THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATE VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPBIETOB. Entered at Omaha poetoffloo aa mollin watte. TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION. - ByCarrl f Daily anil Sunday........ Daily without Bandar.,... kvening and Sunday Evening without Sunday. . ciiintay Bee only par month vo...., itos..., 40e..., 26o... ..Sue. ByawO per jeer. ...C .... .... .... .... t.t lia.O. tla- Send notice of change of addreea or Irregularity la . livery to Omaha Bo, Cireulatlon Department. REMITTANCE. t!-mlt by draft, erprese or postal order. Only l-eeiyt atomn taken in payment of email aeeounta. Personal ebeelio, tieept on Omaha and aaetern oachang. not accepted. OFFICES. Oma.ia The Be Building. South Omaha MU N street, Council dluffe 14 North Mala atreet. Lincoln S2S Little 1ulldlng. Chleago 018 People'e Gae Building. New York Room tOI, t8t Fifth mm St. Louie tM New Bank of Commerce. Washington 72 Fourteenth .treat, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Address communications rlstlng to now and adltarlal matrer to Omaha Bee. Editorial Depai . JUNE CIRCULATION 57,957 Daily Sunday 52,877 Dwltht Williams, cireulatlon manager of The Bee I'uhllshing eompany. being duly sworn, eaya that th average circulation for the month of June, UK, waa 67,oJ dally and 52,77 Sunder. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed la my pretence and aworn to before aaa this Id day of July. 191S. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public Suhaerlbara Laving lb city akaulol hava Tha Bm asailad la thm dree will b chnnfM. oftaa aa raquaalad. Umporarily The de facto coon taw lomething coming and climbed down. ' For a iteidy newsmaker, the Rio Grande must yield the palm to the Meute. Harvest eonditiona could not be improved upon if they were made to order. To Nebraska'! departing soldier boyi: Good luck and take care of yourselves for a safe return! The big push in the wheat belt is devoid of danger. Pressure, merely exercises its power of expansion, !...,...-. 1 . The lone holdup of the Yosemite hasn t a ghost of show .of breaking into the literature . of "See America First" Our new secretary of war is writing magaaint articles on our military situation. He hat been ' secretary of war for all of four months. ' While the first chief of Mexico is disposed to eat out of Uncle Sam's hand, prudence suggests that the fingers remain encased in mailed mitts. Soldiers "somewhere in France" go into battle wearing flowers distributed by admirers. A touch ing tribute to the brave, many of whom never come back. (- ' , The capture of a gang of local auto thieves affords the tonged-for opportunity for a joyride to, the penitentiary, when, the rest treatment makes lor meditation ana reform.. Anyone connected with that wrestling match who has qualms of conscience can easily give back his share of the gate money to the spec tators who feel they were buncoed. .' Down in Virginia a so-called "marrying par ton" is dead at the age of 83, with s record of 5,142 nuptial knots tied. Omaha's "marrying par son" will have to accelerate himself. : The democratic organs just can't contain them' selves for fear former bull mooters won't know how much they tovt them now. It . it the way with all sudden loves inspired by ulterior pur poses.''." The forthcoming Installation of our new post master should be made a democratic Jubilee. Let local democrat! have a chance to tell the senior members of "Hitchcock, Fanning & Co." how pleased they are. -.,,'.;' Stromboli it blowing off an unusual amount of hot stuff and giving the natives the customary scare. Just now, however, the effort it a waste of trilling energy.: Facilities for tourist excur lions are unequal to the scenery. . Estimates Of .the fortune of the late Hetty Green range from $25,000,000 to $100,000,000. The exact amount must be determined by Inheritance tax ferrets. What end was served in rearing the pile when there ' are ' no safety pockets in shroud? If anyone can see any essential difference be tween the Carranza communication! and the notes that used to come from Huerta, he must have microscopic eyes. Mexican conversation! are all equally cooing and full of promises and equally devoid of performance. So far not a slice of the regular ration of bacon has been lost in the preparedness shuffle in congress. Every frying pan carries the regu lar load. ' The majority party's zeal for a clean treasury aweep marks the nervous energy of feaster who aces the famine coming. An Essential for Progress i Th Outlet Advertising has become recognized at an ee sential element in modern life. Without it m dustry could not continue. One of the results that the Associated Advertising Clubt of the World hat helped to brine about it the nracticallv universal recognition of the fact that advertising is essential to the merchandising of goods, and that it is useless to make .nines for tale unlets there it tome systematic and intelligent way of letting the consumer know how things may be .ODtaineo. - - , More than that these clubs hare made clear that it it of no ute to advertise a oroduct unlets that product is a good product of ita kind. . j . : mi . 1 1 . i . i l , . . AuvcrtiBinsi win not ecu uiat wnzn 01 iiscix nas no merit And so the advertising- agencies and advertising men have been influences for better oroductton and Better eroducts. - In turn, the Associated Advertising Clubt of the World have laid emphasis, particularly in the last two or three yean, upon the necessity of truthfulness in advertising., Not only muat the goods themselves that are advertised be meri torious, out what it said about tnem in advertise' ments mutt be laid in good faith. : It it a highly significant fact that advertising, which not to very many years ago had to bear ' the opprobrium resulting from practices that were . fanciful and tentational and in disregard of truth - or good faith, has now become one of the forces tor ethical progress in business. ' Back to "Watchful Waiting. President Wilson has announced hia intention of notifying Senor Carranza that the Mexican eply is quite satisfactory to the United States, and that negotiations between the two countries will be commenced as early as possible, looking to an adjustment of difficulties now existing. Mediation will not be requested, for the president of the opinion that commissioners representing the United States and the de facto government of Mexico will be able to conclude the needed ar rangements for peace along the border. Mean while, the dogs of war will be held in leath, and 'watchful waiting" will be returned on the basil of a greatly increated armed force. Our govern ment still questions, unofficially, Senor Carranza't bility to make good hit promises. The uncer tainty of hit tenure of office, the lack of fealty among hia adherent!, and the general incapacity he hat shown in all serious affairs, combine to dis credit him. Yet Mr. Wilson, wedded to hit own viewi and thoroughly committed to Carranza by hit own actt, feeli he should give the first chief another chance to make good. The next few weeks will determine if the old shoemaker's plan of cutting off the dog'a tail a little st s time it better than to take it all off at a tingle blow. Good Move Push It Along! The announcement from Commissioner Butler that he will sponsor a resolution to relocate the hideous "Welcome Arch" that now disfigures our artistic court house square, is welcome and a move that should be pushed along. If there ever waa any good reason for maintaining tnis in candescent travesty on civic beauty in the most conspicuous spot in Omaha, it had long since passed, and the survival aimply belies Omaha a claims to progressivenest so noticeably manifested every other direction. If the arch were a thing of beauty and a Joy forever," people all over the city would be clamoring for it but it looks at if it it more of an "Unwelcome Arch" than Welcome Arch." Any location but its present location, however, would be an improvement, and no location whatever would be still better. Figures Worth Pondering Over. The report of 'the State Board of Control shows the total number of inmates in the fifteen institutions under its supervision, as under1 pre sumable date of December 1, last, to be 4,787, which, with 959 on parole or furlough, makes total of 5,746 dependents, defectives and de linquents under care of .the state of Nebraska, It it not wholly fair, of course, to class together all inmates of penitentiaries, insane asylums, indus trial schools, schools for . blind and deaf, and soldiers' hornet, for there it vast difference be tween delinquents, defectivet and mere depend ents, but they are alike in the one point of being .public wards and being maintained, in whole or in part by the self-supporting inhabitant!. Theie figures mean that one out of 250 of our population are constantly in public institutions and the sad part of it is that half of the number are in insane and feeble-minded siylumt. The enumeration does 'not take into count either the delinquenti in local cuitody or the defectivei and dependents cared for outtide of state institu tions. What a tremendous problem is here pre sented! By what , methods should these unfor tunates be treated? How stop the steadily In creasing burden of their care, thus imposed on others? What measures of prevention are pos lible through removing the underlying cautet? Correct aniwert to theie questions will be worth while, I TO O A V Thought Nugget for the Day. If we have not auiet in our own minds outward comforts will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot. John Bunyan. One Year Ago Today in the War. Italians opened attack on Goritz. Italian armored cruiser Amalfi sunk by Aus trian submarine. . Twenty allied aeroplanes raided Bruges, de stroying the docks. Russians on the Dniester assailed Austnans with great forces and increased artillery. Ambassador . uerara iook up wim ucrmauiy the seizure of the American steamer Platuria. - This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. What it known at Cut Off lake, about two and half miles south of the citv. haa been re-named Manhattan heach. and a sail boat, a little steamer and numerous row boats are on the lake. E. L. tutus of the National Guard. The construction placed on the new law gov erning the National Guard by Major General Millt variea in aome particulart from the general understanding of itt meaning. He holds that the Guard may still be mustered into the federal serv ice without bemg required to take the hew bath. This will perpetuate a condition that hai been found to be intolerable. ; Friction between itate and federal authority ii alwayi preient, and tome recent exhibitioni in different itatet ihow how ready men arc to take advantage of the tech' nicality that lupporti the clash. The new law was designed to cure this defect, and to make the National Guard an integral part of the army of th nation, when called upon for national duty, If it It not to have thit effect, it will fall thort of iti purpose, and thua fail to be of real service- However, General Mills' view is not. likely. to be shared by military authorities in general, who recognize the weak spot sought to be remedied. - "Horn Rule" Loses Again. - The supreme court of Nebraska has just held that the state railway commission has a right to fix telephone rates other! than those named in the charter of the company. Thia is an extension of the power of the commission that may be applied to the confusion if not the overturning of the right now claimed by communities to regulate rates for public utilities. It wai held some yeara ago, in a caae againtt the Omaha Water com pany, that a city council had no power to bind itt successor, but it wit not then denied that ratet contraeted for when franchitei are granted are not enforceable. ' In the abience of fuller infor mation at to the case jutt decided, It can not be aaid exactly what the point involvet, but the prin ciple apparent it one that holds real danger for home rule. Communitiea ehould be permitted to retain the right to bargain for service, and be permitted to carry out contracta entered into in good faith. , i The total of faxet paid by the Union Pacific for a teriet of yeara makea an imposing figure. ' Re member, however, that proportioned to th valu of th property and itt earning the taxet of thit great railroad corporation are no more than, if at much is, those of the individual butineat man and property owner.' k ( ' ' Mexico's area falls a trifle short of making ten states the aize of Nebraska. Two years ago its public debt waa $226,q00,000, or $1$ per capita in real money. No estimate of ita preaent debt possible, but the various revolutionary -leaden have put out enough paper money to thin-plaster tne entire country. V. -' "' ' A report, put out by the eentut bureau as preparedness poster, shows 21,000,000 men be tween the agea of 18 and 45 fit for war. - No al lowance it made for a lifting process of army doctors, which, in. recent instances, developed large gulf between appearances and fitness. . , Indications point to King Caucus gripping the shipping bill and putting it through congress as a party meaaure. The rank and file appears convinced that the project is a good thing. If that idea finds lodgement, passage is fairly set tied. Democrats rarely let go a good thing. Squires, J. A. Odell and G. M. Washburn are planning on building a bath house at once, and it f. ...!.. l l i .i. . . ii ui ...:n u. k..;u la quite prooauic wai a omaii iivisi wm w. ...... oon. . . Harry L. Wooldridge and Miss Cmma raui- sen were united in marriage at the residence of the hrirle'a narenta on Lake street. Miss Hattie Rappelje of Rochester, N. Y., is visitine; here, the guett of her cousin, Mrs. J. D. Jler. 1 , C. D. Burnley, the young gentleman wno suc ceed S. R. Rush aa assistant to Signal Service Agent Pollock in this city, has arrived from Val entine. , I . , An adiourned meetinc of the Irish National league was held at Cunningham hall for the pur- iosc of collecting donations to oe iorwaraeu to 'arnell to aid the cause of home rule in the elec tion now going on in England and Ireland. Hon. John A. McShane and Hon. j. A. cretgnton suo- scribed auu eacn, ana h. (.unning anu j. c. Riley, $100 each, which, together with a large number of smaller donations, make a total of $2,356.50. The choristers of St. Barnabas church have gone to Ashland for their camping out. Today in History. 1815 The British and Russian armies entered Paris. ..... 1816 Richard Bnnsley iheridan, wnose great est work was his "School for Scandal," died in London. Born in Dublin, September JU, lM. 10 1 n convention met at vvasiuuKiun, vee., to frame a constitution tor the new state ot Mississippi. 1846 Stan and Stripes raised at Monterey, Cal. .. . 1865 Four of the Lincoln conspirators TT ij A . 4t TJ.,,-. aflJ Vfra Qurratr- ncruiu, nwivuii "j". .-. - - - - were executed in Washington. 1866 Italian Parliament passed a bin tor tne suppression of monasteries and the confiscation of their property. 1870 Twenty-six thousand persons attended s fete at the Crystal Palace, London, in honor of M. De Lesseps, builder ot tne Suez canai. 1887 Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Colburg-Gotha was elected prince of Bulgaria. 1911 Representatives of Great Britain, Rus sia, Japan and the United States signed at Wash ington a treaty abolishing pelagic sealing for fifteen yeara, , Th Day W Celebrate. William B Whitehorn was born Tulv 7. 1870. in Omaha. He was educated in the public schools and Creighton university and was a member of th city council tor one term. R. c'.Strehlow. eeneral contractor, was born July 1, 1862, in Germany, coming to this country at the age of 18. He haa been in the building line in Omaha for more tnan twenty-six years. . . . Dr. E. Holovtchiner, practicing physician and school board member, ia just 56 yeara old today. He is a native ot Russia, educated in tne uni versities of Berne, Zurich and Benin, and in Omaha since 1887. i Prince William Eitel Frederick, second son of the German emperor, born thirty-three years ago today. James E. Campbell, former democratic gov ernor of Ohio, born in Middletown, O., seventy three years ago today. Ravmond Hatton. widely celebrated as a mo tion picture actor, born at Red Oak, la., twenty- nine yean ago today. , , Richard Carle, well known actor and musical comedy itar, born at Somerville, Mats., forty- five yean ago today. . William E. Mason, one time United States sen ator, from Illinois, born at Franklinville, N. Y., sixty-six yean ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminder. ' The first public kitchen is to be opened in Berlin today as a part of the plan for the com munal feeding of the entire population of the German capital. President Gomoert of the American Federa tion of Labor ia to speak before the National Education association convention in New York teniarht The eastern conference of the . Missionary Education movement ia to begin its summer aeaaion todav at Silver Bav. N. Y. The School Garden Association of America it to hold its annual meeting today in New York City in connection with the National Education aasociation convention. - Th women' national committee of the Hughes alliance, with a membership composed of many women prominent in New York society, is to have ita first formal committee meeting today at th horn of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney at Koslyn, u l. Whtrt Thy All Art Now. - Charles King, wool warehouse man, is now a resident of Los Angeles. C H. Guiou is another Omahan who has established a home at Hollywood, near Los An geles. Euclid Martin, a former president of the Omaha Commercial club, haa a twenty-acre orange grove near Pasadena. William- R. Lighton, author of the "Billy Fortune" stories in the Saturday Post, has a fine home at Fayetteville, Ark. He was once a court reporter here. Carl Ekstrom haa a country home about eighty miles from New York City, in the Nut meg state. 1 he town ia seymour. He is a mem ber of the theatrical profession. - Mary Sullivan, until recently teacher of English at the Central High achoot, ia a member of the faculty of the High school at Pittsburgh. 8tory-tt for th Day. A Battimorc lady, sitting on on of the pier at Atlantic City, overheard the following story: "One of the little grandsons of th kaiser said lately to his imperial relative, 'Grandpa, did you make tnis warr "'No child,' replied the kaiser. "Then did Uncle George make the war?' - "'No.' . .- . V "'Did Uncle Nick make the war?' "'No.' , "Then who did make the war, grandpa?' "Tit tell you how it started,' aaid hia grand father. 'A man named Teddy Roosevelt came to aee me and I took him to look at the Krupp works. He examined everything I showed him carefully and then cried, 'With all these works and all your preparedness you can lick the world. And,' added the kaiser, sadly, 'I was darned fool enough to believe him. Baltimore American Need of Competent Ufa Guard. Omaha, July I. To the Editor of Th Be: The caae of a young hoy drowning at th municipal beach laat Sunday makea It Imperative that the city admln latratlon wak up and aecure eompetent lit guard. Th etatmnent in eome of the Omaha nanera that thia ia th tlret drowning at th elty beach in three yeara ll erroneoua It la true there wer no caea of drowning at th municipal beach lait eummer, but that waa on account of having emcient Itt guard at the head of the work. Two yeara ago there wer eeveral eaaee of 'drowning at Carter lake, and laat year before a competent life guard waa Ina tailed at th beach, on young man waa drowned. In Chicago and other eaatarn eltiea all life guard muat paaa a very strict ex amination before they are appointed. Thia I. not don in Omaha. The writer ia a swimmar and haa taught life laving for yeara in different parte of th country and la thoroughly familiar with tnia auoject. Sunday our incompetent lif guarda war lennrmnt of the proper methoaa to purau in giving firat aid. Alao, they were ignorant as to how to operate the pulmotor. In fact, the pulmotor waa not In working condition. Thla waa a moat diaguatiat affair. The girl who went down waa not reaeued by th beach life guarda, nor was ah revived bv them. Th fact la, ah went down In about four and one-half feet of water, got water in her unga and became uneoneeloua. One of the bathara placed her on th dock. An outeide awimmer immediately appllca flrat aid methoda in us in all prominent bathing plaeea In th eaet. Th resuscita tion wa immediately successful with this outaide awtmmers aid. A. Haw Democrat Play Politic. Maasena. Ia., July . To th Editor of Th Bee: A ahort time ago Mr. Wilaon sent Germany an ultimatum, thua putting pac or war entirely in the handa of Emperor William. Than ha called a Joint aeaaion 01 aonereea to relate to them how he had acted ould th Russian czar do laa T Now, after aending Carranaa an ultimatum and nuttin neace or war entirely nvtn nana of Carranaa, he relatee at New York that the masses are calling on him to keep out of Mexico when they ahould have aent their supplication to Carranaa, to whom th prei dent had already left th deoiaion. Th nreeidcnt'e close friende relet that Mr. Wilson in writing th platform himself and conducting his own campaign, Is prov ing himself atronger than hit party. But they neglect th fact that th party hold! th- voting nowr thanks to the constitu tion. Just aa vapor aacenda and returns In rain, ao, too. muet Inaptration aacand to the leadere and not as the inaplration descended from the Whit House to th convention of officeholders, and patronage aeekere aa- aerabled at St. Louie. Thoa delegatee simply formed an amen chorue ; they had not a word of inspiration to offer; they took th worm from the beak of th mother bird. Juat Ilk a aatherlng of Rueaians they cheered peae out did not Botiea that th peace treaties ar not mentioned In the platform. The reason ia th treaty with England blnda England to her often and arbitrate with ua, but th pmldant rvfuaca to da man of England th fulAllmnt of her treaty agreement and thus repudiates hia Plank that ealla for American rights on land or aea. If the preaidant called England to fulfill her agreement, than hia dlraful plank Amerleaniam would not hav been aeea- aary aa it Is mrly th pro-Engllah version and not th Amerleaniam of eur revolu tionary father nr th American iim of men who are not pro-British. Bad th demo crat congreaa voted aa Spaakar Clark eland they wished to, by a fourto-on vot, th praidnt would hav bn repudiated and th oueetion of pce or war not handtd up to the German emperor. If th domo-H erat congress had voted thlr own bllf "kp off belligerent ship,' where would th candidacy of Mr. Wilson hav landed. Th democrat ongrss took a ehaac on peace or war to sav Mr. Wilson's political hide. Had not th emperor deeidad to keep Germany out of war with th United Statca, what would th cost ba In widows. orphans, men and money T Bom politle they must appval to th masses! T. 8. FENLON. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. Why d you call Bllgglna an xprt ac countant?" Because of his saaumptiona 01 -iu.u,. dlnary wisdom. There lan't any phenome non la the unlveree that ha doean't aaeume be able to account lor. n aaninawii Star. Sire. B. la your eoelt Impertinent? fM A Wall Miliar Rhe couldn't OC any worae If aha waa one of my own daugh- tera. fnuaaeipnia xtuueun. The charge waa assault and battery. "Have you anyon to defend you?" aaked the Judge. ' "Defend me," exclaimed the prisoner, In dignantly. "I don't want anybody. I II fle- fend myaeir. i;ome on. ur nan . you. new vora -nmea. EDITORIAL SIFTINGS. Detroit Ptm Pnii: Xt'i voinf to worth whllt. too, to im and hear T. R. talking for omtbodjr 1m. Waahington Post: Proof that th eomtnv campaign will b devoid of calumny l found in the iwift way the charge that Mr. Hughea oneo tang in gloe club baa been allowed to dla out. Detroit Free Preti: It antt fill tho eoa- greitional pork hunter with lolomn tadna to think of all that money being diverted from the ehannele of dry ereeki and rivert to national defense purpose. Boston Transcript! The value of a good name and a high character ta shown by the feet that despite his ambitious land-grabbing program nobody ever wondered If Marat Henry Watterson ownod a ranch In Mexlot Springfield Republican) While American soldiers are hunting bandit la Mexico or hurrying to the border, Spanish troops fighting In Morocco. "Neutrality" la a rela tive term. The neutral nations are not all at peace though the United flutes is still nominally so. Baltimore American: The militiamen ko- ing to the border are succumbing all along the lint to attaoks made upon them by aa army of waiting women armed with lunch boxes and milk bottles. So far not th slightest resistance haa been reported as offered this onslaught on their appetites, but hll have surrendered unconditionally to the bombardment, th men oven going to the length of cheering their captors. , Springfield Republican: Th new governor- general of Canada, the duke of Devonshire, Is a man of immense wealth, a fact which Is by no meant regarded in Canada aa dls qualifying him for the position. On the contrary a newspaper frankly says that "The capital Is looking forward to a regime of large hospitaltty and generous patron age of all public benefactions." The duke of Devonshire bear a resemblance to Mr. Carnegie In being the head of a steel eom pany. but It remains to be seen whether bis distribution of hie wealth will be aa ex 1 HAVSHT rV i-wil M K VJESK- WHAT ON TVB RErVlOH BSf WES NrNWN Tt ACT UKE A WttrV ausaw Did you read the report that since vodka has been prohibited In Russia the peasants are drinking iurniture pouan r wli. thev certainly must be feeling the need of a stiff drink. " Baltimore American. Thts itattth at the Earl of Sandwich in England recalls the witty epitaph of Theo dore HOOK, wno, wnen asaea lor irnvruiuviu lines on the death of the king and queen of the Sandwich islands Immediately re cited the couplet: 'Walter, two Hanawicneai" crmn ijwu. And their wild majesties resigned their . breath." Baltimore American. , "I think I'm Improving my golf game, although my score doesn't show it." 'What maices you mm mo, men; I sometimes play a round without losing more than two golf balls." Detroit rree Press. . niair.B Man fto aoDllcant for Job) Have you a college diploma? inniir.nt Nn. Mir: but I have several mining stock certlQcatea that might be of fered In evidence that 1 have been through tha school of experience. Puck. "The ancients treated diseases with . charms and trinkets." 'Why not?" "Can there be any niedioal virtue la '""I've known "a new bracelet to get my wife quickly over what appeared to be t. very sick spell."- Louisville Courier-Journr UNCLE SAM. Edgar A. Guest, In Detroit free Prese. He Is a patient, kindly cuss. And fond of fun and laughter, He is not quick to make a fuss, The lev of life he's after. He likes to plod along his way . Attending to his labors And have but pleasant thtnirs to say To all wno are nis nemnnori, He Is not quick to take offense Hie greatest trait Is common senss. He does not want to own the earth. Nor grab the land of others; He thinks the Ood that gave u Nrtn vartn human beinas brothers. Although he can be dignified. His preference is ror piainneaa And for the sham of foolish prlds He substitutes real saneness. He merely wants to play life's game And let all others do the same. . The kids can maul him round about And tug his whiskers gayly And kick his silk hat Inside out And search his pockets dally. And as their uncle he will grin And think the fun Is splendid, But let a bully bluster In ' : His patience then Is nded, And when the fuss he makea Is through The bully know a thing or two. He doesn't care what creed w speak, Or what our hobble may be, He thinks the strong should guar th weak As parents guard a baby. He doesn't light for every Whim Nor fume about a trifle, But when injustice angers hi in He's apt to grab his rifle. And when he starts to set thtngf Ugh He is a dangerous man to light. He isn't garbed in robes of sham, But plain and good his ralmenj, Whoever trust our Uncle Bam Will find him prompt In payment. He wants to mind his own affairs, And lmply do his duty, And And amid ths thorns and tare Of life the bloom of beauty. Oh, very proud, Indeed 1 am, j To tell my love for Uncle Bam. J aa. ' le per WerA o& Pjb&e Orieri- Ajf SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. iraablngten Poet: A Cleveland preaeher ays a girl ahould nerer walk with a elsarett emoker; but suppose he uses her farorit brand? Minneapolis Journal! A Minnesota minister says a man Is on th. downward path when h. can no longer remember all of th Tan Commandments. Something Ilka "My Coun try. Tie of The." ao many never hav progreed byond th llrst raw llnee. Indlanapolla Newai Tha movement to aid rural church In overcoming "th unusual delin In attendane la the, ehurehea dur ing th. summer months" raises a question aa to where th. farmer permits his automobile to lead him these summertime Sundays Houston Post) Kansas City gave Billy 8anday 182,000. hut th horn raehrs will sontlnu to seuffl to kep th bodies of their famlllas on sneaking terme with eorned bef and eabbag. But a horn, preacher oan't do the thing and say th thing Billy doe and aaya and serve out a full Ursa. ; Baltimore American : Th men 'of busi ness who make provision for their old m ployes when time wears out their effieiency, aeem to b oblivloua to th needs of the eervante of Chrlat in epirttua! thinge. Yt with what little effort and at what Uttl. cost thM. lame buelneaa men alight provide a small Investment ia th. Held of enterprise for their pastors, an tnvaatmcnt that, having little valu at th time, might become of aulRoient worth to afford a maintenance for th. pastor la his advanced years. By anak aetloa th man of business affairs would be placing themselves In th. class of th. Good Samaritan who poured win. and oil Int. th. wounds at th. tnan fallen by th. wayside. For th. worn oat pa tor to indeed left hy tha wavolita tor debt and disease and distress to prey upon hiss, whlla th. priest and the Levitts of th Pewe pass hy th. ether side After chasing over the golf links you will appreciate a cold bottle of TMEBtERyoyjJKt it is most refreshing. ; Save coupons and get premiums. Phone Douglas 1889 and have a case sent home. LUXUS Mercantile Company - Distributors Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising maybe in other respects, it must be run frequently and' constant ly to be really successful.