THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1916. Health Hints -.-- Fashions -.-- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics Preventive Dentistry and the Dental Nurse BY WOODS HUTCHINSON, M. D., Thit the keynote of modern dent istry is prevention ia nowhere more strikingly illustrated than in the great Forsythe institute of Boston, with its 20,000 patients a year and its training school for dental nurses. Though practically a charity, in the best sense oi the much abused term, eery child who enters its doors is a pay patient, being charged a fee of 5 cents for each visit, which he hands in in person, and receives a receipt for. As Mr. Forsythe quaintly says, "He is simply buying in the cheapest market. Every child has a right to do that." But no hospital that charges $7 a day for a private room is more beauti fully and artistically designed and furnished, more superbly equipped with everything that makes for the comfort and happiness of its patients than this. From its great waiting room with books and, pictures and flowers and glittering fishes in great ?rlass aquaria to its nickel and enamel inished "one-night" surgical wards, where the little patients who require to have their adenoids or tonsils re moved or some plastic operation upon the jaws or palate are kept to sleep off their ether. Cities Waking Up. Which is significant of the change that has come over the new preventive dentistry. More than half the deformi ties of the jaws and irregularities and crowding of the teeth are due to ob structed nostrils and the mouth breathing which this condition com pels. Not "open your mouth and shut your eyes," but "open your nose and fhut your mouth," is the nursery rhyme of the orthodontists. But there is only one Boston on this side of Jordan and one Forsythe institute, and the question is, what are the rest of the cities going to. do to catch up? MostHities which have a modem tense of civic pride are making some tort of an attempt at taking care of the teeth of their school children, some 250 having new school dental clinics. For the most part this has not got much beyond the stage of ex amination and publicity, followed by lome good advice to and mild pres sure upon parents to have thejr chil dren's teeth atfendecWo. The find ings are appallingly similar all over the country; that is, they would be appalling if they hadn't already be come so familiar. Anywhere from eighty-five to 125 per 1,000 of our school children are In need pf. dental. care; or, counting each tooth, about 600 per 1,000, .. ' , Operators Too Pew. Under' these conditions, it is all very well to urge parents to do their duty by their children's teeth. But what would happen if they took the advice? The dental profession woufd be swamped inside of forty-eight hours. It is frankly admitted by all intelli gent dentists who have studied the situation that there are simply not enough dental operators to take care of more than about one-third of all children's teeth, even if every one of them worked at full speed eight hours every day six days out of a week, and neglected adults entirely. In fact, it is a sicple problem in arithmetic, there being only about one dentist to every 3,000 people in these United States, which means about one to every 700 children. Several great dental societies and committees of dental experts have been studying the problem of caring for the teeth of the great army of children, notably one appointed by the health commissioner of New York City. The latter body1 has come to the conclusion that the best practical means of meeting the situation is the establishment and training of a body of so-called dental hygiemsts, or den tal nurses, who can be given a special course of training covering about a year in dental hospitals and clinics. This will equip them to inspect and care for children's mouths, cleaning off the tartar and polishing away the rough spots' and erosions from the sur face of the teeth, which are the be ginning of decay and the formation of cavities. They can also train children in tooth brush drill, prescribe mild an tiseptics, give attention to beginning ulceration and infection of the gums and mouth, and pick out those cases which require operative treatment, accompany them to the hospital or clinic and follow them up and set that thcy get and give themselves proper after-care. Like Trained Nurses. The value of their services to the community would be simply incalcu able; they would play the same price less part in the progress of dental medicine that the trained nurse has in that of general medicine and sur gery. So far from in anyway inter fering with or usurping the place oi the dentist they would simply esta blish his professional work and stand ing in the community upon a broader and more successful basis than ever before. v It is an honor and a credit to the dental profession that the proposal for their training and employment should have come from it, even ap parently against its own selfish inter ests and for the broader welfare of the community. Their entrance into the field of public health marks a new era in preventive dentistry and in the welfare and happiness of our children. Prevents Disease. The motto of the community for its children should be the Scriptural one, "Two-Faced!" Copyright, lilt, International News Service. By JSlell Brinkley THE two-faced thing 1" A phrase that should grow green hope in a lover's breast to hear it of his dear; if the profile she had been giving him was a cold, cross thing that was like to shrivel the tender bud just struggling to blossom in his heartl "Oh, glowering maid," he should cry, "if Dan tells true and you are a two-faced crea ture, then please carry your little mirror about with you, so I may have the other side of your face, my petl Perchance it smiles on me!" -NELL BRINKLEY. "keep thy mouth with all diligence, for out of it are issues of life," and for mouth read teeth and tonsils. Not merely toothache and all its tortures and waste of food material by poor grinding, but many forms of anemia and malnutrition, chorea or St. Vitus' dance, half the disturbances of sleep and night terrors, infections of the heart, infections of the joints. gopularly known as rheumatism, right's disease, and through their in timate relation with adenoids and nasal obstruction, catarrh, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis, form the dragon's brood which will be reaped from neglect of 'the ivory keepers of the gate of life. Telephone Etiquette r. An Aid to Telephone Service THE VOICE WITH THE SMILE WINS Good telephone service Is In t large measure dependent upon the constant practice of certain well defined roles of telephone usage whioh help to improve the quality of your service. These roles may be briefly summarised as fol lows: 1. Always consult the Telephone Directory to be sure ypu call the right number. 2. If yon cannot find the desired number in the Directory, call "Information." 3. Speak clearly and distinctly directly into the transmitter. 4. Listen to the operator's repe , tition of the number and ac knowledge it. 5. When talking over the tele phone give your whole atten tion to the telephone conversa '" tion. 6 To recall the operator, move -r the receiver hook up and down very slowly, three or four Jimes, and wait for an answer. - 7. Answer your telephone promptly. It's a courtesy your telephone caller appre ciates. . 8. When you have finished talk ing, and said "Good-bye," replace the receiver on the hook. 5 Beware of the many useless at tachments to yousr telephone which are offered for sale. They cost you money and de-, grade your service. . . 10. Let the telephone reflect your personality in as pleasing a manner as though you were talking face to face. TU Vtk With tfie Smile Win. The Mosquito and the Home The breeding females of the mos quito, which are the early ones that survive from one season to another, pass the winter preferably in cellars, vaults or damp, dark shelters of any kind. Hundreds of these breeders occupy a single place of such kind, and those in our houses can be de stroyed by fumigation at house-cleaning time in the spring, before they leave their winter quarters to produce their broods. Every mosquito killed in winter or spring will diminish the number of mosquitoes in the summer by thou sands. Kill every mosquito you see about your house. If they exist in great numbers, destroy them by fum igation with sulphur or insect, pow der. The burning of most insect powders simply stupefies mosquitoes, so that they fall to the floor, and should then be collected and burned. Mosquitoes will breed as well in doors as outside. Any water left standing in clogged sinks, toilet fixture, water pitchers in the guest room, buckets, tubs, cuspidores, aquariums without fish, or in any re ceptacle capable of holding a few tea spoonfuls of water, may be used by the female mosquito as the place to deposit her eggs. It you are neglect- that you are raising your own crops of mosquitoes to pester yourself. Mosquitoes must have stilt water to breed in. The eggs require stagnant water for their development, and can not develop in any other way. A single generation of mosquitoes about your home will soon disappear un less the females can find stagnant water on or near your premises on which their eggs can be laid and de veloped, which, under the most fa vorable conditions, requires at least terrdays' time. Therefore, no stand ing water, no mosquitoes. Where it is necessary to have water standing in tanks, barrels, etc., keep them closely covered with fine wire screens; have covers of cesspools ab solutely tight, vents screened; where drainage and covering are not practicable, cover the surface of all standing water with a film of kerosene oil. An ounce of oil is sufficient to cover fifteen square feet of water. Renew oil weekly during breeding season. These facts are gleaned from the Bureau of Health of Philadelphia. I fTPtTtsiTUm Low Prices Easy Terms at L0FTIS BR0S.& CO. WPeadant r Regular Watet 11 SO Bracelet tu be detached, a. watch can be won a pendant or ae a regular watch, Fine fold filled, amall popular also, tall IS Rubjr Jeweled Nickel movement, pendant act, either white or gold dial. Guaranteed SO years. Bracelet can he ad- Justed to anr alia, as each 1 C C A Ink is detachable TEKM3I S1J A MOUTH Ready-to-Serve Summer Foods This is the season when ready-to-serve foods are in demand air- over America. "Out with the coal range," says the housewife, "the kitchen is too warm already." Easy with the gas and every other form of fuel. "We don't want heavy meals this time of the year, anyway." 1 "Let's set out something light; cool and refreshing. Let's serve it in the open air, if possible. Open-air picnics those are the things that revive the spirit in summer. Let's consult with the grocer or delicatessen. Surely they will be able to suggest, some thing!" Each year the trend is more and more toward the use of ready-to-serve foods. Housewives don't want the muss and heat necessary to the old fashioned preparation of nutritive foods. Only selected ingredients are used and every attention is given to the sanitary conditions surrounding their manufacture, packing and shipping. The meats are all United States government inspected and are pre pared by expert chefs. The very best special loaf is- pre pared from carefully selected beef and pork carvings. The flavor is care fully blended with a high-grade maca roni and cheeseThese loaf goods are nicely spiced and scientifically baked ing such conditions, the chances are r'Z'S!? u that . raiamo- vonr own crnna rvery delicious and appetizing.- May be served cold or quickly heated to serve warm. The delicious jellied products should be chilled before serving and served cold. Jellied lamb tongues, luncheon tongue, corned beef and gelatin, tripe and other delicacies can now be had from your dealer for the asking. Words of a Wise Woman By ADA PATTERSON. , She was a woman in white. Her figure was substantial yet symmetri cal. Her head was well set upon capable shoulders. Her hair was sleek and dark. She faced, with un flinching eyes, the audience that crowded the assembly room from floor to ceiling, for the wall space was given over to boxes and the boxes to eager women of inquiring, perhaps slightly critical, mind. The woman? She was Mrs. Robert Burdette. It happened at the biennial conven tion of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. It is a long name. Suppose that we shorten it to what it is. a "Discussion of Real Things by Sensible Women." The depart ment was home economics. A de partment that was well managed and whose program extended over many sessions of the big convention in New York. The theme that afternoon was "Clothes." Of course, the announced theme drew a crowd. To dress your self and family well without becom ing a bankrupt is a theme that is of universal appeal to women. Why not? It is the expression of the sense of beauty in them. A fashionable dressmaker had held the platform a large part of the after noon. She had advised that no woman should follow the styles, but that ev ery woman should express her indi viduality through her dress. The women nodded approval. The dress maker led models up on the stage, making a running commentary on the frocks they wore and which she had made. "Don't copy that frock in cheap ma terial," she warned. "You can't re produce it under its price, $600." The women looked depressed. The metropolitan dressmaker departed. Came Mrs. Robert Burdette to the edge of the platform and addressed words of wisdom to her sisters. "Don't be cast down," she coun selled. "You don't need to pay $600 for a gown to express your individual ity. I know a young girl in California who expresses her personality in ging ham and dimity. And it is an exquisite personality. "We should express by our dress our incomes. We should express our courage not to wear new modes, if they caricature us. We should ex press our dignity. Then she hurled a thunderbolt into the audience. "Strangers have limited means of judging us," she said. "It is by our clothes, our manner of wearing them. Are you willing to be judged by your clothes this afternoon?" Women shifted uneasily, vague discomfort in their faces. The more reflective the faces the greater the degree of dis comfort. Mrs. Burdette paused, cast lief eyes about the audience, tilted her detcrrriined chin upward, and said: "By our clothes we express the dignity of our characters. Let us not walk down the street with our gowns so abbreviated above and below that strangers may mistake us for the class we want our sons to avoid." Vive Mrs. Robert Burdette 1 Hail Queen Solomon I Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax You An Bight. Dear Ulss Fairfax: I have bean going with a young lady for six months, but have never been presented to her parent. I asked her about It, but got no satisfactory an swer. I love this girl. Do you think she loves me? HARRY H. If your Intentions are to marry this young; woman or even 'to continue your interest In friendship you certainly ought to meet her parents. I admire your attitude In asking to meet them, and I think the girl's attitude in refusing a foolish one. but It does' not necessarily mean that she doesn't love you. Possibly her parents are a bit old-fashioned and she ts so foolish as not to be proud of them. Or, perhaps, she feels they are not ready to have her marry or, on the other hand, that they might be Inclined to demand your Intentions and so force your hand. Introduction Is Needed. Dear Hiss Fairfax: I am anxious to meet a girl whose personality Is very at tractive. I see her every day. Would you suggest writing her a card that I would like to call at her home? INTERESTED. If your admiration la sincere I think you will be able to meet this girt through an Introduction, which Is the only proper way. Open sUUy tmtil p. sa. Saturday till 9:30 Call or write for illustrated catalog No, OS. Phone Douglas 1444 and salesman will call with any article desired. VAI-VIl THI RATIMIU jJBMAtUlle fttafcfaw 9 Meat and Sardine Sandwiches By CONSTANC&JXJUUU . Sandwiches are always popular if nicely made. They are perhaps more often used in summer than at any other period of the year. Picnickers and travelers find sandwiches the most compact and convenient way of carrying a fairly substantial meal, and they are always appreciated when served for luncheon, afternoon teas, suppers and lawn or porch parties. Take any kind of cold meat, such as beef, veal or pork and to each half-pound add six boned sardines, six chopped olives, a teaspoonfut of French capers and a tiny dust of pap rika pepper. Found these all together till smooth, then rub through a wire sieve. Cut some thin slices of bread, nutter tnem well, and spread hall x them with the prepared puree; sprinkle these over entirely with hard-boiled yolk of egg that has been rubbed through a wire sieve; place on top of this another slice of the bread and butter, press them well together and stamp, out with a plain round cutter about one and a half inches in diameter, dish up on a dish paper, on a plate or sandwich tray. Garnish here and there round the dish with olives. Other filling, such as cheese, could be used. Fruits, jams and chopped nuts also make excellent sweet sandwiches. . Tomorrow Ice cream and apple.j piaa- "if-