T THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1916. Want-Ad Rates kCASH WITH OBDEB. rr word each Ineertloo (Set olid no dteplerl) Ada Paragraphed or Set In Dieplay Style tc par Una one time to par Una thraa eonoecutlve tlmoa (Coast six worda to tha Una) s CHABGB BATES! T tine .one time r Una thraa eonaecutlva Umaa (Canst all worda to tha Una.)) Spatial Bataat Farm and Ranch Landa. t par Una ancr. Ineertlon (Count all worda to tha Una.)) rORElON ADVERTIS1KO UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS. to par word.... ..ona tima IHa par word." thraa conaacutlvn tlmaa I1T hlrb atandard of quality will ba main- talnad; 4 quarta or Old jrontenallo wnieK, 11.31; bottlad In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouoe. Done 111. 111-131 N. 1 5th Si te I le ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, 'l aineenin na iwuiu. Bottled In boot whisky, 16c. 11.00, 11.16 full quart, GENUINE California wine vinegar, white or red; quart bottles, SO cents; gallon, 60 ctnU. Imported ollv oil, 76 cent par quart. Caekley Broa. Phon Dour 406. FOR SALE A dray wagon In good condi tion; will Mil cheap. JaitoD my, Heoron, Neb. NO AD TAKEN FOR THAN A TOTAL OF 20e OR LESS THAN lOt PER DAY. BROWN reed baby cab, In good condition. Phone Cnlfax 124. WANTED TO BUY CAID OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL. NOTICES. Ida par Una . each Inaartlon (Hlnlmom chart. 10 cental Moi ally Rau fur atandlnf ada ne "jange of oopy) " ,0 Der Un (Count alz worda to tha Una.) (Contraot rataa on application.) TH BEB will no bo raaponalbla for mora thaa ona Incorrect Inaartlon of an adver tlaement ordarad for mora than ona lime. ADVERTISERS ahould rataln recelpta given by Tha Boa In payment for Want Ada. aa no raletako can ba recllfled without tham. USB THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con T.nlantly brim or aend In your ada , Aak for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive tha aama food aarvloa aa when de livering your ad at tha office. PHONE TTLER 100.. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS w MORNING EDITIONS ' WANTED High olaao aurvayor'a tranalt an Inatrumant that la dealgned lor fan oral land eurveymg aa wall aa drainage work. Price muet ba right. Addreae T 861, Bee. , WANTED TO BUT Having ranted a build ing on track for our office ana warenouee we will want to buy aome glaaa partition Phone Baaket store, urnce. Tyler ate. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deake. uaed deeka, bought, eold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. CALL Red 4oe The big buyera of furni ture; noimng too Dig nor 100 amau. we pay all It'a worth HOI California St. Hlifheat price paid for Id-hand cmthea. ahoea, trunka. eultceaee. D. llll or D. 1013. HOLM US paya your price for fd-hand DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. CLINE Mra. Oenlveve, age H feara, wife af W. S. Cllno. Hit S. JOth St Funeral from the realdence Monday I p. an. Burial Foreat Lawn. CARD OP THANKS. WB wleh to thank our many frlenda and neighbor.. Dlvlalon 111. a of L. C alao Ladlea' auxiliary, B. of L. C for their klndneaa and aympathy after tha d.ath af our eon. Joeeph. (Signed), C. H. CaUler. . DR. ELEANOR DAILEY, 123 World-Herald Bldg. Telephone Tyler 1014. omitted from book. Realdence 'phone Florence 111. Monuments tnd Cemeteries BEAUTIFUL markera, tableu and croeeea for unmarked gravel, pure write cement III to lt.lv. Write for olrculer. Seeaam piaa 141 Brandeta Bldg., Omaha. Phono bougie, nil. Redman Grave Marker Co. Beumoleter Monument Worke. mauaoleunsa, aU klnda markera. llth and Charlea. Bakeries. CAKES.' paalry and fancy bakery gooda. aupplled to partita, loagae ana entertain menle. Z. H. Boeder. 1606 N. nth. W. HIT. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants. Art Combination ahlpped every where. Bacellent aarvlca to our euatom era In paat yeara recommenda HESB SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St. Doug. 1101. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of treeh flowara, delivered or ahlpped anywhere. L. HEN DERSON. 111! Farnam St. PARKER Flower Shop, 411 lllh. D. HOI. A. DONAGHUB. 1I33 Harney. Doug. 1001. . BATH, norlat, 1104 Farnam It D. 1000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS lr TOU loaa anything and will advertise It ban, yon will auraly recover It 1C found by an bonaat person. Bemarkabl ra eovenea ara brougbt about vry s y through thie oolumn. THB LAW People Who find , lost arUclaa ara Interested In knowing that tba atata law, I atrlot In requiring tbara ' to aaak tha ownor through advertisement and otherwise ana tut a lauur w . so. If aama cm ba proven. Involve vara penalty. ' OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS BTRH.Bt RAILWAY COM PANT. PtrMM ha vine loat aoma article would do wall to call up tha offtoa of tba ; nimahak a Council Btuffi Btraat Hallway company to aaoertatn what bar tbay loft It In tbo otraot cara. Many article aacb flay aro turnod la ; and tbo company to anxloua to ro Mora than to tbo rlghtiul ownara, CaU Tylar 100. LOST Small black puna oontalnlng ikayi , and two flftv-eent nlacea. finder welcome to money, but pltaao return key to Be on-tee. IJ-iST Frldav avanlna. IT. 10 In black pock. etboek: five-dollar gold piece and I MO hi atlvoT. ToL Harney JI44 Rf' C68T A Boeton brlndlPfemiile dog, with . white braaat. neck and pawn; nae pupa. Call South 1611 and receive reward. EoST 5rie aolden aUbla male oolite 4oa, full white collar and four while feat Phone Walnut MO. Reward. FOR SAlXMiaxciUneota Fnrnitura and H owe hold uooda. nw aha pillow CO. Fait and hair mat treat. ea made over la new llcke at bait - the prloe of now onea. Phone ua for - aainpia 01 tlCKing. 4nan oruera nuav, iwi Cuming BU Dougiaa it. FOR SAL Br Patented Ironing board, neat and well built; will laet a lifetime. Phone ua for particular. Doug. eiie. 01 10 B boxaa, 16 gai atovea, 100 ruga of all klnda: poultry wire And netting, upon tin p. m. iaiv n. ain mu Pianos and Musical Instruments. LEAVING lty, fine piano cheap. 4601 Parker. Walnut ilTI. PIANO for aale. In ftna eeudHlon. Call Col Store and Office Fixtures. DK8K8. eafea, acalea, ihowcuea, ehelvtng, ate. We buy. aell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 014-10-11 ft l.th. Doug. ITS4. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR BALK -BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1120; aacond-nana labiea at re duced pricea, bowling alleye and euppllaa; v-v aaay paymenta. Cigar atora, drug, dell eateaien and coda fountain nut urea, THB BRUNSWICK. BALKK-COLLUNOKR CO. 407-401 South lOtb St Jewelry, Diamonds and Watchea. BRODBOAARD'S "lucky wedding rlnga" at lotn ana iougiae eta. Typewriters and Supplies, HRW machlnea aold the aame aa rent II ter month. Be ua before you buy rent. Shipped any place on ten day fro trial. Butt Typewriter Bichaoce, 110 S. lita, omana.wea.i TIPKWRJTKR8 aold. rented and aaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter. ! month for $0. Central Typewriter Bz- v cliangf. .1000 Farnam. BBM1NOTONS, Monarch and Smith rremier ror rem; cam anywnara. item- Ington Typewriter Company, u. 1114. BARGAINS In uaed typewriter,' rlbbona U doaen; carbon, 1 a boa. Midland Co Stl ua 010 NEW typewriter for aale cheap. Phone Web' iter 34ii. Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines Wo rent, repair, oell needle and part ok au aewing mar nine. . MICKKL'S ' HEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney Sta. Doug. 100S. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. IBXPKKT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. . LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS lio-io a. litn dl omaba. J'OR SALE Rumley threshing machine. 15-10 oil pull engine, 10-41 aepmrator; run ' S year: In good condition. Addreae Fred T. cottier, R. r. v., roreet t;ity, mo. BOILERS.1 ateam." Sleclrlo, (aa enaineeT pi pee. Pro Wrecking Co., lll Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. GET our price on Job printing. 7 CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. U. S. PfO. CO.. BEE BLDO. DOVO. 11TI COMMERCIAL Puplloatlng Co., aleo publlf Staato. Phone for prioeo ee raxton Bin. Doug Lea jetfL WATERS-BARNH ART Ptf. Co., quality , prmiing. rei. u ug. inc. m a. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. To be renovM. house In rear f ISIS Pavenport St Can be bought cheap. . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Ilisf Farnam at. ' Uouglai LOOtV FOR SALE MiscelUneous Miscellaneous. IF you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run it tn tnie column ior even day It only coat 26c and So per answer. This offer I good only In Omaha, and exclude Real Eat ate, caab offer, and Buslnes Properties For Bale or Trade Theae. aa well aa mall order foe no of Swapper' -Column must pay regular rate. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trad and the whole transaction only coat about SOc. Try It 10 ACRES good unimproved land, located SO mile from Bt Louis great maraat, miles from Ironton, Mo.; beautiful eoua try; excellent garden aoll; spring water; worth I0 per acre. W1U oell for lit or trad for Omaha real eetete, auto. Al motor cycle, piano, merchandise, Owner, J 257 Be FORD roadster, for trade, 1010 body, A-l condition; new tires, presto tank, nana horn, detachable delivery; box for rear. Addreae 8. C. 1SS. Bee. NUMISMATIST'S COLLECTION Rare old coins, California gold halve and quaORera, Weaning ton coin, ancient Romaiw and Oreek coins, flying eagle cent, larg cent and many others. What have yoir ao- re n. C. 171, Be. t DINO MACHINE Burroughe Adding Ma- chine In first claa condition; will ex- chang for Underwood typewriter, good book, pictures, or, what have you? Ad dress 0. C. 100, Be. NEW 6 -room modern house tn Benson; three block from car line; for sale or trade; grocery stock preferred. Owner, 8. Stern berg, 112 Broadway, Co. Bluff, la. ADDING MACHINE First claa Burrough' Adding Machine, used very little, will x chan g for Underwood typewriter, good picture, books, or what hav you? Ad dress S. C. 160, Bee. Moth, nho-m end hat. Web 1J10, ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCATED IN THB BEB BUILDINO. THE BUILDINO THAT IS Al.WAVS NEW." IS EVER A SAFE AND DESIRABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. OFRAPHOPHONE and 100 record!, eewlng machine and gaaollno range to trade lor braee bad and aprtnga, or, what have youl Addreee S. C. 171. Bee WANTED To iwep good building lot north or Krug para for -peaeanger rora in good condition. Addreae "A,"v Omaha Dally Bee, So. Omaha, Neb. HAVE flneT-l karat" diamond not In Tif fany mounting, value 111!', will trace ror oek piano. Addreee S. C.-1TI, Bee. FINE SUITE of THREE ROOMS , fine for LAWYERS. REAL ESTATB or INSURANCE. The Bp. Building Co., Office Room 101. WANTED To awap dlamonde for Ford car In good condition, value 9ZI0; will allow inepeotlon of any Jeweler; require, demonatratlon of ear. Addreaa 8. C. 141, Bra. FIRST-CLASS Eb braaa baa. for .ale cheap, or what have you to trader wouia like 1A Eastman kodak. Addreaa T 411. Be.. - FOR SALE or trade l-room cottage, will conelder i-paaaenger auti aa flrat payment. Addreee Bee 101. BRODP.UA A RD'S "Lucky Wedding Rlnga" at 10th and Dougiaa sta. LIVE outdoor.. T. M. C, A. Outing Park HAVE email printing preea and about 100 iettero; will print nueineea aaraa, letter heade, eto. What hav. you to trade? Ad dreee 8. C. 174. Bee. WANT to trade fine violin, coat III, for Vlctrola, or aa part payment on good piano or will aell for 171 oaah. S. C. 101, Bee. BEAUTIFUL canary blrl, lovely alnger, I month, old; will awap for cnlckena. AO- dreea B. C. 147, Omaha Bee. Accountants. B. A. -DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. Ill Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. Fo"T exchange, gae range for gaa water neater; aieo motorcycle iur .mui. , dreea 8. C. 141, Omaha, Bee. . Advarfiainff Novelties.' H. F. Shafer CO.. Uth-Farntm, D. 7474. CORRESPONDENCE arhool eourae In arith metic and algebra;, will trade tor anytning worth half Ita coat. Addreaa S. C. 171, Bee. Artists. ARTISTS work for tha trad., coloring, air- bruehlng; hlgh-claea work, an ranon. . Brass and Iron Foundries. Paitoh-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Sta FOR EXCHANOE Delivery horao, harn.ee and good apring wagon for good aafa ana deck. Addreaa S. C. 171, Bee! Baths. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H. LaRoll, 701 Boutn lain Ol. ; vapor bathe, Swedleh maaaage taught every Fri day for men and women. Lady attendant for ladlee. Phono Dougiaa 7041. ' DR. I1ENDA Sulphur, ateam. Modem TurHlih BATHS AND MABSAUH. fnvate apartment, for ladlea with lady attend ant! 111! Farnam. Phone Doug 1177 NEW National Caah Regleter to trade for office furniture or law hooka. Addreaa C 177. Bee. 4-BLADE oelllng fan, In good condition, for wall or atand fan. Addreae o. c. laa, nee. R1TTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all klnda bathe. I10-I14 Balrd Blk 171hana pougiea. WILL TRADE new Elgin watch for eleotrlo fan. Tel. South 1141. BUSINESS CHANCES Cameras and Finishing. REXOETB" camera.. IHilK. 11.00; .(snl veraal focua lane). Oreen'a Pharmacy llth and Howard. See them today fhlronractlc. CHIROPRACTIC COMI11NED WITH SUL PHUR STEAM BATHS. Tna only cniro practle aanltartum In the atata; lady and .nll.m.n doclora In attendance. 1-1 Ot- ' .wa Rlrfv . 94th and Farnam. Doug. 7111. DR. KNnl.l.ENBKRO A DR. MACNAMARA Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna, full dreea eulta. for rent. 101 N. nth. jonn raiqroan. Buttons and Pleating. . untuaB pi.aiuia. .m..iv."o , ared button., van arum ureaa s-iw-Ing and Button Co.. Id floor Feiton Blk. Poug. 1101. Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and cement work of all klnda 1111 canting. Harney eaa. Leaaard A Son, H0 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1H. C W. Hokanaon. 1601 Leaven'th. Ty. 111! J. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, DR BURHOKN moaorn eamiery cniro- practlo adjuetlng parlora, 414-ib noao mag. V. raimer hb. area, i lauy wiw.... Dr. 1. O. Lawrence, t Balrd Bldg. P. 41. Dancinf Academies. DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. llth St Detectives. PHIL WINCKLBR. Ktpert; low rataa. 1711 Dewey Harney 1101. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Bvl dance aacured In all caaaa. Tyior iae. Dressmaking. ACCORDION. Side. Knife. Boi Pleating. Cov. Buttona, H.maiitcning. n.o. rieating el Button Co.. 411-a raxton tfia. n. av.i, FIRST-CLASS work on aumrner dreeaea and Ilk ahlrta; everything guar, u. 1.71 Keliter'a Uraaamaklng Col.. ItltClty Nat'l. ferry Dreeemak g college. 10th and Farnam. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury, No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rma., 101 Roae Bldg. D. Ilea. Electrolysis EXPERT operator, at home; reaa. charge. 101 S. lath Ave, uoug. taaa. Everything ior Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburat, kol pleatlnst covered outtona; an iaea ana etylaa; hematltohlng, plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cordlns, eyelet out work, buttonbolee, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEAT1NO CO. 100 Dougiaa Blk. Dougiaa 1111. LADlEal You can alwaye And ready-made clotbea at Mra. Konertaon a, aan iae St. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Eapreaa Co., 1011 Caaa St. Dougiaa 1717. Heavy hauling a apeclalty. MYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures sd Wiring. HTTDTTM Blectrto washing maohlnea, UUiVA.il1 eleotrlo Iron and reading lamp, mi Cuming at. uougia 11. Furncces snd Tinwsrs. ROOFING, furnace and general tinwork. S. Abrama, 1000 N, letn Bt. wen. till. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Heir Parlor. S01 Balrd Bldg. curing, toilet article. Doug. QUO. 1 Hand Lsundrv. CALL DOUGLAS 4010 and hav your laun dry don right ana reasonaoio. Hst Clcsnina and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all klnda hats, cleaned and reblouked lltC-1010 Harney Bt. ' Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN. &U Be. Doug. 4011. Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 011 Paxton Blk. Bod 7401 Notary public; deposition tno. C. W. BKITT. 101 Barber Block. Office and Store' Fixtures. K. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut HO, , Patent Attorney. H. A BTUR0B8. ISO Brandela Thee, t. 1411. Painting and Papering. OMAHA Pane Co.. Tit & ISta. Doug. IT 10. 1 ROOM, paper and hanging. Web. 1M1. , Pianos ior Rent It 80 Per Mo. A Hoape Co., 1111 Dougiaa. Scale Repairing. . On. Standard Seal Co., n ft. lit a. . Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN , QUICKLT AND THOROUGHLY WITH BCLIPSB BLBXTRIC; RENT II AND 11.00 fSn DAT. DOUGLAS 1T0O. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 10? S. Uth. p. III. Wedding Sutlonery. WBDDINO announcement and printing. Dougiaa printing Co. Tel. Uoug fte. Wines and liquors. BUT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor ' jiou, ozi a. titn. uoug la lie, N. Jt SWAPPEaRS COLUMN FARM HANDS. CORN PLOW" "9. etc., fur- nlabed free to farmer, write, wire or telephone, Swoaney and Dillon' Nebraska Employment agency. 1120 Dod BL 9 ma ha, Neb. Douglas 7000 T0UNG man 16 yeara old,' wants a Job; ha worked In country store and bank; good at figure and writing; apeaka German. Address George Beck man. 081 Bee Bldg. OAS traction engineer desire position, ex perienced. Handle any make. J9. B. Drown, Bos. 11, Seward, Neb. FILMS DEVELOPED FRES) when print are ordered. Enlargement rrom any neg ative. Kaae Studio, 10th and Harney. L1TTLB ad In thl column will bring about some remarkable eichange. IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. Space now available tn aa. osoeptlonally good location for a bualneaa where. only a small Investment Is needed. Peraonal Attention and efficient service will spell a big auccesa. I No other Smiiha newspaper la showmg an yw bare near the prog rose la Ita Want Ad aa THB BEB. 10.101 MORE PAID ADS In th flrat Ave month of lilt than In th aama period of 1111. FOR SALE Paying lumber and coal bual neaa in northeast Nebraska town ; line yaro competition. Will .wilder good quar ter section of eaatern Nebraska or went ern Iowa land, at actual caeh value. Ad dreaa Y-414. Bee. FOR BALE .-table pool ball and soda fountain, good town, doing excellent bual neaa. sallina on account of other bualneaa; muet go at one. A snap. Will glv good term. Address Y 480, Be. J OARAGE business for sale, having) no com- petition, tn county seat; good reason for ailing; pric reaaonaoie. wily .uarag. Lyndon, Kan. . FOR SALE Complete high grade movie outfit for email town. A bargain, Addreaa Bo 0, Ohiowa. Neb. FOR SALE In southern California, only dally newspaper in community el ii, population ; Job plant tn connection owner retiring. P. O. Box 1001. Loa An geles, Cal. 6C, 10c and 15c atore, doing good business, located In county seat town or 1,000, in north central Kansas: will sell at a bar gain If taken at one. Addreaa Lock Boa 11. Washington. Kan. , BOTTLING WORKS In northwest Iowa. town of 1,000, two railroads; not all oaah required; good reason for selling. , Ad' draa Y-470, Be. v FOR SALE l-chalr barber ohop, 10-table povl hall, counter, show cases, eto. wm sell the buslnes or the table and fix ture separata. O. A. , band. HOT Far nam St. ICR cream parlor and confectionery; a first claa place; making good money; in live town and only one of its kind her. Write C. W. Brooks, Valley Falls. Kan. WILLIAMS, established II years. To buy o ell bualneaa see him. 411 Mocaguo Bids Reference U. B. Nat'l Sana. FOR SALE l-chalr barber ahop. 10-table pool hall; counter, show case, eto, will ell th business or th table ana nx- turee separate. 0. A. Lang, HOT Farnam. NICE grocery store In good location, cheap. Carlisle, Doug. 110. 4 first Nat k. Bldg. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machlnea, repairs, auppiieg, accessories. new and aacond-hand. Be ua. 1 OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 1110. FOR SALE One of the oldeet grocery and meat market in the city; doing 4,eoo cask business par month; must be eold al one; reaaon ior telling, other bualneaa. ill Doug. Phon Doug. 1410. SITUATIONS WANTED Hale. WANTED Good glr! for general house work; keep a secona gin. mi. -Sunderland. Falracrea. Phon Wat. 102- WANTED Competent girl for general housework in family or 1, oeai .-.. German preferred. Call Harney 1410. WANTED Competent girl for Senerai housework, 1 In family; gooa wage. ! at once, coirax 10 bp, WANTED By young man, 10, work at barber trade; have bad six months' ex perience; small town preferred. V. Glenn, Sill 8. llth St., S. Omaha. WANTED A competent girl for general housewora; no was runs. i Phone Harney WAITED Competent second girl. Apply Mr. F. A. Brogan, eois auavenporu nut 2171. JAPANESE competent cook wants pool t Ion In a family. Write K. Hama, 4800 S. 17th Bt, 80. Omaha. . COLORED girl for general houaework; to 1 fasti t ir at a 1 Harnev 4040. BOOKKEEPER, It years' experience, coun try and city bank and of nee, desires permanent connection, country bank or good firm. Addreaa Q 171. Bee. IRL to assist In general houaework. 0111 a ..w aa uia. Dhah Hnilth llttll. WHITE girl or woman for general house .... in mllv Phone Red 2060. WANTED Position as pharmacist. Regis tered tn Nebraska. Best of reference. H. F. Manning. Merna. Nej MiscelUneous. WANTED Girl for general houaework, nl.l- -nnWInar fall HarnV 041ft. COMPETENT girl for general houaework; CONTRACTORS Contractor attention. We furnish ail k'nd of mecnaniu ana ianor ere free of oh.; .;. Reaponslbla for all transport tlor.. Writ, wire or telephone, Sweeney and DllloDfa Nebraska Employ reent Agency, 1110 Dodge Bt. Dougiaa ?00l. GOOD wagee for a girl for general house work, walnut izbj. j PIANO tuning. Chas L. Fish. Wa ODD Job and Janitor work by th day or month, expenenceo la an line or worn; can furnish beet af reference. Telephone Harney 4710. EXPERIENCED man would Ilk general house cleaning, lawn mower work; guar anteed. .Phone Douglas SS4I. COMMERCIAL 'Somchers for High school positions. waaarq i-ncnnrs, n. j. ciit-i. rOUNG married man, good habits, wishes position- as chauffeur in private family. Does repair work. Harney 1060. Man would like Janitor and porter work. Call Harney 2641. POSITION aa "gentleman nurse, exp. D. 6697. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1010 Davenport St. Dougiaa life. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads' 1 lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary public, SOT Bee -Bldg. Doug. 1101. Reaa. rate. EXPERIENCED colored woman want posi tion as chambermaid In hotel or bachelor' quarter. Web. 1474. POSITION by experienced colored girl aa housekeeper; go home nights. Webster leie. WANTED A position as an experienced laundress. T" moug. stio. auouise waaon. POSITION wanted by competent lady as housekeeper, city or small town. Ty. 7. YOUNG lady would like a position housekeeper, Phone Dougiaa 1060. WANTED Position as cook boarding house. Doug. 1200. In private Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED German laundress wants Mondays and Tuesday. Phone Webster 0224. PERFECT washing, day or bundle, guaran teed, otnciiy aepcnaaoie. w easier aist. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS Our system Joins old country thoroughness with Amer ican upto-datoneaa. 1611 Dodge. WASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; work g-uar. wen. htj. WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar anteed. Telephones H. ieii and M. oi. BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; best of work. web. 1401. DAY work by reliable colored woman, c win do chamber work, weoster i7ss. Chambermaid work, experienced, anything considered; H days or whole. Ty. nei. WANTED Day work by neat, experienced colored woman.1 Phone Webster 11 01, BUNDLE washing, plec work, lace cm tain! work guaranteed. Webater I860. WANTED Day woman. Call work by experienced Webster 1007. B'dle wash, call, del.; guar. Mr. But H 1884 EXP, woman want day work. Web. 1062. EXP, bundle washing A daywork. P. 7056. White laundress, dinners prepared. Web. 8862 Experienced woman, day work. Web. 2004. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Web. 4101. EXP. colored girl, bundle, wash. R. 2711. DAY work and bundle washing. Doug. 4008, DAY WORK. Call mornlnr. Wsbster 1112. DAY work and bundle w ashing. D. 4007. DAY work; call morning. Webater 1111. WASHING and lac curtains done. Ty.1144. COLORED woman want day work.' W, 2421. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Good shoemaker, capable it' run" nlng Fleming stitcher and finisher tsady Job for light man; no boosers; tat salary expected. Schaekel Shoe Co., Beatrice, Neb. FARM hands, corn plowera. etc.. furnished free to farmers. Write, wire or tele phone. Sweeney 41 Dillon Nebraska Em ployment agency, 1120 Dodge BL, Omaha. Neb. Douglas 7006. WANTED Machine shop foreman by firm just starting to manufacture farm trao tors; moderate salary to start; excellent opportunity for th right man; glv age, complete experience ana salary expected. Address A sol, i. r BEE US FOR DRUO -OBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Tear. 1016-10 City National. MACHINISTS wanted; competent men for lathe, planer and borint mill work. Ad dreaa S 100, Bee. 10 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; 1 par day. room ana noara. neo. smpioy- men i Agency, 1110 uoage. if EN wanted to unload coal. Apply Sunder land Brothers Company, 42d and Ixard or 14th and Taylor. WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty. Wire Journal, Gordon. Neb. WANTED All-around blacksmith at once. F. C. Book, Blue Hill, Nebraska. Drug store an aps. Job. Knelt. Be Bldg. Trade School MEN Why not learn th barber trad Lighter, cleaner and easier than most lines or worn. More Daroers neeaea now great est demand ever known. Good- guarantee. tip1 and over-money. Can own ahop on mall capital or travel. Our free illustrated ' catalogue explain how w teach the trade in a -few week. Special summer rat. Write today. Moler Barber college. 110 S. 14th Bt. Omaha, Neb. (Est. 1803.) GOOD MEN WANTED. to learn aut work for tbo bla apring rush. Fin training work oa auto and, electric atarxing systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 1061 Farnam. Omaha. Nab. LEARN -barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Set of tool Included. Job guaranteed. CaU or write tor catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. FIVE position now open for young men of ability and integrity, with from t.OQ up, In general merchandise buslnea. Addraa M 293. Bee. FOR SALE Oood, clean atoek of bard- war; My tewa central Nebraska. Oood reaaon for aolllnf. Bo quick. . Addreaa Y, 107, Beo. WANTED Half Intereit la established 'boarding house In Omaha. Addraa F 401, Bee. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha; have closed out mora mdse. stock than any other firm In U. ft Writ for terma. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargain, supplies. Omaha rum gxenange. in a. litn s. FOR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling and etock; oqnara deal. Addraa owner. 111 Weat 0th Awe., Denver, Colo. fO GET tn or out of business, call on GANGESTADaMIl Bee Bldg. Doug. I4TT. a tT8T WITH Hi Tyler 147. FOR QUICK RESULTS. 411 ROM Hid. TO BELL of buy a business call en Buach Borgheff. 710 World-Herald Bldg. , POOL ROOM Nine new table. y term. 1220 Farnam Bt. SITUATIONS WANTED WBCKLT ItATB, lie MR UN. Oar work ar suaUeea a4a regulat rata. I llnaa ana weak iae S Ilaea aaa weak .....Ma Baca aatr Uaa lie ear week. Male. BY middle aged whit man with general commercial experience In establishment - where one ran start at bottom and work - un to Hlramin position. Steady, sober. honest and reliable. Rwterenoa. F. IIT, Be HIGH school and business college gradu ate ka position a Aaa't bookkeeper or fur office work. Address Q-jao Be. MEN wanted to learn tha barber trade. Tuition 111. 1001 Cass sr.. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. . Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNTED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under ag of 16; -cltlsen of United State of good character ana temperate namita. who can sneak, read, and write the Ena- llsh' language For Information apply to Recruiting Offler. Array Bldg., 16th and Dodge Bta. Omaha. Neb.; 110 N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb.; sit 4tn b., bioux city, lowa; 197 tn Ave., uea jaoine. iowa. W ANTED Young men a railway mall clerk, 176.00 month. Sample examination questions free, Franklin institute. Dept. J :i r, Rochester. N. I. WANTED An experienced farm hand for work on my farm near Arlington. 164 Exchange Bldg., soutn omana. Call 10 HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; II per day, room and board. Neb. Employ ment Agency ie uoage MEN wanted to enlist la Signal Corps at one; report at uncoin, : LABORERS wanted; Sltk and Q Sta., South Omaha. - HELP WANTED FEMALE Trade Schools. OIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm parlors, at IIP City National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girl in Sat work dept. Apply Evan Model Laundry, llth and Doug I a. Household and Domestic. WANTED A cook and housemaid In prt vat home; amall family, living In amall elty In central Iowa on main line of Northwestern railroad; an excellent po sition and horn for tha right persons good reference requlrvw. Addraa T-471, Bee. FIRST-CLASS girt for general housework good wsgea; amall family girls; room lrg witn bath; city reference. Mr. Bpanc. 111! Burt, - Phon Walnut 1417, HELP WANTEDFEMALE Househojd snd Domestic. FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED light houaekeeping and sleep ing rooms. 2216 Howarc 1 OR 4 room furnished or unfurnished. Phon Colfax 1066. 1 111! 8. 20th, 6-r. B., 4.50; l-r. $2. H. 1488. Board and Rooms. EVERYTHING NEW. Desirable, cool rooms, with excellent board; special summer rates, 2614 Leavenworth. GOOD SUMMER ROOM. Extra large, eaat and south xpoaur; board if deaired; reasonable; close In. Tyler 7B8-W. NICELY furnished room with 0 windows; walking distance; for I young ladlea. Red 7893. WANTED Young man aa boarder. 1607 Cuming Bt. Tyler 2S80-W. Unfurnished Rooms. I BASEMENT rooms, 10. port St. Rooms Wanted. WANTED -Competent cook and econd maid. 4041 Dodge Bt. WANTED One or two room with bath or privilege of bath and good board in pri vate family in West Farnam atreet dis trict, or Dundee, for man and wife and child. Good reference. Room 222 Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. BO TLBS COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL, very day 1 enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand. Stenotype, Typewriting. Telegranhy, Clvtl Service all Commercial and English branchea. Catalogue free, SOCLES COLLEGE, llth and Harney Bta. TeL Dougiaa 111. ST. CLAIR. 2th and Harney, l-room fur nished apt. Call Harney .. VAN SANT SCHOOL of Business, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. ENTRANCE 220 D. 5890. 2106 CUMING St., 2 rooms, modern ex cept neai; privaio uam, b- j.hiw ". 111.00 per month. - EARN big money; be a photographer: eaay to learn; complete course, i.e. nmory School of Photography, Oil N. llth St Phone Tyler 141. ON FLORENCE Blvd., eat front. rooms and full basement; modern out eieciricuy, only 127.60 per mo. O. A. Swenson, Wal nut 2402. ' . Musical. HARP Bummer term offer to students be ginning April II. Harp fumlahed. loo Lyrio Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. I-ROOM house, all modern, 46th and Deca tur St. Phone walnut 7-ROOM modern House, large, shady yard. 6215 North 24th. Colfax I33t). FOR RENT Six-room house. Phone Web ster 1204. PERSONAL V PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R. Tarry euros plica, fistula and ether rectal dlaaaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for. book on ro tal diseases with testimontala. DR. B. R. TARRY. 140 Boo Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 6-ROOM modern house, walking distance. 4-ROOM cottage, gas and water, 112. Phone namey nwo. INSURANCE that Tnsurea Is the right ol flee location In the best building, easy of access and where service 1 good. THB BBS BUILDING Insures JusT-these thing to all It tenant. A suit of room Just right for an Insur ance buslnes 1 available now. Office Room 101. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strang ers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at . 17th St. and Bt Mary' Ave. Where they wilt be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at th Union Btatlon. M. BRUQMAN. D. M. F., massage and steam bath, - electric and radio light treatment I have alio Installed the Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reducing atout people. Rm. 102 Karbach Bldg. Phone Red 2717. THB SalvaUon Army Xnduetrlal home so licit your old clothing, furnitur. maga ine. W collect W distribute. Phon Doug. 4111 and our waaon will call. Call and inspect our now homo. 1110-11111114 Dodge Bt y- STAPLE A SHAFFER, maaaeuaea and acalp polallta; graduate rroL Thnell's school; Swedish maaaage, scalp and hair. 0 a. m. to I p, m. D. 711. 401 War Blk. P T T BT T TP T?SnccefQlly treated with AUriUXViut a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bee Bldg. , RITTENHOUSB Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; masaagf ana cniropoay. 2io-.it Balrd Bin., tun ana uougias. v. aeng, CORSETS tmade to order. Price I,I0 to 9o. oo. Hxpen niung. rtu-oon tjornai Shop. Brand! Thea. Lobby. D. 4211. OMAHA'S e'jperb hair dressing and treat ment parlors; price very reasonable. Indu Kosmetic anop. iis-ic nose mag. LU ELLA WEBSTER, "maaseUM," 611 Pax- ton pi., iv a. RETIRING ; NURSE will car for Invalid In her own home, best of car, wen. zo. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. HOT Farnam Bt., Room wo. 8. SCIENTIFIC manage, 120 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug la 0171. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 1, Dartdg Bin. rnon poug. .ei. BATH "and masaiage. 1321 Farnam St., Id floor. DR. Frances Dawson. 101-1 Rose Bg. Ty.230. FOR legal advice call Dougiaa 1621. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I tf you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads, oall at Th Be office for a Room List give complete detailed description of va cant room In all parts of the city. , If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept.. and give your name and addreaa, and a Hat will -b mailed to you at once. New liate ara Issued vry week. HOTEL 8 AN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. llth and F-rnam. - 20th and Farnam. Special rate to permanent guest. 1701 FARNAM 2 largs, cool, south front rooms, very daalrabl for aumrner. Call Harney 2001. , FURNISHED ROOMS . FOR MEN ONLY. 101 NORTH 17th ST. PLEASANT room In strictly modern horn; best dotation, on car line. 1118 Park Ave. COOL room for gentleman, large lawn, ten nis court, board optional. Harney 1060. A single room, modern, private family, re' sonable, to lady employed. 006 N. 17th. 1211 LEAVENWORTH, 11.80 and 1. two unfurnished and two furnished rooms. 1811 JACKSON St. Two nice cool sleeping rooms, with porch. Harney ioob, NICELY furnished room, eloae la; all i era. Ill 8. ltd St Housekeeping Rooms. DODGE. 1001 Large front room, on first floor, with kitchenette; also sleeping room. Harney 4060. 101 NORTH I Id Bt Four-room apartment. or will rent aa suites. 1024 BURT On light houaekeeping room on bath room floor for rent reasonable. Phone Dougiaa 1440.' - - ST. MART'S. 2007 Cool, clean, nlcaly fur- nehed room, walking distance, reasonable. DOUGLAS, 1111 Nicely furnished room for light houaekeeping; reasonable rent. 2201 DOUGLAS ST. Furnished rooms for light houaekeeping and aittplng. 111 Bo. 24tb Av. On suit of room for light houaekeeping. Red i860. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE-BEE WANT AD DEFI'. ana nna out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It' a plan that 1 helping many people rent'' their rooms n FOR RENT FURNISHED Ap.rtment- and House Apartments. FURNISHED. 4PLENltb. NblW TRAVEKTOiN FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of reflsed tastea Apartment la completely equipped fet houaekeeping; up to date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 0880. 706 Omaha NatL Bank. Or Call Web. 48-0, FOR RENT HOUSES West. North. 1613 SEWARD t-rm. cottage, partly mod em, 112.60. Phone walnut zan. 1610 GRANT ST. 7 -r. cofn., modern. $21. T. F Hail 4 Hsmae man o mu South NEW l-room bunxalow. all on on floor strictly modern, with garage; 430. ittin Ave. and fierce si. tiea isei. Miscellaneous. $16.00 Flve-R. cottage, 2304 Franklin. 116.00 Blx-K. cottage, ziut Ohio. 118.00 Flve-R., 2207 Maple. 120.00 Slx-R., modern, 1807 Lothrop. 130.00 7-R., modern; 23d and Hamilton. $27.60 l-R.. mod. brick, oak finish, new. 2228 Emmet, nice place, gas range; linoleum on floor In kitchen and bath room. - W. if. GA' 047 Omaha Katlpnal Bank Bldg. Douglas 1204; Webster 1888. r In k TES, 112.60-M-room, modern except heat, 2226 n. zotn at. $27.10 l-room, mod., 2630 Davenport St. H. A. WOLF, Doug. 1008. 614 Ware Block. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH, SONS A CO., 608 BEE BLDG., DOUG. 200. NINE-ROOM house, reception hall and bath,: up-to-date. 621 M. 20th Bt. Har ney 123. 828 R. 29th, garage, 7 rooms ......$36.00 001 North 23d. modern. 7 rooms ... 27.60 108 Si 41st modern, 7 rooms 28.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. FOR RENT Apts and Flats West. APARTMENTS WITH GARAGES. Flv roooma, strictly1 modern, ateam heat, lanltor service, oak floors and fin ish; in best residence district St. George apartment, in . at av. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tyler 1621. 131 Rose Bldg. I ROOMS and bath tn the Hollywood, near 1611 Harney, 2d floor, plenty of win dows, awning and flower box. Very choice and only $33 per month. D. 1472, A NEW modern brick flat. I apts. each 8 rooms with garage, will be ready to oc cupy the 1st of .Auruet Located at 1821 California. Tel Harney me. FINE steam-heated apartment, either 4 or 6 rooms, on West Farnam atreet. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM 8T. ELEGANT l-r. lower St. Louis flat, Colonial porch, facing park. 33i (Juming at, Garage, $36.00. ' MODERN store, 16th St.. near postofflce. 176 per mo. u. r. steooina, miv nicago. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney. 1-roora apart- menta. can Harney North. ESTER BROOK Coutr, 1 apartment, $26; oome quick. Q. P. BtcDDins. iQio unicago. MODERN apt, 7 rooms, 26; near postof flee. G. P. Stebbins, in unicago, APARTMENTS for rent, furnished and un furnished. 216 N. 22d LROHM modern abartment: heat and Jant- tor service, walking distance. ti bo. 26th Ave. 40. BENSON MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 6-rm. mod. flat. 2308 8. 24th. 20. H. 4711 FIVE-ROOM steam-heated apartment; very desirable. The Chuia vista, zutn ana Poppelton.' Conrad Young. 222 Brandela Theater, uoug. is.i. , Miscellaneous. 2 and 4 -room brick flats, close In; mod. ex. heat; 111. Toland & Trumouu. v. vtot. MODERN apartments, 118 and up. Near postofflce. G. P- Stebbbins. 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Storea It f H'H'M. at i-it reman Ton K Hell ' "t l WE AD Bldg., ISth and Farnam; fine aulte of rooms; excellent light; suitable for tailor or dressmaker.' Bald rig Bldg., 10th and Farnam; two nice rooms facing Farnam St. F. WE AD, Wead Bldg. P. 171. MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and btorage Co. ror real moving; service try ua. ua l-boree, padded vana. Storage, 11 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We mora yon Pbon Tyler 110 or rouglas 4111. GORDON VAN CO. Peaking, ataraa. and mo. In. Hi N. lllh- St. Phone Deualaa 1.4 or Webater Ktl. METKOfOLlTAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attentloa alven to ardan fa. movlna. packin. or atoraie; otooa at JLay. mond rumlturo Co., 16U and 1.11 Haw. ard 81 Phone u. ,!.. l,MiiiA Hue. elurr riHm baavutent, .1. o ltb 8t Only 1st. CONRAD YOltNO, tit nrand.la Theater Blda. D. 1ST1. aloTlaJ paoklnc and .toraaa, HOT Pamam St Douilaa ,14. 1 1 U V. U I I "ipraa. Co.. FIDELITY sltBvica FREE Pbon Dougiaa 111 for oomploto list of vacant houaaa and apart mn ta ; also for a torag. movtaf. loib and Jaokaon Sta. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and FlatsT WANTED TO RENT Immediately, or l-room bouaa, with garage, In Farnam district or Dundee Muet flrst-claas piao. Glv full information. Auu res u 11 m rOd f Waai . M bo a lA ittoa, J Furnished Houses and Flats.' WANTED TO RENT Furnished apartment. 4 or I room, from July 10 to Decem ber 1, near to Farnam school 'preferred, but not absolutely necessary tf convenient ta another achool; man, wife and daughter 1 2 year old ; ref erences exchanged. Addrw A U4, car Be. , ,. A RELIABLE young coupl want to taka car of home whil owner la on Yaoatton Call Harney lieu. .cal LblAlt IMPROVE! West. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW 1 floor, 26x44, oil oak finish quarter sawed oak floor. A brand new, elegant home built by man who know how. Price $8,660, $600 down, balance to salt. Will take a clear lot or up-to-date-auto. Colfax 4183. Seward. 1134 Sahler. Have two others. WEST FARNAM CORNER. ' Modern l-room bungalow, with cornet vacant. Room to build two brick flat. B. P. BOSTWICK A SON. FIELD CLUB HOME. Must dispose of fin home In Field Club district within 10 daya. Will sacrifice to effect quick sale. Cheapest buy in Oma ha. See owner at 114 So, 16th St, Phone Harney 6670. WEST Farnam realdence, beat St. at 121 H 38th Ave.; oak finish, 3 baths; 11,000. Term easy. Douglas 1I4T. 'ill I hot 1618 LINCOLN BLVD. ll-rootn 1 nou triiitty modern, with hot water goat. Douglas 1818. BARGAIN AT $1,800. Wast end. bous and lot, 1101 Daven port . Call 142 Lincoln Blvd. Harney 1711. North. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district real dence for sale. F. V. Knleet. 1611 N. Uth. OW KOUNTZE PLACE, 6 room, strictly modern bungalow colonnade openings, built-in bookcase, fireplace and window seat; entlr housa finished In oak, with oak floors; lot 60s 244 feet; has nice chicken house and fence; ha 1 small fruit trees, nice lawn and paved street; 14 blocks from car line; one of the classiest bungalows la the city. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781, 1 BIG BARGAIN Out-of-town ownor will laorifle In or der to raise money. Five-room cottage alt modern, good furnace, three large rooms on flrat floor; two bedroom and bath upstair; paved street) located at 1601 N. 84th St. Price out from 12,60 to $2,000. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1008. Ground Fir. McCacu. Blda Good Home ' Very Li.de Caah (In-room oottaca with beta: la lot: fine abrubborx and trait treea. Price, !,!). Located 110J Nortb Jttn lb N0RRIS & NORKIS 400 Be Bldg. Phon Douglas 4170. PRAIRIE PARK Moot artlstto alleys, oblckona. house and iota, at reasonable B. Douglas 111. district ta city: no aheda. 1 aahea or tin canal 1 with pavta paid ta tulU 1 pricea; easy terms. r J. BCAiSNKLL, Colfax 1111. Jrk oag-finisnea oungatowrr ; NIFTY all-modern. well located, in north part 13.760. Vary easy terms to good party. H. llll. I-ROOM brick house, all modern. In "Pret -tlest Mile" district. Will sell very rea sonable. Colfax 2131. BUY from owner, 7-room house, all mod ern, east front, walking distance. Call Webster 471. t EXCEPTIONAL bargain1; fin i-room. mod ern house. Beml park, 17. Phon WaU nut 2711. South. 1073 S. 16TH 7-r. mod., newly -painted, pa pered and varnished; street paved; $14.60 Berka A Musll. D. 6007. 8-huuM bouse, all modern, tor aale. Ills' Psclftc phone Harny 111. 4-KuuM bungalow, brand new, ail modersC oak floor throughout; oak In lab In lag and dining rooms; large, light, whit enamel bedrooms; good location; reatrioted addition. A bargain at 12,110. Easy term. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 1,1 Pa.ton Blk. DonaT. Hit. MaravrT a-iHanC rOR RKLIABLB AND IATB rlBS AND TuRNADO IN.UftANCB WEB O-NEIL'S R. B INS. AOBNOT, . Ill Brandela Theater Bide Trier llll. I REAL ESTATUnimprovcd North. - SECOND and third floor at 1106 Farnam St., very reasonable rent. Harney 122. Ctt. DKBlHrtHi.to. talflof ro.m In ibe rmmodwlieO Crounae block, til N. Uth St. I opposite poetoffloe). 110 to 111 pot month Conrad Toun 3tt Rrendte Theater H-ug UT1 Smal. offlc. FURNISHED. I . Ak tor th Sup'L ' Rrmm till. R Hid OFFICE room (for dentlat), centrally lo rated, 16th St. Wright A Laabury. D. 161. OKKlt'ti ''.huh ith 'phon and " reception room for lady 1 ? Omaha Bee Miscellaneous. BARN for rent. In tear of Savoy hotel, 16th and Jackaon .Bta. Suitable for- barn or garage. 66x06; two storlea and basement, with 40-foot lot la front. Call at hotel office. ' MOVING AND STORAGE . . riRKPRnnr warbhoube. Separata locked rooma. (or boueehoid good and planoe: moving, paeklng and ahlpptng. V OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ,01 a llll St Duuglaa lift Maggard v.,rt' Sf Van and Store a. Oa. Moving, packing atora r and ahlpplng. Pbona Doug. 1411. After looking at MINNS LUSA II. dlf (erent trarere decided tl it It waa tba aa oroooaltlon on tba market and they becked tbelr Judgment bv BUTiNO lota. a win mm dui roa.v vaa w underatand wnr other, ara During. CHARLES W. MAUi'lM & Ctt Trier 111. . lit Omaba Nafl Bank Bid II PBUT. lltb 8U I blka from rladoot. 16.601. McCague Inv. Co. McCague Bldg. Mi.celUneou.. FOR SALE. I dandr vacant Iota. H block ta ear line: cut to 11.00. oaeh for Quick aale. CALKINS A CO., Dougiaa llll City Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benton. START TOUR HOMO IN BBNSOMI Blf THIS IXrTI 111 o down and 111... par month: price HUM: aln, l.allli looatal oa Laaual St.. betwn Clark aad Burnaam. not far from echool and oar llaa. Oafc at. wrlvbi. Be. oirioe. vwie.. FOR AALB Houne and eight lota, well lo cated, Benaoa, and a bargain. Addreaa 0 Jit. Bee. Dundee. 1 LOTS In Benaon. 1 block, to car. Wlit aell all together, cheap for caeh. ar llll each, 110 caah, balance II per week. I TKBBKNS CO., 60S Omaha Nat. i Bk. Dougiaa llll. n..u.., uriun. II oihV-Almoat now, oak flalah, at rooma and .leaping porch: nna baaementl full alaed lot: good neighborhood, Phooe ovnw, noualee tel.. DllNlib'al 6-room modem bungalow. Built Ijundee bungalow. Walnut Dundee lot. ll.e, walnut la... IVj Hna near Dundee. W.la.(