THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1916. BRIEF, CITY NEWS "TawnrndNi for Mnortlng fleea. taeojt Wedding Blags Edholra. Jeweler. Elertrte hu, $7.80 Burgeea-Qnuiden Ooodrleb Gardea How Morton Boa... Ha.e Root Prist It No Beeoon Proa Today'i Both Mini," olaeelfled see tlon todajr. II appeara In Tho Bm eiolu Ively. Find out what the various morlng picture theater offer. Now that BtuineM li Improving you should Improve every opportunity that will mean more buelneea for your firm. An office In The Bee Building (the bulldlni that la alwayi new) la that opportunity. Andiron, tiro evreeaa fHindertand'e. Uee "Tes-Tlle" .ihinglea. Sunderland's. "Dare-Devil" Injured In Plunge to Roof In "Slide for Life" V Claud Goff, known at "Kareless Kennedy," who was playing an en gagement at a local vaudeville theater this week, suffered serious injuries when he fell to the roof of the Bran deis Boston store while making a "slide for life" from atop the Hotel Fontenelle to the roof of the Empress :heater yesterday. The wire, which stretched from the hotel roof to that of the theater, a distance of two blocks and a half, was wet, and Goff, who slowed up his downward midair flight while passing over the store building, lost his grip as a result of the abrupt slackening of speed and plunged to the roof be low. He was taken to the Lord Lister hospital, where doctors found that he had suffered an injury to his spine. Goff has been in the "dare-devil" business for six years and the accident yesterday was his first mishap. He is 28 years old and is an Omaha man, his parents residing on the South Side. Young Celebrator Works Havoc With s Home Made Gannon In order to give a real war-like touch to his idea of a Fourth of July celebration, Harold Middaugh, 15 years old, 2668 Ohio street, worked j:i:.,U. fno H.raral rlsva nil O hnm. .UlllKllllv IV. anviu w. - made cannon, filled it to the muzzle with powder and ball the ball being the ball-bearings from his roler skates and touched 'er off. The results were even better than the patriotic young American had ex pected; also they would have done credit to the efforts of a European trench hand grenade "artist." When the smoke of battle had cleared and the effects of the "shell fire" had been ascertained, the home of F. E. Colby, 2886 Ohio street, was found to be minus several window panes, a portion of a veranda and to have had added to its plastering a goodly quantity of roller skate bear ings. "General" Middaugh escaped unscathed. Rain Dampens the t Ardor of Picnickers Many Omahans wefe disappointed when they arose this morning to ob serve the skies weeping. They had planned on picnics and hundreds had baskets of provisions ready packed to siart on- their outings. They sat on their porches and watched the iky, hoping that J. Pluvius would have a u.t .i4 ah,t ntf hia rlnwnanout. Commissioner Hummel had the parks in shipeshape for the day. He detailed a surgeon for the Muny beach, to be on hand in case of ac cident, as thousands were expected at that lake resort Some families have decided to hold their picnics at home, on porches. Barnhart Declares Never Was Firm of Barnhart & Mays A suit brought in district court by Howard C. Mays against John W. Barnhart and F. R. Mays, the Utter father of the plaintiff in the action, to secure $813.42 alleged back pay, is declared to be utterly without founda tion so far as he is concerned. The iirm of Barnhart and Mays, men tioned in the petition, Mr. Barnhart declares never existed. "Our firm, the Waters-Barnhart Printing Co., leased a linotype machine to Mr. Mays, sr," declared Mr. Barnhart, "for his use in our office, and what ever trouble over pay the younger Mays had, if any, is wholly a matter between himself and his father." Diarrhoea. For this disease you will find Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy unsurpassed. One or two doses of it are nearly always sufficient to check the attack. It is not dis agreeable to take. This remedy con tains no astringent, and for that rea son leaves the bowels in a natural condition. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Idaho Man Reports Loss of Valuable "Sparkler" to Police S. L. Kennedy of Nampa, Idaho, re ported to the police the thett ot a diamond scarf pin valued at $400. Hannigan & Co., 3552 Leavenworth street, reported that their s,tore was robbed of cigars and tobacco valued at $15. Indlgeatlon, Bad Breath, Soar Stomach. If you suffer any of theae take a doge of Dr. King's New Life Pllla tonight. Only ISe. All druggists. Advortlaeraent. In the Silent Drama Maee The spectacular photoplay, "Tho Ne'er-uo-weu, wjucn u at the Muu today, was produced by the Sellg company from the atory of Rex Beach, and ta a worthy Bucceeaor to "Tha Bpotlara," which beeama ao fainoua. Kathlyn Williams, who d laved Cherry Haloutte in "Tha Spollera," la at her beit In this production and aha la aupported by tha original "Spollar" eaat. In order to ecure tha proper atmoaphera tha entire company waa ten. to renama. Emprcaa The Empreaa today la offering for tha laat time "The Criminal's Thumb," the atory of a man who la followed all hie Ufa because of a apatulate thumb which ! aid tc be a aura sign of criminality, Hli thumb finally convict him of robbery and murder. Today will alao be tha laat ahowing ot ine jriag oay paraae picture. Hipp The Hipp today la ahowing Paulina Frederick in E. Phillips Oppenhelm'a novel, "The World'a Oreat Snare." It la a vivid Picture of life In a weatlnar mlnlna aa and a woman's strut tie for moral emandpa- uuo, Alrdoma ToB.iht tha presentation la Mar guerite Leslie In "The Question." Thle ti the utory of Ralph Tudor, rich, and loving chil dren, who martins Grace Hamilton, a spoiled society girl, who determines to keep up her social affairs. The way the question Is aet- ucu manes a very good picture. ESTIMATES AND i FACTS ATVARIANCE Tax Levy Records Show School Board Receives More Than Amounts Estimated. TOO MUCH SHUTTLECOCK As the time draws near for the tax levy, attention has been called to the necessity of making these esti mates, on which the levy is based, conform more closely to the actual facts. An examination of the records shows that the Board of Education invariably receives through tax and other revenues considerably more than the amount of the estimates; that there is too much battledore and and shuttlecock and not enough sta bility of funds. The school board s estimate tor ivis showed a total of expected revenue of $1,026,750, whereas the actual re ceipts reported by the treasurer lor that year were $1,088,583.91, or an excess of $62,000. The 1915 estimate sheet, for instance, gave $41,500 for state apportionment, as against $60,- 114 actually received, lhe interest on bonds and funds was estimated at $800 and actual revenues from that source amounted to $J,4UJ. in 1V14 the school board reported an estimate of $958,175 and the treasurer reported total receipts at S1,U47,8H1.:, or near $100,000 more., Similar Methods by City. That the citv officials use similar methods is Droved by the fact that for 1914 and 1915 they demanded for the general fund the charter maxi mum and went wild on revenues other than the tax levy. Their esti mates made no reference to the road fund Quota received from the county and used by the park department, in 1914 bemsr $13,749.5 and in 1915 $20,204.56. Neither did the estimates mention $50,000 park bonds sold each year and $100,000 sewer bonds sold in 1914 and again in 1915. these bonds now having a maximum of $200,000 a year, and coming as regular additions to current revenue. . The county board estimated i$798,- 541.09 for 1915 and received in tax and miscellaneous collections a total of $816,273.91. In 1914 the estimate was $729,566.46, as against total re ceipts of $813,615.57. Closer Relationship Needed. , The conclusion of an analysis of the record is that a closer relation ship should be established between the estimates and the expenditures; that by holding down to conservative estimates and including in these esti mates all possible revenues .the tax levy might be materially reduced. City Commissioner Butler, in charge of accounts and finance, says he expects to give the council within a few weeks a tentative estimate for 1917, which will warrant a lower tax levy than was made for 1916. A real budget system has been proposed over and over, but seems as far off as ever. - . Mexicans Will Fight' Us on American Soil, The Conscripts Told Laredo. Tex., July 4. A Mexican newspaper reaching here today con tains a cartoon portraying the Mexi cans as heroes in the battle at Car dial. The newspaper says there are 8,000,000 Germans in the United States who will not support the government According to a passenger from Saltillo, the governor of Coahuila is conscripting the schoolboys for army service. these boys, this passenger said, are being told that if any fight ing occurs it will be on American territory, where loot they can get will amply repay them for their pa triotism. 38,592 Persons of School Age in Omaha The school census just completed shows a total of 38,592 persons of school age in Greater Omaha. This was the first school census taken of the merged city, and by reason of cnanges in ine aisincia incix is nu comoarison with the former year. The enumerators recorded every per son between the ages ot 5 and . The expense of the enumeration was $1,157.79. The list by school districts is as follows: Bancroft f4fi Beall , S6 Brown Park M3 Caai 786 Caatelar 1,149 Central . 180 Central Park 813 Clifton Hill 127 Columbian 789 Comenlua , SIR Corrlfan , 782 uruia hiii 03 Dupont 9l Dundee , 706 Edward Roaewater 890 Parnam 1,17! Franklin 849 Oarfleld 4b Hawthorne , ., 2S Highland 428 Howard Kennedy S2T Junamann ...... 00 Kellom 1.186 Lake 1,64 Lincoln 164 Long l,S9 Lothrop 1,920 Lowell , flSB Madleon 463 Uaeoo 1,282 Miller Park . 60S Monmouth Park 692 Pacific 911 Park 1,146 Saratoga 1.122 Saunders . , 780 Sherman 174 South Central ,... 670 South Franklin ............ 618 South Lincoln ........... 971 Train 118 Vinton .. 770 wainut tiiu 167 Webster 1,264 Wwt Side 1,022 Wlndaor 1,609 Total .19,692 Batsman to Be Given Base on "Bean Ball" New York, July 3. Owing to the frequency with which balls are thrown to intimidate batters in base ball game and fearing fatal conse quences therefrom, Charles Ebbetts, president of the Brooklyn National league club, has written to John Tea- er, president of the National league, requesting that whenever in the judgment of an umpire the so-called "bean ball" is thrown, the umpire should immediately award the bats man hia base, regardless of the num ber ot balls and strikes which may oe on tne Patter at tlie time., DISPATCHES SAY the pres ent Governor-General of Canada is slated to represent the royal authority in the six Ulster counties exempt from home rule. To succeed Con naught in Canada, the duke of Devonshire is proposed. r V V I ; -fix : . ff ' ABOVE:- DUKIKCF COWMUSffTv . Iv.IxsririrXsorCEVcMSHijjBa Trevino Reports More.ILS, Survivors Of Carrizal Battle Mexico Citv. July 4. General Tre vino reported tonight to the War de partment that a number of wounded American soldiers who belonged to detachments engaged in the fight at Carrizal, have been found in differ- out parts of the state of Chihuahua. He stated that they were being re turned to the American side as soon as encountered. Firecracker Thrown From Car Explodes in Woman's Face Someone threw a firecracker from a street car at Sixteenth and Jackson streets, which struck Miss Lucy Miller, 1423 North Sixteenth street. on the side of the face and exploded. The young woman was severely burned on the face. Dr. Charles F. Shook dressed her injuries. SLASH OF RAZOR SEVERSHIS HEAD "Cappy Jones," Negro, Loses Life in Fight in Which Two Others Are Badly Carved. POLICE HAVE THE SLAYER Twenty-five cents caused a mur der and two serious cutting affrays among a trio of Third ward negroes last night. Dell Brooks, otherwise ' "Cappy Jones" is dead, his throat being cut from ear to ear by a razor, and Nath an Shearles, yclept "Possum" was carved until his hide looked like lat tice work. Jim Johnson, known as "Big-boy" is cut, too, but not bad enough to. prevent his being held in a jail cell for the murder of "Cappy Jones." "Cappy" rented a furnished room from Snearles, who lives in a shack at Thirteenth and Cass. Last night was collection day, and according to Shearles, "Cappy" tried to hold out a quarter. An argument started and in the draw for razors, "Cappy" filled his hand first and almost made good his threatened intention of "hewing down" his landlord. Arrival of white folks made him flee, with "Big-boy", who is a friend of "Possum, close at his heels. Big-boy" was chasing to avenge his friend and at Fifteenth and Cuming he overtook Shearles' conqueror with- one swift downward slash, he almost severed the fleeing man's head, but not before "Cappy ' got in a cut or two himself. Brooks was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where Dr. T. T. Harris tried to stop the flow of blood, but he died in a few minutes. Shearles will Armours to Build New Packing Plant In Southern State Ground will .be broken this week at Jacksonville, Fla., for another of the Armouc packing plants that are springing up throughout the country. Announcement was made here yester day by General Manager R. C. Howe of the local plant. It is understood that several of the local assistants will be transferred to the plant when it is completed, "The new plant will take care of our business in the south," General Manager Howe said yesterday, in speaking of the new project. "As regards the transfer of local man to the new plant, there will prob ably be a few changes," he said. The new plant will be largely de voted to the slaughter of hogs. The southern states have long been noted for raising the best swine in the coun try. Cattle and sheep killing floors will be maintained, however, but the killing will not be as extensive in this division. Mississippi, Georgia and the two Carolines will come within the terri tory of the new plant. 30,000 of Eastern Guard At the Border or on the Way New York, July 4. Approximately 30,000 National guardsmen of the department of the east either will br on the Mexican border or on the way there on Independence day, it was announced tonight at Governor's Isl and, divisional headquarters. Reports from the twenty-two states compris ing the department showed that 60,000 troops had been mobMized in all of the states, with the ex :ption of Kentucky. Strongarm Squad Gets Two Victims The strong-arm squad last night se cured $50 from Thomas Christensen, Council Bluffs bridgeworkfr, at Tenth and Douglas streets, and $1.1 from I. S. Mistachken, who was sitting with his wife and family on the high school ground bathing in the refreshing breezes of evening. Health Commissioner R. W. Con nelly automobile was stolen last night. MDLMDlTlS SECOHDCAR HERE Smiling Ralph Will Drive a French Peugeot in Local Anto Classic Instead of Hudson. GIVES SUPER TO M' GARTH Y Ralph Mulford entered a second wagon yesterday in the Omaha speedway races, which will be held July 15 on the East Omaha boards. Smiling Ralph signed up to drive his big French Peugeot in the local clas sic. The other car Mulford has en tered is a Hudson super-six It was Mulford's original plan to pilot the super in Omaha, but yesterday he de cided to bring his French boat to Omaha because it is more adapted to high speed on the board tracks. The Hudson, however, will race in Omaha and the wheel probably will be handled by Fred McCarthy, who drove the machine at Chicago and captured eighth money with it. Mc Carthy was Dario Resta's mechani cian last year. The second Mulford entry makes the total number of cars entered in the local classic nineteen. According to the dope from Sioux City Hughie Hughes will probably drive the big sixteen-valve Duesen berg Charles Devlin has entered in the local derby. Hughie is one of the greatest drivers in the world. Per sonal eccentricities have held, Hughie down somewhat because he often un able to obtain a mount, but Devlin has taken the daring little English man under his wing and intends to give him another chance. In case Hughes does pilot the Duesy in Omaha Messrs. Kesta, ue raima, Rickenbarher, et al, can look to their laurels for Hughie will give them one hot tussle. It is also possible Eddie O'Donnell will drive the Duesy Tommy Milton is contracted to pilot hers, snd if this is so it will make the local field still classier, because Eddie knows the Omaha track. He was second here last year. Two big speedway races will be staged today, one at Sioux City and the other at Minneapolis. Ralph De Palma, Earl Cooper, Ed die Rickenbacher and Joseph Chris tensen are the better drivers entered in the Minneapolis classic, while Charley Mcrz, Howdy Wilcox, Ralph Mulford and Hughie Hughes are the favorites at Sioux City. Ex-Chicaao Polish Editor Accepts Place on Local Paper J. Kondratawicz, former editor of the Polish uaily, a ronsn newspaper of Chicago, has accepted a position with the local Polish paper, "Gwiazda Zachodu," of which Thomas Kozal is editor. Mr. Kondratawicz has an un cle in Europe who is assistant treas urer of Austria-Hungary. He has re ceived many letters of interest from his uncle who is now in the midst of great military activities. BOURKE IS MADE SECRETARY AGAIN Duncan Finlayson Is Re-Elected Superintendent of Buildings by School Board. SEVERAL CONTRACTS LET The board of Education Monday re-elected W. T. Bourke and Duncan Finlayson, secretary and su perintendent of buildings, respective ly. President Ernst and Members Jenkins, Carpenter, Wakeley and Keeil were absent, leaving a Dare quo rum of seven present. Vice Chairman Cowell presided. Announcement was made that the re-election of Attend ance Officers Carver and McAulay would not be considered until the re turn of at least Dr. Jenkins. C. D. Eades was confirmed as custodian of the supply shop. The following teachers were placed on the assigned list: Florence Eirt mett, Margaret M. Weyerman, Made line" M. Metz, Ruth Holquist, Velieta Presson, Louise Raabe, Mildred Turk, Fay Harrow, Mildred Whited, Elsie Magnussen, Mary Breen, Viola Pierce, Gladys Talmadge, Alice West, Dorothy Gray, Ella Youngberg, Ma bel Van Brunt, Inei Castberg, Eliza beth Cogan, Marjorie Foote. Erma Jones, Elizabeth Robinson, Charlotte Thompkins and Gwendolyn Wolfe. The salaries of Ferdinand Steding er and Edward Huwaldt, German in structor and principal of South High, were placed at $2,000 a year each. Approve School Plans. The board approved a contract with John McDonald, architect, for plans and specifications of the new Ban croft school, which will be ten class rooms, one manual training, one kin dersrarten and one assembly room The first lot of bids received for this work were reiected because they ex. ceeded the estimate. New bids will be opened next Monday. Contracts were let as follows: South Lincoln, B, Grunwald, heating and ' ventilation, $4,635; National Regulator company, heat regulation, $940: James Corr Electric company, electric work, $580. Pacific school, Dan Whitney, heating and ventilation. fi.wb; Johnson Service company, heat regulation. $1,100. Madison school, Daugherty & Mortensen, heating and ventilation, $791. Lunch Room Pays. During the school the receipts of the High School of Commerce lunch room were $2792.92, expenditures were $2,77174, leaving a balance of $21.18. Alice York, Beats school teacher resigned. The secretary was directed to place on file a communication from the Ministerial association of the South Side, accompanying a petition from 470 citizens, requesting use of the campus of South High school during July and August for union vesper services. County Dads Meet as An Equalization Board The county commissioners, sitting as an equalization ooaru, ycsicraay cleaned up most of the protests upon assessments submitted to them, and adjourned until Thursday, with only a few odds and ends to take up. The biggest reduction granted was in the case of the John Deere Plow company, the figures being cut from $375,000 to $350,000. Several minor reduction! were granted in the case of residence prop erty. Two Thousand for Repairs for the West Side School Superintendent Finlayson of the public school buildings at last even ings' meeting of the Board of Educa. tion stated that when he ent ta the West Side school to begin ex. tensive repairs he found the janitor preparing scwral rooms for use by a social settlement as a summer school. The janitor said he had been directed to prepare the rooms and Mr. finlayson insisted he had been sent to make repairs. The two offi cials took the situation good na turedly. A telephone conversation disclosed the fact that a school official did not know of the contemplated repair work when authority was given for use of the school by the social setlement. The board will spend $2,400 making the following improvements at this school: Refinish all teachers' desks and chairs, install ten cupboards, one book cupboard for office, repair man ual training lockers, whitewash base ment steel ceilings in eight rooms and the corridors, remove paper and paint throughout interior and plaster, paint and varnish woodwork through out, tank tor hot water connected complete. Jews Endorse Stand Of Justice Brandeis Philadelphia, July 4. The Federa tion of American Zionists voted today to participate in the movement for an American" Jewish congress and endorsed the stand of Associate Justice Louis. D. Brandeis, of tha U. S. Supreme court, who in the past favored the participation of the Zion ists in. this movement. The U. S. Patent Office Recognizing Something New Has Granted a Patont, Both on the Form of Flake and Process, o' Manufacture of New Post Toasties This rema'kable recognition no other corn flake on the market has achievd it marks this new food as somethi"g distinctly different from Vrn flakes" of the past. What Is This Difference? I sn a.1 na r, - i 4 Compare New Post Toasti's with the average corn flake observe the 'iny bubbles wh'ch cover th'ir sur face. These bubbles are caused by a new method of cooking, rolling and toasting under quick, intense h'at. By this process the tru corn flavou' is developed in all its sweetness. Eaten dry they are a delicious mrsel. With cream or milk they are a rvelation to the tas'e. Note the "substance" of Nw Post Toasties. Unlike old-style "corn flakes" they do not break or "chaff" in the package. They do "ot mush down under milk or cram. They are wonderfully delic'ous. And they com to you direct f'om the giant oens "f our three great Toastie Factories, untouched by human hand and triply sealed in a moisture-proof con'ainer which preserves their frsh Golden Goodness for your table. . At Your Grocers-Two sizes-10c & 15c i . POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY, LIMITED, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN The Old Age Sign Double Crested Don't Uf fray halrt mak y&a look jtmiti older than you ar, for it ( now aa wwy mattor to tint fray, faded or bleached hair In a harm lew way. Tho new preparation. "Brownalone," li orovlnff m popular that thoueandi of people w refinement and manr leadinv halr-dreaeera are now ualnc thla wonderful product exclualrelr. "Browne tone" meeta every demand and fulfill every teet required of It and ta 10 Nimple to uee that no prevloui experience li iteceaaary. Cornea ready for uee no mixing and li entirely free from lead, aolphur. liver, tine, mercury, aniline. ooaUtar prod uct or their derivative. There ta n danyor of Irritation or a poisoned acalp when you uee "Brownatone," because It ta uarHiutwa nmrmieea. jy rroauceo ine most oeautirai snaoea Trom llffht yolden to the deepeet brown or black. Will not rub or week off and eannot be detected. Moit all leading drufflets every where now sell "Brownatone" In two elacs, 26o and 11.00, and In two colors one to pro duce ''to 1 den or medium brown." the other "dark brown or blank." Get a J 6c bottle from your dealer today, or tf you prefer, a sample bottle with in tereettng -book will be mailed on receipt of 10c, to help pay postage and packing oharsei, If lent to the manufacturers, Tha Kenton Phermacal Co.. 621 Plk St. Cov ington, Ky. Sold and' guaranteed In Omaha by Sher man A Mrt'onnell Druf Co, Stores and other leading dealer. Ta m and waar a splandid Dia moatd, Watch or othar articU of Jawalry, jreu aaad sot wait until you kava aavad all tha' money to pay cash for it, Step in and (at your Pitman aaw. Na tan tape ta fa throuf h no eaibarraaiial aataila. You lat ana wear the articles yea deilre while earlae la small aewanta, weakly er meathly, aa eulta year eaaveaJei Yeur credit la good with us. f$so Vu.Iatt Jj est Ladles' Dia mond Rlny, 14k solid (old, Loftlt "Ftrfactlon" CCA mounting... w'w as a Meath No. 4 Men'a Die. mond Ring, t prong Tooth mounting, Mk olid aold .. . tl.68 a Week ig, 14k $66 Call or trriti for U lustrated catalog No 908 Phono and our salesman will eall. Open Dally Tin 8 P. M. 3atnrdaT TU1 ViSO lOFTISi- Cauosicanst Z?iww3 Hair Often Ruined By Washing With Soap Soap should be used very earefully, it you want to keep your hair looking Its beet. Most soaps and prepared shampoos' contain too much alkali. This drie tt scalp, make the hair brittle and ruins It The beet thing for steady uee la Juet or? dlnary .nullified eocoanut oil (which W pure and greaaeless), and It la bettor than the moit eipenalve soap or anything else .you can use. ' " One or two toaspoonsful will elamnss tha hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub It In. If makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of duet, dirt, dandruff and eiceeJ alve oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly and It leaves the scalp soft and the ball fine and ellky. bright, lustrous, fluffy and eafiy to manage. Tou can get mulstfled c6eoanut all at anil pharmacy, H e very cheap and a few ouncen wilt supply every member of the family to months. A Single Application Will ; j Banish Objectionable Hairsj (Aide to Baautr.) : ;r Htra la e noma treatment for ramovtnt halra that it quick, palnlaaa and inaspanl alva' With aoma powdared dalatona and watar make enough paate to thloklr eorel tha objectionable halra. apply and afte It will be left aoft. clear and halrleae. Thtj treatment win not mar , - j avoid dleappolntment be careful to get real dalatona . AMUSEMENTS. Today V Douglas Fairbanks in "REGGIE MIXES IN" Also Comedy '