Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A
firiAAT WAVVwvwv WAV.
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State Superintendent Com
pletes Apportionment of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, July 8. (Special.) Dep
uty State Superintendent Alice Stan
ley made. record this week in fast
work in preparing the school ap
portionment. The certificate was re
ceived on July 3 and on the morning
of July 7 it was ready for sending out.
With fourth of July figured out Miss
Stanley accomplished the. job in a
little over two days, apportioning the
$438,798.87 to the ninety-three coun
ties of the state, according to the
school population.
Douglas county will receive $37,
867.40; Lancaster, $20,605.49; Custer,
$169.96; Gage, $10,256.58. All others
are below the $10,000 mark, Hooker
drawing the smallest sum, $465.59.
lhe list by counties follows:
Adam. I .60
Antelope .1!3
Banner T18
Blalno 874
Boone 1,368
Box Butte.... 2.m:
Boyd Mil
Brown 2,826
Buffalo 7.772
Burt ,64
Butler S.788
Caaa .5S7
Cedar 1,3(8
Chaee Met
Cherry e.ioa
Cheyenne .... 2,811
Clay 8.821
Colfax 4,889
Custer 1,2
Dakota t.578;
Sawee 1,408
Daweon M31I
Deuel ........ 900
Dixon 4,911
Dodre 7.868
Douglas ...... 17,887
Dundy ....... 2,060
Fillmore 1,884
Franklin 4.242
Frontier 4,169
Furnas 4,666
Gate 10,266
Garden 2,246
Oarflell 1,717
Ooaper I,4S9
urant fra
Greeley 1.641
Hall (.4411
Hamilton .... M30iThur.ton
Harlan 8,864 valley
IJeffereon 9 6,020
jjohnfion 4.043
Kearney 8,379
Keith 1,718
Knya Paha.... 2,061
Kimball ...... 1,284
Knox 7,90i
ll-ancseter 20,605
Uncoln , 6.587
Losan 1,149
Loud 1,278
IMcPheraon .... 1.212
Madison 7,167
Merrick 8,8(6
Morrill 2.476
Nance 8,666
iNcmaha 4,938
Nuckolls 6.084
i,308Oloe 6,919
Pawnee ....... 4.006
Perkins ., 1,408
Phelps 1,402
Pierce 4,366
Piatte 7.148
Polk j.. 3.SS0
Red Willow,... 4.111
mcnarusun ...
Rock 2,183
Saline (.617
Saroy 1.016
Saunders 7,901
Scott's Bluff... 4,602
Seward 6.918
Sheridan 3.723
Sherman ..... 3.963
Sioux 2,716
Stanton 3.194
Thayer Mil
Thomae 603
Hayee MI2 Washington ... 4.499
Hitchcock .... l,67llWayr.e ... 4.239
Holt J.HJIWebster 4,666
Hooker 44(1 Wheeler 1,260
Howard 4.614 York 4,081
Arthur 624
Hamilton County
Wheat Tests High
Aurora, Neb., July 7. Farmers
who have tested the quality of the
wheat that is now being harvested
say they have never seen better. The
berry of the wheat is large and
Y plump. Some farmers are insisting
that their yield will be the best for
years. Little hail fell in this county
and the entire crop will be saved un
less storms appear within a few days.
Nearly every farmer in the county is
cutting his wheat today. Corn is not
laid by, but they have assailed the
wheat fields in force.
Johnson County
Man is Held on a
f: - Forgery Charge
Tecumseh, Neb.', July's. (Special.)
George F. Dorsch, at one fime a
farmer in the northern part of this
county, later in the drug business at
Sterling, and recently of Denver,
must face a charge of forgery in the
district court of Johnson county. At
a time Mr. Dorsch was in business
his brother, J. Henry Dorsch, a
farmer here, went onto a note with
him at the Citizens' National bank of
Tecumseh. It seems the note was
renewed several times. At the last
time of renewal J. Henry Dorsch was
out of tlie county, and it is alleged
that George Dorsch placed the broth
er's name on the paper. George
Dorsch claims his brother told him
to "fix the note up.' J. Henry Dorsch
claims not to have had anything to
do with it. Judge Albert J. Cornish
of Lincoln was recently here and
heard the argument for a new trial
in the case of the Citizens' National
bank against J. Henry Dorsch, on
note, this case being the instrumen
tality of the forgery proceedings. The
bank had lost the case and a new
trial was asked for. Judge Cornish
ruled against the bank. General L.
W. Colby of Beatrice was on the
bond of his client, George Dorsch,
in the .forgery case, bur he failed to
appear at this sitting of the Court
and Mr. Dorsch has so far failed to
secure bond, and he is in the county
jail. Judge J. R. Raper informed Mr.
Dorsch last evening that a jury will
be called and his case will be heard
some time this month.
Telephone Company
Loses Tax Appeal
TeAmseh, Neb., July 8. (Special.)
Judge Raper decided against the
telephone company in the appeal case
of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company against Johnson coun
ty, Nebraska. The assessor turned
in the property of the telephone com
pany in Johnson county for the 1915
assessment at $172,300, The telephone
company claimed this was excessive
and made a return of $104,000. The
case was taken befor'e the county
board of equalization and the reduc
tion denied. Appeal was then taken
to the district court, and the tele
phone company loses here. The prop
erty was assessed at the same figure
for 1916.
Death Call Has Come Jo
Pioneef Ashland Woman
Ashland, Neb., July 8. (Special.)
After an illness of more than three
months Mrs. Amanda Becker died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. L.
Narber, in Ashland at 12:20 Friday
noon, aged b years, funeral services
will be held at her late home Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by
Kev. Howard Y. Young of Lincoln.
She is survived by two children, Mrs?
C. L. Narber and W. E. C' B.ecker of
Ashland. Her husband, W. N. Becker,
died a year ago July 4. Mrs. Becker
was a native ef New York state, but
had . lived in Nebraska over thirty
WO-THIRDS of all the
new cars being eauipned
by their makers with cord
tires are going out on
Goodyear Cords. '
That is important; but the rapidly
increasing favor of these tires .among
owners of all cars everywhere is more
significant to you.
For it shows that motorists in general
have found out as the car makers found
out that every good car gains in looks,
in power-saving and gas mileage, in long
life and smooth riding through Goodyear
Cord Tires.
Ooedvear lfo-Heok Cerd.Tlre
are made strong, eaSe ni
turrfy by Umm unique
Jan and Jolts are coenbatted
by great overtise and the
suppleness of Goodyear
Cofd COaUtfUlUOQ
They an aaty to pat on and
tak off because they da
not mat fact to tha run.
Blowouts are lsosensd by our
No-Rim-Cut feauu.
Puncture and alddding art
reduced by our double
thick, AO-Wcntbar Tread.
Loom Tread art diminished
by our On-Air Cure,
Blowing off the rim U pre
vented by our Braided Piano
Wire Baa.
IT S 23. IS &
fine. Seen TWH TAu iel "f
Hamilton Republicans r
- Will Meet July 22
Aurora, Neb., July 8. (Special)
Chairman B. O. Bergeeon and Sec
retary F. E. Edgerjoq f the repub
llCn?un'X omrjite.Jiave issued
a catrfor a delegate county conven
tion on July 22 at it o'clock in the
court house here. Two years ago the
convention was a mass convention
and was poorly attended. The party
is being organized in every precinct.
The'convcntioh -will liavflSO dele
gates.. Four years ago the Roosevelt
sentiment was strong here. Taft se
cured but 450 votes in the comity.
This gives Hamilton county but nine
delegates in the state convenetion.
Lord Cheylesmore has the finest
collection of war medals in the worl'd
and is one of the greatest authorities
on them.
Superior in Need of
, Better Water Supply
Superior, Neeb., July 8. (Special.)
State Geologist- Dr; Condra and
Chemist Dr. Wild gave a report be
fore the city council on the water
supply. Their analysis showed the
water to be unfit for public consump
tion. It is probable that the present
well 'will be abandoned ind a filter
ing amffeafing plant erected so that
the water from the Republican rivet
can b used.
If you find it impossible to shop in
person, call Douglas 1614 and let us shop
for you.
Offers Great
Shadow Allover Laces
Many dainty designs in
white and cream; 36 inches
wide; worth to CC
$1.00; yard JuC
Shadow Lace Flouncings
27 inches wide; worth CC
to $1.00; yard. ..... WC
40-Inch All-Silk Chiffons
Black and colors; CC
worth to $1 ; yard. . . WC
Shadow Lace Flouncings
18 inches wide; pretty lace
effects; worth to JC
50c ; yard LOy
Shadow Allover Laces 36'
inches wide ; worth
to 50c ; yard -OC
Net Top Lace Edges-White,
cream and ecru ; 3 to 5 inch
es wide; big assortment of
styles; regularly worth 25c;,
sale price,
Venise Laces, Bands, Edges
and Insertions, up to 8 inches
wide, white, cream and ecru ;
regular 25c values ; 1 A
yard . . i,, 1UC
French and German Val
Laces, Edges and Insertions;
also, Cotton Cluny and Piatt
Vals Broken lines 01
and odd lots. Yard. . LZ
Organdie and Batiste
Flouncings 27 to 40 inches
wide; worth to $1.50; CQ
special, yard ... OiC
Swiss Nainsook and Organ
dy Flouncings and Corset
Covers Extra fine quality;
worth to 50c ; very OC
special, yard LoZ
Embroidery Edging 'In
white and colors ; up to 3
inches wide; orjd lots;
Main Floor, Center.
With special facilities for delivery and
special prices on the things you want
right now, you can't afford to miss these
The Most Wanted Merchandise
is Coming Off Our Shelves
To be sold at ridiculously low prices in this July Clearance Sale.
The economies you can practice here now will make it possible
for you to more than double your purchases anji-etill keep well within
the limit of your appropriation. x
Wash Dresses
In the July Clearance Sale
at prices that make it possible to pur
chase a full summer outfit at little
At $2.98
Choice of Pretty Colored and White
Porch Dresses, made, in the very newest
and smartest models of the season. .Good
quality voiles, madras, etc
At $3.75
At $5.00
Choice of Hundreds of Pretty,
Dainty Frocks for street or house wear.
Made in the very prettiest of late sea
son's models. Many sport coat dresses,
straight lines, flowered effects, etc.
Dainty voiles in white and stripes.
Choice of Smart New Wash Frocks
for the hot weather. Pretty new Russian
straight line effects, also sport blouse
models. Plain, striped and fancy fabrics.
Misses' and Women's sizes.
At $6.98
Choice of a Dainty Lot of Hot
Weather Frocks, made of the daintiest
of voiles and sheer fabrics, in stripes,
figures and plain,; Showing tye smart
boxy coats and sport effects.,-Misses'
and women's sizes.
New Navy Taffeta Dresses
The "Smart Set" in the east are all wearing Navy Blue Taffeta Frocks, combined
in many cases with georgette crepe.
Marty very effective models have just been received by us and will show many of
the advanced ideas for fall.
$15.00, $19.00, $25.00, $29.00, $35.00
Ail Wool Suits at. Half Price
Ail' Silk Suits at.....' Half Price
Ail Cloth Suits at Half Price
Big Lot of Silk Dresses at Half Price
Big Lot Net and Lace Dresses . Half Price
Big Lot of Girls' Dresses at. . - Half Price
Great Offerings'
Let 1
2S0 Pain of Fin Silk Curtalm,
trimmed with imported laces. For
mer prioe $3 'to $5; M AO
July sale price, pair. .
Lot 2 . -300
Sale of Colonial and Dutch
Curtains, good grade of scrim,
trimmed with Diet lace; 2 yards,
long. Complete with aide cur
tains and valance; former price
$1.50; July clearance JJ Jg
Lot 3
All the Short Pieces of Our Regu
lar Stock of Cretonnos, 1 to 6
yards long; worth !IOc to 65c;
specially priced at, JC
yard leji.
TMrd Flaw. I
Special In the Basement
60 Pioeos of Whit and Ecru Ela-
miao, regular 12 He value,
sale price, yard .......... I v
Three Extra
- in Our
New Linen Store
Turkish Towels, 29c Values,
22c Full bleached hemmed
ends, made of a ' two-ply
yarn weight 8 ounces to a
towel;' size 20x40, plain
white, Monday special, each
for 22c
Table Cloths, $1.00 Values,
79c Made of a fine quality
mercerized damask, 2 yards
long, hemmed, ready to use,
in a range of very pretty
patterns; special, each, 79c
$2.00 Hemstitched Table
Cloths, $1.50 For Monday,
whUe they last, All-Linen
Hemstitched Table Cloths,
in the Austrian make. Size
66x66 inches. Very special,
each . . ....... . . . . . .$1,50
Clearance Sale of Blouses
At $2.50 Values to $6.98
Hand-made Lingerie Blouses, Black or Cream Lace
Blouses, Washable Satin Blouses.
About 500 Blouses
Grouped for quick clearance. ' New merchandise,
in broken sizes. The colors are white, flesh, maize,
navy and black; also 50 dress blouses included in
this lot.
Middy Blouses and Sport Coat Blouses $1.00 to $1.98
Dressy Georgette Blouses $5.00 to $10.00
Dainty Lingerie Blouses -....$1.00 to $6.98
Linen Blouses $1.95 to $5.00
Second Floor.
White and Colored Wash Fabrics
Printed fabrics, including Marquisette silk stripe voile,
woven voiles, plain colors, etc., in new midsummer designs
and colorings; worth to 50c yard; per yard 25c
Printed Flaxons, in rosebud, stripes, florals, stripes and
floral combinations; 15c value, 28 inches, per yard 10c
English woven Crepe in stripes, plaids, broken checks, for
street and house dresses. This is a woven fabric and abso
lutely fast colors; 27 inches wide, 25c values; per yard, 10c
French Pique in pretty stripes for sport suits, coats, separ
ate skirts, medium, light weight, 36-in 85c value, yard, 15c
Palm Beach Suiting, in natural color only ; a much wanted
fabric for outing wear; 36 inches, 25c value, yard. . . .15c
Imported White Poplin,, good, firm quality; regular 25c
valite ; 27 inches wide ; per yard 19c
36-Inch Bookfold Woven
Voile, all the neat woven
tripes and checks, absolute
ly fast dyes. Soft, sheer and
clingy; delightful for sum
mer wear; 29c 1Q.
value, yard 1 7 1
, ' - ;
27-Inch Embroidered Tissues,
oft, sneer, dainty ibdhc, neat
color combinations for hot
' weather garments. AJL
16e value, vara....
English Shirtings, beautiful
mauty. madras 'ana rongee.
Ill now. nnst strioes and fig
ures. Fast colors. IP.
19c value, yard IOC
40-Inch Voiles, beautiful
quality, all the wanted col
ors. Neat stripes, floral and
figure efTects. Our 19c qual
ity, Monday to .close out
Utility Dress Gingham, one
of the best grade Amoskeag
Mills product All the want
ed stripes, checks and plaids.
Full bolts, 10c and 12 He
values, sale price, QJL-
per yard OJv
Beat Grade Standard Dress Per
cale, 36 inches wide. Light blue
and dark indigo styles. Neat
dots and figures. Our Ql.
10 He quality, yard OjfC
27-Inch Dainty, Sheer Sum.
mar Weight, t Washable
Voiles, neat stripes, floral
figure! and other staple
printings. Values to 12 He,
on bargain square Q 1
Monday, yard OJC
Bast Grade 36-Inch Bloachad
Muslin, compares with "Fruit"
and "Lonsdale." None better
made, absolutely free from
dressing. -12 Vie regu- QJL-,
larly, Monday, yard.. iVZC
Rugs-Remarkable Sale
Size 24x36, worth SOc,
sale price
Size 26x50, worth 86c, ' CQ
ale price Oi7C
Six 36x72, Atlantle Bath Rugs,,
regular price $3.50, fljl CQ
clearance price
Leamington Chs
Rugs, worth 16.50,' at. '.'
Leamington Chamber 4t1 QQ
Get ready to spend
a nice cool summer
on1 your porch.
Tha Pioneer Couch Hammock Mads of good grade khaki ffC QO
canvas; complete, ready to hang..... Pwe70
The Spring Harbor Couch Hammock Extra heavy khaki, M A flA
Steel spring, cotton top, pad, hooks and chains. Each eplVeVU
The Easy Rest Couch Hammocks Weather proof khaki, hJIO CA
heavy steel frame and mattress, hooks and chain. Special at elaeealv,
Weather Proof Porch Shades, 6 feet wide $3.50
Weather Proof Porch Shades, 8 feet wida 14.50
Heavy Canvas Porch Curtains, 6 feet wide $1.98
Third Floor.
Hardware Hriog
Oil Cook Stoves
A 5-burner, high frame type, oil stoves has the frame
high directly under the kettle and just as fast and satis
factory as a gas range. Special, $8.45
two-burner stoves, as above
Two lots of very high grade blue and white
enamelware ; every piece is perfect. No sec
onds or chipped pieces.
11 -a -1 latl.-.
8-qt. eorcrtd buektt.
Medium and largt hatn
e-qt. Berlhi kettle., tt-
amtl cover.
8-qt. preserving kettle.
4-qt. tea kettles.
10-qt. diskpans.
Oblong stove pans.
6-qt. Berlin sauce pot.
lVk-qt coffee pots.
I and 1-Q. teapots.
to 79o
Lot 2
l-qt. rlee boilers.
4-qt covered paila.
l-qt Berlin kettles, enamel
covers. v
10-qt. preservfnf kettle.
U-qt, preserving kettles.
S, and 7-qt. ta kettles.
10-qt. water palls. ,
14-qt. dishpans.
Large stove pans
l-qt. Berlin laqaa pets.
I and t-qt. solles pots :
to 60c,
Julv Clearance of Silks
Thousands of yards of beautiful silks for quick clearance, priced
36-laca SUk Poplin, in a rood rant, of shade.. This U a fsbrU at pleastnr appear
ance and a vary, aeavr waient. nary, neieian mue, uopeanaceB. via noee, ms-
terta. Black, eta. Rerular egg value., special Monday, yard See
32-tnch Fiber SUfc, In a beautiful rant ot new stripes and color combination.. Vor
summer waists and dres.e. A silk last will launder perfectly and. civ. the best
wear. SSe quality, per yard . .48c
24-lncb All-Silk imported Shan tuns, one of the most favored alike for nUd-aummer
wear. Regular tie value, special llondn r yard., , ..S9c