Tteieandls 1 People Are Maktog lojaeyfey Eelimg and leefcg leeWaBlM Want-Ads don't shout to you like big display copy to find the snaps, bargains and choice money-making opportunities you have to read and study these little ads very carefcUyh&ewe good things in these pages today LOOK for them NOVf! PAST nvi WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT The Omaha Sunday Bee The Real Estate andTWant -Ad Guide To All of .Greater Omaha PAET PTTE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES OKI! TO EIGHT . VOL. XL VI NO. 4. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE. CENTS. Want-Ad Rates kUIH WITH ORDER, ptr word eaoh lneertlon (Sat Mild no Ulepley)) AM Paragraphed or Set In Dlaplay Stylo le per lino... ono tlmo T. por lino throe conaeeutlvo tlee (Count ais worda to the lino) CHARGE BATES! a por line.. ono time to por lino.. three aonsecutlv. Umeo (Count six wordo to the Uno.) Special Ratoat Farro and Bench Landa. To per lino..... lneertlon (Count all worda to the line. rOREION ADVERTISING UNDER AOBNTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI- - PICATION8. . - , ta por word :.n,.f! 1H0 por word throe oonoocutlvo tlmea LOST-FOUND-REWARDS NO AD TAKEN FOR THAN A TOTAL OF 20c OR LESS THAN 10c PER DAY. IK YOU loee anythln ana will advertise It here, you will surely recover It .11 found by an honeat uereon. Remarkable re coverieo are brought about every day through thle column. THE LAW People who llnd loal 'article are Intereeted in knowing that (ho etata law la elrict In requiring them to aeek the owner through odvertlaemeot end otherwlee and that a (allure to do . ao. If oame can be prevent' Involvea a revere penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Pereona liavlng loat ernne article would do well to call up Ihe office of the Omaha 4V Council Btuffe Street Rallwar company to aecertalu whether tbor . left It In the atreet cere. - Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company la angloua to re etore them to the. rightful owners. Call Tyler goo. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Machinery and Engines. NEW AND. SECOND HAND MOTORS. EXPERT FILKOTRICIANS AND MACHINIST!!. . LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 8. llth St. Omaha. POR PALE Rumloy threshing: machine, 15-30 oil pull engine, S0-4S separator: run I yeara: In good ronditlon. Addreaa Fred T. Cottier. R. F. D.. Forest City, Mo. FOR SALE A J. I. Case threshing outfit. Walter Denoon, 124 S. , 6th -St.,. Co. Bluffs. Ia. - 'I BOILERS, ateam. eleclrlc, gaa 'englnea, plpea. Qroaa Wrecking Co.. till Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. CUD Of THANKS, DEATH AND TV MORAL NOTfCES. loo per Una ach lneertlon (Minimum charge 10 oenta., Mai lr Rata tor standing ada (jo change ,f oopy) r u" (Count ais worda to the llne.)( (Don tract ratee on application.) .. TH BB- will no be raapanalhla fat mora than ana Incorrect tnaertlon of an adar. tleement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ahould retain receipt given hy The Baa In payment for Want Ada, aa no mlata-e can ha rectified without thorn. USD THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or aend In your ada. Art . for a Wanl.Ad Taker, and you will re cetvo the aama good eervloe aa whoa Uyerlng your ad atthe office. PHONB TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSB BVBNINO BDITIONS V,:i 2 MORNINO EDITIONS : - DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. i .-. a u a I. TZ Pr7 T.allaih man and daushter of August Rlea. died Thursday, July f, aged 22 years. Funeral arvtoa Sunday at 2 o'clock at Ibo resldenc of parent, 2314 North Pit.- ,,-. th anVATsllM. Interment Wt Lawn cemetery. Frtonds wleome. Auto atrvli. JARVIS ArtE , member of Carpenter' Will bo bnrted iuly 9th, 3 p. m. at For Ht Lawn cometory from Cole-McKay un dertaking parlors. AW carpenter attend. THE FUNERAL of C. A. Goff Knreles Kennedy) will bo held from Brewers chapel Sunday 2 p. m.. Rev. R. I Wheeler officiating. Burial Oraceland Park. CLINK Mr. Genlveve, aged 22 year, wife of W. S. CHne, SJ13 8. 20th St. Funeral from the residence Monday 2 p. in,4 Burial Foreat Lawn. CARP OF THANKS. LOST 8m 11 black purse containing keys and two fifty-cent pieces. Ftndor welcome to money, but please return key to Bee office. LOST Friday evening, 7.Sfl in black pock- etbook; flve-aollar gold piece ana 13.80 In stiver. Tel. Harney 1344. Reward. LOST A Boston brtndle female dog, with white breaat, neck and paws; has pup. Call South IBIS and receive reward. LOST One golden stable male collie dog, white head and four whit xeet. Phone Walnut 388. Reward. LOST Pet bull pup, white with brown pot; wore collar and tag. .Reward.' Phone Colfax 4141. FOR SALE Mi-celIaneou Furniture and Household Goods.' WB wish to extend our appreciation and thank to our friend for the klndne to ui during the illne and death of our -doar mother and grandmother? alto for the beautiful floral offering at her funeral. Mr. and Mr. Charle W. An derei, Mr. and Mr. George L. Andere. mm Edward 8. Anderes.. Mr. and Mrs Nell Smith and Grandchildren. WE wish to thank our many friend and neighbor, Division Hi, B- ' L c . Ladle' auxiliary, B. of L. C, for their kindnen and sympathy after the death of our son, Joseph. (Signed), C. H. Culllar. - Monuments and Cemeteries BEAUTIFUL markers, tablet and crosses for unmarked graves, pur Write cement 92.BO to 97. ftO. write roreironier. oeeeara ple 4S Brandel Bid.. Omaha. -PWe Dougla S411. Redman Grave Marker Co. BaumeUter Monument Work, mausoleum, ail kind marker. 11th and Charle. . FRATERNAL ORDERS. YOU are cordially Invited to attend a ple- nlo glren or iaaie oi imnn oocia. liub, Sunday. July t, If 14. t Spring Park, Florence. Takei Florence street car to Spring tret. Rofrehmenu; neV dance pavilion; good music. Admission 26 cent. "ATTENTION, DANISH ODD FELLOWS. All member of Dannebrog Lodge 216, 10.0. F., are requested to attend the funeral of Ole Carlsen. to be held at the residence, 2101 So. 46th St, Sunday after aoon ftt I o'clock. MID-SUMMER 1 FURNITURE SALE. The wonderful success of the Stats Fur niture Co. plainly show we poise the confident of the people, and I directly attributable to the Ironclad principle of always furnishing the very best at lower price than prevail elsewhere. The price we quote herewith for this sale represent pecfal value, an examination of which will convince you. OUR MOTTO Highest quality good at lowest price, with better accommoda tion than elsewhere. 74 8 -pc. fumed oak duotold utte..27.B4 64. O. O. gn. lea. -pc. exlor et 12.40 110 all overstuffed 1 ft. very flnet tapestry ofa, specially priced GH.SO 26 all overstuffed tapestry duofold 22. SO 14 all overstuffed rocker to match 10.00 tl gen. mahog, loose cushion dav enport .B0 70 fumed oak gen. lea. davenport 88.00 52 G. O. or fumed gen. lea. dav- . enport 44 mahog. or fumed oak lea. duo fold k 21 mahog. Imperial lea. large dav enport 46 all overetuffed gen. lea. rocker 17.28 82 olld mahog. mulberry coverea rocker .... 10 G. O. or ma. Span. lea. rocker .ti 12 G. O. or mahog. leather rocker 4.04 22 fumed G. O. or mahog. Morrt chair .... .....,...... Call and Inspect the above good. We deliver to all part of city " OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS SOLICITED. PHONB DOUGLAS 1217. v STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge St. GET our price on job printing. , CAMPAlON CARDS A SPECIALTY. V. 8. rTO. CO.. BEE BLDG. DOUG. 1174. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao publl' Gteno. I'hone for prMt. 440 Paxton ik. Dougla tHU2 ANNOUNCEMENTS . Artiats. ARTISTS work for me trade, oolorlnf, atr bruahtna: Mati-claaa work. Ill Panon. Braaa and Iron Foundries. I'axton-MIHhell Co., tth and Martha gla. Bathi. HYOIENIC BATH INSTITOTB. Madam Edna H. UBell, 10, South lth St.; vapor baths, Swedla maaaaae tausbt every Frl day for men and women. Lady attendant for ladlea. Phone Doualaa 704a. UK BENBA Bulphur, ateam. Modern Turktah .BATHS AND MA8SAQB. Private apartment, for ladlea with lady attend ante, nil Farnam. Phono Dour tT. R1TTENH0U8E Sanitarium! all klnda hatha. J10-IU Balrd Blk., 17th and Domlaa Cameras, and Piniihini. "RUXOBTIS" eamerao. IHalU. II OIK (anl reraal fwrna lenal. Oroen'a Pharmaojr. nth and Howard. See them todax WATBBS-BABNHART Ptf Co.. quality printing. T.I. P. ug. 1190. m B. Ulti St Miscellaneous. BUILDINGS FOR SALE To Be Removes? 2 frame dwelling and 'barn N. W. corner 3 Sth Ave. and Farnam St. Submit offer to GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone P. 786. 101 City Nat. Bk. Bide;, FOR SALE. Ta be removed, heme In rear of 1111 Davenport St. , Can' bo bouaht cheap. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1130 Farnam St- Doualaa 1084. FOR SALE. ' Old house at. lets Dodge St., to be 'moved off the present premtooe within ten daya. Make ua an offer. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 101 8. 17th St. Doualaa 1011, MY high atandard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarta of Old Fontenello whisky. II Hi bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouse. Doug. 7113. . 111-114 H. 16th St. ALEX JETTES" LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Doug-la. Bottled In bond whisky. 46c, fl.oo, tj.24 full quart. GENUINE) California wine vinegar, white or red; quart bottle, 80 cent; gallon, 40 cent. Imported ollv oil, 74 cant per quart. Cackley Bro. Phone Doug. 4086. Chironractic. CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH SUL PHUR STEAM BATHS. The only chiro practic sanitarium in th ta: lady and gentleman aoeters in nwnannei. . v BRMr 94th and Farnam. Doug. 7104. DR. KNOLLENBBRQ A DR. MACNAMARA SWAPPERS' COLUMN NBW t-room modern house la Beneon; three blocks from car Una; for sale or trade; grooory atoek preferred. Owner, S. Stern berg, 111 Broadway, Co. Bluffe. la. ADDINO MACHINB First class Burrough'e Adding Machine, used very little; will el change for Underwood typewriter, good pictures, books, or what have you 7 Ad- dress a. c. 140, uss. FOR SALE Hotel and barn at Waterloo, Neb. Oeod opening for right party, uniy hotel In town. Reaaon for aelllng, death of proprietor. Prtne right If taken at oaoe. Addreaa John Todd, Waterloo, Neb. HAVB fine 7-1 karat diamond set In Tlf fany mounting, value till: will trade for oak piano. Addreaa S. C.-17I, Bee WANTF.D To swap diamonds tor Ford ear In good oondltlon. value II0 will allow Inopeotlon of any Jeweler; reqalrea demonstration of car. Addreas 8. C. 141, Bee. ' FIRST-CLASS Eb braaa baas for aale cheap, or what have you to trade t Tfould like 1A EaatnuU kodak. Addreaa T 411, Bee. FOR SALB or trade l-room cottage, will conalder l-passenger auto aa first payment. Address Bee 101. - Coitumes. . THEATRICAL gowne, full dreaa aulta, for root; 101 . 17th. John Feldman. Buttons uid Pleating;., DRESS pleating, .red buttona. Ing and Buttoa Co. Doug. lv. ' Van Arnam Dreaa Pleat- Id soor raztoaj sua. Caroenters and Contractors.. BRICK repairing and oement work al all klnda. illl Cuming, Harney till. Lesssrd Bon, 1101 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1111. c. w Hokanaon. IMI Loeven'tb. Ty. 3111 J. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR BURHORN'S modern, sanitary ohlro- E radio adjusting parlora, 414-11 Roae Bldg. i. H47. Palmer Sch. grad. i lady attendant Dr. 3. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. Illl. Dancing Academies. DE LUXE ACADBMT. Ill S. llth 81 FOR SALE Complete aet tlnner'a toola, good aa new, alao I power proaaea; any or all. Write or telephone R. H. Malony, Red Oak. la. ' . FOR AALE 600 box shooks, llallxll, fine oondltlon. Write R. H. Malony, Red Oak, Iowa. FOR SALE A dray wagon In good condl tlon; will aetl cheap. Jakob Frey, Hebron, Neb. ' FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plahta. Art Combinations, ahlppod every where. ' Excellent oervlce to our eustora srs In past yeara recommenda 'HESS SWOBODA, 141a Farnam St. Doug. 1101. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fresh flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L. HEN DERSON, 1611 Farnam St PARKER Flower Shop, 411 8. llth. D. 1101. AUCTION SALE HIGH GRADE FURNITURE AND BUGS, AT 1101 CALIFORNIA STREET, Tuesday, July' U, at 10 A. U:l Sharp, We will aetl at public auction, all the furniture and rugs owned by the Orand Rapids Furniture Co., consisting of beau tiful parlor furniture, pedestal dining room tables and chairs to match, aeveral brass beds,, springs and mattresses, dress ers, commodes, chiffoniers, rocking chairs, several ruga, III 2; gaa and kitchen ranges, kitchen cabinet and hundreda of artlclee too numeroua to mention. . u-i. d. in aj m. and rune all rf.v. rjon t fall to attend thla sale, for It Is high grade furniture. No by-blddlng, nothing misrepresented. I DOWD AUCTION CO., ' AUCTIONEERS. For sale dates and terms call Red 1318. . . d itt r.w i-rt nd hair mat- trensce made over In new tlcka at halt h. nrtf of new ones. Phone ua for oample of ticking. Mall ordera filled. 1107 Cuming at. i-rouei". FOR SALE One McDougall kltchln cabinet complete; used sis months; cost 137.50. Aion rhtlTl-s laraest size white enamel bed. enrlnaa and mattress. Call Wal. 142. FURNITURE and furnishings for B-room eottaaa. Will sell all or In part. Owner leaving city, fax 3261. BROWN reed baby cab, In good condition. Phone Colfax 124 . WANTED TO BUY WANTED BUNGALOWS. Having said our last bungalow In Rlountso Park and hav buyer lor. more, we would be glad to list your properties at any time. . PAYNH INVESTMENT COMPANY1, P. 1741, 6th Floor Omah Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED High clan urveyor' transit, an Instrument that 1 designed for gen oral land surveying a well a drainage work. Price must be light. Address I StiO. Be. WANTED TO BUY Having rented a bulid- ing on xracK ior our on... ii"" we will want to buy nmi gias partitions. ... .aiAH. IVrrlna Tuta.1- lis! rPOPB owm - DESKS DESKS DESKS Now desk, used desk, bought; sold - and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. fiT.r. Rti 4404 -The bl buyer of furnl. turai nothing too big nor too mali. We pay all it worth. 1404 California St, Highest price paid for ad -hand clothes, hoe, trunk, auitcaie. u. enni otu,ivh, HOLHE.S pay your prlc for zd-hand clothe. hoe and hat. Web- 121. ANNOUNCEMENTS Detectives. THE INTER-STATE DETECTIVB AS SOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 132 itamge giog. .ei. wum- PHIL WINCKLER. Expert; low ratee. 1711 Dewey Harney 1701. sr. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. dence eecured In all caaea. Tyler Illl. Dresamakinal. ACCORDION. Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating a Button .Co.. est- raxton sua. rt. ..... FIRST-CLASS' work on summer dreeeel and allk shirts; everything guar. D. 1171. Kelsur'a Uressmaklng Col., 1121 City Nat'l. Tarry Drea.mak'g college. 10th and Farnam. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury". No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tatfs Dent. Kms.. 104 Rose Bldg. D. lui. Electrolysis EXPERT operator, at homo; reaa. charge. 101 S. 21th Ave. Doug. 7111. Everything la Women. ACCORDION, olds, knlfo, sunburst, tog pleating; oovored buttona, all alaea and styles; hemstitching, picot edging, am. broidery; beading, braiding, eordlng. ev.lwt out work, buttonholeo, pennants. 1UKAL BUTTON AND PLEATINU CO. 200 Douglae Blk. uougiaa isis. LADIEB Vou can alwaya mid ready-made, clothoe at Mra. Robortaon'a. Illl Lake St HAVE amall printing preee and about 100 letters; will print bualnees cards, letter heade, eto. What have you to trade! Ad dreaa B. C. 174, nee. WANT to trade tlna violin, cost III. for Vletrola, or aa part payment on gooa piano or will aoll for 171 caan. b. c. e. nee. BEAUTIFUL canary blrl. lovely singer, I months oldl will swap ror onioaene. o dreas S. C. I47J Omaha Bee. FOR exchange; gaa range for gaa water heateri aleo motoroyole ror muia. drees S. C. 141, Omaha, Bee. nnftRRSPONDBNCB school courss In arlth motto and algebra; will trade lor anyxning worth half Its cost, Address S. C. Ill, Bee. FOR HALE PavlnaMumber and ooal bual- nssa In northeast Nebraaka town; una yard competition. Will aenldar good cuar ter eectlon of eastern Nebraaka or west ern Iowa land, at actual cash value. Ad dreaa T-414, B.e. . JTOR BALE l-lab!e pool hall andaoda fountain, good town, doing excellent puai n.u eelllne on acoount of other bualneee; must IS at once. A snap. Will give, good. terms. t. ese, nee. ffE"wsPAPER and Job office; Highly profit. .hie- erowintr weetern rteoraaaa town garden epot of the state; twenty miles from competition; bright future untlm. Ited. 11,110 takes all dear. X snap never before oireTea. aiotng over month now; active man can Increase half. Personal reasons. Address T 417, Bee. rlinAnsi hiualneea for eala. having no com- petition, in county aeatl gooa reason, ior aelllng; price reasonable. City o.rage, I.vndnn. Kavn. FOR SALB Compl. klgb gfao moti outnt for amaii town, a NiiMa -' Hoi . Ohlowa. Neb. 1,000 BOND letterhMd. l.C0, II. MllfllWO, WILL ell or trade R-C-H touring car, good condition. Want lighter car, piano. What hav youT Addres Y 47t, Be. FILMS DEVELOPED FRKB when print are o roared. u,niargmenu irom any nj atlv. Kae Studio, llth and Harny. FOR EXCHANGE Delivery horee, harn and good spring wagon for gooa sere ana OHK. Aaare o. J. no, nee. WILL trade ' li-panger gn car and 1 leotrlo coupe, botn in gooa running aravr, for good T-panger. Tyler 717. NEW National Cash Register, to trad for office furniture or law doox. Aaare a. C 17T. Bee. BLADE eelllng fan. In good condition, for wall or itand tan. Addr B. u let. X LITTLB ad In thi column will bring bout some remarkable wcnani. BUSINESS CHANCES ATTENTION MOVIE SHOW PROSPECTS Movie show In Nebraska town of 1,100, doing fin business. See this. 411 Rom Bldg. Phone Tyler 2417. Movie show, only en In Nebraska town, Alrdome In connection and well equipped. ush Bldg. Phono Tyier ztii, Oratt movt show tn Nebraska town of 11,000. This 1 a greet money maker end wen wortn invMiigation. 411 Rose Bldg. Phon Tyler 1487, Omaha movie how. 410 ats. best of ouloment and very An bualn. This how eaa be bought right 411 Row Bldg. Phone Tyler S4IT, TWIN CItl' xpre Co., 1613 Gaa C Dougla 1717. Heavy naming peoiu. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures and Wiring. HTTP IT I M Blectrlo waahlug maohtn, aUUXVXVii electric iron and readlug lamps, rili Cuming St. Dougla ! 24iaP Crown Point Ave. Col- A. DON AO HUB. 1613 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH, florist, 1104 Farnam St.- o. 1000. ENTIRE I room or furniture and rug ior sale at once; also new $350 Sehaelter piano for 1160. 703 S. JC Ave. ttarngy FOR SALK Pa ten led Ironing board. nat and well built: win i&ai a ""V""5- u for particular luug. 61. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth J- and Ellen Lally, 4737 North Thirty-wventh, boy; Donald gand Bertha Charle, 4318 Decatur, girl; Xlaude and Mable Carrlck, S410 North Twenty-fourth, girl: John and Mary Adam, 1110 Bancroft, Blrl; John and Nellie Laird, 8611 North Twenty-ninth, girl; Edgar and Charlott Ixi n wood. 111 North Nineteenth, boy; Henry nd Evelyn Walther, 41,23 North Fourteenth, girl; Frank and Ruth Byers. Twenty-eighth and Harrison, girl; S. S. and Bob Conn, 1641 Charles, girl. Death Michael -Connelly, 46 years, hos pital Ulysse F. Alley, 40 yeara, Twenty fifth avenue and Harney; Harry H. Conn; 81 year, 1810 Ixard, Francis V. Oonwlch, 6 daya, hoepltal; John Holts, 82 -year, hos pital; Mra. Belle A. Houston, 66 years, 2213 Leavenworth; Baby Illam, 6 day, hoepltsl; Ella Mtger, 16 year. Twenty-eighth and Dewey avenue; Jame Patterson, 66 year, 1930 Case; Iois Williams, I yeVr. Twenty first and Howard. - FUMED oak dining room suit; table, buffet. china closet and enairs, aimon new, .c. reasonable. Harney B400. 44 Lincoln Blvd. (jot ICti boxes, ib gun siovt. ru hi all kinds; poultry wire a till 9 p. m. lftw N. a4th St. Pianos and MusicajXnstrumcn.s. LEAVING city, fine piano- cheap. 450 Parker. Walnut 3t'is. . . . PIANO fof sale, in fin condition. Call Col fax 8346. . ..; . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage license were lsttued to the' fol lowing couple. Nam and Residence. Marion M. Penny, Tekamah, Neb Bethel Rutledge, Herman, Neb... H. Wayne Skeel, Omaha Ron B. Swanson, Omaha......... Willi E. B. Wilson, Omaha Age. ,.. 28 ,.,20 . .. 81 ,..87 ,..32 :.. 20 Evelyn h. Franklin, Qutnrl, Okl... Tony Volaunk, Omaha 22 Mary Rehachkymaha 18 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS i . .- 1 LOiT BROWN AND 'WHITE SPOTTED . . aTOJXDOO, ONE ETB WHITB, OTHER . M0WK; HARNESS AND TAO. ON. NO. M. CALL HARNBT 1171 AND BE (IsSIVa BBWARa ' Store and Office Fixture!. DK8KS, aafee. scales, showcaaea, slielvina. eto. Ve ouy, eeu. ura.n. ruio. BUDoly Co.. III-H-ll. 8. lh- Do"- I'll- Billiard and Pocket Tables. Truthful Advertising We are prepared to give you . value foeelved for your monoy. We have the factlltle and the experience back of ua. to handle your good in th quickest and safest way. When you are about to move call ua up and let us tails with you about our service, I The Gordon Way of moving is absolutely the safest and bet way berause we employ men who have had years of experlnre behind them and they are working with large padded vans. Our Vans Carry the best facllltle for packing and mov ing pianos, furniture, etc. Safe Storage I what every one is looking for, Gor don's .way' Is absolutely safe, because we have a large fireproof storage house, welt ventilated and perfectly dry. If you are leaving the city. tore your good with u and we assure you they will receive . as good care a though they were tn your own home. . Furnaces and Tinware. ROOF1NO, furnace and general tin work. & Abrams, 1C06 N. 84th St. Web. 4s. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 207 Balrd Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. Doug. Ut. Hand Laundnr. CALL DOUGLAS 4626 and bav your laun dry done right and reason bl. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all kind, hats, alM4 and reblocked. 16U-163D Harney St. . Lawyers. FRANCIS MOROAN, 6U B Dtmg. 4111. Tustices of the Peace. H. H. CLA1BORNB, 612 Paxton Blk. Bod 7401 Notary public.; deposition teno. C. W. BK1TT, 801 Barker Block. Office and Store Fixtures. J, JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut HI. Movla hw buitn near Bettey. in for good paying ahow. All of my how are of th beat. ,W hand I noth ing but paying show. I MOVIB SHOW DEPT. Phone Tyler I4II. 411 Roe Bldg. IK BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. Spae t now available la ah xeeptlonally "food location for a bualne where only a amall tavMtment t needed. Personal Attention and ITIcUnt rvle will pll a bis auoe. THAT PATENTS PROTECT AND PAT Patent Attorney. H. A. STUROE8, 130 Brandels Thea. P. 1411, Painting and Papering. OMAHA Paste Co., 711 8. llth. Douy. 1710. 13 ROOM, paper and hanrlnf. Web. Illl, Pianos for Rent. I3.C0 Per Mo. A, Hospo Co.. Illl Dougla,. Scale Om. Standard acale Co.. 118 8. llth. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC', RENT l AND 11.10 PER DAT. DOUGLAS 1710. 7 POR SALE BILLIARD tablbb, urana new, carom ana. pueei, .mt..,o,v,.. outAt, Illl: second-liand taolee at re duced prlcea; bowline; alleys and supplies; easy payment Clar alore, drua. deli catessen and eoda fountain fliturea. THE BRUN8W1CK-BALKK-COLLENDER CO.. 407-4OI HQUtn mm ei. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. MUST aell my pure white diamond. Addrene K foe, nee- BRODBOAARP'S "lucky wedding rlnga" at - ifltfc, and Douglas Bte. ' Typewriters and Supplies. NBW machines sold ths same as rent; 13 per wonin. owe u. rent Shipped any plaoe on ten days tree trial. Butte Typewriter Hichange, SIS O. mn. '--' TYPEWRITERS sold, rejted and re- paireo. nwi v" 1 ' -' montha for IS. Central Typewriter Ex change, leos rarnam. Monarcha and Smith Premiers for rent! eent, Ington- Typewriter Company. 1). 1114. HAHfiAINS In ueed typewriters, rlbhona 14 dossn; carbon. II a ooa. aiiaiana wo.. Bse Bldg. Ill NEW typewriter for sale cheap. Phone Web ster Illl. ' Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines We not. repair, aell needles and parts of ail aewtsuc mar.blcea. MICHEL'S arssBRASKA CTCLB CO., Ulk u Harw au. Dane. llaa. phone Doualas 394.- thlnk about It. Do It while you Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 8. llth. D. III. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING annouueementa and prlnUnf. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 114. Wines and Liquors. BUY your family liquors at Klein', Liquor House, G22 N. llth. Douglas 1101. SWAPPERS' COLUMN GordQnVanCo. 211 N. llth St. W. W. Roller, Mgr. LOCATED I TH 15 BBB BU1LDINO, THE BUtl.DWO THAT IS ALWAYS NBW. . IS EVKIt A SAKE AND DESIBABLB ANNOUNCEMENT. FINK SUITE , of . THRKE ROOMS fine fnr LAWYERS. IlEAL ESTATE! or INSURANCE. The Bee Pulldlng Co., Office Room 103. DR. KLEANOR HAILEY, ISI World-Herald Bldg. Telephone Tyler 26"I4. Omitted from book. Residence 'phone Florence 311. BRODEOAARD'S at iftn ana t'ougiae Bte. LuckyWeddlng Rings7 LIVE outdoors. Y. M. C A fmtlnit Talk, Bakeries. CAKH8, pastry aod fancy bakery gooda, aupplled to parties, lodge, and anUrUln meota. Z. H. Boeder. 1IW N. 1Mb- W. H2I7. , Accountants. ' ' B. A. DWORABT. c. r. A. . A VAN ORDER.. ' It Remge Bldg. Phone Dwar- 11I. AdTertuunj Noreltiea, . aL r. Chafer Jt Co. llxh-Faraaas. B. IF you have anything to trade, make up a utile aa ana run it in tnia column lor aeven days It only costs lie and lo per anawer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and exr'lud.s Reel Eetate, cash offers, and Business Properties For Hale or Trade These, as well ss mslt orders for use of Swappere' Column muet pay regular ratea. One or two unaware are sufficient to inske your trade and the whole Iransaotlon only costs about inc. Try It. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send eketoh or model for eearcb. Highest rsferences. Beet results. Promptness assured. Iir.l 171 PATENT YY ctLauii a. vuiciiiau lawyer, III T St.. N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. BUSINESS CHANCES No other Omaha nwppr la showing any w her near th grog rM In it Want Ad a THE) BED. 1M01 MORE PAID ADS tn th first flv month f lilt than In th am -period of 1U. SITUATIONS WANTED' Male. BOOKKBBPER, 11 years' experience, coun- , try and city banks and otOeee, desirak permanent eonneetlon, country bank.u,aT good arm. Addreaa a 171. Bee. ; WANTED Poaltlon aa pharmaolit. Begla- . tared In Nebraaka. Beat of re(,r,neea, H. F. Manning. Hern a. Neb. HIGH school and bualnees college gradv at leek, position aa Ass't bookkeeper-., for ottlee work. Addreaa O-lll Bee. : MiicelUneoua. CONTRACTORS Contractors attention. W. fomlah all kind, of mechanlca and laaejr. : era fro. .1 ahi.: -a. Baapoaslkl, lor all Write, wire or laterhoae. Sweeney andi IMIIoir, Nebraaka Bmplap ( . ment Agency, ill! Dodge St. Dougla. toil. ' ODD lobs and janitor work by the day or month, evnertenced In all lines of woratl ' can furnlah beat at references. Telephone) . Harney 4710,, EXPERIENCED man would like general house eleantng, lawn, mower work; anteed. Phone Douglae 1141. guar- YOUNG married man, good habile, wlatuw poeltlon aa ohaulteur tn private family.. Does repair work. Harney Illl. Man would Ilka Janitor and porter worJL Call Harney 1141. POSITION a gentleman nur, eip. b. tar. AuthsnUo Printing Ce., lilt Kanaes City, Mo. Samples. ' FOR SALS or trade. Twa Bekaty Parlor Outfits. Complete, practically new. in. opening for oompeUnt operator here. Will make eaar tsrms. Write gukk. Simon Style Shop, Ifarahalltown, la. FOR BALE-On southern California, only dally newspaper in community o, m.w. population; Job plant In owner retiring. P. O. Bos Illl. Loe An gelee, Cat. FORCED to aell, 11,001 drag ataok and n- turee, good buelneaa, inroio. or inn, term, or dleoount for eaar.. Come eaa and make offer. Addreee Lock Bat F, T...r. Kan. tC, 10c and Ho (tore, doing seat bueiaeaa. located in oounty aea wes ."v nApa U.MI will aell at a Tear- gain If taken at once. Addrees Look Boa 111. Washington. Kan. FOR BALE loe ereain and eoaa water fao- tory In town or 4,,,o, aoing a paym. h...iHM.. omo. enaasted In other voatnaaa. Thle la a snap (or ulok ratttrna. Addraas V aeo. Bee. FOR BALD One of tha lest drug (tare In south central Naoreea.a aoeraa ,. deal; will oonelder part oaah, ana goo, real eatatsl owner want, to suit tha bus. Addreaa T-lli, n... BOTTLIMO WORKS In northweat Iowa, town of 1,000, two railroads; net all oaeb reaulrod: good reaaon. far sslllng. Ad drees X-41V, oee. WILL trade my 111 acres, ImproTOd, ml es west af uenrer, tio., .pj' 11,100 for a good auto, or a. II' anywhere. Watson, S 1110. ICE ersam parlor and confectionery i a flrnt -i...; making good moneys In lire town and only on. ef I to kind, here. Writ. C. W. Brooke,- valley .airs, as FOR BALE l-ahalr barber shop, ll-table pool hall, counters, anow eaaes, "to. " ,t. sell me or so. turea wparata. O. A, Land. 1107 Far ROOMING house, ,110. till, 1100, II0 up to worm inTe.tia.""e. . ROOMING MOUSE DEPT., - ltl Reee Bldg. Phone Tyler HIT. FOR SALE l-halr barber ahop, 10-taJla pool hall; counters, .now ' ' sell the buslnees or ths table, and oa .u, ,nar.t.. O. A. Lang, 1101 Parnaaa. DBtl6 stock for ealo. Stock and daturas Invoice about 11,000. Good buelneaa town In south central Nebraaka. Addreaa T 474. Bee. Hotels and ResUurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCt. 111! Davenport St. Douglae Illl, , Heedquartere for hotel help. ' Female. 1 WANTED Poaltlon aa housekeeper by. ' ! . lady with a1 child l4 year, aid; must pay railroad far. oat. Mra, . K. EndlooH. s Side, Omaha, Nab.,. Bout. 4 or telephoag grocery alar., South Illl. THE BEE choree for "Situation ada" Is lower than any other form al aavartiansr not enough to cover coot of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. , PnMla Monographer and notary puMle, I0T Boo Bldg. Doug. Illl, Reaa. rataa, EXPERIENCED colored woman wanta peel- tlon aa chambermaid In betel or bacneierr ouartere. Web. 1474. POSITION hy aapertesoed colored girl ad heueekeeveri go heme nlghta. Webata, Ills. WANTEDA poaltlon aa aa eieerieneeai laundreea. T' Mun. 1001, Louise Haaem, POSITION wanted by compel eat lady "SS nouaoaeepar. oity or email aawn. iy. sear. . ra -ai YOUNG lady would Ilka a houaekeepor. raoa. Doagasa WANTED Poaltlon aa cook la tnni boarding aouaa. Poug, lis,. : Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED German laundress ornate Mondays ana Tuesday, rnoao weeaaeo-Ilia. teed. Strictly dapdabla. Weeeter Ilia. WASHING and Ironing neatly dene, called, tor and delivered; work suar. Wats. 117s. WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar . ante. T.l.ahonea H. Illl and H. 4011, BY competent colored woman,. 4ay wwlfl, and laundry; bean of erorit, wop, mi, DAY work by reliable colored woman. S win da ohambar ererrk. - Webster Illl, ' Caameermald work, eipetianced, anythlnat aenaldered; 14 day, or whole. Ty. My WANTED Day work av neat, aaptrli colored woman. , phone Webster Illl. BUNDLE weaning, work, lace Oew. tatn.i work auarante. - Webatar HIS. :' WANTEDy-Pay work by Mpartaneoaj woman. ' Call WebeteV HIT. a, call, del.; guar. Mri.BagtaT.tlW B'dlee EXP. woman warlta day work. Web, ilsl. EXP, bundle washing daywork. P. Illl. White laundreea. dinners prepared. Web. Ills. v.vtiarleneed woman, dav work, Web. BUNDLE weening neatly dans. Web. Ills, FOR BALE Cheap, bakery and lunch room In a good town, eeeiern n,umina, reymakarAddresa T-4II, Baa. ' NICE grocery store In good location, eheap. Carllale, Doug. 1100. 410 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. WILLIAMS, astabllehad II years. Ta buy or aoll bualnesa sea him. 411 MoCague Bids. Reference U. S. Nat'l Bank MOVING Ploture Theaters, real bargains; machine., repalra, auppllee, aoceaaarlaa. nsw and second-hand. Ses ua. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Dug, 1110. FOR SALE One of the oldest grocery and meat marltale In the cltyi doing 14,000 caoh buelneaa per month; muet be sold at onoa; reaaon tor selling, other bualnees.- Ill Doug. Phone Doug. 1421. FIVE positions now open for young men of ability and Integrity, with from 1100 up, In general merchandise business. Address M III, Bee. ana aT.tnlnn. clean stock of hard ware; live town central neoruaa. www reeeon for aelllng. BO quica. Auureaa i, 247, neej NOTICE VACANT LOT OWNERS For Bale An B-room modern houae, ln eluding eoreen, storm window, ehade and brick foundation, located at 122 North 22d. House to be moved, THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 27. 212 South 17th St. "WANTED Party financially reRponlbl ; opportunity to etabllh yourielf In per manent money-making bualnees; to uch party will give exclualv right of our Famou Bookakln Brand of Carbon Pa per and Typewriter Ribbons; eatlefaetery reference aa to responsibility. Fred W. Neely, aol owner, Fred W, Neely Co., 601 B. Dearborn St., Chicago. ; JO ACRKb kooiI unimproved land, located '. II mile from St. lgul' great ma;ket, ZSk mile from J ronton, Mo.; beautiful conn try; excellent garden nil; spring watar; ' worth 5 per acr. . WU1 sell tor 3 or trad -for Qmaha real tau, auto, Al motor cycle; piano, marchandl; term. Owner, J 267 Be. WANT 150 to trarle, Improved 16 acre of truck land with two-room house, two and one-half mile of Faancltaa, Tex., (clear title) for six-cylinder roadater, late model; must bp In first claim condition. Ad (Ire Box 362, St. Paul, Neb. FORD roadater, for trade, 1916 body) A-l --.llt Inn liases nro.ln nLr h-nl horn, detachable dellery; box for rear.1 Address 8. C. 163. Bee. NUMISMATIST'S OOLLffiCTION Bare old coin, Caltfomla gold halves nnd quartars, Waehlnston coin, ancient Roman and Greek coin, flying eagle oenta, large cent and many other. What hav you? Ad drews 8. C. 173. Bee. I HAVE 160 acre all good farm land about 4 mile from Nebraska atat lln tn South Dakota. Price f 16 per acre. Mortgage $600 du La I yeara. irlll trade equity for auto, vacant lots or what have you? J. K. Cro, -6 Blnnny. jCiSblNO MACMTNHJ Buirough Adding Ma chln tn Orat elan condition; will ex chang for Underwood typewriter, good book. ptctre or, what hav you ? Ad dra S. C 16. Bm. MY Business Opportunities list w never better. Qrocerle, confectioneries, meat market, rttar and pool halla, most any buslnees you desire A few moments of your time with me means money saved. Our past sties and satisfied customers are our reference. BUSINESS OFPORTUN1TIK8 JJBrT. 419 Roae Bldg. Phone Tyler 24H7. Alaska If von want to know what la doing at Anchorage, Alaska, th terminus of th 136,000,000 government railroad, uo crlba for the Dally Time. II per month: Weekly Time, 93 per year; $1.60 for l month; in advance. A RELIABLE, manufacturer want general aiea mtniiar to oi)-n diiiub uio oiii g salemen; liberal contract; 1300 to 1700 capital neeensary; money-making poit- ilblUUe unlimited; will pay exponas to Chicago If you re th man we want. Secretary, 1012 Republic Bldg., Chicago. FOR BALE -U-table billiard and pool par lor situated on cond floor In lare auditorium building. At Excelsior Spring, Mo,, on of th best all -year-round health resort. An, car C. A. Sharp, Excelsior Hprlnga, Mo. FORTUNES In oil I Inveat now before aal closes; you get Interest in walls, deed to land; term $2 monthly; writ today for detail, maps, view. Bennett Co-Opera-tlv Company, 111 First Natl. Bank Building, Hohston. Texas. unlTmtted POSSIBILITIES. Van capable of being aale manager wanted by large manufacturer; open el ite; manage salesmen; $200 to $700 cap ital necessary; exponas paid to Chleago If you ar man we want. Rlxford, 1127 Lytton Bldg., Chicago. CHICAOO- manufacturer want Bales man ftmr to onen office. ' manage aaloamen - new, big money maker; should ' clear $4,000 to $7,000 annually; $200 to $1,000 will finance, Recording to territory. Hale Ieprtment, $24 National UI Bldg., Chicago. WANTED Hlf lntrt In boarding nous in vmana. 401, Bee. stabllahed Addreaa F DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, bav closed oui man mow. iu-om v" other Arm In U, S Write for term. CtflTION PlCTURlii MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargain, supplle. Film Exohange, lvl S. 14th BU FOR SALE by owner Drug tor. dwelling nd itucXi aquar aeai. Aaurwi v-hwi $16 West th Ay., Dnver, Colo. 10 GET In or out of bulna, call on QANUKBTAU. a auio. isvum- -ii. USt-WITH ME FOB QUICK RESULTS. Tyler 2417. now nioa. TO BELL or buy a business call on Buaoh A Borghog, 7-0 woria-tieraiq iag. EXP. BBlarii MFlrl. fcuAdl. wash. R. ITli. PAT work and bundle washing. Doug. 4ll'C DAT WORK. Call morn In. Wnatr tlifc. DAT work and bundle w aahlng. D. 4ltT, W.beter iltL WASHING and lac curUlns done, Ty. tli S COLORED woman, want day work. W. 142$. HELP WANTED MALE Storci ind Office. GOOD POSITIONS constantly go aegglnv for eompetent men. Investigate the oancie at ohcjo ir mreresieo ana qusvu flndi Threa Btano. I10$T6: tnvolo OUrlC. $71; blller, $60: steno. (mfg. firm), $ to 161. with future: offte oik,. 7-Tii bill elk., $60 expren checker (exp.), $tt $70; bkpr., $76; ledger oik., $70-7$: bUpr tic bknr. (invst.i 176: asst. me mgr. (In vat.) depend, Call and look over attr complet Hit of vmcancle and learn out method ef placing HIOH-ORADB hUp, go-OPKRATivJS ri, w., Ten Tear In Omaha. ' 1015-U City Natl, POOL ROOM Nln new tabl, eay trm. 3220 Farnam St. ToomlBgHoaiw ROOMING HOUSE Illl Davenport St., l14 good -ld rooms, well arranged to rent out. Very close In. Will decorat and put In good repair. Prlc $6. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 01$ Omaha Nat, Bldg. Phone P. M- SITUATIONS WANTED WlBEKLT RATE, lie PEA LINE. Day work or business ada regular ratea. t lln on weak $0 I lines on wk... alio Each xtra lln 18o per week. SALESMAN, city, salary depend. HAT.K3HMAN. ' tow. drawing ao BOOKKEEPER, A-l future, $70. . BOOKKEEPER, $66 . n LEDQKR (CLERK, $&-. STENOGRAPHER, out of town. $T$IB. STENOGRAPHER, railroad. $. BTENOGRAPHER beginner, $20. BOOKKEEPER, some teno. work, $11. STENOGRAPHER, wholeaal. ISO, TVPIHT ta WATTS REF. CO, 840 Brand. ThaatT BligL t m vnn h xpiikr (R. ft.f ...IlO.Ot STENOGRAPHER .................. T$. STENO. (Wholal Hou) ....... a $0,9 OFFICE MANAGER (Inreatment). .260.0 LEDGER CLERK ......... . ASST. BOOKKEEPER ............ 41, V nonia-TftrwPRR fRfInnri. ....... 48. v iWHTTtimRNT MAN (BurvT 90.00 BOOKKEEPER Invtmnt) . , . . T.t thi niNfi AflBNCY. 600 BBB BLDG. THESE POSITIONS MUST BE FILLED A ONCE Bookkeeper. $ts; aooxaeeper, -$70. Invoice clerk, packing houaa asp., $ Steno., $10. Stano, $7. Bteno., $10. Steno, tA nffliea dark and tvotit. 140. 240 FII ING FEB. Only $0 oifiU to liiTWtlgat rfernce. ' THTB MARTI COMPANT. 132T W, O. W. BUlldlDg. BKPR, and teno out-of-town, $7K; atsno.. grain. $7B; ateno., grain, t; fravvun salesman, established trad, fioot asst. .hinnin finrk. atano.. mfa.. $$1 ' ledger clerk, $76; stone, and office at 69; order cierK, vv. 1 ' Weetern Reference. A Bond! Arn Ino., Originator of tha Rfrnc Butnei, 7i Omaha National Bank Building. WANTED An xprtenced bank book keeper. Addi reference. Male. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position of some responsibility; would accept poaltlon a night watch In bank, largs store or ' hotel; strictly sober, and beet of refer- ance. K, car Omaha - Daily Bee, Co. Bluffs, fa. ' BT middle aei white man with "general RAtnmerclal sxoerlenae In tablllunnt whore one can start at bottom and work up to salesman position. Steady, sober. hanest and reliable. Reference, F2i7, Bee VTku HANDS. CORN PLOWnS, to lur- niahed free t farmer. Writ, wtra or telephone, 8weay and Dtlloa'o Nebraaka Employment ftgenoy. 1229 Juttxlg i Omaha. Nab. Dougla 7006. TOUNO matt 21 year old, wants a job; aas . worked In country stor and bank; good at figure and writing, apeak German. Addrais George gecaman. mi jhw wag. WANTED- -By young aoan, 12, work at karher trail I hav had St EBOBtnr perleno; smalt twn preferretL V. Glna, 9161 a llth Bt, S. Omaha. GAS -traction engineer desire pcattlon, perieuced. Handle any make, - B, prown. Box. 11. Seward. Nb OX' JAPAN PHB competent cook want poaltlon In a family, wni xl. uama, a. aim P. O. B 1114, giving Profeggiont and Trades., WA.Vt'IcD Good homaker, oapabl of run nlng Fleming atltohcr and finisher ; Aw 4.. a v4S mm! nr. bo-iaarai. tat salary xpcted. Schaekel ho Co FARM hand, oorn plowra to. lumlaheat fre to farmer, writ, www or w phon. Sweny PUhm's Nebraaka Era-1 ployment aoonoy. isio jjoog at, vniM-to , Neb. Dougla T009. ' ' ' , wATTtehUuihina shoo foreman hy1. tLrti ,-mi mrttnm a mLtafasSt- farm trC- torsi raoderat aalary to start; golt: pportualry tor ua rigrai man, rve complet prtn and salary speto4. ' Addrea A 801. Be. UinnM taba thla urmr. $49 to t89 total if vm taka nart cash and any auburbaa : lot or amall hona on monthly Install, s menta. , Aaareaa mvn. : . . BE AN aataMMblla axDort In six wks;,our Mg book toll you now, nan- Auroma Ml School, 991 K. llth St. Kansas City, Mo. ' . . .. If EN wanted to unload coal. Apply Sunder land- Brother' Company,, ,42d and , Ixar or 24th and. Tayw. wiVTRiwA artuter. iwn-r callvd out oa mtptarydaty. Wlro Jouroal, aordoa, N JDcug atan emaM. jom