1 x.'wwwlww,w THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1916. UE STOCK- MARKET fOattle Receipts Light, Trade is Active and Steady Sheep ' f '' ! ' I EOOS ACTIVE AND STEADY 1,111 tteeatpuarere:- EOfSrtal Monday . TueaAav. holiday reran, i wdnoiay l.tTi tofsrlal Tnureday ... 1,114, fEatltnata Friday .... S7( Omaha, Joly . 1111. r cattle. Hon. Shai. S.24I 1.121 1 1.040 11.121 i:.io T.TII ' 11.041 1,000 42.T14 11,171 11,010 41,11? 11,110 11,000 It.lM 11.714 41.141 17.840 17,221 47.I6J Ptr dan this wok. 1,111 .Same daya la.t week. 11.121 tllm dara 8 woeka asoll.117 ftftme day a t weeka afoli.141 saroe daya 4 waaka aco30,771 fcttame daya laat year. . 1,010 iTba followrtns table mowe tba raeetpta .1 rattle, hoc. and aheap at tba South Omaka I've atorb market for tba yaar to data, aa compared with laat yaar: r ' int. tne. , TJao. rttl .... 100,714 lll.MT 07.607 ...... f.Hoo l.7,ftl I,0a.l4 111,107 &ep .....1,010,014 1,011.111 11,471 I The rollowtnt tabta ahowe tba av.rar. : pnwi or nova at tne umana Itva atock mar- Hot for the laat Tw daya. wltb cnmpanoom- Data. una JO. UaM II. ZJun. 32. tjund It. frfuna ee Jona H Una 10. June 17. Una. II Jane 10. Una. 10. !JI 1 iH S.I uniy o iff . 1010 11011. 11014 noil 11018.11011 0 41 bi 1'H oi 3; 40 H I 1 oa 3 414 0 17fi ill o it t oo 7 74 1 II 7 10 00 i t 41 I 17 t ii i to e . f II I II T 141 I 21 I 40 0 00 I I II I It I in I 71 e I 111 ? 411 1 30! I 10 T 10 I 14 I 14 a 7 10 ! i ii I M I II II 10 I 14 a I II I 14 II ii! ii M 11 IJvtf HoU4ay. . , , ' wind ay ' CATTT.B fUeatpti vera light aa iual afridaj, there beta only aleven care Wf which tu raally not mouth to make mexket. Wht few then were Mmmand a tally ataady price, varythtnf changing haade la rood nuoi. For tha wk price a baef ataara ara around Htjioe lowor. tho advaae of Monday bavin i been wiped a and mora, too. The beat gradaa of owe jaW hoKora bav not ehanirad much, while jiaadlam and oonunon fraao itoeh la un favenly lowor and alow. Very low atoek ijora and todora are coming, while tha do I vand la fair for thla aoaaoa of tba yaar. i Medium to oonunon kinds ara alow aellera. and havo aoan traduaily aaalnf off. f Quota Uoaa on fUl: Oood to eaolee heoTM, ft.tO.M; fatr to food boerea. Ml; food to ohloi yoarllnva, It.eolfl.U; road to choke rrlln(. It.toeiO.K; talr to caoel raarllasa. (8.1.0 oommon -to fair yaartlnffB, f.I.M food to oho.ee ihaffeiw, IT.M9S.2I; good to oholea vowa, !M.?df.TI; fair to good cow, I8.00ei.1l; !emmoi to fatr eowa, $I.7l.Wj food to choice foadara, M.OOtfl.lO; felr to food feed art, T.Idl.M: common to fair foedsra, Htl7.K; food to choloe otockera, I7.TB 1.40; atock helfere, M.sdT.SBf atoek ieawa, ,?,; atoek oalvea, e.7Sdl.la; vaal aalvoa. t.lfielMI; beef holla, ataa. ate., t.od7.; boloma balla, i.fi0O.f0. HOO in aatta of the faat that tha run Jwaa .ao larva and that soma of tha other ?aaariMta wiroa aUffhtiy waakar proapoota, tooal ahlPDor borers aaaln cot tat action ?rtr and banvht what hen they could usa nx pnooa tftai were aasnr ateaor to atronf. ia faot. aa waa tba eaaa rastorday. some of their rahaao were aa mock aa f tin It iookod early aa thourh aaokoni had froed raasona to aak aome oonoeeelone. and tAdr ftrat parchaaot were a little oaate. 'hat whan the bt bulk of tha hoae started 'to moro It waa oa a lenarally steady baals. ith oloaa waa another active affair, and !tto trade waa, If anything, tha beet time. packers calling some of tha hogs they bought toward the flnloh stronger, A food fCloaraaeo waa made lirfora 1:10. j Tha laaat that could bo said of the mar kftt waa that- It waa a rood, active, steady i iftffalr, and a good many traders quoted the average market atronf. Bulk of tha pack ing rtoga again oold at IMOOMt, with the Mggeat atrtnf at It.so. The top reached equaling tha year's high mark, which :1a tha big host Agure paid since 1910, To 'day's top la alae the highest price over paid ! )a the month of July. Aa compared with ithe closlnc day of last week, current wclnr prteea are Just about steady, while hipping hogs look a little higher and the ,nVfr-.jre trade le strong. ? SHKBP Receipts of Umbo weirs the i largest far a Friday st&na tho first week of February, and did; not lack much of being lea heavy aa on any previous day or tne ;wek. Batlraates put the supply at thlr- ty -seven cars, or 19,000 head, which makes tha total tor the week to data JM?1 head. Thla la a shortage of almost 14.000 as com-, pared with last wVk, and Is 11,000 smaller, than a ysar ago, but larger than two weeks ago by 4.000 head. Aside front the heavy local run, the sup ply was light all around the circuit, and paoklnr demand continued good, the mar ket opening early oa a strong to mostly fiieo higher basis. Bulk of th range lambs on offer aold at f 10.B0O10.C0, with a three-car band at SlO.tt, the days top and tha hlgheat price paid so far this month Quality was again very good, and eortlng continued comparatively light. Prlcea today ara generally loviac nignr man at the eloee of hut week,, when 110.60 was buying moat of tha good lam be. Quality haa been food all week, and light sorting has been a feature, The supply of old sheep waa, as usual, extremely light and prices continued strong. No reel good ewes were nere, best on orrsr bringing IT. 00. It Is thought that some thing real d-olreble would land somewhere around $7.1097-31, but there haa been noth Inf of that sort here at any lime this week. A few range yearlings sold at 18.00 again today. The old sheep and yearling trade haa been oonalitantly strong all week, and while no advance haa been quotable on any one day, prices look 15 20c above laat week'a cloee. One load of deelri.nl feeding lam be made tip tha entire suppply and they sold readily enough at 19.00, the hlgheat price paid I nee grass lambs started coming la any great numbers. Good feeders have taken about tho same sort of a enures aj fat lambs thla week and ara now quotable at l.7.00. y Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs, good to choice, I10.S0O10.0I; Iambs, fair to good, 99.76ofiO.lO; lambs, feeders, $MO0 9.00; yearlings, food to choice, IT. 60O8.10; yearlings, fair to good, 14.769? 0; wethers, fair to choice, $4.t09?.60; ewes, food to choice, 14,7697.11; awea, fair l to food. ll.7l9l.To ; ''' ::-v';--i' , ' CHICAGO UVB WTOCK sfARatBT. Oattl Market Steady Hoga VnaeMlaeV , Hheop Firm, dhlcago, July t.-CATTL Recalpta, I, 900 head; market ateady: native beef cat tle, I7.S0OU.30; wee tern steers. IS. 2001,40: stockera and feeders, $fi.409 06; cows and heifers, fs.7699.76; calves, 98.60911.26. HOQS Receipts, 81.000 head; market un settled 6c lower; bulk of sales, 80.76010.06; light.. I0.60O1O.0S; mixed. $9.6010.16; heavy, .B0O10.17H; rough, , .t0&9.flt; Pigs. 18.0009.60, . HHEEP AND IAMBl?--Reoeipts. 8.009 hsad; market firm; wethers, 94.7691-10; ewes, 118698,78; lambs, $7,60911 10. V , ' M. Loads Uva Soaek Market. Bt. liOula, July 1.CATTLa-Reoelpta, MOO head; market steady! native beef steers. 17.60911.96; yearling ateera and heifers, 81.60 10.46; eowa, 86.6098. 86,' stockera and feeders, $6.1098.90; Texas and Oklahoma steers, 15.69 9 8.90; prime year llng ateera and heifers, $1.79910.96; cows and -heifers, 99.909I O0; prime southern steers, $9.09910.09: native calves. $9,909 II. 90. ' ' HOOit Reoelpta, 9,100 headi market, higher; plga and Hghta, l.76Ol0.I0; mixed and butchers. $9.90 9 10.21 good heavy, 910.16919.26; hulk of sales, $9.96910.10. HEEP AND LAW BH Receipts, 1.100 head; market strong: wethers, $6.0098 00; clipped ewes, $4.0096.00;' clipped lambs, $8.009to.40; spring lambs, $7,00910.76, .. " Kansas City Lhva Btoek Market. Kansas City, July T. CATTLE Receipts. 1,900 hesd, including 1.800 wtherns: mar ket steady! prime fed steera, $10,16911-00; dresaed &t atoera, $6.0091M0i western stssrs, $7.00910.80; stockera and fdra. .76f8,9i bolls, II. 7607.14; oalvea, $9.40 K008 Recalpts, . head!i; market ateady: bulk of aaiea. $; 1 Jm 110.00910.10: packers and butchers, 18.809 10.09: Tight, 0.70O9-j P-ora. $,-?J'2'.M HfcF AND tAMBihacalpta, 8,000 head; market hlgherj lamba, $9-JS": yearlings, I7.60OI.36; wethers, 9.60O7.60; owes, $4.8697.10. NEW YORK STOCKS Special Stocks, Particularly Those of War Group, Are k Under Pressure. BETHLEHEM STEEL GAINS v M. Jaaaph Lira Stoak Market. . t. Joaeph. afo., Jir CATTLJ0 Re .alpta, 100 haod; market ateady; ateera, l7.IOK10.10r oowo id heltere, I4.MOI.I0I. eowa. 7.ooeil.0O. , r; HOOS Itaoelpta. , 4,000 . bead i : rn' ateady: top, HO.OOi bulk of oaleoj $1.00 haa4i market hlhari lamba, 10.01.7I. , Hon Ctty Un Mook Marliao. 1 Blou City, July . CTTI, Receipto, 1.100 head; market ateady; native eljera, .0010.71 eowa and hnltere, 4)0.1191. 00; bulla. ata, etc., 15.20(17.00, , , HOOB Kecelpte, 1,000 head: market tribady It lower; heavy, 10.0191-10; mixed. ll.IHfl.lll ll.ht, Il.40ei.t6. SHKEP AND LAMPg Beeelpta, lOOJieajK -! Rfti Bee Wtnt Adi for profit Uoe them for reiulti. . -. ( New Tork, July 7. special atock., par ticularly thoee campriolne the war froup were a.atn under preaaure today, togather with other leeuea remotely related to that dtvlclon. Extreme decline, of 2 to 4 polnta were recorded by the more Important muni tlone, tha one etrtklne; exception 4elnf Bethlehem Btert, wheh .alned It polnta to 4tt on a fairly lr. number of tranaao. tlone. Matal atocka, notably tha Zinc laauea. can. tlnued to lo.o ground on the further de cltne In theee product, -abroad. Shipping aharoe were conetatentty heavy. United Fruit loalng I polnta with almoat aa mueh for Mercantile Marine preferred. Sugare war. aubject to profit taking on tbelr recent advanoe and motora were letharglf when not heavy. Variable deellaee were acorad by United tatee Induatrial Alcohol, Teiae company. Federal Mining and aome of the Induatrial leeuea, dependent upon favorable tariff achedulea. Americana and affiliated atocka offered greater reeletance than moot other etocka. Petroleum cloalng with an actual gain. California Petroleum, alee war. Unuaually active and atrong. Except' for Reading, which waa one of the chief feature, of tha forenoon, Bella were acareely a market factor. Union Pa clflo and St. Paul manlfeeted little of thelf recent reelllency and Canadian Pacific kt all lie aubatantlal rlee of the flrat houra. Publication of tha crop report In tha tatter part of the eeaelon contributed to tha par tial ralllea of that period. General crop oondltlona dleloaed Improvement over the preoedlng month, especially aa to corn and winter wheat. Total aaiea of atock. amounted to 410,000 Bonda war. Irregular on dlveralfled deal Inga ' total aaiea par value, 12.211,000. United State, bond. war. unchanged on "A". ' - . . . i - -. Balee- Itign. irfw. Am. Beet sugar... American Can .... . Am. Car. ft J"dry.. Am. Locomotive. ,. Am. Smelt. Bel . . Am. Sugar Bef.... Am. Tel. It Tel..... Am. L. S.... Anaconda Copper. . Atohlaon .......... Bald, liocomotlva. . Baltimore ft Ohio.. Brook. Bapld Tran. H. ft a Copper..... Cal. Petroleum Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.... Cheaapeaka ft Ohio C, M. ft St. P.... Chicago ft M. W. C. R. 1. ft P. By. .. Chtno Copper Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. T.I00 Corn Product. Ref. 1,000 rmrihl. 1,1.1 11.000 Pletlllere' Securttlaa 700 44H Erla ..,. 1,100 tffc uenerai cieotno. ........ , ... Qraat Northern pfd. 1,400 111 ut. no. ure cite. too Illlnola central....! Inter. Con. Corp... . 100 17 Ineplratlon Copper. 11,700 tlH Inur. Harveeter... 100 111(4 Int. 11. U. pfd. otfa. 11,000 01 X. C. Southern 300 II Kennacott Copper. , 1,100 411, Loul.vllle ft Naah,. Mea. Petroleum... : IT, 100 104 ' Miami Copper...... 1,100 16 m., K, t. nra... 10.200 re esie 1,100 II 11 II i. ooo si ii ;; 1,000 10 01 ii 11 1,600 Ii- 144 JJ "ioi iio" iii" m 11,100 II 10 11 14,100 11 II 12 1 100 101 101 3 101 10,400 70 01 00 1,100 II II II ii. iii 'oik' 'iiii ? 2.100 22 20 11 1.101 111 110 110 1,200 17S 10 10 W 11 ,11 02 1,000 II 17 01 100 110 110 121 .ooo ii 12 aa s,,.., 44 12 44 . 14 'i 14 H II 11 70? 44 44 II 2 .... Ill in it in no in in H ii It . IB 47 47g 101 4 Mleaourt Paciflo Montana Power.... National Lead '. Nevada Copper....', New fork Central. . N. T., N. H. ft H.. Norfolk ft Weetern Northern Pacific. Paciflo Mall,..,... Paciflo Tel. ft Tel. Pennaylvanla ... .. Ray Con. Copper, . Readlna Rep. iron ft Steal. l.aoo too "itf it 1.400 11 14 1,700 101 101 12 J 88 104 II Shattuck Arli. Cop. i 100 400 111 ' 111 11 1,200 114 ill 114V 200 20 4,700 It 1,700 22 11,300 100 1 10 11 17 17 13 23 11 01 4114 41 28 24 27 11 II 14 24 24 1.100 1.100 2414 7,400 130 112 llli ..... ..... 0. 113 Southern Pacific Southern Ballway. Studebaker Co. ... , Tnnnea.ee xjoppar,. Texaa Company.... Union Pacific. Union Paciflo pfd.. IT. S. lnd. Alcohol, Vntted Statea Steel. 10.100 U. S. Steel pfd 700 117 117 Utah Copper,. 1.000 71 7 Wabaeh pfd. "B". . - l,40 - II II W,arn tTnlon 400 Weel. Electric... 11.100 17 II Total aaiea lor tna day, tie, 1,100 101 , 1,100 lion 1.100 12 1,000 13IW a IT 11 I II .000 abar, 111 12 130 0 117 J7J i! 1411 IF you have any doubt as to which , beer is the most popular, listen to the great majority of people order Gund's Peerless Beer. Its sparkling clearness ' and delitrhtful snao cive it that zest that awakens your appetite and fully satis- ' fies your palate. Its genuine purity, cleanliness and uni form goodness are features the Gund standard of brewing has carefully guarded since the yeif 1854. ' . - . . . ;i , . , . Learn hovv delicious really good beer is. Sold in bottles at clubs, restaurants and bus, or delivered to your home in trie cue. JOHN GUND BREWING CO., La Crosse.Wls. - GUND COMPANY OF NEBRASKA' -' v M. ft. BLAIR. Mgr. ISXO-S4 Uvienrlh St, OmaJii, Nab. ,. T.I. Douglaa SSI. Famfly trad. auppJM by CARL FURTH. 71S S. IStk St, " V " ; . .' "- ."""..aaaaaie. ' ' aavvMIHIal OPw Y':' Yd 'A CHICAGO GBMIM AKO PROVISION 8. : Baias la Spring Crop Begioai Balsa Price , ejf Wheat. Chicago, July 7. Notwithstanding that the bearish nature of the government crop report had been yenerally foreseen, wheat prices today showed strsngth, the result uhlefly of unwelcome rains In the north west and of higher quotations at Uvsrpocl. the close, although unsettled, was at He to 940 net advance, with July, 81-09. and September, 1, e&01. 01: Corn flnlahed 9o off to 9c up, and oats gained e to 0e. In provis ions, tha outcome rarled from lo decline to a rlae pi 17e. Pear of ruat In the spring crop belt owing to continued excessively humid weather lifted wheat right at the start and ao too did the Liverpool advance. Reporto that Kansas farmers were manifesting a dispo sition to retain holdings tsndsd further to strengthen the . market. On the bulge, however, offerings here became more lib eral, 'Influence! partly by aaaertlona that the Bouth Dakota harvest would - begin within two weeks, and by word of unex pectedly good threshing retuma In Okla homa and Kansas. Besides comprehensive advices to a leading authority Indicated that the winter crop aa a whole would be far superior to last year. Good support for wheat was encountered on the dtp In prlnee iThs chief reaeon ap peared to be that offerings of new wheat seemed relatively scarce and that with hard wheat at the Gulf of Mexico quoted at 10c under Manitoba's, the incentive waa some what greater for speculators to buy. Corn ascended to ths highest quotatlon that have been reached on the present up turn, yellow corn In the sampls market mounting to above 90c a bushel. Active de mand from exporters furnished ths impetus for the upward awing, but waa offset to somes extent by fine weather for the grow ing crop. Oats reflected the corn atrength. In addition, there were evidences that hot weather In Iowa had . done considerable damage. ' - Perkere buying overcame In part an early decline In the provision market. The- de cline had resulted from the fact that the supply of hogs here waa larger than ex pected. Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. 11.0 No. 9 red, $1.09; No. t hard and No. $ hard nominal. Corn; No. 9 yellow, 0U 42 SOkc; No. 4 yellow, 7l078a: No. 4 white, TTteOMc. Oats: No. whits, 99 93914c; standard, eOUOtOHc Rye No. I. 960990. Barley, 91 9 90c. Timothy. 99.79. Clover, $7,009" Pork. 134.409 11.40. Lard, $1917. Bibs, $l---U BUTTER Steady; creamery, 219270. POTATOKS Unsettled; new, receipts, 19 cars: Oklahoma and Arkansas sacked Tri umphs, 99c9tl-06; Illinois Ohio, 90c9 $1.00; Virginia barreled, 99.M9110. EOOSr -Lower; receipts, 17,919 cases; firsts, 92992c; ordinary Arete, 90931c; at mark eases Included, 10921c. , POULTRY Alive, higher; fowla, IT.; springs, 1300.; MCW TOU GEXBBAL MARKET. New Tork, July T. FLOUR 4Julet. ' WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 1 durum, $1.19; No. t hard, $1.17 i No. 1, northern, Du. luth, $1.14; No. 1, northern, Manitoba. $1.17, f. o. b., New Tork. Futures nominal. CORN spot, firm; No, I yellow, 90, c. !,.f., New Tork. ' OATS Spot, quiet. ' : -; ' r HOPS Quiet. : HIDEO Stead?. . - , HAT Quiet. ...... i LEATHER Firm. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess. 19.909 17.00; family, 939.00999.oo; snort oioar, $24.9001700. Beef, firm; mess, $17,909 19.90; family, 919.00920 00, Lard, ateady; mlddlewest, $12.90919.40. TALLOW Firm; city, ct country, 99 ; Savannah, Oa-, July 1 TURPENTINR rirm; 4141oi sales, 1,49ft bbla.; re- MORTGAGES (Sand-Amual htmt . ON ('Productive Nebraska Farms. Every Farm Personally Inspect ed by a Member ot the Firm., ' Payne Investment Co., . 63T Omah Nsl'l Bsalt Bid,. calpta, 111 bbla.i ahtpraenu, III kola.; atock. 12,142 hbla. ROSIN Firm! aaiea, 124 bbla.i raoalpu.. 2,042 bbU.; ahlpmenta. 2,711 bbla.; atock, 41,702 bbla.. Quote: A, B, 11.12; C. P. K, 11.21; F. O. H, I. 15.71; M, 11.10; N, IS.IO; WO, I0.10: WW, 11.10. ,, . lire Stoob la. Sl.ht. Receipt, of llvo atock from tha five prin cipal weatern marketa: , w Cattle; Hoite. Sheep Omaha 271 ; 11.100 10,000 St. Loula,. .1.100 , 1,700. , 1,100 C'hlca.o i,..,. ..1.000 21.000 1,000 Xaniaa City ..1,200 4,400 1,000 Slcua Cly...i. i.l.loo. 1,000 . 200 ACIDS IN THE SYSTEM Total,.. . .1.771 14,700 J2,40 ItaBk Clearlaea. Omahfe July 7. Bank dearth, for Oma ha today ware 12,111.011.21 and for tha cur. .reepondin.. day. laat yaar 12,111,111.12. ' Acidi sccoraulating in the lyttem in excels, poiion the blood and cause a great variety of diseases, affecting the ikin and other mucous lurfacei, the heart and arteries, brain and general nerrous system, joints and muscles. Some of these diseases are Rheoma tiim In its many forms, Catarrh, Eczema, Hives, itching and burning of the skin, dutaineis, mental deprei lion and a variety of other ailments. You muit eliminate the acid from your system and purify your blood before you can be rid of your trouble. S. S. S. has been purifying and nour ishing the blood for over half a cen tury. It is alio a very efficient tonic and being purely vegetable, it is the molt efficient agent known la the cleansing of the blood and toning up of the system. i Call for it at your druggists and don't accept a substitute. If special medical advice is desired write Med-' ical Department 93, Switt Specific Co, ' Atlanta, ba. t ,'4 I 6 I I M it m mm "a t : ' ! ' ' ''51 wc; t!i?&.' See Yellowstone National Park- "The land ol Wonders' Three hundred square miles of ovttractloni that interest and awe the visitor geysers, falls, brillituitly-oolored pools, rock forma tions, mineral deposits and, exoelling all, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowitone. Yellowstone attraote totjriits from abroad, for nowhere else to there anything to com pare with our Rational Wonderland surely every true American will include in bis "See America First" plans a tour of our first and foremost national reserve. . 1 $34.50 Omaha to Yellowstone, Montana (western en trance). $41.2o addi tional cover, complete tour of the Park. Stopovers allowed In Colorado and Utah of lufldent length to allow ot side trips of interest. Socky Mountain Vational Park and Xstes Park, In Colorado, are particu larly recosuriendod. UnlonPacfflcSysteni f Pepriar ni Dlred YeltowstoBe Btnte will gladly assist yon In planning your Yel lowstone trip by sending descriptive matter outlining eost and profits of a summer vaca tion in this section of the west ' . . ' ' . '. ' 1 , ' ' ; .. L BKOTDOBIT, 0. P. ft T. A lS2w yarnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas tiOOO. THE BIG SALE HAS Mm 3 The City With Its Bargain Marvels and Sweeping t lie Country tike aTornado . There i no help for it, and it must be done! By orders of the new t - management, now in full charge. . .. ; v It's the DAElGAinS That GLlSfJG the CROWDS Crowds so thick that you can't budge, aisles packed and counters ? crowded. - Only seven days of quick-firing bargain specials to unload this , entire stock or parts thereof . Thousands of Dollars I'orih of Merchandise Dumped Into . the Bargain Bins for Tomorrow's Selling COME AND GET YOUR SHARE Sale Cr Now on in 3 Full fl Q Blast et U U U L--J Only 7 Days. Look For' The Yellow D Signs , 214-216 North 16th Street, Near Davenport. Only 7 Days. " si