Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, .SATURDAY, JULY ' 8, 1916.
hate Calls Mrs. Margaret
Youker to Contradict Testi
t mony of Her Sister. '
Waokegtn, III; July 7.-The de-
nse, after Introducing documentary
ftridence bearing on the Witconsln
urate governing the sale of poi-
ttns rested today in the case of Will
Orpet, charged with the murder
tit Marion Lambert. ,;'
'Attorney David R. Joslyn .of the
ifrosecution said that he wanted Orpet
recalled for further cross-examina-
with regard to Celestia Youker.
ike young woman to whom he was
lenorted engaged. Attorneys - Wil-
Jirson and Potter of the defense ob
Hcted. Judge Donnelly ruled that the
;tendant could not ne recalled. '
The first w itness called by the state
resented the unusual spectacle of -a
woman rebutting her sister's testt-
taony. one was Mrs. Margaret x ou
ter, a sister of Dorothy Mason, and
turned to a brother of Celestia You-
feer, the other woman in Orpet
gl . wnat uia Manon sayf .
Mitt Mason called by the defense
tki tesified that the learned from her
Mother that Orpet waa engaged to
Marry Celestia and that two or three
days before Marion's death last Feb
iftiary, as the and Marion were look-
ing out of a window at school, the
told her unsuspecting friend the newt.
According to Dorothy, Marion re
ceived the newt of Orpet't engage
ment with the comment, "Do yoo
know what I think? Sometimes -I
think that life isn't worth living."
Both Miss Mason and Mist Lam
bert had noted at the time of the'
conversation an old woman jlodding
through the snow outside the win
dow. On cross-examination at the
time Attorney Joslyn .had attempted
to get Miss Mason to admit that the
had not quoted Marion in full and
that the later had added "for de
crepit old woman like that." Miss
Mason denied that H. J. Carlin, an
investigator for' the defense, had ad
vised her that the conclusion of the
comment of Marion's remark wat of
no importance. : f ,
Part of Remark Omitted.
'; Mrl. Youker testified that the wat
present at the interview between Mr.
Carlin and Miss Mason and that the
latter at that time gave 'the quota
tion in full, concluding with mention
of the old woman..
"Mr. Carlin," went on the witness,'
"told her she could elaborate on the
first part, but that she could treat the
last part at unimportant." r
On cross-examination the witness
admitted that she acted with counsel
for the state in an attempt to obtain
damaging admissions from Orpet.
'Holbrook Beau Cambridge.
Holbrook. Neb., July 7.-(SpeciaL)
In one of the fastest ball games of
the season the Holbrook ball team
defeated Cambridge here yesterday
afternoon, 4 to 0. Thit makes six
victories for Holbrook In the. Furnat
County league. Batteriet: Holbrook,
McDonald and Vancleave) Cambridge,
Rodwcll and Kraniger. ,
The' Secret & Submarine
Author el Tilt ta4 i
"' .UNOPSJ.V '
Uratnint Jarvta Hope to dUfl6 by ttu
United Butea naral board to tDvestfnta
and report his UndltiM on invftnttoa of
Dr. IUIpq Burke, watch serve te rln the
ubmartne to cute of perfection. The
lieutenant armee In Valdavla and la wel
comed toy the Inventor and bis dautrhter,
Cleo. On the trial trip of the inventor
boat a Japaneat helper la surprised ta
the set of examining- the nucheolsm of the
ventilating device. Hope reports favorably
n the new device, but there are others in
terested In It, An attempt to burglarise Dr.
Burke's laboratory fans, but later Cleo finds
him murdered In hla bedroom. Cleo sells
her father's library to set money; ater
she finds a note from which she learns that
they contain the secret formula. With Hope
she races to the auctioneer's store, only r to
And it In flames. Olga Jvanoff and Oerald
Morton, two spies in search of the formula,
attempt to capture Cleo when she calls at
the house of tephanski, the anarchist.
Hop rushes ta her aid, Morton ehoota at
him. but th bullet hits a bomb in the
cellar, which explode, fltephanski die In
the wrack of his bouae; th ethers escape.
Hope and Cleo attend a tall at Mrs, Del
mar's whose nephew ha two of the missing
books. Mahlin, a spy. attempts to steal th
books, bat 1 discovered by Hope; in the ex
citement that folk) we the books disappear.
Manila escapee. Hop and Cleo take a boat
for an island out In the hay. The conspir
ators follow In other boats. Man) in anj th
Jap turn out th Island light Morton's boat
with th countess strike stray into la
th bay. . . .j
(Continued from Yesterday.)
By E. Alexander Powell
. TWO.' "FIAtbx a. FLuaaara." Th. Road to GUrT." "Vhr. U
Owing to the necessity of avoiding
observation, their progrett wat slow,
and it wat an hour later before they
crawled between the timbers which
supported the seaward tide of the
shack. Only the roughly laid board
floor teparated the two crouching be-
Cwifht, ttia, br
neath the shack from the unsuspect
ing pair within it So near were they,
j-.J VI fUA .hat aa
Mahlin whispered to Satsuma,'We
can near era cnange mcir mm
they heard Cleo't yawnt at the
awakened from her nap and taid
"Aren't those books dry enough so
that we can look at them now,
: They could hear hit footstep!
: .L. o U... tUmir t,arill
crossing nit " -
and his answer, "They're pretty well
driea now, tieo, iuuuww wj
rustling ot leaves
4 Uhw rim, an eii.t:il-
lation of impatience from Hope and
the thud of a book tossed upon the
floor. "There's nothing in that book
that's certain," he taid, disgustedly,
and, a little later, "Nor in this one."
Mahlin and ' Satauma glanced ' at
each other aignificantly. There waa
no need for them to trouble further
about those two books. . y
"What shall we do now, Jarris?"
they heard Cleo ask. I ;
"At toon at Hook and Morittey
return with the gasoline we will start
back," he answered. "But, instead of
returning to San Francisco, what
would you think of our making
straight for Sandsboro? It't the
little coatt town where Doctor Owen
lives the man, you know, to whom
Fitzmaurice loaned the other book.
' Mahlin did not wait to hear any
thing more. Beckoning to Satauma
to follow, be crawled silently away.
When they were out of earshot of
-WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treu.-
For Men and Young Men at ' t
$10 $15 $20 $25
Take advantage of the opportunity our keen buy-
f ing organization has prepared for you. We secured the whole
Bale surplus of Rochester, N. Y., World's Best Clothes ; now
selling ac aDout usual wholesale prices. Here s the quality
and character in clothes good dressers demand, at prices un
equalled. A guaranteed saving of $5 to $10, , Compare. f
Every man can aecure Ws Ideal suit lij this wonder-- v '
. ful assemblage of the newest of new styles. Eighth, -
. ' quarter, half or waferweight, full lined; suits in
newest blues, greys, olives, browns, fancy mixtures: ' '
; pure silk mixed worsteds, cheviots, homespuns, :
serges; all sizes, regulars, stouts, short stout, short, .'
' tall and extra sizes up to 62 chest, t 1
Startling Values in
Summer Suits
Headquarters for Cool Clothes of Quality
' vont eonniM these
lied "Summer -So
your tatisfaetion. . Wi
elaaay three-button aackt and newttt apprt models a lowett-in-the-ity prices.
Palm Beach Suits, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50
:- Separate Trousers at 12.00 and $2.60
Cool Mohair Sufa at $7.50 and $10.00 .'
Blue, Grey and Fancy Mixtures - , .
Kool Krash Suite at $6.50, $7.50, $10.00 -
A most Comfortable All Round Suit J "
Porostyle Smart SuiU, $15, $20, $25
A Distinct Achievement in Fine Weave.
All tliet Men't and Young Men't, 33 to 48 chest
. Maa's Yauac Maa'a Clathtair Saeaiii FW. -
Men's Fine Worsted Trousers,
$2.50, $3.50, $5.00 ,
' Tremendous thowing of men't light
weight wonted, white flannel and serge
trousers for summer wear. "Kingly" and
other well-known makes. Special at
v f2.S0, $3.(0 and $8,00 "
One-Minute Store Talk.' '
Erperienc la a great teacher;
torn atoret never lean, that It pays
to Ml goods at lowest possible prices.
Thla Greater Etore learned the let
ton tarly that 'l why it'i th Greater
Nebraska today. Every day icet new
telling records made, every day more
and more people are learning that
it pays to trade bera. ; ;
Silk Shirts at a Price!
Bthulitul . tteC M Siu$ : From
ATeit; Pattern JW-l4tol7
'. Values to $3.50 Jk Valutt to $3.50
We're prepared to give you men a silk
shirt treat Saturday, High grade tailored
shirts, made of good quality tub silk, attrac
tive range of colored stripes, size 14 to 17.
Values to ? 3.50 at $2.55.
Largatt showing of Manhattan, Batet Street and York) Summer Shirta;
woven madras, satin stripes, silk. Newest patterns . . .,$1.50 to $5.00
"Men's and Boys' '
Sport Shirts, 50c to $1.50
Beautiful, New '
Wash Neckwear, 25c, 50c
t Men's and Boys' ; .
Bathing Suits, 50c to $3.00
: Men's 25c Elastic Web Garters, special atlSc; 2 pair for 25c . ;
m; Straw Hats of Distinction
.' Hat service that spells satisfaction and the
greatest stock in the west to back it up that s
.the Greater Nebraska Idea. - . v x
Genuine South American
Panamas, $3.95 to $10
' Cool and Breezy
Bangkok, $3.50 to $5 '
. Silk, Palm Beach, Ma
dagascar and Cloth
Hats and Caps, at 50o
to$10a j
"Newbreak" Wardrobe Trunk--16.50 .
exclusive here. Goes as far as a $100.00 trunk, serves as well.; Ask to. see them. :
Traveling Goods Department A whole store in itself here. Suit cases, $1 to $15..'
Bags, $1.50 to $2Z5a Standard and Steamer Trunks, at $5.00 to $35.00.
Real Italian 1
Leghorns, $2.95 to $5
Split, Porto Rlcan and
Sennit Braids, $1 to $4
White Duck and White
Felt Hats, at 50c
Fancy Hat Bands, at"
. ' Cool Union SuiU -:-
$2.00 Man's Silk Uaioa Suits
The hit of the season in a
sheer cool garment, J gQ
Men's Flaa Unioa Suite Won
derful values in scores of cool
styles at, per tt f ff
garment ... . -. , . P 1 iwU
7S AthUtie Union Suits
Made of sheer, quality CA
crossbar nainsook, at. . O UC
largest, moat complete show
ing of Hen's Comfort Under
wear. AU famous makes such
as Vaaaar, Superior, Flaxall
Linen, Corwith, B. V. D. and
ethers, at Oe to $5.00.- . .,.-
,S5na our,
sMnX twMWCMwi a '00
- ' TTitmi kjT " i ' " VI ,
the shack he turned to his ; com
panion, S. . , ,,, ; ...
4"You heard, what they said, Satsu
ma? There's another of the books in
Sandsboro." '
Sattuma nodded. v
"If that pair were out of the way,"
Mahlin continued, "it would make
things a lot easier for us."
Satauma again nodded assentingly.
"Listen, then," said Mahlin. "When
I wat under the house there an idea
struck me. Do you remember the
little toolhouse that we taw down by
the landing place?"
"Yea," said Satsuma, who was a
person of few words.
"Well, I took a look inside it, you
remember. There was nothing much
in it except tools and a box of dyna
mite." - '
"Hahl" 1 exclaimed the Japanese
comprehendingly, "I understand. A
very good idea. ' '
Sinn... ..:a u.i.i: :-..!-..
t "-I'W tu ... All. Ill, UIBlUHt-
ively lowering hit voice, "that we put
a few sticks of dynamite underneath
that old shack and light the fute.
Bangl, They'd have to collect what
wat left of Master Naval Lieutenant
Hope nd the girl with a abovel."
Darknesa had fallen before the
work of planting the dynamite waa
completed, for they had to work with
the utmost caution in oraer not io
attract the attention of Hope and
Cleo, whom they could hear chatting
gayly just above them. -
'Listen, Jarvisl" Geo whispered
suddenly. I heard a noise under the
house I" '
"Nonsense, ' dear," aaid Hope.
"You're tired and nervous. It must
have been the windor your imagi
nation." '
"It wasn't the wind and it wasn t
my imagination. I know I heard
something," insisted Cleo. "I'm going
to see what it was," and she ttepped
to the door.
"Quick, Jarvisl Quick!" the called,
her voice vibrant with fear. "Come
here!" and at her summons he leaped
toward her.
At he did to there came a roar
which teemed to split the heavens,
and the shack, wrenched from its trail
supports as though by a giant s hand,
trembled for a brief instant on the
brink of the cliff and then toppled
bodily into the sea.
(To Be Continued Tuesday.) .
Golden Wedding at York.
York, Neb., July 7.-(Special.)-Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Bullock observed
the fiftieth anniversary of their wed
ding Monday, July 3. , The guests
from a distance were: Mr. U l tJt
terback and children, Arlington; Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Brown and' family,
c vr. ir,,.. Putnam and cntl-
children, York; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. . H.
Lross and son, Ansrey; air. nu
C E-Sheppard, Broken Bow.
c.H n, Want Ads for orofit. Use
them for results.
SStore Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday, 9 p. m.i
Burgess-Nash Company.
"rviRYB our STORE
Friday, July 7, 1916.
Phone D. 137.'
Slip Into One of These
At $7.50
YOU'LL certainly want one of these suits for this
hot weather. Genuine Palm Beach suits for men
suits that are different from those you usually find
offered- around town, different in that they are tail
ored with the same care and detail that enter into all
Burgess-Nash clothing. Different in that they are
perfect in fit, and thoroughly shape retaining.
. We consider them extreme values Saturday at
the price. Other Palm Beach Suits to $10.00. ,
Men's Outing Pants $1.00
Just the sort of extra trousers you'll want, well
made and sood fittinff. cool and comfortable; CI AH
made of poplin cloth, in sizes 36, 38 and 40, special . .
Men's Summer Suits $13.65
Including Garments That Were $16.50 to $20.00
EMBRACING all this season's newest models and fabrics,
strictly all wool, fast colors (a statement with a big mean
ing, just now) and Hand Tailored throughout according to our
own rigid specifications, the
ri Buuiess-Nash Standard .of Qualit?
which means the best possible at the original price. There are all sizes" in
regular, stouts .and slims, an exceptional opportunity for the man who; pays
$16.60 to $20,00 for his cIotheK-$13.65. b,,,, ' -
These Men's Straw Hats
That Were $3.00 for $1.00
LL new, 1916, shapes and styles, including sennits,
L split braids, Javas and a few Japanese Panamas.
mere s a wiae variety 01 siyiea
one to suit your particular fancy,
including hats to $3.00, at $1.00.
Men' $5.00 Leghorn Hats, $2.95
" Genuine Leghorn hats, in four
' very desirable styles; all sizes:
"the usual $5.00 kind for $2.95.
!; Men's $7.50 Paaatnas,' $4.95 r
' Genuine South American Pana
mas, in the season's newest shapes.
All strictly first quality. For Sat
urday, hats usually to $7.60, $4.95.
Burfaas-Nutl Co Fwirtk Flaar. .
Our Claim for Burgess-Nash Special
$3.50 Shoes For Men
is not over-estimated. ou cannot du
plicate them for less than $4.50. .
Four Different Lattt and Leathers in
' "' ' ; ' . .: Low Shoes
Fin. veloor calfskin, Eng
lish last, flexible welt aoles.
Black kussia calfskin, Eng
lish last, white neolin soles and
rubber heelt.,
Tan Russia calfskin. English
last, tan rubber soles and heels.
" A white duck oxford with
whit, ivory toles and robber
heela. . . . . ' ,
NOTE We carry 1 a com
plete line of the Jamea A. Ban
ister boots and low shoet at
$60 to $8.00.
BergawNaah Ca. Faorth Floor.
S-. J'
Men's Bathing Suits, 59c to $3.50
VIE and two-piece wool and lisle material!, most all goei color
J combinations, sizes from the smallest man's size to on. large
enough for a man with a 64 chest; cottons priced at 59c to $1.88,
wool $1.98, 2.S0 and $3.80. 7
Men's Athletic Union Suits, 95c
jH I ' aa ' 111MUO Ul DKJKI1UI CQBCK OlUnBOOK, quality,
HI 1 Jty? - 'n Kled packages, at 95ei plain boxes, at 65e the
, Men's Shirts at $1.80 and $1.00 ;
' ; Recent shipments of shirta bought at the old
prices, dyed with the old foreign dyea, permit ut
to offer you shirta at about V lest than present
prices, both shipments consist of thirtt we are
going to tell at $1.80 and $1.00. . .
Men's White Hotterr, 25c to 50c '
There will be a shortage on thit color hot. be
fore th. season advancei much farther; at pres
ent w. hav. a comnleta stock in the followins:
" Prices In llales, ailk fiber and thread tilk, 50c, S3 Mo and 28c
.-' All whit, with colored and self -clocking, full fashioned, full
regular made, tlightly imperfect hot. of usual T6e quality; th. fan
perfections an in th. clocking only; at pair, 33 Mo. ;
.. , ,.t,.,, .,.v. rtooo-No UMoki 1oor. , . .. w ,
Bos Wash
Suits at
A REMARKABLE special value
for the little fellows tees 2Vi ,
to 8 years) made in pretty balkan,
middy and Oliver Twist styles, in
tuch splendid washable materials
at gala teas, pinongs, etc.: very de
sirable selection of colors and
Saturday Specials.
BoyS' trash and straw hats, 80c
. Boys' suits, 2 pair knickerbock
ers, $4.98.
Boys'. B. V. D. union suits, 6 to
10. years, BOc
Boys' wash pants, ages 4 to 14
years, 50c to $1.80. .
Burtoao-Naok Co. Fauna Floor. -
We Will Stamp
Your Initials
On Your Golf ,
Balls FREE
VOU know it's hard sometimes
to know your ball from the
other fellow's wall, bring your
golf balls in and we will stamp
your initials on them for you free
of charge. It's another step in
our service to you. a v.,
- Golf BaHa :
Silver King balls, 78c .
Spalding Honor, at 78c
Worthlngton Ace or Duee, 6 Sc.
Orange Domino, at 85c ,
Baby Dimple, at 65c
Glory Dimple, at 80c
Burgess-Nash Special, 40a, '
' . Golf Clubs
Golf clubs and Irons, best rec
ognized makes, $1.00 to $8.00. '
Golf bagSafrom $1.00 to $18.00.
Lawn Tennis
A , new shipment of racquets
have been received; racaueta. at
$1.00 to $8.00.
Tennis Balls
Ayres championship. S for $1.00.
Wright and Ditaon duca, 28c .
Wright and Ditton champion
ship, at 38c .
Croquet Sets
4-baIl sets, 88a to $2.80.'
6-ball seta, $1.00 to $2.78.
8-ball sett, $1.00 to $2.80.
Water Wings
' - Water wings for swimming help
in learning; 25c and 36c
BuigoH-Noah Cc Fowtk Floor.
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and