4nn'a THfe BEE:' OMAHA, JULY- ' ' 1918. Want-Ad Rates CAM WITH OBOES. IT Par word each insertion (Bat solid no display)) A 4a Parearaohed or Set la Display Style ee par Una...., ana Umi fa par Una tbraa eoneeeuttve tlmn (Gaunt au words to ths IIm) CHABGB BATES I - a par Una m time 7. par Una ...thraa consecutive Una (Count air word to too una.)) tin. .jmI R. nrh Lamas. fa par tlna sack meertto. tfOAMn .1. emerta to tha Una. I) ' rOKBlON ADVERTISING UNDER AOEXTS OB HELP WANTED CliW rfCATlONA. fa par word fin ite o per wort tkraa ooneecutlve times NO AO TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A , . TOTAL OF SOc OR LESS THAN , 10c PER DAY. CA ID OF THANKS. DEATH AND IV HER1I. NOTICES. IN par Mno eaoh tnaartlon fliinlmnm ehsrae fa eents.l Hoi fcly Rata fur atandlns ad. (oo ebanse of copy) par, Una . (Coaat six word to ths una.) - (Contract ratea on application.) TH BBB wni no ba reeponslble for man than ana Inearraet insertion ot on aaver tleemenl ordered for mora than ana tlma. ADVERTISERS should rautn receipts (Iran by Tha Baa In payment for Want Ada, na no mistake ean ba reclined wimoui loom, nan thb tri.bphone If vou cannot oon- .,., i. u.. , .d la vour ada. Aak for a Wont-Ad Takar. and you will re- oIto tka 'auna food oanrloa on waen oa. uvonng your aa mi tna oiuce. . PHONE TYLER KM. wurr.in miJlUNf CLOSE ' BVENINO EDITIONS 1I:M M. MORNINO EDITIONS P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM t offorlMf of flu PIcImtb Thaaeara in (Chanced Doilp.l J FARNAiT Downtown. New th House of Features- Orchsstre and Pip Organ . Today presents UNIVERSAL PROGRAM entirely OMAHA PILLOW CO. Fait and hair mat traaaao road ovar In nam tlclu at half I tna prlca of now onea Phona ua for miiivi wi nuHini, ...it ami, aiieu. AVV1 cumins Bt uouflaa 1447. PRINCESS M-l9 fidUGLAS OUR BIO FEATURE DAT 10 "BROKEN FETTERS" (-Ravi Bluebird Feature Introducing th clever little actress VIOLET MERSEREAU Assisted by WM. GARWOOD . A atorr of adventure with a strong hu- i tun appeal. Don't miss seeing Chinatown and the alums of Now Tork. ALAMO North. , , 24th and FOR? "HER BITTER CUP" Five-Reel Red Feather Feature DIAMOND 24tff and LAKE CHARLES CHAPLIN In "Floorwalker," two roalfl 'Tour Months," with Vivian Rich 19e for Everybody GRAND f6th snd BINNEY "THE BLAZING LOVE l-Reel Pes Feature and a Good Comedy PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE HIPPODROME 25th and CUMING 'THE HARE AND THB TORTOISE With Frits Brunatta "THB SEA DOOS'' s vtm Comady ' LOTHROP Z4th,nd L6fHk6P Georse Kline Prooanto "THE DESTROYING ANGEL" v In Five Porta Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODKUAARDS "lucky waddlns rlrnia'' I Typewriters and SuDoliei. NEW machluafl eold tha aenie na rant; . ..v .. South. BOULEVARD 33d & Leavenworth "SHOES" ' F1-Rool Bluebird Picture and a Oood Comedy ROHLFF 2561 LEAVENWORTH SYD AND CHARLEY CHAPLIN AIRDOM. West 30th and FARNAM ROBERT WARWICK IN : "THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" Alio Comedy DUNDEE Slit and UNDERW066 jiuaanT Warwick ana uehqa holmes In "SUDDEN RICHER" ., "FALL OF A DJEACON." Comsdr OMAHA FRANK SHERIDAN IN "THE PERILS OF DIVORCE" AleeComody 4bth and DODGE South Side, j EISSI ... MTSTt "Tha Volet In tha Wlldei-nees." - with Franela Bushman, "Hla Trust and Hd Truat Fulfilled," ' Dorothy waat. bRPHEUM with Wlnfrad Luoaa and 'Hun try Haarta." 24th it M FRANK KEEN AN and If ART BOLAN "STEPPING STONES" DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. atAUER William B., akod II yaara. Funarnl at naldanca, 1411 South Sot, onth avanua. Friday at p. m. Friandi walcoma. Memiiments and Cemeteries BEAUTIFUL markara, tabl.ta and oroana for unmarked ffravaa, pura wrlta camant lit to 7.t0. WrIU for olroular. Saa am plaa 141 Brandala Bids., Omaha. Phona Douflaa 1411. Rodman Oroya Markar Co. Baumalatar Monamant Warka. mauoolouma, all klnda markara. nth and Cbarlaa. PLORI3TS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plan to. Art Comklnatlona. ahlppad vary. whara. Bxootlant oorvloo to our euatom oro In paat yaara rooommanda HESS A SWOBODA. 1414 Famam Bt Doup. Utf LARUBBT ASSORTMENT of fraah (low.r' Sallvorad or ohlppad nnywkoro. la HEN DERSON, lilt Famua St PARKER Flowar Shoo, 411 a 14th. D. IliT A DONAOHUB. 1411 Harnay. bon. ioei. BATH. Ilorlal. 1104 Famam St D 1444 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha John K. and Oortla Whlta, till Ltavon worth, boyi Jarry P. tit Nallla Broomham, 1441 F, rlrl; Wlnnald and Edna StIUlntar, 4114 Maradlth. Ctrl ; Ilartln and Sinn .Martlnnan, Fony-Srat and Q. boy; Au suat and Anno Blarbnek, 1441 South Thirty-ninth avanua. slrl; Jay B. and Oraoo B. Smilay, Thlrty-alith and Harrlaoa, flrl; Vivian and Lana Robortaon, 4411 Saratoga, tlrl; Oaorsa sad lilonlo Morrla, 4111 South Savantaenth, twin boy a; Lawranoo and May Prakunttach, 1441 South Elshtaantk, boy. Doatho Buoy F, Hodaon. II, hoapltali William F. Bauar, 14. 1411 Strath Savanth nvanuo; Xlokool Coo par, hoopltal; Myrtla Chlokorlnt. 41. 4III Wakotor: P. C. Calla aon. 41, 1441 Oak i Mm Kntlo Baldwin, 41, 744 Burt) William Davla. 44, 114 North Ptftooatn; Patrick O'DonnolI, ' II, u Maroy; Harry Smith, 41, Itll Iaardj John Spaeak, 44, 1141 South Pourtoonthi Ivor TKomao. II, 111! South Thirty-third; John Kotara, 14, 1744 South Fourtoonthi Jaiuo M. Huntar, hoapltaU MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marrlasa llcanaaa waro Uauad u tha lofc lowing eouplaa; Nnmo and Raatdaneo. I V. 4 Joha krlpaky, Omaha.......,, 11 Mair Z00UL Omaha 11 Roy auckaa, Olanwood, Ia...,. , 11 Lalut Bnlt Olanwood, U.. it nnar Bl Honoan. Omakn... .',, SI Corrto C Bylandor, Omahn. ...... ....... Jonas Daraoll, Omaha. .,,, 14 Vlotorla Balnos, Omaha..... 11 RuosoU K. Cowlao, Omahn'. II Paulina Ofifath, Omahn... II Frank C Hill Das Ifolnaa, la... 41 Orneo M. HaUUn. Doo Molnos, U 44 Frnnoooeo Ptonoalo, Omahn......,,,.,,;, 11 Nunsmtn MnnglamaU, Onnba.,, BUILDING PERMITS. E. O. Barratt. Ill Caatelar. ropalrs dwelling, 1104; W. J. Palaraon, 1001 Lata atta avanua. frama dwtlltnr, 11,000; wrlpton. Sill Franela, frama dwelling. It.vuo. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF YOU laaa anything and will advertlae hera, you will aurel recover It If found by an honeat peraon. Remnrkabla ra- eovenea are brouirbt about ovary dar uiroucu tnia ooiumn. THB LAW People wb find article are lotareatad In knowlna; thai tha atata law la atrlet In raqulrln them to aeek the owner through advertlaement and otherwlaa and that a (ailur to da ao, ir aama ean ha proven, lavolvea - ear ere penalty. 'OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Feraona having loot aom arttola would do well to ealr up tha offloa of tha umana council Bluff a gtreet Railway eompany ta aacartaln w bather (bay left it in cna eireet eara. Many artlclee each day are turned and tha eompany la an x lone to tora them la tha rightful ownara. Call Trier lot. LOST or atrayed. Boaton brlndia bull dud. wnu reei ana noaa, white apot on right me 01 oaon; anawera to name of "Quick." Finder pleaaa return to Mrs. W. P. Archl. bald, 12T S. 10th St, and receive reward. call Harnay St0. LOST Between 11th and Howard and ICth ana v in ton, eult roll containing eomplate vmmm Dan unuorm ana running enoee. Ke- - warn 11 reiurnoa to izoi Harney Bt. LOST Monday afternoon, lady'a O alia nunungcaae gold watob, email ohatn at- Uched. Call Deuglaa 1141 during day, even in ga. we peter imd; liberal reward. LOST -florrel broncho, long whlta apot on loreneaa; waign. aooui i.aoo loo. Laat aeen Tuesday night near 70th and Dodge. TTKinui ia. ttewara. LOST Bunch of keys July ft; tl reward. rnona uougias az.s or Colfaa 2134. FOR SALE -Miscellaneous Furniture ind Houaehold Goods. TRADB WINNING VALUES. WHBIIK YOUR MONET RUTH MOMT. It'o our Intention that avery customer shall receive full value for every dollar pent unuer mio rooi ror nouaa surniah- STATU FURNITURE CO, Car. 14 th and Dodge St a. Doug. IllT. BNTIRB I rooms of furniture and rugs for aaie at once; aiao new .o sohaeffer piano fnr itflA fns a lis ii ii F6R 8ALJ4 I' lent d Ironing board, neat ana wen Dunt: win laat a lifetime. Phona ua for particulars. Doug. lit. it ICE boj.ee. aft gaa etovea, 100 ruga of a mas: poultry wire ana natung. Open p. m, mi , i in ai. all kin. till Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANO for aala, In fine condition. tax S34, Store and Office Fixtures, DBSKB, safe, scales, showcases, shelving, T vujr, mii. umaaa Fixture m Supply Co., 41416-U S 12th. Doug. 1724, Books and Periodicals, FOR SALE Hiatory of Omaha: how we ouiit tna Missouri racinc; Crelghton Reminiscences, locsy. A, H. Kepley, ruiniMm, in. Billiard and Pockat Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand now, carom and pockat with oomplata vuiui, 9j.Pi aaoonu-nanu taoiao at ra- ouooa pricto; bowling nlloya and auoollaa: aaay paymanta. Cigar aloro, drug, dall eataaaan and aoda fountain fltturaa. THB ununavvitJK-ALo,lii-v;uLJ.a,MjJEll CO., 407-40I noutn loth St. lflh and liouglaa 61a. month. Saa ua' batora you buy'or rank onippro any piaca on tan Sara' fraa trial. Butta Typawrltar Exohanga, o. lain, vnioi, noo. TTPhiWBITBRS ooiS rontod and palrad. Rant An Ollvar tyoawrltar. mantha far II. Cantral Typawrltar Es- ciianga, ivua rarnam. RiculNQTONn, Monarohs and Smith rramiara tar rantpaant anywharo, Ram Ington Typawrltar Company. D. 1114. BARUAINS In uaad typawrltara, ribbons It uoaoo; onroon. It n oos. JltdlAnd Co., ill Baa Bldg. 1 Sewing Machines. ; Sewing Machines 1 Wa rant ropalr, sail aosdlas and parts MICKEL'S , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. llth snd Harnay Hta. Doug. Hit. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORi" . HXPEHT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORK ' lll-H S. llth St Omahn. FOR SALE A J. I Casa thraahlng outfit. jyanaan, TI4 BL Ith St., Co. Bluffa, la. builum, staam, aloctrlo. gaa anglnasT in fyoaing ua, iiia uumlng. printing and Office SuppUes OKT our prlcas on Job pxlntlng. CAMPAIQN CARDS X SPECIALTT. U. a PTO. CO., BKE BLDO. DUUq. Ufa, COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co. i-nooo tor prices. Stano. 140 Paiton Blk, alao nubiln vougias II0A WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. T.I. Dug. III,. H4 S. llth St. Lumber and Building Materials. SECOND-HAND lumbar St Mary's An. for sals sl III! Miscellaneous. TO BE REMOVED I frame dwellings and bam N. W. oor nar 5th Ave. and Farnam St, Submit offers ta GEORGE & COMPANY, a-nono u. tw. hi city Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE. Ta ba rnnufvad, houaa In roar of till Dav.nport st Can ba bought ohanb. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 111! Farnam St Doua. 1041 MI high aundard of quality will bo malo- utinoui uuana ot uiu rontonoilo whlaky. 1.11; batuad la bond. H.nry Pollock, jnnljordar housa, Dose Ills, 111-114 ALEX JETTES" LIQUOR HOUSE, . wiwiDiB ana wougias. Bottlad Is bond whisky. Ho, 11.04, Itll full quart OENUINB California wlna vln.gnr, whlta or "w. quart - oouiaa, eonu; gallon, 44 oanta. Imporlad ollva oil, Tl cants par quart Cacklay Broa. Phona Doug. till. ADVERTISE 10 wordl. 100 monthllaa, II; n waaklloa, 11,11; 11 Sunday papara, HI la nil II. MoCsrthy, 101 Waat llth, Now Tork. AUTO, piano, palntar'a laddara and awlng- tng auga ror sola, onasp. . nil N. llth. Wabatar llll. FOR SALE A dray wagon In good oondl- tion; win aau cbaap. Jakob Fray, Habron, Nab. Wanted Some Want Ads in change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. . , . .:. -i WANTED TO BUY WANTED High elaaa surveyor's transit. an laairament tnat M designed for gen oral land aurvertbg aa well aa drainage wark. Prtoa must ba right. Address I ft, Baa. , WANTED TO BUT Having rented a build- s an track for our afneo and warehouse wa wlU want ta buy some glass partitions. rnona taaaaat moras urnco. ryier 440. DESKS DESKS DESKS now ovaaa, wavu oaaaa, oougnt aats snd traded. J. c. Road, HOT Farnam. CALL Rod 410, Tha big buyers of furni ture; naming too big nor too amaU. We pay all Ifa worlh. 1401 California St. Highest price paid for Id-hand clothes. trunks, sultcaaaa. D. llll or D. loll. Old falsa teeth bought Send or write ft uaior, 111 Heweo Bldg.. San Francisco. HOLMES paya your ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCATED IN THE I BEK BUI1.DINO. THB BUILDING THAT IS ALWAYS NEW." IS EVER A BAKE AND DESIRABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. FINE SUITE v of THREE ROOMS fine for LAWTERS, REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE. The Bee Building Co.. Office Room 101. BRODEOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at loin ana pouglae Bts LIVE outdoora. Y. M. C. A. O-Jtlng Park. Bakeries. CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery gooda. supplied to parties, lodgea and entertain mcnte. Z. H. Reader. 1501 N. llth. W illi, Accountants. ' E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. Ill Bemga Bldg. 'Phone Doug. llll. Advertising Novelties, F. Sharer A Co.. ltth-Farnsm. D, Tin. Artists. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, sir brushing; hlgh-olaaa work. Ill Paiton. Brsss and Iron Foundries. . Paiton-Mttchell Co., ITIh nnd Martha Sts. Ratha. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H. LaBell. 701 South llth St.; vapor baths, Swedla:i maaaage taught every Frl day for men and women. Lady attendant for ladtee. Phone Douglas 7044. DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam. Modern Torklab BATHS AND MABSAUB. Private apsrtments for ladiea wlfh lady attend ants, nil Farnam. Phone Doug. II7T. Camerss and Finishing. "RKXOETB" cameraa, ItisIK, l.O0; (unl veraal focul lena), Oreen's Pharmacy, llth and Howard. See them today. Chtronractic. CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH SUL PHUR BTEAM BATHS. The only chlro practto aanlts-rTum In the state; lady and gentleman doctora In attendance. 1-1 ot taws Bldg., 24th and Farnam. Bouglaa 7211. DR. KNOI.LE.NBERU AND DR. MACNAMARA. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna, full dr.ee aulta, for rent 101 N. 17th. John Feldman. Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstltohlng snd cov ered buttons, van Arnam ureaa neat- Ing and Button Co., Id floor Paxton Blk. Doug. 1 101, Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and cement work of all Kinds, llll cumlng. Harney till. Leeaard A Son. 1104 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1412. C. W. Hokanson. lloi Leaven'th. Ty. 3112 J. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment PR BURHORN'S modern ssnltsry chlro- Srsctlo adjusting parlora, 414-11 Rose Bldg. . 1147. Palmer flch. grod. ; lady attendant Dr, J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 1411 Dancing Academies. DR LUXB ACADEMY. Ill a llth St Detectives. THE INTER-STATE DETECTIVE AS SOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 412 Ramga Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4311. PHIL W1NCKI.BR, Eipert; low ratea. 2716 Dewey Harney 1701. Ave. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Block. Evl- denoe secured in all oaeee. Tyler llll. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Bos Pleating. vov. ouitoni, rremetiicning. -xeo. r-iea-ing Button Co.. 411-1 Paxton Blk. ft 4141. F1R8T.CLASS work on Bummer dreisea sod allk ahlrte; everything guar. D, 1671. Kclater'a Dreaemaklng Col., 1621 City Nat'l. Terry Draeemittt'g college, 20th and Farnam. ! Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. Taft'a Dent. Bma., 101 Roae Bldg. D. llll, Electrolysis EXPERT operator, st home; roes, shsrgo. im n. I6tn Ave, uoug. .tai. Everything for Women, ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburnt boi pleating; oovored buttons, ail lises snd stylea; hemstitching, ploot edging. broidery; beading, braiding, oordlnn. byelet out work, buttonholea. nennanta. rDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO. sue uougiaa bis. Douglaa llll. LADlESYou can alwaya And ready-made ciotnea at aire, itooertoon a, Hll Lake St Express Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 1611 Casa St Douflaa 1717. Heavy hauling a apaclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Fixtures snd Wiring-. HTTP VIM Klsotrlo waahlng machines, UUlVCin aleclrls Imne and readl-i. leiiit-e, ...a vumms oi vousisa seta. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFINO, furnace and general tinwork. & Aorama. iwt n. ittn Bt web. 1444. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hslr Parlors, 107 Uslrd Bids. Manl curing, toilet articles, uoug. llll. Hand Laundry. - CALL DOUOLAS 4426 sud have your laun dry done right and reasonable. . Hat Cleaninz and Blockinfr. STRAW, Panama, all klnda hata, cleaned nog rooiocsoq. iiu-ioio Harney Bt. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, 613 Baa. . Doug. III,. Justices of the Peace. , H. CLAIBORNE, 111 Paiton Blk. Red 7101 Notary public; deposition ateno. W. BRITT, 101 Barker Block. Motor Repairs. CAH1LL ELEC. CO., Bee Bldg. D. 1171. Office and Store Fixtures. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut III. Patent Attorney. A. STURQES. Ill Brandela Thes. D. HIS. Painting and Papering. OMAHA Paata Co.. Til S. llth. Dong. 1710. paper and hanging. Web. 1141. Pianos for Rent II 14 Per Mo. A. Hoopo Co , llll Douglas. Scale Repairing. Ora. Standard SualeCa.. Ill S. Uth. d. nit. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUOHLT ens SiCLlKaa, ELECTRIC; RENT II AND 11.10 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1711. Towel Sunnliea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 S. llth. D. ICS. Wedding Stationery. WBDDINO announcemonto and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 144. Wines and Liquors. BUT your family liquors al Klein's Liquor ""-,. ... iv. nn. uougiaa taoi. t Wall Paner Cleaning. WALLPAPER oleanlng, by room or hoar. neaaonaoia raone u. I1N4. Qeo. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF yon have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run it In this column far seven days It only costs Ifto and So per answer. This offer la good only In Omaha, and aaeludea Real Batata, eaah offers, snd Business Properties For Sale or Trcde These, aa well aa mall ordera for uaa of Swappers' Column must pay regular rate One or two anawera are sufficient to make your trade and tha whole tranaaottoa only coat a about Ifrc Try It HAVB many valuable colna to trade for anything of uaa, among them several Cali fornia gold halves and quarters; round and octagonal halves, worth IS each: quarters, II each: some ancient eotne. about Mev yea re aid. flying eagle cents, isrge copper cenia, i-ceni pieces, trade dollara, hard time token, and many coins of all denominattona and deaoriptlona. Also nave several complete asta or certain coins. What have you? Addreee S. C. 141, Bee. 1 ACRES good unimproved land, located as muea irom at t,ouia groat ma-'iiat, lk miles from Ironton. Ho.; haautlful ooun try; excellent garden aoii; spring water: worth SI par acre. WlU sell for lit at trade for Omaha raal aetata, ante, Al motor oTcla. nlano. auroaujidiea.i iwr Owner, i W Baa. AVB fine electric piano anJ mualo rolls ; an enaeiieai conamon; coat over ftlfto. FVano can be played by hand also; la flt-f ted with a nickel slot attachment. What have yon to trade of aqual value? Ad as a. i;. ist, nee. prlca for Si-hand i clAthee. ahoes and hats. Wa. Ilia. DDINO MACHINE First class Burroughs aa ing jnacnine, useo very nine, will ei rhanga fur Underwood typewriter, good pictures, books, or what have you? Ad dress S. C 119, Baaw, SWAPPERS' COLUMN FORD roadster, for trade, 1015 body. condition; new tires, presto tank, hand horn, detachable delivery; box for ragr Aaaress s. c its, Bee. HAVB an office chair and desk lamp A-No. 1 condition, to trade for ami book stand, law books, sanitary couch baby carriage. Address S. C. 146, Bee. WILL swap violin. Imported, valued at 5, ror Bicycle, must be a good one. and dir 'ference In cash, phonograph, or what have yon? Addreaa Y 461, Bee. CORRESPONDENCE school courae In sales manshlp. to trade for anything of three- fourths Its fair value. Address 6. C. 161, Bee. WILI. sell or trade R-C-H touring car, good condition. Want lighter car, piano. What have you? Address T 474. Bsc, FILMS DEVELOPED FREE whan prints are oraered. Enlargements from any nsg anve, Haas mudto. istb and Harnay. 160 A. western land; want good automoblls. UARlslHIlS, Douglas 3100. 420 First Nat Bk, Bldg. HAVE a Baby Grand player piano to trade ror Fora or other make autumobiia. Ad- dress 8. C. 14x. Bee. FULL size brass bed, springs and mattress foecedar chest, or what you? Address B. C. 164, Bes. 4-BLADE celling fan, in good condition, for wail or stand fan. Address 8. C. lis, Bes, READING -STANDARD slngls cylinder mo. torcycls to trade for horss. Sift So. Iftth. A LITTLE ad In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. 4-BLADE celling fan for wall or stand fan. wspster S4S3. BUSINESS CHANCES IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. ' Space Is now available In an exceptionally good location for -, a business where only a small Investment Is needed. Personal Attention and efficient service will spoil a big success. HARNESS SHOP FOR SALE A stock Of tools and harness, will Invoice about 14,000; In a good town and the best shop In town; surrounded by good farms and good farmers. Harness goods never go out or date; are needed tha year around there Is alwaya profitable employment In the shop. It is a nice, clsan business. Will invoice for cash. Addreas T 464, Bee. PUBLIC AUCTION, BANKRUPT STOCK OF HARDWARE At Dlller. Neb. General stock of hardware will ba sold July 19 at 2 o'clock p. m. ; good bulldlna: 'good location; inventories on fits In my ornoe at fair bury, Neb, R. E. Riley, Trus tes in Bankruptcy. No other Omaha newspaper la showing anywhsrs near the prog rasa In Its Want Ads aa THB BED. : IMU MORE PAID ADS In tha first Ave montha of lflft than In tha same Irlod of llll. FOR SALE Ice cream and soda water fac tory In town of 4,000, doing a paying Dusiness: owner engaged in other business. This Is a anap for quick returns. Address K S90, Bee. FOR SALE ft-chair barber shop, 10-table pool hall, counters, show cases, ste. Will sail the business or tha tables and flx turea aeparata. O. A. Land, 180? Far nam Bt FOR BALE i-chalr barber shop, 10-table poot nan; counters, snow cases, etc win ssu the business or the tables. and tit turea separate. Q. A. Lang. 107 Farnam. DRUO stock for sale. Stock and fixtures invoice about fZ.ftOQ. Good business town In south central Nebraska. Address T 47ft, nee. WILLIAMS, established SI years. To buy aeu business sea mm. 4ii ucuagua Bldi jKererence u. a. Mat i Bank. FOR SALE OR TR A DE -Restaurant fix- turea and room furnishings for eight rooms upstairs, wilt sen cheap or trade lor somstning i can nandis; value 1400. Address jonn Beins, Missouri Valley, la. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories. new ma secona-iidinu. nee us. OMAHA THKATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Doug, ill. FOR SALE One of the oldest grocery and meat maraeta in ina city; aoing S4,ooo cash suainass par montn; must oa sold at onoe: reason for selling, other business. Ill uoug. rnone voug. ije. HAVB client that wants only show In small town, nenrasaa or iowa. Aaaress Movie Show Dept. 411 Ross Bldg., Omaha. Phone Tyler I4S7. FOR SALE Oood. clean stock of hard. warai live town central Nebraska. Ooad reaeon tor eeiiing. se quick. Addrssa T, It?, Bee. POWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have eioaea put mora mass, stocks than any ether Arm In U. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, New and rebuilt bargains, suppltsa. Omaha Film Sic hangs, 101 Sl 14th SL f OR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling us shook, equal- ueui. Auareas ewnat, vis rvssi sin Ave., uenvsr. uoio. tO" GET In or out of business, aall ""' an UAWU JSSTALI, fll Baa Bldg. DOttg. I4?T, LIST WITH UB FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler JI7. 41t Rose Bldg. TO SELL or buy a business sail on Suech 4ft Borgholt, 710 World-Herald Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, lie PER LIMB. ' Day work or business ada regular ratea. I Haea ana weak .. ..lea s tinea ana weak..... ... Each extra line Ha par week. ' Mile. YOUNO man. 34 yrs., wants position with reliable Arm. city work preferred; ft yrs. wholesale and retail salesman; efficient In any work of sales dept.; behind the counter, on the phono or city eoliolttng; prefer eokl, building material ar similar line, out any una agreeable Salary reaaoa able. Addreas L Iftl, Bee. ' BY middle aged white man with general oommeu eiai experience in establishment whara one ean start at bottom and work up to salesman position. Steady, sober, honest and reliable. References. F, 117. Bee FARM HANDS, CORN PLOW: 8. ate., fur nished fraa to farmers. Write, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dllloa'e Nebraska Employment agency, lilt Podge St, vmana, woo, ajougiaa isoa OROCERY clerk wants position, four years' experience; can lurnien beat referencee; age II. Call, write or phone Tyler 100. noom 411 i. m, tj. A. WANTED By young man, II, work oaroer trade; have had six months' ex perience; small town preferred. V. Glenn, lift! S. llth St.. 8. Omaha. BOOKKEEPER. II yaara' exoeiience. coun- try ana city nanks ana etnesa, desires permanent connection, country bank or good nrm, Addreas O ITft. Bee. WANTED Position aa grocery clerk In town town, any sins; ft yaara' experience; age. 17; married; beet of references. O. i'. tsuenrig, Minier, in. GAS traction 'engineer desires'posltloti," sx perlenced. Handle any make. Drown, Box. 11. Seward, Neb. B. B. WANTED Position as pharmacist Regis terea in neoraaaa. Beet oc referencee. H. F, Manning. Mem a. Neb. HIOH school and business collere radu- ata assu position aa Ass't bookkeeper or loromce worn. Address o-ftift Bee. MiscelUnAons. CONTRACTORS-Contractora attention. Ws rurniso an a'naa or mecnanica and labor era free or ahx: Reapoaslbla for all ranaporution. wnu. wire ar uIsbImm. Sweeney and Dillan'a Nebraaka Empley mmm Agency, isie iwnge at. iMugiaa lass. ODD jobs and janitor work by tha day or monin, expenencen in an nnea or worn; ean furnish beat of referencee. Telephone Harney 4710. XPE R IENCED man would like general nouaa cleaning, lawn mower work; guar anteed. Phone Dotielae HKiS T5uanrrTei5TT pjnii.)ai mm rnauneur in private inmtiy. Does repatr work. Harnay 1041. Man would Itka janitor and porter work. tjan Harney zmi. POSITION aa gentleman nurse, sxp. D. TfiTT Hotls snd .Restsursnts. &E LIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOBNCY: Mil Davenport St Douglas Iftfta. Headquarters for hotel help. Ferns... WANTED Position7 aa housekeeper ' by a lady witn a enua s yaara om: must say railroad fare out Mrs. R. Eadloatt S Sida, Omaha, Neb., Route av. ar telephone grocery store. South Iftftft. . THE BEE charge for "Sttuattoa ada Is lower than any other form oc advertising not enough ta cover seat af ntlnUac. SITUATIONS WANTED Female. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publio stenographer and notary public. vr nee uiag. ioug. lies. Keen, rates. WANTED A position as an experienced launaroea. Tel. uoag. 4j(H. ispuise Mason. POSITION wanted by competent colored gin, week's work. Tylsr 141ft W. . XOUNG lady would like a position nouacatecper. Phono Ponyae Iftftft. WANTED Position aa cook boarding house. Doug. Laundry snd Day Work. WASH1NO and Ironing neatly done, called tor and delivered; work guar. Web, lft Tl. WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar anteed. Telephones H. 1SI2 and H. 4011 BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; best of work. Wsb. 141, DAY work by reliable eolored woman, will do chamber work. Webster 7M, Chambermaid work, experienced, anything considered; days or whole. Ty. lift I. WANTED Day work by neat experienced coioreq woman. Phone Webster lltl. BUNDLE waahlng, placa work) lacs nr- tain; work guaranteed. Webster llso. WANTED Day work by experienced worn- van weneter jist. EXP, bundle waahlng St day work. D. Till. White laundress, dinners prepared. Web. Mil Experienced woman, day work. Web. ?4. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Wsb. Mat BXP. colored girl, bundle, wssh. R. 1711. DAT work and bundle washing, boug. 4fti B'dle wash, call, del; guar. Mrs. KmH. H 3U4 DAY WORK. Call morning. Webster 111 DAY work and bundle w ashing. D. 4197, DAY work; call mornlnga. Webster 111 WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144, BUNDLE waahlng, lace curtains. Web. 7410. KELP WANTED MALE Stores and Officei. BKPR., mercantile house. 171: ahlnnlni clJt.. experienced,. $6-7& price elk., I6 order elk., Itft; stenc, wholesale, I0 steno., temporary, lflft; stcno., South Oma ha, 166; ass't shipping elk;, auto-acces sories. sto; leager cik ft to. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n, Inc., Originators of the Reference Business, 752 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BKKPR,, 1100; bkkpr., lift: bkkpr. and cashier, 7S; steno., 10; steno., 7ft office cut.,' s'd, oiTios cm., ftfs; stock elk., 4ft nil elk., 69; order elk., lift; express cnecaer exp.i, fee. neverai otner open- inga not ustsd. (Jo-uperauvs Ret. Co. 1016-is city Nat'l. i R. R. CLERKS 17 6. CO OFFICE" MGR. (INVESTMENTS) , . 120.90 SALESMAN (IMP, and IN V.) fltft. MUTBL. ULiaiRK , ftlft B. and THB CANO AGENCY, 0o BBS BLDO. SALESMAN, specialty, salary depend! sales- man, iowa, a rawing account; Bookkeeper, some ateno. worn, fee; steno,, out town, 176-ilft. Watts Ref. Co., 14 dels Theater Bldg. FOR A high grade position see us. NO jriisinu FBaoaiy ft oentg to Investi gate references. ' T THB MARTI CO.. ltlf W. O. W. Bldg. btjsnoqrapher and clerk, permanent position- to competent atsnograpnar. lift- fftft, depending upon experience. K 101, vmana use. - . . y Professions snd Trades. FARM hands, corn plowers. etc,, furnished rree ta rarmers. Writs, wire or tela- : pnone. nweeney Dillon's Nebraaka Km pioymsnt agency, isso Dodge St. Omaha, vivo. svougiaa lovs, WANTED i At once, an experienced poultry ruar, fmuntj pacaer, biso expenencea egg man. Good wages to party who ean maae gooa. oisaoy worn. Addreas Y-411, Bee. WANTED Machine shop foreman by firm just starting to manufacture farm trac tors; moderate salary to start; excellent opportunity ior tne ngnc man; give age, complete experience and salary expected. a a a reus a boi, Bee. v ain izu a gooa mac nine man ta run Invincible aander, alao ta do some turning vr lEius. AQuriw namaon iaoinet aUll- worn fjo., uncoin. Nab. . ' SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCB 00. Bstabllshed Tea Yeast. . 1016-16 City National MACHINISTS wanted; competent men for latne, planer ana. boring mill wark. Ad dress S 100. Bee. 1ft HARVEST HANDS wantscl; does in; kk per uay, rwn ana ooartx. riSB. smpioy- ment Agency, use voage. WANTED Ksutomoblle mechanics Apply Maxwell Motor Salsa CerpoimOes, fin ana joneo ots. WANTED A printer. Owner callea ant en military auty. wire Journal. Gordon. Neb. Drug store snapa. jobe. Knelat Bee Mldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. 10 MEN to travel and take orders for a alnb or magasinss; new plan; no sd vanes ool lections ta make; all our men are making gooa uau Mr. iongbottom, loeal man agar woman a woria, goquet Hotel. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD BKU. aft INV. VU, 1911 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big monsy tor business get ters. Call at 117 W. O. W. Bldg. Teamsters and Chauffeurs, WANTED A man, working during the day, to run oar ana attena to oleanlng af It In exchange for rosea. Telephone Harney less. Trade Schools ilEN Why not learn the barber trade? Lighter, cleaner and easier than most llaea af work. More barbers needed new: gr eat demand ever known. Oood guarantee, tips and over-money. - Can own shop an small capital ar travel. -Oar fraa Illustrated catalogue explains hew we teach the trade In a few weeks. Special summer rates, write today. Molar Barber college. Hi a. tttn st., umana, nop., (est, im.) GOOD MEN WANTED, to learn auto wark for the big amine rush. Fine training work an autoe and also trie Starling systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGB. 10(1 Farnam, Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, mora than make your tuition while Isarnlng. Set at tools included. Job guaranteed. . Call or. writs Cor catalogue. I4vl Dodge. TR1-CITT BARBER COLLEOB. MEN wanted to learn tha barber trade. Tuition lit. ises caas St. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER CuTLLEOB. . Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THB UNTED STATES, MEN want EDA bis -bod ted unmerited men nnder age of It; ltlsans of United States or gooa character ana temperate nabite. who ean speak, read., and writs ths Eng lish language. For Information apply U Recruiting Vfflsr, Army Bldg., iftth and Dodge Ste.. Omaha, Neb.; 1M N. Iftth St, Lincoln, Nab.; ill 4th Bt, Btoux city, Iowa; SO? ftth Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. CAN use a few boys, good habits, over II yrs, to work afternoon and Saturdays, can alao use few men la' grotery and meat for eat. work. Apply ftth ana Dodge, Bas ket stores elites. YOUNG MEN wanted as railway raal. clerks. tie month. nampie examination ques tions free. Franklin lustltute, Dest II r, Roeneatar. N. r WANTED An experienced farm hand for worn on my farm near Arlington, call 114 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. 10 HARVEST HANDS wanted; cloaa In; tl per day, roam and board. Neb, Employ. ment Agency '111 Dodge - -- . - MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. LABORERS wanted; Iftth and Q Ste.. South nmaha. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS WANTED, In every unoccupied territory for the Day Kerosene Burner: will fit any cask stove or range. Call or wrlta us. West McLaughlin, 107 Leavenworth, Omaha, Nab. Phone Doug las 141. AGENTS wanted to sell a high grade spe cialty to auto ownera. send ao atampaa envelops for particulars. Address Fred G. Burt, box si. oxrora, ntb. , AGENTS Want 11,000 men and woman, no canvassing. Peoples. Development . Co., Harrison. Ant. ; - - - HELP WANTED FEMALE " Stores and Offices. STENO. and elk., ?; I comptometer 'oper- atora, se-ifs; err ice elk., some typewrit ing, email office, I4-6; ledger elk., aoma expaiieace, tit: office elk., some atenegraphy, ift-4. We ean alee use several stsnographers fw tsmasrnry peal- uens. Western Reference St Band .ass'n. Inc., 711 Omaha National Bank Bids, Wi' cannot meat tha demand for oasnpatt atenographera and bsokkeepeta. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO. 101-ll Qty Nat HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO.. out of town, 171-llft; Steno., Ill Stano.,- ft; Stsno., 4; dictaphone Opr. Mft; dictaphone Opr.. 16ft; Compt up and typist. I ft ft; Comp't Opr.. 160; Comp1 Opr.. 4; hill clerk. 140. Walts Ref Co. 14 Brandets Thsater Bldg. STENOGRAPHER With a for permanent position, Omaha Bee. little experience -40. l.-10ft, Professions and Trades, WANTED Qirla to work In labeling Dept. In cracker factory. Apply T a. m. Loose Wiles Biscuit Co., llth and Davenport Sts. WANTED IS girls for packing dept. cracker factory. Apply 7 a. m. Loose- wiles Biscuit Co.. llth snd Davenport WANTED Girls to work on flat work ma- chlne, hand lroners and seamstress. Ap- piy pqpt. or launqry. Hotel Fontanel fe. WANTED B girls to work In cracker fac tory. Apply 7 a. m. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co.. ntn and Davenport Sts. GIRLS ta learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm parlors, at ass city National Bank Bldg. Household snd Domestic. WANTED Good girl to aaalat with house work; have a nice pleasant room for you in a gooa some. Teiepnone Harney lt&i, WANTED Good girl for general house work; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. Sunderland, Falracres. Phone Wal. Iftl. WANTED Competent girt for general . houaewerk; small family. 1821 Cuming. Phone Walnut lfltl. WANTED White girl for general house work; references; no washing or upstairs worn, walnut 344. CAPABLE girl for general housework; must be good cook. Call daytime. 2021 Cass. Tel. Douglas 4814. WANTED Oood housework ; 4 Harney I09. white girl In fsmily; for general good wages. I ANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 1 In family, Tel Harney 8000. WANTED Comeptent cook. No others need apply. Three In family. Call Harney 187ft. OOOD strong woman to analst with cook ing, good horns, v. alnut 2622. WANTED Young girl to aaalat with house wont, can w abater aces. PIANO tuning. Chaa L. Fish. Web. 1266. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaid. keener Hotel Fontenelle. Apply to house - - WANTED-4-Glrls In flat work dept. Apply mvana Modi uaonary. nth and Douglas. Trade Schools. Miscellaneous. CHERRIES One-third for picking. Phone Benson 171-J. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. ' COMMERCIAL Teachers for High school positions, rtasara Tescners' Agy, Denver. EDUCATIONAL ' PAY SCHOOL. : BOYLES COLLEOB, MIGHT SCHOOL. ' WfTSry Say Is enrollment dsn, Bookksep. Ins, Shorthand, Stenotype, TypewrlUns, Telasraohy, Civil Service all Commercial ana Kngiisn urancnes. ttalosua tree. BOYLES COLLKOB, ' ' llth and Harney Sts, - Tel. Ssuslss Ills. A. VAN-3ANT. SCHOOL of Business, : Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. ENTRANCE 220 D. 5890, BARN big money; be a photographer: easy tw. warn, cum pi a ovurso. fas. Simory twuvvs vt m uwwjimpmjr, vs ss, asm Phone Tyler 241. . Musical. HARP Summer term offer to students he- ginning Apm is. Harps furnished. II Lyrlo Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. BOVRICIUS Mualo Studios. lkt 14. II "li nngtea siock. Absolutely correct tlmeM in playing ta our nobby. , . PERSONAL . PILES, FISTULA CURED Br. a a Tarry aura, plloa, fistula ataar rastai diseases without nrsloal poratloa. Car, svsrantood and no auaoy paid until cured. Writs for sock oa no- mi aiaiasil with teatlmeolals. EX. M. a TABBY, IIS Boo BM. Omaha. N.b, INSURANCE that Insures is tha rls-ht i oe looauon is ise oeat Building, sasy of faavswajsj Nil wain service is good. "' ' THB BBS BUILDINO Insures ivst these thlnas to all it tana A aulta of rooms just right for an lneur- mnvw vuapiHVM araiiaDie now. Office Room 11. KATHRTN L. RILBT. DERMATOLOGIST Graduate, Chicago and Paris, Pimples, viacaneatu, araoicaiea. uniropeay, corns, bunions. Ingrowing nails, cured. No vain. Complexlona bleached, refined, harmless to sain, ucaip crsatmenta. Thin prema turely gray hair restored. Crooked Loses, features, corrected. Superfluous hair for ever removed by electrolysis. Parlora IT0I vaiiLomia m., vmana. ra. oousr. XSSI YOUNG women coming to Omaha aastrana- srs are invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and Bt Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaeea or stherwisa assisted. Look for our traveler uia at me union otatlon. THB Salvation Army Industrial home ao- uvih jour via ciotnmg, lurniture, maga sinee. We collect Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 411ft and our wagon will call. Can and inspect our new home. UlO-1111-1114 ivooanj Of.. OiArua. BMAr'EK. masseuaea ana aealp specialists; graduates Prof. Yhnells soawu ewriiiis masaags, acaip and hair. i i. a w i p, m, mj. 7ii. 4si ware Blk. HENRIETTA M. BRvOEMAN. D. - M. T7 teaches a complete courae In the Yhnell Systsm af Swedish massage. Pupils wBMntru. . v,mu VT write svt jvaroacn Blk. HENRIETTA M. BR UG EM AN. sclsnttdo eiectnc ana radio llaht traat. msnta, steam and shower hatha for men ana women, xoi Karbech Blk. Red 1717. PTTPTTTWl?8ucceaBfully treated with. wu V "-out a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank Bee Bldg. H. Wrey, 0ft MA3SAOB AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chl- rvpooy. aiisses uray and rlsaa, lie-lift Bairtt Blk.. 17th and Douglaa. D. I4ftl. CORSETS made to order. Prices 11,6ft to ftftO.Oft. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Corset Bnov. Brandela Thea. Lobby. D. tlftft. 6m ABA'S fuperb hair" "dressing and treat- mm, psriora; prices very reasonable. Indu Koametlc Shop. 11 ft-ID Roae Bldg, LU ELLA WEBSTER, "maaasuss," 111 Pax. ton Blk.. 1 a. m to I p. m. D. Ill 7. CHILDREN to board and care for. llll Harney St.. upstairs. Phons Doua. 177. Retiring nurse win care for invalids in nsr own noma, nest or care. wsb. 410. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1191 Farnam St., Room No. 1, SCIENTIFIC maasaga, II Bee Bldg. Phone uougiaa sail. MISS WILBON Bath and manicuring. Na. I. Davldge Blk. Phone Doug. 1711. massage. 111 Farnam St. BATH and Id floor. DR Francea Dawson, loi-t Ross Bg. Ty.lil. FOR legal advlea call Douglaa Ifttl. FOR RENT ROOMS Purnished Rooms. HOTEL BAN FORD, HOTEL HA RLE Y. via ana nnua sain ana Fern Special isitea to irrmaaent ruaata PLEASANT :ed llll. In private sri heei 171 Poppletan Ave. home; re- COOL ream downtown, fine bath, hot water ymmr iiiii, privai. ewtraass pries. Deiaslaa ftA7a. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS L If yon fall to find tha room yon desire smong these ads, call at Tha Bee office for a Room List -gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms tn all parte of tha etty. If mors convenient phone Tha Bee Want Ad Dept, and give your name and address, and a list wilt be mailed to you at once. New lists ars Issued every week, v NICELY furnished front room at 1301 She-) man Ave., ster ltf Oft, in private family. Call Web. V DOUGLAS, 2312 Clean, cool rooms, nlcsly . furnished, closs In, reasonable. Douglas 1174. ' FURNISHED ROOMS 1 , FOR MEN ONLY. J ftflft NORTH 17th ST, " COOL room for gentleman, large lawn, tea nis court, board optional. Harney 111. NICELY furnished room, eloae In; em, si b. liid Bt I OR 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished. Phone Colfax lOflG. Housekeeping Rooms. 1024 BURT One light housekeeping room on hath room floor for rent reasonable. Phone Douglas 2440,. V W73 ST. MARY'S Ave. Furnished anartV ment; large, airy, clean, out of tha ordl nary; references exchanged. 312 N. 22D Newly turnlshed and dscoratea. z ana 3-room suites for light housekeep ing. Red 637. COOL, modern rooms for housekeeping. 38 IS Charles. Walnut 2675. FURNISHED light housekeeping nnd sleep- ins roorna. zjio nowarq. x ' L-S- "Board and Rooms, NICELY furnished room with walking distance; Red 7893. 8 windows i 2 young ladles. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms for light house- Keeping, is ear nanscora park. 2811 Wool worth Ave. TWO unfurnished -.rooms suitable for light nouae Keeping, via fi. ivin at., S7 monthly. Rooms Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALlt ina Bdai rrariT au uoif i. ana nnd out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE, It's a plan that la helping many peopls rent tneir FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. 14TU AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment la completely equipped fed housekeeping; up to date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS.. TeL Doug. 886. 70ft Omaha NatL Bank, Or Call Web. 48S. 8TW CLAIR, 24th and Harney, l-room fur- nisneq apt, uau rtarney ?. Miscellaneous. sun DAitiii it-room nouse, or will j"enft eisvsn rooms; can be used as boardaur houaa If dMlri1r f urn (a haul a H4..7b. . i" AiistiictA. wan xiaruay eeov. FOR RENT HOUSES North. THOROUGHLY modern f-room . cottage. 4017 N. 16th St. Very reaaonahla to re ponelblo tenant Harney 114. llll SEWARD 4-rra. cottasa, partly i era. e.ev. i-none walnut 2Z17. llll OtlANT ST. l-r. com., modern, "kit T. r. Hall. 411 Ramsa Bids. Dos,. Ttosj Sevan rooms, sll modern, Bemls park.; Tel. Harney 2041. South. ROOM modern flat, No. 11,1 S. llth St. oak floors, oloctrlo llfht, rood hoaul nelskhorhood. extra value, 117 1,. BEN BON A UTESS CO. 1 No. 414 Omaha National Bank Bids. NEW l-room bunsalow, all on one floors oinctiy moaorn, wttn ssrase; III. itf ivw. mwb t-iorce n. UN l SB l. FIVK-ROOM house all modern, lit DoJ minion ot, near sinmaw park. Tyler! 14II-J. l-ROOll brick, Hansoom park dlatrlot only" I ROOM cottase, saa and water, lit. Phonal Harnay 471. ! i-room cottasa to colored, 11.00. 1211 Pa- cine, xeiepnone evenings, Tyler 2152. 1 Miscellaneous. 14. 0S II. OS II. IS II. IS BOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r 1411 Carter Lake Blvd 7-r. 4011 No. lid St , STRICTLY MODERN. T-r. 41,1 Eraklno St l-r. 1144 Charles Bt l-r. llll No. 40th Bt, (food do- lacaoa nouoe in flrst-clss. reel aenoe section, hot water hi plant ,. FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. 4-r. 2041 Howard St .111.1, e-r. oes oo. asm ot., (Bargain;. . sa.o, l-r. 1,21 So. 10th 8t, (brand new) 17. IS WE HAVE OTHERS. BEE OUR COM PLETE LISTvBEFORB RENTING. PORTER A 8H0TWELL, IM So. llth St Doua:. ion. reel- y haatlns IT 111.102110 Charles St. l-r.. mod. 11.001201 Bprasue Bt, l-r., mod. 120.004211 Wirt Bt, i-r. bunsalow. 121.00 2317 Dewey Ave., i-r mod. 130.01 401 s. llth Ave., l-r.. mad. 30.00 2114 Harney St, l-r., mod. IO.,0 HOI Capitol Ave., 7-r., mod. II.SO1I44 8. 21th St., l-r., Tory food. Il.lo llll Howard St, l-r., mod. 145.10 1124 Lafayette Ave., ,-r., mod. 160.04 .1110 Harney. 160.40 31th and Capitol Ave., ,-r., mod. 60.00 ill B. llth St. l-r.. mod. 170.00161 N. 40th Bt, ,-n, mod. OLOVER A BP AIN. Douglas llll. ,1,-20 City National. 12.60 l-room, modern except boat, 1121 n. avio Bt. - 110.00 l-room, modern, llll N. 14th. 27.10 l-room, mod., 261, Davenport at, H. A WOLF, Dons. 1011 614 Ware Block. 121 S. 27TH, 7 rooms, modern, 122.10. 1 141, Charlaa St, 4 rooms, bath. 111. JOHN N. FKENZBK, OOUflSS 114. . ttuUBSitl HJH RENT, CRB1UH. BUNS A 00, l.l BEE BLDO. . LMJOO IN. FOR RENTAp'U and FIsU West APARTMENTS WITH QARAQE8. Five roooms. strictly modern. heaj, janitor service, oak floors and fin ish; tn beat residence district 8L Gsorge apartments, 112 N. Hat Ave. ARMSTRONG-WAL8H COMPANY, TTler lit. 231 Roae Bid. 1 rjMS steam-neated apartment either - 4 ' or. ft roorra. on West Farnam a tree L )HN W KOHHlNk 18U1 FARNAM 1 or 4-roum apt. cluae In. furniahnd nt unfurnished; 127.1 to 10. Ernest Sweet Douglas 1472. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harnoy, l-room apart- --vii nirnny an, i North. UUuiCl. AfAKTMhiNT, LOW RENTAL. Beautiful newly decorated ftraaaa anart. .stent big rooms, oool in summer, fins, large aoreened oorch. "Ths In." awrnaa Sherman Ave. and Bherwood. Only III. ft per na See janitor In basement apart -ment or esii office. Doug. !. act rr t it HiisL uu. s 1114 N. lid l-r. flat atsel range, gaa plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, 1. HABf BitUfl.. UOUg. 1663. MODERN apt . office. G. P South. rm mod flat im S 4th. 2U H FIVK-KOOM etasu-Laslad a crimen I; ver' seeiraoia. ins i auia vises, ietb and Papplscsa. Cob red Young, 111 Braasaia I noarar imi it 14. Miscellaneous. aim 4-ruuu uitrM iiats. tue In. rri sis 1 nia no 1 1 rum bull WMinftDiia no -rm. AptB.-49ummS fX raifja. riii inni o., soi i. jjh, , pa : -ill MODERN apartments. 111 and up Bear v, waanvms, . 1,1, uuosso.