Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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"Tnwiiftnda for Hportliir Oood. -
LatMt Wwidlnf Rlnt Edholm. jwlr.
Flfwtrio Fana, 7.S0 BurrsM-Graadan Co.
tloodrlrb Gardeii Hom Morton Son,..
Root Print It Now Beacon Ptmi
That hauntlnf, appoallns mtAoHj, Tin a
Loiiirin' Ko You." Have you hoard tt?
at the Vlctrola alry, Orchard aV Wll
helm'a? A Better location for your office can
not be found when you aelaet The Bee
ftulidlnr. the building that i always new.
Office room 101. , v
"Today' Movie rrofram,"" olaewlfled aeo
Mon today. H appeari in The Bee ezolu
lively, pind out what the varloua moving
iilrfur thrn olfwr.
Cuargee Negieet and Infidelity Alleging
ni-Elrct, abuse and Infidelity, Hattle Ousley
huii filed eult for divorce from George Oua
ly. to whom she was married In Ann Arbor.
Mirk, (September 12, 107, . .
Two Aiitoe Stolen I. J. Bessie of Elk City
nnd Dr. J. W. Dwyer of Omaha report the
theft of auto taken from down-town park
In dtetriete. The author! t lea have recov
ered fifteen stolen oara thua far thii
Water' Meter Striped W. R. Shauhneaay,
5ti9 South Thirty-third etreet reporu the
theft of a water meter to the police, while
J. W. Jackson, 5301 South Twenty-eighth
utroot, and W. S. Ferguaon of Llnooln are
minus personal effects to the value of 116
Woman Seeks Divorce Bertha Hedley has
filed suit for divorce from Barry Hedtey.
They were married in Council Bluffa Jan
uary 7, 1914. She alleges he treated her
cruelly, failed to support her and aban
doned her June 3, 1915. She aska cuajtody
of their child.
Ike Hart is Fined Ike Hart, 355 South
Fifth street, charged with creating a dis
turbance at the home of Ed Lee, also of
the above number, was fined $60 and costs
when arraigned in police court. Hart has
been In police court on various charges on
several previous occasions.
Harry O'Brien, Who Died in
May, Waj Married Twice,
but Left No Will. '
Grand Opera Tenor
Tours Through City
. Enroute to West
Riccardch Martin, a tenor in the
Boston Grand Opera company, which
apeared in Omaha in the spring,
passed through Omaha on a coast-to-coast
automobile tour. His running
time from New York to Omaha was
five and a half days. Mr. Martin
conceived the idea of a summer tour
when he was here earlier and enjoyed
a ride on the O-L-D highway.
He will visit Yellowstone park, the
Pacific coast cities, the Yosemite val
ley and the Grand Canyon. In com
menting on his trip he said: "I am
charmed with the beauty of this coun
trythe great waving grain fields
that seem like the granary of the
T am Imlrmo- forward With
pleasure to my day's run through
southern Nebraska."
Extension Classes
Largely Attended
ffhe extension classes of the Social
Settlement on the soutn 5iae, wnicn
opened Wednesday, already have a
registration of over 200. On this ac
count further enrollment will be dis
continued after Monday, as the set
tlement has not sufficient volunteer
workers to handle a larger number.
.A waiting list, however, will be main
tained. The classes are being held
at the West Side school.
The physical culture classes, under
Miss Sturba and Wilbur Fullaway,
are the most popular classes. Sewing,
cooking, military drill, story hours
and kindergarten classes are only a
few of the settlement activities. No
children under 4J4 years old are ad
mitted to classes, it is announced. ,
n i... .-J fW:.!,.... Iff am
oui yiai s anu ouuiuiy men
- Enjoy a Profitable Night
William Lynch of Wenetchee,
Wash., reported to the police the
loss of $250 taken from his person
Thursday evening while he was en
joying the scenery of an alley near
Tenth and Jackson streets. i
, Burglars entered the room of pan
Varda at 1414 Chicago street jand
stole a watch and $10.
Louis Rentfrow, proprietor of the
Millard hotel, gave $20 to one of his.
employes. Employe and money dis
appeared. M. B. Schneider of 22SS North
Nineteenth street, lost $14, which
was taken by burglars who entered
by cutting a screen. i
.'An Kasr, Pleasant laxarlTO.
' One or two Dr. Kins' New Life Pills at
night Insures a free and easy movement of
Ihv bowels. 26c. All druggists; Ailv.
Two wives are contending for a
share in the estate of Harry O'Brien,
who died May 25 at Excelsior Springs,
Mo. '
His first wife, Ella, wan married
to him at Fremont, May 27, 1902.
On September 16, 1911, she was
granted a divorce and, because her
husband had no visible assets, she
received no alimony. Since that time
she has provided for their daughter,
Viola, now 13 years old.
Following the divorce, O'Brien
married again. This wife also sur
vives him. He died without making
a will and his second wife could claim
only one-third of his estate. In addi
tion to this, she was granted $700 by
County Judge Crawford
Now comes his first wife and sues
for $2,821.55 for the maintenance and
education of their daughter, since
their divorce to the present time and
from this time until she becomes of
Before Yod Buy Shoes
Look at our windows and see the ex
ceptional bargains wo are offering:.
"Pumpa" in Large Variety
We have all the latest styles 1
Pumpa, Btrap Vamps, tfordu, etc.
Also s full lino of Sport Shoes and
Sport Oxfords In canraa and nubuek.
These shoes are the aame as other
merchants charge $4 and $6 for
Our price
$2.50 and $3.00
1 Hundreds of pairs of sample shoes
from the wellknown makers, Kirk
cndall, America. Hand Sewed, Victor
Shoe Co., Hassard Shoo Co., Rice k
Hutch ina.
For style and service these shoes
have no superior. These standard
nhoes are $4.00 to $4.00 values
Our Price
$2.50 and $3.00
Men's Work Shoe, a large line, at
price .that can't be duplicated in
the city. Why not aave half on your
footwear f You won't be asked more,
no matter what the value of the
shoo you select.
At the Sign of the Electric Shoe,
War Put On Special Sale
An Immense Rug Purchase
Bought Direct From the Mills
Axminster Rugs Velvet Rugs
Wash Rag Rugs
In Sizes Ranging from 18x36 inches to 4x7 feet. '
Included in this big purchase are many of the
very newest and choicest patterns in the different
-weaves, and on account of the great number of
rugs involved in the purchase, we received from
the mills an extra heavy discount. This big dis
count enables us to put the entire purchase on
special sale for this one day only at prices that
will mean an absolute saving to you of at least
one-half. Come to this big sale expecting to find
extraordinary values and you will not be disap
pointed and, as always, ,
Note These Extremely Low Prices :
Axminster Rugs
Size 18x36.......... 95c
Size 22x36......... $1.25
Size 27x52.... .....$1.45
Size 36x63......... $2.20
Size 4 ft. 6x6 ft 6.. $7.65
Wash Rag Rugs
Size 24x36 55c
Size 27x54 75c
Size 30x60 .85c
Si 3672 $1.15
Size4ftx7 ft....... $2.45
Velvet Ru,?s
Size 27x54, at $1.50 - Size 36x72, at $2.95
Size 4 feet 6x6 feet 6 at $6.95
Friday, July 7, 1916
Phone Douglas 137'
Cool, Broad Aisles, and Every Section of the Store Offering July
Clearing Specials, Makes Shopping at Burgess-Nash a Pleasure
$1.00 Off Sale on All Our
Women's French Kid Pumps
TjlOR Saturday only, a saving of $1.00 on every pair of
women's French kid street pumps
Women's $8 Pumps, $7
gray, white and tan and white
All the 18.00 Dumns. in Dear! trrav. dark
id white 7 An
and erav combination, oair. . J ""
Women's $7 Pumps, $6
All the 17.00 colonial pumps in gray,
ivory, white and bronze kid, QQ
Women's $6 Pumps, $5
All the $6.00 pumps in white and col
ored kidskin; (PC A A
Der oair
All the $5.00 pumps in bronze, mouse
brown, champagne and white, It A AA
oer nair smt.vv
Women's $4.00 to $6.00 Pumps, $2.65
In one big lot all the odd oairs and short lines from
our $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 pumps, pair
- Burgass-Nasa Cs, aarond Floor.
MIDDY BLOUSES for Women and
Misses Saturday at $1.00 to $3.98
THERE'S probably nothing more comfortable for wear this hot
weather than the middy blouse, blouses of silk, silk ooolin and fine
galatea in white with assorted Colored collar and cuffs; sizes 6 years
to 42 bust
Burgoso-Naah C. amctmm Flow.
BURNASCO Quality SilkHose at 50c
ANEW arrival of our famous Burnasco quality black, pure thread,
silk boot hosa. full fashioned, rea-ular made with double rarter
tops. We consider them very special values at 50c pair.
BmiwWms Cm. M.fal Flow.
Choice Saturday of Every Trimmed
Summer Hat in the House at $3.50
Were Formerly to $17.50
THE clearaway includes
beautiful white dress hats,
small tailored shapes, semi
dress sailors, in fact it's an un
restricted choice of every
trimmed summer hat in the
store at the extremely low
price of $3.50.
Clearaway of Sport Hats
Formerly to $5.00 for 89c
You'll find a hat to match every suit or, costume white.
black, rose, Copenhagen, blue, green, etc. The materials
are Milans, Wenchows, Peanits and Panamas, prettily OA
trimmed with ribbon bands, etc.; very special, at. . . . 0.7 C
Burg. ss-Nash Co. S.cond Floor.
Women's BATHING SUIT S and
TIGHTS 50c to $3.50. Second Floor
ONE of the best selected assortments we've shown for a good long
- time; wide variety of styles and such splendid materials as silk,
satin, poplin, mohair, satin and wool; also silk Jersey.
Bathing suits, $1.78 to $13.50. Bathing tights, BOo to $3.98. Co. Sscond Floor.
WHEN an order left for print
ing. You may give thought
and care, any , amount of both,,
to making your photographic ex
posures, but they are all as naught
unless the films are perfectly de
veloped and printed.
Burysss-Nash Co. Mitii Floor.
DD lot of stationery and cor
respondence cards, including
Cranes and "tther well known
makes, in white or colors; were
25c to $1.50 the box, at exactly
Ji Price.
Bursen-N.ih Co. Msln Floor.
"Checkering" at Burgess-Nash
We are exclusive factory distributors
in Omaha for the celebrated and world
famous , '
Come in or write for catalogue and prices.
'' Co. Fourth Floor.
Clearing of
at V2 f rice
IN MOST instances there
is but one or two of a
style or model, an oppor
tunity to secure a pretty
summery frock at but one
half the original price.
This idea :
$ 6.95 Dresses, at $ 3.48
$10.00 Dresses, at $ 5.00
$15.00 Dresses, at $ 7.50
$19.50 Dresses, at $ 9.75
$25.00 Dresses, at $12.50
$29.50 Dresses, at $14.75
$49.50 Dresses, at $24.75
$65.00 Dresses, at $32.50
$85.00 Dresses, at $42.50
$145 Dresses, at $72.50
Women's Suits
at Vi Price
Suits, now $12.50
Suits, now $14.75
Suits, now $17.50
Suits, now $19.75
Suits, now $22.50
Suits, now $24.75
Suits, now $27.50
Suits, now $29.75
Nun lo.n9.coad Floor.
, For Every Occasion Wear
At $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 and Up
SATURDAY is always a big blouse day in this store and we have prepared for
your selection one of the largest collections of wash blouses we've shown this
season at such low prices, featuring every clever conceit in frills, collars, jabots,
cuffs and trimmings. The materials are organdies, voiles, lawns, linens & batistes.
Bhisom.NmI Co-4oomi' Floor.
July Clearing Sale of Two - Clasp
SILK GLOVES, Double Tipped, 59c
Vrtrm flna nualltv mllaneaa allk cloves, in slain or with black
stitched back, white, black, gray and pongee shades: also a small as
sortment of long double tipped silk gloves, in black or white; July
clearing price, per pair, SBo.
Women's Long ana Short Silk Gloves, $1.00
16-button length, embroidered silk gloves, embroidered. In pretty
floral designs; also come with tucked arms; not all sites in each style,
but all sites are in the assortment In black, white and colors; for
mer prices, $2.00 to $3.00; July clearing price, pair, f 1.00.
, Bartoos-Nuh Co. Mslm Floor. . i
Clearing Sale of $5.00 Mesh Bags at $1.95
Women's Union
Suits Saturday 50c
HITE cotton, low neck and
sleeveless; cuff knee, or urn- ,
brella style; all sixes. '
Boys' Union Suit. 50c
High neck, short' sieves, knM
length, Including such makes as
"Poros Knit," "Setsnug," "Met-
co," etc
. BurfMtN.k Co-Msia Floor.'
Including shell frames, plain or stone set, with fine German silver ring mesh,
finished with tassels and beautifully lined; also gate top bags; usually to $5.00,
Saturday during July Clearing Sale, at S1.95. ...
10c Beauty Pins, 3c
A big lot of gold plated beauty pins, belt pins,
bar pins and tie clips.- Wer. 10c and many were
more, at 3c , . ,( -. .-
25c to 50c Scarf Pint, 8c .
Assorted lot of men's plain and stone set scarf
pins, plain gold plated, engraved or enameled bar
pins, Women's plain or stons set gold plated or sterl
ing front belt or jabot pins. Were to 26c and 60c,
at Sc. . 1 .' ' ,.
Lockets, Crosses, Etc, 29c
Kins told SIM lotkots, stale Bonn or britht Sntsh, bsmu
tlfullr snrro'sd Mid Dm stons kind. Onssoi sr. stsrltag sllvsr
sngr.ved or lino wklto stons sst. You'll Sad Oorman tilTsr
clgantto sum and vanltr oss., Ben's, sslstr silk fobs with.
old pl.Ud ndunttngt. Won SM to SS.00, at sec.
urSot..Nash Ck Mala Floor.
Jewelry Novelties at 95c
PrMfftr a.tvuatlfey rnsaaa Ana rretHA AIIajI kiwsAUta
a uvttio; vi . siiav vi4 alliuu wiaswiCWo .
novelty brooches, dainty lavalUereS, fine gold filled
neck chains, sterling silver rinn set with cabachion
amethyst, emerald, sapphire, also cluster rings. Were
to fo.uu, sue price, ysc. ,
i Jewelry Novelties at $1.95 ' :
The items are varied and hardly describsbla. Cameo
bsr pins, gold plated beads, lavallieres, cameo brace
lets, novelty bracelets, gold filled lockets and chains,
fine solid and gold filled fobs, etc. Wers to $8.00 and, saie price, fi.vo. ; t v fi .
" 25c Cuff Links, 15c i
: Men's fine gold plated cuff links, some have set-,,
tings, otners pretty tancy, without stones or plain.
vyere $dc, sai. price, lot, , a , : ....
This Seven-Piece
Glass Water Set 39c
'OLONIAL glass water set, as Ulus-
trstea, consisting 01
water pitcher and
six glasses: clear
glass; special, OQ.
. SW
i Jl Saturday.
. Burgasa-Nasa Co Dotra-Stalr. &aty
Garden HOSE 10c
GOODYEAR molded garden hose, ev
ery length guaranteed, -inch size,
foot, 10ci 4-inch size, foot, 12c,
Ice Cream Freezers,, $1.69
North Pole, all metal ice cream freez
er, 8-quart size, $2.26 value, $1.60.
Black wire screen cloth, per square
foot, 2s. , ;
Screen Doors, 79c
Painted green, good heavy frame, cov
ered with Dest quality wire cloth; any
stock size.
Clearing Hammocks
at BIG R e duct i o n s
EVERY hammock In our stock has
been entered for a quick and de
cisive clearaway.
Hammocks that were $2.26, 0
Hammocks that were $2.76, (PI AC
now ; oJloOT
Hammocks that were $2.68, PO OP
now . , .
Barf ....Nash wCov Dowatalro Storo
Women's and Misses' Pretty
A SPLENDID assortment of
wash skirts. Mad. - of good
quality white gabardine. All fresh,
new stock, in tour pretty summery
styles, essily tubbed. Saturday
specially priced at $1.00.
Dainty Summer Dresses,
Were $5.95, at $2.95
Just the sort of dress you need,
these hot sultry days. All made
of cool summery materials in
styles specially adapted for warm
weather wear. Some made of the
Tjotralar snort strined materials. A
splendid vslue at $6.96; July clearing price,
Burf.MS.NasB. Co. Downstairs
Best Known Refrigerators Sat
urday at July tlearing Prices
' The refrigerator, like all other hot weather merchandise,
is entered in the July sale at reduced price!
' $36.00 Automatic Refrigerator, $29.50.
Eight-wall construction, mineral wool insulation, made
of ash, covered with three coats of varnish. White enameled
food chambers, with three adjustable retinned shelves, auto
matic feature in trap and locks; regular $36.00 value, at $20.50,
$27.60 values.. $22.80 I $41.00 Values i .$38.00
$32.60 values. .$28.00 I $48.60 values. $40.00
$38.00 values. .$33.50 I $52.00 Values. ,$42.50
$16.50 Top-Icing Refrigerators, $13.75 "'
Illinois refrigerator, top-icing style, made of
oak with three coats of varnish, white enamel
lined food chambers, heavy retinned shelves, ice
capacity 85 pounds. ; , v ! , '
HlfeMi jj 30-lb. capacity, were $10, now. . .$7.95
IlS-SR J 1 15-lb. capacity, were $21.60, now . . . $17.50
Standard Rafrigorator, 3-Door Sido-lcing Stylo,
T fseiitfsr' 90-lb. capacity, were $21.60, now. . . .. , . .$18.50
' . .- 110-lb. were 129.60. now . . . . Sis sn
Burgos.-N.ah Ce-Dowa-Stalra fltoro
Burgess-Nash Gompam
Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.