Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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fairly Good Cash Demand for
Wheat, But Market Is Weak
and Pricei Decline.
Omaha, July II, 1111.
. Thm waa a fairly good aah demand for
jbeet today, but tba market waa a trifu
weak, and aotd about a oant lower. Now
wheat however, aold at aimoet a -ceni
uramlam. the two can of new wheat on hold tome, Ilo; capona, llo: avlneaa. tic
ine lloor toaar ennain. fi.vs ana .,.vej
per buaheV' Old wheat brought around
11.11 for the No. I fradea and Ha and
11. M for the No. 4 hard wheel.
There wee not muoh change In the corn
market, moat of tbe aetnplee eelllng about
the aunt as yaaterdar'a prlcee.
Tbe aats market wea a trifle weak, eell
lng from a, quarter to three-quartera lower.
There waa ft fair demand for oata today
and receipts of this cereal were yery light.
Rye and barley were quoted nominally un
changed. Clearances were: Wneat and flour, equal
to 1,141,0.1 buehelt: corn, 117,000 buahela;
aba I4I.M. buahela.
Urarpool cloee: Wheat, Id higher; com.
Id lower to Id higher.
Primary wheat reoelpte were lla.000
nuahela and ahlpmenta 111.000 buahela.
(gainst reoelpte at 141.000 buahela and ahlp
menta of lll,IM kaahala laat year.
Primary corn racelpta ware 464.000 Men
la and ahlpmanta (41,001 buahela. agalnat
reedpte of 101.000 buehela and shipments
of H1.000 buahals laat year. ,
Primary oata reoelpte were III.0M bosn
sls and ahlpmanta 101,000 buahela. against
racelpta of 111,000 buehela and ablptnente
f Ml.000 buahela laat year.
wneat. wra. via.
Chloaao '.. JJ
Minneapolis J
Pulath ....
Omaha .11
. Kansas City HO
t Louis 10"
t..i. ur
Thee aalea were reported today:
- Wheat No. I hard winter, 1 oar (new,
ll-lb. teat), H.OIt.; 1 car (new, ll-lb, teat)
1.01: 1 car, 11.04: 1 car, 11.01. No. I hard
winter, 1 oar, 11.01; I aara, !! '
1.01; 1 car, 11.011! I eere, 11.01; 1 car,
11.00. No. 4 hard winter, 1 care, 11.01;
1 car, 11.00: 1 oar, ao; I care. Ma Sam-
He hard winter, 1 car, lie. Sample eprtng.
I I ear (white), lie. No. I white eprtng. 1
car. II o. No. I mixed, J car, 11.00. No. I
mliad duram, 1 car. He. Na .4 mlaed, 1
car (rotten), Me.
Rye Na. I, K car, Ilo.
,.' Cora No. I white, 1 oar, . No. I
white. I ears, 170. No. I white, 1 car, 71 He.
Na. I yellow, oar, 77o; t car. 771.C. No.
I yellow, can. 77a. No. 4 yellow, X oar,
4c No. t yellow, 1 car. 74He. ample
ralkvw, 1 oar (hot), lie No. I mlied, 1
oar, 71140. No. ml". 1 car, 71 He. No.
mlied. t car, tea: I car, 74c. Sample
mlaed, car, 10c. .
Oal No. I white, 1 car, MHc; I cars,
Ms. No. 4 whlU, i car, 1741c; 1 car, MHO.
Sample white. X oar, Toj 4 care, 17a; 1
"onihe Cash Prices-Wheat: Ms. I hart.
'II.l4H4yl.M1,; No. I hard. fl.MVl.M;
No. 4 hard. M1MIUI: Na. eprlnl.
' ll.M9l.S7; No. I aprlng. I1.0141.4; No. I
duram, Wllo! No. I durum, t4llo.
Cornrxo. I wblta. No. I white,
7B)T4.c: No. 4 white, 7l7lc: No. I
whlta! 7I7IH; No. white, T8g7H4o;
5" l Velio. 77H77H; Na- '""
7H077c; No. 4 yellow, ! No. I
yellow. T44T44,ci No. yellow. H74o:
No. I mlied. 741474He: No. S mlaed. 1 1
TIHo: No. I mlaed, 76Ht1o; No. i mli
' ad,.tl7IHc; No. I mlaed. 71s. Oata:
; Na. white. Illl; atandard, IIH
: llllc; No. I wblta, lIIH; No. 4 1 white,
! I7HI70. Barley: Halting, 44Ue; No.
1 feed, Mlle. '
hard. 11 lilt; Na. 1 northern. I1.17HV
1.1014: No. I northern. Il.lll.ei.1714.
FLOUR Unchanged.
CORN Tellow. II ell".
OATS No. I white, l14e.
TPaolreele Prinee far 1'rodooo Charged by
BUTTER No I creamery. In eartons or
tuba. Ho; No. 1. 17c Oleomargarine, high
eet grade. In cartons, lb., 20c; loweat grade
lb., 16c
POULTRT Brollere. alive, nnder I Ihe..
100 Ho; hens, 14 Ho; special roosters and
ataga, lOlylOHo; springe, SOo; geeee, lOo;
ducks, llo; young ducke, lie; turkeys, 21c;
equaba. 11.10014.00 per dos.; pigeons, 11.01
per dos. i
BEEf CUTS Ribs: No. 1, llo; No. I, 18c:
No. I. 17. Loire: No. I, 14c: No. 1, llo:
No. I, HHc Chucks: No. 1, lli; No. 1,
lHc: No. I, 11 Ho. Ronnds: No. 1, 17c:
No. I, 17Hc; No. I, lie. Plates: No. 1,
1014c; No. 1, 10c: No. I, 114c
CUKUaB Imported Hwlae, lb, 4M; domes
tic Swiss. Ho; block Swlec Ilo: "Blue Label"
brick, II Ho; "Blue Seal" llmburger, llo;
Roquefort Boclete, llo; Italian Romano,
llo; full oream Wleconeln twins. 17Hc:
dalalaa and. triplets. 17 He; Americas. 10 lbs
each, lb., II He; favorltee, I Ibe. each, lb.,
10 Ho: Torsi Herkimer, white. IM; atummlQ
Oat, tic; bap Sago (Kreuter), doa., 11.11;
Lledorkrana, 11.10; green chill cheeee, 11,00;
McLaren Imperial Club, 11.00; McLaren Im
portal, medium. 11.11; MoLaren Imperial,
large, II. 40; Royal Lunch, medium, 11.11;
Royal lunoh, large. 12.40; small Roquefort,
Jars, 11.40; large Roquefort, Jara, II 00;
Pimento cheeee. In glass, 11.11; McLaren
deviled cheeae, 10c; McLaaren nippy cheeee.
Oo, Century or Philadelphia cream, 11.10;
Appetttost. llo; Neufchatel, 4io; lunoh
eheeae, two; Oold Medal Camembert. 11.40;
Mlnlatura Camembert. 11.10: hand-made
choces (41 In boi), Ho; PboenU brand
fancy Imported Swlal ebeeec tins, per doa ,
16.00; Phoenla brand fancy Camembert. Una,
14.90; Pboenlz brand fancy American obeeee.
Una. 11.00; Italian Parmesan, In glaea. amall,
11.10; large, 11.00; peanut butter, Jara, 10c
11.40. 12.10: I, 10 or ll-lb. !!, lie
FISH Freeh: Catflah, amall, 17c; steak,
llo. Halibut, 14c Whltelleh. hard bright
Selkirk, medium, lie; hard bright Selkirk
large, lie. Trout, INo. 1, lie Yellow pike,
N 1, fancy, lie Pickerel, droeeed, llo.
Salmon, Chinook red, 14c; pink, 14c Bull
heade. lie Black base, order alio, 14o;
odd slaee, 17c Cropplea, medium, llo; order
else, 16c Carp, No. 1. dreaaed, Oe Steak
.'odfleh (ahorefleh), He Haddock, Ic.
Shrimp, freah headleea, gal.. 11.16; peeled.
11.00. Red snapper, 11c Rpenleh mackerel.
14c Sunfleh. Ic Whlteflah, Lake Brie
Jumbo, He Flounders, fancy, lie. Maokerel,
native, 11c Shad roe, aeon, 00c Froga,
Jumbo,; medium, 11.11.
Fmita aad Vegetables.
Fruit and vegetable quotations furnlahed
by the Olllnaky Fruit company:
Oranges: Ha, 100a, boi. It: Ills, Ilia,
14.10; 140a, I60c 14.76; 100a, HIS, 16; Ills,
HOa, 11.60. Lemons: Oolden BowL ICIe.
HOe, box, 11.60; Oolden Bowl, 410a, H; other
Sunklat branda, II. Orapefrultt California,
box, 14.10; Florida, 14. Plnaapplaa: 10a.
He box, 11.16; Ola, II. Berried Red
raspberries, orate, It; black raspberries,
11.60. Cherrieei Home grown, eratc 11.60.
Curranta, orate, II. Oooeeberrleai Crate,
II. Cantaloupes: Standards, orata, 14.26;
pore. 11.10; flata. 11.10. Applea: Ben
Davis, box, 11.60. Deciduous frulte: .Prunea,
Tragedy, box, 11.16; Diamond, blue, 11,16;
plume. Burbanka, box, 11,10; large, red,
11.71; medium, red, 11.16, Watermelone:
Lb., a. Potatoes, bu., II. Feacheei Bu.,
VBulTABLEa: onlonc riironiia, lb.,
4Ho; celery, dos., II; beana, HO or wax.
beak., too; lettuce, noaa, aos., oil beete,
carrote. turnlpe, ehallota, radlebea, doa.,
Ho; aaparaguc doa., 40o; euoumbera, l-dos.
baak., 11.11; cabbage, HQ, lb., Ic; tematoee.
Balk of Trading fat Dull Smloei la Wheat
asal Oata.
Trading m the future pit waa w ML
The bulk of the trading waa In wheat and
oata, the eern market being very quiet all
durlns the eeeelon.
WbSat opened etrong at absat a l-cent
ds?ptemeer and December eern opened a
quertor lower and oata opened a Quarter
lower for tbe Sen'ember, and Ho higher for
USep'mtor,r'wheat eleeed Ho lower and
December unchanged. . m
Corn eloaad unchanged, and September
oata were a quarter lower and December
Ho higher at the oloee.
Omaha closing srloea en futures for thla
1 nay:
( v
. Sept
Open. I Hlgn. iaw. lileee, Tee'y
III 14 1 0IH 101 etM 104
1 o"5 ! 07 H 10l2 ll7w eillw
tl 7IH 7114 '7114
. IiS H "H
IiS ' 40 llg "ll 'll
. BLd. 'Asked.
Chleaga elestns prteec furnished The Bee
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain broken,
ill euiuth atxtaenth etreet. Omahal
Art I Open. I High. ILow.l Clone ITee'y
, July
. Dec
" Sapt
' Rlba.
Open. High. ILow.l Clone
UO0 S 1 10 H lot ' 1 10 H
I lt3 1 11 U0H "11,-3
114H-H 114 lllS liS
TtH TIH 77 ' 7114
74- ' 71 71 74H
tl- I lt-K
41 ' 41 41 . 40
40- . 40 40 40
41- 41 41 410
h ii li to it to it ii
14 10 14 II 14 II 14 71
II 10 II 10 II 10 It 10
II 4S-I0 II 41 11 II II 41
II 46-10 11 It lit 40 It 46
II 40 II 40 II 40 It 40
It 16 11 17 II 10 II II
Quotations at the Day oa the Various Com-
New Work, July 1 1. FLOUR Firm.
WHEAT Spot, Arm: No. , 1 durum,
1.10; No I hard, 11.11; No. 1 northern,
Duluth, 11.11 H; No. l northern, Manitooa,
11.11 f. o. b. New Tork.
corn spot, easy it no. i . yeiiow, iva
I. f. New Tork.
OATS Spot, firmer: standard, 41c
HAT Steady; prime. 11.46; No. 1, 11-40
1.4114; NO. I, 11.1601.16; No. I, 11.060
HOPS Quiet; itate. common to choice,
1111, 11010c; 1114, I07o; Paolno coaat,
1116. 11011c.
HID HS Firm ; Bogota. II flic; central
America. II He
LBATHRR Firm; hemlock nrata, lie:
seconds, llo.
PROVISIONS Perk, arm: ma, iio.ooej
17.00: abort clear. III.OO0II.IO. Beef.
strong! family, 1O.IO0IO.IO. Lard, Itiady;
middle west, lll.ll0ll.eo.
BUTTER Firm: receipt!. 11.171 tune:
creamery, extras, HH0HHOI Urate, 170
He; seoonda. It 14 014
BOUa irregular receipts, ceeee:
freah gathered, extra sue. 11017c; extra
Urate 160I6HC1 Ireta, II0I4HC.
CHEKSB Steady; recelpu, l,tee noxee:
etete, whale milk, flata, epeclala, UH0
16o; average fancy, lbiyioc
POULTRT Alive irregular; orouere, ae
He: fowlc 10c: turkeys, 110110.
Dreeeod, steady and unchanged.
u tt
11 10
It 40
II 47
It 10
It 17
r Chicago, July It, Whttt tforvd frih
" sfttni In vilui ttMlftj', owing largely to r-
poru ot brMdnlng Burapasn dmand,
- Th mtrkat, although wntttled at th
i elo. waa nt hlghar with July
, 1.1.-' In torn, tha outcoma wu Htfo to
e up: oati wara down a ahad to H.9
nt provlalana unrhangad to 7 He lowar.
Bulla In whfat mada a confidant atart,
i.V lnfluant?d entarir bv dtatatrha from Llvw
pool admitting that enlargamatit ot tha
ei call for ahlpmanta from American had bean
brought about aa a .raault of tntaglvlnga
conrernlng blarh ruat dangar In tha Da
'r, kotaa and Mlnneaota. Bealdaa waathar oorr
i,i dltiona tn tha atatai raferred to war not
of a raaaaurlng kind, and there waa goa-
alp that aaaboard axportera appeared to be
v liberal buyera of futura dellvarlea here and
at Wlnnlne. However, no actual damage
., from black ruat aeamad aa yat to have
, boen auffered, and predictions of a big yield
In Canada tended to cauM a period of profit
i - taking aalaa by hotdars and to occasional
MlllDf or a dlipimy preeaura, nom apeeu
, 'j ' latlve bear.
Higher price -for now wheat at Kanaaa
nfo C)ty hped to rally the markt haro aa tha
v MMlon approached a cloee. Biportera ware
eald to Da paying 10 10 ao arancf
Ktmit. Omaha waa to hava aold 109.
, buehela to tha aaaboard and there ware ra-
poru of good blda at tha, gulf of Meilco,
' aillii tn tna aoumwaai oompiainaa oi now
. . a cask nt aaM bv farmaro.
:J Corn raflactad tha atrangth of wheat
Ahaanoa of rain acted also aa an Incen
tive to buy, and there wer lata advlcea
v that owing to lack of moloturo the leave
In southern Illlnola fields war beginning to
t " earl Unwelcome high temparaturaa and
active denurnd from tha aaaboard tended to
: ; lift eats. Free selling by leading houses,
though, waa ta the end mora than an
.. . offset.
v a provlalona Rava way as rtovlt of lack
at support Higher quotations on nogs ap-
Mred to be virtually Ignored,
Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. I red
and No. t red, nominal; No. I hard, tl.llf)
1 1W; No. t hard. Cl.0J 1.11. Corn: No.
I yellow. ?tt 1-tc: No. 4 yellow, fH
OTtc; No. 4 white, 797tHc Oats: No. I
white. 46 U 641 He: standard. 411ke41Uc.
ftva: No. s. nominal: No. t, tic, Barley:
49t0e. feeds: Timothy, 11.71: clover, IT 0
14.00. Provtseons: Pork, t4.00.;
lard, tlt.tx-A; rlba.
BITTTBR Unchanged.
" KoOaWRaoolpte, 14,041 caaea, market
POTATO Kft Lower: nnr recelpte. It
ears; Arkansas and Oklahoma Triumphs,
100tO; Missouri and Illinois Ohlos, too
Mr. Kanaaa Ohlos, iOQioc; Virginia Cob
lalera. tOOtte,
t POtTL-TRT Alive, ' higher; fowls lloti
apHngi, tltfo. '
Urarpaal Grata aUrfcat.
- Liverpool. July tt. WHEAT Spot, Arm
No- I red western winter. is lod; No.
Manitoba, lis 4W: No. 1 Manitoba. 11a Id
CORN Ipot, Arm; American mlsod, now,
Mlnnaagalis t&mla Markew.
Utnneaoolta. Julr II. WHEAT lulv.
tl Hli; flapumbar, 11.144, Cash; No.
.. Iimh City General Market.
Kanaaa City, Mo., July It. WHEAT No.
hard, ll.4401.ll; No. t red.;
July. 1.04; Saptember, 10t; Decem
ber, !i 4191 east.
CORN No. I mixed, TT7se; no. i
white, TIOTtc: No, I yellow, 7tfl)t0o; July,
7tt76e; Saptembor, Tl07to; Decem
ber. lOtlo..
OATS No. 1 WDlta. tlV4i4o:, no, p
mixed. IT 88c.
butte n creamery. iao: nrsia. sec,
seconds. Ho: packers, tl,
BOOB Firsts, Ilo.
POULTRT Hens, , xto; roosters, lie;
broilers, tte.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St, Louis. July II. WH BAT No, 1 red,
new, tl 1401.13; old,; wo, i
hard, nominal; July, ii.oitti neptemeer,
tl.lH1.10H. -
corn NO. I, oe: no. i wnne, aio;
July. ?se; aeptambar. 74 Ho,
OATB No. 1, lttV4o; ho. i wnus.
Omaha Hay Market.
HAT Choice upland, Id.OOOlO.BB; new,
I10.00xf10.t0; extra choice, til. 00; new,
til.Oft; No. 1, lt.tooio.00: new, 11.40 0
10.00; N. t. (. 00O7.00; new, t7.0O.00;
No. t, W. 00O4.00; new, fi. 00O7.00; choice
midland,; new, ai9.ouffiu.BUi
No. 1, tt.0OO10.00; new. 0-100 10.06; . No.
t4.Q0Ot')a; new, ts.too "; cnotce tow-
isnd. M.ooat.lO: new. I7.ooos.eo: no. l.
ts.ootjt.oo; new. tt.OOOT.OO; No. t, 14.000
t.00; new, t,00O4.00.
Bin AW IN one mn xnw msrHi. ,nuioa
wheat la quotable at 1,00, choloo oat or rye,
04.00 0 0. 40. - '
Aur alfa none on ne mru.. ,uuiu.
old, fll. 00011-00; new. fO.00010.00; No. 1,
old, 110.00011.00; new, tt.OO0t.OO; stand
ard, new. fi.uvfa.uu, no, a, tMi.v,j
new, lt.OO0T.9O. .
v." ' Cwttoa Market.
M Tork. July It. COTTON Futures
opened steady; July, no aalea; October.
ll.iao; uecemoer, 4stsc
March. II 16C
Cotton futures elosad barely steady; July,
ll.Stc; October,; December, ll.Olfl.
Tka MtiAn market rinsed steady at an
advance of 1 point to a decline or i points,
Liverpool, July It. COTTON Spot, quiet;
prlcea easier; good middling. t.l7d; mid
dling, t.Old; low middling, T.lfcL 8ales,
t.000 bales. ' ; - ;
Evaporated Apples nod Oris Fruits.
New Tork. July II. B VAPOR ATKD AP
PLES Dull; fancy, T14O?0i choice, 10
tSfac; prime, t0644o.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady: Cali
fornia. 0a to 40e. 7 Oregons 70
He. Apricots, quiet; choke, itc; eitra
choice, lto, fancy, is4a. faacnae, quiet;
choice, ts, extra choice, t the : fancy, 7e.
Ralslns,more active; loose Muscat ale, R0
iMd choke to fancy seeded ?fc0tc; seed
lass. tkOIOHo-
Bngaw Market.
New Tork, July It. 8UOAR Raw.,
toady: centrifugal. t.40ci molassaa, S.4lc.
Refined, steady; fine granulated. 7.41c. Su
gar futures were quiet, tot points lowar
at noon. The cloee was easy and 4 to t
points lowar on Wall street selling. Bales,
7.0 oo tons, nop tem ear, s. i e i vecem oar,
1.1 tc; January, 4.11a.
" " ; : Dry Gds Market, ' '
New Tork. July It. Cotton goods were
steady today. Duck and yarns were firm.
Raw allk waa active, and higher. Oovem
ment requirements for heavy-weight men's
wear atrenghthened tha market
Oat Whips Dogs aad jnsmts. ' .
Mm. Laura French Loaey, age St, has
filed a petition ror divorce rrcm rranh B.
Ixmov. aaa St. charrlna him with desertion
after a quarrel about an Angora cat she
roreivea aa a weaning present:.
The cat It Is aliased, drove Leeev'a httit.
lav dog away killed hie ferrets, ate up a
steak he bought, and turned over a bottle
of milk. Then Loeey hit tha cat with the
love porter ana Ninea it, starttuf a quarrel.
Indianapolis Newt.
Cattle of All Kinds Slow and
Weak to Lower Sheep
and Lambs Steady.
Omaha. JulT II. 1011.
Paftelnte wars, Pattla Hn,. Hheen.
OfDrtal Hondar 4,131 7.1 "5 1.001
Ofllclal Tueedar 4.404 10.163 7.111
nfflolail Warfnu.w I .7. . AKK 1.KA1
Eellmata Thuraday .. i,11t 1,100 1,100
Four dava thla waak 16.421 14.421 31.021
Same day. laat week. . 1,714 10.114 14.471
name deye I weeke ago!4 444 43,374 40.433
8. me dare 1 weeke egol4,713 44.114 21.331
Heme daye 4 weeka agol4.733 43. 044 34.64S
Heme days lest year. .13,033 17,131 41,121
The followlnc tenia ehowe the recelnta of
cattle, hog. and eheen at the South Omaha
live etock market for the year U data, aa
compared with laat year:
1118. 1111. Tne. Dee.
Cattle .... 123.111 137.111 14,101
Hog. 1.142,001 1,7:2,421 lll.llt
Sheep 1 041,764 1,121,104 11,013
The followlna tahla ahowa tha averaae
Plicee of boge at the Omaha live etock mar
ket tor the last few daye. with comparlaono:
pat., mi. mil. mi,. urn. mil. inn,
June 17. I 10 a 11 11 I II 14
June tl. IiS 7 II e $ 44 f 14 tl
June tl. I 41 S I 14 I II e I 14 II
June 10. t 47li t 14 I tl I II tl
July. 1 t 92 7 41 I 17 I II T II I 11
July I. I tl T It I tl I II t II e
Ju y I I 67 V, e . 72 7 21 I 11
July I. , 6114 1 II I II 7 16 I II
July J I 14fi 7 14 I 14 I 11 e , u
July I , 71 01 I II I 13 7 II t II
July I e I II I II 71 7 II
July 10. I 70 I II 1 47 I 70 7 14 t 11
July 11. , 47'. I II I 71 7 10 I 17
July 11. I II 14 I 70 I 71 7 II I 14 7 11
July 11. I 6144 I 14 I 66 7 16 t 10
---"' ..i"a,n uve eioca at
.,. u,,,n coca larn,, umana, ror twenty,
four hour, ending at I o'clock yeeterday:
Cattle. Hot. Sheep. HVe
C. If. St P..
Hlaeourl Paclflo ...
Union Pacific
C. A N. W eaat
C. N, W.. west
fit p u a n
C, B. A q., eaet. .
C, B. q weat ..
C, R. I. . P., eaet..
rv n I a r ...
Illnola Central . . . !
Chicago Ot. W eaters
Total racelpta ....11V 111
II 11
U .. 1
3 t
11 1
t " 1!
"lis to i
Morn. A Co
Swift and Company...
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour A Co , . ,
Lincoln Packing Co
So. Omaha Pack. Co...
Morrell Packing Co,..,
Swift, Kan. City
Swift, K. C. from city.
F. B. Lewi.
r. Hue.
Roaenatock Broa
F. O. Kellogg
Worthelmer A Degen..,
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Broa. ........
Banner Broa
John Harvey ,,
Dennlo A Francle. . . ..,
Jeneen A Lungren
Pat O'Day..,.
Other buyere .,
Other buyera of aheep.
Cattle. Hoge. Sheep.
Totala .,..1,144 7,411 1,101
CATTLR Recelnta ware very fair for
Thuraday, lie oara being reported In. Thlti
makea tha total for the four days tble weuk
11,131 head, the largeet of any reoent week
and over 1,000 head larger than a year ago.
The trade waa very alow and dull. Kill
ing cattle of all kind. w.ra dull, with prlcea
et.ady to a little lower. The bfit beeves
here brought 110.10.
stock cattle and feeders were In very light
eupply with no great ohange In tha market
far aa good kind, were concerned, but
the feeling on common stuff la weak.
Quotatlone on tmttlei Oood to eholce
beevee, tt-lt01l.4fl fair to good beevee.
11.11; good to choice yearllnge,
fair to good yearllega. H.loejt.lO; common
to fair yearllnge, I3.I6OI.I0; good to eholce
heltera, 17.2191.11; good to choice cow.,
Il.76tt7.7l: felr to good cowe. I4.40OI.7S:
common to fair cow., II.76 0I.M: good to
oholoe feeders. tl.IKtl.4l; fair to good feed-
era, CT.ievi.ev; oommon to rair readers,
11.1107.14; good to oholoe etockera. 17.71
01.41; i lock heifers, etock
cows, ll.60O7.t0; stock ctlvee, 14.7601. 10:
veal caivoe, Il.li011.ll; beef 'bulla, etate.
etc.,, bologna bulla, ti
Representative aaleei .
Av. Pr. , , No. Av. Pr.
llll 17 li I...... Ill tl it
1141 I 71 II 1311 t 01
.......III t 10 31. .... .1111 1,
141 t li II 1461 10 00
II 1411 1. 10
414 1 li 11 141
I 71 II Ill
I II I...'... tit
7 21
I 10 1. 1040
I 71 I Ill,
I 10 1 1031
7 04
I 76 4. U07
t II
I 41 1 101
11.... I. Til
It lit
1 110
I tt
I It
I tt
I t,
I 40
I 00
t it
it in ii it
HOOS The market waa extremely uneven
today and principally a euallty affair. Ship
per, felled to do muoh. and with them out
of the game, packere proceeded to acoom
pllatt what they failed lo yeeterday. name
ly, widen out the epread between the good
to eholce gradea and common klnde. Some
ot the killer buyere had urgent order, for
good hoge. and with other marketa report
ed higher, the looal trade opened atrong to
aa muoh aa IO lto up on anything deelrable,
eome ot the plainer hogs eharlng the upturn.
out common oiurr oemg aa a general thing
mere or leea neglected.
The reel of the packers hed more beer
dope today, and would not pay much more
than eteady prlcee for anything, while they
wanted the common gradeo on a lower baale.
Naturally they failed to get In while the
good hoge lasted, but after the other buy
er, began to got tilled up and little waa
left that could be ela..d ae better than
fair, the' bears came Into control of the
Moat of tha eellers who had hoge left on
the cloee ware unanle to aee any reeaon
for the lata market being any weaker than
early, and while, eome strings were eaahed
towarde tha ftnleh at prtoeo that ware not
much better than eteady, ethera were being
held for a return to the early baela, and
were etlll In the pena at midday, Aa a
general thing the plainer kinds aot tha
woret and of the dial all through, being
negiectea early, ana aimoet unealable late.
Average market waa not far from a nick
el higher than yeeterday, aalee ranslna all
tha way from lOlOo higher early, to no
more man steady on tne cloee. Bulk aold
at tt.llOt.70, there being quite a ahowlng
en up lo 11.10, and the top reeched 110,00
for the flret time .Inc. April, tilt.
Current prlcea are anywhere from a nick
el to lie higher than Thursday of lest
ween, . out are weea to aa much aa 10c.
mora below laat Saturday. A tew of the
good ho., might be called ateady with laet
weeas cioea, ana tne too la lo hlahar. hut
on tha general run of stuff prlcee have de-
preriateo eviec. ,
Repreejentatlv.. .ale,: ,
No. Av. Sh. Pr. ' No.Av. Sh. r.
IS.. 133 It 41 40.. Ill 10 tt I,
74. .110 ... I 61(4 II. .HI .... t It
II. .117 tl t II 10.. 117 I, , 1714
14. .Ill 44 I 70 II. .Ill tl 17114
71. .161 4, 171 ' 70, .141 It 7714
31. .171 100 tit 71. .Ill ... til
14. .171 lit till. It. .1,4 ... it tt
SHEEP Oulte a few mixed lots ot native
tuff waa Included In the day'a run. and
aged sheep and yearling, made np a fair
chare of the offerlngi. arrive la of range
leraba being very moderate. The reeult wea
that the lamb market opened out in pretty
good aeeeon en a fully steady baale, every
thing eelllng by the middle of the forenoon.
A aeven-car consignment of good Idaho
lamhe. which made up the buHt of the range
.fferlnge, brought ll.7i, duplicating yea
terdey'e top. while eae ot two amall lota
oi weeterno too. eie.l. Natlvea
largely at Feedera were, ae
ueual, ecarca, aot enough being offered to
realty make a merkot.
The largeet run ot sheep and yearllnge
or tne weea wea nere, out et tnat auppllee
failed to exceed packing requlremonte, and
offerlnge found e ready outlet at' good,
toady prlcee. Fair to pretty good ewee
aold mainly at I7.li07.4t. the latter price
being tha day'e top, and equaling the high
mara xor ins range aeeeon nung an yee.
terday. Two load, of good' handwelght
yearlings from weelern Idaho brought 14.11
'..'' . i ' .' .' '' -, ', - ' .
the high mark of the day. while three rara
of a weightier claae reached 11.04. Offer
Inge did not include any old wether, of con
aequenoe. Quotations on sheep and lambe: Lamba,
good to oholoe, tl0.t0910.7i: lambe, fair to
good, tt.76010.10; Umbo, feedera II.10O
1.06; yearllnge, good to choice, I7.I0OI.16;
yearllnge, fair to good, 14.7607-10; wethere,
fair to choice, I4.I0O7.76; ewes, good to
choice, 16.7697.10; ewee. fair to good, IS.76
Representative galea: , ,
No. Av. Pr.
ill native Iambi 66 10 40
30 cull lamba 44 I 00
77 native feeder ewee 104 i iO
t cull feeder ewee... II 4 40
Cattle Market Steady, Hoge Weak, Sheep
Chicago. July II. CATTLE Receipts.
a.000 market, steady; native beef rat-
tie,; we.i.rn .leer., is.iue
1.36; etockera and fe.dera, 14.4091.40; cow.
and helfera, 13.6091.30; calve., 18.609
HOOfJ Recelpte, 16,000 heed; market
weak, early advance ot 10c partly lont; bulk
of ealea, 31.70910.10; light 19.604110.05;
mixed. It.46010.20; heavy, II 460 10,20:
rough, ll.46tj9.60; plga, IX. 1691.66.
head; market unsettled; wether., 16.769
1.00; ewee, 13.3697.60; lambs, 17.26910.26.
St. Louie Live Stock Market.
St. Louts, July 11. CATTLE Receipts
1,100 head : market ateady; native beef
ateen, 7. 609111. 20: yearling steers and
neirera, II.60OS10.66: c-owa. 36.60O38.26:
etockere and feedere, 16.60018.60; Texaa and
UKlanoma eteere, l6.60O9t.B0; prime year
lng steers and helfern. 18. 76(3110.26: cows
and heifers, 16.00918.00; prime southern
eteere, tl.OOO 810.00; native calvee, 34.009
HOOS Receipts, 7,100 head; market
higher; plga and lights, 18.769110.36; mixed
and butchers, tt.809110.06; good heavy
I10.06OI1I.10; bulk, II.86 9I10.06.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 400
head; market ateady; wethers, 14.00918.00;
clipped ewes, I4.00OI3.00; clipped lamb.,
I6.00OI00.00; eprtng lambe. 17.00010.60.
City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City. July It. CATTLE Receipts.
1,000 head; market strong; prime fed steers.
I10.00OI10.60; dressed beef eteers, 17.609
17.16: western eteere. I6.60 0tl0.00: etockere
and feeders 36.36911 36; bulls, 16.60917.36;
calvea. I6.i00lll.00.
HOQSj Receipts, 6.400 neaa; market
higher; bulk, 11.709110.00; heavy, It. 109
810.00; packera and butchers .31.300110.00;
light, It.lOOI' tO; PUS. 11.00911 36.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1.700
head; market stesdr; lamba, 110.009310.76;
yearllnge. 17.76981 86: wethers, 17.009
17.76; ewee, I6.7i9t7.8i.
Slotrx City Live Slock Market.
Sioux City July 11 Cattle Reclepta.
t.000 head; market ateady; native eteers,
18.00 9. Iv.Oo: cows and heifers 16.36938.40;
bulls, stags, etc., 16. 10918.00.
HOGS Reclepta, 10,000 haid; market ic
higher; heavy II. 66919.16; mixed, 19.609
19.16: light, Ii.40el9.60; bulk aalea, 19.409
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300.
S4. Joseph Live Block Market.
t Jnaanh. H... July 13.-CATTLE Re
celpte, 1,100 head; market ateady; eteers,
34. 71910. 21? cowe aad helfera, 14.3191.60;
caivoe, 17.00 11.00.
hither; top, iio.os; ouuc or saiee, ..ow
KHrcmp AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.600
head; market ateady; lambs. I10.00O10.36:
awes. tf.767O7.00.
, Live Sleek In Sight.
Recelpte of live etock at the five principal
western marketa yeeterday:
Chicago 4.000
Kanaaa City 3.M0
St Louis 8. 900
Sioux City 1,000
Hogs. Sheep.
11,000 13,000
MOO 3,700
7,100 4,400
10,600 300
1,100 4,800
...11.100 41,100 11,300
New Tork Money Market.
PER I per cent.
STERLiNU n,Al.nviai av ua,
14.71.: demand, 14.74 Il-li; caoiee,
BlliVatK oar, hju, o..
4.c ...... ' ,
BONDS Government, eteaoy; ranrwau.
TIME LOANS Barter: 10 and 10 days,
14 04 ear cent: I months, 4041, per cent.
CALL MONET Easier; high, 414 per
cent; low, I per cent; ruling rate, 4 per
cent; leat loan, I par cent; cloetng bid, W
per cent;, oiteroa at s per cvh..
U. S. roil rag IIV.M K. A T 1st 4. 76j
do. coupon .. I8HM0. Pac. c 6s. 10114
rt S. ft. rig.. ..101 'Mont. Power .. 97U
do. coupon ..100 N. t. C. deb 4.. 118'l"'::!?SN.Iv..clNyHA10'
Am. Smelt. ee..iOe H. cv 6s
Am. Tel. A Tel. No. Pacific 4s... 91
eV aVi .....T.loaKNo. Pacific I. ... 66
Anglo-French 6a. l&Ora. B. L. rmt 4s tl
Atchison gen aa. aa . - ";x:;7
Bait. A Ohio 4i9.Penn. con 416s. 104V
Beth. Stl ref Is.lvO Penn. gen 4ViB..108Va
Cant. Paclflo 1st IU 'Reading gen 4a. IK
Ches. aV Ohio CV St. L. fc 8. F.
Akka SD re otvdti
C. B. A Q. J 4s. . IS Bo. Pacific cv Is. 102
r U t tit. P. Bo. Paclflo ref 4s 89
cv 6s 7. 107H8O- Railway Is.. 101
C R LAP. Ry. Union Paclflo 4s
ref 4s ISHUnion Pae. cv 4s 13
D. ft R. O. O 4s 78 U. S. Rubber Is. 102
Erie gen 6s ....106 V. $. Steal la.. .104
Ot. Nor. 1st 4M W, Union 4a ..
III. Cent, ref 4s 81 W. Klao cv l'.-"
Int M H. 4 1.104 D. A R. O. Is.. 61
K. C So. ref Is 0 'Bid.
L. A N. un ta...
Coffee Market.
New Tork, July II. Easier Bra all lan
cables were followed by some scattering
liquidation or local selling in the market
for coffe futures hare during today's earlier
trading, and after opening five to six points
lower active months sola about five to
eight points under laat nights closing figures.
There waa no Important pressure however,
and the market turned steadier late In
the afternoon on reports that santos offers
were a shade firmer today, covering and a
little trade buying, December sold up from
18.40 to 18.41, and March from 18.81 to 98.811.
with ths market closing at a net lose of
1 to I points. Sales, 18,160 ; July, 88.18;
August, 98.84 ; Saptember, 88.32 ; October,
81.87; November, 18.41 : December,, 18.46:
January. 1. 11; February 1.67; March, 863;
April, 98.83; May, 8.73; June, 98.78.
Soot -Quiet: Rio. 7a 1: Santos. 4s 10.
Offers from Santos ware about Ave to ten
points higher, with 4 a nuoted at 910.469
910.66, coat and freights London credits.
The official cables reported decllnea of 78
to 101 rets In tha primary markets, and
Rto exchange waa l16d lower.
Metal Market.
NewlTork, July 18. METALS Exchange
quotes Isad 96.10 aakad. Spelter dull; Eaat
St. Louis delivery 91.00 asked. Copper dull;
electrolytic, 926.00981.40. Iron steady and
unohangad. Tin quiet; spot, 338,00981.00.
At London: Spot copper, ilO 10a; fu
tures,, ill; electrolytic, 8181; spot tin, 1
16s; futures, 1170 lis; lead, 38 Is; spelter,
146 Is. S
Oil Mid Boetn.
Savannah. Oa.. July 13. TUR PECTIN E
Ptim: ragulais, 469c; sales, 371 barrala;
ricetpta, 662; ahlpmanta, I; stocks, 14,620.
ROSIN Firm: aalrs, 1,086 barrela; re
cilpts, 1,19; ahlpmanta 114; stock. 70.4:'S.
Quotations: A, B, 14.16; C. 1, t16; B.
IF1.2A; F, O, H, 8.:&; I, K, 16.30; M, N,
96.81; WO, 98.40; WW, 91.60.
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
Nine little girl, end boyc five an
entertainment litt Monday and raised
J5J5, which they gave to The Bee's
An admirable and touching act!'
Who can estimate the Rood that
will come all the yean of their lives
from such seeds of kindness in the
hearts of these 10-year-old tots.
We hope other parents will direct
their children's energies along similar
These are tha names of the children
who gave the party: Eliiebeth Mc
Donald, Elisabeth Morgan, Katharine
Morgan, Mariar. Morgan, Katherine
Kinsler, James Kinsler, Francis Burk
ley, Margaret Wyman, Blanch John
son, -
Tntal praeeeds f the iMrtr.,...! I. IS
rr.vl.HlT eekaewledireel ....... 184 SS
H. W. Knurtrr, Tlluee. Nek.... I M
Total . . T. 4141 . U
Wanted Some Want Ad in ex-
-1. - ( Tn
mange iwi wu v. .uiwcih fUUlie
I The ftce. . . ' "
Selling of Broader and More
Promiscuous Character
Breaks Out Afresh.
New Tork. July 18 Senilis e a broaaer
and mere promleouous chaiacte. than that
of any recent period broke out efreeh to
day, depressing price, of erstwhile favor
ltee to lowest prices of the year aad for a
lime raueins utisettlement In standard
eharei. The decline gathered much of He
momentum from the short intereet, that
faotlon extending He operatlona into new
fields. Incidentally adding to the impairment
of stocks which already had suffered se
vere attraction.
Trading was on a large scale and wholly
at tha expense of.valuee, except in the laat
hour, when -hort covering brought about
a partial readjustment and moderate re
coveries from loweet levels. The motor
.rnim waa the chief center of disturbance,
those Issues recording extreme decllnee of
4 to 7 points, with 11 tor ueneral Motors,
while stocks of accessories declined 2 to 4
United Statea Industrial Alcohol atruck
the nea- low level of 17, a maximum loss
of 2 point, since laet Saturday, but eloeed
at 103. American Beet Buaar ytelded only
414 polnte, under heavy pressuie, but other
mercurial issues oi me same ciaas ius.
more ground.
Munitions were subject to further dlseour
a.lne reports regarding the loss or cancel
lation of foreign contracts, with recessions
of 3 to S points in crucible steel, new lora
Airbrake, American and Baldwin Locomo
tives, Weetlnghouee and Continental Can,
while Bethlehem Steel at one time reg-
tetered a decline of 83 points at 41lti but
closed at 434Uj. United Blatee steel loei only
a substantial fraction, notwithstanding lta
Urge turnover.
In It. mere significant eapects the efature
of the day wee the advance in the Bank
of England rate to I per cent, the flret rise
since August 8, 1114, when the discount
was reduced to i per cent. The change wa.
accompanied by the weekly .tat.ment, die
closing a further gold contraction of 14,
400,000. Other development, in th. inter
national financial situation Included a weak
ening of marks In the local exchange mar
ket and the receipt of additional British
gold from Canada.
Uolted States bonds unchanged on call.
Salee. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar... 24.400 2Uj 84 $
e,,uu o eiT,
1.800 (44 ili
7,600 42 (9
(.100 II 1044
1.000 119 121 121
2.400 82 81 31
10, SOO 10
1,100 106
1,100 71Vi
700 lit.
American Can
am. Car A Fndry.
Am. Locomotive...
m. Smelt. & Refg.
Am. Sugar Refg. . .
Am. Tel. & Tel..
Am. Z, L. A 8..
Anaconda Copper..
Baldwin Loco
B. O
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. 4 S Copper...
Calif. Petroleum..
Cl.nadlan Pacific.
Central Leather . .
Chesa. 4V Ohio....
C. M. a St. P. ...
Chi. N. W
C. R. I. P Ry..
Chlno Copper ....
Corn Prod. Refg. .
Crucible Steel ....
Plst. Securities ...
General Electric .
Ot. Northern pf d . .
do ore ctfs
Illinois Central ...
Ii.ter. Con. Corp..
Inspiration Cop...
int. narv.. n. j
1.100 14
100 180
1,100 64ti
1,100 13
1.400 ?
sou I..
4,400 20 II
1,800 47
4,700 48
7IU 78U
104 104
68 69
II 2
171 177
16 II
46 47
41 42
21,400 71
2.40ft 41
1,100 16 86 1 84
00 166 114 164
3,100 111 111 111
1,800 16 16 16
11.600 61 41 48
1.000 116 183 11
M. M. pfd. ctfs 41.600 84 . II 82
Kennecott ' Copper' V.eCO -45 "ij'i 46
L. & N 600 182 112 133
Mex. fetroieum. . . ss.iuv mu
Miami Conner
M., K. a T. pfd....
Mlesourl Pacific...
Montana Power...
National Lead. . .. .
Nevada Copper
N. T. Central....
N. T. N. H. H..
N. & W
No. Pacific
Pacific Mall
Pec. Tel. A Tel..
Kay uon. uopper.
Rep. Iron & Steel.. 900 -41
fllattuck Aria. Con. 7G0 26
Southern Pacific. 4,600 97
Sruthern Railway. 6.400 34
HtuaeoeKer uo. . .
1,200 33 13 23
, 112
200 6 6 6
200 10 II 88
600 63 M 63
1,900 104 101 101 -900
II 60 60
1,600 130 129 129
700 111 111 111
7.400 67
1.100 21
26,600 97
36 "
42 43
97 4
10.900 127 130 123
Tmnessee Copper.. 6.100 90 27 38
Texas Company... 1.900 190 186 186
Union Pacific 1,100 138 137 137
do pfd 81
U 8. Inds. Aloohol 17,700 106 47 101
U S. Steel 16,600 16 S3 88
do pfd 600 117 117 117
t'lah Copper 1,701 71 71 ft
Vabaah pfd. "B". ICO 17 26 it
Western Union 91
fttst. Elsctrlc 11,700 14 II 14
Total aalee for the day, 116,0000 shares.
(Sent-Aaaual Is, tenet)
Productive Nebraska
Every Farm Personally Inspect
ed by a Member of tbe Firm.
Payne Investment Co.,
637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
American Telephone S Telegraph Co.
A dividend of Two Dollars per share
will be paid on Saturday, July 15,
1916, to stockholders of record at the
close of business on Friday, June 30,
1916. G. D. MILNE, Treasurer.
Miller's Bay Hotel
Overlooking Lake Okobojl.
Remodelled. New management.
Plumbing. Quiet and restfuL
Home cooking. Cottage for rent.
Write for information.
Milford, Iowa.
Li "
Lain Okobojt Milford, la.
Fourth season. Excellent cook
ing planned by domestic science
graduate. Finest beach on lake.
Quiet and restful. Rates (2.00
per day. Write for reservations
and rates by week.
AMI'S. KMr,T(i.
JULY 11-12-13-14.
l - Galeae CaJUd al SiIS
Life Rap reduction, from Merblo Cleeelca,
Memories ef 1841.
A JealMe r4er of eamadlenm wall .W.
, The eae. about ream union. aeea.letlet
"KilUd Br Whaa." with VIVIAN SUCH
made from selected wheat. d1 OT
every sack guaranteed - - - P
12 bmra Laundry Queen whit osp 28c
32-0. jm Frcib Fruit 2Se
2 8 -os. jrt Pur Strained Honey.. 23e
8 bottlei WoreeaUr Sauca. Plcklea
(ai sorted) or Prepand HoaUrd 2Sa
6 ent 14 Oil or Mustard Sardines 18c
7 lbs. tha beat bulk Laundry Starch 28c
11 -oa. csfls Snider'a Tomato Soup 7 Vic
18-oa. ana Condensed Milk. . . .7VtC
8 lbs. white or yellow Corn Meal.. 17c
I double ahecta Tanglefoot Fly Paper
for Be
Yeaat Foam, per package, Sc
Three I -lb. bags fine Table Salt.. 10c
S lb. eans Hominy, Sauer Kraut or
Baked Beana for TVc
8 ban Ivory Soap for .... 19c
8 cans Ltt Lu Scouring Powder. . . .28c
Advo Jell, tbe jell that whips, per
package 7 Vic
E. C. Corn Flakes, per package.... Be
Diamond H Blend, for Ice tea, lb.. 35c
Tba best Tea Siftinga, lb 12 Vie
Golden' Santos Co (Tee, lb. .20c
Fancy Queen Olives, bulk, quart.. 36c'
MaeLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.. 12 Vie
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk, lb. 30c
Fancy No. 1 country Creamery Butter,
per lb. 2Sc
Strictly fresh guaranteed Eggs, per
doaen 23c
The best full Cream Mew York White
. Cheese, lb 22c
Full Cream, Brick, Wisconsin. Cream
or Young America, lb 20c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
New Potatoes, 16 lbs. to the peck. 28c
6 bunches Fresh Radishes Sc
Large Cucumbers, each . .Sc and 7 Via
8 lbs, new Wax or Green Beans. .10e
8 bunches Leaf Lettuce for. ....So
Extra fancy Head Lettuce. .7Vic
4 bunches Beets Carrota or Turnips
for . Sc
Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb. 7 Vie
6 bunches Green .Onions for Be
8 large heads New Cabbage, 10c
Extra large juicy Lemons, dos.. 20a
A full line of California
Fruits and Horaegrowri
Berries at lowest market
Fresh Hsllbut, lb. 1SVi
Fresh Selmon, lb........ ISe
Fresh Pike, lb '. Itc
Fresh Trout, lb. UVie
Fresh Pickerel, lb 14c
Fresh Catfish, lb tSVic
Freah smoked WhltefUh, lb..,.17Vie
Freeh Kippered Salmon, lb. 20e
We hay. a full Im. of Salt Flab.
Street Car Service
to Speedway
For the accommodation of street
car patrons attending the automobile
races on Saturday afternoon, July 15th,
through service from 14th and Howard
streets direct to the Speedway will be
maintained. There will also be extra
service between 16th and Locust streets
.and the Speedway to take care of pas
sengers who may transfer at 16th and
Locust streets. - '
Cars to Speedway will carry signs
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
watuM jussell SOU LIW ATES
Henshaw Hotel
Coolest Spot in Omaha1
Starkoy's Serenade
Erery Afternoon
'j;;Jj. Every Evening
i H Banjo Orchestra , .
Ban. Can carta and Motion Picture, la
the Open Air Fnm.
Bethlnf, Beetmf, Daaemt, RUhi( De
vicae ejia ether AttrectleMk
Ideal Pknle Grouad.
Free Adr. lesion to Park.
IOc car fare Iron Omaha far adulta
PnrduM. raund-trip tlckeu fer alldran
eet Meaunr. car-, ISc
Fer farther rafsi sestte. plwM DnfrMfg,