DEE WANT-ADS LOST-FOUND-REWARDS THE ANNOUNCEMENTS r MOVIE PROGRAM CmM .Mertnp ( tfc. aeet InmUm Pkture T-eetere to Omaha (Chang talljr. Downtown. EMPRESS, 15TH & DOUtiLAS SPECIAL ATTRACTION ELKS AND OMAHA FLAG DAY PARADE. - " The pleture. are eepeelally deer. See yurelf ana Manila In tnovlee. Featuring Alexander Geden and -nolle Taft. "THB DATS WORK," - Beauty Comedy. Mutual Weekly No. 71. "JERRY'S ELOPEMENT." . ' Cub comedy with Oeorge Ovey. WlNCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS :THE STING OF CONSCIENCE," an exciting and thrilling three-reel drama .- of tha Canadian Northweet Mountad Po)te "Sammy Johnaon, Matlelan,' a cartoon .oomady. "Twico at Once," oora- ady. North. " 24TH AND FORT. LOS T A brown-spotted bulldog, one eye white, other brown; had on har ness and tag No. 30. Call Harney 1879 and receive reward. If YOU loaa anytWnc and will advartlaa It haro, you will auraly U If found by an honait paraon. Remarkable re coTanaa ra brought about ovary day throuah thla oolumn. THB LAW Poopl. who 'find knt article, ar. Intaraatad In knowing that tba otata law la atrlet In requiring thatn to aaak tha owner through advartlaamant and othorwlaa and that a failure to 'do no. If oamo can bo proven. Involve, i aevara panalty. - ' OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Paraon having loot noma arttelo would do wall to call up tha office of tha BEE: OMAHA, '' ' JULY 1916. ' - - ' ' i ' t " ,1 . - ...... i . . r r ar X 1 - eiTiiiTIANC WINTTn HELP WAN1LU MALL rtrounU' ' LOCATED IN THB - BEE BUILDING, "THE BUILDING THAT 18 ALWAYS NEW." IS EVER A SAFE AND DESIRABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. I HAVE many valuable colna to traaa lor MlaCCUancoua. anything or uae, among mem a...... CONTRACTORS Contractor attantlon. w. furnlah all kind, or mecnenica anv ara fraa of chi- .a. Raaponalbla for all FINB SUITE , . of THREE ROOMS ' flna for LAWYERS, REAL EST ATI INSURANCE. Too Baa Building Co " Office Room 101. BRODEOAARD'S "Lucky Wadding Rlnga" at Itth and pooglaa ata. LIVE ouldoora. T. M. C. A. Outing Park. - - Accountants. E. A.DWORAK, CP. A. HAVE flna aloctrlc piano and mualo rolle; all excellent condition l coat over v. Piano can bo playsd by hand alao; la fit tad with a nlckal alot attachment What have you to trade of equal value! Ad- dreea a. c. 1.7, uee. A. VAN ORDER area, a. u. lev, nee. i . i - tnniMfi Mirmiit-rirat claaa Burrough'o 1 WANTED Poaltlon aa houaekaaper by a ADi? StS'Maemi' ldy with a child 1H year, old; mu.rp.y Omaha Counoll Bluffa Street Railway I AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS, INSTALLING OFFICE ANU f At- TORY 5YblfcMS. 538 Ramge Building. Phone Doug. 2169. company to aacartals whether they loft It In tha atreet can. Many artlclaa each day are tamed la and the company . la enxlou. to re atoro them to the rightful owner Call Tyler 100. HAVE an office chair and deak lamp In A-No, 1 condition, to traae lor bi.ii hk tn law hooka, aenlt ry couch or baby carriage. Addreaa B. C. 14t, Bee. ALAMO, "THE SHERirr OF PINE RIDOE." Anlmatad Weekly. The Attlo Prlnceaa and a good comedy. tJIAMOND, . 24TH & LAKE "Mt.un at Rudolnh's." "Secret of the Submarlna." No, 4 Paper thiikk diamond rings: lost March en i. l tfeattla: valued a heirlooms. Reward. .-. 'Th Oulf Between," with Rhel Mitchell - c Phiiim. 480 Burke Bide.. ina wiiiism pipwen, I, i Seattle, WaaD. $60.00 reward for any information or the return of one passenger Ford car, to en from In front of Bo. Omaha Horse and Mule Co.'s barn, on June 31, motor number 311(679, Hcens number 13666. the car hai a email dent In the rlfht hand corner In the rear end of the body, return to Browder'a barn, It North J let, Co. Bluffa, la. Advertising Novelties. ; F. Shafer A Co., ltth-Farnam. P. T474- WILL swap violin. Imported, valued at 65. tr.r Klfvolaa. KIllK tVM fx KOOQ One. tVIlU U1L- frsmp.ti in eaah. nhonoaraph, or what have you? Ad drew T wi, wi, Artibtt. ARTISTB work for the trade, eolorlnf , air bruihlng; hlgh-claea -work. 611 Paxton. WHAT have you got to trade for a chaee truck with new enclosed ooayi -ii 100 daya, H. 96T Bundaye and evenlna-a. GRAND, 16TH & BINNEY LOBTLadlM' open-faced rold watch with -,o o i ..: Bakeries. CAKE8, paetry and fancy bakery ooda, auppllad to partlee, lodges and entertain mrata Z. H. Reeder, 1804 W. Itth. W. . CORRESPONDENCE school course In sales- fourths 'lta fair value. Address B. C. 161, Bee. nn.LIB BURKE IN ' niJIRIA'a ROMANCE" ' Twv Orphane," a five-reel feature and' . a good comftdy. ;; PIPE ORGAN DELUXE ; HlPPbDROME, 25tU & CUMING Griffith production with Uonel Barrymore ; and Robert Harron. "Tha Yaoul Cur," Bio. "Willing Collegian Who Wanted to " Oat a Foothold." Eee. Sellg Tribune No. II. Sella. lOTHROP, 24TH & LOTHROP j DOROTHY OISH, MAROUkRITH . HARSH AND OWEM MOORE IN -LITTLE MEENA'S ROMANCE." ' . FATTY ARBUCKLB IN ,y , -THE OTHER MAN," - - South. ; APOLLO, '29th nd Leavenworth. Flva Reala a fSplendld Fletsraa, pin between loth and California and 14th and Cuming. A gut. rnona -i-yier fax w. Reward. i Brass and Iron Foundries. raiton-Mltchcll Co., 17th and Martha Sta. BROACH pin In frlendahtp knot loot be tween Ilth and Lake end !0th and Bur. dette Sunday noon; reward. 1411 N. llth. LOST Ladlee H-carat diamond ring be tween Lake and Fort atreata. Reward. Webator (114. LOST Between llth avenue and 10th on I Dodie. a large black tulle hat. Call Wal. 141. Baths. - ' ' HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. LaBell, 70t South llth St. 1 vapor hatha, Bwedlah maaeago Uught every Fri day for man and woman. Lady attendant for ladlea. Phone Douglaa 7041. I LOST Brown Angora cat, Lemley, 110 Cuming St. Return to Dr. Receive reward. DOCTORS KNOLI.BNBBRO AND MACNAMARA. Combining Chiropractic wn aiupaun ateam and modern Turklab batna. vate epartmente for ladlea. 8. W, 14th and Parnam- Owatta Bldg., to Muae theater. Douglaa 7ate PH. Cor. neat FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Ooods. 1 nium Alnhiir. ateam. Uoaarn TurkUB MA I MO Ad" "". ' apartment. lor laoiea who w . anta. 1111 Farnam. Phone Doug- "'. SCULeVaRD; 33d & Leayenwortl! MARGUERITE CLARK IN "HELENS OF THE NORTH." Alao Two-real Comedy, "THB OREAT SMASH." CWaHA, 40th" AND DODGE "HIS BROTHER'S WIFE." Five-reel Laemmle Production. Alao a good comedy. 1 TRADE WINNINO VALUES. WHERE YOUR MONEY BUYS MOST. It'a our Intention that every onatomer ahall receive full value for every dollar apent under thla roof for holme turoteh- STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge Bla. Doug, HIT. Cameras and FinlshiVn. mamv 11.00: fual' veraal rocua lenai. ureen e r,i-wi and Howard. Baa tnam looar. nu.MA p 1 1 1 iw nn and hair mat- treaaea made over In new tloka at half tha nrloa of new onto. Phone ua for aampla of ticking. Mall ordara Sued. HOT ' Cuming St. Douglaa 1417. Costumes. - n THEATRICAL gowna, fulldraaa aulta, for rant. I0 w. mn. jonn .Buttons and Pleating. -1 h.matitnhln am "ITTr""'- v., Arnam Draaa Pleat ! ma and Butioa Co. d noor Paitoa Blk. Doug. 1100. ENTIRE I room, of furniture and ruga for aala at once; alao new 11(0 Schaelter piano for 1100. 701 B. Hit Ave. Harney S4. i . m-i. .." - . .....w..V I ffrtn aii...ltntAd ironing board, neat RUHLf r, -50l LtAVtW WUltin --nd , wlu lut . lifetime. Phone 1 7..rf A Hon. 1106 Capitol Av.. Ty. Caroenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and cement work of all klnda. asu cumina. wiw? "THE IRON CLAW." ua for partlculara. Doug. ilM. Ic. W. Hokanaon, 0 Leavan'th. Ty. IH8 , West II. iuaj ooaee, aa a. . .... ajj,,..,... all klnda; poultry wire ana neiuan. ijniropTacac anu opuuu mi . v. m. .... i n, BURHORN'B modern ennuary .n. MONROE, ' 2555 FARNAM ' - "THE PILGRIM," ' ' (. "SIREN OF THE JUNGLE. "WHEN WIVES WIN." YES 5c 10c ALWAYS. ; TWO gaa atovii, cheap. 1041 Doage at. Pianos and Musical Instruments. liob HIGH-GRADE etandard make piano; uiad e monina; win aaoruice w, " - ...nnnt n, laavlno elty. aoceot amall pay- . ment down, balance Ilka rent. Addraaa O ill, Bee, FOR SALE Piano, roll top deak and offloa chair. 4401 a. aQ. rnona o. i.i.. FOR SALE A piano In perfect condition. call B. w. , nractlo adjuatlng parlor.. 414-11 Roee Bldg. U. 09.1. maw WW. Dr. J. C. Lewronoo, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 41 Dancing Academies, DB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill ft tlth St , Detectives. ' .mn-tTlTB DBTBCT1VB AS' anniATION Incorporated and bonded. 411 Ramga Bldg. Tel. Dong. 4111. 1710 fHlE WINCKLER, ExpiH; low rataa. Dewey Harney (I0. Ave. isssir , AlkbbME, 30TH & FARNAM Is" " ALICE BRADY IN "THE WOMAN OF '47." ' DUNDEE, Slst & UNDERW005 "A SOLDIER'S OATH," WITH WILLIAM FARNUM. , , "ALMOST A WIDOW,". Noatoo Comedy. .. .. South Side. -L 24TH & N WHO'S OUILTT," WITH ANNA NILS SON AND ' TOM MOORE. "Myetery of Shallow Creek." ORPHEUM, 24TH & M "John Brewiteri Wife." ' "Plana Story." "Advertlaementera.'f DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. BALDWIN Mr.. Katie, aged 41 yaara, at raaldanoa, 1700 Burt. Funeral from reaidenea at I p. m. from Taggart chapel. Interment, Foreet Lawn cemetery. Frtenda welcome. - CARLSEN Ola, aged 71 yaara, I montha. - II daya, July I, 1110, at family raaldanoa, ,1100 South Forty-alith, ,. . Fun.ral notloa latar. ' Star, and Office Fixtures. DESK8, aafaa, ooalaa, ahowcaaaa, aheivlng. ato. we ouy, aeii. wuu " Supply Co., 414-10-11 B. llth. Poug. 1714. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR-SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand naw. oarom ana DOOKOl. wiin wmpim outfit. 11.01 eecond-uand table, at re-1 iiuun ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. EH- danoa aaourea in an oae... ir..,..fl. all r -a. atrlet y conn- dentlal; ooniultatlou free. CIO Bee. Ty. 000, v; Dressmaking, invninu. Hide. Knife. Box Pleating. Gov. Buttoni, Hamatltchlng. Nib. neaUna A Button UO., e.l-l l-a.ion ola. v .... ducad Brtoaa; bowling allaya and auppllaa; BEWlng by aaperlenoed draaamakeri price. " m.t. Ini. Oall. raa.nnahla. No. 10 Sterling .Pta. D. (011. eateaaen ana eoaa louniaiu ikiw" " i FIRST-CLASS work on aummer rnwin BHUNSWICK-8ALKB-C0LLBNDER CO., 407-400 Bourn ptn nt. allk ahlrt.; .verythlng guar. P. 1070. Jewelry, Diamond, and Watches. I BRODEOAARD'S "lucky wadding ring." a 10th and Pougiae ata. BBWINO by tha day 11.00, Webater 4104, roe. 1700 caiaweil. I icelater'a Dreaimaklng Col., llil City Nal'l. I tarry Dreaamak'g oollege. 10th and Farnam. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machinal aold tha aame a. rant; II nap month. See ua before you buy or rant Shipped any plac. on ten day. free trial. Butte Typewriter Exchange, 110 BY llth, umana. weo. Dentists, s ' ' nr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. falt'l Dent. Rma.. 0I Roaa Bldg. P. I1H0. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and re paired. Itant aa Uliver i,Bwni,r, . month, for li. Central Typewriter Ea change. 1000 Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarcha and Smith Pramlera for rents aant anywhara. Rem- Ington Typewriter Company, p. 1104, BARUA1NS In uaed typawrltera, ribbon. 14 doaon; carboa, II a box. Midland Cc III Hie Bldg. ' Electrolysis EXPERT operator, at home;" reae. charge. 101 8. 10th Ave, Doug. 7111. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Trade School. fortHa aold halves and quarters; round and octajconal halves, worth II each; quarters, $2 each ; some anolent coins, about 1,009 years old, flylni eagle cents, large copper cents, j-cem pibcw, (ru dollara, hard time token, and many coins of all denominations and descriptions. Also have several complete seis 01 corvain coins. What have, you T Address a C. Hi, Bee. Lett Ka awwl Hnlmnrovad land, located It miles from St. Louis' great market, 3 V miles from Iron ton, Mo.; beautiful coun try; excellent garden eon; sprin wt-. . worth 60 per acre. Will sell tor or trade for Omaha real -estate, auto. Al motor cycle, piano, merchandtee; Owner. J 25T, Be. traneporUtlon. Write, wirs or telephone, Rans n. nillon's Nebraska Employ- ment Agency, 1810 Dodge St. Douglaa TOM. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by the day or month, experienced in an lines oi wor, can furnish brat of references. Telephone Harney 4JI0. EXPERIENCED man would like general house cleaning, lawn mower work; guar anteed. Phone Douglas S84B. Man would like janitor and porter work. Call Harrier 3E4Z. POSITION as gentleman nurse, exp. P. bsSt. Hotelf ind Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, IkUO Davenport 8t Douglas isee. Headquarters for notei neip. Female. 1 MEN WHY not learn the barber trade 7 Lighter, cleaner ana easier man man lines of work. More barbers needed now; gr&teat demand ever known.- Good guarantee, tips and over-money. Can own shop on small capital or travel. Our free Illustrated catalogue explains bow we teach the trade in a few weeHs. upeciai summer rates. Write today. Moler Bar ber College, 110 8, 14th St., Omana, iNeo. (Est. m&M HENRIETTA M. BROOEliAN. D. M. T.; teachoa a romplele course in tin inneu Bystem of Swedish masnate Pupils wanteU. Call or write 102 Karbach Blk. LEARN barber trade, mora than make 'our tuition while learning. Bet or tools ncluded. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TKl-CITT BAKtSiliK COIiliBUlD, MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition sat., 1601 casa St., omana. UUAitA da nnmtt, vKJLtL.tL.yta. Boys. WANTED Boys every town to sell new patent fly paper ttoiaers; nair proni. Charles Ffelfer, Humphrey, Neb. change for Underwood typewriter, good pictures, books, or wJiat have youT Ad dress 8. C. 190, Bee. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE ered. Entarg Kasa Studio. when prints are ordered. Enlargements from any oe .ti... v.m nturiin. nth Bind Harney. FULLY equipped B-paeseBger auto; will taite in Vlctrola or uaison, or uiinwnB. railroad fare out. Mrs. R. Endlcott, B. Side, Omaha, Neb., Route 4., or telephone grocery store, South 1656. FIRST CLASS experienced stenographer desires permanent position, uoiraxsoir. WANTED A position aa an experienced laundress. Tel. uoug. evwe. wouiw mv". wnuiv with vlrl ft years old wants to cook for harvest nanos. jura, senaa Walker. Troy. Kan. v THB BED charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost ot printing. WIDOW lady with daughter wishes place as housekeeper to tana zuu cnarga. on give god ref. Address c 3B, nee. FIRST-CLASS colored cook, with referen ces, wishes position. Phone Doug, e&ei- WANTBD Position aa housekeeper; experienced. Address P-186. Bee. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNTED STATES. MEN WANTED Abie-noaiea unmarnea men under age of SG; cltlsens of United States nt rnnit nharacter and tamverate habits. who can speak, read, and write the Eng lish language. For iniormaiion appiy u Recruiting Offler, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge Bts., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 10th St., aUinootn, new. ; e f Iowa; 207 6th Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. - WANTED at ones bv large corporation two reliable and energetlo mamea men, over 37, to take charge of established wagon routes. Now paying a guaranteed salary and handsome commissions. A-l refer ences and personal , bond required. Ap ply, 1011 Cuming St.. omana. i-n-irm H vs. vniinc man with business ex nerlence to oven ana manage a orancu office In this city. Give age, experience, schooling, etc. Write T 491, Bee. 807 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1868. Reaa. rates. HAVE a Baby Grand player piano to trade I POSITION wanted by competent colored dress S. C.-12S, Bes. wtr a VTrnirr-i Vl.n mnA wlfa n wnrlf An ranch: mono stenograpner ana notary puouo, i mUBt be competent Will pay gooa wages. for Ford or other make automobile. Ad- dress B. C. 148, Bse. A good home for right party. Write M. C. Hulbacn, fliuuen, weo. atriT .t . hraia httd. snrlnM and mattress for cedar chest, or wnai your S. C. 164. Bes. LARGE rug to exchange for folding baby 1 VniTMO men wanted as railway mall clerks. 76 month. Bampie examinauon quos- tlons free. Franklin luatituta, utyu P. Rochester, N. KATHRYN L- RILEY. DERMATOLOGIST. Graduate. Chicago ana rani afirapies, blackheads, eradicated. Chiropody, corns bunions, Ingrowing nails, cured. No pain. Complexions bleached, refined, harmless to skin. Scalp treatments. Thin prema turely gray hair restored. Crooked Lose, features, corrected. Superfluous hair for ever removed by electrolysis. Parlors 17 California SU, Omaha. Ph. Doug, titt. 1 YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strang ers are invitea to vuu me xouny Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and SL Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our xravs iera gutun n " umm. THB Salvation Army Industrial home so Uctts your old cioimng, lurnuuro, maga aines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our aew home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. STAPLE SHAFFER, -masseuses and scalp specialists; graduates iror. xnneir school; Swedish massage, scalp and haA a. m. to 9 p. m. D. 711. 401 Ware Blk. HENR1ETTA M. BRUGEMAN, sclentlflo masseuse, electric and radio light treat ments, steam and shower baths for men and women. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 3727. OTTDTTTT?T?BucceMfully treated with w A .a UAVAout a eurgl Call or write Dr. Bee Bldg. surgical operation. Frank. H. Wray, SOS ON and after this date, July 3, 1.116, I will not oe responsible for any dents contract ed by Mrs. F. B. Elliott my wife. F. B. Elliott. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chi ropody. -Misses Gray and Head, 310-216 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. 3458. CORSETS made to order. Prices $3.B0 to 330.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Corset Shop, Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 4286. OMAHA'S superb hair dressing and treat ment parlors ; prices very reasonable. Indu Kosmetlc Shop. 816-20 Rose Bldg. buggy. In good condition, address 8. 181. $70 MONTHLY for man to manage-branchy for fixtures. Capital Collection Co., Des Moines, la. tm vin .vninn ainarla cylinder mo- torcvcle to traae ror norse. iv ph. LITTLE ad In thU column will bring about some remarkanie exenanaes. BUSINESS CHANCES MOVIE ahow bualnea. never hotter. for .cod navlna ahowL 411 Roaa Blag. Phon. Tyler 14IT. girl, week'a work. Tyler 1410 W. Laundry and Day Work. PERFECT waahlni: day or bundle; guar anteed; atrictly aepenaapia. wepater WASHING and Ironing neatly dena, called for and delivered; work guar. wen. ibiz. WANTED Bundle waahlng; all work guar anteed. Telephone. H. n ana m. ...i. BT oompetent colored woman, day work and laundry; peat ot worn, wee, gem. DAT work by reliable colored woman, c will do chamber work, wepater t.b. Chambermaid work, experienced, anything AflENTS AND CANVASSERS . li Amvm , Tttla TV 11... I LU ELLA WEBSTER. " .aMeueo." 618 Pax- ton Blk., IP a. m. to a j p. m. v. asu. no CHILDREN to board Harney St.. upitaira. RETIRING -NURSE will care for Invallda In her own home, biit or care, yveo. tiiti. 10 HARVEST HANDS wanted; cloae In; 18 per day, room ana Doara. rteo. jumpioy ment Agency 1880 Dodge MISS CLARK, aea aalt bath, ana manlcur- lng. 1802 Farnam St., Room, wo. a. SCIENTIFIC mwsage, 620 Baa Bldg. Phone Douglaa 0B7Z. CHERRIES One-third lor picking. Benaon 887-J. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. 1, Davldge Blk. Phone poug. aiat. BATH and Id floor. DR. Franoea Dawion, 602-1 Roaa Bg. Ty.180. WANTED Day work by neat, experienced colored woman. Phone WebBter 1101. OMAHA movie, well located, good bualnea., BUNDLE waahlng, place work, lace cur- wortn ai.iuu; lor quica ..... I talna; work guaranteed, wepater i. 410 Roaa Bldg. Phone Tyler 1487. MOVIE ahow In Neb. town of 11,000; thla la a money maker; act ouica. 410 Roaa Bldg. Phone Tyler I4IT. WANTED Day work by experienced wom an. Call Webater 1.5J. AGENTS WANTED, In every unoccupied territory for the Day jLeroeene turner; will fit any cook atov. on range. Call or writ. ua. Wert 4 McLaughlin. 1007 Leavenworth, Omaha, Nab. Phone Doug- 1410. FOR legal advice call Dougla. 1628. EXP, bundl. waahlng A daywork. D. 7866. HELP WANTED FEMALE DOWNTOWN movie, money maker; wortn I White laundreaa, dlnnera prepared. Web, bbbi 16,000; if taken by Ilrat, li.oov, can . EAperl,nc.d woman, day work. Web. 2004. 410 Roae Bldg. Phone Tyler 8417. nnrtrt tmA anA nal hu.ineai and bulldtnge. Ight-room atnctiy mouern. num.; exchange ror improveo weoraaaa 410 Roae Bldg. mono iyi.r ..... BUNDLE waahlng neatly done. Web. 41. IRONING by day, cleaning; ref. Web. 6844. EXP. colored girl, bundle, waah. . R. 871-0. DAT wark and bundle waablng. Dong. 4081. ROOMING houeea, 1100, I860, 1300, 0380, -" un -to 82.000! worth ina money; we aB.iiui. xja i wom auu ...ui. a-.,.a- - nothing but clean money-making placea BUNDLE waahlng to take home. Web. .7410. on v. ir von are in m - buiineaa, tlm. .pant with ua mean. mon.y aaved for you. . uau or write. BUSINESS urrUKTUlTli!.o, 410 Roae Bldg. Phone Tyler 2417. BUILDERS who build for tha future, of their bualneaa need a good foundation. What could ' be better than a nice, oool offloe, ' eaally found, cloae' to th build- ..rtf- headquartera, th. court hou. and city halt? A room or a Bulte la Tha Be. Building la dealrablA Office, Room 108. ' Waahlng and lace curtain, dona. Ty. 1144. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 20lT DAT WORK. Call morning. Webater 3112. DAT work and bundle w aahlng. D. 4017. DAT. work; call mornlnga. Webater 111!. Stores and Offices. STENO.. 186; atano., 100;, 1601 dicta. phone op., aoo; ateno., au;, compt. op. ana xypiat, ,ou; . 46. Watt. Ret. Co.. 140 Brandela IThea. Bldg. WE CANNOT meet the demand for compo- tent atenographer. ana nooKkeepera. , CO-OPERATIVE ItlsrBrlKNua uu., Eitabllahed Ten Yeara In umana. 1016-10 City Nat'L COMPTOMETER OP. ., STENOGRAPHER . . THE CANO AGENCT, ..180 C. 160 00 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. rtn MaT.m op trade, dairy and creamery bualneaa locatea in oenirai igwe www . 0,000; everything complete to run bual neu, Including truck. Large territory for milk and cream. A money maker for the right party. I am no butter maker, rea aon for celling. Will take good land or dairy cowa. Pric. 18,000. i in, Bee. -. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TRAVELING salesman, established trade, 1100: bkpr. and accountant, siov; oiuce cllc., some experience In B. R. rates, 6e; tenft. and elk.. S70: gen. office elk., $66 ledger elk., 175; ledger cm., fee; leager elk., young man, experience unnecessary, 50: teno $76-180; steno., $60; office elk., some stenography, $60; order cue, $40. nnan till noon 4th of July. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, Inc. 761 Omaha National Bank mag. OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES TO MAKE HOUSE DRESBB8 ANU Afnuns; p-p w iMirMT POSITIONS. PLEASANT WORK IN A MODERN FACTORY, WITH ALL CONVEmlSNUiSS. An LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE DE fllRTVa BTEADY EMPLOYMENT. BEE MR. ANDBKBUN, M, W. Bnn ww., TH AND DOUGLAS. DUNDEE Elegant front room with alcove. beautiful grounds, plenty ox snaae; in heart of Dundee, half block to cars. Ref erences required. Walnut 186. - WANTED Girls In flat work dept Apply Evans Model Laundry. Htn ana uougias. Trade Schools. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors at bb uuy nauonai on-. IF YOU DESIRBv a clean sleeping room well furnished, in the Himretn apts. very reasonable, oall Harney 6390 and ask for Apt No. 7. - Hotels and Restaurants. HARNESS SHOP FOR SALE A stock ot fnnta and Harness. - win invoio doui $4,000; In good town and the best shop WAWTmn--Ai. aMlstant bookkeeper on . . . .... A -A las wiul fm rma inn I ' - . ... i eastern purenasea account; roun wniv i a good business hand and ba good at GIRL wanted for lunch room; 603 8. lStn 8 BEAUTIFUL 3 -room suite In West Farnam district; splendid ventilation; an ideal summer place; suitable for a party of bachelors or adults. Suite can be sepa rated; breakfast if desired. Harney 4981. Household and Domestic WANTED Competent In town; surrounded by good farms ana i Mat iir-iM. , Harness goods never go I out of date t are needed the year around ; I there Is always profitable employment tn the shoo. It is a nice, clean business. Will 1 Invoice for cash. Address T 464, Bee. figures and have at least some years of practical experience at this work. Sal try is. per month. Address P 89$. Bee. rlrl for general housework; part ot the aummer at Lake Okobojl. Mrs. H. M. McClanahan, Wal nut 1403. WANT two gentlemen for attractive front room, excellent furnishings, two oeas telephone extension, modern, walking distance, breakfast served, Harney 8198. Evenrthinr for Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered duiion, an sues ana styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eyelet out work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL, Hunun v j-D,Aiuivi 10 Douglas Blk. Douglaa 1984. No other Omaha newspaper la " showing anywhere near the prog rasa la Its Want Ads , aa THB BEE. , 10,101 MORE PAID ADS In the first Ave months of Itll thin in the same nerlod of 1116. LIST WITH MB FOR QUICK RE8ULT-L otrl who is a good cook for general house work; no launary; gooa wages. Appiy a, once. 416 8. 38th St, Telephone Harney 2460. . ONE or ,two cool rooms, with , bath, for July and August; large yard wttn trees: walking distance; references. Address M 846, Bee. . urn-.Whv nut learn the barber trade 7 Lighter, cleaner ana easier .nan most i.o of work. More Darners neeaea now, !-..-at rfamtnd ever known. Good guarantee. Sins and over-money. Can own shop on wiMTinn--nnnri oriri for aeneral house' work: keep a secona gin. jars. a. a. Sunderland. Fairaores. Phone Wal. 393. Tyler 3487. . 419 Rose Bldg. WANTED A oompetent girl for general housework; must be gooa cook, aauo ar- . at riuiatihnriA ITarriav tl!t3fl. J2,2Stt'2r23r& WANTED -Good .whit, girl for genera, vrtn RAt.uj -K-chalr barber ahos. 10-table nodi hall, eountera. .now oaaea, eio. in aalt tha bualneaa or tha table, and na tural aeparata. : O. A. Land, 1101 Far nam St. , . houaework; 4 Harney 6800. In family good wagea. Sewing Machines. LADIES You can alwaya find ready-mad. olothea at Mra. Hoberuon'a. .2111 Lake St. POB SALE Suburban moving picture ahnw. ftlllV .OUtDOCd. OOin. .OOO OUOl- naaa. Moir leaving city. ,ov will handle thla deal. Addraaa J 1T0, Bee. T rtoRiSTa. I Ktt QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or I ylaau Art Comblnatlona, ahlppad ever, vhara. Bzo.ll.nt eervlce to our cuatom- H n la peat vain recommend. HESS Si IWOBODA. Itll Farnam St. Doug. 1(01, i.ROltHT ASSORTMENT of fmh floweret I . aeiivena or aipp.a .nywn.r u cibim ' PERSON, 1111 Farnam St. FARKER Flower Shop, 411 S. llth. D. HOlT r A. DONAQHUB. 1011 Harney. Doug. 1001. ' SATH. Soriat. 1104 Farnam St P. 1000 Monuments and Cemeteries f ' BEAUTIFUL markera, tablato and - for that unmarked grave, pure whlta c . meat M.(0 to 11.60. Writ, for circular. ' See aampla. 141 Brand.1. Bldg., Omaha. rhon. vougiM ion. jtadmaa orav. atark- .11- ' - . I . ateam. t.t.r Monument WorkA mauaoleumA all klnda markera. llth and Charlaa. ' Sewing Machines 1 W. rant, repair, .all needlea and parte t all aawlng machlnaa. NICKEL'S .. , ; NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ' llth and Harney Sta Poug. HIS. Exoress Companies. lie Baggage, Expreea and Light Delivery. WlthlB Olty limiie, aoo. we can iw . n. ohaoka. Feat auto truck.. Webater 1104. wu. - , . : t ... i piivn runinc. unu u. rau. n DKUO atock for aalA Stock .nd fixture SALESMAN-Iow jalary a.pena. ooo?; cond Mrl. y. TWIN CITT Expreea Co., 1111 Caaa St. Douglaa tin, weayy nauiin. a .tiawiany. - Machinery and Engines. - ' NEW AND SECOND.HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. .118-10 B. tlth St. Omaha. Pl.turei and Wirine. nTTTJTTM BlMtrlo waahlng machlnaa, U U AVa-AAv electrlo Irona and reading lampa, 1111 Cuming St Douglaa ion. BOILERS, .team, electric gaa anglnM, pipe.. Qroaa wrecking c, loi. Cuming. Printing and Of (ice Supplies. tTunuceg and Tinware, ROOFINO, furnace and general tlnwork, B. Abrama, tone w. atin pt. .w. ..... WILLIAMS, aatabllahad 11 year.. To buy or aall bualneaa aee mm. ait eicvaaue -iua. Reference u. a., riavi -ana. vrtR OR TRADE Reatauraht fix- turea and room zurniimnaa ier- room, upatalra. Will aell cheap or trade for aomething i can nanaie; v.iu. Addraaa John Bellla, Mlaaonrt Valley, la. Hair Dreasing. - IDEAL Ralr Parlor., 101 Balrd Bldg. Manl- ourlng, toint articiea. i-ug. ai... BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ." Blrtto C B. and Viola May Laraon. ill! Charlaa, glrli Sebaatlan. and France. sa MMlta. 1111 South Fourteenth, girl; Heary C and Tareaa Beatenleherer, 4111 Twaaty-Mcond, boyj Joeeph and Dora Blak. 1.8. uiawau. aoyi KrrtMt .nd Lat- Ue Mundum, Fifty-ninth and Nebraaka ava- nue, boy; Alfred and Mabl. Roberuon, 1807 . Xlouglaa. giri: wuuam ana eopftla Tennen- . aeum, 1010 North Twenty-fourth, girl: Lake I nd "ami, ataxwall, 401, south Twenty sixth, boy: Louie and Loutae Krummeo. 1108 South Fifty-fourth, alrl; Leroy O. and Beatrice HacMonagia, - lll North - Nine teenth, boyi Stephen aad Leonora Zldalla, s South Side, glrL . . Death Mary C. Smith. (4.' hoanltal: . Carlton C. Marlay. 41, Carter Lake: Maggie " Mochler, ft, 1870 Am a. .venue; Jane Schneider, f montha. Ill South Twenty- ainta: unariae Tnoma, 17. noanltai: F. B. Blehardnon. 17, hoaplul; Catherine Oraban korat 41, 4114 North Twanty-fllth avenue: : Joeeph Elbert 10, hoepltal: Pearl Firth. 14. 1 4411 Wakeley; Grace Thompeon, 17, hoa " pltal .. .,' 'v.... . ' .... MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' UarrUx. riHrr nur orlcea on lob nrlntlng. CAMPAION CARDS A SPKCIALTT. ' U. S. PTU. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUO. llti COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao publlo Steno. Phone for prlcaa. Douglaa 1101. 40 Paaton Blk., WATBRS.BARNHART P. Co.. quality printing. Tel. pi ug. 1100. 114 B. llth St Lumber and Buildin. Materials. I SECOND-HAND lumbar for aala at 1111 St Mary. A v.. Hand Laundnr. CALL DOUGLAS 4811 and have your laun dry dona rlgnt ana reaoonaoio. Hat Cleaning and BlockinE. STRAW, Panama, all klnda heu, cleaned and reoiooaeo. lai.-xe.v .neww m unviNn Picture Theaten. real bargalna: machlnaa. repaira, auppuea, aoeeaaui-iee, new end aacond-hand. Sea ua. Balrd Bldg. - Doug. lilt. war aai.E One ofthe oldeat grocery and meat mara.i. m ine onj-, uiui ..,vv vmmu k...lnaaa nar month! RlU.t be BOld .t OnOOl reason 1'or aelllng,. other bualneaa, ,111 Doug. Phone Doug. 1428. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, 018 Bee. Pong. 4011, BLACKSMITH .hop for aala: power uninnai eooa ouBineaa. nvn.rr ... i 1 acre ground; reaaon. for aelllng. Chaa. Sohoonovar, Lowemont Kan. Miscellaneous. luatlcea of tha Peace. H, H. " CLAIBORNE, til Paxton Blk. M 7401. Notary puouo; oepoaiiioo eiaow. win BaT.RU-aAODL elean atook of hard- yar. i live town centra. .ui aK umu reaaon for aelllng. Be quick. 107. Bee. IC. W. BR1TT, 101 Barker Block. TO BE REMOVED 1 frame dwellings and barn N. W. cor ner iSth Ave. and Farnam St. Submit offers to - - George & company, i Phone D. 780. , 101. City Nat. Bk. Bld. , Men's TailorinE. LINPQPIBT, 004 Paxton Blk. D. 1SS1. Tlotor Repairs." CAHILL BLEC CO., Bee Bldg. Df 1171 npfice and Store Fixtures. ft. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut 111. FOR SALE. To ba removed, houae In rear of 1111 .'Davenport St. Can be bought cheap... W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1110 Farnam St Doug. 1011. Patent Attorney. H. A". 8TURQE8, 880 Brandela Thea. P. Palntta- and PaDerirui. OMAHA Paata Co., 711 a llth. Doug. 1700. UT 'hlnh atandard ot Quality will be mela- talned; 4 quart, of Old Fontenelle whlaky. 1.; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houae, Doug. 11A UI-114 N. 10th St. .. : . ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOU.SE, Tnirteenin ana vougiae. full quart I II ROOM, paper and hanging. Web, mi. Pianos (or Rent. 11.00 Par Mo. A. Hoepa Co.. 1111 Douglaa. i Scale. Renairina-. I Ohv Standard Scale Co., til a ilth. Vacuum Cleaners. Bottled If bond Whlaky. 16c, !., . ,,. QUICKLY .AND THOROUOHLT Ucenea. war. laauad to tha fol- ; towlaar ceaplea; - Name and Amoa H. Oranehew, Council Btuff.. Sauu. J. Knight Coaaell Blufl,. atari Omaha...; ,.. SJaalah SUaderman. .Omaha....,., 01a Brown, Omaha Bertha Boee.ll. , . Aaad Noras, Omaha.. ..;......... U Fatewaaa. Omaha. .........., . : Fred White, De. Uolnaa Kathrya Farl.r, dm Molnea... Clyde O. Waltera. Luahton, Nabn... Cecilia M. McDonnell, Baca, Ment.. Perwln P. Moyor, Lincoln. ..,., . BeU. Nlchola. Lincoln............. Fatar Karlow.kl, Omaha.. ' Vara Caldwelt Omaha.. Age. ,. 18 .. It .. 11 .t It .. II .. II .. 11 .1 II .. II .. 14 .. It .. II .. 14 .. 14 It it Wanted Some Want Ads' m ex change ior lots of answers. . Phone The Bee. " - GENUINE California wine vinegar, whit, or . red: quart bottlee, 10 eenta; gallon., to . eenU. ImporUd ellv. oil.' tS cant, per quart Caokley Brae. Phone. Doug. 4080. . WITH ECLIPSE ELBCTRICl RENT 11 AND 11.80 PER DAT. DOUGLAS 17H, Towel Supplies. , OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 a llth. P. 111. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement, and prtnune. Douglaa Printing wo. iiwwim. FOR SALE New rattan Phone Harney 8001. baby carriage. WANTED TO BUY Wines and Liquors. BUT your -family liquor, at Klaln'a Liquor Houae, tll.N. lata, uougiaa - BUILDING PERMITS. ' P. V. Sholea company. III North Thtrty- tVarth brick and etucoo dwelling, I4..00; Kan. Laraon, lioi uominton, rrame dwall lag, lt.10.; C. Stlbolt. 1401 North Forty aamatfc avenue, frame dwellllng, 11,000. Wanted borne Want Ads in ex-r'-ange ior lots of answers, Phone Joe net. WANTED High claaa aurv.yor'i an Initrumant that la dealgaed for gen eral land aurvaylng aa well aa drainage work. Pric. muat be right Addraaa T too. Bee. WANTED TO BUT Having rented a bull4 Ing on .track for our office and warehouaa wa wlll want to buy noma glaae partltloaa. Phone Baaket Storaa Office. Tyler 440. DESKS DESKS DESICS New deaka, need dealu, bought aold and traded. J. O. Reed. 1107 Farnam. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER olaanlnS, by room or hour. Raaonabla.H Phone p. Bate. oeoHumpie. SWAPPERS' COLUMN CALt. Ked s0l The big buyers of furni ture; nothing loo bit nor too small. We pay all"lt' worth. Hot California St, Highest price paid for Id-hand etothee. shoes, trunks, suitcases, D. MM or p. IMS. Old false teeth bought.' Send or write tt Uhler. Ht Hewss Bldg.. San rranclsco. HOLMES pays your pric for Id-hand fioHiffc shoes and hats. Wsb. H0. Phon Your Want Ads to The Bes. tr vou hsve anything to trade, make up little ad end run It th this oolumn for seven days It only coats Ite and le per answer. Thla offer la good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash offers, and tualna-aa PronertlM for Sal or TrMe These, aa well aa mail orders for use of Swappers Oolumn must pay regular rate. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and tha whole transection only costs about 0o. Try It BVERETT SIX, newly painted and over hauled, one extra easing, demountable rims; thla ear looks like new and Is Just aa ttoed: Itll model. As I am going to li on tana I want a smaller ear, so if you hsve lata model Ford or other light machlrte I will give yon a good deal All letter answered. Address S. C-lll. catalogue explains - how we teach the trade In a few weeks. Special summer --irl... A lljila T4rhr fM.llff.T6. 110 8, 14th St., Omaha, Web, (Kit- lsva.i y ANTED Woman ior general nouiewors at social Dfliuem-ni, .H..u. H. 2808, WE CANNOT begin to fill all the openings we get tor experienced sienogrtvpuei Call and register with us. NO FILING FEB, only 60 cents to Investigate refer ences. . THB HART I UU., 1327 W, O. W. Bldg. WANTED Maid for second work. VlctoY Caldwell, bsq nouin wn p.. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Phone wainu. Invoice about $!,000. Good business town In south central Nebraska. Address T 470. 1 Bee.' a. .T-r-i- Mrt. moon nenman. eoe i steno., $0. WatU Ref. Co., 840 Brandels ThM. Bids. 6 R. R. CLERKS . . SALESMAH tBTAJTlSl Uinl STENO. (R. R-J.. .,..S6 A. Brogan. Walnut 2871. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. HOTEL CLK. (OUT-TOWlf).M B. A R. THS CANO AOENCT, 600 BEE BLDO. Vein m HinH.rt.ASS commercial position SO US. nu lAJi,jr r an, "mi' 1 to toveetlgaie reierences. TH H HAAi k ww Al- a, . 1827 W. O. W, Building. Professions and Trades. FARM hands, corn plowera, etc., furnished I to larmera. nin-, -t-r i -.t.A-. Hweenev A Dillon's Nebraska Em ployment ageaoy, 1S20 Dodge St., Omaha, N.h. Doualaa T00B. WANTED Machine shop foreman by firm . muinruiinVini iirm irkuiwrai , iuw- erate salary to start; excellent opportunity for the right man. Olve age, ccmpleu ex perience and salary expected. Address A 801. gee. ; "' flWm'tTN FOR DRUO JOBS. CO-OPKRATIVB REFERENCB CO. - jiisvaDiisnea xn rrAw-, --i- a ,..h--. rn Qnaha. hava 1011-11 uity wauonai. closed oui more iuue. siuvas wmu i HARVEST HANDS wantea; ciose in; other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. v " room d board. Neb. Employ- MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. ment Agency, 1380 Dodge. I Nm and rebuilt bargains, supplies. I v ; Umirn an a.'n'erleneed farm hand fori omana rum bwiwih-i ", work on my rarm near axubsiuu. v 76 TEACHERS for rural district, Colorado, wBminr Arlsona. Haaard . Teachers' Agency. Denver. . EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL, BOTLES COLLKOB, KTOHT SCHOOL. dav la enrollment day. Booakeep- flkMthanrt utenotvoe. TvDewrltlng. Telegraphy, Civil Service ell Commercial and angnsn ut-iiiouo. vis -w JtJ U I LtCJB V-VAAAJli,iU. . 1 "- llth and Harney Bts. TeL Douglas IM. Address T. TOR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling and Stock; square aea.. auuisw wwsr, tl West eth Ave., uenver, sjoio. VAN SANT SCHOOL - of Business, ' Second Floor Omaha . National Bank Bldg. !as. .TaiCaa . w entrance 220 d. 5390. to nrcT In or out of business, call O AN u BUT AlJ, eas aeei oius. ivuua. -n. TO BELL or buy a business call on Buaoh A BorgnOH, iSU woria-nerain bibi, SITUATIONS WANTED MACHINISTS WANTED Competent men lor lathe, planer ana Dorian ". -. Addraaa & 100, Bee WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty, wire journal, uwwh. Drug Wor. anapa. joba. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Saletmen and Solicitors. EARN big money; b a photographer; eaay to learn; complete oourae. mory Sohool of Photography, til N. llth SL Fhone Tyler 141. Musical. Weekly bate. it. per line. nee work or bualneaa a da regular rataa. 1 line, one week....... to I Una. on. we.k Each extra line lio per week. Male. II yrs., wants position with . xiTirn Hih indi salesman: partly ex perienced ID e saie ui u'i'-l nreferred. Must be capable of earning It 000 a year or more. Olve past experi ence and full reference In first letter. Ad 4rua p. o. Bex 121. Omaha. Nebraaka. w a NTED Experienced salesmen to sell Europe. Especially attractive selling plan. I exclusive ternwry, uiuiuaiiwu-, dress T 407. Bee. HARP Summer term offer to student be ginning April le. narps lurnianeo. Lyrlo Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. nnilRinitin Mualo Studios. IS, 14. IS Ar llna-ton block. Absolutely correct, nine In playing Is our hobby. PERSONAL VoifNO man. m h arm. oil worn nreierreu yn. wholeeal nd retail '"J01 WE have moved our offices to a warehouae In an work of sales dept; behind the Munter. on the Phone or elty soliciting; prefer coal, building material or similar line, DU. any uoe iruw mw "- able. Aaaress u see. see. PR I NTER Ftrat -c lass, wants permanent situation: no oooser; oapaDie, experiencea; asiiiafaction wuaranteed: state particulars. Come on wire; wire care Beach Printing Co.. or writ oen, ieiii-ery, v. . 3or den, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. tnu hands. CORN PLOWrS. ato.. fur nished fre lo larmera. nnii, wr m telepho:. Sweeney and Dillon' Nebraska Employment agency. IHODodg SU Omaha. Neb. dougla TOO. tnsk sth and Dodce Sta. Our suc- cea depend on finding that frank, plain successful young man. THB BASKET STORES. WANTED Experienced automobile sales- mission aa preferred; reference required. Jackson Automobile Co. Branch, lift a th St., Council Bluffs. la. W AKTW.n Neat-annearing alngle man travel wiut nv., -i-"- noe unnecessary i expenses advanced. Ap ply t Haley. MerchanU hotel, after I to day. STOCK and bond salesman; something very attractive; me Dt wa iu mmr- ket. Standard Sec, Inv. Go 1017 W. W. Bldg. "PILES, FISTULA ' CURED Dr. E. JL Tarry cure. plUe, flatula and ether notal duwana without aurgloal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ, tor book .a rw tal llauna with taetlmonlala. DR. B. TARRT. 140 Be. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. O. QROCERT clerk wants position, four year' axnerlenoe: can lurntsA pea. reierences; l,.,CVUrrtnUaW Ph0 T7lW STOCK and bond aalesmam STANDARD Room 481 T. M. C. A. ac . INV co 1017 ,W. O. W. Btdg. BOOKKEEPER, is years' experience, coun-1 I.jSMENBic money for business get trv and city bank and office, dealre permanent connection, country bank or I WANTED Position as grocery clerk In lnt town, any stse: years' exDertenea: age. IT; married; beat ot references. O. v, Buenng, Mimer. nt, ten. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. CITY collector, baugh. permanent. 1814 St. Mary'a V W. A. Hlven Trade Schools. STENOGRAPHER Expert young man de- I sire position la or out of elty; thor- f oughly experienced. Address B 18a. Be. I wanted Position aa pharmaclsL Regis- tared In Nebraska. Best of references. I H. F. MannlnM, Ma - GOOD MEN WANTED. a iarn auto work for the big avrlng rush. I Fin training work on auto and electric I starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLL BOB. REAL EGTATB DEALERS ind rental "agents are In a time-saving location , la th ' BBS BUILDING, because they are near tha Court House and City Hall, where o many matters of record and Information are found. . Very deslrabl offtc for rent mow. Inquire for th superintend t. Bom 10. care for. 181 1 'hone Doug. 8787. 1321 Farnam St.. HOTELS SAVOY HOTEL. 16TH AND JACKSON. - - - OMAHA, H1SB. Making special summer rate from 18. 5 to 17.00 per week, with hot and oold running- water. ' H. WKiwER, rrop. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS I Xf you fall to find the room yon desire among ttiese ads, oall at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept., and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at one. New list are Issued every week. I HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLET. 18th and Farnam. zotn ana r arnmcu. . Sneclal rates to permanent guesis. NICELY furnished room, new home. Han- seom Park district, for one or two gen tlemen, pnone narney zvo. ROOM In new modern home, private family, quiet neighborhood, Hanscom par dis trict. Phone Harney busk. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 608 NORTH 17th BT. FOR RENT One room In private family; sleeping porch it aesirea. win jmbiih -r line. Address E 304. Bee. NICELY furnished room in private family; no other roomers; suitable for 1 Call Douglas eian, or I. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, nioe lo- oatlon ; warning aistance. uougias 3514 CAPITOL Ave. Large northeast room. suitable for two gentlemen. 130 N. 8 STH Pleasant anTl modern sleeping room, fa week; close in. NICELY furnished room elose In; all moi rn. Ml a I2d St Housekeeping Rooms. ONE larg living room and larg pantry. kitchen with an moaeru cvnvsj-ueuu"-. with phone, 4 per week; also on parlor bedroom, 88 per month; private home; ( central location. 838 S, 18th SL Tyler sua ,Jf iS78 ST. MARY'il Ave. Furnished apart- ment; large, airy, oiean, ou. u w nary; references exenangea FURNISHED housekeeping also -aiaepiiiv rooms, summer prices, tuuivuau Chicago. Tyler 8407. . Two-room modern suite. ft S1TH AVE.- furnUhed tor ugn- bou-."iu. Red 2S&S. Phone 111 7 CAPITOL Housekeeping room ana two sleeping room. oeu, wt able. m i'm n R-r. n.. 8t.5Q: 2-r.. 83. H. 1438. Rnarrl anri Rooms. WOULD like nice, , refined, congenial girl for room-mate sor me muut. . . i.... .(! all modern conveni ence and home privileges; must be . neat .ni fmnQa exchanged. Answer ny .ii-- 'nhnns number or address. reasonable. Address M 807. Bee. Rates .n..VTHTKf, NEW. Desirable, cool rooms, 71.06"t board; apodal summer ratea. JR84 -Bar- ney. NICELY1 furnlshei room with board. In Rornll narK CLiBixio. tn. Unfurnished Rooms. 482B IZARD Three electric ugni. s. wi nut 674. TWO unfurnished rooms suitable for light houscKceping. eo-g Rooms Wanted. fOtJ PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL TH BBS WAW1 AU rx. -iiu uuu ou all about th. FURNISHED ROOM OUIDB. It'a a plan that la helping many people rent their rooma. mrH MllriT FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. 'i SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. . TRAVERTON , FIREPROOF. ItTK AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of "fled taatea. Apartment la oompletely Ulpped rot; UP to dat. .nd comlorUbla. ?t iVffP. BROS.. TL Doom. 8884. 705 Omah Natl. 3 Or can wen, w a room and bath, Flo-Les Apt. No. 18; ' I JuSa Sl0nCaVB:tw,. mediately; rant MMonabla. Call between 1 and I P. m. ; . ST. CLAIR. Itth ano n... nlahed apt CaU Harney i. FOR RENT HOUSES West n a w. lower St. Loula flat, .Aniai noroa. lau.ue " ' Bt.. I88.0D; gerave. Bee want Ads produce Dcst rtsulls. 1 V 3USES I flat, 1-room, I , 111! Cuming h Dcst rtsulls, ,