Floor. .
A table filled with children's crepe and nain
sook gowns, crepe pajamas, drawers, skirts,
dresses and baby bonnets that have become slightly
souea irom snowmg-
Gowns sizes 4 to 16
years. s
Drawers sizes 4 to
10 years. s
Skirts sizes 10 to 14
years. . . -
White Dresses sizes
1 to 4 years.
Friday, for quick clearance
One-Half Regular Prices
Gingham remnants, .dress and zephyr
weaves, good lengths and patterns; also
plain shades; 10c a yard.
Sale of Wash Skirts
Friday a bargain day of real values; choice of
any Wash Skirt
One-Third Off
All Stylet New This Spring.
$1.00 Skirts....... 67c
S1.25 Skirts....... 83c
$1.95 Skirts...... $1.30
$2.50 Skirts $1.67
$2.95 Skirts..... 41.97
$3.95 Skirts $2.64
0n0 rV..'3
erlui the ereper tlesiee. I will exaauae
rewr eyes end (II the proper glassee. I
fnerentee ethfeetlon fa every eaee. If
yea aeve not the reedy eeeh yea eaa ar
rente to melte it In peymente.
dr. j. t. McCarthy
llll Weodmee of the WerM BieUdbif.
14th aa4 Ferness tie.
JULY 20th
The Greatest
That Omaha Has Ever Seen
and "ROUND-UP"
at !
Douglas County Fair Grounds
.July 20, 21, 22 and 23
Under the Auspices of the AK-SAR-BEN.
Reserved Seats an Sale at Beaton's Drag Store, 18th and
Farnam Merrltt't Drug Stora, Rosa BMg.
Asset $10,100,000.00
August 5, 1915
Mr. W. C. Wilson, President
Bankers Life Insurance Co.
Lincoln, Nebraska '
Dear Sin I wish to thank you for your prompt set
tlement of policy No. 3672, which matured this day and
your General Agent, Mr. A. H. Gray, handed me your
draft for $2,073.42, which I consider has been the best
investment I have made in the past 20 years, and I am
this ay giving my application for $5,000.00 more. I
certainly advise all my friends to carry insurance with
the Bankers Life Insurance Co. Yours very truly,
.Matured in the
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Name of inaured . .'. .William Holm
Residence. .Virginia, Nebraska
Amount of policy $2,500.00
Total premiums paid Company. . 1,445.00
Total cash paid Mr. Holm. . 1 . . . .$2,07342
And 20 Years' Insurance for Nothing.
Ask the man who owns one of our policies. Have you an agency? Have you a policy?
' Home Office, Lincoln, Neb.