Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1916, AUTOMOBILES, Image 36

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Vg Detroit Automobile Com
pny furnished Many Hen
ForU. S. Service. . ,
. Detroit iV being hard hit by the
government's call to arms to handle
the Mexican situation. With more
than 1,000 of its young men in the
aiobiluation camp of the State Na
tional Guard, the city has been called
on to recruit another 636 men for
service with the motor transport di
vision of the army along the southern
With a long-distance telephone or
der for 396 motor trucks received hy
the Packard Motor company, came
the request for the additional recruits.
"We need experienced motor vehicle
mechanics," said the voice of the
quartermaster general over the wire.
Send along truckmasters, assistant
truckmasters, drivers, mechanics and
The Packard company had already
furnished 122 men for government
service with the army. Packard em
ployes manned the 122 trucks shipped
to the border since March 22, which
are now carrying supplies to General
Pershing's men. The company also
lost 109 employes when the call came
for National Guard mobilization, and
another contingent will soon board
ship on the call for the state naval
Trucks and men will be sent to
the tooth on special trains provided
by the government
The point 6n the border for which
they were intended was not divulged
by the army officers who came to
the Packard plant to recruit men.
Previous shipments made the run to
El Paso and San Antonio, Tex., with
in fifty hours, a speed exceeding that
of the fastest regular express trains.
The men who volunteer for motor
transport service do not enlist in the
army. They become civilian em
ployes of the government by signing
contracts for a year's service. When
honorably discharged, even though
the year may not have expired, they
are lurnisnea return transportation to
Detroit. The salary is $100 per
The publication of the call for
truckmen met with a remains re
sponse. Scores of men from almost
every walk of life rushed officials
at the Packard factory and begged
to be taken. One of the recruits who
passed the driving test demanded by
the government with flying colors
was L. Canada, whose father. W. w
Canada, has been United States con
sul to Vera Cruz, Mexico, for nine
teen years. Young Canada, who had
lived in the Mexican city for fifteen
years, had been bitterly disappointed
a tew days previously when, because
of a minor ailment, he failed to pass
the medical examination after enlist
ing with the Thirty-first . regiment,
Michigan National Guard.
fKilly Goes to Detroit to
Attend the Sales Congress
W. L. Killy of the Noyes-Killy Mo
tor company left Saturday evening for
Detroit to attend the World Sales
congress, which will be held in De
troit this week.
President Woodrow Wilson will
act as chairman of the World Sales
congcess, the purpose of which will
be to discuss sales and organization
problems of national and international
Hupp Automobiles Are to Be
Distributed From Sioux City
' G. H. Houliston, manager of the
Omaha branch of the Hupp Motor
Car company, returned from Sioux
City last week, where he completed
arrangements for the distribution of
Hupmobiles at that point. B. A.
Douglas ft Co. will distribute. The
location of the sales room is across
from the auto mart on Fifth and Ne
braska streets.
Cole Chairman of
Auto Engineers
In view of the recent election of J.
J. Cole, president of the Cole Car
company, of Indianapolis as chsirman
of the Indiana section of the So
ciety of Automobile Engineers, ununu
al attention is being directed toward
that branch of the organization.
The Indiana section of the asso
ciation has always been regarded as
one of the most active and enterpris
ing departments of the parent or
ganiaztion and with Mr. Cole at its
head it is expected that many more
important developments along en
gineering lines will be turned in from
the Indiana field during the coming
Although Mr. Cole has always been
deeply interested in the work of the
association, it' was not until a few
months ago that he could find time
to actively participate in the affairs of
the local organization. However, it is
asserted that he has sponsored many
of the most important steps taken in
the motor car industry since he began
ine manufacture ot automobiles and
with, perhaps one exception, he ii
'generally regarded as the moat wide.
ly known automobile authority in the
state. That he will accomplish splen
did results in the work was a cer
tainty from the beginning, in the
opinion o his friends.
Glide Car Has Now
Made Its Appearance
The new Glide model, which has
been expected for some time, is here.
According to C. E. Miller, manasrer
ot tne Nebraska Wide Auto company,
tne new car nas numerous improve
ments and refinements. The body
has been rounded, adootinir the
yachtline type, springs lengthened,
uiyiur size increased ano lop and
wind shield improved upon.
"All in all, says Miller, "we are
very much pleased with the new
model and feel that it will stack uo
against anytning on tne market.
King Eight Stock
Hangs Up Record
In Speedway Test
New York, N. Y., July 7. More
than 10.000 miles in two weeks' day-and-night
driving without mechan
ical adjustments or repairs of any
kind is the record just established by
a seven-passenger eight-cylinder
stock King car in a test sanctioned
and supervised by officials of the
American Automobile association on
the Sheepshead Bay Speedway and
Long Island highways. The condi
tions of the test were specifically de
signed to approximate those under
whiclt the owner operates his car.
During the fourteen days and
nights the motor was not stopped
once, nor was any adjustment made
upon it, the stops only being for the
purpose of taking on gasoline, oil and
water and changing driving crews.
Not even a Champion spark plug was
removed nor the valves touched dur
ing the most searching test to which
any piece of mechanism has ever been
subjected. The total time lost in
making "the necessary stops was
about fifteen ami one-half hours,
which, on the basis of the distance
traversed, shows the King owner as
spending about nine minutes a week
on the maintenance of his car.
The test was conducted under the
direction of F. E. Edwards, represent
ing me contest Doara ot me American
Automobile association, assisted hy
H. A. Tarantus of Motor, J. E. Ship
per of the Automobile, Alexander
Johnston of Motor and M. C. Horine
of Commercial Vehicle. The car
which was used was selected at ran
dom from the assembly floor at the
King factory in Uetroit and was lm
mediately turned over to Mr. Ed
wards for inspection to determine its
stock status. The car was then sealed
and shipped to the Sheepshead Bay
Speedway, where it arrived on
Thursday, June 15, on which day at
u:l4-p. m. it started on tts record'
breaking night, which ended on
Ihursday, June 29, at 12:14 p. m.
BgiM Makes. Might-
XTEVER fore figures spoken mora decMveJy than in the following table. They
how the Tolume of business we have done annually since we moved into
. our new factory irfl910. And with this steady, consistent Increase in sales
has come a steady development in every producing unit This factory, then the
largest exclnaiva tire plant in America, has been tripled iince, wing by wing, with
out disturbing production, Origtnsl plans provided for the growth because we
harm that the standard set far Firestone quality would win the motoring public.
1910111 .
1911- 12
1912- 13 .
1913- 14
1914- 15).
1915- 16
. $ 7,462,581.17
. 11,681,841.57
, 15,625,662.04
. 19,173,389.53
to June 1st, 1916
. .33
. . 22Wn
. . 31
Over 38
' Simmered down the answer to thU unequalled
7 growth is exclusive quality at volant price
You wffl be as quick to appreciate Firestone extra values when you test thm as
were these other car owners whose demand built this business faster than any
Other. Try Firestone next Let the Firestone dealer serve you.
. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
4 . "Am.rk.'s LargMt Tire 4 Rim Makara."
2866 Farnaa Stn.t, Omaha, N.b.
, ' Hms. Ot(k w4 Factaryi Akna. Ohto. . BruikM ut Duki nrrtbrn
Makers of the First Truck Tires
Leaders Then and Leaders Now In Quality and Volume C
An Ideal
Break Three World's
Records on "Fourth"
In the annual 300-mile classic at
Dodge City, Kan.j.-tlie Harley-David-son
retained its title of world's dirt
track champion, when Irving Janke
finished first in 3:45:36, lowering the
record established by Otto Walker
last year. Floyd Clymer, Harley
Davidson, broke the 100-mile record
in 1:11:45. nr 2 minnt.a and
onds faster, averaging 83.33 miles per
uum. juc vvoucr, r,xceisior, second,
and Ray Weishaar, Harley-Davidson,
third. (
At Sheepshead Bay speedway, Red
Parkhurst, Brier, Fredncks and Bar
clay captured first, second, third and
fourth places, respectively, on Harley-
Davidsons. in 100-mile feature event
Harley-Davidson also too firsts, sec
and third in ten-mile professional, anc
firsts in twOTmile national, twenty-five-mile
state championship, ten-mile
state championship and one-mile
At Pittsburg, Pa., Harley-Davidson
cleaned up against Lou Crist in five
mile professional, breaking track rec
ords. Ten-mile professional, also easj
for Lawrence Keys on Gray Fellow.
At Grand Island, Neb., Harley
Davidson finishes first and second in
the twenty-five-mile free-for-all and
first and second in the forty-mile free-for-all
against eight valves of other
makes. Jwo-mile track.
At Boise, Idaho,' Harley-Davidson
ridden by Williams, first in every race
and made the fastest mile time.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use
them for results.
Simplicity Distinction
Luxury. Power and Speed
Those are the thoughts that run through
your mind when ride in a "Dixie." .
UTUK Dixie-ltycommi, unit power
plant SO H. P., three point suspension,
four cylinder, 8Hx&. cast en bloe with
removable water cooled head, j valves
enclosed, noiseless. '
LUBRICATION Constant etrettlatinff
splanh system, plunger pump.
COOUNG ThermO'Syphon system.
RADIATOR Honeycomb cellular type,
mounted on springs.
CARBURETOR Standard float feed
CLUTCH Cone type, pressed steel, lea
ther faced, with six compensating
plungers under leather to insure eaay
engagement. -
TRANSMISSION Grant-Lees. Three
speed selective gear, ball bearing.
STARTER Dyneto electric system of
starting and lighting. Connecticut
CONTROL Change gear and emergency
brake levers in center of forward com
partment, Spark and throttle super
imposed on steering wheel.
DRIVE Through one universal Joint,
and propeller shaft. Torque of rear
axle taken by specially designed fork
and reach rods.
FRONT AXLE Drop forged "T beam
REAR AXLE Full floating. Roller bear.
lngs throughout.
BRAKES External contracting and in-
lernai expanding.
WHEELS Wood, artillery tvoe.
RIMS Demountable one extra includ
ed in equipment.
FRAME Heavy pressed steel channels
with three cross members.
SPRINGS Self -lubricating, front semi
eliptlc; rear, three-quarter scroll el
liptic. FENDERS High crowned design, run
ning board rubber covered with alumi
num binding.
STEERING WHEEL Irreversible,-
worm gear. Wheel 18 Inches.
WHEEL BASE 112 inches.
GASOLINE TANK Round; hung at rear
of chassis; Stewart Vacuum feed.
WINDSHIELD Clear vision, rain vision
and ventilating.
LAMPS Electric headlights with dim
mers, standard tail and cowl lights.
TOP One-man, with improved side cur
tains and dust hood.
BODIES Fall five-passenger touring
ear and roadster on same design
INSTRUMENT BOARD 60-mile speed
ometer, cowl light, lighting and igni
tion switches, carburetor control.
WEIGHT Fully equipped, 2,100 pounds.
EQUIPMENT Electric generator, elec
trie starter, lights and horn, one-man
top with dust hood, windshield, speed
ometer, one extra rim, tire carrier,
license brackets, and complete too
touring Car Completely Equipped, $775 F. O. B. Louisville, Ky.
DUtributor for Nebraska, Western Iowa and South Dakota.
2107 Farnam Stmt. . Omaha, Nebraska.
Series 17 SIK
Fifty Horse Power
Seven Passenger Body,
individual front seats,
adjustable fore and aft
Wheel base, 122-inches.
Tires, 34x4 Goodrich
safety tread on rear.
Upholstered throughout with
straight grain, semi-glazed,
genuine leather.
All the latest improvements
are embodied in this car.
And note the price i
To equal this car in Power,,
Size and Quality, you have
to pay several hundred dol-'
Come in and let us prove it.
: Sorts Sari. lad. Dotraft, Mkfc. i WdkwrflU, Out
Wilson Automobile Co.
. 2550 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb.