THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. Husband saved his wife S1 m. m Stopped Most Terrible Suf. fering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Denison, Texas. ' ' After my llttlw rirl wu bora two years ago I began suf- r :u 9 1- lenng wiui acu,.., troable tod could hardly do my work. I was very nervous but jnat kept drag ging on until last summer when I got where I could not do my work. I would have chill every day and not flashes and dizzy spells and my head would al most burst I got where I was almost a walking skeleton and life was a nuraen to me until one day my husband's step sister told my husband if he did not do something for me I would not last long nil told him to ret vour medicine. So he got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for me, and after taking the first three doses I began to Improve. I con tinued its use, and I have never had any female trouble sine I feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies. They did for me what doctors could not do and I will always praise it wherever I go." Mrs. 6. 0. LowerT, 419 W.Mon terey Street, Denison, Texas.- If you are suffering from any form of female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and commence the treatment without delay. Use Zemo for Eczema BRIEF CITY NEWS TwWBPPsl fsjsp aSMrttwa OaOtna, Ierfaat. TttHRmu, aawjs TMbnlwl, J.ailar, 'IB-ear. Km. U.M. Biiim mill Ok. n ii. rrawa Never mind how often you have tried and failed. Ton can atop burning, Itching eeaems outckly by applying a little aemo furnished by any drnralat for I6e. Extra Urge bottle, 11.00. Healing begins the moment aemo la applied. In a ahort time usually everr trace of plmplea, black heads, raih, eczema, tetter and almllar .kin dlaeasea will be removed. For clearing the akin and making it vigorously healthy, aemo ! an exceptional remedy. It la not greaay, sticky or watery and It doea not stain. When other, fail It la the one dependable treatment for all akin troubles. Zemo, Cleveland. WAR Against Hay Fever. Tha Hay Ftver Season 1b now on, and thousand! an obtaining relief by the use of "SNUFFINE." Cook' Hay Fever Be lief. It will not Irritate the nose or eyes, but la toothing, eleanafng and healing. It ii the only remedy that will assure you a Clear Head and Eyes. For SALE at all Drug Stores, or nailed to you direct up on receipt of One Dollar, Write for Pamphlet. COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY. Caspar, Wyoming, U. S. A Pi n-Nte Ai J. H DUBMUX. XmIIm BULg. Be riiiMil tor bettor audawa ay kwmtta nerw tn To Aaa -'-f aulMtnc la alirayB nam." Wldewa PVada Tirndaj Tlie Sammy of junencu wuiowa wu baw a a day ifurnea at FoBtemlie park. loai ImprvetJV .tavpMly . M. Teat, OerrbT sTtTMt. what haa hn I I itl 111 Mr aomo tlsM, ta rapoifd la to rayldty tauarwr- Jadn SWUww wk Dhta Him i ll Tadga Afc- rahajn U Sutton -wii occupy the PlPt Diat MetnorlaJ church Bnnsay araninc at o'clock. Con Mokiw-ie. If. Cartoon ef the Ideal Cement Stone company reported a coat etolen from an automobile standing ta front otf tao Umana Rubber company exiica. A Fsellng at Seeorlty Is one of tha bena- nta aoqured wnen you omca m kam Building,, iho building that la always i See'ua now tor raama. lt4aTa Maria tibial claaeiflad tlon today. It appaara ta The Be asol slvety. Find out waat the vaiioua moving ploturo theatara offer. Kaep Toor Mo tr And Taraablea la the American Safe Depoalt Visits, lit (South JTth St., Boo Bldg. Boses rent $!. for I moo tha. Open from a. m. to p- ' fthaM mimm lUMaA.HflMTl Cull 11. Oro- mietor of a ahoe store at 1101 South Tenth atroet, loet two pairs of ahoea and aome ro- painng material! when aomaone nniooKa hla store Friday night and carried thorn an. la DtTorea Court Harriet wants a dlroroe from Robert A. They Were married two roars aao. Anna LaTtn awarded a decree of dtoTroa xrom Fred La vlii. on cruelty charge. 1 Da front Oar Mra. Benjamin Gold en burg, 101 North Twelfth street. nruinii nr uri nin in BiirniiOaT iiviu crowded northbound car on Sixteenth street at Chicago. She waa taken to the Hon im tar hospital and attended by Dr. Volts. . J. Hall, till North Nineteenth etreet; Qua Hanson, ttll Bur- detta -treat: the Huah MurohT Construc tion oompany, and Louis Henderson, 4135 South Twenty -fifth street, report the theft of autoo to the polios. Nurse Brings Butt Clara W. Bice, nurse, baa brought suit against the street railway oompany, asking $6,000 damages the result of a broken annuo, anegeu to have been received; when ahe waa thrown from a oar In Benson laa,t month. Oat Kill Chicks B. H. Smith. 2711 Bin ney street, was discharged when arraigned In police court for discharging firearms In the cltr. Smith testified that he had shot a oat that killed twenty-aeven or nia chickens. The court held this sufficient rea son for the bombardment. To Deum for First Time The "To Deum avnd Maarnlflcat." to be suns at Trinity cathedral this evening, la the composition of J. W. Rogereon of the Isle of Wight, Eng. land, ft la one of his newest compositions and this will be probably one of the first times tor It to DO neara in America. r. RfiMrtaon'H brother. Fred Roaeraon. Is employe of The Bee and Uvea at 2017 Chi cago street. riAmlntr to the Baasle" Andrew John son of Bertrand, Neb., will motor to Omaha July Fourth to see the big wrestling bout and to help cheer zor me neormaita man. Mr. Johnson reports that a great many people from bis town are going to attend the wrestling bout, most of thrm motoring in. Mr. Johnson will be the guest of Miss Mable Sands, 2707 Corby. Nearo Loses Roll Artie Fisher, a negro of ttvanauiiiA. ind . told the oollco yesterday afternoon that three men and three women, all negroes, assaulted him near the "Mid way." at the corner of Twelfth and Capitol, and robbed him of im. He was able to describe only one of the assailants, who gave him a e-ash six incnes long on me m siae of his neck. Police surgeons dressed his wound, wnicn was not serious, aoa nti wm allowed to rest In the oell room until eve ning. tee "Tex-Tlle" Pihinalee. Sunderland a PL4HSAHE FOURTH ATSMRS'CAHP Ooard AotharitiM WJa Hot Allov Kxploaires Within the Tested City. STILL WANT K0SX VXS THE "COME-BACK" The "Come-back" man waa really never tnwn.antl.nut. Hit weakened condition, be cause of overwork, lack of exercise, Improp er eating and living, demands stimulation to satisfy the cry for a health-giving appe tite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength. GOLD M ED AL Haarlem Oil Japsuies, me national nvoivuy ui aauiwiu. will do the work. They are wonderful I Three of these capsules each day will put a man on his feet before he knows it; whether his trouble comes from uno aeia poisoning:, thai VlftnavM. crravol of atone in the bladder. stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-sealous American. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. SKn Ron and 11.00 tier box. Accent no sub stitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on everj box. They are the purs, original imported naanem uu uspsuies. EVERY FOOT ACHE HITS BRAIN A SEVERE JOLT Th smM at the human bodr are m cIomIt Inter- Misted that a shock to any part of tbe body It M-hnM. in the brain. This Is DartleuUrlr true. everv font aeha. nut of Dlln or discomfort shocks tbe whole nervous system and Jolts tbe brain like a blow. That is why foot sufferers are so often unable to do tbenuelres justloe and why so many employers will not accept an applicant for a place who Is a foot sufferer. Foot troubles, however, are easily banished. A 25-cent psckage Of Wa-Ne-Ta will tellers foot troubles end bring relief almost Instantly. Two or three taoiAts aroppea m a pan f w.rar arlll fiirnUh a foot bath tbt Will WaSO. away the pann and aches of tired, sweaty, burn ins, sore and tender feet Excellent when used for general bathing, leering skin soft and sanitary. If your druiflit hasn't Ws-Ne-Ta, send us 10 cent and we wilt gladly mall you a sample paotage. h. C. Landon Co., South Bend, Ind. Advertisement. THE UNION FOUNDRY COMPANY 1108 JACKSON ST. New Open for Businese. Centraete fir ured on, beta city end eut-of-town work. SOFT GRAY IRON CASTINGS. Where the Cool Breezes Blow MANAWA HOTELS AND RESORTS. Ml- H H THE PLAZA NEW YORK World' Famoue Hotel Oppoejta Central Park at 59th Street don to All Theatres and Shop. SUMMER rjl; GARDEN m '. and Outdoor Terrace Cool and Refreshing Place to - Dine i WHU Jot Ratntlton Mm FRED STERRT. Managim Director ROOMS WITH BATH J3.J0 UP Car Driver Finds Self 'Arrested' and Takes -'Captors'-to Station When Andrew M. Larson. Sixtieth and Center streets, went to get his car, parked near Hanscom park, he found two young men in it, accord ing to his story. Inasmuch as he lost a car about a week ago he -was imme diately on his guard, but the two men informed him that they were of ficers and that he was under arrest for operating a car without a rear light. He started to bring them to the police station. When two more men boarded the car soon, his suspicions were aroused, and when the quartet wanted to buy him a drink when they reached the downtown section he was reasonably certain that something was wrong and demanded to see their stars. When he drew up to the police station three of the men ran off, but he held one and brought him to book as a auspicious character and for imnersonatinar an officer. Lloyd Kunce, the man arrested, denied that he had any intention ot taKing tne car or of impersonating an officer, but was locked up without bail. The notice caueht two other men whom they accuse of attempted auto larceny. Frank Smith, 825 South Thirty-sixth street, was captured at Eighteenth and Farnam in a car be longing to E. S. Merrill, 213 M street. Peter, Boyd, 2548 Reese street, was attempting to make off with Harry B. tlehartjrs automoDiie. Fourth of Julv Celebrations For Cuming County People West Point, Neb., July 2. (Spe cs .1 Fourth of July celebrations are slated for different points in the coun try nrecincts of turning county. Among tne most eiaDorate is tne one scheduled for Monterey, eight miles southwest of this place, for which ex tensive nreoarationa have been made. West Point has not celebrated the Fourth in a sDecial wav for some years, reserving their energies for the annual race meet, an event wnicn wiu this vear ecliose all orevious attempts, both in number of events and style and classiness of the horses entered. Every effort is being put forth by the management to make this year's meet a record breaker in all respects. This will be the seventh annual meet at this place, each succeeding year being better than tne one preceoing. Police Raids Result in a Number of Arrests Robert Stoddard was arrested last evenintr as the keener of a disorderly house at 216 South Fourteenth street. Four women inmates were also caught by the police. John Bargenbuch jmd E. A. Cox as keepers of a gamming room and five men as players were the result of a raid at MU South lentn street. William Weshal and his wife were arrested at 1819 Izard street as keepers of a gambling rooms and dis orderly house. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. "I will cheerfully say that Cham berlain'! Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach troubles and conatination that I have aold in thirty-four years' drug store service," writea S. H. Murphy, druggist, Wells- burg, N. r. Obtainable everywnere. For the first time since the American revolution the British See waa carried across hlstorla Concord brtdg-e recently, when the HrlUsh Naval and Military aaso--I., inn nf Boston visited Concord to dec orate the craves o the flret two British I aoldlera who fell In 1T7S. UobOization Camp, Lincoln, July 2. (Special.)- There wfll be no cele bration at Camp Horehead on the Fourth of July to far aa firing fire crackers and other things incident to a noisy celebration, according to or ders promulgated by the official head of the camp. Work of examining member of the different companies composing the Fifth regiment progressed finely to day with prospects of finishing up soon. In the Fourth regiment, it is understood that 109 of the 734 men examined failed to pass. Eight hun dred and fifteen men are required to bring the regiment up to strength. hnt the Kourtn nas nreseni or wiuiia call 942, so that there is no danger that there will be a shortage. While the two realments are under stood to carry on a sort of rivalry as far as efficiency is concerned, all this has disappeared and the two regi ments are working in perfect accord, the Fourth havinsr turned over to the Fifth all men recruited it does not need itaeU in order that the latter may be recruited aa soon as possible. Wlsner Men at Work. The millionaire company from Wisner is hustling night and day under the command of Captain Kelso. It came very nearly losing its identity aa a aunolv company soon after reaching camp, the members being distributed around among the companies of the Fourth regiment be fore muster, -but it is understood that they will again be allowed to retain their nraranlzation. The men showed up well last night in the review wnen tne companies marched to the city and were re viewed by General Hall from the balconv of the Victoria hotel. A little later there will be another parade, when they will be reviewed by Irov ernor Morehead. Heat prostrations have been very few and of a minor natureWith the thermometer around the 100 point the boys worked out in drill and appeared to be able to withstand the torrid atmosnhere nicelv. Nebraska Citv business men sent to the commander of Company B of the Fifth, $200 in United States money to be placed in the company treasury to be used in the way it would do the boys of the company the most good. Pie Boy in Trouble. This morning a small boy lugging dozen Dies was halted by the guard while entering the grounds and taken to headquarters for examination. An order has been made prohibiting the sale of Die. pod. pastry, and other such things as not being conducive to the welfare of the soldiers. At noon to day he had not been taken before the military tribunal, but was in charge of a corporal calmly waiting to hear nis tate. it is no. nxeiy inai ne win be shot at sunrise, but it is probable that he will be siven a reprimand and the nie confiscated and given to the poor, whose stomachs are more used to pie than those ot tne soldiers. While the inconvenience ot carry ins: around 247 bounds of fat and other things is mighty uncomfortable this hot weather, there are other in conveniences in connection which make trouble. That much beef is a valuable asset to a foot ball player, but it hampers a man somewhat in the war game so R. R. Rausch, the well known foot ball player, formerly of Wesleyan has discovered. "Roily resorted to several things to bring down his weight before going before the examiners. He was able to knock off over twenty pounds, but not enough to fill the requirements and was rejected. Visitors Welcome Sunday. It is expected that a large crowd will visit the grounds both Sunday and on the Fourth of July. The same rules which have been in force re quiring automobiles to park either outside or inside the entrance will orobablv be in force. This is done because the vehicle travel around the tents would raise so much dust that it would cause great inconvenience, especially in the neighborhood of the cook tents. Wants Her Husband. Sent Up to Asylum, Then Says He's 0,K Twenty-four hours after she had filed an insanity complaint against her husband, charging him with being an incurable drug addict, Mrs. Edward Tavlor. 620 South Sixteenth street, appeared at the office of the clerk of the district court and declared that she had lied, that she did not know what she was talking about and that she wi s unable to ascribe any reason for her action. When court house officials aueS' tioned her closely over her sudden change in front, she became hyster ical, and created a scene in the court house that attracted a big crowd from the street. Taylor was arrested June 24 on charge of petit larcency and sentenced to the county jail to serve thirty day it waa wnue ne was in tail that hi wife appeared to make the complain When she regained her composure, she aairl her huahanrl waa temnnrarilv affected, and that if he was released, she would provide proper care for him. , The release of Tavlor was arranged and they left the court house, a i in arm. Runs Man Down and Then Takes Victim to Cop Station Charles Zouser, 3508 South Thir tieth street waa thrown down bv i car driven by Thomas Andreasen of Millard at Sixteenth and DoukI; streets last evening. His left ankle was sprained and he was severely shaken up. Andreasen took the in jured man to the police station for medical attendance and then home, Constlpatkn ed Sick Headache. Dr. Klnra New Life Puis will relieve you ot both, clean oat the bowels and mak. you (eel fine. lie. All druwlsts. Adv. ST. CATHEBUiartl. BsamlM Held at Ai far OMa a Jaikeea. Nak. ph twMtrv.taiFd annual oommeaueiueat ef St Catherine', academy. Jeckaon. Neb., was held In the aaewoobly hah. The claaa colore, the claaa flower, pink roe, and farna made ehannlne- beoxxroana lor ui. snwu, Ulea Connolly delivered the aalatatory and ui ro-n th vttlndlctor. The Ht. Cath erine Choral society and the St. Catherine Olee elub furnlahed splendid mualc aad the honora ware oonierrea oj Caithy. ..... . ... Tne renewing marmi Bipwi ordJta and fold medala: Martaa Helen Clary, Josephine Madeline Maurloe, Bother Hay RulaaT. Ulllaa Agnes TUIie. Oraoe Mary Connelly, Helen Marl, Harrington. Helen alane Keeenan. oaa,mi ?' " " lano and harmony were iwkhw w lu"" ary Bulnc ana atanan nnien , j. winiu- mea, completion or etgntn graae; none Ceollla Bettlnger, Mildred Sheaban. Mary Mullen. Dorothy i:aiianan. max "n1"" O'Connor, Angela Hall. Charlotte Harwell and Marguerite Lawless. Among me otner aouvmw w wuiw--ment week were a piano ""' " Mrl" Clary at Bloua City and Bother Suing of rordvoe. elaaa day, enlivened by much of an ..ii.h ,K- tunlor-eenlor banauet and the baccalaureate sermon, the latter be ing prenonea oy vev. o. w - Patrick's church. GRADUATES DOIWfi WIU. Beylea College Men aad Women Holding Poetlttona aad Winning rromouon,. win.. A fnitk . rannnt student Of the Boylee college business department, obtained a poelUon with the Mld-Weat Blectrlc com pany a short time ago aa eeiletent book keeper. He haa Just been promoted to the position of booKKeepor ana ne ewiv th huiinui and etenographlo oouraes in Boylee oouege a year aev. "r oelved promotlone ana are now woraina " ths offices of the Heuchen Manufacturing eompany. Looter renn nae oeen pi" '". - menent dob tlon as sienograpoer tor iu Frank A. Vanderllp. president of the Ne tlonal City bank of New York, the largest bank In America, started aa a etenograpber and was once secretary to Lyman J. Uage, ex-secretary of the treaeury. Fred Ml. Alien, a reuen, college shorthand department, reoeivea en appointment In the same department of the state of Wyoming. Clyde tiampeon, a nmm ... ... , , i.n.rinunt nae -oeen Bpmniiu shipping 'clerk tor the National helming MHth SawalV a former student and gradu ate of the shorthand department, and who tor aome time has been holding an excellent stenographic poeltion In the commissary buuaing or in, uuiuu . .. recently married and haa gone to live In Butt., Mont. . . rror. V, A. Aaenunu ui w.- Normal and Commercial scnooi Boyle, college ana ep. "'.""":,7 mnnh lmnr...,d by the also and perfocl equipment of the college nenv cell, for women stenographers who are willing to accept positions In the smaller oltles and towne of the elate. Margaret, oos, tin, v. ...w ... r.. graduated fromTBoyles college recently and waa placed aa atenolyplet with the Omaha - -j - t i w , Tr,irier rnmoanV. She IS ?.'V? f7;rin E new Doiltion and in ft letter to th collatja xpreit-wi tint ay- prMiation. MAS. THAW HELTA. OtVM $t ,500 U HMtlUff CoU IH.D Ptoplfl to Hold UoMerenc.. , TT..H... Mala hue. Iiiat tdded fa.&OO to the endowment luno, B'Et of Mr. Thw of ritlipurgn. - al forte ot Dr. Farmer, who ta apendlng much of hla time In the field now. Mill uaroiroe waniqui. n -tr public ichool mualo courae at tha college and who haa been A itudent of the lnetl tutlon for a number of year, haa jnat . m- eured a rery deelrable poeltion in im aimu ichool of Harper. Kan. Bho will have charge of mualc and domeetlc aclenca. njruii a io in iiw riwj ai a. A JZ people lummer conierenu win th. (.niinffsi cimDui, An unusually strong proa-ram la prepared by the department of yount people7! work at Philadelphia. In ad dition to having four enthusiastic elate leaden of prominence, for regular class work, Dr. William H. Poutka of the Board of 8u!tentUon. Dr. Laufer of the Board of Publication and Sabbath achool work. Miss Haggard of the Unity Society of Christian Endeavor and William Ralph Hall, mpw n tendent of young people'a work ot Phila delphia will be here for regular claaa work in teacher training methods, missionary work, etc. They will be assisted by lecturers of national prominence. This la one of the even conferences held throughout the United Btatea every eummer io pro mum i- ftclency in church organisation. Tne couege equipment Is at the service of the young people, and a large number, representing the different churches of Nebraaka, Kansas, Colorado, ana me uanoivs, sr. k. f Via. nnlltavai furnlaheB fDOmS In Its dormitories and board at a very low figure. rroi. junningiutm w ms.n." i"a Mem. u a? ilarraan hnnks which has Just come into the possession of the library from funds raised by the German play near the close of the year. President CfonS SPOKS a. Aurora ana uy singer churches, and Dr, Farmer at Hold- J a. ur. rarmer spoae at rawii-- ivy. Era. Crone and family returned from plrit Lake, Ia where they spent a few, week of tbelt vacation. They motored both ways. . 1 Haatlng College Notes. Ft. ' eummer school at Hastings college has opened and nearly seventy-five are now enrolled In the different departments, and mora are coming. The regular faculty of the institution la nanaiing ine worn, iwbh of whom have remained for the summer session. Splendid opportunity is given, not only for teachers looking lor certuicauon, but for all lines of college work, as all courses called for are being offered. This Is the first summer school the college has conducted for many years, but It la ex pected to be continued each summer here after. I Ths Broncho, the student annual. Is ex pected off the press within a few days. ur. rarmsr, yicsj pcii-viu i .- a,non. Is now out In the field in the interests of the Bible chair endowment, and is meet ing with success. Alexander uuniap, nMni "" tha mmm for a time suDerlntenaent or schools at Stromsburg, recently received his degree from the law department of the stats university. i . i.i ftntuure of thla yaara summer achoal la ths erganlaed play olaaa. Iean McProud haa eharga ef this olaaa, which maata every evssning at ? o'clock and halds till dark. Tb work conaUta tairely of playing gamaa, but also Includes tectums on play and edu caUoa. Tha theory of play and recreation sa a part of education is uara upheld. Ah are enlituaiaaUc . Tha aunual summer scnou psonw waa i bald on aUonday, J una II. Thar ware about 11 in aiianda&ca. All report a very good Urn. Tha group waa divided lata ; i wo factions, rapreaantlng tha democratic and republican partlas. Alhlatlo events, pa rades, etc, war used for oaataats between tha parties. Haca evant oouniaa n wanj votes; and If tha result of tha deciaieae of tha judgos hsra oouat far aathitisf this fall, Uugnes will ba eisutad by a largs ua- jority. DOaaKt. COIXKUf. MOTBS. f CreU Hchaol Hava Psaesd ThasMolvea tar tha I ear. Prasldaut Allan has gou nasi on business for tha Milage, and to Join tua fat&iiy latar m Vortiand. Ma Lora F. Smitis, '9$, missionary in Her, stats of Honora, Mexico, has arrived aafaly la this oouutxy. ttbo has cons to live with a woii-ar ta a-uuu. did not think sua was in danger on ao count of tha war, but waa glad to escape I ths heat. Bha has bean at work la uto mission field in Uuadaajara and Uermoatllo tur tue last five years. The graudaiaa this year's class hava positions as follows: H. L Blatter, sutara riarvard law aobool In the fall, J. U Carter, business In k'uilorton; U. U. Conrad will study medicine at Omaha, J. M, Uarllng, Kplsoepal reotar at Anhiaud; M- O. Haaford, busiaessln ttu l'aul. Mluai Melon 1 Mud sou, teacher In Harvard High eobool; H. H. Johnitoa, suparln tendent of .Liberty schools; H Mi Collins, will teach ; Allie M. Marvsy, will tsaoh; A, Koastar, will teach in the high school at Wiener, at present with the .National Guards; Clara Keeslsr, teacher in high school at Newcastle. Mabelle MoMelU, teacher la high school at s'uilerton, Bessie Maun, hornet. wader in Wyoming; Helen M. Miller, hlgU school at Polk; U extrude Phll llus. at home in Friend, Oladys tllavsus.. huih school at Uberty; Tracy TyUr. hlaa school at Wood River; W. W. Werta, gradu ...,rf.nt .i vaia: Carolyn Wheeler, at horns in lTalrmonti J. C. Whltshorn, high school at Wssping Watsr; Mamie Mlwi, music teacher of publlo school music la WU uer and ifewltt. Guy Mlckla, 'II. has bean called from prlnupaisnlp at harvard to arlaotpalshlp of uign school at Kearney. Into arandt. u aoes from selajus mjiuion In Fairmonv to ths prlnclpalship tAiJ?iit?d-.i. m. k.- th. auner- v, a,. Mui.ii, , " , Intondeuuy at ijiwrenoe to enter the gradu ate ouhool at xale uulveralty. Knrfowmeat fnnd aad ehairman e the Neutrality board appointed by the .lata de-partmeat. a. nil Madison. Wis., July 1. A powder horn ef the revolutionary war, on which la en graved a map preeumably repreeentlng Boo ton and Charleaton before the evacuation of the Urltlah, la on exhibition In the blitorlcel museum of the Unlverelty ot Wleconsln. it waa a gift of Mra Josephine Oallup Hunter of St. l'aul, and waa made by one of her ancestora The horn with the minutely earved map of Beaton and Charleaton la practically inli.low, fwr n. maawy !H apncatj n. An eerty built heuee Is sbown en Boston. neVwllh th. line of (aruncatton built ky Oenaral Oage In 1TI4. Further along the read to Bexburr I. the ad-renc line of the prevraclala, and In the Charleatan rlvar la a fl.allng battery. The British flag e-wr (he i cttadel date. . th. map aa between the battle of Bunher Hill in 177 and the evacuation e Boatm br tie Brittle In UTt The here Ilaelf U cow hern, .craped own fine, cutln deply fer the mauth. and one and ptaggea with wwad ta held th. yeraar ha. tb na waa carvad ea tha eorlaoa af a knlta m mm 41l. 1 sUIHIUI.'I WENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY LIXINQTON, MltSOUIII. Oldest MUUtary SdMol West d Mlaalswlppl stiver. IDsslgiiated by tne war uepartment as one ot me ion nonwiwri . U.S. New trymnssluni. Bwlmmlngpool. 48 snlles from Kansas City. For catalog address The fttortsvy. I860 WasUnolM Ava iEwgiM naa. YALB ALDflUil AT IAJNCHBON. To Be Feature of Commenoamant Weak for ths Blues. A feature of Inlureat of tha Yale com mencement weak program this year Is the lunchecu of the Alumni Association of the Vale School of Law which will be held today in the 'university dining hall. ' There is particular Interest In ths lw school at this time on account of ths ap n,.nm.nt nt th new dean of the school. I'humas W. Swan. Tfels 1100. who takes up his new duties at ths end of this year, and the appointment, as professor in the Law school, of Walter Whssler Cook, presi dent of the Association of American Law Schools, and the announcement that Prof fessor Taft will Inoreaae the scope of his work In the Law achool next year by the addition of an extra course in International The arrangements for ths luncheon ars being made by Hon. Charles H. Bherrlll, Yale 'Is, former ambassador to the Argen tine Republic, who is the president of the Law School Alumni association. it i rmn. without char se. to all gradu ates of the Law school. The subject for discussion at the luncheon this year will be "International Law"' Ths speakers will Include, In addition to Mr. Bherrlll, pror. William Howard Taft, George Grafton Wilson, profeasor of international law In the Harvard Law school, and Dr. James Brown Scott, secretary of ths Carnegie Nebraska Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore, class of 1916, stopped for a few days In University t Place .(lie IHl WjeR. a nr., - land" In a few weeks for their work as mlaalnntHaa t Mani a.. FMllDDIne 18 SnOS. C. B. Austin, class of 1904, elocution, and class of 1606. college of liberal arts, has been visiting the scenes or nts couege lire. Mr. Austin hss attended Drew Theological eeminary. held pastorates in the east, and for ths last three years haa been a pro fessor In ths Baxter academy st Baxter, T.nn Ttavrtnp nmlnsrv Is a Methodist academy affiliated with the Chattanooga university. Mr, Austin has now accepted a pastorate at Crab Orchard, Neb. A new ana interesting, as wan as imiwr- CENTRAL COLLEGE Por Womn, Lexington, Mo. A An Aecmdlted Jonter College, senses City's near- at Woman's College. LITURAHY. SCIENTIFIC, lffllC,ABT, EXPRESSION and DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Exceptional faculty. Low tuition with msnrfros edvsntages. Cstslogend View Book sent FREtC Address, I. II. WILLIAMS, A. M.D.D., President, Be atats St., Lexlagtsa Ma. THE HOLYOKE-DOX SCHOOL For Boys and Cirls Opens September 18th. Phone Harney 6664. MRS. E. A. HOLYOKE, Principal, 1886 SHAITUCK SCHOOL 1916 PREPARES BOYS run COLLEGE Recent grad-' uates now in Yale, Har vard, Prince ton, West Point, and twenty-seven other col leges. Also t h o r o u gh courses for business life. PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR EVERY BOY i Four coaches, gymnasium, swimming pool, out-door and in-door track, wide reputation for clean sports. MILITARY DRILL under reg ular army officer, i Rated an Honor School (the highest class) by U. S. War Dept SIXTEEN BUILDINGS. SOS .eras, 11 .xperieneed teeebers, fre. medleal at tendance. NOT RUN FOR PROFITi Every cent yon pay goes Into ths .ducatioD of your boy. Address box fi2. Shattuck School FARIBAULT, MINN. Rt. Rev. F. A. McElwain. Rooter SYNODICAL COLLEGE, FULTON, MO. , Aa Accredit Junior tor Girls. A lonn.Ubll.hed, wel!-nown Inatltntion erlnf dl md.ra adwtaaas ta uJitmSt ItoW Musie. Art. Kx.r.s.lon. and PyslJ Cultur.. d th. beet and moat cultured koms-taflu.neee. Chariee reaaonabla, For eatalofiifc JOHN JAMES, Preeideat. CblloG Saint Ttiomat SAINT PAUL MINNBSOTA tan A CATHOLIC MILITARY COLLEGE USD u am aonoa school av ml waa parAMTannri CijieU CtmmmUl Aoiimit frtftrotrt Careful Mental. Moral and RelWona Tralntaf , Sevsn Hundred and Fifty Students From Twenty-Four Bute, Last Year fOR rUUtTaATTD CATXLOOU1 ADDRESS Very Rev. H.Moynihan.D.D. president BROWNELL HALL OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Boardlna and Day School for Youni Women ,,GM .T'S jSS Hawr lUdcliffe, Smith,, Wallesley and other eolleyes. ADVANCED COUIttftai ro7klOH SCHOOL dRADUATES. Kxceptlonal advantages la !oudl l and Must.. Gymnasium. ..,. , D . El.m.ntary Day School lor LtttU Girls and Boys. For Catalonia. Addree. the Principal. Mle. Euphemle Johnees. 1 s The chance to earn i while going to school may never come to you again. Boykw Colleta Dol 1 1 v 1 1 aoarsnteM von place to wore for yoor board while ttmdtnt .ehooi, if woo eneh. It ale. will ret von a rood oo.ltlon after rradaatmi. Sand for fre. oatelof tnUy. Seise the tunlty don't let ft slip. Boylee Collet, will trara IM to tab. your piae. m th. um Im.mee. world by teaehiat re shorthand, stenotypy, touch typewriting, book heepina, teleirepby or CtvU Servioe preouatloa for imraMl mall ear ner, railway petal da, bookkeeper or atenoarepher. And remember; It plae jam la a rood poeltion a. oon as yoa flnlak th. cenna, , WrrU (or FREE CATALOa TV WRITE TODAY I j -gss; BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES. Prws, ISM Haraey St, Oaaaka. Nlh. "An Accredited Commercial School.". OGONTZ SCHOOL Found x In 18R0. A country tcbool for young lad lea. Near Philadelphia and New York, Jay Cooke estate, 66 acres- MUa Abby A. Sutherland, Principal. Montgomery County. Fennaylfavnla. DOANE COLLEGE, Crete, Nebraska A l.t. lnvakand iineceiiiful bodv of Alumni, th fruit of 44 year of REAL COLLeEue. WOK It IIN AN lUbAL. tULLClib B.W rilUMMMl - ' olaaa of 8: wlnninn tcami In Foot Ball. Baakat Ball and Bala Ball. m ucDacing If thla rord appaali to you, tnvaitlgat Doana. WILUAM O. ALLEN, Ph.D., Pmhtant. rear a Freeh man Championship HI The University of Nebraska The University of Nebraska includes the following colleges and schools: THE GRADUATE COLLEGE THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES THE TEACHERS COLLEGE THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING . THE COLLEGE OF LAW THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCA TION THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HIGH . SCHOOL THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE THE NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF AGRI CULTURE (Uirtls,. Tha nnlvaraitv nnen. for the dret semester on Wednesday. September IS. One may enter also at the beginning of th. xeond ..meater (about February 1), or th. Summer Session (usually the first full week In June). On any point of Information, Address t Station A. THE REGISTRAR Lincoln, Nebraska. Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use them for results, t St. Martha's School KaonllK. MUneJl, POR OlftLt fraa. I ta II. Affiliated with Bt. MtrTi BcbooL Familj- lim ited to twmt7-fla, A Khool of organised Mudy Mid play. Modem fireproof building. Klffea aoru of outdoor ..Unround, All branch, tbrcuik otibtb (Trade, alio Sewlnc. Cooking. Swlmmlui, eVi. Plant, Animal and Bird life obMired In laelr natural nirroundlnMi. Croat I tail afvaatacM la Fr.neh, Atrmaa, Draw lat, Muda (dally kueea), Oanelre, els. Ne tx. trai exeeat rnuilo. Tana opeai Biteinbsjr I. For "(ibedule of work and ilar" addrnu MIU EMMA PBASE HOWARD M Prliwlpal aad Pauiaer. HASTINGS COLLEGE (M.mb.r of North Central Association) , A Strong, Growing, Class A. Christian College. Over 140 per cent In crease in Student Enroll ment in past three years a t it, WholMom. Athlstks. Loyal Student Body. Ideal C.ll.ta UI.. Expense, very moderate V Academy of Hlfh Rank. Strong Cenaarvatory of Mualc with quip meat among tha boat m tha Waat Normal Cduraaa, loading to vartoua car- tiheatea. Household Cconomlct. PubUe School Muilc, Violin, ate, " Collage Opona September 12th. For Catalog and fre bulletin, addroat Praaklant R. B. CRONE, Haattnga, Nabr Dapt A. Dormltoriaa for both men and worn Located fat a fia city whera worlt obtainablo and wharf man of ta atata and Mttoa art of tan haard.